123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613 |
- # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
- # Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
- import copy
- import io
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
- from UM.Resources import Resources
- from UM.Logger import Logger
- from UM.Util import parseBool
- from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
- import UM.Dictionary
- from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
- from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
- ## Handles serializing and deserializing material containers from an XML file
- class XmlMaterialProfile(InstanceContainer):
- def __init__(self, container_id, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(container_id, *args, **kwargs)
- self._inherited_files = []
- def getInheritedFiles(self):
- return self._inherited_files
- ## Overridden from InstanceContainer
- def setReadOnly(self, read_only):
- super().setReadOnly(read_only)
- basefile = self.getMetaDataEntry("base_file", self._id) # if basefile is self.id, this is a basefile.
- for container in ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(base_file = basefile):
- container._read_only = read_only # prevent loop instead of calling setReadOnly
- ## Overridden from InstanceContainer
- # set the meta data for all machine / variant combinations
- def setMetaDataEntry(self, key, value):
- if self.isReadOnly():
- return
- if self.getMetaDataEntry(key, None) == value:
- # Prevent recursion caused by for loop.
- return
- super().setMetaDataEntry(key, value)
- basefile = self.getMetaDataEntry("base_file", self._id) #if basefile is self.id, this is a basefile.
- # Update all containers that share GUID and basefile
- for container in ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(base_file = basefile):
- container.setMetaDataEntry(key, value)
- ## Overridden from InstanceContainer, similar to setMetaDataEntry.
- # without this function the setName would only set the name of the specific nozzle / material / machine combination container
- # The function is a bit tricky. It will not set the name of all containers if it has the correct name itself.
- def setName(self, new_name):
- if self.isReadOnly():
- return
- # Not only is this faster, it also prevents a major loop that causes a stack overflow.
- if self.getName() == new_name:
- return
- super().setName(new_name)
- basefile = self.getMetaDataEntry("base_file", self._id) # if basefile is self.id, this is a basefile.
- # Update the basefile as well, this is actually what we're trying to do
- # Update all containers that share GUID and basefile
- containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(base_file = basefile)
- for container in containers:
- container.setName(new_name)
- ## Overridden from InstanceContainer, to set dirty to base file as well.
- def setDirty(self, dirty):
- super().setDirty(dirty)
- base_file = self.getMetaDataEntry("base_file", None)
- if base_file is not None and base_file != self._id:
- containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainers(id=base_file)
- if containers:
- base_container = containers[0]
- if not base_container.isReadOnly():
- base_container.setDirty(dirty)
- ## Overridden from InstanceContainer
- # def setProperty(self, key, property_name, property_value, container = None):
- # if self.isReadOnly():
- # return
- #
- # super().setProperty(key, property_name, property_value)
- #
- # basefile = self.getMetaDataEntry("base_file", self._id) #if basefile is self.id, this is a basefile.
- # for container in UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(base_file = basefile):
- # if not container.isReadOnly():
- # container.setDirty(True)
- ## Overridden from InstanceContainer
- # base file: global settings + supported machines
- # machine / variant combination: only changes for itself.
- def serialize(self):
- registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
- base_file = self.getMetaDataEntry("base_file", "")
- if base_file and self.id != base_file:
- # Since we create an instance of XmlMaterialProfile for each machine and nozzle in the profile,
- # we should only serialize the "base" material definition, since that can then take care of
- # serializing the machine/nozzle specific profiles.
- raise NotImplementedError("Ignoring serializing non-root XML materials, the data is contained in the base material")
- builder = ET.TreeBuilder()
- root = builder.start("fdmmaterial", { "xmlns": "http://www.ultimaker.com/material"})
- ## Begin Metadata Block
- builder.start("metadata")
- metadata = copy.deepcopy(self.getMetaData())
- properties = metadata.pop("properties", {})
- # Metadata properties that should not be serialized.
- metadata.pop("status", "")
- metadata.pop("variant", "")
- metadata.pop("type", "")
- metadata.pop("base_file", "")
- ## Begin Name Block
- builder.start("name")
- builder.start("brand")
- builder.data(metadata.pop("brand", ""))
- builder.end("brand")
- builder.start("material")
- builder.data(metadata.pop("material", ""))
- builder.end("material")
- builder.start("color")
- builder.data(metadata.pop("color_name", ""))
- builder.end("color")
- builder.start("label")
- builder.data(self._name)
- builder.end("label")
- builder.end("name")
- ## End Name Block
- for key, value in metadata.items():
- builder.start(key)
- # Normally value is a string.
- # Nones get handled well.
- if isinstance(value, bool):
- value = str(value) # parseBool in deserialize expects 'True'.
- builder.data(value)
- builder.end(key)
- builder.end("metadata")
- ## End Metadata Block
- ## Begin Properties Block
- builder.start("properties")
- for key, value in properties.items():
- builder.start(key)
- builder.data(value)
- builder.end(key)
- builder.end("properties")
- ## End Properties Block
- ## Begin Settings Block
- builder.start("settings")
- if self.getDefinition().id == "fdmprinter":
- for instance in self.findInstances():
- self._addSettingElement(builder, instance)
- machine_container_map = {}
- machine_nozzle_map = {}
- all_containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(GUID = self.getMetaDataEntry("GUID"), base_file = self._id)
- for container in all_containers:
- definition_id = container.getDefinition().id
- if definition_id == "fdmprinter":
- continue
- if definition_id not in machine_container_map:
- machine_container_map[definition_id] = container
- if definition_id not in machine_nozzle_map:
- machine_nozzle_map[definition_id] = {}
- variant = container.getMetaDataEntry("variant")
- if variant:
- machine_nozzle_map[definition_id][variant] = container
- continue
- machine_container_map[definition_id] = container
- for definition_id, container in machine_container_map.items():
- definition = container.getDefinition()
- try:
- product = UM.Dictionary.findKey(self.__product_id_map, definition_id)
- except ValueError:
- # An unknown product id; export it anyway
- product = definition_id
- builder.start("machine")
- builder.start("machine_identifier", { "manufacturer": definition.getMetaDataEntry("manufacturer", ""), "product": product})
- builder.end("machine_identifier")
- for instance in container.findInstances():
- if self.getDefinition().id == "fdmprinter" and self.getInstance(instance.definition.key) and self.getProperty(instance.definition.key, "value") == instance.value:
- # If the settings match that of the base profile, just skip since we inherit the base profile.
- continue
- self._addSettingElement(builder, instance)
- # Find all hotend sub-profiles corresponding to this material and machine and add them to this profile.
- for hotend_id, hotend in machine_nozzle_map[definition_id].items():
- variant_containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(id = hotend.getMetaDataEntry("variant"))
- if not variant_containers:
- continue
- builder.start("hotend", {"id": variant_containers[0].getName()})
- # Compatible is a special case, as it's added as a meta data entry (instead of an instance).
- compatible = hotend.getMetaDataEntry("compatible")
- if compatible is not None:
- builder.start("setting", {"key": "hardware compatible"})
- if compatible:
- builder.data("yes")
- else:
- builder.data("no")
- builder.end("setting")
- for instance in hotend.findInstances():
- if container.getInstance(instance.definition.key) and container.getProperty(instance.definition.key, "value") == instance.value:
- # If the settings match that of the machine profile, just skip since we inherit the machine profile.
- continue
- self._addSettingElement(builder, instance)
- builder.end("hotend")
- builder.end("machine")
- builder.end("settings")
- ## End Settings Block
- builder.end("fdmmaterial")
- root = builder.close()
- _indent(root)
- stream = io.BytesIO()
- tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
- # this makes sure that the XML header states encoding="utf-8"
- tree.write(stream, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
- return stream.getvalue().decode('utf-8')
- # Recursively resolve loading inherited files
- def _resolveInheritance(self, file_name):
- xml = self._loadFile(file_name)
- inherits = xml.find("./um:inherits", self.__namespaces)
- if inherits is not None:
- inherited = self._resolveInheritance(inherits.text)
- xml = self._mergeXML(inherited, xml)
- return xml
- def _loadFile(self, file_name):
- path = Resources.getPath(CuraApplication.getInstance().ResourceTypes.MaterialInstanceContainer, file_name + ".xml.fdm_material")
- with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
- contents = f.read()
- self._inherited_files.append(path)
- return ET.fromstring(contents)
- # The XML material profile can have specific settings for machines.
- # Some machines share profiles, so they are only created once.
- # This function duplicates those elements so that each machine tag only has one identifier.
- def _expandMachinesXML(self, element):
- settings_element = element.find("./um:settings", self.__namespaces)
- machines = settings_element.iterfind("./um:machine", self.__namespaces)
- machines_to_add = []
- machines_to_remove = []
- for machine in machines:
- identifiers = list(machine.iterfind("./um:machine_identifier", self.__namespaces))
- has_multiple_identifiers = len(identifiers) > 1
- if has_multiple_identifiers:
- # Multiple identifiers found. We need to create a new machine element and copy all it's settings there.
- for identifier in identifiers:
- new_machine = copy.deepcopy(machine)
- # Create list of identifiers that need to be removed from the copied element.
- other_identifiers = [self._createKey(other_identifier) for other_identifier in identifiers if other_identifier is not identifier]
- # As we can only remove by exact object reference, we need to look through the identifiers of copied machine.
- new_machine_identifiers = list(new_machine.iterfind("./um:machine_identifier", self.__namespaces))
- for new_machine_identifier in new_machine_identifiers:
- key = self._createKey(new_machine_identifier)
- # Key was in identifiers to remove, so this element needs to be purged
- if key in other_identifiers:
- new_machine.remove(new_machine_identifier)
- machines_to_add.append(new_machine)
- machines_to_remove.append(machine)
- else:
- pass # Machine only has one identifier. Nothing to do.
- # Remove & add all required machines.
- for machine_to_remove in machines_to_remove:
- settings_element.remove(machine_to_remove)
- for machine_to_add in machines_to_add:
- settings_element.append(machine_to_add)
- return element
- def _mergeXML(self, first, second):
- result = copy.deepcopy(first)
- self._combineElement(self._expandMachinesXML(result), self._expandMachinesXML(second))
- return result
- def _createKey(self, element):
- key = element.tag.split("}")[-1]
- if "key" in element.attrib:
- key += " key:" + element.attrib["key"]
- if "manufacturer" in element.attrib:
- key += " manufacturer:" + element.attrib["manufacturer"]
- if "product" in element.attrib:
- key += " product:" + element.attrib["product"]
- if key == "machine":
- for item in element:
- if "machine_identifier" in item.tag:
- key += " " + item.attrib["product"]
- return key
- # Recursively merges XML elements. Updates either the text or children if another element is found in first.
- # If it does not exist, copies it from second.
- def _combineElement(self, first, second):
- # Create a mapping from tag name to element.
- mapping = {}
- for element in first:
- key = self._createKey(element)
- mapping[key] = element
- for element in second:
- key = self._createKey(element)
- if len(element): # Check if element has children.
- try:
- if "setting" in element.tag and not "settings" in element.tag:
- # Setting can have points in it. In that case, delete all values and override them.
- for child in list(mapping[key]):
- mapping[key].remove(child)
- for child in element:
- mapping[key].append(child)
- else:
- self._combineElement(mapping[key], element) # Multiple elements, handle those.
- except KeyError:
- mapping[key] = element
- first.append(element)
- else:
- try:
- mapping[key].text = element.text
- except KeyError: # Not in the mapping, so simply add it
- mapping[key] = element
- first.append(element)
- def clearData(self):
- self._metadata = {}
- self._name = ""
- self._definition = None
- self._instances = {}
- self._read_only = False
- self._dirty = False
- self._path = ""
- ## Overridden from InstanceContainer
- def deserialize(self, serialized):
- data = ET.fromstring(serialized)
- # Reset previous metadata
- self.clearData() # Ensure any previous data is gone.
- meta_data = {}
- meta_data["type"] = "material"
- meta_data["base_file"] = self.id
- meta_data["status"] = "unknown" # TODO: Add material verfication
- inherits = data.find("./um:inherits", self.__namespaces)
- if inherits is not None:
- inherited = self._resolveInheritance(inherits.text)
- data = self._mergeXML(inherited, data)
- metadata = data.iterfind("./um:metadata/*", self.__namespaces)
- for entry in metadata:
- tag_name = _tag_without_namespace(entry)
- if tag_name == "name":
- brand = entry.find("./um:brand", self.__namespaces)
- material = entry.find("./um:material", self.__namespaces)
- color = entry.find("./um:color", self.__namespaces)
- label = entry.find("./um:label", self.__namespaces)
- if label is not None:
- self._name = label.text
- else:
- self._name = self._profile_name(material.text, color.text)
- meta_data["brand"] = brand.text
- meta_data["material"] = material.text
- meta_data["color_name"] = color.text
- continue
- meta_data[tag_name] = entry.text
- if not "description" in meta_data:
- meta_data["description"] = ""
- if not "adhesion_info" in meta_data:
- meta_data["adhesion_info"] = ""
- property_values = {}
- properties = data.iterfind("./um:properties/*", self.__namespaces)
- for entry in properties:
- tag_name = _tag_without_namespace(entry)
- property_values[tag_name] = entry.text
- diameter = float(property_values.get("diameter", 2.85)) # In mm
- density = float(property_values.get("density", 1.3)) # In g/cm3
- meta_data["properties"] = property_values
- self.setDefinition(ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id = "fdmprinter")[0])
- global_compatibility = True
- global_setting_values = {}
- settings = data.iterfind("./um:settings/um:setting", self.__namespaces)
- for entry in settings:
- key = entry.get("key")
- if key in self.__material_property_setting_map:
- global_setting_values[self.__material_property_setting_map[key]] = entry.text
- elif key in self.__unmapped_settings:
- if key == "hardware compatible":
- global_compatibility = parseBool(entry.text)
- else:
- Logger.log("d", "Unsupported material setting %s", key)
- self._cached_values = global_setting_values
- meta_data["compatible"] = global_compatibility
- self.setMetaData(meta_data)
- self._dirty = False
- machines = data.iterfind("./um:settings/um:machine", self.__namespaces)
- for machine in machines:
- machine_compatibility = global_compatibility
- machine_setting_values = {}
- settings = machine.iterfind("./um:setting", self.__namespaces)
- for entry in settings:
- key = entry.get("key")
- if key in self.__material_property_setting_map:
- machine_setting_values[self.__material_property_setting_map[key]] = entry.text
- elif key in self.__unmapped_settings:
- if key == "hardware compatible":
- machine_compatibility = parseBool(entry.text)
- else:
- Logger.log("d", "Unsupported material setting %s", key)
- cached_machine_setting_properties = global_setting_values.copy()
- cached_machine_setting_properties.update(machine_setting_values)
- identifiers = machine.iterfind("./um:machine_identifier", self.__namespaces)
- for identifier in identifiers:
- machine_id = self.__product_id_map.get(identifier.get("product"), None)
- if machine_id is None:
- # Lets try again with some naive heuristics.
- machine_id = identifier.get("product").replace(" ", "").lower()
- definitions = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findDefinitionContainers(id = machine_id)
- if not definitions:
- Logger.log("w", "No definition found for machine ID %s", machine_id)
- continue
- definition = definitions[0]
- if machine_compatibility:
- new_material_id = self.id + "_" + machine_id
- new_material = XmlMaterialProfile(new_material_id)
- # Update the private directly, as we want to prevent the lookup that is done when using setName
- new_material._name = self.getName()
- new_material.setMetaData(copy.deepcopy(self.getMetaData()))
- new_material.setDefinition(definition)
- # Don't use setMetadata, as that overrides it for all materials with same base file
- new_material.getMetaData()["compatible"] = machine_compatibility
- new_material.setCachedValues(cached_machine_setting_properties)
- new_material._dirty = False
- ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(new_material)
- hotends = machine.iterfind("./um:hotend", self.__namespaces)
- for hotend in hotends:
- hotend_id = hotend.get("id")
- if hotend_id is None:
- continue
- variant_containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = hotend_id)
- if not variant_containers:
- # It is not really properly defined what "ID" is so also search for variants by name.
- variant_containers = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(definition = definition.id, name = hotend_id)
- if not variant_containers:
- Logger.log("d", "No variants found with ID or name %s for machine %s", hotend_id, definition.id)
- continue
- hotend_compatibility = machine_compatibility
- hotend_setting_values = {}
- settings = hotend.iterfind("./um:setting", self.__namespaces)
- for entry in settings:
- key = entry.get("key")
- if key in self.__material_property_setting_map:
- hotend_setting_values[self.__material_property_setting_map[key]] = entry.text
- elif key in self.__unmapped_settings:
- if key == "hardware compatible":
- hotend_compatibility = parseBool(entry.text)
- else:
- Logger.log("d", "Unsupported material setting %s", key)
- new_hotend_id = self.id + "_" + machine_id + "_" + hotend_id.replace(" ", "_")
- new_hotend_material = XmlMaterialProfile(new_hotend_id)
- # Update the private directly, as we want to prevent the lookup that is done when using setName
- new_hotend_material._name = self.getName()
- new_hotend_material.setMetaData(copy.deepcopy(self.getMetaData()))
- new_hotend_material.setDefinition(definition)
- new_hotend_material.addMetaDataEntry("variant", variant_containers[0].id)
- # Don't use setMetadata, as that overrides it for all materials with same base file
- new_hotend_material.getMetaData()["compatible"] = hotend_compatibility
- cached_hotend_setting_properties = cached_machine_setting_properties.copy()
- cached_hotend_setting_properties.update(hotend_setting_values)
- new_hotend_material.setCachedValues(cached_hotend_setting_properties)
- new_hotend_material._dirty = False
- ContainerRegistry.getInstance().addContainer(new_hotend_material)
- def _addSettingElement(self, builder, instance):
- try:
- key = UM.Dictionary.findKey(self.__material_property_setting_map, instance.definition.key)
- except ValueError:
- return
- builder.start("setting", { "key": key })
- builder.data(str(instance.value))
- builder.end("setting")
- def _profile_name(self, material_name, color_name):
- if color_name != "Generic":
- return "%s %s" % (color_name, material_name)
- else:
- return material_name
- # Map XML file setting names to internal names
- __material_property_setting_map = {
- "print temperature": "default_material_print_temperature",
- "heated bed temperature": "material_bed_temperature",
- "standby temperature": "material_standby_temperature",
- "processing temperature graph": "material_flow_temp_graph",
- "print cooling": "cool_fan_speed",
- "retraction amount": "retraction_amount",
- "retraction speed": "retraction_speed"
- }
- __unmapped_settings = [
- "hardware compatible"
- ]
- # Map XML file product names to internal ids
- # TODO: Move this to definition's metadata
- __product_id_map = {
- "Ultimaker 3": "ultimaker3",
- "Ultimaker 3 Extended": "ultimaker3_extended",
- "Ultimaker 2": "ultimaker2",
- "Ultimaker 2+": "ultimaker2_plus",
- "Ultimaker 2 Go": "ultimaker2_go",
- "Ultimaker 2 Extended": "ultimaker2_extended",
- "Ultimaker 2 Extended+": "ultimaker2_extended_plus",
- "Ultimaker Original": "ultimaker_original",
- "Ultimaker Original+": "ultimaker_original_plus"
- }
- # Map of recognised namespaces with a proper prefix.
- __namespaces = {
- "um": "http://www.ultimaker.com/material"
- }
- ## Helper function for pretty-printing XML because ETree is stupid
- def _indent(elem, level = 0):
- i = "\n" + level * " "
- if len(elem):
- if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
- elem.text = i + " "
- if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
- elem.tail = i
- for elem in elem:
- _indent(elem, level + 1)
- if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
- elem.tail = i
- else:
- if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
- elem.tail = i
- # The namespace is prepended to the tag name but between {}.
- # We are only interested in the actual tag name, so discard everything
- # before the last }
- def _tag_without_namespace(element):
- return element.tag[element.tag.rfind("}") + 1:]