.gitignore 685 B

  1. # Compiled and generated things.
  2. build
  3. *.pyc
  4. __pycache__
  5. *.mo
  6. docs/html
  7. *.log
  8. resources/i18n/en
  9. resources/i18n/x-test
  10. resources/firmware
  11. resources/materials
  13. .cache
  14. # Editors and IDEs.
  15. *kdev*
  16. *.kate-swp
  17. *.lprof
  18. *~
  19. *.qm
  20. .idea
  21. cura.desktop
  22. # Eclipse+PyDev
  23. .project
  24. .pydevproject
  25. .settings
  26. # Debian packaging
  27. debian*
  28. #Externally located plug-ins.
  29. plugins/Doodle3D-cura-plugin
  30. plugins/GodMode
  31. plugins/PostProcessingPlugin
  32. plugins/X3GWriter
  33. plugins/FlatProfileExporter
  34. plugins/cura-god-mode-plugin
  35. #Build stuff
  36. CMakeCache.txt
  37. CMakeFiles
  38. CPackSourceConfig.cmake
  39. Testing/
  40. CTestTestfile.cmake
  41. Makefile*
  42. junit-pytest-*
  43. CuraVersion.py
  44. cmake_install.cmake
  45. #Debug
  46. *.gcode
  47. run.sh