123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438 |
- # Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V.
- # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
- import os
- from time import time
- from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, cast
- from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QUrl, pyqtProperty, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot
- from UM import i18nCatalog
- from UM.Backend.Backend import BackendState
- from UM.FileHandler.FileHandler import FileHandler
- from UM.Logger import Logger
- from UM.Message import Message
- from UM.Qt.Duration import Duration, DurationFormat
- from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
- from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
- from cura.PrinterOutput.NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice import AuthState, NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice
- from cura.PrinterOutput.PrinterOutputModel import PrinterOutputModel
- from cura.PrinterOutputDevice import ConnectionType
- from plugins.UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputController import CloudOutputController
- from ..MeshFormatHandler import MeshFormatHandler
- from ..UM3PrintJobOutputModel import UM3PrintJobOutputModel
- from .CloudProgressMessage import CloudProgressMessage
- from .CloudApiClient import CloudApiClient
- from .Models.CloudClusterResponse import CloudClusterResponse
- from .Models.CloudClusterStatus import CloudClusterStatus
- from .Models.CloudPrintJobUploadRequest import CloudPrintJobUploadRequest
- from .Models.CloudPrintResponse import CloudPrintResponse
- from .Models.CloudPrintJobResponse import CloudPrintJobResponse
- from .Models.CloudClusterPrinterStatus import CloudClusterPrinterStatus
- from .Models.CloudClusterPrintJobStatus import CloudClusterPrintJobStatus
- from .Utils import findChanges, formatDateCompleted, formatTimeCompleted
- ## Class that contains all the translations for this module.
- class T:
- # The translation catalog for this device.
- _I18N_CATALOG = i18nCatalog("cura")
- PRINT_VIA_CLOUD_BUTTON = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@action:button", "Print via Cloud")
- PRINT_VIA_CLOUD_TOOLTIP = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@properties:tooltip", "Print via Cloud")
- CONNECTED_VIA_CLOUD = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@info:status", "Connected via Cloud")
- BLOCKED_UPLOADING = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@info:status", "Sending new jobs (temporarily) blocked, still sending "
- "the previous print job.")
- COULD_NOT_EXPORT = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@info:status", "Could not export print job.")
- ERROR = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@info:title", "Error")
- UPLOAD_ERROR = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@info:text", "Could not upload the data to the printer.")
- UPLOAD_SUCCESS_TITLE = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@info:title", "Data Sent")
- UPLOAD_SUCCESS_TEXT = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@info:status", "Print job was successfully sent to the printer.")
- JOB_COMPLETED_TITLE = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@info:status", "Print finished")
- JOB_COMPLETED_PRINTER = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@info:status",
- "Printer '{printer_name}' has finished printing '{job_name}'.")
- JOB_COMPLETED_NO_PRINTER = _I18N_CATALOG.i18nc("@info:status", "The print job '{job_name}' was finished.")
- ## The cloud output device is a network output device that works remotely but has limited functionality.
- # Currently it only supports viewing the printer and print job status and adding a new job to the queue.
- # As such, those methods have been implemented here.
- # Note that this device represents a single remote cluster, not a list of multiple clusters.
- class CloudOutputDevice(NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice):
- # The interval with which the remote clusters are checked
- CHECK_CLUSTER_INTERVAL = 50.0 # seconds
- # Signal triggered when the print jobs in the queue were changed.
- printJobsChanged = pyqtSignal()
- # Signal triggered when the selected printer in the UI should be changed.
- activePrinterChanged = pyqtSignal()
- # Notify can only use signals that are defined by the class that they are in, not inherited ones.
- # Therefore we create a private signal used to trigger the printersChanged signal.
- _clusterPrintersChanged = pyqtSignal()
- ## Creates a new cloud output device
- # \param api_client: The client that will run the API calls
- # \param cluster: The device response received from the cloud API.
- # \param parent: The optional parent of this output device.
- def __init__(self, api_client: CloudApiClient, cluster: CloudClusterResponse, parent: QObject = None) -> None:
- super().__init__(device_id = cluster.cluster_id, address = "",
- connection_type = ConnectionType.CloudConnection, properties = {}, parent = parent)
- self._api = api_client
- self._cluster = cluster
- self._setInterfaceElements()
- self._account = api_client.account
- # We use the Cura Connect monitor tab to get most functionality right away.
- self._monitor_view_qml_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
- "../../resources/qml/MonitorStage.qml")
- # Trigger the printersChanged signal when the private signal is triggered.
- self.printersChanged.connect(self._clusterPrintersChanged)
- # We keep track of which printer is visible in the monitor page.
- self._active_printer = None # type: Optional[PrinterOutputModel]
- # Properties to populate later on with received cloud data.
- self._print_jobs = [] # type: List[UM3PrintJobOutputModel]
- self._number_of_extruders = 2 # All networked printers are dual-extrusion Ultimaker machines.
- # We only allow a single upload at a time.
- self._progress = CloudProgressMessage()
- # Keep server string of the last generated time to avoid updating models more than once for the same response
- self._received_printers = None # type: Optional[List[CloudClusterPrinterStatus]]
- self._received_print_jobs = None # type: Optional[List[CloudClusterPrintJobStatus]]
- # A set of the user's job IDs that have finished
- self._finished_jobs = set() # type: Set[str]
- # Reference to the uploaded print job / mesh
- self._mesh = None # type: Optional[bytes]
- self._uploaded_print_job = None # type: Optional[CloudPrintJobResponse]
- ## Connects this device.
- def connect(self) -> None:
- super().connect()
- Logger.log("i", "Connected to cluster %s", self.key)
- CuraApplication.getInstance().getBackend().backendStateChange.connect(self._onBackendStateChange)
- ## Disconnects the device
- def disconnect(self) -> None:
- super().disconnect()
- Logger.log("i", "Disconnected to cluster %s", self.key)
- CuraApplication.getInstance().getBackend().backendStateChange.disconnect(self._onBackendStateChange)
- ## Resets the print job that was uploaded to force a new upload, runs whenever the user re-slices.
- def _onBackendStateChange(self, _: BackendState) -> None:
- self._mesh = None
- self._uploaded_print_job = None
- ## Gets the cluster response from which this device was created.
- @property
- def clusterData(self) -> CloudClusterResponse:
- return self._cluster
- ## Updates the cluster data from the cloud.
- @clusterData.setter
- def clusterData(self, value: CloudClusterResponse) -> None:
- self._cluster = value
- ## Checks whether the given network key is found in the cloud's host name
- def matchesNetworkKey(self, network_key: str) -> bool:
- # A network key looks like "ultimakersystem-aabbccdd0011._ultimaker._tcp.local."
- # the host name should then be "ultimakersystem-aabbccdd0011"
- return network_key.startswith(self.clusterData.host_name)
- ## Set all the interface elements and texts for this output device.
- def _setInterfaceElements(self) -> None:
- self.setPriority(2) # make sure we end up below the local networking and above 'save to file'
- self.setName(self._id)
- self.setShortDescription(T.PRINT_VIA_CLOUD_BUTTON)
- self.setDescription(T.PRINT_VIA_CLOUD_TOOLTIP)
- self.setConnectionText(T.CONNECTED_VIA_CLOUD)
- ## Called when Cura requests an output device to receive a (G-code) file.
- def requestWrite(self, nodes: List[SceneNode], file_name: Optional[str] = None, limit_mimetypes: bool = False,
- file_handler: Optional[FileHandler] = None, **kwargs: str) -> None:
- # Show an error message if we're already sending a job.
- if self._progress.visible:
- message = Message(text = T.BLOCKED_UPLOADING, title = T.ERROR, lifetime = 10)
- message.show()
- return
- if self._uploaded_print_job:
- # the mesh didn't change, let's not upload it again
- self._api.requestPrint(self.key, self._uploaded_print_job.job_id, self._onPrintRequested)
- return
- # Indicate we have started sending a job.
- self.writeStarted.emit(self)
- mesh_format = MeshFormatHandler(file_handler, self.firmwareVersion)
- if not mesh_format.is_valid:
- Logger.log("e", "Missing file or mesh writer!")
- return self._onUploadError(T.COULD_NOT_EXPORT)
- mesh = mesh_format.getBytes(nodes)
- self._mesh = mesh
- request = CloudPrintJobUploadRequest(
- job_name = file_name or mesh_format.file_extension,
- file_size = len(mesh),
- content_type = mesh_format.mime_type,
- )
- self._api.requestUpload(request, self._onPrintJobCreated)
- ## Called when the network data should be updated.
- def _update(self) -> None:
- super()._update()
- if self._last_request_time and time() - self._last_request_time < self.CHECK_CLUSTER_INTERVAL:
- return # avoid calling the cloud too often
- Logger.log("d", "Updating: %s - %s >= %s", time(), self._last_request_time, self.CHECK_CLUSTER_INTERVAL)
- if self._account.isLoggedIn:
- self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.Authenticated)
- self._last_request_time = time()
- self._api.getClusterStatus(self.key, self._onStatusCallFinished)
- else:
- self.setAuthenticationState(AuthState.NotAuthenticated)
- ## Method called when HTTP request to status endpoint is finished.
- # Contains both printers and print jobs statuses in a single response.
- def _onStatusCallFinished(self, status: CloudClusterStatus) -> None:
- # Update all data from the cluster.
- self._last_response_time = time()
- if self._received_printers != status.printers:
- self._received_printers = status.printers
- self._updatePrinters(status.printers)
- if status.print_jobs != self._received_print_jobs:
- self._received_print_jobs = status.print_jobs
- self._updatePrintJobs(status.print_jobs)
- ## Updates the local list of printers with the list received from the cloud.
- # \param jobs: The printers received from the cloud.
- def _updatePrinters(self, printers: List[CloudClusterPrinterStatus]) -> None:
- previous = {p.key: p for p in self._printers} # type: Dict[str, PrinterOutputModel]
- received = {p.uuid: p for p in printers} # type: Dict[str, CloudClusterPrinterStatus]
- removed_printers, added_printers, updated_printers = findChanges(previous, received)
- for removed_printer in removed_printers:
- if self._active_printer == removed_printer:
- self.setActivePrinter(None)
- self._printers.remove(removed_printer)
- for added_printer in added_printers:
- self._printers.append(added_printer.createOutputModel(CloudOutputController(self)))
- for model, printer in updated_printers:
- printer.updateOutputModel(model)
- # Always have an active printer
- if self._printers and not self._active_printer:
- self.setActivePrinter(self._printers[0])
- self.printersChanged.emit() # TODO: Make this more efficient by not updating every request
- ## Updates the local list of print jobs with the list received from the cloud.
- # \param jobs: The print jobs received from the cloud.
- def _updatePrintJobs(self, jobs: List[CloudClusterPrintJobStatus]) -> None:
- received = {j.uuid: j for j in jobs} # type: Dict[str, CloudClusterPrintJobStatus]
- previous = {j.key: j for j in self._print_jobs} # type: Dict[str, UM3PrintJobOutputModel]
- removed_jobs, added_jobs, updated_jobs = findChanges(previous, received)
- for removed_job in removed_jobs:
- if removed_job.assignedPrinter:
- removed_job.assignedPrinter.updateActivePrintJob(None)
- removed_job.stateChanged.disconnect(self._onPrintJobStateChanged)
- self._print_jobs.remove(removed_job)
- for added_job in added_jobs:
- self._addPrintJob(added_job)
- for model, job in updated_jobs:
- job.updateOutputModel(model)
- if job.printer_uuid:
- self._updateAssignedPrinter(model, job.printer_uuid)
- # We only have to update when jobs are added or removed
- # updated jobs push their changes via their output model
- if added_jobs or removed_jobs or updated_jobs:
- self.printJobsChanged.emit()
- ## Registers a new print job received via the cloud API.
- # \param job: The print job received.
- def _addPrintJob(self, job: CloudClusterPrintJobStatus) -> None:
- model = job.createOutputModel(CloudOutputController(self))
- model.stateChanged.connect(self._onPrintJobStateChanged)
- if job.printer_uuid:
- self._updateAssignedPrinter(model, job.printer_uuid)
- self._print_jobs.append(model)
- ## Handles the event of a change in a print job state
- def _onPrintJobStateChanged(self) -> None:
- user_name = self._getUserName()
- for job in self._print_jobs:
- if job.state == "wait_cleanup" and job.key not in self._finished_jobs and job.owner == user_name:
- self._finished_jobs.add(job.key)
- Message(
- text = (T.JOB_COMPLETED_PRINTER.format(printer_name=job.assignedPrinter.name, job_name=job.name)
- if job.assignedPrinter else T.JOB_COMPLETED_NO_PRINTER.format(job_name=job.name)),
- ).show()
- # Ensure UI gets updated
- self.printJobsChanged.emit()
- ## Updates the printer assignment for the given print job model.
- def _updateAssignedPrinter(self, model: UM3PrintJobOutputModel, printer_uuid: str) -> None:
- printer = next((p for p in self._printers if printer_uuid == p.key), None)
- if not printer:
- return Logger.log("w", "Missing printer %s for job %s in %s", model.assignedPrinter, model.key,
- [p.key for p in self._printers])
- printer.updateActivePrintJob(model)
- model.updateAssignedPrinter(printer)
- ## Uploads the mesh when the print job was registered with the cloud API.
- # \param job_response: The response received from the cloud API.
- def _onPrintJobCreated(self, job_response: CloudPrintJobResponse) -> None:
- self._progress.show()
- self._uploaded_print_job = job_response
- mesh = cast(bytes, self._mesh)
- self._api.uploadMesh(job_response, mesh, self._onPrintJobUploaded, self._progress.update, self._onUploadError)
- ## Requests the print to be sent to the printer when we finished uploading the mesh.
- def _onPrintJobUploaded(self) -> None:
- self._progress.update(100)
- print_job = cast(CloudPrintJobResponse, self._uploaded_print_job)
- self._api.requestPrint(self.key, print_job.job_id, self._onPrintRequested)
- ## Displays the given message if uploading the mesh has failed
- # \param message: The message to display.
- def _onUploadError(self, message = None) -> None:
- self._progress.hide()
- self._uploaded_print_job = None
- Message(
- text = message or T.UPLOAD_ERROR,
- title = T.ERROR,
- lifetime = 10
- ).show()
- self.writeError.emit()
- ## Shows a message when the upload has succeeded
- # \param response: The response from the cloud API.
- def _onPrintRequested(self, response: CloudPrintResponse) -> None:
- Logger.log("d", "The cluster will be printing this print job with the ID %s", response.cluster_job_id)
- self._progress.hide()
- Message(
- lifetime = 5
- ).show()
- self.writeFinished.emit()
- ## Gets the remote printers.
- @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify=_clusterPrintersChanged)
- def printers(self) -> List[PrinterOutputModel]:
- return self._printers
- ## Get the active printer in the UI (monitor page).
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, notify = activePrinterChanged)
- def activePrinter(self) -> Optional[PrinterOutputModel]:
- return self._active_printer
- ## Set the active printer in the UI (monitor page).
- @pyqtSlot(QObject)
- def setActivePrinter(self, printer: Optional[PrinterOutputModel] = None) -> None:
- if printer != self._active_printer:
- self._active_printer = printer
- self.activePrinterChanged.emit()
- @pyqtProperty(int, notify = _clusterPrintersChanged)
- def clusterSize(self) -> int:
- return len(self._printers)
- ## Get remote print jobs.
- @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = printJobsChanged)
- def printJobs(self) -> List[UM3PrintJobOutputModel]:
- return self._print_jobs
- ## Get remote print jobs that are still in the print queue.
- @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = printJobsChanged)
- def queuedPrintJobs(self) -> List[UM3PrintJobOutputModel]:
- return [print_job for print_job in self._print_jobs
- if print_job.state == "queued" or print_job.state == "error"]
- ## Get remote print jobs that are assigned to a printer.
- @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = printJobsChanged)
- def activePrintJobs(self) -> List[UM3PrintJobOutputModel]:
- return [print_job for print_job in self._print_jobs if
- print_job.assignedPrinter is not None and print_job.state != "queued"]
- @pyqtSlot(int, result = str)
- def formatDuration(self, seconds: int) -> str:
- return Duration(seconds).getDisplayString(DurationFormat.Format.Short)
- @pyqtSlot(int, result = str)
- def getTimeCompleted(self, time_remaining: int) -> str:
- return formatTimeCompleted(time_remaining)
- @pyqtSlot(int, result = str)
- def getDateCompleted(self, time_remaining: int) -> str:
- return formatDateCompleted(time_remaining)
- ## TODO: The following methods are required by the monitor page QML, but are not actually available using cloud.
- # TODO: We fake the methods here to not break the monitor page.
- @pyqtProperty(QUrl, notify = _clusterPrintersChanged)
- def activeCameraUrl(self) -> "QUrl":
- return QUrl()
- @pyqtSlot(QUrl)
- def setActiveCameraUrl(self, camera_url: "QUrl") -> None:
- pass
- @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = printJobsChanged)
- def receivedPrintJobs(self) -> bool:
- return bool(self._print_jobs)
- @pyqtSlot()
- def openPrintJobControlPanel(self) -> None:
- pass
- @pyqtSlot()
- def openPrinterControlPanel(self) -> None:
- pass
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def sendJobToTop(self, print_job_uuid: str) -> None:
- pass
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def deleteJobFromQueue(self, print_job_uuid: str) -> None:
- pass
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def forceSendJob(self, print_job_uuid: str) -> None:
- pass
- @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify = _clusterPrintersChanged)
- def connectedPrintersTypeCount(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
- return []