GeneralPage.qml 22 KB

  1. // Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
  2. // Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
  3. import QtQuick 2.1
  4. import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
  5. import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
  6. import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
  7. import UM 1.1 as UM
  8. UM.PreferencesPage
  9. {
  10. //: General configuration page title
  11. title: catalog.i18nc("@title:tab","General")
  12. function setDefaultLanguage(languageCode)
  13. {
  14. //loops trough the languageList and sets the language using the languageCode
  15. for(var i = 0; i < languageList.count; i++)
  16. {
  17. if (languageComboBox.model.get(i).code == languageCode)
  18. {
  19. languageComboBox.currentIndex = i
  20. }
  21. }
  22. }
  23. function setDefaultDiscardOrKeepProfile(code)
  24. {
  25. for (var i = 0; i < choiceOnProfileOverrideDropDownButton.model.count; i++)
  26. {
  27. if (choiceOnProfileOverrideDropDownButton.model.get(i).code == code)
  28. {
  29. choiceOnProfileOverrideDropDownButton.currentIndex = i;
  30. break;
  31. }
  32. }
  33. }
  34. function setDefaultOpenProjectOption(code)
  35. {
  36. for (var i = 0; i < choiceOnOpenProjectDropDownButton.model.count; ++i)
  37. {
  38. if (choiceOnOpenProjectDropDownButton.model.get(i).code == code)
  39. {
  40. choiceOnOpenProjectDropDownButton.currentIndex = i
  41. break;
  42. }
  43. }
  44. }
  45. function reset()
  46. {
  47. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("general/language")
  48. var defaultLanguage = UM.Preferences.getValue("general/language")
  49. setDefaultLanguage(defaultLanguage)
  50. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("physics/automatic_push_free")
  51. pushFreeCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("physics/automatic_push_free"))
  52. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("physics/automatic_drop_down")
  53. dropDownCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("physics/automatic_drop_down"))
  54. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("mesh/scale_to_fit")
  55. scaleToFitCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("mesh/scale_to_fit"))
  56. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("mesh/scale_tiny_meshes")
  57. scaleTinyCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("mesh/scale_tiny_meshes"))
  58. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("cura/jobname_prefix")
  59. prefixJobNameCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/jobname_prefix"))
  60. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("view/show_overhang");
  61. showOverhangCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/show_overhang"))
  62. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("view/center_on_select");
  63. centerOnSelectCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/center_on_select"))
  64. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("view/invert_zoom");
  65. invertZoomCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/invert_zoom"))
  66. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("view/top_layer_count");
  67. topLayerCountCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/top_layer_count"))
  68. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("cura/choice_on_profile_override")
  69. setDefaultDiscardOrKeepProfile(UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_profile_override"))
  70. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("cura/choice_on_open_project")
  71. setDefaultOpenProjectOption(UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_open_project"))
  72. if (plugins.find("id", "SliceInfoPlugin") > -1) {
  73. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("info/send_slice_info")
  74. sendDataCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("info/send_slice_info"))
  75. }
  76. if (plugins.find("id", "UpdateChecker") > -1) {
  77. UM.Preferences.resetPreference("info/automatic_update_check")
  78. checkUpdatesCheckbox.checked = boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("info/automatic_update_check"))
  79. }
  80. }
  81. ScrollView
  82. {
  83. width: parent.width
  84. height: parent.height
  85. Column
  86. {
  87. //: Model used to check if a plugin exists
  88. UM.PluginsModel { id: plugins }
  89. //: Language selection label
  90. UM.I18nCatalog{id: catalog; name:"cura"}
  91. Label
  92. {
  93. font.bold: true
  94. text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Interface")
  95. }
  96. Row
  97. {
  98. spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
  99. Label
  100. {
  101. id: languageLabel
  102. text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Language:")
  103. anchors.verticalCenter: languageComboBox.verticalCenter
  104. }
  105. ComboBox
  106. {
  107. id: languageComboBox
  108. model: ListModel
  109. {
  110. id: languageList
  111. Component.onCompleted: {
  112. append({ text: "English", code: "en" })
  113. append({ text: "Deutsch", code: "de" })
  114. append({ text: "Español", code: "es" })
  115. append({ text: "Suomi", code: "fi" })
  116. append({ text: "Français", code: "fr" })
  117. append({ text: "Italiano", code: "it" })
  118. append({ text: "Nederlands", code: "nl" })
  119. append({ text: "Português do Brasil", code: "ptbr" })
  120. append({ text: "Русский", code: "ru" })
  121. append({ text: "Türkçe", code: "tr" })
  122. }
  123. }
  124. currentIndex:
  125. {
  126. var code = UM.Preferences.getValue("general/language");
  127. for(var i = 0; i < languageList.count; ++i)
  128. {
  129. if(model.get(i).code == code)
  130. {
  131. return i
  132. }
  133. }
  134. }
  135. onActivated: UM.Preferences.setValue("general/language", model.get(index).code)
  136. Component.onCompleted:
  137. {
  138. // Because ListModel is stupid and does not allow using qsTr() for values.
  139. for(var i = 0; i < languageList.count; ++i)
  140. {
  141. languageList.setProperty(i, "text", catalog.i18n(languageList.get(i).text));
  142. }
  143. // Glorious hack time. ComboBox does not update the text properly after changing the
  144. // model. So change the indices around to force it to update.
  145. currentIndex += 1;
  146. currentIndex -= 1;
  147. }
  148. }
  149. Label
  150. {
  151. id: currencyLabel
  152. text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Currency:")
  153. anchors.verticalCenter: languageComboBox.verticalCenter
  154. }
  155. TextField
  156. {
  157. id: currencyField
  158. text: UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/currency")
  159. onTextChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/currency", text)
  160. }
  161. }
  162. Label
  163. {
  164. id: languageCaption
  165. //: Language change warning
  166. text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "You will need to restart the application for language changes to have effect.")
  167. wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
  168. font.italic: true
  169. }
  170. Item
  171. {
  172. //: Spacer
  173. height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
  174. width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
  175. }
  176. UM.TooltipArea
  177. {
  178. width: childrenRect.width;
  179. height: childrenRect.height;
  180. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Slice automatically when changing settings.")
  181. CheckBox
  182. {
  183. id: autoSliceCheckbox
  184. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("general/auto_slice"))
  185. onClicked: UM.Preferences.setValue("general/auto_slice", checked)
  186. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check","Slice automatically");
  187. }
  188. }
  189. Item
  190. {
  191. //: Spacer
  192. height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
  193. width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
  194. }
  195. Label
  196. {
  197. font.bold: true
  198. text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Viewport behavior")
  199. }
  200. UM.TooltipArea
  201. {
  202. width: childrenRect.width;
  203. height: childrenRect.height;
  204. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Highlight unsupported areas of the model in red. Without support these areas will not print properly.")
  205. CheckBox
  206. {
  207. id: showOverhangCheckbox
  208. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/show_overhang"))
  209. onClicked: UM.Preferences.setValue("view/show_overhang", checked)
  210. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check","Display overhang");
  211. }
  212. }
  213. UM.TooltipArea {
  214. width: childrenRect.width;
  215. height: childrenRect.height;
  216. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Moves the camera so the model is in the center of the view when an model is selected")
  217. CheckBox
  218. {
  219. id: centerOnSelectCheckbox
  220. text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","Center camera when item is selected");
  221. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/center_on_select"))
  222. onClicked: UM.Preferences.setValue("view/center_on_select", checked)
  223. }
  224. }
  225. UM.TooltipArea {
  226. width: childrenRect.width;
  227. height: childrenRect.height;
  228. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Should the default zoom behavior of cura be inverted?")
  229. CheckBox
  230. {
  231. id: invertZoomCheckbox
  232. text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","Invert the direction of camera zoom.");
  233. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/invert_zoom"))
  234. onClicked: UM.Preferences.setValue("view/invert_zoom", checked)
  235. }
  236. }
  237. UM.TooltipArea {
  238. width: childrenRect.width
  239. height: childrenRect.height
  240. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Should models on the platform be moved so that they no longer intersect?")
  241. CheckBox
  242. {
  243. id: pushFreeCheckbox
  244. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check", "Ensure models are kept apart")
  245. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("physics/automatic_push_free"))
  246. onCheckedChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("physics/automatic_push_free", checked)
  247. }
  248. }
  249. UM.TooltipArea {
  250. width: childrenRect.width
  251. height: childrenRect.height
  252. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Should models on the platform be moved down to touch the build plate?")
  253. CheckBox
  254. {
  255. id: dropDownCheckbox
  256. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check", "Automatically drop models to the build plate")
  257. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("physics/automatic_drop_down"))
  258. onCheckedChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("physics/automatic_drop_down", checked)
  259. }
  260. }
  261. UM.TooltipArea
  262. {
  263. width: childrenRect.width;
  264. height: childrenRect.height;
  265. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Show caution message in gcode reader.")
  266. CheckBox
  267. {
  268. id: gcodeShowCautionCheckbox
  269. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("gcodereader/show_caution"))
  270. onClicked: UM.Preferences.setValue("gcodereader/show_caution", checked)
  271. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check","Caution message in gcode reader");
  272. }
  273. }
  274. UM.TooltipArea {
  275. width: childrenRect.width
  276. height: childrenRect.height
  277. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Should layer be forced into compatibility mode?")
  278. CheckBox
  279. {
  280. id: forceLayerViewCompatibilityModeCheckbox
  281. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check", "Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)")
  282. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("view/force_layer_view_compatibility_mode"))
  283. onCheckedChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("view/force_layer_view_compatibility_mode", checked)
  284. }
  285. }
  286. Item
  287. {
  288. //: Spacer
  289. height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
  290. width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
  291. }
  292. Label
  293. {
  294. font.bold: true
  295. text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Opening and saving files")
  296. }
  297. UM.TooltipArea {
  298. width: childrenRect.width
  299. height: childrenRect.height
  300. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Should models be scaled to the build volume if they are too large?")
  301. CheckBox
  302. {
  303. id: scaleToFitCheckbox
  304. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check","Scale large models")
  305. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("mesh/scale_to_fit"))
  306. onCheckedChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("mesh/scale_to_fit", checked)
  307. }
  308. }
  309. UM.TooltipArea {
  310. width: childrenRect.width
  311. height: childrenRect.height
  312. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","An model may appear extremely small if its unit is for example in meters rather than millimeters. Should these models be scaled up?")
  313. CheckBox
  314. {
  315. id: scaleTinyCheckbox
  316. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check","Scale extremely small models")
  317. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("mesh/scale_tiny_meshes"))
  318. onCheckedChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("mesh/scale_tiny_meshes", checked)
  319. }
  320. }
  321. UM.TooltipArea {
  322. width: childrenRect.width
  323. height: childrenRect.height
  324. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Should a prefix based on the printer name be added to the print job name automatically?")
  325. CheckBox
  326. {
  327. id: prefixJobNameCheckbox
  328. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check", "Add machine prefix to job name")
  329. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/jobname_prefix"))
  330. onCheckedChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/jobname_prefix", checked)
  331. }
  332. }
  333. UM.TooltipArea {
  334. width: childrenRect.width
  335. height: childrenRect.height
  336. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Should a summary be shown when saving a project file?")
  337. CheckBox
  338. {
  339. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check", "Show summary dialog when saving project")
  340. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/dialog_on_project_save"))
  341. onCheckedChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/dialog_on_project_save", checked)
  342. }
  343. }
  344. UM.TooltipArea {
  345. width: childrenRect.width
  346. height: childrenRect.height
  347. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Default behavior when opening a project file")
  348. Column
  349. {
  350. spacing: 4
  351. Label
  352. {
  353. text: catalog.i18nc("@window:text", "Default behavior when opening a project file: ")
  354. }
  355. ComboBox
  356. {
  357. id: choiceOnOpenProjectDropDownButton
  358. width: 200
  359. model: ListModel
  360. {
  361. id: openProjectOptionModel
  362. Component.onCompleted: {
  363. append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:openProject", "Always ask"), code: "always_ask" })
  364. append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:openProject", "Always open as a project"), code: "open_as_project" })
  365. append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:openProject", "Always import models"), code: "open_as_model" })
  366. }
  367. }
  368. currentIndex:
  369. {
  370. var index = 0;
  371. var currentChoice = UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_open_project");
  372. for (var i = 0; i < model.count; ++i)
  373. {
  374. if (model.get(i).code == currentChoice)
  375. {
  376. index = i;
  377. break;
  378. }
  379. }
  380. return index;
  381. }
  382. onActivated: UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/choice_on_open_project", model.get(index).code)
  383. }
  384. }
  385. }
  386. Item
  387. {
  388. //: Spacer
  389. height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
  390. width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
  391. }
  392. Label
  393. {
  394. font.bold: true
  395. text: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Override Profile")
  396. }
  397. UM.TooltipArea
  398. {
  399. width: childrenRect.width;
  400. height: childrenRect.height;
  401. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "When you have made changes to a profile and switched to a different one, a dialog will be shown asking whether you want to keep your modifications or not, or you can choose a default behaviour and never show that dialog again.")
  402. ComboBox
  403. {
  404. id: choiceOnProfileOverrideDropDownButton
  405. width: 300
  406. model: ListModel
  407. {
  408. id: discardOrKeepProfileListModel
  409. Component.onCompleted: {
  410. append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:discardOrKeep", "Always ask me this"), code: "always_ask" })
  411. append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:discardOrKeep", "Discard and never ask again"), code: "always_discard" })
  412. append({ text: catalog.i18nc("@option:discardOrKeep", "Keep and never ask again"), code: "always_keep" })
  413. }
  414. }
  415. currentIndex:
  416. {
  417. var index = 0;
  418. var code = UM.Preferences.getValue("cura/choice_on_profile_override");
  419. for (var i = 0; i < model.count; ++i)
  420. {
  421. if (model.get(i).code == code)
  422. {
  423. index = i;
  424. break;
  425. }
  426. }
  427. return index;
  428. }
  429. onActivated: UM.Preferences.setValue("cura/choice_on_profile_override", model.get(index).code)
  430. }
  431. }
  432. Item
  433. {
  434. //: Spacer
  435. height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
  436. width: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height
  437. }
  438. Label
  439. {
  440. font.bold: true
  441. visible: checkUpdatesCheckbox.visible || sendDataCheckbox.visible
  442. text: catalog.i18nc("@label","Privacy")
  443. }
  444. UM.TooltipArea {
  445. visible: plugins.find("id", "UpdateChecker") > -1
  446. width: childrenRect.width
  447. height: visible ? childrenRect.height : 0
  448. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Should Cura check for updates when the program is started?")
  449. CheckBox
  450. {
  451. id: checkUpdatesCheckbox
  452. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check","Check for updates on start")
  453. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("info/automatic_update_check"))
  454. onCheckedChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("info/automatic_update_check", checked)
  455. }
  456. }
  457. UM.TooltipArea {
  458. visible: plugins.find("id", "SliceInfoPlugin") > -1
  459. width: childrenRect.width
  460. height: visible ? childrenRect.height : 0
  461. text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip","Should anonymous data about your print be sent to Ultimaker? Note, no models, IP addresses or other personally identifiable information is sent or stored.")
  462. CheckBox
  463. {
  464. id: sendDataCheckbox
  465. text: catalog.i18nc("@option:check","Send (anonymous) print information")
  466. checked: boolCheck(UM.Preferences.getValue("info/send_slice_info"))
  467. onCheckedChanged: UM.Preferences.setValue("info/send_slice_info", checked)
  468. }
  469. }
  470. }
  471. }
  472. }