62 KB

  1. # Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
  2. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
  3. import numpy
  4. import math
  5. from typing import List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Set, cast, Iterable, Dict
  6. from UM.Mesh.MeshData import MeshData
  7. from UM.Mesh.MeshBuilder import MeshBuilder
  8. from UM.Application import Application #To modify the maximum zoom level.
  9. from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
  10. from UM.Scene.Platform import Platform
  11. from UM.Scene.Iterator.BreadthFirstIterator import BreadthFirstIterator
  12. from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
  13. from UM.Resources import Resources
  14. from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
  15. from UM.Math.Matrix import Matrix
  16. from UM.Math.Color import Color
  17. from UM.Math.AxisAlignedBox import AxisAlignedBox
  18. from UM.Math.Polygon import Polygon
  19. from UM.Message import Message
  20. from UM.Signal import Signal
  21. from UM.View.RenderBatch import RenderBatch
  22. from UM.View.GL.OpenGL import OpenGL
  23. from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack
  24. from cura.Scene.CuraSceneNode import CuraSceneNode
  25. from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
  26. from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
  28. from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
  29. from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack
  30. from UM.Settings.ContainerStack import ContainerStack
  31. catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
  32. # Radius of disallowed area in mm around prime. I.e. how much distance to keep from prime position.
  34. class BuildVolume(SceneNode):
  35. """Build volume is a special kind of node that is responsible for rendering the printable area & disallowed areas."""
  36. raftThicknessChanged = Signal()
  37. def __init__(self, application: "CuraApplication", parent: Optional[SceneNode] = None) -> None:
  38. super().__init__(parent)
  39. self._application = application
  40. self._machine_manager = self._application.getMachineManager()
  41. self._volume_outline_color = None # type: Optional[Color]
  42. self._x_axis_color = None # type: Optional[Color]
  43. self._y_axis_color = None # type: Optional[Color]
  44. self._z_axis_color = None # type: Optional[Color]
  45. self._disallowed_area_color = None # type: Optional[Color]
  46. self._error_area_color = None # type: Optional[Color]
  47. self._width = 0 # type: float
  48. self._height = 0 # type: float
  49. self._depth = 0 # type: float
  50. self._shape = "" # type: str
  51. self._shader = None
  52. self._origin_mesh = None # type: Optional[MeshData]
  53. self._origin_line_length = 20
  54. self._origin_line_width = 1.5
  55. self._enabled = False
  56. self._grid_mesh = None # type: Optional[MeshData]
  57. self._grid_shader = None
  58. self._disallowed_areas = [] # type: List[Polygon]
  59. self._disallowed_areas_no_brim = [] # type: List[Polygon]
  60. self._disallowed_area_mesh = None # type: Optional[MeshData]
  61. self._disallowed_area_size = 0.
  62. self._error_areas = [] # type: List[Polygon]
  63. self._error_mesh = None # type: Optional[MeshData]
  64. self.setCalculateBoundingBox(False)
  65. self._volume_aabb = None # type: Optional[AxisAlignedBox]
  66. self._raft_thickness = 0.0
  67. self._extra_z_clearance = 0.0
  68. self._adhesion_type = None # type: Any
  69. self._platform = Platform(self)
  70. self._edge_disallowed_size = None
  71. self._build_volume_message = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status",
  72. "The build volume height has been reduced due to the value of the"
  73. " \"Print Sequence\" setting to prevent the gantry from colliding"
  74. " with printed models."),
  75. title = catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Build Volume"),
  76. message_type = Message.MessageType.WARNING)
  77. self._global_container_stack = None # type: Optional[GlobalStack]
  78. self._stack_change_timer = QTimer()
  79. self._stack_change_timer.setInterval(100)
  80. self._stack_change_timer.setSingleShot(True)
  81. self._stack_change_timer.timeout.connect(self._onStackChangeTimerFinished)
  82. self._application.globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self._onStackChanged)
  83. self._engine_ready = False
  84. self._application.engineCreatedSignal.connect(self._onEngineCreated)
  85. self._has_errors = False
  86. self._application.getController().getScene().sceneChanged.connect(self._onSceneChanged)
  87. # Objects loaded at the moment. We are connected to the property changed events of these objects.
  88. self._scene_objects = set() # type: Set[SceneNode]
  89. self._scene_change_timer = QTimer()
  90. self._scene_change_timer.setInterval(200)
  91. self._scene_change_timer.setSingleShot(True)
  92. self._scene_change_timer.timeout.connect(self._onSceneChangeTimerFinished)
  93. self._setting_change_timer = QTimer()
  94. self._setting_change_timer.setInterval(150)
  95. self._setting_change_timer.setSingleShot(True)
  96. self._setting_change_timer.timeout.connect(self._onSettingChangeTimerFinished)
  97. # Must be after setting _build_volume_message, apparently that is used in getMachineManager.
  98. # activeQualityChanged is always emitted after setActiveVariant, setActiveMaterial and setActiveQuality.
  99. # Therefore this works.
  100. self._machine_manager.activeQualityChanged.connect(self._onStackChanged)
  101. # Enable and disable extruder
  102. self._machine_manager.extruderChanged.connect(self.updateNodeBoundaryCheck)
  103. # List of settings which were updated
  104. self._changed_settings_since_last_rebuild = [] # type: List[str]
  105. def _onSceneChanged(self, source):
  106. if self._global_container_stack:
  107. # Ignore anything that is not something we can slice in the first place!
  108. if source.callDecoration("isSliceable"):
  109. self._scene_change_timer.start()
  110. def _onSceneChangeTimerFinished(self):
  111. root = self._application.getController().getScene().getRoot()
  112. new_scene_objects = set(node for node in BreadthFirstIterator(root) if node.callDecoration("isSliceable"))
  113. if new_scene_objects != self._scene_objects:
  114. for node in new_scene_objects - self._scene_objects: #Nodes that were added to the scene.
  115. self._updateNodeListeners(node)
  116. node.decoratorsChanged.connect(self._updateNodeListeners) # Make sure that decoration changes afterwards also receive the same treatment
  117. for node in self._scene_objects - new_scene_objects: #Nodes that were removed from the scene.
  118. per_mesh_stack = node.callDecoration("getStack")
  119. if per_mesh_stack:
  120. per_mesh_stack.propertyChanged.disconnect(self._onSettingPropertyChanged)
  121. active_extruder_changed = node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruderChangedSignal")
  122. if active_extruder_changed is not None:
  123. node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruderChangedSignal").disconnect(self._updateDisallowedAreasAndRebuild)
  124. node.decoratorsChanged.disconnect(self._updateNodeListeners)
  125. self.rebuild()
  126. self._scene_objects = new_scene_objects
  127. self._onSettingPropertyChanged("print_sequence", "value") # Create fake event, so right settings are triggered.
  128. def _updateNodeListeners(self, node: SceneNode):
  129. """Updates the listeners that listen for changes in per-mesh stacks.
  130. :param node: The node for which the decorators changed.
  131. """
  132. per_mesh_stack = node.callDecoration("getStack")
  133. if per_mesh_stack:
  134. per_mesh_stack.propertyChanged.connect(self._onSettingPropertyChanged)
  135. active_extruder_changed = node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruderChangedSignal")
  136. if active_extruder_changed is not None:
  137. active_extruder_changed.connect(self._updateDisallowedAreasAndRebuild)
  138. def setWidth(self, width: float) -> None:
  139. self._width = width
  140. def getWidth(self) -> float:
  141. return self._width
  142. def setHeight(self, height: float) -> None:
  143. self._height = height
  144. def getHeight(self) -> float:
  145. return self._height
  146. def setDepth(self, depth: float) -> None:
  147. self._depth = depth
  148. def getDepth(self) -> float:
  149. return self._depth
  150. def setShape(self, shape: str) -> None:
  151. if shape:
  152. self._shape = shape
  153. def getDiagonalSize(self) -> float:
  154. """Get the length of the 3D diagonal through the build volume.
  155. This gives a sense of the scale of the build volume in general.
  156. :return: length of the 3D diagonal through the build volume
  157. """
  158. return math.sqrt(self._width * self._width + self._height * self._height + self._depth * self._depth)
  159. def getDisallowedAreas(self) -> List[Polygon]:
  160. return self._disallowed_areas
  161. def getDisallowedAreasNoBrim(self) -> List[Polygon]:
  162. return self._disallowed_areas_no_brim
  163. def setDisallowedAreas(self, areas: List[Polygon]):
  164. self._disallowed_areas = areas
  165. def render(self, renderer):
  166. if not self.getMeshData() or not self.isVisible():
  167. return True
  168. if not self._shader:
  169. self._shader = OpenGL.getInstance().createShaderProgram(Resources.getPath(Resources.Shaders, "default.shader"))
  170. self._grid_shader = OpenGL.getInstance().createShaderProgram(Resources.getPath(Resources.Shaders, "grid.shader"))
  171. theme = self._application.getTheme()
  172. self._grid_shader.setUniformValue("u_plateColor", Color(*theme.getColor("buildplate").getRgb()))
  173. self._grid_shader.setUniformValue("u_gridColor0", Color(*theme.getColor("buildplate_grid").getRgb()))
  174. self._grid_shader.setUniformValue("u_gridColor1", Color(*theme.getColor("buildplate_grid_minor").getRgb()))
  175. renderer.queueNode(self, mode = RenderBatch.RenderMode.Lines)
  176. renderer.queueNode(self, mesh = self._origin_mesh, backface_cull = True)
  177. renderer.queueNode(self, mesh = self._grid_mesh, shader = self._grid_shader, backface_cull = True)
  178. if self._disallowed_area_mesh:
  179. renderer.queueNode(self, mesh = self._disallowed_area_mesh, shader = self._shader, transparent = True, backface_cull = True, sort = -9)
  180. if self._error_mesh:
  181. renderer.queueNode(self, mesh=self._error_mesh, shader=self._shader, transparent=True,
  182. backface_cull=True, sort=-8)
  183. return True
  184. def updateNodeBoundaryCheck(self):
  185. """For every sliceable node, update node._outside_buildarea"""
  186. if not self._global_container_stack:
  187. return
  188. root = self._application.getController().getScene().getRoot()
  189. nodes = cast(List[SceneNode], list(cast(Iterable, BreadthFirstIterator(root))))
  190. group_nodes = [] # type: List[SceneNode]
  191. build_volume_bounding_box = self.getBoundingBox()
  192. if build_volume_bounding_box:
  193. # It's over 9000!
  194. # We set this to a very low number, as we do allow models to intersect the build plate.
  195. # This means the model gets cut off at the build plate.
  196. build_volume_bounding_box = build_volume_bounding_box.set(bottom=-9001)
  197. else:
  198. # No bounding box. This is triggered when running Cura from command line with a model for the first time
  199. # In that situation there is a model, but no machine (and therefore no build volume.
  200. return
  201. for node in nodes:
  202. # Need to check group nodes later
  203. if node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
  204. group_nodes.append(node) # Keep list of affected group_nodes
  205. if node.callDecoration("isSliceable") or node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
  206. if not isinstance(node, CuraSceneNode):
  207. continue
  208. if node.collidesWithBbox(build_volume_bounding_box):
  209. node.setOutsideBuildArea(True)
  210. continue
  211. if node.collidesWithAreas(self.getDisallowedAreas()):
  212. node.setOutsideBuildArea(True)
  213. continue
  214. # If the entire node is below the build plate, still mark it as outside.
  215. node_bounding_box = node.getBoundingBox()
  216. if node_bounding_box and < 0 and not node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
  217. node.setOutsideBuildArea(True)
  218. continue
  219. # Mark the node as outside build volume if the set extruder is disabled
  220. extruder_position = node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruderPosition")
  221. try:
  222. if not self._global_container_stack.extruderList[int(extruder_position)].isEnabled:
  223. node.setOutsideBuildArea(True)
  224. continue
  225. except IndexError: # Happens when the extruder list is too short. We're not done building the printer in memory yet.
  226. continue
  227. except TypeError: # Happens when extruder_position is None. This object has no extruder decoration.
  228. continue
  229. node.setOutsideBuildArea(False)
  230. # Group nodes should override the _outside_buildarea property of their children.
  231. for group_node in group_nodes:
  232. children = group_node.getAllChildren()
  233. # Check if one or more children are non-printable and if so, set the parent as non-printable:
  234. for child_node in children:
  235. if child_node.isOutsideBuildArea():
  236. group_node.setOutsideBuildArea(True)
  237. break
  238. # Apply results of the check to all children of the group:
  239. for child_node in children:
  240. child_node.setOutsideBuildArea(group_node.isOutsideBuildArea())
  241. def checkBoundsAndUpdate(self, node: CuraSceneNode, bounds: Optional[AxisAlignedBox] = None) -> None:
  242. """Update the outsideBuildArea of a single node, given bounds or current build volume
  243. :param node: single node
  244. :param bounds: bounds or current build volume
  245. """
  246. if not isinstance(node, CuraSceneNode) or self._global_container_stack is None:
  247. return
  248. if bounds is None:
  249. build_volume_bounding_box = self.getBoundingBox()
  250. if build_volume_bounding_box:
  251. # It's over 9000!
  252. build_volume_bounding_box = build_volume_bounding_box.set(bottom=-9001)
  253. else:
  254. # No bounding box. This is triggered when running Cura from command line with a model for the first time
  255. # In that situation there is a model, but no machine (and therefore no build volume.
  256. return
  257. else:
  258. build_volume_bounding_box = bounds
  259. if node.callDecoration("isSliceable") or node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
  260. if node.collidesWithBbox(build_volume_bounding_box):
  261. node.setOutsideBuildArea(True)
  262. return
  263. if node.collidesWithAreas(self.getDisallowedAreas()):
  264. node.setOutsideBuildArea(True)
  265. return
  266. # Mark the node as outside build volume if the set extruder is disabled
  267. extruder_position = node.callDecoration("getActiveExtruderPosition")
  268. try:
  269. if not self._global_container_stack.extruderList[int(extruder_position)].isEnabled:
  270. node.setOutsideBuildArea(True)
  271. return
  272. except IndexError:
  273. # If the extruder doesn't exist, also mark it as unprintable.
  274. node.setOutsideBuildArea(True)
  275. return
  276. node.setOutsideBuildArea(False)
  277. def _buildGridMesh(self, min_w: float, max_w: float, min_h: float, max_h: float, min_d: float, max_d:float, z_fight_distance: float) -> MeshData:
  278. mb = MeshBuilder()
  279. if self._shape != "elliptic":
  280. # Build plate grid mesh
  281. mb.addQuad(
  282. Vector(min_w, min_h - z_fight_distance, min_d),
  283. Vector(max_w, min_h - z_fight_distance, min_d),
  284. Vector(max_w, min_h - z_fight_distance, max_d),
  285. Vector(min_w, min_h - z_fight_distance, max_d)
  286. )
  287. for n in range(0, 6):
  288. v = mb.getVertex(n)
  289. mb.setVertexUVCoordinates(n, v[0], v[2])
  290. return
  291. else:
  292. aspect = 1.0
  293. scale_matrix = Matrix()
  294. if self._width != 0:
  295. # Scale circular meshes by aspect ratio if width != height
  296. aspect = self._depth / self._width
  297. scale_matrix.compose(scale=Vector(1, 1, aspect))
  298. mb.addVertex(0, min_h - z_fight_distance, 0)
  299. mb.addArc(max_w, Vector.Unit_Y, center=Vector(0, min_h - z_fight_distance, 0))
  300. sections = mb.getVertexCount() - 1 # Center point is not an arc section
  301. indices = []
  302. for n in range(0, sections - 1):
  303. indices.append([0, n + 2, n + 1])
  304. mb.addIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))
  305. mb.calculateNormals()
  306. for n in range(0, mb.getVertexCount()):
  307. v = mb.getVertex(n)
  308. mb.setVertexUVCoordinates(n, v[0], v[2] * aspect)
  309. return
  310. def _buildMesh(self, min_w: float, max_w: float, min_h: float, max_h: float, min_d: float, max_d:float, z_fight_distance: float) -> MeshData:
  311. if self._shape != "elliptic":
  312. # Outline 'cube' of the build volume
  313. mb = MeshBuilder()
  314. mb.addLine(Vector(min_w, min_h, min_d), Vector(max_w, min_h, min_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  315. mb.addLine(Vector(min_w, min_h, min_d), Vector(min_w, max_h, min_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  316. mb.addLine(Vector(min_w, max_h, min_d), Vector(max_w, max_h, min_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  317. mb.addLine(Vector(max_w, min_h, min_d), Vector(max_w, max_h, min_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  318. mb.addLine(Vector(min_w, min_h, max_d), Vector(max_w, min_h, max_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  319. mb.addLine(Vector(min_w, min_h, max_d), Vector(min_w, max_h, max_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  320. mb.addLine(Vector(min_w, max_h, max_d), Vector(max_w, max_h, max_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  321. mb.addLine(Vector(max_w, min_h, max_d), Vector(max_w, max_h, max_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  322. mb.addLine(Vector(min_w, min_h, min_d), Vector(min_w, min_h, max_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  323. mb.addLine(Vector(max_w, min_h, min_d), Vector(max_w, min_h, max_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  324. mb.addLine(Vector(min_w, max_h, min_d), Vector(min_w, max_h, max_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  325. mb.addLine(Vector(max_w, max_h, min_d), Vector(max_w, max_h, max_d), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  326. return
  327. else:
  328. # Bottom and top 'ellipse' of the build volume
  329. scale_matrix = Matrix()
  330. if self._width != 0:
  331. # Scale circular meshes by aspect ratio if width != height
  332. aspect = self._depth / self._width
  333. scale_matrix.compose(scale = Vector(1, 1, aspect))
  334. mb = MeshBuilder()
  335. mb.addArc(max_w, Vector.Unit_Y, center = (0, min_h - z_fight_distance, 0), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  336. mb.addArc(max_w, Vector.Unit_Y, center = (0, max_h, 0), color = self._volume_outline_color)
  337. return
  338. def _buildOriginMesh(self, origin: Vector) -> MeshData:
  339. mb = MeshBuilder()
  340. mb.addCube(
  341. width=self._origin_line_length,
  342. height=self._origin_line_width,
  343. depth=self._origin_line_width,
  344. center=origin + Vector(self._origin_line_length / 2, 0, 0),
  345. color=self._x_axis_color
  346. )
  347. mb.addCube(
  348. width=self._origin_line_width,
  349. height=self._origin_line_length,
  350. depth=self._origin_line_width,
  351. center=origin + Vector(0, self._origin_line_length / 2, 0),
  352. color=self._y_axis_color
  353. )
  354. mb.addCube(
  355. width=self._origin_line_width,
  356. height=self._origin_line_width,
  357. depth=self._origin_line_length,
  358. center=origin - Vector(0, 0, self._origin_line_length / 2),
  359. color=self._z_axis_color
  360. )
  361. return
  362. def _updateColors(self):
  363. theme = self._application.getTheme()
  364. if theme is None:
  365. return
  366. self._volume_outline_color = Color(*theme.getColor("volume_outline").getRgb())
  367. self._x_axis_color = Color(*theme.getColor("x_axis").getRgb())
  368. self._y_axis_color = Color(*theme.getColor("y_axis").getRgb())
  369. self._z_axis_color = Color(*theme.getColor("z_axis").getRgb())
  370. self._disallowed_area_color = Color(*theme.getColor("disallowed_area").getRgb())
  371. self._error_area_color = Color(*theme.getColor("error_area").getRgb())
  372. def _buildErrorMesh(self, min_w: float, max_w: float, min_h: float, max_h: float, min_d: float, max_d: float, disallowed_area_height: float) -> Optional[MeshData]:
  373. if not self._error_areas:
  374. return None
  375. mb = MeshBuilder()
  376. for error_area in self._error_areas:
  377. color = self._error_area_color
  378. points = error_area.getPoints()
  379. first = Vector(self._clamp(points[0][0], min_w, max_w), disallowed_area_height,
  380. self._clamp(points[0][1], min_d, max_d))
  381. previous_point = Vector(self._clamp(points[0][0], min_w, max_w), disallowed_area_height,
  382. self._clamp(points[0][1], min_d, max_d))
  383. for point in points:
  384. new_point = Vector(self._clamp(point[0], min_w, max_w), disallowed_area_height,
  385. self._clamp(point[1], min_d, max_d))
  386. mb.addFace(first, previous_point, new_point, color=color)
  387. previous_point = new_point
  388. return
  389. def _buildDisallowedAreaMesh(self, min_w: float, max_w: float, min_h: float, max_h: float, min_d: float, max_d: float, disallowed_area_height: float) -> Optional[MeshData]:
  390. if not self._disallowed_areas:
  391. return None
  392. mb = MeshBuilder()
  393. color = self._disallowed_area_color
  394. for polygon in self._disallowed_areas:
  395. points = polygon.getPoints()
  396. if len(points) == 0:
  397. continue
  398. first = Vector(self._clamp(points[0][0], min_w, max_w), disallowed_area_height,
  399. self._clamp(points[0][1], min_d, max_d))
  400. previous_point = Vector(self._clamp(points[0][0], min_w, max_w), disallowed_area_height,
  401. self._clamp(points[0][1], min_d, max_d))
  402. for point in points:
  403. new_point = Vector(self._clamp(point[0], min_w, max_w), disallowed_area_height,
  404. self._clamp(point[1], min_d, max_d))
  405. mb.addFace(first, previous_point, new_point, color=color)
  406. previous_point = new_point
  407. # Find the largest disallowed area to exclude it from the maximum scale bounds.
  408. # This is a very nasty hack. This pretty much only works for UM machines.
  409. # This disallowed area_size needs a -lot- of rework at some point in the future: TODO
  410. if numpy.min(points[:,
  411. 1]) >= 0: # This filters out all areas that have points to the left of the centre. This is done to filter the skirt area.
  412. size = abs(numpy.max(points[:, 1]) - numpy.min(points[:, 1]))
  413. else:
  414. size = 0
  415. self._disallowed_area_size = max(size, self._disallowed_area_size)
  416. return
  417. def rebuild(self) -> None:
  418. """Recalculates the build volume & disallowed areas."""
  419. if not self._width or not self._height or not self._depth:
  420. return
  421. if not self._engine_ready:
  422. return
  423. if not self._global_container_stack:
  424. return
  425. if not self._volume_outline_color:
  426. self._updateColors()
  427. min_w = -self._width / 2
  428. max_w = self._width / 2
  429. min_h = 0.0
  430. max_h = self._height
  431. min_d = -self._depth / 2
  432. max_d = self._depth / 2
  433. z_fight_distance = 0.2 # Distance between buildplate and disallowed area meshes to prevent z-fighting
  434. self._grid_mesh = self._buildGridMesh(min_w, max_w, min_h, max_h, min_d, max_d, z_fight_distance)
  435. self.setMeshData(self._buildMesh(min_w, max_w, min_h, max_h, min_d, max_d, z_fight_distance))
  436. # Indication of the machine origin
  437. if self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_center_is_zero", "value"):
  438. origin = (Vector(min_w, min_h, min_d) + Vector(max_w, min_h, max_d)) / 2
  439. else:
  440. origin = Vector(min_w, min_h, max_d)
  441. self._origin_mesh = self._buildOriginMesh(origin)
  442. disallowed_area_height = 0.1
  443. self._disallowed_area_size = 0.
  444. self._disallowed_area_mesh = self._buildDisallowedAreaMesh(min_w, max_w, min_h, max_h, min_d, max_d, disallowed_area_height)
  445. self._error_mesh = self._buildErrorMesh(min_w, max_w, min_h, max_h, min_d, max_d, disallowed_area_height)
  446. self._volume_aabb = AxisAlignedBox(
  447. minimum = Vector(min_w, min_h - 1.0, min_d),
  448. maximum = Vector(max_w, max_h - self._raft_thickness - self._extra_z_clearance, max_d))
  449. bed_adhesion_size = self.getEdgeDisallowedSize()
  450. # As this works better for UM machines, we only add the disallowed_area_size for the z direction.
  451. # This is probably wrong in all other cases. TODO!
  452. # The +1 and -1 is added as there is always a bit of extra room required to work properly.
  453. scale_to_max_bounds = AxisAlignedBox(
  454. minimum = Vector(min_w + bed_adhesion_size + 1, min_h, min_d + self._disallowed_area_size - bed_adhesion_size + 1),
  455. maximum = Vector(max_w - bed_adhesion_size - 1, max_h - self._raft_thickness - self._extra_z_clearance, max_d - self._disallowed_area_size + bed_adhesion_size - 1)
  456. )
  457. self._application.getController().getScene()._maximum_bounds = scale_to_max_bounds # type: ignore
  458. self.updateNodeBoundaryCheck()
  459. def getBoundingBox(self):
  460. return self._volume_aabb
  461. def getRaftThickness(self) -> float:
  462. return self._raft_thickness
  463. def _updateRaftThickness(self) -> None:
  464. if not self._global_container_stack:
  465. return
  466. old_raft_thickness = self._raft_thickness
  467. if self._global_container_stack.extruderList:
  468. # This might be called before the extruder stacks have initialised, in which case getting the adhesion_type fails
  469. self._adhesion_type = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("adhesion_type", "value")
  470. self._raft_thickness = 0.0
  471. if self._adhesion_type == "raft":
  472. self._raft_thickness = (
  473. self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_base_thickness", "value") +
  474. self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_interface_thickness", "value") +
  475. self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_surface_layers", "value") *
  476. self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_surface_thickness", "value") +
  477. self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_airgap", "value") -
  478. self._global_container_stack.getProperty("layer_0_z_overlap", "value"))
  479. # Rounding errors do not matter, we check if raft_thickness has changed at all
  480. if old_raft_thickness != self._raft_thickness:
  481. self.setPosition(Vector(0, -self._raft_thickness, 0), SceneNode.TransformSpace.World)
  482. self.raftThicknessChanged.emit()
  483. def _calculateExtraZClearance(self, extruders: List["ContainerStack"]) -> float:
  484. if not self._global_container_stack:
  485. return 0
  486. extra_z = 0.0
  487. for extruder in extruders:
  488. if extruder.getProperty("retraction_hop_enabled", "value"):
  489. retraction_hop = extruder.getProperty("retraction_hop", "value")
  490. if extra_z is None or retraction_hop > extra_z:
  491. extra_z = retraction_hop
  492. return extra_z
  493. def _onStackChanged(self):
  494. self._stack_change_timer.start()
  495. def _onStackChangeTimerFinished(self) -> None:
  496. """Update the build volume visualization"""
  497. if self._global_container_stack:
  498. self._global_container_stack.propertyChanged.disconnect(self._onSettingPropertyChanged)
  499. extruders = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks()
  500. for extruder in extruders:
  501. extruder.propertyChanged.disconnect(self._onSettingPropertyChanged)
  502. self._global_container_stack = self._application.getGlobalContainerStack()
  503. if self._global_container_stack:
  504. self._global_container_stack.propertyChanged.connect(self._onSettingPropertyChanged)
  505. extruders = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks()
  506. for extruder in extruders:
  507. extruder.propertyChanged.connect(self._onSettingPropertyChanged)
  508. self._width = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value")
  509. machine_height = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_height", "value")
  510. if self._global_container_stack.getProperty("print_sequence", "value") == "one_at_a_time" and len(self._scene_objects) > 1:
  511. self._height = min(self._global_container_stack.getProperty("gantry_height", "value"), machine_height)
  512. if self._height < machine_height:
  514. else:
  515. self._build_volume_message.hide()
  516. else:
  517. self._height = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_height", "value")
  518. self._build_volume_message.hide()
  519. self._depth = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value")
  520. self._shape = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_shape", "value")
  521. self._updateDisallowedAreas()
  522. self._updateRaftThickness()
  523. self._extra_z_clearance = self._calculateExtraZClearance(ExtruderManager.getInstance().getUsedExtruderStacks())
  524. if self._engine_ready:
  525. self.rebuild()
  526. camera = Application.getInstance().getController().getCameraTool()
  527. if camera:
  528. diagonal = self.getDiagonalSize()
  529. if diagonal > 1:
  530. # You can zoom out up to 5 times the diagonal. This gives some space around the volume.
  531. camera.setZoomRange(min = 0.1, max = diagonal * 5) # type: ignore
  532. def _onEngineCreated(self) -> None:
  533. self._engine_ready = True
  534. self.rebuild()
  535. def _onSettingChangeTimerFinished(self) -> None:
  536. if not self._global_container_stack:
  537. return
  538. rebuild_me = False
  539. update_disallowed_areas = False
  540. update_raft_thickness = False
  541. update_extra_z_clearance = True
  542. for setting_key in self._changed_settings_since_last_rebuild:
  543. if setting_key == "print_sequence":
  544. machine_height = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_height", "value")
  545. if self._application.getGlobalContainerStack().getProperty("print_sequence", "value") == "one_at_a_time" and len(self._scene_objects) > 1:
  546. self._height = min(self._global_container_stack.getProperty("gantry_height", "value"), machine_height)
  547. if self._height < machine_height:
  549. else:
  550. self._build_volume_message.hide()
  551. else:
  552. self._height = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_height", "value")
  553. self._build_volume_message.hide()
  554. update_disallowed_areas = True
  555. # sometimes the machine size or shape settings are adjusted on the active machine, we should reflect this
  556. if setting_key in self._machine_settings:
  557. self._updateMachineSizeProperties()
  558. update_extra_z_clearance = True
  559. update_disallowed_areas = True
  560. if setting_key in self._disallowed_area_settings:
  561. update_disallowed_areas = True
  562. if setting_key in self._raft_settings:
  563. update_raft_thickness = True
  564. if setting_key in self._extra_z_settings:
  565. update_extra_z_clearance = True
  566. if setting_key in self._limit_to_extruder_settings:
  567. update_disallowed_areas = True
  568. rebuild_me = update_extra_z_clearance or update_disallowed_areas or update_raft_thickness
  569. # We only want to update all of them once.
  570. if update_disallowed_areas:
  571. self._updateDisallowedAreas()
  572. if update_raft_thickness:
  573. self._updateRaftThickness()
  574. if update_extra_z_clearance:
  575. self._extra_z_clearance = self._calculateExtraZClearance(ExtruderManager.getInstance().getUsedExtruderStacks())
  576. if rebuild_me:
  577. self.rebuild()
  578. # We just did a rebuild, reset the list.
  579. self._changed_settings_since_last_rebuild = []
  580. def _onSettingPropertyChanged(self, setting_key: str, property_name: str) -> None:
  581. if property_name != "value":
  582. return
  583. if setting_key not in self._changed_settings_since_last_rebuild:
  584. self._changed_settings_since_last_rebuild.append(setting_key)
  585. self._setting_change_timer.start()
  586. def hasErrors(self) -> bool:
  587. return self._has_errors
  588. def _updateMachineSizeProperties(self) -> None:
  589. if not self._global_container_stack:
  590. return
  591. self._height = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_height", "value")
  592. self._width = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value")
  593. self._depth = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value")
  594. self._shape = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_shape", "value")
  595. def _updateDisallowedAreasAndRebuild(self):
  596. """Calls :py:meth:`cura.BuildVolume._updateDisallowedAreas` and makes sure the changes appear in the scene.
  597. This is required for a signal to trigger the update in one go. The
  598. :py:meth:`cura.BuildVolume._updateDisallowedAreas` method itself shouldn't call
  599. :py:meth:`cura.BuildVolume.rebuild`, since there may be other changes before it needs to be rebuilt,
  600. which would hit performance.
  601. """
  602. self._updateDisallowedAreas()
  603. self._updateRaftThickness()
  604. self._extra_z_clearance = self._calculateExtraZClearance(ExtruderManager.getInstance().getUsedExtruderStacks())
  605. self.rebuild()
  606. def _updateDisallowedAreas(self) -> None:
  607. if not self._global_container_stack:
  608. return
  609. self._error_areas = []
  610. used_extruders = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getUsedExtruderStacks()
  611. self._edge_disallowed_size = None # Force a recalculation
  612. disallowed_border_size = self.getEdgeDisallowedSize()
  613. result_areas = self._computeDisallowedAreasStatic(disallowed_border_size, used_extruders) # Normal machine disallowed areas can always be added.
  614. prime_areas = self._computeDisallowedAreasPrimeBlob(disallowed_border_size, used_extruders)
  615. result_areas_no_brim = self._computeDisallowedAreasStatic(0, used_extruders) # Where the priming is not allowed to happen. This is not added to the result, just for collision checking.
  616. # Check if prime positions intersect with disallowed areas.
  617. for extruder in used_extruders:
  618. extruder_id = extruder.getId()
  619. result_areas[extruder_id].extend(prime_areas[extruder_id])
  620. result_areas_no_brim[extruder_id].extend(prime_areas[extruder_id])
  621. nozzle_disallowed_areas = extruder.getProperty("nozzle_disallowed_areas", "value")
  622. for area in nozzle_disallowed_areas:
  623. polygon = Polygon(numpy.array(area, numpy.float32))
  624. polygon_disallowed_border = polygon.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon.approximatedCircle(disallowed_border_size))
  625. result_areas[extruder_id].append(polygon_disallowed_border) # Don't perform the offset on these.
  626. result_areas_no_brim[extruder_id].append(polygon) # No brim
  627. # Add prime tower location as disallowed area.
  628. if len([x for x in used_extruders if x.isEnabled]) > 1: # No prime tower if only one extruder is enabled
  629. prime_tower_collision = False
  630. prime_tower_areas = self._computeDisallowedAreasPrinted(used_extruders)
  631. for extruder_id in prime_tower_areas:
  632. for area_index, prime_tower_area in enumerate(prime_tower_areas[extruder_id]):
  633. for area in result_areas[extruder_id]:
  634. if prime_tower_area.intersectsPolygon(area) is not None:
  635. prime_tower_collision = True
  636. break
  637. if prime_tower_collision: # Already found a collision.
  638. break
  639. if self._global_container_stack.getProperty("prime_tower_brim_enable", "value") and self._global_container_stack.getProperty("adhesion_type", "value") != "raft":
  640. brim_size = self._calculateBedAdhesionSize(used_extruders, "brim")
  641. # Use 2x the brim size, since we need 1x brim size distance due to the object brim and another
  642. # times the brim due to the brim of the prime tower
  643. prime_tower_areas[extruder_id][area_index] = prime_tower_area.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon.approximatedCircle(2 * brim_size, num_segments = 24))
  644. if not prime_tower_collision:
  645. result_areas[extruder_id].extend(prime_tower_areas[extruder_id])
  646. result_areas_no_brim[extruder_id].extend(prime_tower_areas[extruder_id])
  647. else:
  648. self._error_areas.extend(prime_tower_areas[extruder_id])
  649. self._has_errors = len(self._error_areas) > 0
  650. self._disallowed_areas = []
  651. for extruder_id in result_areas:
  652. self._disallowed_areas.extend(result_areas[extruder_id])
  653. self._disallowed_areas_no_brim = []
  654. for extruder_id in result_areas_no_brim:
  655. self._disallowed_areas_no_brim.extend(result_areas_no_brim[extruder_id])
  656. def _computeDisallowedAreasPrinted(self, used_extruders):
  657. """Computes the disallowed areas for objects that are printed with print features.
  658. This means that the brim, travel avoidance and such will be applied to these features.
  659. :return: A dictionary with for each used extruder ID the disallowed areas where that extruder may not print.
  660. """
  661. result = {}
  662. adhesion_extruder = None #type: ExtruderStack
  663. for extruder in used_extruders:
  664. if int(extruder.getProperty("extruder_nr", "value")) == int(self._global_container_stack.getProperty("adhesion_extruder_nr", "value")):
  665. adhesion_extruder = extruder
  666. result[extruder.getId()] = []
  667. # Currently, the only normally printed object is the prime tower.
  668. if self._global_container_stack.getProperty("prime_tower_enable", "value"):
  669. prime_tower_size = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("prime_tower_size", "value")
  670. machine_width = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value")
  671. machine_depth = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value")
  672. prime_tower_x = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("prime_tower_position_x", "value")
  673. prime_tower_y = - self._global_container_stack.getProperty("prime_tower_position_y", "value")
  674. if not self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_center_is_zero", "value"):
  675. prime_tower_x = prime_tower_x - machine_width / 2 #Offset by half machine_width and _depth to put the origin in the front-left.
  676. prime_tower_y = prime_tower_y + machine_depth / 2
  677. if adhesion_extruder is not None and self._global_container_stack.getProperty("prime_tower_brim_enable", "value") and self._global_container_stack.getProperty("adhesion_type", "value") != "raft":
  678. brim_size = (
  679. adhesion_extruder.getProperty("brim_line_count", "value") *
  680. adhesion_extruder.getProperty("skirt_brim_line_width", "value") / 100.0 *
  681. adhesion_extruder.getProperty("initial_layer_line_width_factor", "value")
  682. )
  683. prime_tower_x -= brim_size
  684. prime_tower_y += brim_size
  685. radius = prime_tower_size / 2
  686. prime_tower_area = Polygon.approximatedCircle(radius, num_segments = 24)
  687. prime_tower_area = prime_tower_area.translate(prime_tower_x - radius, prime_tower_y - radius)
  688. prime_tower_area = prime_tower_area.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon.approximatedCircle(0))
  689. for extruder in used_extruders:
  690. result[extruder.getId()].append(prime_tower_area) #The prime tower location is the same for each extruder, regardless of offset.
  691. return result
  692. def _computeDisallowedAreasPrimeBlob(self, border_size: float, used_extruders: List["ExtruderStack"]) -> Dict[str, List[Polygon]]:
  693. """Computes the disallowed areas for the prime blobs.
  694. These are special because they are not subject to things like brim or travel avoidance. They do get a dilute
  695. with the border size though because they may not intersect with brims and such of other objects.
  696. :param border_size: The size with which to offset the disallowed areas due to skirt, brim, travel avoid distance
  697. , etc.
  698. :param used_extruders: The extruder stacks to generate disallowed areas for.
  699. :return: A dictionary with for each used extruder ID the prime areas.
  700. """
  701. result = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Polygon]]
  702. if not self._global_container_stack:
  703. return result
  704. machine_width = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value")
  705. machine_depth = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value")
  706. for extruder in used_extruders:
  707. prime_blob_enabled = extruder.getProperty("prime_blob_enable", "value")
  708. prime_x = extruder.getProperty("extruder_prime_pos_x", "value")
  709. prime_y = -extruder.getProperty("extruder_prime_pos_y", "value")
  710. # Ignore extruder prime position if it is not set or if blob is disabled
  711. if (prime_x == 0 and prime_y == 0) or not prime_blob_enabled:
  712. result[extruder.getId()] = []
  713. continue
  714. if not self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_center_is_zero", "value"):
  715. prime_x = prime_x - machine_width / 2 # Offset by half machine_width and _depth to put the origin in the front-left.
  716. prime_y = prime_y + machine_depth / 2
  717. prime_polygon = Polygon.approximatedCircle(PRIME_CLEARANCE)
  718. prime_polygon = prime_polygon.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon.approximatedCircle(border_size))
  719. prime_polygon = prime_polygon.translate(prime_x, prime_y)
  720. result[extruder.getId()] = [prime_polygon]
  721. return result
  722. def _computeDisallowedAreasStatic(self, border_size:float, used_extruders: List["ExtruderStack"]) -> Dict[str, List[Polygon]]:
  723. """Computes the disallowed areas that are statically placed in the machine.
  724. It computes different disallowed areas depending on the offset of the extruder. The resulting dictionary will
  725. therefore have an entry for each extruder that is used.
  726. :param border_size: The size with which to offset the disallowed areas due to skirt, brim, travel avoid distance
  727. , etc.
  728. :param used_extruders: The extruder stacks to generate disallowed areas for.
  729. :return: A dictionary with for each used extruder ID the disallowed areas where that extruder may not print.
  730. """
  731. # Convert disallowed areas to polygons and dilate them.
  732. machine_disallowed_polygons = []
  733. if self._global_container_stack is None:
  734. return {}
  735. for area in self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_disallowed_areas", "value"):
  736. if len(area) == 0:
  737. continue # Numpy doesn't deal well with 0-length arrays, since it can't determine the dimensionality of them.
  738. polygon = Polygon(numpy.array(area, numpy.float32))
  739. polygon = polygon.getMinkowskiHull(Polygon.approximatedCircle(border_size))
  740. machine_disallowed_polygons.append(polygon)
  741. # For certain machines we don't need to compute disallowed areas for each nozzle.
  742. # So we check here and only do the nozzle offsetting if needed.
  743. nozzle_offsetting_for_disallowed_areas = self._global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry(
  744. "nozzle_offsetting_for_disallowed_areas", True)
  745. result = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Polygon]]
  746. for extruder in used_extruders:
  747. extruder_id = extruder.getId()
  748. offset_x = extruder.getProperty("machine_nozzle_offset_x", "value")
  749. if offset_x is None:
  750. offset_x = 0
  751. offset_y = extruder.getProperty("machine_nozzle_offset_y", "value")
  752. if offset_y is None:
  753. offset_y = 0
  754. offset_y = -offset_y # Y direction of g-code is the inverse of Y direction of Cura's scene space.
  755. result[extruder_id] = []
  756. for polygon in machine_disallowed_polygons:
  757. result[extruder_id].append(polygon.translate(offset_x, offset_y)) # Compensate for the nozzle offset of this extruder.
  758. # Add the border around the edge of the build volume.
  759. left_unreachable_border = 0
  760. right_unreachable_border = 0
  761. top_unreachable_border = 0
  762. bottom_unreachable_border = 0
  763. # Only do nozzle offsetting if needed
  764. if nozzle_offsetting_for_disallowed_areas:
  765. # The build volume is defined as the union of the area that all extruders can reach, so we need to know
  766. # the relative offset to all extruders.
  767. for other_extruder in ExtruderManager.getInstance().getActiveExtruderStacks():
  768. other_offset_x = other_extruder.getProperty("machine_nozzle_offset_x", "value")
  769. if other_offset_x is None:
  770. other_offset_x = 0
  771. other_offset_y = other_extruder.getProperty("machine_nozzle_offset_y", "value")
  772. if other_offset_y is None:
  773. other_offset_y = 0
  774. other_offset_y = -other_offset_y
  775. left_unreachable_border = min(left_unreachable_border, other_offset_x - offset_x)
  776. right_unreachable_border = max(right_unreachable_border, other_offset_x - offset_x)
  777. top_unreachable_border = min(top_unreachable_border, other_offset_y - offset_y)
  778. bottom_unreachable_border = max(bottom_unreachable_border, other_offset_y - offset_y)
  779. half_machine_width = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value") / 2
  780. half_machine_depth = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value") / 2
  781. if self._shape != "elliptic":
  782. if border_size - left_unreachable_border > 0:
  783. result[extruder_id].append(Polygon(numpy.array([
  784. [-half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
  785. [-half_machine_width, half_machine_depth],
  786. [-half_machine_width + border_size - left_unreachable_border, half_machine_depth - border_size - bottom_unreachable_border],
  787. [-half_machine_width + border_size - left_unreachable_border, -half_machine_depth + border_size - top_unreachable_border]
  788. ], numpy.float32)))
  789. if border_size + right_unreachable_border > 0:
  790. result[extruder_id].append(Polygon(numpy.array([
  791. [half_machine_width, half_machine_depth],
  792. [half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
  793. [half_machine_width - border_size - right_unreachable_border, -half_machine_depth + border_size - top_unreachable_border],
  794. [half_machine_width - border_size - right_unreachable_border, half_machine_depth - border_size - bottom_unreachable_border]
  795. ], numpy.float32)))
  796. if border_size + bottom_unreachable_border > 0:
  797. result[extruder_id].append(Polygon(numpy.array([
  798. [-half_machine_width, half_machine_depth],
  799. [half_machine_width, half_machine_depth],
  800. [half_machine_width - border_size - right_unreachable_border, half_machine_depth - border_size - bottom_unreachable_border],
  801. [-half_machine_width + border_size - left_unreachable_border, half_machine_depth - border_size - bottom_unreachable_border]
  802. ], numpy.float32)))
  803. if border_size - top_unreachable_border > 0:
  804. result[extruder_id].append(Polygon(numpy.array([
  805. [half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
  806. [-half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
  807. [-half_machine_width + border_size - left_unreachable_border, -half_machine_depth + border_size - top_unreachable_border],
  808. [half_machine_width - border_size - right_unreachable_border, -half_machine_depth + border_size - top_unreachable_border]
  809. ], numpy.float32)))
  810. else:
  811. sections = 32
  812. arc_vertex = [0, half_machine_depth - border_size]
  813. for i in range(0, sections):
  814. quadrant = math.floor(4 * i / sections)
  815. vertices = []
  816. if quadrant == 0:
  817. vertices.append([-half_machine_width, half_machine_depth])
  818. elif quadrant == 1:
  819. vertices.append([-half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth])
  820. elif quadrant == 2:
  821. vertices.append([half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth])
  822. elif quadrant == 3:
  823. vertices.append([half_machine_width, half_machine_depth])
  824. vertices.append(arc_vertex)
  825. angle = 2 * math.pi * (i + 1) / sections
  826. arc_vertex = [-(half_machine_width - border_size) * math.sin(angle), (half_machine_depth - border_size) * math.cos(angle)]
  827. vertices.append(arc_vertex)
  828. result[extruder_id].append(Polygon(numpy.array(vertices, numpy.float32)))
  829. if border_size > 0:
  830. result[extruder_id].append(Polygon(numpy.array([
  831. [-half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
  832. [-half_machine_width, half_machine_depth],
  833. [-half_machine_width + border_size, 0]
  834. ], numpy.float32)))
  835. result[extruder_id].append(Polygon(numpy.array([
  836. [-half_machine_width, half_machine_depth],
  837. [ half_machine_width, half_machine_depth],
  838. [ 0, half_machine_depth - border_size]
  839. ], numpy.float32)))
  840. result[extruder_id].append(Polygon(numpy.array([
  841. [ half_machine_width, half_machine_depth],
  842. [ half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
  843. [ half_machine_width - border_size, 0]
  844. ], numpy.float32)))
  845. result[extruder_id].append(Polygon(numpy.array([
  846. [ half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
  847. [-half_machine_width, -half_machine_depth],
  848. [ 0, -half_machine_depth + border_size]
  849. ], numpy.float32)))
  850. return result
  851. def _getSettingFromAllExtruders(self, setting_key: str) -> List[Any]:
  852. """Private convenience function to get a setting from every extruder.
  853. For single extrusion machines, this gets the setting from the global stack.
  854. :return: A sequence of setting values, one for each extruder.
  855. """
  856. all_values = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getAllExtruderSettings(setting_key, "value")
  857. all_types = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getAllExtruderSettings(setting_key, "type")
  858. for i, (setting_value, setting_type) in enumerate(zip(all_values, all_types)):
  859. if not setting_value and setting_type in ["int", "float"]:
  860. all_values[i] = 0
  861. return all_values
  862. def _calculateBedAdhesionSize(self, used_extruders, adhesion_override = None):
  863. """Get the bed adhesion size for the global container stack and used extruders
  864. :param adhesion_override: override adhesion type.
  865. Use None to use the global stack default, "none" for no adhesion, "brim" for brim etc.
  866. """
  867. if self._global_container_stack is None:
  868. return None
  869. container_stack = self._global_container_stack
  870. adhesion_type = adhesion_override
  871. if adhesion_type is None:
  872. adhesion_type = container_stack.getProperty("adhesion_type", "value")
  873. # Skirt_brim_line_width is a bit of an odd one out. The primary bit of the skirt/brim is printed
  874. # with the adhesion extruder, but it also prints one extra line by all other extruders. As such, the
  875. # setting does *not* have a limit_to_extruder setting (which means that we can't ask the global extruder what
  876. # the value is.
  877. adhesion_extruder = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("adhesion_extruder_nr", "value")
  878. skirt_brim_line_width = self._global_container_stack.extruderList[int(adhesion_extruder)].getProperty("skirt_brim_line_width", "value")
  879. initial_layer_line_width_factor = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("initial_layer_line_width_factor", "value")
  880. # Use brim width if brim is enabled OR the prime tower has a brim.
  881. if adhesion_type == "brim":
  882. brim_line_count = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("brim_line_count", "value")
  883. bed_adhesion_size = skirt_brim_line_width * brim_line_count * initial_layer_line_width_factor / 100.0
  884. for extruder_stack in used_extruders:
  885. bed_adhesion_size += extruder_stack.getProperty("skirt_brim_line_width", "value") * extruder_stack.getProperty("initial_layer_line_width_factor", "value") / 100.0
  886. # We don't create an additional line for the extruder we're printing the brim with.
  887. bed_adhesion_size -= skirt_brim_line_width * initial_layer_line_width_factor / 100.0
  888. elif adhesion_type == "skirt":
  889. skirt_distance = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("skirt_gap", "value")
  890. skirt_line_count = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("skirt_line_count", "value")
  891. bed_adhesion_size = skirt_distance + (
  892. skirt_brim_line_width * skirt_line_count) * initial_layer_line_width_factor / 100.0
  893. for extruder_stack in used_extruders:
  894. bed_adhesion_size += extruder_stack.getProperty("skirt_brim_line_width", "value") * extruder_stack.getProperty("initial_layer_line_width_factor", "value") / 100.0
  895. # We don't create an additional line for the extruder we're printing the skirt with.
  896. bed_adhesion_size -= skirt_brim_line_width * initial_layer_line_width_factor / 100.0
  897. elif adhesion_type == "raft":
  898. bed_adhesion_size = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("raft_margin", "value")
  899. elif adhesion_type == "none":
  900. bed_adhesion_size = 0
  901. else:
  902. raise Exception("Unknown bed adhesion type. Did you forget to update the build volume calculations for your new bed adhesion type?")
  903. max_length_available = 0.5 * min(
  904. self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value"),
  905. self._global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value")
  906. )
  907. bed_adhesion_size = min(bed_adhesion_size, max_length_available)
  908. return bed_adhesion_size
  909. def _calculateFarthestShieldDistance(self, container_stack):
  910. farthest_shield_distance = 0
  911. if container_stack.getProperty("draft_shield_enabled", "value"):
  912. farthest_shield_distance = max(farthest_shield_distance, container_stack.getProperty("draft_shield_dist", "value"))
  913. if container_stack.getProperty("ooze_shield_enabled", "value"):
  914. farthest_shield_distance = max(farthest_shield_distance,container_stack.getProperty("ooze_shield_dist", "value"))
  915. return farthest_shield_distance
  916. def _calculateSupportExpansion(self, container_stack):
  917. support_expansion = 0
  918. support_enabled = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("support_enable", "value")
  919. support_offset = self._global_container_stack.getProperty("support_offset", "value")
  920. if support_enabled and support_offset:
  921. support_expansion += support_offset
  922. return support_expansion
  923. def _calculateMoveFromWallRadius(self, used_extruders):
  924. move_from_wall_radius = 0 # Moves that start from outer wall.
  925. for stack in used_extruders:
  926. if stack.getProperty("travel_avoid_other_parts", "value"):
  927. move_from_wall_radius = max(move_from_wall_radius, stack.getProperty("travel_avoid_distance", "value"))
  928. infill_wipe_distance = stack.getProperty("infill_wipe_dist", "value")
  929. num_walls = stack.getProperty("wall_line_count", "value")
  930. if num_walls >= 1: # Infill wipes start from the infill, so subtract the total wall thickness from this.
  931. infill_wipe_distance -= stack.getProperty("wall_line_width_0", "value")
  932. if num_walls >= 2:
  933. infill_wipe_distance -= stack.getProperty("wall_line_width_x", "value") * (num_walls - 1)
  934. move_from_wall_radius = max(move_from_wall_radius, infill_wipe_distance)
  935. return move_from_wall_radius
  936. def getEdgeDisallowedSize(self):
  937. """Calculate the disallowed radius around the edge.
  938. This disallowed radius is to allow for space around the models that is not part of the collision radius,
  939. such as bed adhesion (skirt/brim/raft) and travel avoid distance.
  940. """
  941. if not self._global_container_stack or not self._global_container_stack.extruderList:
  942. return 0
  943. if self._edge_disallowed_size is not None:
  944. return self._edge_disallowed_size
  945. container_stack = self._global_container_stack
  946. used_extruders = ExtruderManager.getInstance().getUsedExtruderStacks()
  947. # If we are printing one at a time, we need to add the bed adhesion size to the disallowed areas of the objects
  948. if container_stack.getProperty("print_sequence", "value") == "one_at_a_time":
  949. return 0.1
  950. bed_adhesion_size = self._calculateBedAdhesionSize(used_extruders)
  951. support_expansion = self._calculateSupportExpansion(self._global_container_stack)
  952. farthest_shield_distance = self._calculateFarthestShieldDistance(self._global_container_stack)
  953. move_from_wall_radius = self._calculateMoveFromWallRadius(used_extruders)
  954. # Now combine our different pieces of data to get the final border size.
  955. # Support expansion is added to the bed adhesion, since the bed adhesion goes around support.
  956. # Support expansion is added to farthest shield distance, since the shields go around support.
  957. self._edge_disallowed_size = max(move_from_wall_radius, support_expansion + farthest_shield_distance, support_expansion + bed_adhesion_size)
  958. return self._edge_disallowed_size
  959. def _clamp(self, value, min_value, max_value):
  960. return max(min(value, max_value), min_value)
  961. _machine_settings = ["machine_width", "machine_depth", "machine_height", "machine_shape", "machine_center_is_zero"]
  962. _skirt_settings = ["adhesion_type", "skirt_gap", "skirt_line_count", "skirt_brim_line_width", "brim_width", "brim_line_count", "raft_margin", "draft_shield_enabled", "draft_shield_dist", "initial_layer_line_width_factor"]
  963. _raft_settings = ["adhesion_type", "raft_base_thickness", "raft_interface_thickness", "raft_surface_layers", "raft_surface_thickness", "raft_airgap", "layer_0_z_overlap"]
  964. _extra_z_settings = ["retraction_hop_enabled", "retraction_hop"]
  965. _prime_settings = ["extruder_prime_pos_x", "extruder_prime_pos_y", "prime_blob_enable"]
  966. _tower_settings = ["prime_tower_enable", "prime_tower_size", "prime_tower_position_x", "prime_tower_position_y", "prime_tower_brim_enable"]
  967. _ooze_shield_settings = ["ooze_shield_enabled", "ooze_shield_dist"]
  968. _distance_settings = ["infill_wipe_dist", "travel_avoid_distance", "support_offset", "support_enable", "travel_avoid_other_parts", "travel_avoid_supports", "wall_line_count", "wall_line_width_0", "wall_line_width_x"]
  969. _extruder_settings = ["support_enable", "support_bottom_enable", "support_roof_enable", "support_infill_extruder_nr", "support_extruder_nr_layer_0", "support_bottom_extruder_nr", "support_roof_extruder_nr", "brim_line_count", "adhesion_extruder_nr", "adhesion_type"] #Settings that can affect which extruders are used.
  970. _limit_to_extruder_settings = ["wall_extruder_nr", "wall_0_extruder_nr", "wall_x_extruder_nr", "top_bottom_extruder_nr", "infill_extruder_nr", "support_infill_extruder_nr", "support_extruder_nr_layer_0", "support_bottom_extruder_nr", "support_roof_extruder_nr", "adhesion_extruder_nr"]
  971. _disallowed_area_settings = _skirt_settings + _prime_settings + _tower_settings + _ooze_shield_settings + _distance_settings + _extruder_settings