fdmprinter.def.json.po 270 KB

  1. # Cura
  2. # Copyright (C) 2022 Ultimaker B.V.
  3. # This file is distributed under the same license as the Cura package.
  4. #
  5. msgid ""
  6. msgstr ""
  7. "Project-Id-Version: Cura 5.1\n"
  8. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: plugins@ultimaker.com\n"
  9. "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-12 15:10+0000\n"
  10. "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-24 09:43+0100\n"
  11. "Last-Translator: Nagy Attila <vokroot@gmail.com>\n"
  12. "Language-Team: AT-VLOG\n"
  13. "Language: hu_HU\n"
  14. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  15. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  16. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  17. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
  18. "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.4\n"
  19. msgctxt "prime_tower_mode description"
  20. msgid "<html>How to generate the prime tower:<ul><li><b>Normal:</b> create a bucket in which secondary materials are primed</li><li><b>Interleaved:</b> create a prime tower as sparse as possible. This will save time and filament, but is only possible if the used materials adhere to each other</li></ul></html>"
  21. msgstr ""
  22. msgctxt "brim_inside_margin description"
  23. msgid "A brim around a model may touch an other model where you don't want it. This removes all brim within this distance from brimless models."
  24. msgstr ""
  25. msgctxt "ironing_inset description"
  26. msgid "A distance to keep from the edges of the model. Ironing all the way to the edge of the mesh may result in a jagged edge on your print."
  27. msgstr "A modell szĂ©lĂ©tƑl tartandĂł tĂĄvolsĂĄg. Ha a vasalĂĄs kifutna a test kĂŒlsƑ Ă©leihez, az egyenetlensĂ©get okozhatna ott."
  28. msgctxt "material_no_load_move_factor description"
  29. msgid "A factor indicating how much the filament gets compressed between the feeder and the nozzle chamber, used to determine how far to move the material for a filament switch."
  30. msgstr ""
  31. msgctxt "roofing_angles description"
  32. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use when the top surface skin layers use the lines or zig zag pattern. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees)."
  33. msgstr "Azon egĂ©sz vonalirĂĄnyok listĂĄja, amelyeket akkor kell hasznĂĄlni, amikor a felsƑ felĂŒleti rĂ©tegek vonal, vagy cikcakk mintĂĄjĂĄt hasznĂĄljuk.A lista elemeit egymĂĄs utĂĄn hasznĂĄljuk a rĂ©tegek elƑre haladtĂĄval, Ă©s amikor a vĂ©gĂ©re Ă©r, elƑlrƑl kezdi. A lista elemit vesszƑvel vĂĄlasztjuk el, Ă©s a teljes lista szögletes zĂĄrĂłjelben van. Az alapĂ©rtelmezett lista ĂŒres ami azt is jelenti, hogy az alapĂ©rtelmezett 45 Ă©s 135 fokos szögeket hasznĂĄjuk."
  34. msgctxt "skin_angles description"
  35. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use when the top/bottom layers use the lines or zig zag pattern. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees)."
  36. msgstr "Az egĂ©sz vonal-irĂĄnyok listĂĄja, amelyet akkor kell hasznĂĄlni, ha az alsĂł/felsƑ rĂ©tegek a vonalas vagy cikcakk mintĂĄkat hasznĂĄljĂĄk.A lista elemeit egymĂĄs utĂĄn hasznĂĄljĂĄk a rĂ©tegek elƑrehaladtĂĄval, Ă©s amikor a lista vĂ©ge elĂ©ri, akkor Ășjra elƑlrƑl kezdi.A lista elemeit vesszƑk vĂĄlasztjĂĄk el, Ă©s a teljes listĂĄt szögletes zĂĄrĂłjelben tartalmazza. Az AlapĂ©rtelmezĂ©s egy ĂŒres lista, amely azt jelenti, hogy a hagyomĂĄnyos alapĂ©rtelmezett szögeket (45 Ă©s 135 fok) kell hasznĂĄlni."
  37. msgctxt "support_infill_angles description"
  38. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the default angle 0 degrees."
  39. msgstr "Ez egy lista a teljes vonalak irĂĄnyĂĄrĂłl. A lista elemeit egymĂĄs utĂĄn hasznĂĄljĂĄk a rĂ©tegek, s mikor a lista a vĂ©gĂ©re Ă©rt, elkezdi elƑlrƑl. A lista elemeit vesszƑvel vĂĄlasztja el, Ă©s a teljes lista sz9gletes zĂĄrĂłjelben van.Az alapĂ©rtelmezett az ĂŒres lista, ami azt is jelenti, hogy az alapĂ©rtelmezett 0 fokos szöget hasznĂĄlja."
  40. msgctxt "support_bottom_angles description"
  41. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the default angles (alternates between 45 and 135 degrees if interfaces are quite thick or 90 degrees)."
  42. msgstr "A hasznĂĄlt teljes vonalaknak a listĂĄja. Az elemeket vesszƑvel vĂĄlasztjuk el, Ă©s az egĂ©sz lista szögletes zĂĄrĂłjelek között van.Az alapĂ©rtelmezett lista ĂŒres. Ebben az esetben a 45 Ă©s a 135 fok között vĂĄltozik az irĂĄnyszög. A listĂĄt az elejĂ©rƑl kezdi, Ă©s rĂ©tegenkĂ©nt veszi az irĂĄnyokat. Ha a lista vĂ©gĂ©re Ă©r, akkor elƑlrƑl kezdi."
  43. msgctxt "support_interface_angles description"
  44. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the default angles (alternates between 45 and 135 degrees if interfaces are quite thick or 90 degrees)."
  45. msgstr "A hasznĂĄlt teljes vonalaknak a listĂĄja. Az elemeket vesszƑvel vĂĄlasztjuk el, Ă©s az egĂ©sz lista szögletes zĂĄrĂłjelek között van.Az alapĂ©rtelmezett lista ĂŒres. Ebben az esetben a 45 Ă©s a 135 fok között vĂĄltozik az irĂĄnyszög. A listĂĄt az elejĂ©rƑl kezdi, Ă©s rĂ©tegenkĂ©nt veszi az irĂĄnyokat. Ha a lista vĂ©gĂ©re Ă©r, akkor elƑlrƑl kezdi."
  46. msgctxt "support_roof_angles description"
  47. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the default angles (alternates between 45 and 135 degrees if interfaces are quite thick or 90 degrees)."
  48. msgstr "A hasznĂĄlt teljes vonalaknak a listĂĄja. Az elemeket vesszƑvel vĂĄlasztjuk el, Ă©s az egĂ©sz lista szögletes zĂĄrĂłjelek között van.Az alapĂ©rtelmezett lista ĂŒres. Ebben az esetben a 45 Ă©s a 135 fok között vĂĄltozik az irĂĄnyszög. A listĂĄt az elejĂ©rƑl kezdi, Ă©s rĂ©tegenkĂ©nt veszi az irĂĄnyokat. Ha a lista vĂ©gĂ©re Ă©r, akkor elƑlrƑl kezdi."
  49. msgctxt "infill_angles description"
  50. msgid "A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the traditional default angles (45 and 135 degrees for the lines and zig zag patterns and 45 degrees for all other patterns)."
  51. msgstr "Azoknak a teljes vonalaknak az irĂĄnya, amiket kitöltĂ©skor hasznĂĄlunk.A lista elemeit egymĂĄs utĂĄn hasznĂĄljĂĄk fel a rĂ©tegek, Ă©s elƑlrƑl kezdik, ha a lista a vĂ©gĂ©re Ă©rt. A lista elemeit vesszƑk vĂĄlasztjĂĄk el, mĂ­g a teljes lista szögletes zĂĄrĂłjelben van. Az alapĂ©rtelmezett esetbe a lista ĂŒres, ilyenkor az alapĂ©rtelmezett 45 Ă©s 135 fokos szögeket hasznĂĄljuk a vonalas, Ă©s a cikcakk kitöltĂ©si mintakor, mĂ­g 45 fokot az összes többi esetben."
  52. msgctxt "nozzle_disallowed_areas description"
  53. msgid "A list of polygons with areas the nozzle is not allowed to enter."
  54. msgstr "A sokszögek listĂĄja azon terĂŒletekkel, ahovĂĄ a fĂșvĂłka nem lĂ©phet be."
  55. msgctxt "machine_disallowed_areas description"
  56. msgid "A list of polygons with areas the print head is not allowed to enter."
  57. msgstr "A sokszögek listĂĄja azon terĂŒletekkel, ahovĂĄ a nyomtatĂłfej nem lĂ©phet be."
  58. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_reach_limit description"
  59. msgid "A recomendation to how far branches can move from the points they support. Branches can violate this value to reach their destination (buildplate or a flat part of the model). Lowering this value will make the support more sturdy, but increase the amount of branches (and because of that material usage/print time) "
  60. msgstr ""
  61. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_abs label"
  62. msgid "Absolute Extruder Prime Position"
  63. msgstr "AbszolĂșt kezdƑ pozĂ­ciĂł"
  64. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_variation label"
  65. msgid "Adaptive Layers Maximum Variation"
  66. msgstr "Adaptív rétegek maximålis variåciója"
  67. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_threshold label"
  68. msgid "Adaptive Layers Topography Size"
  69. msgstr ""
  70. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_variation_step label"
  71. msgid "Adaptive Layers Variation Step Size"
  72. msgstr "Lépésméret"
  73. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_enabled description"
  74. msgid "Adaptive layers computes the layer heights depending on the shape of the model."
  75. msgstr "Az adaptĂ­v rĂ©tegek kiszĂĄmĂ­tjĂĄk a szĂŒksĂ©ges rĂ©tegmagassĂĄgokat a modell alakjĂĄtĂłl fĂŒggƑen."
  76. msgctxt "infill_wall_line_count description"
  77. msgid ""
  78. "Add extra walls around the infill area. Such walls can make top/bottom skin lines sag down less which means you need less top/bottom skin layers for the same quality at the cost of some extra material.\n"
  79. "This feature can combine with the Connect Infill Polygons to connect all the infill into a single extrusion path without the need for travels or retractions if configured right."
  80. msgstr ""
  81. "TovĂĄbbi falakat ad a kitöltĂ©si terĂŒlet körĂ©. Ezek a falak segĂ­thetik az alsĂł/felsƑ kĂ©reg vonalak tapadĂĄsĂĄt, Ă­gy azok kevĂ©sbĂ© tudnak elvĂĄlni a kitöltĂ©stƑl.Ennek elƑnye lehet, hogy kevesebb kĂ©reg rĂ©tegre van szĂŒksĂ©g ugyanazon minƑsĂ©g elĂ©rĂ©sĂ©hez. Ez azonban növelheti az anyagköltsĂ©get. \n"
  82. "KombinĂĄlhatĂł a kitöltĂ©si sokszögek csatlakozĂĄsa beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄssal, hogy az összes kitöltĂ©s egyetlen Ăștvonalba kapcsolja anĂ©lkĂŒl, hogy felesleges fej utaztatĂĄs vagy szĂĄlvisszahĂșzĂĄs lenne."
  83. msgctxt "platform_adhesion description"
  84. msgid "Adhesion"
  85. msgstr "TapadĂĄs"
  86. msgctxt "material_adhesion_tendency label"
  87. msgid "Adhesion Tendency"
  88. msgstr "Tapadási jellemzƑ"
  89. msgctxt "skin_overlap description"
  90. msgid "Adjust the amount of overlap between the walls and (the endpoints of) the skin-centerlines, as a percentage of the line widths of the skin lines and the innermost wall. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the skin. Note that, given an equal skin and wall line-width, any percentage over 50% may already cause any skin to go past the wall, because at that point the position of the nozzle of the skin-extruder may already reach past the middle of the wall."
  91. msgstr "A falak Ă©s a kĂ©regek közĂ©pvonalai közötti ĂĄtfedĂ©s mĂ©rtĂ©kĂ©t hatĂĄrozza meg, szĂĄzalĂ©kos Ă©rtĂ©kben. A kĂ©reg vonalak Ă©s a legbelsƑbb fal szĂ©lessĂ©gĂ©bƑl szĂĄmĂ­tjuk. Az enyhe ĂĄtfedĂ©s lehetƑvĂ© teszi, hogy a falak szorosan kapcsolĂłdjanak a kĂ©reg vonalakhoz. FigyeljĂŒnk rĂĄ, hogy az egyenlƑ kĂ©reg Ă©s falvonal szĂ©lessĂ©g esetĂ©n az 50% fölötti Ă©rtĂ©k mĂĄr ĂĄtĂŒthet a falon, mivel ezen a ponton a kĂ©reg extruder fĂșvĂłka pozĂ­ciĂłja mĂĄr a fal közĂ©pvonalĂĄt elĂ©ri."
  92. msgctxt "skin_overlap_mm description"
  93. msgid "Adjust the amount of overlap between the walls and (the endpoints of) the skin-centerlines. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the skin. Note that, given an equal skin and wall line-width, any value over half the width of the wall may already cause any skin to go past the wall, because at that point the position of the nozzle of the skin-extruder may already reach past the middle of the wall."
  94. msgstr "Az ĂĄtfedĂ©s mĂ©rtĂ©kĂ©t ĂĄllĂ­tja be a falak Ă©s a felszĂ­ni vonalak közĂ©ppontjainak vĂ©gpontjai között. Az enyhe ĂĄtfedĂ©s lehetƑvĂ© teszi a falak szoros kapcsolĂłdĂĄsĂĄt a felszĂ­nhez. Vegye figyelembe, hogy ha a kĂ©reg Ă©s a fal vonalszĂ©lessĂ©ge egyenlƑ, akkor a fal szĂ©lessĂ©gĂ©nek felĂ©t meghaladĂł Ă©rtĂ©k bĂĄrmilyen felszĂ­n esetĂ©n ĂĄthaladhat a falon, mert ezen a ponton a kĂ©reg-extruder fĂșvĂłka pozĂ­ciĂłja mĂĄr elĂ©rheti a fal közepĂ©n."
  95. msgctxt "infill_sparse_density description"
  96. msgid "Adjusts the density of infill of the print."
  97. msgstr "Beållítja a nyomtatås kitöltési sƱrƱségét."
  98. msgctxt "support_interface_density description"
  99. msgid "Adjusts the density of the roofs and floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
  100. msgstr "BeĂĄllĂ­tja a tĂĄmasz interfĂ©sz sƱrƱsĂ©gĂ©t a tĂĄmasz alsĂł Ă©s a felsƑ felĂŒletein.A magasabb Ă©rtĂ©k jobb minƑsĂ©gƱ tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄs nyomtatĂĄst tesz lehetƑvĂ©m viszont a tĂĄmaszt nehezebb lesz eltĂĄvolĂ­tani."
  101. msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate description"
  102. msgid "Adjusts the density of the support structure used to generate the tips of the branches. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove. Use Support Roof for very high values or ensure support density is similarly high at the top."
  103. msgstr ""
  104. msgctxt "support_infill_rate description"
  105. msgid "Adjusts the density of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
  106. msgstr "A tĂĄmaszok belsƑ sƱrƱsĂ©gĂ©nek beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsa. A magasabb Ă©rtĂ©k jobb alĂĄtĂĄmasztĂĄst nyĂșjt a kinyĂșlĂĄsokhoz, viszont nehezebb lesz a tĂĄmaszokat eltĂĄvolĂ­tani."
  107. msgctxt "material_diameter description"
  108. msgid "Adjusts the diameter of the filament used. Match this value with the diameter of the used filament."
  109. msgstr "NyomtatĂłszĂĄl ĂĄtmĂ©rƑ beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsa. Itt ĂĄllĂ­tsd be a te ĂĄltalad hasznĂĄlt nyomtatĂłszĂĄl ĂĄtmĂ©rƑt. Ennek egyeznie kell a gĂ©p paramĂ©tereivel."
  110. msgctxt "support_type description"
  111. msgid "Adjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model."
  112. msgstr "A tĂĄmaszok elhelyezĂ©sĂ©nek beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsa. A tĂĄmaszokat elhelyezhetjĂŒk Ășgy, hogy azokcsak az asztalon tĂĄmaszkodhatnak, azaz azoknak Ă©rinteniĂŒk kell az asztalt.Ha azonban a mindenhol beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst hasznĂĄljuk, akkor a tĂĄmaszok a modell egyĂ©b felĂŒletein is felĂ©pĂŒlhetnek."
  113. msgctxt "prime_tower_wipe_enabled description"
  114. msgid "After printing the prime tower with one nozzle, wipe the oozed material from the other nozzle off on the prime tower."
  115. msgstr "MiutĂĄn kinyomtatta az elƑtornyot a gĂ©p, az inaktĂ­v fĂșvĂłkĂĄn esetlegesen kicsöppenƑ anyagot letörli rĂłla az elƑtoronyba."
  116. msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch description"
  117. msgid "After the machine switched from one extruder to the other, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. This prevents the nozzle from leaving oozed material on the outside of a print."
  118. msgstr "Extruder vĂĄltĂĄs utĂĄn a Z tengely Ă©s Ă­gy a fej megemelkedik, Ă­gy ez megakadĂĄlyozza, hogy a fĂșvĂłkĂĄbĂłl esetlegesen kicsöppenƑ anyag a nyomtatĂĄs kĂŒlsƑ felĂŒletĂ©re kenƑdjön."
  119. msgctxt "retraction_combing option all"
  120. msgid "All"
  121. msgstr "Minden"
  122. msgctxt "print_sequence option all_at_once"
  123. msgid "All at Once"
  124. msgstr "EgyidƑben"
  125. msgctxt "resolution description"
  126. msgid "All settings that influence the resolution of the print. These settings have a large impact on the quality (and print time)"
  127. msgstr "Az összes beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄs, ami befolyĂĄsolja a nyomtatvĂĄny felbontĂĄsĂĄt Ă©s minƑsĂ©gĂ©t. Ezekek a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsok hatĂĄssal vannak a minƑsĂ©gre Ă©s a nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©gre."
  128. msgctxt "user_defined_print_order_enabled description"
  129. msgid "Allows you to order the object list to manually set the print sequence. First object from the list will be printed first."
  130. msgstr ""
  131. msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter label"
  132. msgid "Alternate Extra Wall"
  133. msgstr "AlternatĂ­v extra fal"
  134. msgctxt "alternate_carve_order label"
  135. msgid "Alternate Mesh Removal"
  136. msgstr "AlternatĂ­v hĂĄlĂł eltĂĄvolĂ­tĂĄsa"
  137. msgctxt "material_alternate_walls label"
  138. msgid "Alternate Wall Directions"
  139. msgstr ""
  140. msgctxt "material_alternate_walls description"
  141. msgid "Alternate wall directions every other layer and inset. Useful for materials that can build up stress, like for metal printing."
  142. msgstr ""
  143. msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type option aluminum"
  144. msgid "Aluminum"
  145. msgstr "AlumĂ­nium"
  146. msgctxt "machine_always_write_active_tool label"
  147. msgid "Always Write Active Tool"
  148. msgstr ""
  149. msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall description"
  150. msgid "Always retract when moving to start an outer wall."
  151. msgstr "Minden esetben, mikor a kĂŒlsƑ fal nyomtatĂĄsa fog törtĂ©nni, a pozicionĂĄlĂĄskor szĂĄl visszahĂșzĂĄs fog törtĂ©nni."
  152. msgctxt "xy_offset description"
  153. msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in each layer. Positive values can compensate for too big holes; negative values can compensate for too small holes."
  154. msgstr "Az egyes rĂ©tegek sokszögeire alkalmazott bƑvĂ­tĂ©s mennyisĂ©ge. A pozitĂ­v Ă©rtĂ©kek kompenzĂĄlhatjĂĄk a tĂșl nagy lyukakat, mĂ­g a negatĂ­v Ă©rtĂ©kek a tĂșl kicsi lyukakat kĂ©pesek kompenzĂĄlni."
  155. msgctxt "xy_offset_layer_0 description"
  156. msgid "Amount of offset applied to all polygons in the first layer. A negative value can compensate for squishing of the first layer known as \"elephant's foot\"."
  157. msgstr "A kezdƑ rĂ©teg sokszögeire alkalmazott bƑvĂ­tĂ©s mennyisĂ©ge. A negatĂ­v Ă©rtĂ©k kompenzĂĄlhatja az elsƑ rĂ©teg tĂșlömlĂ©sĂ©t, amit Ășgy is neveznek, hogy \"elefĂĄnt lĂĄb\"."
  158. msgctxt "support_offset description"
  159. msgid "Amount of offset applied to all support polygons in each layer. Positive values can smooth out the support areas and result in more sturdy support."
  160. msgstr "Az egyes rĂ©tegek minden tĂĄmasz poligonjĂĄra alkalmazott eltolĂĄs mennyisĂ©ge. A pozitĂ­v Ă©rtĂ©kek kiegyenlĂ­thetik a tĂĄmasz terĂŒleteket, Ă©s erƑsebb tĂĄmasztĂĄst eredmĂ©nyezhetnek."
  161. msgctxt "support_bottom_offset description"
  162. msgid "Amount of offset applied to the floors of the support."
  163. msgstr "A tåmaszaljzat interész sokszögeire alkalmazott eltolås összege."
  164. msgctxt "support_roof_offset description"
  165. msgid "Amount of offset applied to the roofs of the support."
  166. msgstr "A tåmaszfedél interész sokszögeire alkalmazott eltolås összege."
  167. msgctxt "support_interface_offset description"
  168. msgid "Amount of offset applied to the support interface polygons."
  169. msgstr "A tåmasz interész sokszögeire alkalmazott eltolås összege."
  170. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_amount description"
  171. msgid "Amount to retract the filament so it does not ooze during the wipe sequence."
  172. msgstr "A visszahƱzandĂł anyagmennyisĂ©g azĂ©rt, hogy a törlĂ©si mƱvelet sorĂĄn ne legyen anyagcsöppenĂ©s a fĂșvĂłkĂĄbĂłl."
  173. msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add description"
  174. msgid "An addition to the radius from the center of each cube to check for the boundary of the model, as to decide whether this cube should be subdivided. Larger values lead to a thicker shell of small cubes near the boundary of the model."
  175. msgstr "Az egyes kitöltĂ©si kockĂĄk közepĂ©tƑl szĂĄmĂ­tott sugĂĄr hozzĂĄadĂĄsĂĄval ellenƑrizni kell a modell hatĂĄrĂĄt, hogy eldönthesse a szeletelƑ, hogy ezt a kockĂĄt fel kell-e osztan, vagy sem.A nagyobb Ă©rtĂ©kek a kocka vastagabb hĂ©jĂĄhoz vezetnek a modell szĂ©lĂ©nek közelĂ©ben."
  176. msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh label"
  177. msgid "Anti Overhang Mesh"
  178. msgstr "TĂșlnyĂșlĂĄs gĂĄtlĂł hĂĄlĂł"
  179. msgctxt "material_anti_ooze_retracted_position label"
  180. msgid "Anti-ooze Retracted Position"
  181. msgstr "SzivĂĄrgĂĄsgĂĄtlĂł visszahĂșzĂĄsi helyzet"
  182. msgctxt "material_anti_ooze_retraction_speed label"
  183. msgid "Anti-ooze Retraction Speed"
  184. msgstr "SzivĂĄrgĂĄsgĂĄtlĂł visszahĂșzĂĄs sebessĂ©g"
  185. msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords description"
  186. msgid "Apply the extruder offset to the coordinate system. Affects all extruders."
  187. msgstr ""
  188. msgctxt "interlocking_enable description"
  189. msgid "At the locations where models touch, generate an interlocking beam structure. This improves the adhesion between models, especially models printed in different materials."
  190. msgstr ""
  191. msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts label"
  192. msgid "Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling"
  193. msgstr "Kinyomtatott rĂ©szek kerĂŒlĂ©se utazĂĄskor"
  194. msgctxt "travel_avoid_supports label"
  195. msgid "Avoid Supports When Traveling"
  196. msgstr "TĂĄmasz elkerĂŒlĂ©se utazĂĄskor"
  197. msgctxt "z_seam_position option back"
  198. msgid "Back"
  199. msgstr "HĂĄtra"
  200. msgctxt "z_seam_position option backleft"
  201. msgid "Back Left"
  202. msgstr "HĂĄtra balra"
  203. msgctxt "z_seam_position option backright"
  204. msgid "Back Right"
  205. msgstr "HĂĄtra jobbra"
  206. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option BFB"
  207. msgid "Bits from Bytes"
  208. msgstr "Bits from Bytes (BFB)"
  209. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option both"
  210. msgid "Both"
  211. msgstr "MindkettƑ"
  212. msgctxt "support_interface_priority option nothing"
  213. msgid "Both overlap"
  214. msgstr ""
  215. msgctxt "bottom_layers label"
  216. msgid "Bottom Layers"
  217. msgstr "Alsó rétegek"
  218. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 label"
  219. msgid "Bottom Pattern Initial Layer"
  220. msgstr "AlsĂł kezdƑ rĂ©teg mintĂĄzata"
  221. msgctxt "bottom_skin_expand_distance label"
  222. msgid "Bottom Skin Expand Distance"
  223. msgstr "AlsĂł kĂ©reg bƑvĂ­tĂ©si tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  224. msgctxt "bottom_skin_preshrink label"
  225. msgid "Bottom Skin Removal Width"
  226. msgstr "Alsó kéreg eltåvolítåsi szélesség"
  227. msgctxt "bottom_thickness label"
  228. msgid "Bottom Thickness"
  229. msgstr "AlsĂł vastagsĂĄg"
  230. msgctxt "support_tree_top_rate label"
  231. msgid "Branch Density"
  232. msgstr ""
  233. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter label"
  234. msgid "Branch Diameter"
  235. msgstr ""
  236. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle label"
  237. msgid "Branch Diameter Angle"
  238. msgstr ""
  239. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position label"
  240. msgid "Break Preparation Retracted Position"
  241. msgstr "SzakadĂĄs elƑállĂ­tĂĄs visszahĂșzott helyzetben"
  242. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_speed label"
  243. msgid "Break Preparation Retraction Speed"
  244. msgstr "SzakadĂĄs elƑállĂ­tĂĄs visszahĂșzĂĄsi sebesĂ©g"
  245. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_temperature label"
  246. msgid "Break Preparation Temperature"
  247. msgstr ""
  248. msgctxt "material_break_retracted_position label"
  249. msgid "Break Retracted Position"
  250. msgstr "SazakdĂĄs visszahĂșzĂĄsi helyzet"
  251. msgctxt "material_break_speed label"
  252. msgid "Break Retraction Speed"
  253. msgstr "SzakĂ­tĂĄs visszahĂșzĂĄsi sebessĂ©g"
  254. msgctxt "material_break_temperature label"
  255. msgid "Break Temperature"
  256. msgstr "SzakĂ­tĂĄsi hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
  257. msgctxt "support_skip_some_zags label"
  258. msgid "Break Up Support In Chunks"
  259. msgstr "TĂĄmasz tördelhetƑsĂ©ge"
  260. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed label"
  261. msgid "Bridge Fan Speed"
  262. msgstr "Híd hƱtési sebesség"
  263. msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers label"
  264. msgid "Bridge Has Multiple Layers"
  265. msgstr "TöbbrétegƱ híd"
  266. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density_2 label"
  267. msgid "Bridge Second Skin Density"
  268. msgstr "Måsodik hídréteg sƱrƱség"
  269. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed_2 label"
  270. msgid "Bridge Second Skin Fan Speed"
  271. msgstr "Måsodik hídréteg hƱtési sebessége"
  272. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow_2 label"
  273. msgid "Bridge Second Skin Flow"
  274. msgstr "Måsodik hídréteg adagolås"
  275. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed_2 label"
  276. msgid "Bridge Second Skin Speed"
  277. msgstr "Måsodik hídréteg sebessége"
  278. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density label"
  279. msgid "Bridge Skin Density"
  280. msgstr "Hídfelszín sƱrƱsége"
  281. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow label"
  282. msgid "Bridge Skin Flow"
  283. msgstr "HĂ­dfelszĂ­n adagolĂĄs"
  284. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed label"
  285. msgid "Bridge Skin Speed"
  286. msgstr "Hídfelszín sebesség"
  287. msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold label"
  288. msgid "Bridge Skin Support Threshold"
  289. msgstr "FelĂŒlet tĂĄmasz kĂŒszöb"
  290. msgctxt "bridge_sparse_infill_max_density label"
  291. msgid "Bridge Sparse Infill Max Density"
  292. msgstr ""
  293. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density_3 label"
  294. msgid "Bridge Third Skin Density"
  295. msgstr "Harmadik hídréteg sƱrƱség"
  296. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed_3 label"
  297. msgid "Bridge Third Skin Fan Speed"
  298. msgstr "Harmadik hídréteg hƱtési sebessége"
  299. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow_3 label"
  300. msgid "Bridge Third Skin Flow"
  301. msgstr "Harmadik hídréteg adagolås"
  302. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed_3 label"
  303. msgid "Bridge Third Skin Speed"
  304. msgstr "Harmadik hídréteg sebesség"
  305. msgctxt "bridge_wall_coast label"
  306. msgid "Bridge Wall Coasting"
  307. msgstr "HĂ­d fal kifutĂĄs"
  308. msgctxt "bridge_wall_material_flow label"
  309. msgid "Bridge Wall Flow"
  310. msgstr "HĂ­dfal adagolĂĄs"
  311. msgctxt "bridge_wall_speed label"
  312. msgid "Bridge Wall Speed"
  313. msgstr "Hídfal sebesség"
  314. msgctxt "adhesion_type option brim"
  315. msgid "Brim"
  316. msgstr "Perem"
  317. msgctxt "brim_inside_margin label"
  318. msgid "Brim Avoid Margin"
  319. msgstr ""
  320. msgctxt "brim_gap label"
  321. msgid "Brim Distance"
  322. msgstr ""
  323. msgctxt "brim_line_count label"
  324. msgid "Brim Line Count"
  325. msgstr "Perem vonalszĂĄm"
  326. msgctxt "brim_location label"
  327. msgid "Brim Location"
  328. msgstr ""
  329. msgctxt "brim_replaces_support label"
  330. msgid "Brim Replaces Support"
  331. msgstr "Perem tĂĄmasz helyett"
  332. msgctxt "brim_width label"
  333. msgid "Brim Width"
  334. msgstr "Perem szélesség"
  335. msgctxt "platform_adhesion label"
  336. msgid "Build Plate Adhesion"
  337. msgstr "TĂĄrgyasztal tapadĂĄs"
  338. msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr label"
  339. msgid "Build Plate Adhesion Extruder"
  340. msgstr "TapadĂĄs extruder"
  341. msgctxt "adhesion_type label"
  342. msgid "Build Plate Adhesion Type"
  343. msgstr "TĂĄrgyasztal tapadĂĄsi tĂ­pus"
  344. msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type label"
  345. msgid "Build Plate Material"
  346. msgstr "TĂĄrgyasztal anyaga"
  347. msgctxt "machine_shape label"
  348. msgid "Build Plate Shape"
  349. msgstr "TĂĄrgyasztal alakja"
  350. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature label"
  351. msgid "Build Plate Temperature"
  352. msgstr "TĂĄrgyasztal hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klete"
  353. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature_layer_0 label"
  354. msgid "Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer"
  355. msgstr "TĂĄrgyasztal hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet a kezdƑ rĂ©tegnĂ©l"
  356. msgctxt "build_volume_temperature label"
  357. msgid "Build Volume Temperature"
  358. msgstr "ÉpĂ­tĂ©si tĂ©r hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klete"
  359. msgctxt "bv_temp_anomaly_limit label"
  360. msgid "Build Volume temperature Limit"
  361. msgstr ""
  362. msgctxt "bv_temp_warn_limit label"
  363. msgid "Build Volume temperature Warning"
  364. msgstr ""
  365. msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable description"
  366. msgid "By enabling this setting, your prime-tower will get a brim, even if the model doesn't. If you want a sturdier base for a high tower, you can increase the base height."
  367. msgstr ""
  368. msgctxt "center_object label"
  369. msgid "Center Object"
  370. msgstr "Tårgy középpontba"
  371. msgctxt "conical_overhang_enabled description"
  372. msgid "Change the geometry of the printed model such that minimal support is required. Steep overhangs will become shallow overhangs. Overhanging areas will drop down to become more vertical."
  373. msgstr "A modell geometriĂĄjĂĄt fogja megvĂĄltoztatni oly mĂłdon, hogy minimĂĄlis tĂĄmasz legyen szĂŒksĂ©ges a nyomtatĂĄshoz. A meredek kinyĂșlĂĄsok sekĂ©lyessĂ© fognak vĂĄlni, mĂ­g a tĂșlnyĂșlĂł terĂŒletek fĂŒggƑlegesebbĂ©."
  374. msgctxt "support_structure description"
  375. msgid "Chooses between the techniques available to generate support. \"Normal\" support creates a support structure directly below the overhanging parts and drops those areas straight down. \"Tree\" support creates branches towards the overhanging areas that support the model on the tips of those branches, and allows the branches to crawl around the model to support it from the build plate as much as possible."
  376. msgstr ""
  377. msgctxt "coasting_speed label"
  378. msgid "Coasting Speed"
  379. msgstr "Kifutåsi sebesség"
  380. msgctxt "coasting_volume label"
  381. msgid "Coasting Volume"
  382. msgstr "Kifutåsi mérték"
  383. msgctxt "coasting_enable description"
  384. msgid "Coasting replaces the last part of an extrusion path with a travel path. The oozed material is used to print the last piece of the extrusion path in order to reduce stringing."
  385. msgstr "A kifutĂĄs sorĂĄn, az adott rĂ©sz nyomtatĂĄsakor, az extrudĂĄlĂĄsi Ășt vĂ©ge elƑtt, egy utazĂĄsi mozgĂĄrsa vĂĄltĂĄs törtĂ©nik. IdƑ elƑtt megszĂŒntetjĂŒk az extrudĂĄlĂĄst Ă©s a fejbƑl mĂ©g kicsöppenƑ anyagmaradvĂĄnyt hasznĂĄljuk fel a rĂ©sz fennmaradĂł rĂ©szĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsĂĄhoz. Így a szĂĄlazĂĄst, Ă©s az utazĂĄs közbeni csöppenĂ©st tudjuk csökkenteni."
  386. msgctxt "retraction_combing label"
  387. msgid "Combing Mode"
  388. msgstr "FĂ©sĂŒlĂ©s mĂłd"
  389. msgctxt "retraction_combing description"
  390. msgid "Combing keeps the nozzle within already printed areas when traveling. This results in slightly longer travel moves but reduces the need for retractions. If combing is off, the material will retract and the nozzle moves in a straight line to the next point. It is also possible to avoid combing over top/bottom skin areas or to only comb within the infill."
  391. msgstr "A fĂ©sĂŒlĂ©s a fĂșvĂłkĂĄt a mĂĄr nyomtatott terĂŒleteken tartja utazĂĄs közben.Ez kissĂ© hosszabb utazĂĄsi eredmĂ©nyeket eredmĂ©nyez, de csökkenti a visszahĂșzĂĄs szĂŒksĂ©gessĂ©gĂ©t. Ha a fĂ©sĂŒlĂ©s ki van kapcsolva, akkor az anyag visszahĂșzĂłdik, Ă©s a fĂșvĂłka egyenes vonalban mozog a következƑ pontra.Az is elkerĂŒlhetƑ, hogy a felsƑ / alsĂł kĂ©regfelĂŒleteken fĂ©sĂŒlĂ©st vĂ©gezzen, vagy csak a kitöltĂ©s belsejĂ©ben mozogjon."
  392. msgctxt "command_line_settings label"
  393. msgid "Command Line Settings"
  394. msgstr "Parancssor beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsai"
  395. msgctxt "infill_pattern option concentric"
  396. msgid "Concentric"
  397. msgstr "Körkörös"
  398. msgctxt "ironing_pattern option concentric"
  399. msgid "Concentric"
  400. msgstr "Körkörös"
  401. msgctxt "roofing_pattern option concentric"
  402. msgid "Concentric"
  403. msgstr "Körkörös"
  404. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option concentric"
  405. msgid "Concentric"
  406. msgstr "Körkörös"
  407. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option concentric"
  408. msgid "Concentric"
  409. msgstr "Körkörös"
  410. msgctxt "support_pattern option concentric"
  411. msgid "Concentric"
  412. msgstr "Körkörös"
  413. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option concentric"
  414. msgid "Concentric"
  415. msgstr "Körkörös"
  416. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option concentric"
  417. msgid "Concentric"
  418. msgstr "Körkörös"
  419. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option concentric"
  420. msgid "Concentric"
  421. msgstr "Körkörös"
  422. msgctxt "support_conical_angle label"
  423. msgid "Conical Support Angle"
  424. msgstr "KĂșpszög"
  425. msgctxt "support_conical_min_width label"
  426. msgid "Conical Support Minimum Width"
  427. msgstr "KĂșptĂĄmasz minimĂĄlis szĂ©lessĂ©g"
  428. msgctxt "zig_zaggify_infill label"
  429. msgid "Connect Infill Lines"
  430. msgstr "KitöltƑ vonalak csatlakozĂĄsa"
  431. msgctxt "connect_infill_polygons label"
  432. msgid "Connect Infill Polygons"
  433. msgstr "Kitöltési sokszögek csatlakozåsa"
  434. msgctxt "zig_zaggify_support label"
  435. msgid "Connect Support Lines"
  436. msgstr "Tåmasz vonalak összekötése"
  437. msgctxt "support_connect_zigzags label"
  438. msgid "Connect Support ZigZags"
  439. msgstr "Cikcakk tåmasz összekötése"
  440. msgctxt "connect_skin_polygons label"
  441. msgid "Connect Top/Bottom Polygons"
  442. msgstr "Alsó/felsƑ poligonok kapcsolása"
  443. msgctxt "connect_infill_polygons description"
  444. msgid "Connect infill paths where they run next to each other. For infill patterns which consist of several closed polygons, enabling this setting greatly reduces the travel time."
  445. msgstr ""
  446. msgctxt "support_connect_zigzags description"
  447. msgid "Connect the ZigZags. This will increase the strength of the zig zag support structure."
  448. msgstr "Kösse össze a cikcakk tĂĄmasz vonalait. Ez növeli a tĂĄmasz szerkezeti erƑssĂ©gĂ©t."
  449. msgctxt "zig_zaggify_support description"
  450. msgid "Connect the ends of the support lines together. Enabling this setting can make your support more sturdy and reduce underextrusion, but it will cost more material."
  451. msgstr "Kösse össze a tĂĄmaszvonalak vĂ©geit. Ha ez engedĂ©lyezve van, akkor a tĂĄmaszok erƑsebbĂ© vĂĄlhatnak, csökkenthetƑ az alulextrudĂĄlĂĄs, viszont ez több anyagba kerĂŒl."
  452. msgctxt "zig_zaggify_infill description"
  453. msgid "Connect the ends where the infill pattern meets the inner wall using a line which follows the shape of the inner wall. Enabling this setting can make the infill adhere to the walls better and reduce the effects of infill on the quality of vertical surfaces. Disabling this setting reduces the amount of material used."
  454. msgstr "Összeköti a kitöltƑ vonalakat ott, ahol a mintĂĄzat megfelelƑ egy olyan vonallal,ami a belsƑ fal alakjĂĄt követi. Így jobban fog kapcsolĂłdni a kitöltĂ©s a falakhoz, Ă©s csĂŒkkenthetƑ az a negatĂ­v hatĂĄs, hogy kitöltĂ©si vonalak torzĂ­tjĂĄk a kĂŒlsƑ felĂŒletet. Ha ezt a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst nem hasznĂĄljuk, akkor csökken a felhasznĂĄlt anyagmennyisĂ©g."
  455. msgctxt "connect_skin_polygons description"
  456. msgid "Connect top/bottom skin paths where they run next to each other. For the concentric pattern enabling this setting greatly reduces the travel time, but because the connections can happen midway over infill this feature can reduce the top surface quality."
  457. msgstr "Az alsĂł/felsƑ rĂ©tegpĂĄlyĂĄkat kapcsolja össze, ahol egymĂĄs mellett futnak.Ha ezt a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst engedĂ©lyezzĂŒk a körkörös mintĂĄzatnĂĄl, jelentƑsen csökkenthetjĂŒk a fej ĂĄtemelĂ©si idƑt, mivel a kapcsolĂłdĂĄsok fĂ©lĂșton tertĂ©nhetnek meg. Ez azonban ronthatja a felsƑ felĂŒlet minƑsĂ©gĂ©t."
  458. msgctxt "z_seam_corner description"
  459. msgid "Control whether corners on the model outline influence the position of the seam. None means that corners have no influence on the seam position. Hide Seam makes the seam more likely to occur on an inside corner. Expose Seam makes the seam more likely to occur on an outside corner. Hide or Expose Seam makes the seam more likely to occur at an inside or outside corner. Smart Hiding allows both inside and outside corners, but chooses inside corners more frequently, if appropriate."
  460. msgstr "EllenƑrzi, hogy a modell körvonalai mennyire befolyĂĄsoljĂĄk a varrat helyzetĂ©t.Ha azt vĂĄlasztjuk, hogy nincs, akkor a sarkok nincsenek hatĂĄssal a varrĂĄs helyzetĂ©re.A varrat rejtĂ©s esetĂ©n a varrĂĄs legvalĂłszĂ­nƱbb helyzete, valamelyik belsƑ sarokban lesz.A kĂŒlsƑ varrat esetĂ©n a megjelenĂ©s valĂłszĂ­nƱleg egy kĂŒlsƑ sarkon lesz.A kĂŒlsƑ/belsƑ varrat esetĂ©n a varrat vagy kĂŒlsƑ, vagy belsƑ sarokban lesz.Az okos rejtĂ©s esetĂ©n ugyanaz, mint a kĂŒlsƑ/belsƑ varrat, de törekszik arra, hogy a varrat inkĂĄbb a belsƑ sarkokon legyen, rejtve."
  461. msgctxt "infill_multiplier description"
  462. msgid "Convert each infill line to this many lines. The extra lines do not cross over each other, but avoid each other. This makes the infill stiffer, but increases print time and material usage."
  463. msgstr "ÁtkonvertĂĄlja az összes kitöltĂ©si sort, erre az Ă©rtĂ©kre.Az Ă­gy keletkezƑ extra vonalak nem fogjĂĄk egymĂĄst keresztezni, hanem elkerĂŒlik egymĂĄst. Ez növelni fogja a kitöltĂ©s erƑssĂ©gĂ©t, de a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑ, Ă©s az anyagköltsĂ©g is nƑni fog."
  464. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed label"
  465. msgid "Cool Down Speed"
  466. msgstr "VisszahƱlési sebesség"
  467. msgctxt "cooling description"
  468. msgid "Cooling"
  469. msgstr "HƱtés"
  470. msgctxt "cooling label"
  471. msgid "Cooling"
  472. msgstr "HƱtés"
  473. msgctxt "infill_pattern option cross"
  474. msgid "Cross"
  475. msgstr "Kereszt"
  476. msgctxt "support_pattern option cross"
  477. msgid "Cross"
  478. msgstr "Kereszt"
  479. msgctxt "infill_pattern option cross_3d"
  480. msgid "Cross 3D"
  481. msgstr "3D kereszt"
  482. msgctxt "cross_infill_pocket_size label"
  483. msgid "Cross 3D Pocket Size"
  484. msgstr "Kereszt 3D ĂŒreg mĂ©ret"
  485. msgctxt "cross_support_density_image label"
  486. msgid "Cross Fill Density Image for Support"
  487. msgstr "Kereszt tåmasz kitöltési kép"
  488. msgctxt "cross_infill_density_image label"
  489. msgid "Cross Infill Density Image"
  490. msgstr "Kereszt kitöltési kép"
  491. msgctxt "material_crystallinity label"
  492. msgid "Crystalline Material"
  493. msgstr "KristĂĄlyos anyag"
  494. msgctxt "infill_pattern option cubic"
  495. msgid "Cubic"
  496. msgstr "Kocka"
  497. msgctxt "infill_pattern option cubicsubdiv"
  498. msgid "Cubic Subdivision"
  499. msgstr "Osztott kocka"
  500. msgctxt "sub_div_rad_add label"
  501. msgid "Cubic Subdivision Shell"
  502. msgstr "Osztott kocka héj"
  503. msgctxt "cutting_mesh label"
  504. msgid "Cutting Mesh"
  505. msgstr "HĂĄlĂł vĂĄgĂĄs"
  506. msgctxt "material_flow_temp_graph description"
  507. msgid "Data linking material flow (in mm3 per second) to temperature (degrees Celsius)."
  508. msgstr "A nyomtatĂłszĂĄl adagolĂĄst (mm3/mp), Ă©s a hƑmĂ©rsĂ©kletet (Celsius) összekötƑ adatok."
  509. msgctxt "machine_acceleration label"
  510. msgid "Default Acceleration"
  511. msgstr "Alapértelmezett gyorsulås"
  512. msgctxt "default_material_bed_temperature label"
  513. msgid "Default Build Plate Temperature"
  514. msgstr "AlapĂ©rtelmezett tĂĄrgyasztal hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
  515. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_e label"
  516. msgid "Default Filament Jerk"
  517. msgstr "Alapértelmezett E löket"
  518. msgctxt "default_material_print_temperature label"
  519. msgid "Default Printing Temperature"
  520. msgstr "AlapĂ©rtelmezett nyomtatĂĄsi hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
  521. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_xy label"
  522. msgid "Default X-Y Jerk"
  523. msgstr "Alapértelmezett X-Y löket"
  524. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_z label"
  525. msgid "Default Z Jerk"
  526. msgstr "Alapértelmezett Z löket"
  527. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_xy description"
  528. msgid "Default jerk for movement in the horizontal plane."
  529. msgstr "AlapĂ©rtelmezett löket a vĂ­zszintes sĂ­kon törtĂ©nƑ mozgĂĄskor."
  530. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_z description"
  531. msgid "Default jerk for the motor of the Z-direction."
  532. msgstr "Alapértelmezett löket a Z tengelyen."
  533. msgctxt "machine_max_jerk_e description"
  534. msgid "Default jerk for the motor of the filament."
  535. msgstr "Alapértelmezett extrudålåsi löket."
  536. msgctxt "bridge_settings_enabled description"
  537. msgid "Detect bridges and modify print speed, flow and fan settings while bridges are printed."
  538. msgstr "ÉrzĂ©kelje a hidakat, Ă©s mĂłdosĂ­tsa a nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©get, az adagolĂĄst Ă©s a ventilĂĄtorbeĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsokat, a nyomtatĂĄsuk idejĂ©re."
  539. msgctxt "inset_direction description"
  540. msgid "Determines the order in which walls are printed. Printing outer walls earlier helps with dimensional accuracy, as faults from inner walls cannot propagate to the outside. However printing them later allows them to stack better when overhangs are printed. When there is an uneven amount of total innner walls, the 'center last line' is always printed last."
  541. msgstr ""
  542. msgctxt "infill_mesh_order description"
  543. msgid "Determines the priority of this mesh when considering multiple overlapping infill meshes. Areas where multiple infill meshes overlap will take on the settings of the mesh with the highest rank. An infill mesh with a higher rank will modify the infill of infill meshes with lower rank and normal meshes."
  544. msgstr ""
  545. msgctxt "lightning_infill_support_angle description"
  546. msgid "Determines when a lightning infill layer has to support anything above it. Measured in the angle given the thickness of a layer."
  547. msgstr ""
  548. msgctxt "lightning_infill_overhang_angle description"
  549. msgid "Determines when a lightning infill layer has to support the model above it. Measured in the angle given the thickness."
  550. msgstr ""
  551. msgctxt "material_diameter label"
  552. msgid "Diameter"
  553. msgstr "ÁtmĂ©rƑ"
  554. msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model label"
  555. msgid "Diameter Increase To Model"
  556. msgstr ""
  557. msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter description"
  558. msgid "Diameter every branch tries to achieve when reaching the buildplate. Improves bed adhesion."
  559. msgstr ""
  560. msgctxt "adhesion_type description"
  561. msgid "Different options that help to improve both priming your extrusion and adhesion to the build plate. Brim adds a single layer flat area around the base of your model to prevent warping. Raft adds a thick grid with a roof below the model. Skirt is a line printed around the model, but not connected to the model."
  562. msgstr "Itt kĂŒlönbözƑ lehetƑsĂ©gek közĂŒl vĂĄlaszthatunk, amelyek elƑsegĂ­tik a nyomtatvĂĄny tĂĄrgyasztalhoz valĂł tapadĂĄsĂĄt. A peremek egyrĂ©tegƱ sĂ­k felĂŒletek, amik a modell alapja körĂŒl nyomtatĂłdnak Ășgy, hogy megakadĂĄlyozzĂĄk a deformĂĄciĂłt.A tutaj egy vastag rĂĄcsot hoz lĂ©tre egy fedĂ©llel a modell alatt.A szoknya egy vonal, ami a modell körĂŒl van nyomtatva, de az a modellhez ne kapcsolĂłdik."
  563. msgctxt "machine_disallowed_areas label"
  564. msgid "Disallowed Areas"
  565. msgstr "Tiltott terĂŒletek"
  566. msgctxt "infill_line_distance description"
  567. msgid "Distance between the printed infill lines. This setting is calculated by the infill density and the infill line width."
  568. msgstr "A nyomtatott kitöltƑ vonalak tĂĄvolsĂĄga. Ez egy szĂĄmĂ­tott Ă©rtĂ©k, amit a kitöltĂ©si sƱrƱsĂ©gbƑl, Ă©s a kitöltƑ vonal szĂ©lessĂ©gĂ©bƑl szĂĄmol ki."
  569. msgctxt "support_initial_layer_line_distance description"
  570. msgid "Distance between the printed initial layer support structure lines. This setting is calculated by the support density."
  571. msgstr "A tĂĄmaszok belsƑ szerkezetĂ©ben lĂ©vƑ vonalak tĂĄvolsĂĄga az elsƑ rĂ©tegben.Ez egy szĂĄmĂ­tott Ă©rtĂ©k a tĂĄmasz sƱrƱsĂ©gbƑl."
  572. msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance description"
  573. msgid "Distance between the printed support floor lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Floor Density, but can be adjusted separately."
  574. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz interfĂ©sz aljzatvonalainak tĂĄvolsĂĄga. Ezt a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst a tĂĄmasz aljĂĄnak a sƱrƱsĂ©gĂ©t szĂĄmĂ­tja ki, de kĂŒlön is megadhatĂł."
  575. msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance description"
  576. msgid "Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately."
  577. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz interfĂ©sz tetƑvonalainak tĂĄvolsĂĄga. Ezt a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst a tĂĄmasz fedĂ©l sƱrƱsĂ©gĂ©t szĂĄmĂ­tja ki, de kĂŒlön is megadhatĂł."
  578. msgctxt "support_line_distance description"
  579. msgid "Distance between the printed support structure lines. This setting is calculated by the support density."
  580. msgstr "A tĂĄmaszok belsƑ szerkezetĂ©ben lĂ©vƑ vonalak tĂĄvolsĂĄga.Ez egy szĂĄmĂ­tott Ă©rtĂ©k a tĂĄmasz sƱrƱsĂ©gbƑl."
  581. msgctxt "support_bottom_distance description"
  582. msgid "Distance from the print to the bottom of the support. Note that this is rounded up to the next layer height."
  583. msgstr ""
  584. msgctxt "support_top_distance description"
  585. msgid "Distance from the top of the support to the print."
  586. msgstr "A tåmasz teteje és a fölé épített nyomtatvåny közötti tåvolsåg."
  587. msgctxt "support_z_distance description"
  588. msgid "Distance from the top/bottom of the support structure to the print. This gap provides clearance to remove the supports after the model is printed. The topmost support layer below the model might be a fraction of regular layers."
  589. msgstr ""
  590. msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist description"
  591. msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after every infill line, to make the infill stick to the walls better. This option is similar to infill overlap, but without extrusion and only on one end of the infill line."
  592. msgstr "A kitöltĂ©si sor nyomtatĂĄsa utĂĄn egy extra törlƑmozgĂĄst vĂ©gez a fej.Ez a tĂĄvolsĂĄg hatĂĄrozza meg a törlĂ©si mozgĂĄs tĂĄvolsĂĄgĂĄt.Az opciĂł hasonlĂ­t a szimpla kitöltĂ©s ĂĄtfedĂ©sĂ©hez, azonban itt a mozgĂĄs extrudĂĄlĂĄs nĂ©lkĂŒl törtĂ©nik, Ă©s csak a kitöltƑ sor egyik vĂ©gĂ©n."
  593. msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist description"
  594. msgid "Distance of a travel move inserted after the outer wall, to hide the Z seam better."
  595. msgstr "A kĂŒlsƑ fal nyomtatĂĄsa utĂĄn, beilleszt egy fej ĂĄtemelĂ©st, a meghatĂĄrozott tĂĄvolsĂĄgra. Ez segĂ­t elrejteni a Z varratot."
  596. msgctxt "draft_shield_dist description"
  597. msgid "Distance of the draft shield from the print, in the X/Y directions."
  598. msgstr "A modell és a huzatpajzs közötti tåvolsåg X/Y irånyban."
  599. msgctxt "ooze_shield_dist description"
  600. msgid "Distance of the ooze shield from the print, in the X/Y directions."
  601. msgstr "A pajzs tĂĄvolsĂĄga a nyomtatvĂĄnytĂłl X/Y irĂĄnyban Ă©rtve."
  602. msgctxt "support_xy_distance_overhang description"
  603. msgid "Distance of the support structure from the overhang in the X/Y directions."
  604. msgstr ""
  605. msgctxt "support_xy_distance description"
  606. msgid "Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions."
  607. msgstr "A tåmasz szerkezete és a nyomtatvåny közötti tåvolsåg X/Y irånyban."
  608. msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance description"
  609. msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
  610. msgstr ""
  611. msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance description"
  612. msgid "Distance points are shifted to smooth the path"
  613. msgstr ""
  614. msgctxt "min_infill_area description"
  615. msgid "Don't generate areas of infill smaller than this (use skin instead)."
  616. msgstr "Az ettƑl kisebb terĂŒletekre nem generĂĄl kitöltĂ©st."
  617. msgctxt "draft_shield_height label"
  618. msgid "Draft Shield Height"
  619. msgstr "Huzatpajzs magassĂĄg"
  620. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation label"
  621. msgid "Draft Shield Limitation"
  622. msgstr "Huzatpajzs korlĂĄtozĂĄs"
  623. msgctxt "draft_shield_dist label"
  624. msgid "Draft Shield X/Y Distance"
  625. msgstr "Huzatpajzs X/Y tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  626. msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down label"
  627. msgid "Drop Down Support Mesh"
  628. msgstr "TĂĄmaszhĂĄlĂł ledobĂĄs"
  629. msgctxt "dual label"
  630. msgid "Dual Extrusion"
  631. msgstr "DuĂĄl extrudĂĄlĂĄs"
  632. msgctxt "machine_shape option elliptic"
  633. msgid "Elliptic"
  634. msgstr "Elliptikus (kör)"
  635. msgctxt "acceleration_enabled label"
  636. msgid "Enable Acceleration Control"
  637. msgstr "Gyorsulås vezérlés engedélyezés"
  638. msgctxt "bridge_settings_enabled label"
  639. msgid "Enable Bridge Settings"
  640. msgstr "Híd beållítåsok engedélyezése"
  641. msgctxt "coasting_enable label"
  642. msgid "Enable Coasting"
  643. msgstr "Kifutås engedélyezés"
  644. msgctxt "support_conical_enabled label"
  645. msgid "Enable Conical Support"
  646. msgstr "KĂșpos tĂĄmasz engedĂ©lyezĂ©se"
  647. msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled label"
  648. msgid "Enable Draft Shield"
  649. msgstr "Huzatpajzs engedélyezése"
  650. msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled label"
  651. msgid "Enable Fluid Motion"
  652. msgstr ""
  653. msgctxt "ironing_enabled label"
  654. msgid "Enable Ironing"
  655. msgstr "Vasalås engedélyezés"
  656. msgctxt "jerk_enabled label"
  657. msgid "Enable Jerk Control"
  658. msgstr "Löket vezérlés engedélyezése"
  659. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled label"
  660. msgid "Enable Nozzle Temperature Control"
  661. msgstr "A fĂșvĂłka hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet-szabĂĄlyozĂĄsĂĄnak engedĂ©lyezĂ©se"
  662. msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled label"
  663. msgid "Enable Ooze Shield"
  664. msgstr "Szivårgåspajzs engedélyezés"
  665. msgctxt "prime_blob_enable label"
  666. msgid "Enable Prime Blob"
  667. msgstr "ElƑnyomĂĄs engedĂ©lyezĂ©se"
  668. msgctxt "prime_tower_enable label"
  669. msgid "Enable Prime Tower"
  670. msgstr "ElƑtorony engedĂ©lyezĂ©se"
  671. msgctxt "cool_fan_enabled label"
  672. msgid "Enable Print Cooling"
  673. msgstr "TårgyhƱtés engedélyezés"
  674. msgctxt "ppr_enable label"
  675. msgid "Enable Print Process Reporting"
  676. msgstr ""
  677. msgctxt "retraction_enable label"
  678. msgid "Enable Retraction"
  679. msgstr "VisszahĂșzĂĄs engedĂ©lyezĂ©s"
  680. msgctxt "support_brim_enable label"
  681. msgid "Enable Support Brim"
  682. msgstr "Tåmasz perem engedélyezése"
  683. msgctxt "support_bottom_enable label"
  684. msgid "Enable Support Floor"
  685. msgstr "Alsó interfész engedélyezés"
  686. msgctxt "support_interface_enable label"
  687. msgid "Enable Support Interface"
  688. msgstr "Tåmasz interfész engedélyezés"
  689. msgctxt "support_roof_enable label"
  690. msgid "Enable Support Roof"
  691. msgstr "FelsƑ interfĂ©sz engedĂ©lyezĂ©s"
  692. msgctxt "acceleration_travel_enabled label"
  693. msgid "Enable Travel Acceleration"
  694. msgstr ""
  695. msgctxt "jerk_travel_enabled label"
  696. msgid "Enable Travel Jerk"
  697. msgstr ""
  698. msgctxt "ooze_shield_enabled description"
  699. msgid "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the model which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle."
  700. msgstr "EngedĂ©lyezi a szivĂĄrgĂĄspajzsot. Ez lĂ©trehoz egy hĂ©jat a modell körĂŒl, Ășgy, hogy az nem Ă©r a modellhez, azonban a fej visszaĂĄllĂĄskor, az esetlegesen fĂșvĂłkĂĄbĂłl kicsöppenƑ anyagmaradvĂĄnyokat 'letörli' ebben a hĂ©jban."
  701. msgctxt "ppr_enable description"
  702. msgid "Enable print process reporting for setting threshold values for possible fault detection."
  703. msgstr ""
  704. msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface description"
  705. msgid "Enable small (up to 'Small Top/Bottom Width') regions on the topmost skinned layer (exposed to air) to be filled with walls instead of the default pattern."
  706. msgstr ""
  707. msgctxt "jerk_enabled description"
  708. msgid "Enables adjusting the jerk of print head when the velocity in the X or Y axis changes. Increasing the jerk can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
  709. msgstr "EngedĂ©ylezi a nyomtatĂłfej X Ă©s Y tengelyen valĂł löketĂ©nek (sebessĂ©g) vĂĄltozĂĄsĂĄnak vezĂ©rlĂ©sĂ©t. Ha a löketet növeljĂŒk, az csökkenti a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑt a minƑsĂ©g terhĂ©re."
  710. msgctxt "acceleration_enabled description"
  711. msgid "Enables adjusting the print head acceleration. Increasing the accelerations can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality."
  712. msgstr "A nyomtatĂłfej mozgĂĄsi gyorsulĂĄs szabĂĄlyzĂĄs engedĂ©lyezĂ©se. Ha növeljĂŒk a gyorsulĂĄst, csökken a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑ, viszont a nyomtatĂĄs minƑsĂ©ge is."
  713. msgctxt "cool_fan_enabled description"
  714. msgid "Enables the print cooling fans while printing. The fans improve print quality on layers with short layer times and bridging / overhangs."
  715. msgstr "EngedĂ©lyezi a tĂĄrgyhƱtĂ©st nyomtatĂĄs közben. A hƱtĂ©s javĂ­thatja a rĂ©tegek nyomtatĂĄsi minƑsĂ©gĂ©t, fƑleg a kicsi rĂ©tegeknĂ©l, Ă©s az ĂĄthidalĂł, tĂșlnyĂșlĂł rĂ©szeknĂ©l."
  716. msgctxt "machine_end_gcode label"
  717. msgid "End G-code"
  718. msgstr "ZĂĄrĂł G-kĂłd"
  719. msgctxt "material_end_of_filament_purge_length label"
  720. msgid "End of Filament Purge Length"
  721. msgstr ""
  722. msgctxt "material_end_of_filament_purge_speed label"
  723. msgid "End of Filament Purge Speed"
  724. msgstr ""
  725. msgctxt "brim_replaces_support description"
  726. msgid "Enforce brim to be printed around the model even if that space would otherwise be occupied by support. This replaces some regions of the first layer of support by brim regions."
  727. msgstr "KĂ©nyszerĂ­tƑ Perem nyomtatĂĄs a tĂĄrgy körĂŒl, mĂ©g azokon a helyeken is, ahol egyĂ©bkĂ©nt tĂĄmaszt kellene nyomtatni. Ezeken a helyeken a tĂĄmasz elsƑ rĂ©tege helyett a perem lesz nyomtatva."
  728. msgctxt "brim_location option everywhere"
  729. msgid "Everywhere"
  730. msgstr ""
  731. msgctxt "support_type option everywhere"
  732. msgid "Everywhere"
  733. msgstr "Mindenhol"
  734. msgctxt "slicing_tolerance option exclusive"
  735. msgid "Exclusive"
  736. msgstr "KizĂĄrĂł"
  737. msgctxt "experimental label"
  738. msgid "Experimental"
  739. msgstr "Kísérleti funkciók"
  740. msgctxt "z_seam_corner option z_seam_corner_outer"
  741. msgid "Expose Seam"
  742. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ varrat"
  743. msgctxt "meshfix_extensive_stitching label"
  744. msgid "Extensive Stitching"
  745. msgstr "Kiterjedt felfƱzés"
  746. msgctxt "meshfix_extensive_stitching description"
  747. msgid "Extensive stitching tries to stitch up open holes in the mesh by closing the hole with touching polygons. This option can introduce a lot of processing time."
  748. msgstr "A kiterjedt felfƱzĂ©s megkĂ­sĂ©rli felfƱzni a nyĂ­lt lyukakat a hĂĄlĂłban Ășgy, hogy a lyukakat Ă©rintƑ poligonokat bezĂĄrja. Ez a funkciĂł jelentƑsen növelheti a feldolgozĂĄsi idƑt."
  749. msgctxt "infill_wall_line_count label"
  750. msgid "Extra Infill Wall Count"
  751. msgstr "Extra kitöltési falszåm"
  752. msgctxt "skin_outline_count label"
  753. msgid "Extra Skin Wall Count"
  754. msgstr "Extra felĂŒleti falszĂĄm"
  755. msgctxt "switch_extruder_extra_prime_amount description"
  756. msgid "Extra material to prime after nozzle switching."
  757. msgstr "Egy extra anyagmennyisĂ©g, amivel több anyagot tol vissza a fejbe fĂșvĂłkavĂĄltĂĄs utĂĄn."
  758. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x label"
  759. msgid "Extruder Prime X Position"
  760. msgstr "Extruder kezdƑ X helyzet"
  761. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y label"
  762. msgid "Extruder Prime Y Position"
  763. msgstr "Extruder kezdƑ Y helyzet"
  764. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z label"
  765. msgid "Extruder Prime Z Position"
  766. msgstr "KezdƑ Z pozíció"
  767. msgctxt "machine_extruders_share_heater label"
  768. msgid "Extruders Share Heater"
  769. msgstr ""
  770. msgctxt "machine_extruders_share_nozzle label"
  771. msgid "Extruders Share Nozzle"
  772. msgstr ""
  773. msgctxt "material_extrusion_cool_down_speed label"
  774. msgid "Extrusion Cool Down Speed Modifier"
  775. msgstr "Adagolåsi visszahƱlés sebesség kompenzåció"
  776. msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_width_factor description"
  777. msgid "Extrusion width based correction factor on the speed. At 0% the movement speed is kept constant at the Print Speed. At 100% the movement speed is adjusted so that the flow (in mmÂł/s) is kept constant, i.e. lines half the normal Line Width are printed twice as fast and lines twice as wide are printed half as fast. A value larger than 100% can help to compensate for the higher pressure required to extrude wide lines."
  778. msgstr ""
  779. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed label"
  780. msgid "Fan Speed"
  781. msgstr "HƱtés sebesség"
  782. msgctxt "support_fan_enable label"
  783. msgid "Fan Speed Override"
  784. msgstr "HƱtĂ©s felĂŒlbĂ­rĂĄlĂĄs"
  785. msgctxt "small_feature_max_length description"
  786. msgid "Feature outlines that are shorter than this length will be printed using Small Feature Speed."
  787. msgstr "EttƑl a hosszĂșsĂĄgtĂłl rövidebb rĂ©szek körvonalait a Kis funkciĂł sebessĂ©ggel kerĂŒlnek kinyomtatĂĄsra."
  788. msgctxt "experimental description"
  789. msgid "Features that haven't completely been fleshed out yet."
  790. msgstr ""
  791. msgctxt "machine_feeder_wheel_diameter label"
  792. msgid "Feeder Wheel Diameter"
  793. msgstr "Az adagolĂłkerĂ©k ĂĄtmĂ©rƑje"
  794. msgctxt "material_final_print_temperature label"
  795. msgid "Final Printing Temperature"
  796. msgstr "BefejezƑ nyomtatĂĄsi hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
  797. msgctxt "machine_firmware_retract label"
  798. msgid "Firmware Retraction"
  799. msgstr "Firmware visszahĂșzĂĄs"
  800. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 label"
  801. msgid "First Layer Support Extruder"
  802. msgstr "ElsƑ rĂ©teg tĂĄmasz extruder"
  803. msgctxt "material_flow label"
  804. msgid "Flow"
  805. msgstr "Áramlås"
  806. msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_width_factor label"
  807. msgid "Flow Equalization Ratio"
  808. msgstr ""
  809. msgctxt "flow_anomaly_limit label"
  810. msgid "Flow Limit"
  811. msgstr ""
  812. msgctxt "flow_rate_extrusion_offset_factor label"
  813. msgid "Flow Rate Compensation Factor"
  814. msgstr ""
  815. msgctxt "flow_rate_max_extrusion_offset label"
  816. msgid "Flow Rate Compensation Max Extrusion Offset"
  817. msgstr ""
  818. msgctxt "material_flow_temp_graph label"
  819. msgid "Flow Temperature Graph"
  820. msgstr "AdagolĂĄs hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet diagram"
  821. msgctxt "flow_warn_limit label"
  822. msgid "Flow Warning"
  823. msgstr ""
  824. msgctxt "material_flow_layer_0 description"
  825. msgid "Flow compensation for the first layer: the amount of material extruded on the initial layer is multiplied by this value."
  826. msgstr "Az elsƑ rĂ©teg ĂĄramlĂĄsi kompenzĂĄciĂłja: az eredeti rĂ©tegre extrudĂĄlt anyag mennyisĂ©gĂ©t megszorozzuk ezzel az Ă©rtĂ©kkel."
  827. msgctxt "skin_material_flow_layer_0 description"
  828. msgid "Flow compensation on bottom lines of the first layer"
  829. msgstr ""
  830. msgctxt "infill_material_flow description"
  831. msgid "Flow compensation on infill lines."
  832. msgstr "Áramlåskompenzålås a kitöltés nyomtatåsånål."
  833. msgctxt "support_interface_material_flow description"
  834. msgid "Flow compensation on lines of support roof or floor."
  835. msgstr "ÁramlĂĄskompenzĂĄlĂĄs a tĂĄmasz alsĂł/felsƑ rĂ©tegĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsĂĄnĂĄl."
  836. msgctxt "roofing_material_flow description"
  837. msgid "Flow compensation on lines of the areas at the top of the print."
  838. msgstr "ÁramlĂĄskompenzĂĄlĂĄs a felsƑ kĂ©reg rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsĂĄnĂĄl."
  839. msgctxt "prime_tower_flow description"
  840. msgid "Flow compensation on prime tower lines."
  841. msgstr "Áramláskompenzáció az elƑtorony vonalakon."
  842. msgctxt "skirt_brim_material_flow description"
  843. msgid "Flow compensation on skirt or brim lines."
  844. msgstr "Áramlåskompenzålås a Szoknya/perem nyomtatåsånål."
  845. msgctxt "support_bottom_material_flow description"
  846. msgid "Flow compensation on support floor lines."
  847. msgstr "Áramlåskompenzålås a tåmasz alsó rétegének nyomtatåsånål."
  848. msgctxt "support_roof_material_flow description"
  849. msgid "Flow compensation on support roof lines."
  850. msgstr "ÁramlĂĄskompenzĂĄlĂĄs a tĂĄmasz felsƑ rĂ©tegĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsĂĄnĂĄl."
  851. msgctxt "support_material_flow description"
  852. msgid "Flow compensation on support structure lines."
  853. msgstr "Áramlåskompenzålås a tåmasz nyomtatåsånål."
  854. msgctxt "wall_0_material_flow_layer_0 description"
  855. msgid "Flow compensation on the outermost wall line of the first layer."
  856. msgstr ""
  857. msgctxt "wall_0_material_flow description"
  858. msgid "Flow compensation on the outermost wall line."
  859. msgstr "ÁramlĂĄskompenzĂĄlĂĄs a kĂŒlsƑ falvonalak nyomtatĂĄsĂĄnĂĄl."
  860. msgctxt "wall_0_material_flow_roofing description"
  861. msgid "Flow compensation on the top surface outermost wall line."
  862. msgstr "ÁramlĂĄsi kompenzĂĄciĂł a felsƑ felĂŒlet legkĂŒlsƑ falvonalĂĄn."
  863. msgctxt "wall_x_material_flow_roofing description"
  864. msgid "Flow compensation on top surface wall lines for all wall lines except the outermost one."
  865. msgstr "ÁramlĂĄs kompenzĂĄciĂł a felsƑ felĂŒlet falvonalain az összes falvonal kivĂ©telĂ©vel a legkĂŒlsƑn."
  866. msgctxt "skin_material_flow description"
  867. msgid "Flow compensation on top/bottom lines."
  868. msgstr "ÁramlĂĄskompenzĂĄlĂĄs az alsĂł/felsƑ rĂ©tegek nyomtatĂĄsĂĄnĂĄl."
  869. msgctxt "wall_x_material_flow_layer_0 description"
  870. msgid "Flow compensation on wall lines for all wall lines except the outermost one, but only for the first layer"
  871. msgstr ""
  872. msgctxt "wall_x_material_flow description"
  873. msgid "Flow compensation on wall lines for all wall lines except the outermost one."
  874. msgstr "ÁramlĂĄskompnezĂĄciĂł minden falvonalon, kivĂ©ve a legkĂŒlsƑbb falnĂĄl."
  875. msgctxt "wall_material_flow description"
  876. msgid "Flow compensation on wall lines."
  877. msgstr "Áramlåskompenzålås a fal vonalak nyomtatåsånål."
  878. msgctxt "material_flow description"
  879. msgid "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  880. msgstr "Áramlåskompenzåció: az extrudålt anyag mennyiségét megszorozzuk ezzel az értékkel."
  881. msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle label"
  882. msgid "Fluid Motion Angle"
  883. msgstr ""
  884. msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_shift_distance label"
  885. msgid "Fluid Motion Shift Distance"
  886. msgstr ""
  887. msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_small_distance label"
  888. msgid "Fluid Motion Small Distance"
  889. msgstr ""
  890. msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length label"
  891. msgid "Flush Purge Length"
  892. msgstr ""
  893. msgctxt "material_flush_purge_speed label"
  894. msgid "Flush Purge Speed"
  895. msgstr ""
  896. msgctxt "min_wall_line_width description"
  897. msgid "For thin structures around once or twice the nozzle size, the line widths need to be altered to adhere to the thickness of the model. This setting controls the minimum line width allowed for the walls. The minimum line widths inherently also determine the maximum line widths, since we transition from N to N+1 walls at some geometry thickness where the N walls are wide and the N+1 walls are narrow. The widest possible wall line is twice the Minimum Wall Line Width."
  898. msgstr ""
  899. msgctxt "z_seam_position option front"
  900. msgid "Front"
  901. msgstr "ElƑre"
  902. msgctxt "z_seam_position option frontleft"
  903. msgid "Front Left"
  904. msgstr "Balra elƑre"
  905. msgctxt "z_seam_position option frontright"
  906. msgid "Front Right"
  907. msgstr "Jobbra elƑre"
  908. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation option full"
  909. msgid "Full"
  910. msgstr "Teljes"
  911. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_enabled label"
  912. msgid "Fuzzy Skin"
  913. msgstr "RĂŒcskös felszĂ­n"
  914. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_density label"
  915. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Density"
  916. msgstr "RĂŒcsök sƱrƱsĂ©g"
  917. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_outside_only label"
  918. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Outside Only"
  919. msgstr ""
  920. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist label"
  921. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Point Distance"
  922. msgstr "RĂŒcsök tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  923. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness label"
  924. msgid "Fuzzy Skin Thickness"
  925. msgstr "RĂŒcsök vastagsĂĄg"
  926. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor label"
  927. msgid "G-code Flavor"
  928. msgstr "G-kĂłd tĂ­pus"
  929. msgctxt "machine_end_gcode description"
  930. msgid ""
  931. "G-code commands to be executed at the very end - separated by \n"
  932. "."
  933. msgstr ""
  934. "Olyan g-kód parancsok, amiket a nyomtatås legvégén kell végrehajtani \n"
  935. " -al elvĂĄlasztva."
  936. msgctxt "machine_start_gcode description"
  937. msgid ""
  938. "G-code commands to be executed at the very start - separated by \n"
  939. "."
  940. msgstr ""
  941. "Olyan g-kód parancsok, amiket a nyomtatås legelején kell végrehajtani \n"
  942. " -al elvĂĄlasztva."
  943. msgctxt "material_guid description"
  944. msgid "GUID of the material. This is set automatically."
  945. msgstr ""
  946. msgctxt "gantry_height label"
  947. msgid "Gantry Height"
  948. msgstr "Állvånyzat magassåg"
  949. msgctxt "interlocking_enable label"
  950. msgid "Generate Interlocking Structure"
  951. msgstr ""
  952. msgctxt "support_enable label"
  953. msgid "Generate Support"
  954. msgstr "Tåmaszték készítés"
  955. msgctxt "support_brim_enable description"
  956. msgid "Generate a brim within the support infill regions of the first layer. This brim is printed underneath the support, not around it. Enabling this setting increases the adhesion of support to the build plate."
  957. msgstr "GenerĂĄljon egy peremet az elsƑ rĂ©tegben a tĂĄmaszok kitöltĂ©seiben. Ezt a karimĂĄt a tĂĄmaszok alĂĄ, Ă©s nem körĂŒlötte nyomtatjĂĄk. Ennek a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsnak a bekapcsolĂĄsa növelhetjĂŒk a tĂĄmaszok tapadĂĄsĂĄt az tĂĄlcĂĄhoz."
  958. msgctxt "support_interface_enable description"
  959. msgid "Generate a dense interface between the model and the support. This will create a skin at the top of the support on which the model is printed and at the bottom of the support, where it rests on the model."
  960. msgstr "Egy sƱrƱ felĂŒletet generĂĄl a modell Ă©s a tĂĄmasz közĂ©. Ez egy hĂ©jat hoz lĂ©tre a tĂĄmasz tetejĂ©n, amelyre a modell jĂłl nyomtatĂłdik, vagy az aljĂĄn, ahovĂĄ a tĂĄmasz Ă©pĂŒlni fog."
  961. msgctxt "support_bottom_enable description"
  962. msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
  963. msgstr "Egy sƱrƱ felĂŒlet generĂĄlĂĄsa a tĂĄmasz aljĂĄra Ă©s a modell között. Ez egy ĂĄtmeneti csatlakozĂĄsi felĂŒletet fog teremteni a modell Ă©s a tĂĄmasz közĂ©."
  964. msgctxt "support_roof_enable description"
  965. msgid "Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support."
  966. msgstr "Egy sƱrƱ felĂŒlet generĂĄlĂĄsa a tĂĄmasz teteje Ă©s a modell között. Ez egy ĂĄtmeneti csatlakozĂĄsi felĂŒletet fog teremteni a modell Ă©s a tĂĄmasz közĂ©."
  967. msgctxt "support_enable description"
  968. msgid "Generate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing."
  969. msgstr "Olyan szerkezeti rĂ©szeket kĂ©szĂ­t a nyomtatvĂĄnyhoz, ami segĂ­t alĂĄtĂĄmasztani azokat a rĂ©szeket, amik a levegƑben lĂłgnak, vagy kinyĂșlnak a tĂĄrgybĂłl.E nĂ©lkĂŒl ezeket a rĂ©szeket nem lehet kinyomtatni, mivel nincs mire Ă©pĂ­tenie az adott rĂ©szt a nyomtatĂłnak."
  970. msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type option glass"
  971. msgid "Glass"
  972. msgstr "Üveg"
  973. msgctxt "ironing_enabled description"
  974. msgid "Go over the top surface one additional time, but this time extruding very little material. This is meant to melt the plastic on top further, creating a smoother surface. The pressure in the nozzle chamber is kept high so that the creases in the surface are filled with material."
  975. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒleteken a fej mĂ©gegyszer ĂĄtmegy, miközben egy nagyon kis mennyisĂ©gƱ alapanyagot extrudĂĄl. Ennek a cĂ©lja az, hogy a tĂĄrgy teteje mĂ©g jobban összeolvad, simĂĄbbĂĄ vĂĄlik. A fĂșvĂłka kamrĂĄban a nyomĂĄs magasan van tartva, Ă­gy a felszĂ­nen lĂ©vƑ gyƱrƑdĂ©seket anyaggal tölti fel."
  976. msgctxt "gradual_infill_step_height label"
  977. msgid "Gradual Infill Step Height"
  978. msgstr "Fokozatos kitöltési lépésmagassåg"
  979. msgctxt "gradual_infill_steps label"
  980. msgid "Gradual Infill Steps"
  981. msgstr "Fokozatos kitöltési lépések"
  982. msgctxt "gradual_support_infill_step_height label"
  983. msgid "Gradual Support Infill Step Height"
  984. msgstr "Fokozatos tåmaszkitöltési lépésmagassåg"
  985. msgctxt "gradual_support_infill_steps label"
  986. msgid "Gradual Support Infill Steps"
  987. msgstr "Fokozatos tåmasz kitöltési lépések"
  988. msgctxt "cool_min_temperature description"
  989. msgid "Gradually reduce to this temperature when printing at reduced speeds because of minimum layer time."
  990. msgstr ""
  991. msgctxt "infill_pattern option grid"
  992. msgid "Grid"
  993. msgstr "RĂĄcs"
  994. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option grid"
  995. msgid "Grid"
  996. msgstr "RĂĄcs"
  997. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option grid"
  998. msgid "Grid"
  999. msgstr "RĂĄcs"
  1000. msgctxt "support_pattern option grid"
  1001. msgid "Grid"
  1002. msgstr "RĂĄcs"
  1003. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option grid"
  1004. msgid "Grid"
  1005. msgstr "RĂĄcs"
  1006. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Griffin"
  1007. msgid "Griffin"
  1008. msgstr "Griffin"
  1009. msgctxt "group_outer_walls label"
  1010. msgid "Group Outer Walls"
  1011. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ falak csoportosĂ­tĂĄsa"
  1012. msgctxt "infill_pattern option gyroid"
  1013. msgid "Gyroid"
  1014. msgstr "Gyroid"
  1015. msgctxt "support_pattern option gyroid"
  1016. msgid "Gyroid"
  1017. msgstr "Gyroid"
  1018. msgctxt "machine_heated_build_volume label"
  1019. msgid "Has Build Volume Temperature Stabilization"
  1020. msgstr "Van Ă©pĂ­tĂ©si tĂ©r hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet szabĂĄlyzĂĄs"
  1021. msgctxt "machine_heated_bed label"
  1022. msgid "Has Heated Build Plate"
  1023. msgstr "Van tårgyasztal fƱtés"
  1024. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed label"
  1025. msgid "Heat Up Speed"
  1026. msgstr "FelfƱtési sebesség"
  1027. msgctxt "machine_heat_zone_length label"
  1028. msgid "Heat Zone Length"
  1029. msgstr "OlvadĂłkamra hossza"
  1030. msgctxt "draft_shield_height description"
  1031. msgid "Height limitation of the draft shield. Above this height no draft shield will be printed."
  1032. msgstr "A huzatpajzs magassĂĄga. Csak eddig a magassĂĄgig fogja a pajzsot nyomtatni."
  1033. msgctxt "z_seam_corner option z_seam_corner_inner"
  1034. msgid "Hide Seam"
  1035. msgstr "Varrat rejtés"
  1036. msgctxt "z_seam_corner option z_seam_corner_any"
  1037. msgid "Hide or Expose Seam"
  1038. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ, belsƑ varrat"
  1039. msgctxt "hole_xy_offset label"
  1040. msgid "Hole Horizontal Expansion"
  1041. msgstr ""
  1042. msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter label"
  1043. msgid "Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter"
  1044. msgstr ""
  1045. msgctxt "small_hole_max_size description"
  1046. msgid "Holes and part outlines with a diameter smaller than this will be printed using Small Feature Speed."
  1047. msgstr "Az ennĂ©l kisebb ĂĄtmĂ©rƑjƱ lyukakat Ă©s rĂ©szek körvonalait a Kis funkciĂłsebessĂ©g hasznĂĄlatĂĄval nyomtatjĂĄk ki."
  1048. msgctxt "xy_offset label"
  1049. msgid "Horizontal Expansion"
  1050. msgstr "Vízszintes kiegészítés"
  1051. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
  1052. msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
  1053. msgstr ""
  1054. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_retracted_position description"
  1055. msgid "How far the filament can be stretched before it breaks, while heated."
  1056. msgstr "Mennyire hĂșzhatĂł ki a szĂĄl melegĂ­tĂ©s közben, szakadĂĄs nĂ©lkĂŒl."
  1057. msgctxt "material_anti_ooze_retracted_position description"
  1058. msgid "How far the material needs to be retracted before it stops oozing."
  1059. msgstr "Mennyire kell visszahĂșzni a szĂĄlat, hogy az anyagszivĂĄrgĂĄs leĂĄlljon."
  1060. msgctxt "flow_rate_extrusion_offset_factor description"
  1061. msgid "How far to move the filament in order to compensate for changes in flow rate, as a percentage of how far the filament would move in one second of extrusion."
  1062. msgstr ""
  1063. msgctxt "material_break_retracted_position description"
  1064. msgid "How far to retract the filament in order to break it cleanly."
  1065. msgstr "Mennyire kell visszahĂșzni a nyomtatĂłszĂĄlat, hogy az tisztĂĄn megszakadjon."
  1066. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_speed description"
  1067. msgid "How fast the filament needs to be retracted just before breaking it off in a retraction."
  1068. msgstr "Milyen gyorsan kell visszahĂșzni a szĂĄlat, mielƑtt az megszakadna."
  1069. msgctxt "material_anti_ooze_retraction_speed description"
  1070. msgid "How fast the material needs to be retracted during a filament switch to prevent oozing."
  1071. msgstr "Milyen gyorsan kell visszahĂșzni a szĂĄlat, hogy meggĂĄtoljuk a szivĂĄrgĂĄst."
  1072. msgctxt "material_end_of_filament_purge_speed description"
  1073. msgid "How fast to prime the material after replacing an empty spool with a fresh spool of the same material."
  1074. msgstr ""
  1075. msgctxt "material_flush_purge_speed description"
  1076. msgid "How fast to prime the material after switching to a different material."
  1077. msgstr ""
  1078. msgctxt "material_maximum_park_duration description"
  1079. msgid "How long the material can be kept out of dry storage safely."
  1080. msgstr ""
  1081. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_x description"
  1082. msgid "How many steps of the stepper motor will result in one millimeter of movement in the X direction."
  1083. msgstr "Håny lépést kell a motornak megtenni ahhoz, hogy 1 mm mozgås történjen X irånyban."
  1084. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_y description"
  1085. msgid "How many steps of the stepper motor will result in one millimeter of movement in the Y direction."
  1086. msgstr "Håny lépést kell a motornak megtenni ahhoz, hogy 1 mm mozgås történjen Y irånyban."
  1087. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_z description"
  1088. msgid "How many steps of the stepper motor will result in one millimeter of movement in the Z direction."
  1089. msgstr "Håny lépést kell a motornak megtenni ahhoz, hogy 1 mm mozgås történjen Z irånyban."
  1090. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_e description"
  1091. msgid "How many steps of the stepper motors will result in moving the feeder wheel by one millimeter around its circumference."
  1092. msgstr ""
  1093. msgctxt "material_end_of_filament_purge_length description"
  1094. msgid "How much material to use to purge the previous material out of the nozzle (in length of filament) when replacing an empty spool with a fresh spool of the same material."
  1095. msgstr ""
  1096. msgctxt "material_flush_purge_length description"
  1097. msgid "How much material to use to purge the previous material out of the nozzle (in length of filament) when switching to a different material."
  1098. msgstr ""
  1099. msgctxt "machine_extruders_shared_nozzle_initial_retraction description"
  1100. msgid "How much the filament of each extruder is assumed to have been retracted from the shared nozzle tip at the completion of the printer-start gcode script; the value should be equal to or greater than the length of the common part of the nozzle's ducts."
  1101. msgstr ""
  1102. msgctxt "support_interface_priority description"
  1103. msgid "How support interface and support will interact when they overlap. Currently only implemented for support roof."
  1104. msgstr ""
  1105. msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model description"
  1106. msgid "How tall a branch has to be if it is placed on the model. Prevents small blobs of support. This setting is ignored when a branch is supporting a support roof."
  1107. msgstr ""
  1108. msgctxt "bridge_skin_support_threshold description"
  1109. msgid "If a skin region is supported for less than this percentage of its area, print it using the bridge settings. Otherwise it is printed using the normal skin settings."
  1110. msgstr "Ha a felĂŒleti rĂ©giĂł terĂŒlete kevesebb, mint ez a megadott szĂĄzalĂ©kos Ă©rtĂ©k, nyomtassa a hĂ­d beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsokkal, egyĂ©bkĂ©nt normĂĄl felĂŒleti beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsokkal nyomtasson."
  1111. msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_angle description"
  1112. msgid "If a toolpath-segment deviates more than this angle from the general motion it is smoothed."
  1113. msgstr ""
  1114. msgctxt "bridge_enable_more_layers description"
  1115. msgid "If enabled, the second and third layers above the air are printed using the following settings. Otherwise, those layers are printed using the normal settings."
  1116. msgstr "Ha engedélyezve van ez az opció, akkor a híd måsodik és harmadik rétegét is a híd beållítåsåval nyomtatja ki. Egyébként ezek a rétgeke mår a normål beållítåssal nyomtatódnånak ki."
  1117. msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_distance description"
  1118. msgid "If it would be transitioning back and forth between different numbers of walls in quick succession, don't transition at all. Remove transitions if they are closer together than this distance."
  1119. msgstr ""
  1120. msgctxt "raft_base_margin description"
  1121. msgid "If the raft base is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the model which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print."
  1122. msgstr ""
  1123. msgctxt "raft_margin description"
  1124. msgid "If the raft is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the model which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print."
  1125. msgstr "Ha az extra margĂłt engedĂ©lyezzĂŒk, akkor a modell alĂĄ nyomtatott tutajt ki vogja egĂ©szĂ­teni, Ă©s bƑvĂ­teni kifelĂ© irĂĄnyban. Ez egy erƑsebb tutajt fog lĂ©trehozni, viszont több alapanyagot igĂ©nyel, Ă©s csökkenti a hasznĂĄlhatĂł nyomtatĂĄsi terĂŒletet."
  1126. msgctxt "raft_interface_margin description"
  1127. msgid "If the raft middle is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the model which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print."
  1128. msgstr ""
  1129. msgctxt "raft_surface_margin description"
  1130. msgid "If the raft top is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the model which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print."
  1131. msgstr ""
  1132. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all description"
  1133. msgid "Ignore the internal geometry arising from overlapping volumes within a mesh and print the volumes as one. This may cause unintended internal cavities to disappear."
  1134. msgstr "Figyelmen kĂ­vĂŒl hagyja a hĂĄlĂłban lĂ©vƑ, ĂĄtfedƑ tĂ©rfogatokbĂłl szĂĄrmazĂł belsƑ geometriai alakzatokat, Ă©s a szintet egyben nyomtatja ki. Ez a nem kĂ­vĂĄnt belsƑ ĂŒregek eltƱnĂ©sĂ©t eredmĂ©nyezheti."
  1135. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_prepend label"
  1136. msgid "Include Build Plate Temperature"
  1137. msgstr "Tartalmazza a tĂĄrgyasztal hƑmĂ©rsĂ©kleteket"
  1138. msgctxt "material_print_temp_prepend label"
  1139. msgid "Include Material Temperatures"
  1140. msgstr "Tartalmazza az anyaghƑmĂ©rsĂ©kleteket"
  1141. msgctxt "slicing_tolerance option inclusive"
  1142. msgid "Inclusive"
  1143. msgstr "BefoglalĂł"
  1144. msgctxt "infill description"
  1145. msgid "Infill"
  1146. msgstr "Kitöltés"
  1147. msgctxt "infill label"
  1148. msgid "Infill"
  1149. msgstr "Kitöltés"
  1150. msgctxt "acceleration_infill label"
  1151. msgid "Infill Acceleration"
  1152. msgstr "Kitöltés gyorsulås"
  1153. msgctxt "infill_before_walls label"
  1154. msgid "Infill Before Walls"
  1155. msgstr "KitöltĂ©s a falak elƑtt"
  1156. msgctxt "infill_sparse_density label"
  1157. msgid "Infill Density"
  1158. msgstr "Kitöltési sƱrƱség"
  1159. msgctxt "infill_extruder_nr label"
  1160. msgid "Infill Extruder"
  1161. msgstr "KitöltƑ extruder"
  1162. msgctxt "infill_material_flow label"
  1163. msgid "Infill Flow"
  1164. msgstr "Kitöltési åramlås"
  1165. msgctxt "jerk_infill label"
  1166. msgid "Infill Jerk"
  1167. msgstr "Kitöltés löket"
  1168. msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness label"
  1169. msgid "Infill Layer Thickness"
  1170. msgstr "KitöltƑ rĂ©teg vastagsĂĄg"
  1171. msgctxt "infill_angles label"
  1172. msgid "Infill Line Directions"
  1173. msgstr "Kitöltési vonal irånyok"
  1174. msgctxt "infill_line_distance label"
  1175. msgid "Infill Line Distance"
  1176. msgstr "KitöltƑ vonal tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  1177. msgctxt "infill_multiplier label"
  1178. msgid "Infill Line Multiplier"
  1179. msgstr "Kitöltési sor szorzó"
  1180. msgctxt "infill_line_width label"
  1181. msgid "Infill Line Width"
  1182. msgstr "Kitöltési vonalszélesség"
  1183. msgctxt "infill_mesh label"
  1184. msgid "Infill Mesh"
  1185. msgstr "Kitöltés håló"
  1186. msgctxt "infill_support_angle label"
  1187. msgid "Infill Overhang Angle"
  1188. msgstr "KitöltĂ©s tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsi szög"
  1189. msgctxt "infill_overlap_mm label"
  1190. msgid "Infill Overlap"
  1191. msgstr "Kitöltési åtfedés"
  1192. msgctxt "infill_overlap label"
  1193. msgid "Infill Overlap Percentage"
  1194. msgstr "Kitöltési åtfedés arånya"
  1195. msgctxt "infill_pattern label"
  1196. msgid "Infill Pattern"
  1197. msgstr "Kitöltési Minta"
  1198. msgctxt "speed_infill label"
  1199. msgid "Infill Speed"
  1200. msgstr "Kitöltési sebesség"
  1201. msgctxt "infill_support_enabled label"
  1202. msgid "Infill Support"
  1203. msgstr "Kitöltés tåmaszként"
  1204. msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization label"
  1205. msgid "Infill Travel Optimization"
  1206. msgstr "Kitöltési utazås optimalizåció"
  1207. msgctxt "infill_wipe_dist label"
  1208. msgid "Infill Wipe Distance"
  1209. msgstr "Kitöltés törlési tåvolsåg"
  1210. msgctxt "infill_offset_x label"
  1211. msgid "Infill X Offset"
  1212. msgstr "Kitöltés X eltolås"
  1213. msgctxt "infill_offset_y label"
  1214. msgid "Infill Y Offset"
  1215. msgstr "Kitöltés Y eltolås"
  1216. msgctxt "initial_bottom_layers label"
  1217. msgid "Initial Bottom Layers"
  1218. msgstr ""
  1219. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_0 label"
  1220. msgid "Initial Fan Speed"
  1221. msgstr "KezdƑ hƱtĂ©si sebessĂ©g"
  1222. msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 label"
  1223. msgid "Initial Layer Acceleration"
  1224. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg gyorsulĂĄs"
  1225. msgctxt "skin_material_flow_layer_0 label"
  1226. msgid "Initial Layer Bottom Flow"
  1227. msgstr ""
  1228. msgctxt "support_tree_bp_diameter label"
  1229. msgid "Initial Layer Diameter"
  1230. msgstr ""
  1231. msgctxt "material_flow_layer_0 label"
  1232. msgid "Initial Layer Flow"
  1233. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg ĂĄramlĂĄs"
  1234. msgctxt "layer_height_0 label"
  1235. msgid "Initial Layer Height"
  1236. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg magassĂĄg"
  1237. msgctxt "xy_offset_layer_0 label"
  1238. msgid "Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion"
  1239. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg vĂ­zszintes kiegĂ©szĂ­tĂ©se"
  1240. msgctxt "wall_x_material_flow_layer_0 label"
  1241. msgid "Initial Layer Inner Wall Flow"
  1242. msgstr ""
  1243. msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 label"
  1244. msgid "Initial Layer Jerk"
  1245. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg löket"
  1246. msgctxt "initial_layer_line_width_factor label"
  1247. msgid "Initial Layer Line Width"
  1248. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg vonalszĂ©lessĂ©g"
  1249. msgctxt "wall_0_material_flow_layer_0 label"
  1250. msgid "Initial Layer Outer Wall Flow"
  1251. msgstr ""
  1252. msgctxt "acceleration_print_layer_0 label"
  1253. msgid "Initial Layer Print Acceleration"
  1254. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsi gyorsulĂĄs"
  1255. msgctxt "jerk_print_layer_0 label"
  1256. msgid "Initial Layer Print Jerk"
  1257. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsi löket"
  1258. msgctxt "speed_print_layer_0 label"
  1259. msgid "Initial Layer Print Speed"
  1260. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge"
  1261. msgctxt "speed_layer_0 label"
  1262. msgid "Initial Layer Speed"
  1263. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg sebessĂ©ge"
  1264. msgctxt "support_initial_layer_line_distance label"
  1265. msgid "Initial Layer Support Line Distance"
  1266. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg tĂĄmasz vonal tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  1267. msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 label"
  1268. msgid "Initial Layer Travel Acceleration"
  1269. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg utazĂĄsi gyorsulĂĄs"
  1270. msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 label"
  1271. msgid "Initial Layer Travel Jerk"
  1272. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg utazĂĄs löket"
  1273. msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 label"
  1274. msgid "Initial Layer Travel Speed"
  1275. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg utazĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge"
  1276. msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap label"
  1277. msgid "Initial Layer Z Overlap"
  1278. msgstr "ElsƑ rĂ©teg Z ĂĄtfedĂ©s"
  1279. msgctxt "material_initial_print_temperature label"
  1280. msgid "Initial Printing Temperature"
  1281. msgstr "Kezdeti nyomtatĂĄsi hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
  1282. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x label"
  1283. msgid "Inner Wall Acceleration"
  1284. msgstr "BelsƑ fal gyorsulás"
  1285. msgctxt "wall_x_extruder_nr label"
  1286. msgid "Inner Wall Extruder"
  1287. msgstr "BelsƑ fali extruder"
  1288. msgctxt "jerk_wall_x label"
  1289. msgid "Inner Wall Jerk"
  1290. msgstr "BelsƑ fal löket"
  1291. msgctxt "speed_wall_x label"
  1292. msgid "Inner Wall Speed"
  1293. msgstr "BelsƑ fal sebessĂ©g"
  1294. msgctxt "wall_x_material_flow label"
  1295. msgid "Inner Wall(s) Flow"
  1296. msgstr "BelsƑ fal)akÖ áramlása"
  1297. msgctxt "wall_line_width_x label"
  1298. msgid "Inner Wall(s) Line Width"
  1299. msgstr "BelsƑ fal(-ak) vonalszĂ©lessĂ©ge"
  1300. msgctxt "wall_0_inset description"
  1301. msgid "Inset applied to the path of the outer wall. If the outer wall is smaller than the nozzle, and printed after the inner walls, use this offset to get the hole in the nozzle to overlap with the inner walls instead of the outside of the model."
  1302. msgstr "EltolĂĄs a kĂŒlsƑ fal ĂștvonalĂĄra. Ha a kĂŒlsƑ fal kisebb, mint a fĂșvĂłka, Ă©s a belsƑ falak utĂĄn nyomtatĂłdik, akkor ezt az eltolĂĄst hasznĂĄljuk, hogy a fĂșvĂłka furata a belsƑ falakon nyĂșljon tĂșl, a modell kĂŒlseje helyett."
  1303. msgctxt "brim_location option inside"
  1304. msgid "Inside Only"
  1305. msgstr ""
  1306. msgctxt "inset_direction option inside_out"
  1307. msgid "Inside To Outside"
  1308. msgstr ""
  1309. msgctxt "support_interface_priority option interface_lines_overwrite_support_area"
  1310. msgid "Interface lines preferred"
  1311. msgstr ""
  1312. msgctxt "support_interface_priority option interface_area_overwrite_support_area"
  1313. msgid "Interface preferred"
  1314. msgstr ""
  1315. msgctxt "prime_tower_mode option interleaved"
  1316. msgid "Interleaved"
  1317. msgstr ""
  1318. msgctxt "interlocking_beam_layer_count label"
  1319. msgid "Interlocking Beam Layer Count"
  1320. msgstr ""
  1321. msgctxt "interlocking_beam_width label"
  1322. msgid "Interlocking Beam Width"
  1323. msgstr ""
  1324. msgctxt "interlocking_boundary_avoidance label"
  1325. msgid "Interlocking Boundary Avoidance"
  1326. msgstr ""
  1327. msgctxt "interlocking_depth label"
  1328. msgid "Interlocking Depth"
  1329. msgstr ""
  1330. msgctxt "interlocking_orientation label"
  1331. msgid "Interlocking Structure Orientation"
  1332. msgstr ""
  1333. msgctxt "ironing_only_highest_layer label"
  1334. msgid "Iron Only Highest Layer"
  1335. msgstr "VasalĂĄs csak a legfelsƑ rĂ©tegen"
  1336. msgctxt "acceleration_ironing label"
  1337. msgid "Ironing Acceleration"
  1338. msgstr "VasalĂĄsi gyorsulĂĄs"
  1339. msgctxt "ironing_flow label"
  1340. msgid "Ironing Flow"
  1341. msgstr "VasalĂĄsi adagolĂĄs"
  1342. msgctxt "ironing_inset label"
  1343. msgid "Ironing Inset"
  1344. msgstr "VasalĂĄs behĂșzĂĄs"
  1345. msgctxt "jerk_ironing label"
  1346. msgid "Ironing Jerk"
  1347. msgstr "Vasalåsi löket"
  1348. msgctxt "ironing_line_spacing label"
  1349. msgid "Ironing Line Spacing"
  1350. msgstr "VasalĂĄsi tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  1351. msgctxt "ironing_pattern label"
  1352. msgid "Ironing Pattern"
  1353. msgstr "VasalĂĄsi minta"
  1354. msgctxt "speed_ironing label"
  1355. msgid "Ironing Speed"
  1356. msgstr "Vasalåsi sebesség"
  1357. msgctxt "machine_center_is_zero label"
  1358. msgid "Is Center Origin"
  1359. msgstr "Origó a középpontban"
  1360. msgctxt "material_is_support_material label"
  1361. msgid "Is support material"
  1362. msgstr ""
  1363. msgctxt "material_crystallinity description"
  1364. msgid "Is this material the type that breaks off cleanly when heated (crystalline), or is it the type that produces long intertwined polymer chains (non-crystalline)?"
  1365. msgstr "Az anyag olyan tĂ­pusĂș-e, ami melegĂ­tve tiszta mĂłdon, kikristĂĄlyosodva bomlik le, vagy olyan, ami nem kristĂĄlyos, összefonĂłdott polimer lĂĄncokat hoz lĂ©tre?"
  1366. msgctxt "material_is_support_material description"
  1367. msgid "Is this material typically used as a support material during printing."
  1368. msgstr ""
  1369. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_outside_only description"
  1370. msgid "Jitter only the parts' outlines and not the parts' holes."
  1371. msgstr ""
  1372. msgctxt "meshfix_keep_open_polygons label"
  1373. msgid "Keep Disconnected Faces"
  1374. msgstr "NyĂ­lt poligonok megtartĂĄsa"
  1375. msgctxt "layer_height label"
  1376. msgid "Layer Height"
  1377. msgstr "RĂ©teg magassĂĄg"
  1378. msgctxt "layer_start_x label"
  1379. msgid "Layer Start X"
  1380. msgstr "RĂ©teg X kezdƑpont"
  1381. msgctxt "layer_start_y label"
  1382. msgid "Layer Start Y"
  1383. msgstr "RĂ©teg Y kezdƑpont"
  1384. msgctxt "raft_base_thickness description"
  1385. msgid "Layer thickness of the base raft layer. This should be a thick layer which sticks firmly to the printer build plate."
  1386. msgstr "Az alap tutajrĂ©teg rĂ©tegvastagsĂĄga. Ennek vastag rĂ©tegnek kell lennie, mert erƑsen tapadnia kell a nyomtatĂł tĂĄrgyasztalĂĄhoz."
  1387. msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness description"
  1388. msgid "Layer thickness of the middle raft layer."
  1389. msgstr "A közĂ©psƑ tutajrĂ©teg rĂ©tegvastagsĂĄga."
  1390. msgctxt "raft_surface_thickness description"
  1391. msgid "Layer thickness of the top raft layers."
  1392. msgstr "Azoknak a tutajrétegeknek a vastagsåga, ami a tutaj tetején van."
  1393. msgctxt "support_skip_zag_per_mm description"
  1394. msgid "Leave out a connection between support lines once every N millimeter to make the support structure easier to break away."
  1395. msgstr "A tĂĄmaszvonalak között ennyi mm -kĂ©nt hagy el egy vonalat, a könnyebb törhetƑsĂ©g miatt."
  1396. msgctxt "z_seam_position option left"
  1397. msgid "Left"
  1398. msgstr "Balra"
  1399. msgctxt "cool_lift_head label"
  1400. msgid "Lift Head"
  1401. msgstr "Fej emelés"
  1402. msgctxt "infill_pattern option lightning"
  1403. msgid "Lightning"
  1404. msgstr ""
  1405. msgctxt "lightning_infill_overhang_angle label"
  1406. msgid "Lightning Infill Overhang Angle"
  1407. msgstr ""
  1408. msgctxt "lightning_infill_prune_angle label"
  1409. msgid "Lightning Infill Prune Angle"
  1410. msgstr ""
  1411. msgctxt "lightning_infill_straightening_angle label"
  1412. msgid "Lightning Infill Straightening Angle"
  1413. msgstr ""
  1414. msgctxt "lightning_infill_support_angle label"
  1415. msgid "Lightning Infill Support Angle"
  1416. msgstr ""
  1417. msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach label"
  1418. msgid "Limit Branch Reach"
  1419. msgstr ""
  1420. msgctxt "support_tree_limit_branch_reach description"
  1421. msgid "Limit how far each branch should travel from the point it supports. This can make the support more sturdy, but will increase the amount of branches (and because of that material usage/print time)"
  1422. msgstr ""
  1423. msgctxt "bv_temp_warn_limit description"
  1424. msgid "Limit on Build Volume Temperature warning for detection."
  1425. msgstr ""
  1426. msgctxt "bv_temp_anomaly_limit description"
  1427. msgid "Limit on Build Volume temperature Anomaly for detection."
  1428. msgstr ""
  1429. msgctxt "print_temp_anomaly_limit description"
  1430. msgid "Limit on Print Temperature anomaly for detection."
  1431. msgstr ""
  1432. msgctxt "print_temp_warn_limit description"
  1433. msgid "Limit on Print temperature warning for detection."
  1434. msgstr ""
  1435. msgctxt "flow_anomaly_limit description"
  1436. msgid "Limit on flow anomaly for detection."
  1437. msgstr ""
  1438. msgctxt "flow_warn_limit description"
  1439. msgid "Limit on the flow warning for detection."
  1440. msgstr ""
  1441. msgctxt "cutting_mesh description"
  1442. msgid "Limit the volume of this mesh to within other meshes. You can use this to make certain areas of one mesh print with different settings and with a whole different extruder."
  1443. msgstr "KorlĂĄtozza ennek a hĂĄlĂłnak a tĂ©rfogatĂĄt mĂĄs hĂĄlĂłkon belĂŒl. Ezt fel tudjuk hasznĂĄlni egy hĂĄlĂł nyomtatĂĄsĂĄnak bizonyos terĂŒleteire, kĂŒlönbözƑ beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsokkal, vagy akĂĄt teljesen eltĂ©rƑ extruderrel."
  1444. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation option limited"
  1445. msgid "Limited"
  1446. msgstr "RĂ©szleges"
  1447. msgctxt "line_width label"
  1448. msgid "Line Width"
  1449. msgstr "VonalvastagsĂĄg"
  1450. msgctxt "infill_pattern option lines"
  1451. msgid "Lines"
  1452. msgstr "Vonalak"
  1453. msgctxt "roofing_pattern option lines"
  1454. msgid "Lines"
  1455. msgstr "Vonalak"
  1456. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option lines"
  1457. msgid "Lines"
  1458. msgstr "Vonalak"
  1459. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option lines"
  1460. msgid "Lines"
  1461. msgstr "Vonalak"
  1462. msgctxt "support_pattern option lines"
  1463. msgid "Lines"
  1464. msgstr "Vonalak"
  1465. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option lines"
  1466. msgid "Lines"
  1467. msgstr "Vonalak"
  1468. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option lines"
  1469. msgid "Lines"
  1470. msgstr "Vonalas"
  1471. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option lines"
  1472. msgid "Lines"
  1473. msgstr "Vonalas"
  1474. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option MACH3"
  1475. msgid "Mach3"
  1476. msgstr "Mach3"
  1477. msgctxt "machine_settings label"
  1478. msgid "Machine"
  1479. msgstr "GĂ©p"
  1480. msgctxt "machine_depth label"
  1481. msgid "Machine Depth"
  1482. msgstr "Nyomtatåsi mélység"
  1483. msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon label"
  1484. msgid "Machine Head & Fan Polygon"
  1485. msgstr "A nyomtatĂłfej Ă©s ventillĂĄtor ĂĄbrĂĄzolĂĄsa"
  1486. msgctxt "machine_height label"
  1487. msgid "Machine Height"
  1488. msgstr "NyomtatĂĄsi magassĂĄg"
  1489. msgctxt "machine_name label"
  1490. msgid "Machine Type"
  1491. msgstr "GĂ©ptĂ­pus"
  1492. msgctxt "machine_width label"
  1493. msgid "Machine Width"
  1494. msgstr "Nyomtatåsi szélesség"
  1495. msgctxt "machine_settings description"
  1496. msgid "Machine specific settings"
  1497. msgstr "GĂ©p specifikus beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsok"
  1498. msgctxt "conical_overhang_enabled label"
  1499. msgid "Make Overhang Printable"
  1500. msgstr "NyomtathatĂł tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsok"
  1501. msgctxt "multiple_mesh_overlap description"
  1502. msgid "Make meshes which are touching each other overlap a bit. This makes them bond together better."
  1503. msgstr "EgyesĂ­ti az egymĂĄssal Ă©rintkezƑ hĂĄlĂłrĂ©szeket. Ez jobb kötĂ©st hoz lĂ©tre a testben."
  1504. msgctxt "support_conical_enabled description"
  1505. msgid "Make support areas smaller at the bottom than at the overhang."
  1506. msgstr "A tåmaszok alja kisebb méretƱ lesz, mint az alåtåmasztandó rész."
  1507. msgctxt "support_mesh_drop_down description"
  1508. msgid "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh."
  1509. msgstr "KĂ©szĂ­tsen mindenĂŒtt tĂĄmasztĂĄst a tĂĄmaszhĂĄlĂł alatt Ășgy, hogy ne lehessen alĂĄtĂĄmasztatlan kinyĂșlĂĄs a tĂĄmaszhĂĄlĂłban."
  1510. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_abs description"
  1511. msgid "Make the extruder prime position absolute rather than relative to the last-known location of the head."
  1512. msgstr "A nyomtatĂłfej kezdeti pozĂ­ciĂłja legyen abszolĂșt, Ă©s ne a fej utolsĂł ismert helyzetĂ©hez viszonyĂ­tson."
  1513. msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap description"
  1514. msgid ""
  1515. "Make the first and second layer of the model overlap in the Z direction to compensate for the filament lost in the airgap. All models above the first model layer will be shifted down by this amount.\n"
  1516. "It may be noted that sometimes the second layer is printed below initial layer because of this setting. This is intended behavior"
  1517. msgstr ""
  1518. msgctxt "meshfix description"
  1519. msgid "Make the meshes more suited for 3D printing."
  1520. msgstr ""
  1521. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Makerbot"
  1522. msgid "Makerbot"
  1523. msgstr "Makerbot"
  1524. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
  1525. msgid "Marlin"
  1526. msgstr "Marlin"
  1527. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (Volumetric)"
  1528. msgid "Marlin (Volumetric)"
  1529. msgstr "Marlin (TĂ©rfogat)"
  1530. msgctxt "material description"
  1531. msgid "Material"
  1532. msgstr "Alapanyag"
  1533. msgctxt "material label"
  1534. msgid "Material"
  1535. msgstr "Alapanyag"
  1536. msgctxt "material_brand label"
  1537. msgid "Material Brand"
  1538. msgstr ""
  1539. msgctxt "material_guid label"
  1540. msgid "Material GUID"
  1541. msgstr "Alapanyag GUID"
  1542. msgctxt "material_type label"
  1543. msgid "Material Type"
  1544. msgstr ""
  1545. msgctxt "max_extrusion_before_wipe label"
  1546. msgid "Material Volume Between Wipes"
  1547. msgstr "Anyagmennyiség törlések között"
  1548. msgctxt "retraction_combing_max_distance label"
  1549. msgid "Max Comb Distance With No Retract"
  1550. msgstr "Maximum fĂ©sƱ tĂĄv visszahĂșzĂĄs nĂ©lkĂŒl"
  1551. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_x label"
  1552. msgid "Maximum Acceleration X"
  1553. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis X gyorsulĂĄs"
  1554. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_y label"
  1555. msgid "Maximum Acceleration Y"
  1556. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis Y gyorsulĂĄs"
  1557. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_z label"
  1558. msgid "Maximum Acceleration Z"
  1559. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis Z gyorsulĂĄs"
  1560. msgctxt "support_tree_angle label"
  1561. msgid "Maximum Branch Angle"
  1562. msgstr ""
  1563. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_deviation label"
  1564. msgid "Maximum Deviation"
  1565. msgstr "Maximålis eltérés"
  1566. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation label"
  1567. msgid "Maximum Extrusion Area Deviation"
  1568. msgstr ""
  1569. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_max label"
  1570. msgid "Maximum Fan Speed"
  1571. msgstr "Maximålis hƱtési sebesség"
  1572. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_e label"
  1573. msgid "Maximum Filament Acceleration"
  1574. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis E gyorsulĂĄs"
  1575. msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle label"
  1576. msgid "Maximum Model Angle"
  1577. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsi szög"
  1578. msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size label"
  1579. msgid "Maximum Overhang Hole Area"
  1580. msgstr ""
  1581. msgctxt "material_maximum_park_duration label"
  1582. msgid "Maximum Park Duration"
  1583. msgstr ""
  1584. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_resolution label"
  1585. msgid "Maximum Resolution"
  1586. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis felbontĂĄs"
  1587. msgctxt "retraction_count_max label"
  1588. msgid "Maximum Retraction Count"
  1589. msgstr "VisszahĂșzĂĄsok maximĂĄlis szĂĄma"
  1590. msgctxt "max_skin_angle_for_expansion label"
  1591. msgid "Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion"
  1592. msgstr "A kĂ©reg bƑvĂ­tĂ©s maximĂĄlis szöge"
  1593. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e label"
  1594. msgid "Maximum Speed E"
  1595. msgstr ""
  1596. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_x label"
  1597. msgid "Maximum Speed X"
  1598. msgstr "Maximum X sebesség"
  1599. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_y label"
  1600. msgid "Maximum Speed Y"
  1601. msgstr "Maximum Y sebesség"
  1602. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_z label"
  1603. msgid "Maximum Speed Z"
  1604. msgstr "Maximum Z sebesség"
  1605. msgctxt "support_tower_maximum_supported_diameter label"
  1606. msgid "Maximum Tower-Supported Diameter"
  1607. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis toronnyal tĂĄmasztott ĂĄtmĂ©rƑ"
  1608. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_travel_resolution label"
  1609. msgid "Maximum Travel Resolution"
  1610. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis utazĂĄsi felbontĂĄs"
  1611. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_x description"
  1612. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the X-direction"
  1613. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis gyorsulĂĄs az X tengelyen"
  1614. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_y description"
  1615. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the Y-direction."
  1616. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis gyorsulĂĄs az Y tengelyen."
  1617. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_z description"
  1618. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the Z-direction."
  1619. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis gyorsulĂĄs a Z tengelyen."
  1620. msgctxt "machine_max_acceleration_e description"
  1621. msgid "Maximum acceleration for the motor of the filament."
  1622. msgstr "MaximĂĄlis extrudĂĄlĂĄsi gyorsulĂĄs."
  1623. msgctxt "bridge_sparse_infill_max_density description"
  1624. msgid "Maximum density of infill considered to be sparse. Skin over sparse infill is considered to be unsupported and so may be treated as a bridge skin."
  1625. msgstr ""
  1626. msgctxt "support_tower_maximum_supported_diameter description"
  1627. msgid "Maximum diameter in the X/Y directions of a small area which is to be supported by a specialized support tower."
  1628. msgstr "Annak a kis terĂŒletnek a legnagyobb ĂĄtmĂ©rƑje, amit speciĂĄlis tĂĄmasz toronnyalkell alĂĄtĂĄmasztani."
  1629. msgctxt "max_extrusion_before_wipe description"
  1630. msgid "Maximum material that can be extruded before another nozzle wipe is initiated. If this value is less than the volume of material required in a layer, the setting has no effect in this layer, i.e. it is limited to one wipe per layer."
  1631. msgstr ""
  1632. msgctxt "multiple_mesh_overlap label"
  1633. msgid "Merged Meshes Overlap"
  1634. msgstr "Átfedések egyesítése"
  1635. msgctxt "meshfix label"
  1636. msgid "Mesh Fixes"
  1637. msgstr "HĂĄlĂł korrekciĂłk"
  1638. msgctxt "mesh_position_x label"
  1639. msgid "Mesh Position X"
  1640. msgstr "HĂĄlĂł X pozĂ­ciĂł"
  1641. msgctxt "mesh_position_y label"
  1642. msgid "Mesh Position Y"
  1643. msgstr "HĂĄlĂł Y pozĂ­ciĂł"
  1644. msgctxt "mesh_position_z label"
  1645. msgid "Mesh Position Z"
  1646. msgstr "HĂĄlĂł Z pozĂ­ciĂł"
  1647. msgctxt "infill_mesh_order label"
  1648. msgid "Mesh Processing Rank"
  1649. msgstr ""
  1650. msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix label"
  1651. msgid "Mesh Rotation Matrix"
  1652. msgstr "HĂĄlĂł elforgatĂĄs mĂĄtrix"
  1653. msgctxt "slicing_tolerance option middle"
  1654. msgid "Middle"
  1655. msgstr "KözĂ©psƑ"
  1656. msgctxt "mold_width label"
  1657. msgid "Minimal Mold Width"
  1658. msgstr "Minimålis formaszélesség"
  1659. msgctxt "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window label"
  1660. msgid "Minimal Time Standby Temperature"
  1661. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis kĂ©szenlĂ©ti hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet idƑ"
  1662. msgctxt "bridge_wall_min_length label"
  1663. msgid "Minimum Bridge Wall Length"
  1664. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis hĂ­d falhossz"
  1665. msgctxt "min_even_wall_line_width label"
  1666. msgid "Minimum Even Wall Line Width"
  1667. msgstr ""
  1668. msgctxt "retraction_extrusion_window label"
  1669. msgid "Minimum Extrusion Distance Window"
  1670. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis extrudĂĄlĂĄsi tĂĄvolsĂĄg ablak"
  1671. msgctxt "min_feature_size label"
  1672. msgid "Minimum Feature Size"
  1673. msgstr ""
  1674. msgctxt "machine_minimum_feedrate label"
  1675. msgid "Minimum Feedrate"
  1676. msgstr "Minimålis sebesség"
  1677. msgctxt "support_tree_min_height_to_model label"
  1678. msgid "Minimum Height To Model"
  1679. msgstr ""
  1680. msgctxt "min_infill_area label"
  1681. msgid "Minimum Infill Area"
  1682. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis kitöltĂ©si terĂŒlet"
  1683. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time label"
  1684. msgid "Minimum Layer Time"
  1685. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis rĂ©tegidƑ"
  1686. msgctxt "min_odd_wall_line_width label"
  1687. msgid "Minimum Odd Wall Line Width"
  1688. msgstr ""
  1689. msgctxt "minimum_polygon_circumference label"
  1690. msgid "Minimum Polygon Circumference"
  1691. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis sokszög kerĂŒlet"
  1692. msgctxt "min_skin_width_for_expansion label"
  1693. msgid "Minimum Skin Width for Expansion"
  1694. msgstr "A minimĂĄlis kĂ©regszĂ©lessĂ©g kibƑvĂ­tĂ©shez"
  1695. msgctxt "cool_min_speed label"
  1696. msgid "Minimum Speed"
  1697. msgstr "Minimålis sebesség"
  1698. msgctxt "minimum_support_area label"
  1699. msgid "Minimum Support Area"
  1700. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis tĂĄmasz terĂŒlet"
  1701. msgctxt "minimum_bottom_area label"
  1702. msgid "Minimum Support Floor Area"
  1703. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis alsĂł interfĂ©sz terĂŒlet"
  1704. msgctxt "minimum_interface_area label"
  1705. msgid "Minimum Support Interface Area"
  1706. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis interfĂ©sz terĂŒlet"
  1707. msgctxt "minimum_roof_area label"
  1708. msgid "Minimum Support Roof Area"
  1709. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis felsƑ interfĂ©sz terĂŒlet"
  1710. msgctxt "support_xy_distance_overhang label"
  1711. msgid "Minimum Support X/Y Distance"
  1712. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis tĂĄmasz X/Y tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  1713. msgctxt "min_bead_width label"
  1714. msgid "Minimum Thin Wall Line Width"
  1715. msgstr ""
  1716. msgctxt "coasting_min_volume label"
  1717. msgid "Minimum Volume Before Coasting"
  1718. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis mennyisĂ©g a kifutĂĄs elƑtt"
  1719. msgctxt "min_wall_line_width label"
  1720. msgid "Minimum Wall Line Width"
  1721. msgstr ""
  1722. msgctxt "minimum_interface_area description"
  1723. msgid "Minimum area size for support interface polygons. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will be printed as normal support."
  1724. msgstr ""
  1725. msgctxt "minimum_support_area description"
  1726. msgid "Minimum area size for support polygons. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will not be generated."
  1727. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz poligonok minimĂĄlis terĂŒlete. Ha ettƑl kisebb a terĂŒlet, ottnem lesz tĂĄmasz generĂĄlva."
  1728. msgctxt "minimum_bottom_area description"
  1729. msgid "Minimum area size for the floors of the support. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will be printed as normal support."
  1730. msgstr ""
  1731. msgctxt "minimum_roof_area description"
  1732. msgid "Minimum area size for the roofs of the support. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will be printed as normal support."
  1733. msgstr ""
  1734. msgctxt "min_feature_size description"
  1735. msgid "Minimum thickness of thin features. Model features that are thinner than this value will not be printed, while features thicker than the Minimum Feature Size will be widened to the Minimum Wall Line Width."
  1736. msgstr ""
  1737. msgctxt "support_conical_min_width description"
  1738. msgid "Minimum width to which the base of the conical support area is reduced. Small widths can lead to unstable support structures."
  1739. msgstr "A kĂșptĂĄmasz alapjĂĄnak minimĂĄlis mĂ©rete. Ha nagyon kicsi ez a szĂ©lessĂ©g, akkor a tĂĄmasz instabil lehet."
  1740. msgctxt "mold_enabled label"
  1741. msgid "Mold"
  1742. msgstr "ÖntƑforma"
  1743. msgctxt "mold_angle label"
  1744. msgid "Mold Angle"
  1745. msgstr "Forma szög"
  1746. msgctxt "mold_roof_height label"
  1747. msgid "Mold Roof Height"
  1748. msgstr "Forma fedél magassåg"
  1749. msgctxt "ironing_monotonic label"
  1750. msgid "Monotonic Ironing Order"
  1751. msgstr ""
  1752. msgctxt "raft_surface_monotonic label"
  1753. msgid "Monotonic Raft Top Surface Order"
  1754. msgstr ""
  1755. msgctxt "roofing_monotonic label"
  1756. msgid "Monotonic Top Surface Order"
  1757. msgstr ""
  1758. msgctxt "skin_monotonic label"
  1759. msgid "Monotonic Top/Bottom Order"
  1760. msgstr ""
  1761. msgctxt "skirt_line_count description"
  1762. msgid "Multiple skirt lines help to prime your extrusion better for small models. Setting this to 0 will disable the skirt."
  1763. msgstr "A szoknyavonalak szĂĄmĂĄnak növelĂ©se, kismĂ©retƱ tĂĄrgyak esetĂ©n segĂ­thet az extruderben a megvelelƑ olvadĂłkamra nyomĂĄs elƑállĂ­tĂĄsĂĄban.Ha az Ă©rtĂ©k 0, akkor a szoknya letiltĂłdik."
  1764. msgctxt "initial_layer_line_width_factor description"
  1765. msgid "Multiplier of the line width on the first layer. Increasing this could improve bed adhesion."
  1766. msgstr "Az elsƑ rĂ©teg vonalszĂ©lessĂ©gĂ©nek szorzĂłja. Ennek a növelĂ©sĂ©vel javĂ­thatjuk a tapadĂĄst a tĂĄrgyasztalhoz."
  1767. msgctxt "material_no_load_move_factor label"
  1768. msgid "No Load Move Factor"
  1769. msgstr ""
  1770. msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic label"
  1771. msgid "No Skin in Z Gaps"
  1772. msgstr "FelĂŒlet nĂ©lkĂŒli Z hĂ©zag"
  1773. msgctxt "blackmagic description"
  1774. msgid "Non-traditional ways to print your models."
  1775. msgstr ""
  1776. msgctxt "adhesion_type option none"
  1777. msgid "None"
  1778. msgstr "Nincs"
  1779. msgctxt "z_seam_corner option z_seam_corner_none"
  1780. msgid "None"
  1781. msgstr "Nincs"
  1782. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option normal"
  1783. msgid "Normal"
  1784. msgstr "NormĂĄl"
  1785. msgctxt "prime_tower_mode option normal"
  1786. msgid "Normal"
  1787. msgstr ""
  1788. msgctxt "support_structure option normal"
  1789. msgid "Normal"
  1790. msgstr ""
  1791. msgctxt "meshfix_keep_open_polygons description"
  1792. msgid "Normally Cura tries to stitch up small holes in the mesh and remove parts of a layer with big holes. Enabling this option keeps those parts which cannot be stitched. This option should be used as a last resort option when everything else fails to produce proper g-code."
  1793. msgstr "A Cura ĂĄltalĂĄban megkĂ­sĂ©rli összefƱzni a kis lyukakat a hĂĄlĂłban, Ă©s eltĂĄvolĂ­tja ezeket egy nagy ĂŒregben. Ennek az opciĂłnak a bekapcsolĂĄsĂĄval megtarthatĂłk azok a rĂ©szek, amiket nem lehet felfƱzni. Ezt a lehetƑsĂ©get vĂ©gsƑ lehetƑsĂ©gkĂ©nt tartsuk fent, Ă©s csak akkor hasznĂĄljuk, ha nem tudjuk mĂĄs mĂłdon lĂ©trehozni a megfelelƑ G-kĂłdot."
  1794. msgctxt "retraction_combing option noskin"
  1795. msgid "Not in Skin"
  1796. msgstr "FelszĂ­nen nem"
  1797. msgctxt "retraction_combing option no_outer_surfaces"
  1798. msgid "Not on Outer Surface"
  1799. msgstr ""
  1800. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle label"
  1801. msgid "Nozzle Angle"
  1802. msgstr "CsĂșcsszög"
  1803. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size label"
  1804. msgid "Nozzle Diameter"
  1805. msgstr "FĂșvĂłka ĂĄtmĂ©rƑ"
  1806. msgctxt "nozzle_disallowed_areas label"
  1807. msgid "Nozzle Disallowed Areas"
  1808. msgstr "FĂșvĂłka tiltott terĂŒletek"
  1809. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_id label"
  1810. msgid "Nozzle ID"
  1811. msgstr "FĂșvĂłka ID"
  1812. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_head_distance label"
  1813. msgid "Nozzle Length"
  1814. msgstr "FĂșvĂłka hossza"
  1815. msgctxt "switch_extruder_extra_prime_amount label"
  1816. msgid "Nozzle Switch Extra Prime Amount"
  1817. msgstr "FĂșvĂłkavĂĄltĂĄsi extra visszatolt anyag"
  1818. msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed label"
  1819. msgid "Nozzle Switch Prime Speed"
  1820. msgstr "FĂșvĂłkavĂĄltĂĄs visszatolĂĄsi sebessĂ©g"
  1821. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speed label"
  1822. msgid "Nozzle Switch Retract Speed"
  1823. msgstr "FĂșvĂłkavĂĄltĂĄs visszahĂșzĂĄsi sebessĂ©g"
  1824. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_amount label"
  1825. msgid "Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance"
  1826. msgstr "FĂșvĂłkavĂĄltĂĄs visszahĂșzĂĄsi tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  1827. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds label"
  1828. msgid "Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed"
  1829. msgstr "FĂșvĂłkavĂĄltĂĄs visszahĂșzĂĄsi sebessĂ©g"
  1830. msgctxt "machine_extruder_count label"
  1831. msgid "Number of Extruders"
  1832. msgstr "Extruderek szĂĄma"
  1833. msgctxt "extruders_enabled_count label"
  1834. msgid "Number of Extruders That Are Enabled"
  1835. msgstr "Engedélyezett extruderek szåma"
  1836. msgctxt "speed_slowdown_layers label"
  1837. msgid "Number of Slower Layers"
  1838. msgstr "Lassabb rétegek szåma"
  1839. msgctxt "extruders_enabled_count description"
  1840. msgid "Number of extruder trains that are enabled; automatically set in software"
  1841. msgstr "Az engedĂ©lyezett extruder szerelvĂ©nyek szĂĄma. Ez egy automatikus beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄs a szoftverbƑl"
  1842. msgctxt "machine_extruder_count description"
  1843. msgid "Number of extruder trains. An extruder train is the combination of a feeder, bowden tube, and nozzle."
  1844. msgstr "Az extruder szerelvĂ©nyek szĂĄma. Az extruder szerelvĂ©ny ĂĄll a tovĂĄbbĂ­tĂł egysĂ©gbƑl, a nyomtatĂłfejbƑl, Ă©s bowdenes gĂ©peken a PTFE csƑbƑl."
  1845. msgctxt "wipe_repeat_count description"
  1846. msgid "Number of times to move the nozzle across the brush."
  1847. msgstr "A törlési mozgås ismétlésének szåma, håynszor keresztezze a fej a kefét."
  1848. msgctxt "gradual_infill_steps description"
  1849. msgid "Number of times to reduce the infill density by half when getting further below top surfaces. Areas which are closer to top surfaces get a higher density, up to the Infill Density."
  1850. msgstr "Ez egy olyan lĂ©pĂ©sszĂĄm, ami azt hatĂĄrozza meg, hogy hĂĄnyszor csökkenti a kitöltĂ©si sƱrƱsĂ©get a rĂ©tegek emelkedĂ©se sorĂĄn addig, amĂ­g elĂ©ri a kitöltĂ©si sƱrƱsĂ©g felĂ©t. Azokon a terĂŒleteken, ahol a fedƑ rĂ©tegek közelĂ©be kerĂŒl a kitöltĂ©s, a sƱrƱsĂ©g Ășjra növekedni fog."
  1851. msgctxt "gradual_support_infill_steps description"
  1852. msgid "Number of times to reduce the support infill density by half when getting further below top surfaces. Areas which are closer to top surfaces get a higher density, up to the Support Infill Density."
  1853. msgstr "HĂĄny esetben csökkenti felĂ©re a tĂĄmasz kitörlĂ©sĂ©nek a sƱrƱsĂ©gĂ©t a felĂ©re, ahogy Ă©pĂ­ti a tĂĄmaszt. Azokon a terĂŒleteken, ahol a felsƑ felĂŒletekhez közelebb kerĂŒl, ott a sƱrƱsĂ©g nƑni fog, egĂ©szen a tĂĄmasz kitöltĂ©si sƱrƱsĂ©gig."
  1854. msgctxt "infill_pattern option tetrahedral"
  1855. msgid "Octet"
  1856. msgstr "Oktett"
  1857. msgctxt "retraction_combing option off"
  1858. msgid "Off"
  1859. msgstr "Ki"
  1860. msgctxt "mesh_position_x description"
  1861. msgid "Offset applied to the object in the x direction."
  1862. msgstr "Az objektumra vonatkozó eltolås mértéke X irånyban."
  1863. msgctxt "mesh_position_y description"
  1864. msgid "Offset applied to the object in the y direction."
  1865. msgstr "Az objektumra vonatkozó eltolås mértéke Y irånyban."
  1866. msgctxt "mesh_position_z description"
  1867. msgid "Offset applied to the object in the z direction. With this you can perform what was used to be called 'Object Sink'."
  1868. msgstr "Az objektumra alkalmazott eltolås z irånyban. Ezzel végrehajthatja azt, amit régen 'Object Sink' -nek hívtak."
  1869. msgctxt "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords label"
  1870. msgid "Offset with Extruder"
  1871. msgstr "Extruder eltolĂĄs"
  1872. msgctxt "support_tree_rest_preference option buildplate"
  1873. msgid "On buildplate when possible"
  1874. msgstr ""
  1875. msgctxt "support_tree_rest_preference option graceful"
  1876. msgid "On model if required"
  1877. msgstr ""
  1878. msgctxt "print_sequence option one_at_a_time"
  1879. msgid "One at a Time"
  1880. msgstr "Egyesével"
  1881. msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides description"
  1882. msgid "Only perform a Z Hop when moving over printed parts which cannot be avoided by horizontal motion by Avoid Printed Parts when Traveling."
  1883. msgstr "Csak akkor vĂ©gez Z emelĂ©st, ha olyan nyomtatott rĂ©szek felett mozog, amiket vĂ­zszintes mozgĂĄssal nem lehet elkerĂŒlni."
  1884. msgctxt "ironing_only_highest_layer description"
  1885. msgid "Only perform ironing on the very last layer of the mesh. This saves time if the lower layers don't need a smooth surface finish."
  1886. msgstr "A vasalĂĄst csak a legfelsƑ rĂ©tegen vĂ©gzi el. Ha az alacsonyabb szinteken lĂ©vƑfelsƑ felĂŒleteken nem szĂŒksĂ©ges a sima felĂŒlet, akkor ezzel idƑt takarĂ­thatunk meg."
  1887. msgctxt "ooze_shield_angle label"
  1888. msgid "Ooze Shield Angle"
  1889. msgstr "Szivårgåspajzs szöge"
  1890. msgctxt "ooze_shield_dist label"
  1891. msgid "Ooze Shield Distance"
  1892. msgstr "SzivĂĄrgĂĄspajzs tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  1893. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_reach_limit label"
  1894. msgid "Optimal Branch Range"
  1895. msgstr ""
  1896. msgctxt "optimize_wall_printing_order label"
  1897. msgid "Optimize Wall Printing Order"
  1898. msgstr "OptimalizĂĄlĂĄs a falnyomtatĂĄsi sorrendre"
  1899. msgctxt "optimize_wall_printing_order description"
  1900. msgid "Optimize the order in which walls are printed so as to reduce the number of retractions and the distance travelled. Most parts will benefit from this being enabled but some may actually take longer so please compare the print time estimates with and without optimization. First layer is not optimized when choosing brim as build plate adhesion type."
  1901. msgstr "OptimalizĂĄlja a falak nyomtatĂĄsĂĄnak sorrendjĂ©t, hogy csökkentse a visszahĂșzĂĄsok szĂĄmĂĄt Ă©s a megtett tĂĄvolsĂĄgot. A legtöbb alkatrĂ©sz szĂĄmĂĄra elƑnyös lehet ennek engedĂ©lyezĂ©se, de bizonyos esetekben valĂłjĂĄban hosszabb is lehet.EzĂ©rt kĂ©rjĂŒk, hasonlĂ­tsa össze a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑ becslĂ©seit az optimalizĂĄlĂĄssal Ă©s anĂ©lkĂŒl.Az elsƑ rĂ©teg nincs optimalizĂĄlva, ha a szĂ©leket Ă©pĂ­tĂ”lap-tapadĂĄsi tĂ­pusnak vĂĄlasztjĂĄk."
  1902. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter label"
  1903. msgid "Outer Nozzle Diameter"
  1904. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ fĂșvĂłka ĂĄtmĂ©rƑ"
  1905. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0 label"
  1906. msgid "Outer Wall Acceleration"
  1907. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ fal gyorsulĂĄs"
  1908. msgctxt "wall_0_extruder_nr label"
  1909. msgid "Outer Wall Extruder"
  1910. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ fali extruder"
  1911. msgctxt "wall_0_material_flow label"
  1912. msgid "Outer Wall Flow"
  1913. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ fal ĂĄramlĂĄs"
  1914. msgctxt "wall_0_inset label"
  1915. msgid "Outer Wall Inset"
  1916. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ fal eltolĂĄs"
  1917. msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 label"
  1918. msgid "Outer Wall Jerk"
  1919. msgstr "KĂŒlsö fal löket"
  1920. msgctxt "wall_line_width_0 label"
  1921. msgid "Outer Wall Line Width"
  1922. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ falvonal szĂ©lessĂ©ge"
  1923. msgctxt "speed_wall_0 label"
  1924. msgid "Outer Wall Speed"
  1925. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ fal sebessĂ©g"
  1926. msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist label"
  1927. msgid "Outer Wall Wipe Distance"
  1928. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ fal tisztĂ­tĂĄsi tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  1929. msgctxt "group_outer_walls description"
  1930. msgid "Outer walls of different islands in the same layer are printed in sequence. When enabled the amount of flow changes is limited because walls are printed one type at a time, when disabled the number of travels between islands is reduced because walls in the same islands are grouped."
  1931. msgstr "Az azonos rĂ©tegben lĂ©vƑ kĂŒlönbözƑ szigetek kĂŒlsƑ falait sorban nyomtatjĂĄk. Amikor engedĂ©lyezve van, korlĂĄtozĂłdik az ĂĄramlĂĄs vĂĄltozĂĄsainak mĂ©rtĂ©ke, mert a falak tĂ­pusonkĂ©nt nyomtathatĂłk ki. Amikor letiltva van, az utazĂĄsok szĂĄmĂĄt a szigetek között csökkenti, mert ugyanazon szigeteken lĂ©vƑ falak csoportosĂ­tva vannak."
  1932. msgctxt "brim_location option outside"
  1933. msgid "Outside Only"
  1934. msgstr ""
  1935. msgctxt "inset_direction option outside_in"
  1936. msgid "Outside To Inside"
  1937. msgstr ""
  1938. msgctxt "wall_overhang_angle label"
  1939. msgid "Overhanging Wall Angle"
  1940. msgstr "FalkinyĂșlĂĄsok szöge"
  1941. msgctxt "wall_overhang_speed_factor label"
  1942. msgid "Overhanging Wall Speed"
  1943. msgstr "FalkinyĂșlĂĄs sebessĂ©ge"
  1944. msgctxt "wall_overhang_speed_factor description"
  1945. msgid "Overhanging walls will be printed at this percentage of their normal print speed."
  1946. msgstr "A kinyĂșlĂł falak a normĂĄl nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©g szĂĄzalĂ©kos arĂĄnyĂĄban adjuk meg."
  1947. msgctxt "wipe_pause description"
  1948. msgid "Pause after the unretract."
  1949. msgstr "SzĂŒnet a visszahĂșzĂĄs utĂĄn."
  1950. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed description"
  1951. msgid "Percentage fan speed to use when printing bridge walls and skin."
  1952. msgstr "A hƱtƑventillĂĄtor sebessĂ©gĂ©nek szĂĄzalĂ©kos Ă©rtĂ©ke hĂ­dfalak, Ă©s a felszĂ­ni rĂ©tegek nyomtatĂĄsakor."
  1953. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed_2 description"
  1954. msgid "Percentage fan speed to use when printing the second bridge skin layer."
  1955. msgstr "A måsodik hídréteg nyomtatåsakor hasznålt ventillåtor sebesség szåzalékos értékben megadva."
  1956. msgctxt "support_supported_skin_fan_speed description"
  1957. msgid "Percentage fan speed to use when printing the skin regions immediately above the support. Using a high fan speed can make the support easier to remove."
  1958. msgstr "A ventillĂĄtorok % -os sebessĂ©g arĂĄnya, amit a tĂĄmaszok feletti kĂŒlsƑ, kĂ©regfelĂŒleteken kell hasznĂĄlni. Ha a ventillĂĄtor sebessĂ©g itt nagyobb, akkor a tĂĄmasz könnyebben eltĂĄvolĂ­thatĂł."
  1959. msgctxt "bridge_fan_speed_3 description"
  1960. msgid "Percentage fan speed to use when printing the third bridge skin layer."
  1961. msgstr "A harmadik hídréteg nyomtatåsakor hasznålt ventillåtor sebesség szåzalékos értékben megadva."
  1962. msgctxt "minimum_polygon_circumference description"
  1963. msgid "Polygons in sliced layers that have a circumference smaller than this amount will be filtered out. Lower values lead to higher resolution mesh at the cost of slicing time. It is meant mostly for high resolution SLA printers and very tiny 3D models with a lot of details."
  1964. msgstr "A szeletelt rĂ©tegekben lĂ©vƑ sokszögeket, amelyek kerĂŒlete kisebb, mint ez az összeg, kiszƱrjĂŒk. Az alacsonyabb Ă©rtĂ©kek magasabb felbontĂĄsĂș hĂĄlĂłhoz vezetnek a szeletelĂ©si idƑ költsĂ©gĂ©n. ElsƑsorban nagy felbontĂĄsĂș SLA nyomtatĂłkhoz Ă©s nagyon aprĂł, sok rĂ©szlettel rendelkezƑ 3D modellekhez kĂ©szĂŒlt."
  1965. msgctxt "support_tree_angle_slow label"
  1966. msgid "Preferred Branch Angle"
  1967. msgstr ""
  1968. msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_deviation description"
  1969. msgid "Prevent transitioning back and forth between one extra wall and one less. This margin extends the range of line widths which follow to [Minimum Wall Line Width - Margin, 2 * Minimum Wall Line Width + Margin]. Increasing this margin reduces the number of transitions, which reduces the number of extrusion starts/stops and travel time. However, large line width variation can lead to under- or overextrusion problems."
  1970. msgstr ""
  1971. msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower label"
  1972. msgid "Prime Tower Acceleration"
  1973. msgstr "ElƑtorony gyorsulás"
  1974. msgctxt "prime_tower_brim_enable label"
  1975. msgid "Prime Tower Base"
  1976. msgstr ""
  1977. msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height label"
  1978. msgid "Prime Tower Base Height"
  1979. msgstr ""
  1980. msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size label"
  1981. msgid "Prime Tower Base Size"
  1982. msgstr ""
  1983. msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude label"
  1984. msgid "Prime Tower Base Slope"
  1985. msgstr ""
  1986. msgctxt "prime_tower_flow label"
  1987. msgid "Prime Tower Flow"
  1988. msgstr "ElƑ torony áramlás"
  1989. msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower label"
  1990. msgid "Prime Tower Jerk"
  1991. msgstr "ElƑtorony löket"
  1992. msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width label"
  1993. msgid "Prime Tower Line Width"
  1994. msgstr "ElƑtorony vonalszĂ©lessĂ©g"
  1995. msgctxt "prime_tower_max_bridging_distance label"
  1996. msgid "Prime Tower Maximum Bridging Distance"
  1997. msgstr ""
  1998. msgctxt "prime_tower_min_volume label"
  1999. msgid "Prime Tower Minimum Volume"
  2000. msgstr "ElƑtorony minimĂĄlis tĂ©rfogat"
  2001. msgctxt "prime_tower_raft_base_line_spacing label"
  2002. msgid "Prime Tower Raft Line Spacing"
  2003. msgstr ""
  2004. msgctxt "prime_tower_size label"
  2005. msgid "Prime Tower Size"
  2006. msgstr "ElƑtorony mĂ©rete"
  2007. msgctxt "speed_prime_tower label"
  2008. msgid "Prime Tower Speed"
  2009. msgstr "ElƑtorony sebessĂ©g"
  2010. msgctxt "prime_tower_mode label"
  2011. msgid "Prime Tower Type"
  2012. msgstr ""
  2013. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_x label"
  2014. msgid "Prime Tower X Position"
  2015. msgstr "ElƑtorony X helyzet"
  2016. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_y label"
  2017. msgid "Prime Tower Y Position"
  2018. msgstr "ElƑtorony Y helyzet"
  2019. msgctxt "acceleration_print label"
  2020. msgid "Print Acceleration"
  2021. msgstr "NyomtatĂĄsi gyorsulĂĄs"
  2022. msgctxt "jerk_print label"
  2023. msgid "Print Jerk"
  2024. msgstr "Nyomtatås löket"
  2025. msgctxt "ppr label"
  2026. msgid "Print Process Reporting"
  2027. msgstr ""
  2028. msgctxt "print_sequence label"
  2029. msgid "Print Sequence"
  2030. msgstr "NyomtatĂĄsi sorrend"
  2031. msgctxt "speed_print label"
  2032. msgid "Print Speed"
  2033. msgstr "Nyomtatåsi sebesség"
  2034. msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps label"
  2035. msgid "Print Thin Walls"
  2036. msgstr "VĂ©kony falak nyomtatĂĄsa"
  2037. msgctxt "brim_location description"
  2038. msgid "Print a brim on the outside of the model, inside, or both. Depending on the model, this helps reducing the amount of brim you need to remove afterwards, while ensuring a proper bed adhesion."
  2039. msgstr ""
  2040. msgctxt "prime_tower_enable description"
  2041. msgid "Print a tower next to the print which serves to prime the material after each nozzle switch."
  2042. msgstr "Nyomtasson egy tornyot a nyomtatandĂł tĂĄrgy mellett, amely abban segĂ­t, hogy a fejben lĂ©vƑ anyagvĂĄltĂĄst vĂ©gre tudja hajtani. Kinyomtatja az elƑtoronyba a fejben marad elƑzƑ alapanyag maradvĂĄnyokat, Ă­gy mĂĄr kitisztult fĂșvĂłkĂĄval tudja a nyomtatĂĄst folytatni a nyomtatandĂł testen."
  2043. msgctxt "infill_support_enabled description"
  2044. msgid "Print infill structures only where tops of the model should be supported. Enabling this reduces print time and material usage, but leads to ununiform object strength."
  2045. msgstr "Csak ott nyomtasson kitöltƑ szerkezeteket, ahol a felsƑ modellrĂ©sznek szĂŒksĂ©ge van alĂĄtĂĄmasztĂĄsra. Ennek az engedĂ©lyezĂ©se csökkenti a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑt, illetve az anyagszĂŒksĂ©gletet, azonban a tĂĄrgyak belsƑ szilĂĄrdsĂĄga egyenetlen lehet."
  2046. msgctxt "ironing_monotonic description"
  2047. msgid "Print ironing lines in an ordering that causes them to always overlap with adjacent lines in a single direction. This takes slightly more time to print, but makes flat surfaces look more consistent."
  2048. msgstr ""
  2049. msgctxt "mold_enabled description"
  2050. msgid "Print models as a mold, which can be cast in order to get a model which resembles the models on the build plate."
  2051. msgstr "Nyomtassa a modelt Ășgy, mint ha egy öntƑforma lenne. Ezzel elĂ©rhetjĂŒk, hogy olyan nyomtatvĂĄnyt kapunk, amit ha kiöntĂŒnk, akkor a tĂĄrgyasztalon lĂ©vƑ modelt kapjuk vissza."
  2052. msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps description"
  2053. msgid "Print pieces of the model which are horizontally thinner than the nozzle size."
  2054. msgstr "Nyomtassa a modell egyes rĂ©szeit vĂ©konyabbra a vĂ­zszintes sĂ­kon, mint a fĂșvĂłka mĂ©rete."
  2055. msgctxt "raft_surface_monotonic description"
  2056. msgid "Print raft top surface lines in an ordering that causes them to always overlap with adjacent lines in a single direction. This takes slightly more time to print, but makes the surface look more consistent, which is also visible on the model bottom surface."
  2057. msgstr ""
  2058. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed_2 description"
  2059. msgid "Print speed to use when printing the second bridge skin layer."
  2060. msgstr "Ha hasznålunk måsodik hídréteget, akkor az ezzel a sebességgel fog nyomtatódni."
  2061. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed_3 description"
  2062. msgid "Print speed to use when printing the third bridge skin layer."
  2063. msgstr "Ha hasznålunk harmadik hídréteget, akkor az ezzel a sebességgel fog nyomtatódni."
  2064. msgctxt "print_temp_anomaly_limit label"
  2065. msgid "Print temperature Limit"
  2066. msgstr ""
  2067. msgctxt "print_temp_warn_limit label"
  2068. msgid "Print temperature Warning"
  2069. msgstr ""
  2070. msgctxt "infill_before_walls description"
  2071. msgid "Print the infill before printing the walls. Printing the walls first may lead to more accurate walls, but overhangs print worse. Printing the infill first leads to sturdier walls, but the infill pattern might sometimes show through the surface."
  2072. msgstr "Az adott rĂ©tegnĂ©l a kitöltĂ©st nyomtatjuk a falak nyomtatĂĄsa elƑtt.A falak elƑzetes nyomtatĂĄsa pontosabb falakat eredmĂ©nyezhet, azonban az ĂĄtfedĂ©sek nyomtatĂĄsa gyengĂ©bb lehet. A kitöltĂ©s elsƑnek nyomtatĂĄsa szilĂĄrdabb falakhoz vezethet, de a feltöltĂ©si minta nĂ©ha megjelenhet a felĂŒleten."
  2073. msgctxt "roofing_monotonic description"
  2074. msgid "Print top surface lines in an ordering that causes them to always overlap with adjacent lines in a single direction. This takes slightly more time to print, but makes flat surfaces look more consistent."
  2075. msgstr ""
  2076. msgctxt "skin_monotonic description"
  2077. msgid "Print top/bottom lines in an ordering that causes them to always overlap with adjacent lines in a single direction. This takes slightly more time to print, but makes flat surfaces look more consistent."
  2078. msgstr ""
  2079. msgctxt "material_print_temperature label"
  2080. msgid "Printing Temperature"
  2081. msgstr "NyomtatĂĄsi hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
  2082. msgctxt "material_print_temperature_layer_0 label"
  2083. msgid "Printing Temperature Initial Layer"
  2084. msgstr "KezdƑ rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsi hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klete"
  2085. msgctxt "skirt_height description"
  2086. msgid "Printing the innermost skirt line with multiple layers makes it easy to remove the skirt."
  2087. msgstr ""
  2088. msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter description"
  2089. msgid "Prints an extra wall at every other layer. This way infill gets caught between these extra walls, resulting in stronger prints."
  2090. msgstr "Minden rĂ©tegben egy tovĂĄbbi extra falat nyomtat. Ez segĂ­t a kitöltĂ©snek hozzĂĄĂ©pĂŒlni a falhoz, ezĂĄltal erƑsebb lesz a tĂĄrgy szerkezete."
  2091. msgctxt "resolution label"
  2092. msgid "Quality"
  2093. msgstr "MinƑsĂ©g"
  2094. msgctxt "infill_pattern option quarter_cubic"
  2095. msgid "Quarter Cubic"
  2096. msgstr "Negyed kocka"
  2097. msgctxt "adhesion_type option raft"
  2098. msgid "Raft"
  2099. msgstr "Tutaj"
  2100. msgctxt "raft_airgap label"
  2101. msgid "Raft Air Gap"
  2102. msgstr "Tutaj légrés"
  2103. msgctxt "raft_base_margin label"
  2104. msgid "Raft Base Extra Margin"
  2105. msgstr ""
  2106. msgctxt "raft_base_extruder_nr label"
  2107. msgid "Raft Base Extruder"
  2108. msgstr ""
  2109. msgctxt "raft_base_fan_speed label"
  2110. msgid "Raft Base Fan Speed"
  2111. msgstr "Tutajalap hƱtés"
  2112. msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing label"
  2113. msgid "Raft Base Line Spacing"
  2114. msgstr "Tutajalap-vonalak közötti tåvolsåg"
  2115. msgctxt "raft_base_line_width label"
  2116. msgid "Raft Base Line Width"
  2117. msgstr "Tutajalap vonal szélessége"
  2118. msgctxt "raft_base_acceleration label"
  2119. msgid "Raft Base Print Acceleration"
  2120. msgstr "Tutajalap gyorsulĂĄs"
  2121. msgctxt "raft_base_jerk label"
  2122. msgid "Raft Base Print Jerk"
  2123. msgstr "Tutajalap löket"
  2124. msgctxt "raft_base_speed label"
  2125. msgid "Raft Base Print Speed"
  2126. msgstr "Tutajalap nyomtatåsi sebessége"
  2127. msgctxt "raft_base_smoothing label"
  2128. msgid "Raft Base Smoothing"
  2129. msgstr ""
  2130. msgctxt "raft_base_thickness label"
  2131. msgid "Raft Base Thickness"
  2132. msgstr "Tutajalap vastagsĂĄga"
  2133. msgctxt "raft_base_wall_count label"
  2134. msgid "Raft Base Wall Count"
  2135. msgstr ""
  2136. msgctxt "raft_margin label"
  2137. msgid "Raft Extra Margin"
  2138. msgstr "Tutaj extra margĂł"
  2139. msgctxt "raft_fan_speed label"
  2140. msgid "Raft Fan Speed"
  2141. msgstr "Tutaj hƱtés"
  2142. msgctxt "raft_interface_margin label"
  2143. msgid "Raft Middle Extra Margin"
  2144. msgstr ""
  2145. msgctxt "raft_interface_extruder_nr label"
  2146. msgid "Raft Middle Extruder"
  2147. msgstr ""
  2148. msgctxt "raft_interface_fan_speed label"
  2149. msgid "Raft Middle Fan Speed"
  2150. msgstr "Tutajközép hƱtés"
  2151. msgctxt "raft_interface_layers label"
  2152. msgid "Raft Middle Layers"
  2153. msgstr ""
  2154. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_width label"
  2155. msgid "Raft Middle Line Width"
  2156. msgstr "Tutaj közĂ©psƑ vonal szĂ©lessĂ©ge"
  2157. msgctxt "raft_interface_acceleration label"
  2158. msgid "Raft Middle Print Acceleration"
  2159. msgstr "Tutajközép gyorsulås"
  2160. msgctxt "raft_interface_jerk label"
  2161. msgid "Raft Middle Print Jerk"
  2162. msgstr "Tutajközép löket"
  2163. msgctxt "raft_interface_speed label"
  2164. msgid "Raft Middle Print Speed"
  2165. msgstr "Tutajközép nyomtatåsi sebesség"
  2166. msgctxt "raft_interface_smoothing label"
  2167. msgid "Raft Middle Smoothing"
  2168. msgstr ""
  2169. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_spacing label"
  2170. msgid "Raft Middle Spacing"
  2171. msgstr "Tutaj közĂ©psƑ tĂĄvolsĂĄga"
  2172. msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness label"
  2173. msgid "Raft Middle Thickness"
  2174. msgstr "Tutaj közép vastagsåga"
  2175. msgctxt "raft_interface_wall_count label"
  2176. msgid "Raft Middle Wall Count"
  2177. msgstr ""
  2178. msgctxt "raft_acceleration label"
  2179. msgid "Raft Print Acceleration"
  2180. msgstr "Tutaj gyorsulĂĄs"
  2181. msgctxt "raft_jerk label"
  2182. msgid "Raft Print Jerk"
  2183. msgstr "Tutaj löket"
  2184. msgctxt "raft_speed label"
  2185. msgid "Raft Print Speed"
  2186. msgstr "Tutaj nyomtatåsi sebesség"
  2187. msgctxt "raft_smoothing label"
  2188. msgid "Raft Smoothing"
  2189. msgstr "Tutaj simĂ­tĂĄs"
  2190. msgctxt "raft_surface_margin label"
  2191. msgid "Raft Top Extra Margin"
  2192. msgstr ""
  2193. msgctxt "raft_surface_extruder_nr label"
  2194. msgid "Raft Top Extruder"
  2195. msgstr ""
  2196. msgctxt "raft_surface_fan_speed label"
  2197. msgid "Raft Top Fan Speed"
  2198. msgstr "Tutajfedél hƱtés"
  2199. msgctxt "raft_surface_thickness label"
  2200. msgid "Raft Top Layer Thickness"
  2201. msgstr "FelsƑ tutaj rĂ©tegvastagsĂĄg"
  2202. msgctxt "raft_surface_layers label"
  2203. msgid "Raft Top Layers"
  2204. msgstr "FelsƑ tutaj rĂ©tegek"
  2205. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_width label"
  2206. msgid "Raft Top Line Width"
  2207. msgstr "Tutaj felsƑ vonalszĂ©lessĂ©g"
  2208. msgctxt "raft_surface_acceleration label"
  2209. msgid "Raft Top Print Acceleration"
  2210. msgstr "Tutajfedél gyorsulås"
  2211. msgctxt "raft_surface_jerk label"
  2212. msgid "Raft Top Print Jerk"
  2213. msgstr "Tutajfedél löket"
  2214. msgctxt "raft_surface_speed label"
  2215. msgid "Raft Top Print Speed"
  2216. msgstr "Tutajfedél nyomtatåsi sebesség"
  2217. msgctxt "raft_surface_smoothing label"
  2218. msgid "Raft Top Smoothing"
  2219. msgstr ""
  2220. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing label"
  2221. msgid "Raft Top Spacing"
  2222. msgstr "Tutaj felsƑ távolsága"
  2223. msgctxt "raft_surface_wall_count label"
  2224. msgid "Raft Top Wall Count"
  2225. msgstr ""
  2226. msgctxt "raft_wall_count label"
  2227. msgid "Raft Wall Count"
  2228. msgstr ""
  2229. msgctxt "z_seam_type option random"
  2230. msgid "Random"
  2231. msgstr "VéletlenszerƱ"
  2232. msgctxt "infill_randomize_start_location label"
  2233. msgid "Randomize Infill Start"
  2234. msgstr "VéletlenszerƱ kitöltés kezdés"
  2235. msgctxt "infill_randomize_start_location description"
  2236. msgid "Randomize which infill line is printed first. This prevents one segment becoming the strongest, but it does so at the cost of an additional travel move."
  2237. msgstr "Az adott rĂ©tegben, a kezdƑ kitöltĂ©si sorokat vĂ©letlenszerƱen vĂĄlasztja ki.Ezzel elkerĂŒlhetƑ az, hogy a kitöltĂ©s az egyik helyen erƑsebb legyen, mint mĂĄshol, vagy Ă©ppen valahol gyengĂ©bb legyen a kelletĂ©nĂ©l a kitöltĂ©s."
  2238. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_enabled description"
  2239. msgid "Randomly jitter while printing the outer wall, so that the surface has a rough and fuzzy look."
  2240. msgstr "A kĂŒlsƑ fal nyomtatĂĄsa sorĂĄn, vĂ©letlenszerƱen beremeg a fej. Ennek hatĂĄsĂĄra a kĂŒlsƑ fal mintĂĄzata elmosott, homĂĄlyos lesz, elnyomja a mintĂĄzatot."
  2241. msgctxt "machine_shape option rectangular"
  2242. msgid "Rectangular"
  2243. msgstr "Szögletes (négyszög)"
  2244. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_min label"
  2245. msgid "Regular Fan Speed"
  2246. msgstr "Normål hƱtési sebesség"
  2247. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_at_height label"
  2248. msgid "Regular Fan Speed at Height"
  2249. msgstr "Normål hƱtési magassåg"
  2250. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_layer label"
  2251. msgid "Regular Fan Speed at Layer"
  2252. msgstr "Normål hƱtési réteg"
  2253. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max label"
  2254. msgid "Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold"
  2255. msgstr "NormĂĄl/Maximum ventillĂĄtor sebessĂ©g kĂŒszöb"
  2256. msgctxt "relative_extrusion label"
  2257. msgid "Relative Extrusion"
  2258. msgstr "RelatĂ­v extrudĂĄlĂĄs"
  2259. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all_remove_holes label"
  2260. msgid "Remove All Holes"
  2261. msgstr "Üregek eltávolítása"
  2262. msgctxt "remove_empty_first_layers label"
  2263. msgid "Remove Empty First Layers"
  2264. msgstr "Üres elsƑ rĂ©tegek eltĂĄvolĂ­tĂĄsa"
  2265. msgctxt "carve_multiple_volumes label"
  2266. msgid "Remove Mesh Intersection"
  2267. msgstr "Keresztezések eltåvolítåsa"
  2268. msgctxt "raft_base_remove_inside_corners label"
  2269. msgid "Remove Raft Base Inside Corners"
  2270. msgstr ""
  2271. msgctxt "raft_remove_inside_corners label"
  2272. msgid "Remove Raft Inside Corners"
  2273. msgstr ""
  2274. msgctxt "raft_interface_remove_inside_corners label"
  2275. msgid "Remove Raft Middle Inside Corners"
  2276. msgstr ""
  2277. msgctxt "raft_surface_remove_inside_corners label"
  2278. msgid "Remove Raft Top Inside Corners"
  2279. msgstr ""
  2280. msgctxt "carve_multiple_volumes description"
  2281. msgid "Remove areas where multiple meshes are overlapping with each other. This may be used if merged dual material objects overlap with each other."
  2282. msgstr "Azon terĂŒletek eltĂĄvolĂ­tĂĄsa, ahol a hĂĄlĂłk keresztezik egymĂĄst. Ezt ĂĄltalĂĄban ott kell hasznĂĄlni, ahol kettƑs objektumok ĂĄtfedĂ©sben vannak egymĂĄssal."
  2283. msgctxt "remove_empty_first_layers description"
  2284. msgid "Remove empty layers beneath the first printed layer if they are present. Disabling this setting can cause empty first layers if the Slicing Tolerance setting is set to Exclusive or Middle."
  2285. msgstr "TĂĄvolĂ­tsa el az ĂŒres rĂ©tegeket amik az elsƑ nyomtatott rĂ©teg alatt, ha vannak. Ennek a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsnak a letiltĂĄsa esetĂ©n az elsƑ rĂ©tegek ĂŒresek lehetnek, ha a Szelet-tolerancia beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst KizĂĄrĂłlagos vagy Közepes Ă©rtĂ©kre ĂĄllĂ­tjĂĄk."
  2286. msgctxt "raft_base_remove_inside_corners description"
  2287. msgid "Remove inside corners from the raft base, causing the raft to become convex."
  2288. msgstr ""
  2289. msgctxt "raft_interface_remove_inside_corners description"
  2290. msgid "Remove inside corners from the raft middle part, causing the raft to become convex."
  2291. msgstr ""
  2292. msgctxt "raft_surface_remove_inside_corners description"
  2293. msgid "Remove inside corners from the raft top part, causing the raft to become convex."
  2294. msgstr ""
  2295. msgctxt "raft_remove_inside_corners description"
  2296. msgid "Remove inside corners from the raft, causing the raft to become convex."
  2297. msgstr ""
  2298. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all_remove_holes description"
  2299. msgid "Remove the holes in each layer and keep only the outside shape. This will ignore any invisible internal geometry. However, it also ignores layer holes which can be viewed from above or below."
  2300. msgstr "EltĂĄvolĂ­tja a tĂĄrgybĂłl az összes furatot, Ă©s ĂŒreget, s csak a kĂŒlsƑ geometriĂĄt tartja meg. EgyĂșttal figyelmen kĂ­vĂŒl hagyja a belsƑ geometriĂĄt is.Nem fogja figyelmbe venni az alulrĂłl vagy felĂŒlrƑl lĂĄthatĂł rĂ©tegeket sem."
  2301. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option RepRap (RepRap)"
  2302. msgid "RepRap"
  2303. msgstr "RepRap"
  2304. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option Repetier"
  2305. msgid "Repetier"
  2306. msgstr "Repetier"
  2307. msgctxt "skin_outline_count description"
  2308. msgid "Replaces the outermost part of the top/bottom pattern with a number of concentric lines. Using one or two lines improves roofs that start on infill material."
  2309. msgstr "LecserĂ©li az alsĂł/felsƑ felĂŒleti minta legkĂŒlsƑbb falait koncentrikus vonalra.Egy vagy kĂ©t vonal hasznĂĄlata javĂ­tja a felsƑ zĂĄrĂł felĂŒleteket, ott, ahol mĂ©g a kitöltĂ©s lĂĄthatĂł."
  2310. msgctxt "ppr description"
  2311. msgid "Reporting events that go out of set thresholds"
  2312. msgstr ""
  2313. msgctxt "support_tree_rest_preference label"
  2314. msgid "Rest Preference"
  2315. msgstr ""
  2316. msgctxt "travel_retract_before_outer_wall label"
  2317. msgid "Retract Before Outer Wall"
  2318. msgstr "VisszahĂșzĂĄs kĂŒlsƑ fal elƑtt"
  2319. msgctxt "retract_at_layer_change label"
  2320. msgid "Retract at Layer Change"
  2321. msgstr "VisszahĂșzĂĄs a rĂ©tegvĂĄltĂĄsnĂĄl"
  2322. msgctxt "retraction_enable description"
  2323. msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving over a non-printed area."
  2324. msgstr ""
  2325. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_enable description"
  2326. msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving over a non-printed area."
  2327. msgstr "A nyomtatĂłszĂĄlat visszahĂșzza, mikor a fĂșvĂłka ĂĄtmozog egy nem-nyomtatott terĂŒleten."
  2328. msgctxt "retract_at_layer_change description"
  2329. msgid "Retract the filament when the nozzle is moving to the next layer."
  2330. msgstr "VisszahĂșzza a nyomtatĂłszĂĄlat, amikor a fĂșvĂłka a következƑ rĂ©tegre vĂĄlt."
  2331. msgctxt "retraction_amount label"
  2332. msgid "Retraction Distance"
  2333. msgstr "VisszahĂșzĂĄsi tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  2334. msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount label"
  2335. msgid "Retraction Extra Prime Amount"
  2336. msgstr "ElƑtolĂĄsi plussz anyagmennyisĂ©g"
  2337. msgctxt "retraction_min_travel label"
  2338. msgid "Retraction Minimum Travel"
  2339. msgstr "Minimum Ășt visszahĂșzĂĄshoz"
  2340. msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed label"
  2341. msgid "Retraction Prime Speed"
  2342. msgstr "VisszahĂșzĂĄs elƑtolĂĄsi sebessĂ©g"
  2343. msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed label"
  2344. msgid "Retraction Retract Speed"
  2345. msgstr "VisszahĂșzĂĄs visszahĂșzĂĄsi sebessĂ©g"
  2346. msgctxt "retraction_speed label"
  2347. msgid "Retraction Speed"
  2348. msgstr "VisszahĂșzĂĄsi sebessĂ©g"
  2349. msgctxt "z_seam_position option right"
  2350. msgid "Right"
  2351. msgstr "Jobbra"
  2352. msgctxt "machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one label"
  2353. msgid "Scale Fan Speed To 0-1"
  2354. msgstr ""
  2355. msgctxt "machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one description"
  2356. msgid "Scale the fan speed to be between 0 and 1 instead of between 0 and 256."
  2357. msgstr ""
  2358. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage label"
  2359. msgid "Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
  2360. msgstr ""
  2361. msgctxt "support_meshes_present label"
  2362. msgid "Scene Has Support Meshes"
  2363. msgstr ""
  2364. msgctxt "z_seam_corner label"
  2365. msgid "Seam Corner Preference"
  2366. msgstr "Sarok varrat preferĂĄlĂĄs"
  2367. msgctxt "user_defined_print_order_enabled label"
  2368. msgid "Set Print Sequence Manually"
  2369. msgstr "Nyomtatåsi sorrend kézi beållítåsa"
  2370. msgctxt "draft_shield_height_limitation description"
  2371. msgid "Set the height of the draft shield. Choose to print the draft shield at the full height of the model or at a limited height."
  2372. msgstr "BeĂĄllĂ­tja a huzatpajzs magassĂĄgĂĄt. KivĂĄlaszthatĂł, hogy a modell teljes magassĂĄgĂĄban, vagy egy rĂ©szleges magassĂĄgig Ă©pĂŒljön a pajzs."
  2373. msgctxt "dual description"
  2374. msgid "Settings used for printing with multiple extruders."
  2375. msgstr "A több extrĂșderekkel rendelkezƑ gĂ©pek nyomtatĂĄsi beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsai."
  2376. msgctxt "command_line_settings description"
  2377. msgid "Settings which are only used if CuraEngine isn't called from the Cura frontend."
  2378. msgstr "BeĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsok, amelyeket csak akkor hasznĂĄlunk, ha a CuraEngine nem hĂ­vhatĂł meg a Cura grafikus felĂŒletĂ©rƑl."
  2379. msgctxt "machine_extruders_shared_nozzle_initial_retraction label"
  2380. msgid "Shared Nozzle Initial Retraction"
  2381. msgstr ""
  2382. msgctxt "z_seam_type option sharpest_corner"
  2383. msgid "Sharpest Corner"
  2384. msgstr "Éles sarok"
  2385. msgctxt "shell description"
  2386. msgid "Shell"
  2387. msgstr "HĂ©j"
  2388. msgctxt "z_seam_type option shortest"
  2389. msgid "Shortest"
  2390. msgstr "Legrövidebb"
  2391. msgctxt "machine_show_variants label"
  2392. msgid "Show Machine Variants"
  2393. msgstr "Mutasd a gép våltozatait"
  2394. msgctxt "skin_edge_support_layers label"
  2395. msgid "Skin Edge Support Layers"
  2396. msgstr ""
  2397. msgctxt "skin_edge_support_thickness label"
  2398. msgid "Skin Edge Support Thickness"
  2399. msgstr ""
  2400. msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance label"
  2401. msgid "Skin Expand Distance"
  2402. msgstr "KĂ©reg bƑvĂ­tĂ©si tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  2403. msgctxt "skin_overlap_mm label"
  2404. msgid "Skin Overlap"
  2405. msgstr "Kéreg åtfedés"
  2406. msgctxt "skin_overlap label"
  2407. msgid "Skin Overlap Percentage"
  2408. msgstr "FelĂŒlet ĂĄtlapolĂĄs szĂĄzalĂ©ka"
  2409. msgctxt "skin_preshrink label"
  2410. msgid "Skin Removal Width"
  2411. msgstr "Kéreg eltåvolítås szélessége"
  2412. msgctxt "min_skin_width_for_expansion description"
  2413. msgid "Skin areas narrower than this are not expanded. This avoids expanding the narrow skin areas that are created when the model surface has a slope close to the vertical."
  2414. msgstr "Az ennĂ©l keskenyebb kĂ©regfelĂŒletek nem bƑvĂŒlnek ki. Ezzel elkerĂŒlhetƑ, hogy keskeny kĂ©regfelĂŒletek kibƑvĂŒljenek, amik akkor jönnek lĂ©tre, mikor a modell kĂŒlsƑ felĂŒletĂ©nek lejtĂ©se közel van a fĂŒggƑlegeshez."
  2415. msgctxt "support_zag_skip_count description"
  2416. msgid "Skip one in every N connection lines to make the support structure easier to break away."
  2417. msgstr "Ennyi kapcsolódó vonal utån hagy ki egyet a törés könnyítése érdekében."
  2418. msgctxt "support_skip_some_zags description"
  2419. msgid "Skip some support line connections to make the support structure easier to break away. This setting is applicable to the Zig Zag support infill pattern."
  2420. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz nyomtatĂĄsakor nĂ©hĂĄny tĂĄmaszbonal összeköttetĂ©s kihagy, Ă­gy a szerkezet a vĂ©gsƑ eltĂĄvolĂ­tĂĄskor, ott konnyebben el fog törni. Ezt a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst a cikcakk tĂĄmaszmintĂĄra tudjuk alkalmazni."
  2421. msgctxt "adhesion_type option skirt"
  2422. msgid "Skirt"
  2423. msgstr "Szoknya"
  2424. msgctxt "skirt_gap label"
  2425. msgid "Skirt Distance"
  2426. msgstr "Szoknya tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  2427. msgctxt "skirt_height label"
  2428. msgid "Skirt Height"
  2429. msgstr ""
  2430. msgctxt "skirt_line_count label"
  2431. msgid "Skirt Line Count"
  2432. msgstr "Szoknya vonalszĂĄm"
  2433. msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim label"
  2434. msgid "Skirt/Brim Acceleration"
  2435. msgstr "Szoknya/perem gyorsulĂĄs"
  2436. msgctxt "skirt_brim_extruder_nr label"
  2437. msgid "Skirt/Brim Extruder"
  2438. msgstr ""
  2439. msgctxt "skirt_brim_material_flow label"
  2440. msgid "Skirt/Brim Flow"
  2441. msgstr "Szoknya/perem ĂĄramlĂĄs"
  2442. msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim label"
  2443. msgid "Skirt/Brim Jerk"
  2444. msgstr "Szoknya/perem löket"
  2445. msgctxt "skirt_brim_line_width label"
  2446. msgid "Skirt/Brim Line Width"
  2447. msgstr "Szoknya/perem vonalszélesség"
  2448. msgctxt "skirt_brim_minimal_length label"
  2449. msgid "Skirt/Brim Minimum Length"
  2450. msgstr "Szoknya/Perem minimĂĄlis hossz"
  2451. msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed label"
  2452. msgid "Skirt/Brim Speed"
  2453. msgstr "Szoknya/perem sebesség"
  2454. msgctxt "slicing_tolerance label"
  2455. msgid "Slicing Tolerance"
  2456. msgstr "Szeletelési tƱrés"
  2457. msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor_0 label"
  2458. msgid "Small Feature Initial Layer Speed"
  2459. msgstr ""
  2460. msgctxt "small_feature_max_length label"
  2461. msgid "Small Feature Max Length"
  2462. msgstr "Kis funkciĂł maximĂĄlis hossza"
  2463. msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor label"
  2464. msgid "Small Feature Speed"
  2465. msgstr "Kis funkció sebesség"
  2466. msgctxt "small_hole_max_size label"
  2467. msgid "Small Hole Max Size"
  2468. msgstr "Kis lyuk maximålis mérete"
  2469. msgctxt "cool_min_temperature label"
  2470. msgid "Small Layer Printing Temperature"
  2471. msgstr "BefejezƑ nyomtatĂĄsi hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
  2472. msgctxt "small_skin_on_surface label"
  2473. msgid "Small Top/Bottom On Surface"
  2474. msgstr ""
  2475. msgctxt "small_skin_width label"
  2476. msgid "Small Top/Bottom Width"
  2477. msgstr ""
  2478. msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor_0 description"
  2479. msgid "Small features on the first layer will be printed at this percentage of their normal print speed. Slower printing can help with adhesion and accuracy."
  2480. msgstr ""
  2481. msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor description"
  2482. msgid "Small features will be printed at this percentage of their normal print speed. Slower printing can help with adhesion and accuracy."
  2483. msgstr ""
  2484. msgctxt "small_skin_width description"
  2485. msgid "Small top/bottom regions are filled with walls instead of the default top/bottom pattern. This helps to avoids jerky motions. Off for the topmost (air-exposed) layer by default (see 'Small Top/Bottom On Surface')."
  2486. msgstr ""
  2487. msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering label"
  2488. msgid "Smart Brim"
  2489. msgstr ""
  2490. msgctxt "z_seam_corner option z_seam_corner_weighted"
  2491. msgid "Smart Hiding"
  2492. msgstr "Okos rejtés"
  2493. msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours label"
  2494. msgid "Smooth Spiralized Contours"
  2495. msgstr "Sima, spirĂĄlis kontĂșrok"
  2496. msgctxt "smooth_spiralized_contours description"
  2497. msgid "Smooth the spiralized contours to reduce the visibility of the Z seam (the Z seam should be barely visible on the print but will still be visible in the layer view). Note that smoothing will tend to blur fine surface details."
  2498. msgstr "A Z-varrat lĂĄthatĂłsĂĄgĂĄnak csökkentĂ©se Ă©rdekĂ©ben simĂ­tsa meg a spirĂĄlis kontĂșrokat (a Z-varratnak alig lĂĄthatĂłnak kell lennie a nyomaton, de a rĂ©tegnĂ©zetben tovĂĄbbra is lĂĄthatĂł lesz). Vegye figyelembe, hogy a simĂ­tĂĄs ĂĄltalĂĄban elmossa a finom felĂŒlet rĂ©szleteit."
  2499. msgctxt "retraction_extra_prime_amount description"
  2500. msgid "Some material can ooze away during a travel move, which can be compensated for here."
  2501. msgstr "Valamennyi anyagvesztesĂ©g lĂ©phet fel a fej ĂŒresben mozgatĂĄsa sorĂĄn, ami az anyag csöppenĂ©sĂ©bƑl adĂłdhat. Ezt a hiĂĄnyt tudjuk itt tudunk kompenzĂĄlni."
  2502. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_extra_prime_amount description"
  2503. msgid "Some material can ooze away during a wipe travel moves, which can be compensated for here."
  2504. msgstr "Valamennyi anyag elszivåroghat a törlési mƱvelet sorån, ami itt kompenzålható."
  2505. msgctxt "blackmagic label"
  2506. msgid "Special Modes"
  2507. msgstr "KĂŒlönleges mĂłdok"
  2508. msgctxt "speed description"
  2509. msgid "Speed"
  2510. msgstr "Sebesség"
  2511. msgctxt "speed label"
  2512. msgid "Speed"
  2513. msgstr "Sebesség"
  2514. msgctxt "wipe_hop_speed description"
  2515. msgid "Speed to move the z-axis during the hop."
  2516. msgstr "Az emelési mozgåskor a Z tengely sebessége."
  2517. msgctxt "magic_spiralize label"
  2518. msgid "Spiralize Outer Contour"
  2519. msgstr "KĂŒlsƑ kontĂșr spiralizĂĄlĂĄsa"
  2520. msgctxt "magic_spiralize description"
  2521. msgid "Spiralize smooths out the Z move of the outer edge. This will create a steady Z increase over the whole print. This feature turns a solid model into a single walled print with a solid bottom. This feature should only be enabled when each layer only contains a single part."
  2522. msgstr "A spirĂĄlizĂĄlĂĄs kiegyenlĂ­ti a kĂŒlsƑ Ă©l Z mozgĂĄsĂĄt. Ez folyamatos Z növekedĂ©st eredmĂ©nyez a teljes nyomtatĂĄs sorĂĄn. Ez a szolgĂĄltatĂĄs a szilĂĄrd modellt egyetlen falĂș, szilĂĄrd aljĂș nyomtatĂĄssĂĄ teszi. Ezt a funkciĂłt csak akkor kell engedĂ©lyezni, ha minden rĂ©teg csak egyetlen rĂ©szt tartalmaz."
  2523. msgctxt "material_standby_temperature label"
  2524. msgid "Standby Temperature"
  2525. msgstr "KĂ©szenlĂ©ti hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet"
  2526. msgctxt "machine_start_gcode label"
  2527. msgid "Start G-code"
  2528. msgstr "IndulĂł g-kĂłd"
  2529. msgctxt "z_seam_type description"
  2530. msgid "Starting point of each path in a layer. When paths in consecutive layers start at the same point a vertical seam may show on the print. When aligning these near a user specified location, the seam is easiest to remove. When placed randomly the inaccuracies at the paths' start will be less noticeable. When taking the shortest path the print will be quicker."
  2531. msgstr "Az egyes rĂ©tegekben az egyes Ăștvonalak kiindulĂĄsi pontja. Ha az egymĂĄst követƑ rĂ©tegek Ăștvonalai ugyanabban a pontban kezdƑdnek, egy Ășn. fĂŒggƑleges varrat jelenik meg a nyomtatvĂĄny felĂŒletĂ©n. Ha a felhasznĂĄlĂł ezt egy megadott helyhez igazĂ­tja, a varratot egyszerƱbben el tudja tĂĄvolĂ­tani.Van lehetƑsĂ©g arra is, hogy a kezdƑpontok vĂ©letlenszerƱen helyezkedjenek el, Ă­gy azok kevĂ©sbĂ© lesznek Ă©szrevehetƑk. Ha a legrövidebb utat vĂĄlasztja, a nyomtatĂĄsi folyamat gyorsabb lesz."
  2532. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_e label"
  2533. msgid "Steps per Millimeter (E)"
  2534. msgstr "Lépés per milliméter (E)"
  2535. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_x label"
  2536. msgid "Steps per Millimeter (X)"
  2537. msgstr "Lépés per milliméter (X)"
  2538. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_y label"
  2539. msgid "Steps per Millimeter (Y)"
  2540. msgstr "Lépés per milliméter (Y)"
  2541. msgctxt "machine_steps_per_mm_z label"
  2542. msgid "Steps per Millimeter (Z)"
  2543. msgstr "Lépés per milliméter (Z)"
  2544. msgctxt "support description"
  2545. msgid "Support"
  2546. msgstr "Tåmaszték"
  2547. msgctxt "support label"
  2548. msgid "Support"
  2549. msgstr "Tåmaszték"
  2550. msgctxt "acceleration_support label"
  2551. msgid "Support Acceleration"
  2552. msgstr "Tåmaszték gyorsulås"
  2553. msgctxt "support_bottom_distance label"
  2554. msgid "Support Bottom Distance"
  2555. msgstr "TĂĄmasz alsĂł tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  2556. msgctxt "support_bottom_wall_count label"
  2557. msgid "Support Bottom Wall Line Count"
  2558. msgstr "TĂĄmasz falak szĂĄma"
  2559. msgctxt "support_brim_line_count label"
  2560. msgid "Support Brim Line Count"
  2561. msgstr "TĂĄmasz perem vonalak szĂĄma"
  2562. msgctxt "support_brim_width label"
  2563. msgid "Support Brim Width"
  2564. msgstr "Tåmasz perem szélesség"
  2565. msgctxt "support_zag_skip_count label"
  2566. msgid "Support Chunk Line Count"
  2567. msgstr "Törésvonalak szåma"
  2568. msgctxt "support_skip_zag_per_mm label"
  2569. msgid "Support Chunk Size"
  2570. msgstr "Törés méret"
  2571. msgctxt "support_infill_rate label"
  2572. msgid "Support Density"
  2573. msgstr "Tåmasz sƱrƱség"
  2574. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z label"
  2575. msgid "Support Distance Priority"
  2576. msgstr "TĂĄmasz tĂĄvolsĂĄg elsƑdlegessĂ©g"
  2577. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr label"
  2578. msgid "Support Extruder"
  2579. msgstr "TĂĄmasz extrĂșder"
  2580. msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom label"
  2581. msgid "Support Floor Acceleration"
  2582. msgstr "TĂĄmasz alapzat gyorsulĂĄs"
  2583. msgctxt "support_bottom_density label"
  2584. msgid "Support Floor Density"
  2585. msgstr "Alsó interfész sƱrƱség"
  2586. msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr label"
  2587. msgid "Support Floor Extruder"
  2588. msgstr "Tåmasz fedél extruder"
  2589. msgctxt "support_bottom_material_flow label"
  2590. msgid "Support Floor Flow"
  2591. msgstr "TĂĄmasz alsĂł ĂĄramlĂĄs"
  2592. msgctxt "support_bottom_offset label"
  2593. msgid "Support Floor Horizontal Expansion"
  2594. msgstr "InterfĂ©szaljzat vĂ­zszintes bƑvĂ­tĂ©s"
  2595. msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom label"
  2596. msgid "Support Floor Jerk"
  2597. msgstr "Tåmasz alapzat löket"
  2598. msgctxt "support_bottom_angles label"
  2599. msgid "Support Floor Line Directions"
  2600. msgstr "Alsó interfész iråny"
  2601. msgctxt "support_bottom_line_distance label"
  2602. msgid "Support Floor Line Distance"
  2603. msgstr "Alsó interfész vonal tåvolsåg"
  2604. msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width label"
  2605. msgid "Support Floor Line Width"
  2606. msgstr "Tåmasz padlóvonal szélesség"
  2607. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern label"
  2608. msgid "Support Floor Pattern"
  2609. msgstr "Alsó interfész minta"
  2610. msgctxt "speed_support_bottom label"
  2611. msgid "Support Floor Speed"
  2612. msgstr "Tåmasz alapzat sebesség"
  2613. msgctxt "support_bottom_height label"
  2614. msgid "Support Floor Thickness"
  2615. msgstr "Alsó interfész vastagsåg"
  2616. msgctxt "support_material_flow label"
  2617. msgid "Support Flow"
  2618. msgstr "TĂĄmasz ĂĄramlĂĄs"
  2619. msgctxt "support_offset label"
  2620. msgid "Support Horizontal Expansion"
  2621. msgstr "VĂ­zszintes tĂĄmasz bƑvĂ­tĂ©s"
  2622. msgctxt "acceleration_support_infill label"
  2623. msgid "Support Infill Acceleration"
  2624. msgstr "Tåmasz kitöltés gyorsulås"
  2625. msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr label"
  2626. msgid "Support Infill Extruder"
  2627. msgstr "Tåmasz kitöltés extruder"
  2628. msgctxt "jerk_support_infill label"
  2629. msgid "Support Infill Jerk"
  2630. msgstr "Tåmasz kitöltés löket"
  2631. msgctxt "support_infill_sparse_thickness label"
  2632. msgid "Support Infill Layer Thickness"
  2633. msgstr "Tåmasz kitöltési rétegvastagsåg"
  2634. msgctxt "support_infill_angles label"
  2635. msgid "Support Infill Line Directions"
  2636. msgstr "Tåmasz kitöltés irånya"
  2637. msgctxt "speed_support_infill label"
  2638. msgid "Support Infill Speed"
  2639. msgstr "Tåmasz kitöltési sebesség"
  2640. msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface label"
  2641. msgid "Support Interface Acceleration"
  2642. msgstr "Tåmasz interfész gyorsulås"
  2643. msgctxt "support_interface_density label"
  2644. msgid "Support Interface Density"
  2645. msgstr "Interfész sƱrƱség"
  2646. msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr label"
  2647. msgid "Support Interface Extruder"
  2648. msgstr "Tåmasz interfész extruder"
  2649. msgctxt "support_interface_material_flow label"
  2650. msgid "Support Interface Flow"
  2651. msgstr "Tåmasz interfész åramlås"
  2652. msgctxt "support_interface_offset label"
  2653. msgid "Support Interface Horizontal Expansion"
  2654. msgstr "TĂĄmasz interfĂ©sz vĂ­zszintes bƑvĂ­tĂ©s"
  2655. msgctxt "jerk_support_interface label"
  2656. msgid "Support Interface Jerk"
  2657. msgstr "Tåmasz interfész löket"
  2658. msgctxt "support_interface_angles label"
  2659. msgid "Support Interface Line Directions"
  2660. msgstr "Tåmaszinterfész vonal iråny"
  2661. msgctxt "support_interface_line_width label"
  2662. msgid "Support Interface Line Width"
  2663. msgstr "Tåmasz interfész vonalszélesség"
  2664. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern label"
  2665. msgid "Support Interface Pattern"
  2666. msgstr "Interfész minta"
  2667. msgctxt "support_interface_priority label"
  2668. msgid "Support Interface Priority"
  2669. msgstr ""
  2670. msgctxt "speed_support_interface label"
  2671. msgid "Support Interface Speed"
  2672. msgstr "Tåmasz interfész sebesség"
  2673. msgctxt "support_interface_height label"
  2674. msgid "Support Interface Thickness"
  2675. msgstr "Interfész vastagsåg"
  2676. msgctxt "support_interface_wall_count label"
  2677. msgid "Support Interface Wall Line Count"
  2678. msgstr "TĂĄmasz falak szĂĄma"
  2679. msgctxt "jerk_support label"
  2680. msgid "Support Jerk"
  2681. msgstr "Tåmasz löket"
  2682. msgctxt "support_join_distance label"
  2683. msgid "Support Join Distance"
  2684. msgstr "TĂĄmasz kapcsolĂłdĂĄsi tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  2685. msgctxt "support_line_distance label"
  2686. msgid "Support Line Distance"
  2687. msgstr "TĂĄmasz vonal tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  2688. msgctxt "support_line_width label"
  2689. msgid "Support Line Width"
  2690. msgstr "Tåmasz vonalszélesség"
  2691. msgctxt "support_mesh label"
  2692. msgid "Support Mesh"
  2693. msgstr "TĂĄmasz hĂĄlĂł"
  2694. msgctxt "support_angle label"
  2695. msgid "Support Overhang Angle"
  2696. msgstr "TĂĄmasz tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsi szög"
  2697. msgctxt "support_pattern label"
  2698. msgid "Support Pattern"
  2699. msgstr "TĂĄmasz minta"
  2700. msgctxt "support_type label"
  2701. msgid "Support Placement"
  2702. msgstr "Tåmasz elhelyezés"
  2703. msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof label"
  2704. msgid "Support Roof Acceleration"
  2705. msgstr "Tåmasz fedél gyorsulås"
  2706. msgctxt "support_roof_density label"
  2707. msgid "Support Roof Density"
  2708. msgstr "FelsƑ interfĂ©sz sƱrƱsĂ©g"
  2709. msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr label"
  2710. msgid "Support Roof Extruder"
  2711. msgstr "TĂĄmasz alapzat extruder"
  2712. msgctxt "support_roof_material_flow label"
  2713. msgid "Support Roof Flow"
  2714. msgstr "Támasz felsƑ áramlás"
  2715. msgctxt "support_roof_offset label"
  2716. msgid "Support Roof Horizontal Expansion"
  2717. msgstr "InterfĂ©szfedĂ©l vĂ­zszintes bƑvĂ­tĂ©s"
  2718. msgctxt "jerk_support_roof label"
  2719. msgid "Support Roof Jerk"
  2720. msgstr "Tåmasz fedél löket"
  2721. msgctxt "support_roof_angles label"
  2722. msgid "Support Roof Line Directions"
  2723. msgstr "FelsƑ interfĂ©sz irĂĄny"
  2724. msgctxt "support_roof_line_distance label"
  2725. msgid "Support Roof Line Distance"
  2726. msgstr "FelsƑ interfĂ©sz vonal tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  2727. msgctxt "support_roof_line_width label"
  2728. msgid "Support Roof Line Width"
  2729. msgstr "TĂĄmasz tetƑvonal szĂ©lessĂ©g"
  2730. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern label"
  2731. msgid "Support Roof Pattern"
  2732. msgstr "FelsƑ interfĂ©sz minta"
  2733. msgctxt "speed_support_roof label"
  2734. msgid "Support Roof Speed"
  2735. msgstr "Tåmasz fedél sebesség"
  2736. msgctxt "support_roof_height label"
  2737. msgid "Support Roof Thickness"
  2738. msgstr "FelsƑ interfĂ©sz vastagsĂĄg"
  2739. msgctxt "support_roof_wall_count label"
  2740. msgid "Support Roof Wall Line Count"
  2741. msgstr "TĂĄmasz falak szĂĄma"
  2742. msgctxt "speed_support label"
  2743. msgid "Support Speed"
  2744. msgstr "Tåmasz sebesség"
  2745. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height label"
  2746. msgid "Support Stair Step Height"
  2747. msgstr "TĂĄmasz lĂ©pcsƑ magassĂĄg"
  2748. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width label"
  2749. msgid "Support Stair Step Maximum Width"
  2750. msgstr "TĂĄmasz lĂ©pcsƑ maximĂĄlis szĂ©lessĂ©g"
  2751. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_min_slope label"
  2752. msgid "Support Stair Step Minimum Slope Angle"
  2753. msgstr ""
  2754. msgctxt "support_structure label"
  2755. msgid "Support Structure"
  2756. msgstr ""
  2757. msgctxt "support_top_distance label"
  2758. msgid "Support Top Distance"
  2759. msgstr "Támasz felsƑ távolság"
  2760. msgctxt "support_wall_count label"
  2761. msgid "Support Wall Line Count"
  2762. msgstr "TĂĄmasz falak szĂĄma"
  2763. msgctxt "support_xy_distance label"
  2764. msgid "Support X/Y Distance"
  2765. msgstr "TĂĄmasz X/Y tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  2766. msgctxt "support_z_distance label"
  2767. msgid "Support Z Distance"
  2768. msgstr "TĂĄmasz Z tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  2769. msgctxt "support_interface_priority option support_lines_overwrite_interface_area"
  2770. msgid "Support lines preferred"
  2771. msgstr ""
  2772. msgctxt "support_interface_priority option support_area_overwrite_interface_area"
  2773. msgid "Support preferred"
  2774. msgstr ""
  2775. msgctxt "support_supported_skin_fan_speed label"
  2776. msgid "Supported Skin Fan Speed"
  2777. msgstr "KéreghƱtés sebesség tåmogatås"
  2778. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode option surface"
  2779. msgid "Surface"
  2780. msgstr "FelĂŒlet"
  2781. msgctxt "material_surface_energy label"
  2782. msgid "Surface Energy"
  2783. msgstr "FelĂŒleti energia"
  2784. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode label"
  2785. msgid "Surface Mode"
  2786. msgstr "FelszĂ­n mĂłd"
  2787. msgctxt "material_adhesion_tendency description"
  2788. msgid "Surface adhesion tendency."
  2789. msgstr "A felĂŒlet tapadĂĄsi jellemzƑje."
  2790. msgctxt "material_surface_energy description"
  2791. msgid "Surface energy."
  2792. msgstr "FelĂŒleti energia."
  2793. msgctxt "brim_smart_ordering description"
  2794. msgid "Swap print order of the innermost and second innermost brim lines. This improves brim removal."
  2795. msgstr ""
  2796. msgctxt "alternate_carve_order description"
  2797. msgid "Switch to which mesh intersecting volumes will belong with every layer, so that the overlapping meshes become interwoven. Turning this setting off will cause one of the meshes to obtain all of the volume in the overlap, while it is removed from the other meshes."
  2798. msgstr "Bekapcsolja, hogy minden egyes rĂ©tegnĂ©l, ahol keresztezƑdƑ hĂĄlĂłk talĂĄlhatĂłak, azok fonĂłdjanak össze. Ha kikapcsoljuk ezt az opciĂłt, akkor a keresztezƑdƑ hĂĄlĂłk közĂŒl az egyik megkapja az ĂĄtfedĂ©sben lĂ©vƑ hĂĄlĂł teljes tĂ©rfogatĂĄt, mĂ­g a többi hĂĄlĂłt eltĂĄvolĂ­tja."
  2799. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_threshold description"
  2800. msgid "Target horizontal distance between two adjacent layers. Reducing this setting causes thinner layers to be used to bring the edges of the layers closer together."
  2801. msgstr ""
  2802. msgctxt "layer_start_x description"
  2803. msgid "The X coordinate of the position near where to find the part to start printing each layer."
  2804. msgstr "Az az X koordinĂĄta, melynek a közelĂ©ben talĂĄlhatĂł a rĂ©tegek X nyomtatĂĄsi kezdƑpontja."
  2805. msgctxt "z_seam_x description"
  2806. msgid "The X coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
  2807. msgstr "Az az X koordinåta, ahol a rétegek nyomtatåsåt kezdeni fogja."
  2808. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_x description"
  2809. msgid "The X coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
  2810. msgstr "A fejnek az az X koordinĂĄtĂĄja, ahol a fĂșvĂłka elƑkĂ©szĂŒl ahhoz, hogy elkezdƑdjön a nyomtatĂĄs."
  2811. msgctxt "layer_start_y description"
  2812. msgid "The Y coordinate of the position near where to find the part to start printing each layer."
  2813. msgstr "Az az Y koordinĂĄta, melynek a közelĂ©ben talĂĄlhatĂł a rĂ©tegek Y nyomtatĂĄsi kezdƑpontja."
  2814. msgctxt "z_seam_y description"
  2815. msgid "The Y coordinate of the position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
  2816. msgstr "Az az Y koordinåta, ahol a rétegek nyomtatåsåt kezdeni fogja."
  2817. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_y description"
  2818. msgid "The Y coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
  2819. msgstr "A fejnek az az Y koordinĂĄtĂĄja, ahol a fĂșvĂłka elƑkĂ©szĂŒl ahhoz, hogy elkezdƑdjön a nyomtatĂĄs."
  2820. msgctxt "extruder_prime_pos_z description"
  2821. msgid "The Z coordinate of the position where the nozzle primes at the start of printing."
  2822. msgstr "Az a Z koordinĂĄta pont, ahol a fej, illetve a fĂșvĂłka ĂĄll, a nyomtatĂĄsi folyamat megkezdĂ©sekor."
  2823. msgctxt "acceleration_print_layer_0 description"
  2824. msgid "The acceleration during the printing of the initial layer."
  2825. msgstr "Az a gyorsulĂĄsi Ă©rtĂ©k, amit az elsƑ rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsa alatt hasznĂĄl."
  2826. msgctxt "acceleration_layer_0 description"
  2827. msgid "The acceleration for the initial layer."
  2828. msgstr "A legelsƑ rĂ©tegnĂ©l hasznĂĄlt gyorsulĂĄsi Ă©rtĂ©k."
  2829. msgctxt "acceleration_travel_layer_0 description"
  2830. msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
  2831. msgstr "A kezdƑ rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsa alatt, a fej utaztatĂĄsĂĄhoz hasznĂĄlt gyorsulĂĄsi Ă©rtĂ©k."
  2832. msgctxt "jerk_travel_layer_0 description"
  2833. msgid "The acceleration for travel moves in the initial layer."
  2834. msgstr "Az utazĂĄsi mozgĂĄs gyorsĂ­tĂĄsa a kezdƑ rĂ©tegnĂ©l."
  2835. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x description"
  2836. msgid "The acceleration with which all inner walls are printed."
  2837. msgstr "A belsƑ falak nyomtatása alatt használt gyorsulás."
  2838. msgctxt "acceleration_infill description"
  2839. msgid "The acceleration with which infill is printed."
  2840. msgstr "A kitöltés nyomtatåsa alatt hasznålt gyorsulåsi érték."
  2841. msgctxt "acceleration_ironing description"
  2842. msgid "The acceleration with which ironing is performed."
  2843. msgstr "A vasalås közben hasznålt gyorsulåsi érték."
  2844. msgctxt "acceleration_print description"
  2845. msgid "The acceleration with which printing happens."
  2846. msgstr "A nyomtatås közbeni gyorsulås."
  2847. msgctxt "raft_base_acceleration description"
  2848. msgid "The acceleration with which the base raft layer is printed."
  2849. msgstr "A tutajalap nyomtatåsåhoz kapcsolódó gyorsulåsi érték."
  2850. msgctxt "acceleration_support_bottom description"
  2851. msgid "The acceleration with which the floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
  2852. msgstr "A tåmaszok legalsó rétegeinek nyomtatåsa alatt hasznålt gyorsulås.Ha alacsonyabb gyorsulåst vålaszt, akkor segíti a tåmasz tapadåsåt a modellek tetején."
  2853. msgctxt "acceleration_support_infill description"
  2854. msgid "The acceleration with which the infill of support is printed."
  2855. msgstr "A tåmaszok kitöltésének nyomtatåsa alatt hasznålt gyorsulås."
  2856. msgctxt "raft_interface_acceleration description"
  2857. msgid "The acceleration with which the middle raft layer is printed."
  2858. msgstr "A tutaj közĂ©psƑ rĂ©tegeinek nyomtatĂĄsĂĄhoz kapcsolĂłdĂł gyorsulĂĄsi Ă©rtĂ©k."
  2859. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0 description"
  2860. msgid "The acceleration with which the outermost walls are printed."
  2861. msgstr "A kĂŒlsƑ falak nyomtatĂĄsa alatt hasznĂĄlt gyorsulĂĄs."
  2862. msgctxt "acceleration_prime_tower description"
  2863. msgid "The acceleration with which the prime tower is printed."
  2864. msgstr "Az elƑtorony nyomtatása során használt gyorsulás."
  2865. msgctxt "raft_acceleration description"
  2866. msgid "The acceleration with which the raft is printed."
  2867. msgstr "A tutaj nyomtatåsåhoz kapcsolódó gyorsulåsi érték."
  2868. msgctxt "acceleration_support_interface description"
  2869. msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
  2870. msgstr "A tĂĄmaszok legalsĂł Ă©s legfelsƑ rĂ©tegeinek nyomtatĂĄsa alatt hasznĂĄlt gyorsulĂĄs.Ha alacsonyabb gyorsulĂĄsi Ă©rtĂ©ket hasznĂĄlunk, az segĂ­t javĂ­tani a kinyĂșlĂĄsok nyomtatĂĄsi minƑsĂ©gĂ©n."
  2871. msgctxt "acceleration_support_roof description"
  2872. msgid "The acceleration with which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower acceleration can improve overhang quality."
  2873. msgstr "A tĂĄmaszok legfelsƑ rĂ©tegeinek nyomtatĂĄsa alatt hasznĂĄlt gyorsulĂĄs.Ha alacsonyabb gyorsulĂĄsi Ă©rtĂ©ket hasznĂĄlunk, az segĂ­t javĂ­tani a kinyĂșlĂĄsok nyomtatĂĄsi minƑsĂ©gĂ©n."
  2874. msgctxt "acceleration_skirt_brim description"
  2875. msgid "The acceleration with which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done with the initial layer acceleration, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different acceleration."
  2876. msgstr "Az a gyorsulĂĄs, amellyel a szoknya Ă©s a perem nyomtatĂĄsra kerĂŒl. ÁltalĂĄban ezt a kezdeti rĂ©teg gyorsulĂĄsĂĄval hajtjĂĄk vĂ©gre, de nĂ©ha Ă©rdemes lehet kinyomtatni a szoknyĂĄt vagy a karimĂĄt mĂĄs gyorsulĂĄssal."
  2877. msgctxt "acceleration_support description"
  2878. msgid "The acceleration with which the support structure is printed."
  2879. msgstr "A tĂĄmaszok nyomtatĂĄsa alatt hasznĂĄlt gyorsulĂĄs."
  2880. msgctxt "raft_surface_acceleration description"
  2881. msgid "The acceleration with which the top raft layers are printed."
  2882. msgstr "A tutajfedél nyomtatåsåhoz kapcsolódó gyorsulåsi érték."
  2883. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x_roofing description"
  2884. msgid "The acceleration with which the top surface inner walls are printed."
  2885. msgstr "Az a gyorsulĂĄs, amellyel a felsƑ felĂŒlet belsƑ falai kinyomtatnak."
  2886. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0_roofing description"
  2887. msgid "The acceleration with which the top surface outermost walls are printed."
  2888. msgstr "Az a gyorsulĂĄs, amellyel a felsƑ felĂŒlet legkĂŒlsƑ falai kinyomtatnak."
  2889. msgctxt "acceleration_wall description"
  2890. msgid "The acceleration with which the walls are printed."
  2891. msgstr "A falak nyomtatĂĄsa alatt hasznĂĄlt gyorsulĂĄs."
  2892. msgctxt "acceleration_roofing description"
  2893. msgid "The acceleration with which top surface skin layers are printed."
  2894. msgstr "A legfelsƑ, zĂĄrĂł felĂŒleti rĂ©tegek nyomtatĂĄsa alatt hasznĂĄlt gyorsulĂĄs."
  2895. msgctxt "acceleration_topbottom description"
  2896. msgid "The acceleration with which top/bottom layers are printed."
  2897. msgstr "Az alsĂł Ă©s felsƑ rĂ©tegek nyomtatĂĄsa alatt hasznĂĄlt gyorsulĂĄs."
  2898. msgctxt "acceleration_travel description"
  2899. msgid "The acceleration with which travel moves are made."
  2900. msgstr "A fej utaztatĂĄsa sorĂĄn hasznĂĄlt gyorsulĂĄs."
  2901. msgctxt "ironing_flow description"
  2902. msgid "The amount of material, relative to a normal skin line, to extrude during ironing. Keeping the nozzle filled helps filling some of the crevices of the top surface, but too much results in overextrusion and blips on the side of the surface."
  2903. msgstr "A vasalĂĄs sorĂĄn hasznĂĄlt adagolĂĄsi mennyisĂ©g. Ez segĂ­t megtartani a nyomĂĄst az olvadĂłkamrĂĄban, ami elƑsegĂ­ti a felĂŒleti hĂ©zagok kitöltĂ©sĂ©t.A beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄskor figyelembe kell venni, hogy a nyomĂĄs ne legyen tĂșl nagy, mivel ez tĂșlzott anyagĂĄramlĂĄshoz vezethet, Ă©s elmosĂłdĂĄsokat hozhat lĂ©tre a felĂŒleten."
  2904. msgctxt "infill_overlap description"
  2905. msgid "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls as a percentage of the infill line width. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill."
  2906. msgstr "Az ĂĄtfedĂ©s szĂĄzalĂ©kos mĂ©rtĂ©ke a kitöltĂ©s Ă©s a falak között.MeghatĂĄrozĂĄsa a kitöltĂ©s vonalszĂ©lessĂ©gĂ©nek szĂĄzalĂ©kĂĄban törtĂ©nik.Az enyhe ĂĄtfedĂ©s lehetƑvĂ© teszi, hogy a falak szorosan kapcsolĂłdjanak a kitöltĂ©shez."
  2907. msgctxt "infill_overlap_mm description"
  2908. msgid "The amount of overlap between the infill and the walls. A slight overlap allows the walls to connect firmly to the infill."
  2909. msgstr "Az ĂĄtfedĂ©s mĂ©rtĂ©ke a kitöltĂ©s Ă©s a falak között. Az enyhe ĂĄtfedĂ©s lehetƑvĂ© teszi, hogy a falak szorosan kapcsolĂłdjanak a kitöltĂ©shez."
  2910. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_amount description"
  2911. msgid "The amount of retraction when switching extruders. Set to 0 for no retraction at all. This should generally be the same as the length of the heat zone."
  2912. msgstr "A visszahĂșzĂĄs tĂĄvolsĂĄga az extruderek vĂĄltĂĄsakor. 0-ra ĂĄllĂ­tva egyĂĄltalĂĄn nincs visszahĂșzĂĄs.Ennek a tĂĄvolsĂĄgnak ĂĄltalĂĄban meg kell egyeznie a hƑzĂłna hosszĂĄval."
  2913. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_expansion_angle description"
  2914. msgid "The angle between the horizontal plane and the conical part right above the tip of the nozzle."
  2915. msgstr "A vĂ­zszintes sĂ­k Ă©s a kĂșpos rĂ©sz közötti szög a fĂșvĂłka vĂ©ge fölött."
  2916. msgctxt "support_tower_roof_angle description"
  2917. msgid "The angle of a rooftop of a tower. A higher value results in pointed tower roofs, a lower value results in flattened tower roofs."
  2918. msgstr "A torony fedĂ©l szöge. A magasabb Ă©rtĂ©k hegyes tornytetƑket eredmĂ©nyez.Az alacsonyabb szöggel laposabb fedelet kĂ©szĂ­thetĂŒnk a toronynak."
  2919. msgctxt "mold_angle description"
  2920. msgid "The angle of overhang of the outer walls created for the mold. 0° will make the outer shell of the mold vertical, while 90° will make the outside of the model follow the contour of the model."
  2921. msgstr "A forma szĂĄmĂĄra kialakĂ­tott kĂŒlsƑ falak tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsi szöge. 0 ° -kal a forma kĂŒlsƑ hĂ©ja fĂŒggƑleges lesz, mĂ­g 90 ° -kal a modell kĂŒlsƑ rĂ©sze a modell kontĂșrjĂĄt követi."
  2922. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter_angle description"
  2923. msgid "The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support."
  2924. msgstr "Az ĂĄgak ĂĄtmĂ©rƑjĂ©nek vĂĄltozĂĄsi szöge. Az ĂĄgak felĂŒlrƑl lefelĂ© vastagodnak. Ha a szög 0, akkor az ĂĄgak ĂĄtmĂ©rƑje egyenletes, teljes hosszukban.Egy kis szög Ă©rtĂ©k növelheti a fa tartĂĄsĂĄnak stabilitĂĄsĂĄt."
  2925. msgctxt "support_conical_angle description"
  2926. msgid "The angle of the tilt of conical support. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. Smaller angles cause the support to be more sturdy, but consist of more material. Negative angles cause the base of the support to be wider than the top."
  2927. msgstr "A kĂșpos tĂĄmasz dƑlĂ©sszöge. A 0 fok fĂŒggƑleges Ă©s 90 fok vĂ­zszintes. A kisebb szögek miatt a tartĂłszerkezet erƑsebb, de több anyagbĂłl ĂĄll. A negatĂ­v szögek miatt a tĂĄmasz talpa szĂ©lesebb, mint a teteje."
  2928. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_density description"
  2929. msgid "The average density of points introduced on each polygon in a layer. Note that the original points of the polygon are discarded, so a low density results in a reduction of the resolution."
  2930. msgstr "Az egyes poligonokon egy rĂ©tegben megjelenƑ pontok ĂĄtlagos sƱrƱsĂ©ge.VegyĂŒk figyelembe, hogy az eredeti sokszög pontok itt eldobĂĄsra kerĂŒlnek, Ă­gy az alacsony sƱrƱsĂ©g csökkenti a felbontĂĄst."
  2931. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_point_dist description"
  2932. msgid "The average distance between the random points introduced on each line segment. Note that the original points of the polygon are discarded, so a high smoothness results in a reduction of the resolution. This value must be higher than half the Fuzzy Skin Thickness."
  2933. msgstr "Az egyes vonalszakaszokon lĂ©trehozott rĂŒcskök közötti ĂĄtlagos tĂĄvolsĂĄg. Mivel az eredeti pontok eldobĂĄsra kerĂŒlnek, a sok rĂŒcsök a felbontĂĄs csökkenĂ©sĂ©t fogja eredmĂ©nyezni. Ennek az Ă©rtĂ©knek meg kell haladnia a rĂŒcskös falvastagsĂĄg felĂ©t."
  2934. msgctxt "material_brand description"
  2935. msgid "The brand of material used."
  2936. msgstr ""
  2937. msgctxt "machine_acceleration description"
  2938. msgid "The default acceleration of print head movement."
  2939. msgstr "A nyomtatófej mozgåsånak alapértelmezett gyorsulåsa."
  2940. msgctxt "default_material_print_temperature description"
  2941. msgid "The default temperature used for printing. This should be the \"base\" temperature of a material. All other print temperatures should use offsets based on this value"
  2942. msgstr "A nyomtatĂĄshoz hasznĂĄlt alapĂ©rtelmezett hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet. Ez az alap hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klete az adott alapanyagnak. Minden egyĂ©b nyomtatĂĄsi hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet eltĂ©rĂ©s ettƑl az alaptĂłl kerĂŒl szĂĄmĂ­tĂĄsra"
  2943. msgctxt "default_material_bed_temperature description"
  2944. msgid "The default temperature used for the heated build plate. This should be the \"base\" temperature of a build plate. All other print temperatures should use offsets based on this value"
  2945. msgstr "A fƱthetƑ tĂĄrgyasztal alapĂ©rtelmezett hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klete. Ez a hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet az alap, Ă©s ehhez viszonyĂ­tjuk a többi hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet Ă©rtĂ©kĂ©t"
  2946. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density description"
  2947. msgid "The density of the bridge skin layer. Values less than 100 will increase the gaps between the skin lines."
  2948. msgstr "A híd felszínének a sƱrƱsége. A 100 -nål kisebb értéknöveli a hézagokat a felszíni vonalak között."
  2949. msgctxt "support_bottom_density description"
  2950. msgid "The density of the floors of the support structure. A higher value results in better adhesion of the support on top of the model."
  2951. msgstr "BeĂĄllĂ­tja a tĂĄmasz interfĂ©sz sƱrƱsĂ©gĂ©t a tĂĄmasz alsĂł felĂŒletein.A magasabb Ă©rtĂ©k nagyobb tapadĂĄst tesz lehetƑvĂ© a tĂĄmasznak, a modell felĂŒletĂ©n, azonban a tĂĄmaszt nehezebb lesz eltĂĄvolĂ­tani."
  2952. msgctxt "support_roof_density description"
  2953. msgid "The density of the roofs of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove."
  2954. msgstr "BeĂĄllĂ­tja a tĂĄmasz interfĂ©sz sƱrƱsĂ©gĂ©t a tĂĄmasz felsƑ felĂŒletein.A magasabb Ă©rtĂ©k jobb minƑsĂ©gƱ tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄs nyomtatĂĄst tesz lehetƑvĂ©m viszont a tĂĄmaszt nehezebb lesz eltĂĄvolĂ­tani."
  2955. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density_2 description"
  2956. msgid "The density of the second bridge skin layer. Values less than 100 will increase the gaps between the skin lines."
  2957. msgstr "A måsodik hídréteg sƱrƱsége. A 100-nål kisebb értékek növelik a hézagokat a felszíni vonalak között."
  2958. msgctxt "bridge_skin_density_3 description"
  2959. msgid "The density of the third bridge skin layer. Values less than 100 will increase the gaps between the skin lines."
  2960. msgstr "A harmadik hídréteg sƱrƱsége. A 100-nål kisebb értékek növelik a hézagokat a felszíni vonalak között."
  2961. msgctxt "machine_depth description"
  2962. msgid "The depth (Y-direction) of the printable area."
  2963. msgstr "A nyomtatĂĄsi terĂŒlet mĂ©lysĂ©ge (Y-irĂĄny)."
  2964. msgctxt "support_tower_diameter description"
  2965. msgid "The diameter of a special tower."
  2966. msgstr "A speciålis tåmasz torony åtméröje."
  2967. msgctxt "support_tree_branch_diameter description"
  2968. msgid "The diameter of the thinnest branches of tree support. Thicker branches are more sturdy. Branches towards the base will be thicker than this."
  2969. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz legvĂ©konyabb ĂĄgainak ĂĄtmĂ©rƑje. A vastagabb ĂĄgak erƑsebbek. Az alap felĂ© esƑ ĂĄgak vastagabbak lesznek, mint ez a mĂ©ret."
  2970. msgctxt "support_tree_tip_diameter description"
  2971. msgid "The diameter of the top of the tip of the branches of tree support."
  2972. msgstr ""
  2973. msgctxt "machine_feeder_wheel_diameter description"
  2974. msgid "The diameter of the wheel that drives the material in the feeder."
  2975. msgstr "A nyomtatĂłszĂĄl adagolĂł kerĂ©k ĂĄtmĂ©rƑje az extruderben."
  2976. msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter description"
  2977. msgid "The diameter of the widest branches of tree support. A thicker trunk is more sturdy; a thinner trunk takes up less space on the build plate."
  2978. msgstr ""
  2979. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_variation_step description"
  2980. msgid "The difference in height of the next layer height compared to the previous one."
  2981. msgstr "A következƑ rĂ©teg magassĂĄgĂĄnak kĂŒlönbsĂ©ge az elƑzƑhöz kĂ©pest."
  2982. msgctxt "ironing_line_spacing description"
  2983. msgid "The distance between the lines of ironing."
  2984. msgstr "A vasalåsi vonalak közötti tåvolsåg."
  2985. msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance description"
  2986. msgid "The distance between the nozzle and already printed parts when avoiding during travel moves."
  2987. msgstr "A fĂșvĂłka Ă©s a mĂĄr kinyomtatott rĂ©szek közötti tĂĄvolsĂĄg, ha kerĂŒlƑ Ăștvonalakat hasznĂĄlunk."
  2988. msgctxt "raft_base_line_spacing description"
  2989. msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the base raft layer. Wide spacing makes for easy removal of the raft from the build plate."
  2990. msgstr "Az tutajalap-réteg vonalai közötti tåvolsåg. A széles tåvolsåg megkönnyíti a tutaj eltåvolítåsåt a tårgyasztalról."
  2991. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_spacing description"
  2992. msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the middle raft layer. The spacing of the middle should be quite wide, while being dense enough to support the top raft layers."
  2993. msgstr "A tutajvonalak közötti tĂĄvolsĂĄg a közĂ©psƑ tutajrĂ©tegben. A közĂ©psƑ tĂĄvolsĂĄgnak meglehetƑsen szĂ©lesnek kell lennie, ugyanakkor elĂ©g sƱrƱnek is ahhoz, hogy megfelelƑen tĂĄmassza a felsƑ tutajrĂ©tegeket."
  2994. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing description"
  2995. msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the top raft layers. The spacing should be equal to the line width, so that the surface is solid."
  2996. msgstr "A tutajvonalak közötti tĂĄvolsĂĄg a felsƑ tutajrĂ©tegeknĂ©l. A tĂĄvolsĂĄgnak meg kell egyeznie a vonalszĂ©lessĂ©ggel, hogy a felĂŒlet tömör legyen."
  2997. msgctxt "prime_tower_raft_base_line_spacing description"
  2998. msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the unique prime tower raft layer. Wide spacing makes for easy removal of the raft from the build plate."
  2999. msgstr ""
  3000. msgctxt "interlocking_depth description"
  3001. msgid "The distance from the boundary between models to generate interlocking structure, measured in cells. Too few cells will result in poor adhesion."
  3002. msgstr ""
  3003. msgctxt "brim_width description"
  3004. msgid "The distance from the model to the outermost brim line. A larger brim enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
  3005. msgstr "Az a szĂ©lessĂ©g, amilyen szĂ©les lesz a Perem, a nyomtatott tĂĄrgy szĂ©lĂ©tƑl szĂĄmĂ­tva. A nagyobb perem nagyobb tapadĂĄst fog eredmĂ©nyeznim viszont csökkenti az effektĂ­v hasznĂĄlhatĂł nyomtatĂĄsi terĂŒletet."
  3006. msgctxt "interlocking_boundary_avoidance description"
  3007. msgid "The distance from the outside of a model where interlocking structures will not be generated, measured in cells."
  3008. msgstr "Ez a tĂĄvolsĂĄg a fĂșvĂłka vĂ©gĂ©tƑl mĂ©rt tĂĄvolsĂĄg, ameddig a nyomtatĂłszĂĄlat vissza szĂŒksĂ©ges hĂșzni, ha nem hasznĂĄljuk az adott extrudert."
  3009. msgctxt "machine_heat_zone_length description"
  3010. msgid "The distance from the tip of the nozzle in which heat from the nozzle is transferred to the filament."
  3011. msgstr "Az a tĂĄvolsĂĄg, ami a fĂșvĂłka csĂșcstĂłl a mĂ©g szilĂĄrd nyomtatĂłszĂĄlig tart.Ez gyakorlatilag az esetek nagy rĂ©szĂ©ben a fĂșvĂłka teljes hossza, a csĂșcstĂłl a torokig tart."
  3012. msgctxt "bottom_skin_expand_distance description"
  3013. msgid "The distance the bottom skins are expanded into the infill. Higher values makes the skin attach better to the infill pattern and makes the skin adhere better to the walls on the layer below. Lower values save amount of material used."
  3014. msgstr "Az alsĂł kĂ©reg felĂŒletek a kitöltĂ©sig jönnek lĂ©tre. Ha bƑvĂ­tjĂŒk az alsĂł kĂ©rget, Ă©s növeljĂŒk ezt az Ă©rtĂ©ket, akkor jobb tapadĂĄst Ă©rhetĂŒnk el a kitöltĂ©ssel kapcsolatban, illetve a szomszĂ©dos falak jobban tudnak tapadni a kĂ©reghez. Az alacsonyabb Ă©rtĂ©k anyagmegtakarĂ­tĂĄst eredmĂ©nyez."
  3015. msgctxt "expand_skins_expand_distance description"
  3016. msgid "The distance the skins are expanded into the infill. Higher values makes the skin attach better to the infill pattern and makes the walls on neighboring layers adhere better to the skin. Lower values save amount of material used."
  3017. msgstr "A kĂ©reg felĂŒletek a kitöltĂ©sig jönnek lĂ©tre. Ha bƑvĂ­tjĂŒk a kĂ©rget, Ă©s növeljĂŒk ezt az Ă©rtĂ©ket, akkor jobb tapadĂĄst Ă©rhetĂŒnk el a kitöltĂ©ssel kapcsolatban, illetve a szomszĂ©dos falak jobban tudnak tapadni a kĂ©reghez. Az alacsonyabb Ă©rtĂ©k anyagmegtakarĂ­tĂĄst eredmĂ©nyez."
  3018. msgctxt "top_skin_expand_distance description"
  3019. msgid "The distance the top skins are expanded into the infill. Higher values makes the skin attach better to the infill pattern and makes the walls on the layer above adhere better to the skin. Lower values save amount of material used."
  3020. msgstr "A felsƑ kĂ©reg felĂŒletek a kitöltĂ©sig jönnek lĂ©tre. Ha bƑvĂ­tjĂŒk a felsƑ kĂ©rget, Ă©s növeljĂŒk ezt az Ă©rtĂ©ket, akkor jobb tapadĂĄst Ă©rhetĂŒnk el a kitöltĂ©ssel kapcsolatban, illetve a szomszĂ©dos falak jobban tudnak tapadni a kĂ©reghez. Az alacsonyabb Ă©rtĂ©k anyagmegtakarĂ­tĂĄst eredmĂ©nyez."
  3021. msgctxt "wipe_move_distance description"
  3022. msgid "The distance to move the head back and forth across the brush."
  3023. msgstr "A fej oda-vissza mozgatåsånak tåvolsåga a kefén."
  3024. msgctxt "lightning_infill_prune_angle description"
  3025. msgid "The endpoints of infill lines are shortened to save on material. This setting is the angle of overhang of the endpoints of these lines."
  3026. msgstr ""
  3027. msgctxt "material_extrusion_cool_down_speed description"
  3028. msgid "The extra speed by which the nozzle cools while extruding. The same value is used to signify the heat up speed lost when heating up while extruding."
  3029. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amivel a fĂșvĂłka lehƱl az extrudĂĄlĂĄs közben.Ugyanezt az Ă©rtĂ©ket kell hasznĂĄlni az extrudĂĄlĂĄs közbeni felmelegedĂ©sre is."
  3030. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 description"
  3031. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of support infill. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3032. msgstr "Az az extruder szerelvĂ©ny, amivel az elsƑ rĂ©teg tĂĄmasz kitöltĂ©sĂ©t nyomtatjuk.Ezt multi-extruderes gĂ©peken hasznĂĄlhatjuk."
  3033. msgctxt "raft_base_extruder_nr description"
  3034. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3035. msgstr ""
  3036. msgctxt "support_bottom_extruder_nr description"
  3037. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3038. msgstr "Az az extruder, ami a tåmaszok fedelét nyomtatja.Ezt multi-extruderes gépeken hasznålhatjuk."
  3039. msgctxt "support_infill_extruder_nr description"
  3040. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the infill of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3041. msgstr "Az az extruder szerelvény, amivel a tåmasztékok kitöltését nyomtatjuk. Ezt multi-extruderes gépeken hasznålhatjuk."
  3042. msgctxt "raft_interface_extruder_nr description"
  3043. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the middle layer of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3044. msgstr ""
  3045. msgctxt "support_interface_extruder_nr description"
  3046. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs and floors of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3047. msgstr "Az az extruder, ami a tåmaszok aljåt és tetejét nyomtatja.Ezt multi-extruderes gépeken hasznålhatjuk."
  3048. msgctxt "support_roof_extruder_nr description"
  3049. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the roofs of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3050. msgstr "Az az extruder, ami a tåmaszok aljåt nyomtatja.Ezt multi-extruderes gépeken hasznålhatjuk."
  3051. msgctxt "skirt_brim_extruder_nr description"
  3052. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt or brim. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3053. msgstr ""
  3054. msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr description"
  3055. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3056. msgstr "Az az extruder, amit a tapadĂĄsnövelƑ felĂŒletek, szoknya, perem, tutaj nyomtatĂĄsĂĄra hasznĂĄlunk. Csak multi extruder esetĂ©n hasznĂĄlhatĂł."
  3057. msgctxt "support_extruder_nr description"
  3058. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the support. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3059. msgstr "Az az extruder szerelvény, amivel a tåmasztékokat nyomtatjuk. Ezt multi-extruderes gépeken hasznålhatjuk."
  3060. msgctxt "raft_surface_extruder_nr description"
  3061. msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the top layer(s) of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3062. msgstr ""
  3063. msgctxt "infill_extruder_nr description"
  3064. msgid "The extruder train used for printing infill. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3065. msgstr "Az az extruder szerelvény, ami a kitöltést nyomtatja. Ez csak multi-extruderes nyomtatóknål hasznålható."
  3066. msgctxt "wall_x_extruder_nr description"
  3067. msgid "The extruder train used for printing the inner walls. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3068. msgstr "Az az extruder, amit a belsƑ falak nyomtatĂĄsĂĄhoz hasznĂĄlunk.Ezt csak multi extruder esetĂ©n hasznĂĄlhatjuk."
  3069. msgctxt "wall_0_extruder_nr description"
  3070. msgid "The extruder train used for printing the outer wall. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3071. msgstr "Az az extruder, amit a kĂŒlsƑ falak nyomtatĂĄsĂĄhoz hasznĂĄlunk.Ezt csak multi extruder esetĂ©n hasznĂĄlhatjuk."
  3072. msgctxt "top_bottom_extruder_nr description"
  3073. msgid "The extruder train used for printing the top and bottom skin. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3074. msgstr "Az az extruder, amit az alsĂł/felsƑ felĂŒleti rĂ©tegek nyomtatĂĄsĂĄhoz hasznĂĄlunk. Ezt csak multi extruder esetĂ©n hasznĂĄlhatjuk."
  3075. msgctxt "roofing_extruder_nr description"
  3076. msgid "The extruder train used for printing the top most skin. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3077. msgstr "Az az extruder, amelyik a felsƑ rĂ©teg kĂŒlsƑ lezĂĄrĂĄsĂĄt vĂ©gzi.Ez a funkciĂł csak multiextruderes gĂ©pen Ă©rhetƑ el."
  3078. msgctxt "wall_extruder_nr description"
  3079. msgid "The extruder train used for printing the walls. This is used in multi-extrusion."
  3080. msgstr "Az az extruder, amit a falak nyomtatåsåhoz hasznålunk.Ezt csak multi extruder esetén hasznålhatjuk."
  3081. msgctxt "raft_base_fan_speed description"
  3082. msgid "The fan speed for the base raft layer."
  3083. msgstr "A hƱtƑventillĂĄtor sebessĂ©ge a tutajalap rĂ©tegeinek nyomtatĂĄsakor."
  3084. msgctxt "raft_interface_fan_speed description"
  3085. msgid "The fan speed for the middle raft layer."
  3086. msgstr "A hƱtƑventillĂĄtor sebessĂ©ge a tutaj közĂ©psƑ rĂ©tegeinek nyomtatĂĄsakor."
  3087. msgctxt "raft_fan_speed description"
  3088. msgid "The fan speed for the raft."
  3089. msgstr "A hƱtƑventillĂĄtor sebessĂ©ge a tutaj nyomtatĂĄsakor."
  3090. msgctxt "raft_surface_fan_speed description"
  3091. msgid "The fan speed for the top raft layers."
  3092. msgstr "A hƱtƑventillĂĄtor sebessĂ©ge a tutaj felsƑ rĂ©tegeinek nyomtatĂĄsakor."
  3093. msgctxt "cross_infill_density_image description"
  3094. msgid "The file location of an image of which the brightness values determine the minimal density at the corresponding location in the infill of the print."
  3095. msgstr "Annak a kĂ©pfĂĄjlnak, aminek a fĂ©nyerƑssĂ©g Ă©rtĂ©kei meghatĂĄrozzĂĄk a minimĂĄlis sƱrƱsĂ©get a nyomtatĂĄs kereszt kitöltĂ©sĂ©nek megfelelƑ helyĂ©n."
  3096. msgctxt "cross_support_density_image description"
  3097. msgid "The file location of an image of which the brightness values determine the minimal density at the corresponding location in the support."
  3098. msgstr "Annak a kĂ©pfĂĄjlnak, aminek a fĂ©nyerƑssĂ©g Ă©rtĂ©kei meghatĂĄrozzĂĄk a minimĂĄlis sƱrƱsĂ©get a nyomtatĂĄs kereszt tĂĄmasz kitöltĂ©sĂ©nek megfelelƑ helyĂ©n."
  3099. msgctxt "speed_slowdown_layers description"
  3100. msgid "The first few layers are printed slower than the rest of the model, to get better adhesion to the build plate and improve the overall success rate of prints. The speed is gradually increased over these layers."
  3101. msgstr "Az elsƑ pĂĄr rĂ©teget lassabban tudjuk nyomtatni, ha ezt a modell formĂĄja szĂŒksĂ©gessĂ© teszi. Növelheti a tapadĂĄst a tĂĄrgyasztalhoz, Ă­gy sikeresebb lehet a nyomtatĂĄs. A sebessĂ©g folyamatosan növekedni fog, ahogy emelkedik a rĂ©tegeken."
  3102. msgctxt "raft_airgap description"
  3103. msgid "The gap between the final raft layer and the first layer of the model. Only the first layer is raised by this amount to lower the bonding between the raft layer and the model. Makes it easier to peel off the raft."
  3104. msgstr "A lĂ©grĂ©s megadja, hogy a tutaj teteje Ă©s a modell alja között milyen legyena tĂĄvolsĂĄg. Csak az elsƑ rĂ©teget fogja megemelni ez az Ă©rtĂ©k, ami Ă­gy csökkenteni fogja a tutaj Ă©s a test egymĂĄshoz tapadĂĄsĂĄt. EzĂĄltal könnyebb lesz a nyomtatĂĄs vĂ©gĂ©n eltĂĄvolĂ­tani a tutajt."
  3105. msgctxt "machine_height description"
  3106. msgid "The height (Z-direction) of the printable area."
  3107. msgstr "A nyomtatĂĄsi terĂŒlet magassĂĄga (Z-irĂĄny)."
  3108. msgctxt "mold_roof_height description"
  3109. msgid "The height above horizontal parts in your model which to print mold."
  3110. msgstr "A modell vízszintes részeinek feletti magassåg, amelyet formaként nyomtatunk."
  3111. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_at_height description"
  3112. msgid "The height at which the fans spin on regular fan speed. At the layers below the fan speed gradually increases from Initial Fan Speed to Regular Fan Speed."
  3113. msgstr "Az a magassåg, ahol a ventillåtorok a normål hƱtési sebességgel forognak.Az alacsonyabb rétegekben a hƱtés még kissebb, és fokozatosan növekedik a sebessége a normål szintig, ahogy eléri ezt a magassågot."
  3114. msgctxt "gantry_height description"
  3115. msgid "The height difference between the tip of the nozzle and the gantry system (X and Y axes)."
  3116. msgstr "A fĂșvĂłka csĂșcsa Ă©s az ĂĄllvĂĄnyzat közötti magassĂĄgkĂŒlönbsĂ©g (A keresztezƑ X Ă©s/vagy az Y tengely ĂĄllvĂĄnyzata)"
  3117. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_head_distance description"
  3118. msgid "The height difference between the tip of the nozzle and the lowest part of the print head."
  3119. msgstr "A fĂșvĂłka csĂșcsa Ă©s a nyomtatĂłfej legalacsonyabb rĂ©sze (fƱtƑblokk) közötti magassĂĄgkĂŒlönbsĂ©g."
  3120. msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch_height description"
  3121. msgid "The height difference when performing a Z Hop after extruder switch."
  3122. msgstr "Az a magassĂĄgkĂŒlönbsĂ©g, amit a Z emelĂ©skor emelkedik a tengely extruder vĂĄltĂĄs utĂĄn."
  3123. msgctxt "retraction_hop description"
  3124. msgid "The height difference when performing a Z Hop."
  3125. msgstr "Az a magassĂĄgkĂŒlönbsĂ©g, amit a Z emelĂ©skor emelkedik a tengely."
  3126. msgctxt "wipe_hop_amount description"
  3127. msgid "The height difference when performing a Z Hop."
  3128. msgstr "A magassĂĄg, amivel a Z tenhelyt megemeljĂŒk."
  3129. msgctxt "layer_height description"
  3130. msgid "The height of each layer in mm. Higher values produce faster prints in lower resolution, lower values produce slower prints in higher resolution."
  3131. msgstr "Az egyes nyomtatĂĄsi rĂ©tegek magassĂĄga mm -ben. A magasabb Ă©rtĂ©k gyorsabb nyomtatĂĄst eredmĂ©nyez, viszont a minƑsĂ©g rosszabb lesz, mint az alacsonyabb rĂ©teg magassĂĄgnĂĄl. Azonban a kissebb rĂ©tegmagassĂĄg növeli a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑt."
  3132. msgctxt "gradual_infill_step_height description"
  3133. msgid "The height of infill of a given density before switching to half the density."
  3134. msgstr "Az a kitöltĂ©si magassĂĄg, amit elĂ©rve a kitöltĂ©si sƱrƱsĂ©g lefelezƑdik."
  3135. msgctxt "gradual_support_infill_step_height description"
  3136. msgid "The height of support infill of a given density before switching to half the density."
  3137. msgstr "A tĂĄmaszkitöltĂ©s azon magassĂĄga, ahol a sƱrƱsĂ©g felezƑdni fog."
  3138. msgctxt "interlocking_beam_layer_count description"
  3139. msgid "The height of the beams of the interlocking structure, measured in number of layers. Less layers is stronger, but more prone to defects."
  3140. msgstr ""
  3141. msgctxt "interlocking_orientation description"
  3142. msgid "The height of the beams of the interlocking structure, measured in number of layers. Less layers is stronger, but more prone to defects."
  3143. msgstr ""
  3144. msgctxt "layer_height_0 description"
  3145. msgid "The height of the initial layer in mm. A thicker initial layer makes adhesion to the build plate easier."
  3146. msgstr "A kezdƑ rĂ©teg magassĂĄga mm-ben. A vastagabb kezdƑrĂ©teg megkönnyĂ­ti a tapadĂĄst a tĂĄrgyasztalhoz."
  3147. msgctxt "prime_tower_base_height description"
  3148. msgid "The height of the prime tower base. Increasing this value will result in a more sturdy prime tower because the base will be wider. If this setting is too low, the prime tower will not have a sturdy base."
  3149. msgstr ""
  3150. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_height description"
  3151. msgid "The height of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures. Set to zero to turn off the stair-like behaviour."
  3152. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz lĂ©pcsƑinek magassĂĄga azona a rĂ©szen, ahol a modellen tĂĄmaszkodik.Ha az Ă©rtĂ©k alacsony, a tĂĄmasz eltĂĄvolĂ­tĂĄsa nehĂ©z lehet, viszont a tĂșl magas Ă©rtĂ©k instabillĂĄ teheti a tĂĄmaszt. Ha az Ă©rtĂ©k 0, akkor kikapcsolja a lĂ©pcsƑt."
  3153. msgctxt "brim_gap description"
  3154. msgid "The horizontal distance between the first brim line and the outline of the first layer of the print. A small gap can make the brim easier to remove while still providing the thermal benefits."
  3155. msgstr ""
  3156. msgctxt "skirt_gap description"
  3157. msgid ""
  3158. "The horizontal distance between the skirt and the first layer of the print.\n"
  3159. "This is the minimum distance. Multiple skirt lines will extend outwards from this distance."
  3160. msgstr ""
  3161. "A szoknya vĂ­zszintes tĂĄvolsĂĄga a modell elsƑ rĂ©tegĂ©nek kĂŒlsƑ szĂ©lĂ©tƑl. \n"
  3162. "Ez a minimålis tåvolsåg. Ha a szoknya vonalak szåma többszörözve van, akkor a szoknya kifelé fog nyövekedni."
  3163. msgctxt "lightning_infill_straightening_angle description"
  3164. msgid "The infill lines are straightened out to save on printing time. This is the maximum angle of overhang allowed across the length of the infill line."
  3165. msgstr ""
  3166. msgctxt "infill_offset_x description"
  3167. msgid "The infill pattern is moved this distance along the X axis."
  3168. msgstr "A kitöltési minta eltolåsa az X tengely mentén."
  3169. msgctxt "infill_offset_y description"
  3170. msgid "The infill pattern is moved this distance along the Y axis."
  3171. msgstr "A kitöltési minta eltolåsa az Y tengely mentén."
  3172. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_size description"
  3173. msgid "The inner diameter of the nozzle. Change this setting when using a non-standard nozzle size."
  3174. msgstr "A fĂșvĂłka belsƑ ĂĄtmĂ©rƑje. Akkor vĂĄltoztasd meg ezt az Ă©rtĂ©ket, ha nem szabvĂĄnyos fĂșvĂłka mĂ©retet hasznĂĄlsz."
  3175. msgctxt "raft_base_jerk description"
  3176. msgid "The jerk with which the base raft layer is printed."
  3177. msgstr "A tutajalap nyomtatåsakor hasznålt löket."
  3178. msgctxt "raft_interface_jerk description"
  3179. msgid "The jerk with which the middle raft layer is printed."
  3180. msgstr "A tutaj közĂ©psƑ rĂ©tegeinek nyomtatĂĄsakor hasznĂĄlt löket."
  3181. msgctxt "raft_jerk description"
  3182. msgid "The jerk with which the raft is printed."
  3183. msgstr "A tutaj nyomtatåsakor hasznålt löket."
  3184. msgctxt "raft_surface_jerk description"
  3185. msgid "The jerk with which the top raft layers are printed."
  3186. msgstr "A tutajfedél nyomtatåsakor hasznålt löket."
  3187. msgctxt "bottom_skin_preshrink description"
  3188. msgid "The largest width of bottom skin areas which are to be removed. Every skin area smaller than this value will disappear. This can help in limiting the amount of time and material spent on printing bottom skin at slanted surfaces in the model."
  3189. msgstr "Az eltĂĄvolĂ­tandĂł alsĂłkĂ©reg felĂŒlet legnagyobb szĂ©lessĂ©ge. Az ettƑl kissebb felĂŒletek el fognak tƱnni. Ez segĂ­thet korlĂĄtozni a modell ferde felĂŒleteinek alsĂł rĂ©szĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsĂĄhoz felhasznĂĄlt idƑt Ă©s anyagot."
  3190. msgctxt "skin_preshrink description"
  3191. msgid "The largest width of skin areas which are to be removed. Every skin area smaller than this value will disappear. This can help in limiting the amount of time and material spent on printing top/bottom skin at slanted surfaces in the model."
  3192. msgstr "Az eltĂĄvolĂ­tandĂł kĂ©reg felĂŒlet legnagyobb szĂ©lessĂ©ge. Az ettƑl kissebb felĂŒletek el fognak tƱnni. Ez segĂ­thet korlĂĄtozni a modell ferde felĂŒleteinek alsĂł Ă©s felsƑ rĂ©szĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsĂĄhoz felhasznĂĄlt idƑt Ă©s anyagot."
  3193. msgctxt "top_skin_preshrink description"
  3194. msgid "The largest width of top skin areas which are to be removed. Every skin area smaller than this value will disappear. This can help in limiting the amount of time and material spent on printing top skin at slanted surfaces in the model."
  3195. msgstr "Az eltĂĄvolĂ­tandĂł felsƑ kĂ©reg felĂŒlet legnagyobb szĂ©lessĂ©ge. Az ettƑl kissebb felĂŒletek el fognak tƱnni. Ez segĂ­thet korlĂĄtozni a modell ferde felĂŒleteinek felsƑ rĂ©szĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsĂĄhoz felhasznĂĄlt idƑt Ă©s anyagot."
  3196. msgctxt "cool_fan_full_layer description"
  3197. msgid "The layer at which the fans spin on regular fan speed. If regular fan speed at height is set, this value is calculated and rounded to a whole number."
  3198. msgstr "Az a réteg, ahol a ventillåtor eléri a normål hƱtési sebességet.Ha a normål hƱtési magassåg be van ållítva, akkor ezt a rétegszåmot kiszåmítja a szoftver."
  3199. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max description"
  3200. msgid "The layer time which sets the threshold between regular fan speed and maximum fan speed. Layers that print slower than this time use regular fan speed. For faster layers the fan speed gradually increases towards the maximum fan speed."
  3201. msgstr "Az a rĂ©tegidƑ, amely beĂĄllĂ­tja a kĂŒszöbĂ©rtĂ©ket a szokĂĄsos ventilĂĄtor sebessĂ©g Ă©s a ventilĂĄtor maximĂĄlis sebessĂ©ge között. Az ezĂșttal lassabb nyomtatĂĄsĂș rĂ©tegek szokĂĄsos ventilĂĄtorsebessĂ©get hasznĂĄlnak. A gyorsabb rĂ©tegek esetĂ©n a ventilĂĄtor sebessĂ©ge fokozatosan növekszik a maximĂĄlis ventilĂĄtor sebessĂ©g felĂ©."
  3202. msgctxt "retraction_amount description"
  3203. msgid "The length of material retracted during a retraction move."
  3204. msgstr "A visszahĂșzott anyag hossza visszahĂșzĂĄskor."
  3205. msgctxt "prime_tower_base_curve_magnitude description"
  3206. msgid "The magnitude factor used for the slope of the prime tower base. If you increase this value, the base will become slimmer. If you decrease it, the base will become thicker."
  3207. msgstr ""
  3208. msgctxt "machine_buildplate_type description"
  3209. msgid "The material of the build plate installed on the printer."
  3210. msgstr "A gépre szerelt tårgyasztal anyaga."
  3211. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_variation description"
  3212. msgid "The maximum allowed height different from the base layer height."
  3213. msgstr "Az alaprĂ©teg magassĂĄgĂĄtĂłl eltĂ©rƑ legnagyobb megengedett rĂ©teg magassĂĄg."
  3214. msgctxt "ooze_shield_angle description"
  3215. msgid "The maximum angle a part in the ooze shield will have. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. A smaller angle leads to less failed ooze shields, but more material."
  3216. msgstr "Az a maximĂĄlis szög, ami a szivĂĄrgĂĄspajzsban megjelenhet. A 0 fok a fĂŒggƑleges, a 90 fok pedig a vĂ­zszintesnek felel meg. Ha a szög kisebb, akkor jobb lehet a pajzs hatĂĄsfoka, Ă©s jobban mentesĂ­ti a fĂșvĂłkĂĄt a szivĂĄrgĂł anyagtĂłl, azonban több felhasznĂĄlandĂł anyagot igĂ©nyel az Ă©pĂ­tĂ©se."
  3217. msgctxt "conical_overhang_angle description"
  3218. msgid "The maximum angle of overhangs after the they have been made printable. At a value of 0° all overhangs are replaced by a piece of model connected to the build plate, 90° will not change the model in any way."
  3219. msgstr "A tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsok maximĂĄlis szöge a nyomtathatĂłvĂĄ tĂ©tel utĂĄn. 0 ° Ă©rtĂ©knĂ©l az összes tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄst egy, az Ă©pĂ­tƑlemezhez kapcsolt modelldarab vĂĄltja fel, a 90 ° -ot a modell semmilyen mĂłdon nem vĂĄltoztatja meg."
  3220. msgctxt "support_tree_angle description"
  3221. msgid "The maximum angle of the branches while they grow around the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach."
  3222. msgstr ""
  3223. msgctxt "conical_overhang_hole_size description"
  3224. msgid "The maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it's removed by Make Overhang Printable. Holes smaller than this will be retained. A value of 0 mmÂČ will fill all holes in the models base."
  3225. msgstr ""
  3226. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_deviation description"
  3227. msgid "The maximum deviation allowed when reducing the resolution for the Maximum Resolution setting. If you increase this, the print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller. Maximum Deviation is a limit for Maximum Resolution, so if the two conflict the Maximum Deviation will always be held true."
  3228. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis eltĂ©rĂ©s, ha csökken a felbontĂĄs a maximĂĄlis felbontĂĄs beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsnĂĄl. Ha ezt növeli, a nyomtatĂĄs kevĂ©sbĂ© lesz pontos, de a g-kĂłd kisebb lesz. A maximĂĄlis eltĂ©rĂ©s a maximĂĄlis felbontĂĄs korlĂĄtja, tehĂĄt ha a kettƑ ĂŒtközik, akkor a maximĂĄlis eltĂ©rĂ©s lesz magasabb prioritĂĄsĂș."
  3229. msgctxt "support_join_distance description"
  3230. msgid "The maximum distance between support structures in the X/Y directions. When separate structures are closer together than this value, the structures merge into one."
  3231. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis X/Y tĂĄvolsĂĄg kĂ©t tĂĄmasz szerkezet között. Mikor kĂ©t elszeparĂĄlt tĂĄmasz tĂșl közel kerĂŒl egymĂĄshoz, azaz ettƑl az Ă©rtĂ©ktƑl közelebb, akkor a tĂĄmaszok egyesĂŒlni fognak."
  3232. msgctxt "flow_rate_max_extrusion_offset description"
  3233. msgid "The maximum distance in mm to move the filament to compensate for changes in flow rate."
  3234. msgstr ""
  3235. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation description"
  3236. msgid "The maximum extrusion area deviation allowed when removing intermediate points from a straight line. An intermediate point may serve as width-changing point in a long straight line. Therefore, if it is removed, it will cause the line to have a uniform width and, as a result, lose (or gain) a bit of extrusion area. If you increase this you may notice slight under- (or over-) extrusion in between straight parallel walls, as more intermediate width-changing points will be allowed to be removed. Your print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller."
  3237. msgstr ""
  3238. msgctxt "jerk_print_layer_0 description"
  3239. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change during the printing of the initial layer."
  3240. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs vĂĄltoztatĂĄsa a kezdƑ rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsa alatt."
  3241. msgctxt "jerk_print description"
  3242. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change of the print head."
  3243. msgstr "A maximålis pillanatnyi sebességvåltozås våltoztatåsa a nyomtatófej mozgåsåra vonatkoztatva."
  3244. msgctxt "jerk_ironing description"
  3245. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change while performing ironing."
  3246. msgstr "A maximålis löket, amivel megråntja a fejet vasalås közben."
  3247. msgctxt "jerk_wall_x description"
  3248. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which all inner walls are printed."
  3249. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs vĂĄltoztatĂĄsa a belsƑ falak nyomtatĂĄsa alatt."
  3250. msgctxt "jerk_infill description"
  3251. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which infill is printed."
  3252. msgstr "A maximålis pillanatnyi sebességvåltozås våltoztatåsa a kitöltés nyomtatåsa alatt."
  3253. msgctxt "jerk_support_bottom description"
  3254. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the floors of support are printed."
  3255. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs vĂĄltoztatĂĄsa a tĂĄmaszok alsĂł felĂŒletĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsa alatt."
  3256. msgctxt "jerk_support_infill description"
  3257. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the infill of support is printed."
  3258. msgstr "A maximålis pillanatnyi sebességvåltozås våltoztatåsa a tåmaszok kitöltésének nyomtatåsa alatt."
  3259. msgctxt "jerk_wall_0 description"
  3260. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the outermost walls are printed."
  3261. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs vĂĄltoztatĂĄsa a kĂŒlsƑ falak nyomtatĂĄsa alatt."
  3262. msgctxt "jerk_prime_tower description"
  3263. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the prime tower is printed."
  3264. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs vĂĄltoztatĂĄsa az elƑtorony nyomtatĂĄsa alatt."
  3265. msgctxt "jerk_support_interface description"
  3266. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs and floors of support are printed."
  3267. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs vĂĄltoztatĂĄsa a tĂĄmaszok alsĂł Ă©s felsƑ felĂŒletĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsa alatt."
  3268. msgctxt "jerk_support_roof description"
  3269. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the roofs of support are printed."
  3270. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs vĂĄltoztatĂĄsa a tĂĄmaszok felsƑ felĂŒletĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsa alatt."
  3271. msgctxt "jerk_skirt_brim description"
  3272. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the skirt and brim are printed."
  3273. msgstr "A maximålis pillanatnyi sebességvåltozås våltoztatåsa a szoknya és a perem nyomtatåsa alatt."
  3274. msgctxt "jerk_support description"
  3275. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the support structure is printed."
  3276. msgstr "A maximålis pillanatnyi sebességvåltozås våltoztatåsa a tåmaszok nyomtatåsa alatt."
  3277. msgctxt "jerk_wall_x_roofing description"
  3278. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the top surface inner walls are printed."
  3279. msgstr "A legnagyobb pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs, amellyel a felsƑ felĂŒlet legkĂŒlsƑ falai kinyomtatnak."
  3280. msgctxt "jerk_wall_0_roofing description"
  3281. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the top surface outermost walls are printed."
  3282. msgstr "A legnagyobb pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs, amellyel a felsƑ felĂŒlet belsƑ falai kinyomtatnak."
  3283. msgctxt "jerk_wall description"
  3284. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which the walls are printed."
  3285. msgstr "A maximålis pillanatnyi sebességvåltozås våltoztatåsa a falak nyomtatåsa alatt."
  3286. msgctxt "jerk_roofing description"
  3287. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which top surface skin layers are printed."
  3288. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs vĂĄltoztatĂĄsa a felsƑ zĂĄrĂł felĂŒlet nyomtatĂĄsa alatt."
  3289. msgctxt "jerk_topbottom description"
  3290. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which top/bottom layers are printed."
  3291. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs vĂĄltoztatĂĄsa az alsĂł/felsƑ felĂŒletek nyomtatĂĄsa alatt."
  3292. msgctxt "jerk_travel description"
  3293. msgid "The maximum instantaneous velocity change with which travel moves are made."
  3294. msgstr "A maximålis pillanatnyi sebességvåltozås våltoztatåsa a fej utazåsi mozgåsa alatt."
  3295. msgctxt "prime_tower_max_bridging_distance description"
  3296. msgid "The maximum length of the branches which may be printed over the air."
  3297. msgstr ""
  3298. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_x description"
  3299. msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the X-direction."
  3300. msgstr "Az X motor maximålis sebessége."
  3301. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_y description"
  3302. msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the Y-direction."
  3303. msgstr "Az Y motor maximålis sebessége."
  3304. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_z description"
  3305. msgid "The maximum speed for the motor of the Z-direction."
  3306. msgstr "A Z motor maximålis sebessége."
  3307. msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e description"
  3308. msgid "The maximum speed of the filament."
  3309. msgstr "A nyomtatószål maximålis adagolåsi sebessége."
  3310. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_width description"
  3311. msgid "The maximum width of the steps of the stair-like bottom of support resting on the model. A low value makes the support harder to remove, but too high values can lead to unstable support structures."
  3312. msgstr "A modellen tĂĄmaszkodĂł tĂĄmasz lĂ©pcsƑ maximĂĄlis szĂ©lessĂ©ge. Az alacsony Ă©rtĂ©k nehezĂ­ti az eltĂĄvolĂ­tĂĄst, de a tĂșl magas Ă©rtĂ©k instabillĂĄ teszi a tĂĄmaszt."
  3313. msgctxt "mold_width description"
  3314. msgid "The minimal distance between the outside of the mold and the outside of the model."
  3315. msgstr ""
  3316. msgctxt "machine_minimum_feedrate description"
  3317. msgid "The minimal movement speed of the print head."
  3318. msgstr "A nyomtatófej minimålis mozgåsi sebessége."
  3319. msgctxt "material_initial_print_temperature description"
  3320. msgid "The minimal temperature while heating up to the Printing Temperature at which printing can already start."
  3321. msgstr "Az a minimĂĄlis hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet, ameddig fel kell melegedni a fejnek a nyomtatĂĄs megkezdĂ©sĂ©hez."
  3322. msgctxt "machine_min_cool_heat_time_window description"
  3323. msgid "The minimal time an extruder has to be inactive before the nozzle is cooled. Only when an extruder is not used for longer than this time will it be allowed to cool down to the standby temperature."
  3324. msgstr "Az a minimĂĄlis idƑtartam, ameddig a fĂșvĂłka inaktĂ­v lehet, mielƑtt elkezdene visszahƱlni. Így csak akkor fog a fĂșvĂłka visszahƱlni a kĂ©szenlĂ©ti hƑmĂ©rsĂ©kletre, ha hosszabb ideig nincs hasznĂĄlva."
  3325. msgctxt "infill_support_angle description"
  3326. msgid "The minimum angle of internal overhangs for which infill is added. At a value of 0° objects are totally filled with infill, 90° will not provide any infill."
  3327. msgstr "Az a belsƑ tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsi szög, amihez szĂŒksĂ©ges kitöltĂ©st hozzĂĄadni. Ha ez 0°, a test teljes mĂ©rtĂ©kben kitöltĂ©sre kerĂŒl. Ha az Ă©rtĂ©k 90°, akkor nem lesz semmifĂ©le kitöltĂ©s."
  3328. msgctxt "support_angle description"
  3329. msgid "The minimum angle of overhangs for which support is added. At a value of 0° all overhangs are supported, 90° will not provide any support."
  3330. msgstr "A kinyĂșlĂĄsok minimĂĄlis szöge, amihez tĂĄmaszt kell nyomtatni.0° -nĂĄl minden kinyĂșlĂĄs alĂĄ lesz tĂĄmasztva, 90° -nĂĄl egyik sem."
  3331. msgctxt "retraction_min_travel description"
  3332. msgid "The minimum distance of travel needed for a retraction to happen at all. This helps to get fewer retractions in a small area."
  3333. msgstr "Az a minimĂĄlis Ăștvonal, amit a fejnek mozognia kell X-Y irĂĄnyban ahhoz, hogy a visszahĂșzĂĄs megtörtĂ©njen. Ez segĂ­thet abban, hogy ne legyen tĂșl gyakori visszahƱzĂĄs kismĂ©retƱ terĂŒletek felett."
  3334. msgctxt "skirt_brim_minimal_length description"
  3335. msgid "The minimum length of the skirt or brim. If this length is not reached by all skirt or brim lines together, more skirt or brim lines will be added until the minimum length is reached. Note: If the line count is set to 0 this is ignored."
  3336. msgstr "A szoknya, vagy a perem minimĂĄlis hossza. Ha ezt a hosszt nem Ă©rnĂ© el az összes szoknya vagy perem, akkor tovĂĄbbi szegĂ©lyvonalak adĂłdnak hozzĂĄ, Ă©s kiegĂ©szĂ­tik addig, amĂ­g el nem Ă©rik ezt a hosszt.Ha a vonalszĂĄm 0 -ra van ĂĄllĂ­tva, akkor ez az opciĂł figyelmen kĂ­vĂŒl van hagyva."
  3337. msgctxt "min_odd_wall_line_width description"
  3338. msgid "The minimum line width for middle line gap filler polyline walls. This setting determines at which model thickness we switch from printing two wall lines, to printing two outer walls and a single central wall in the middle. A higher Minimum Odd Wall Line Width leads to a higher maximum even wall line width. The maximum odd wall line width is calculated as 2 * Minimum Even Wall Line Width."
  3339. msgstr ""
  3340. msgctxt "min_even_wall_line_width description"
  3341. msgid "The minimum line width for normal polygonal walls. This setting determines at which model thickness we switch from printing a single thin wall line, to printing two wall lines. A higher Minimum Even Wall Line Width leads to a higher maximum odd wall line width. The maximum even wall line width is calculated as Outer Wall Line Width + 0.5 * Minimum Odd Wall Line Width."
  3342. msgstr ""
  3343. msgctxt "cool_min_speed description"
  3344. msgid "The minimum print speed, despite slowing down due to the minimum layer time. When the printer would slow down too much, the pressure in the nozzle would be too low and result in bad print quality."
  3345. msgstr "MinimĂĄlis sebessĂ©g. Ez az a minimum, amivel a fej mozoghat. Ez azĂ©rt szĂŒksĂ©ges, mert a minimĂĄlis rĂ©tegidƑ miatt elƑfordulhatna, hogy a nyomtatĂłfej tƱlzottan lelassul. Ez esetben a fĂșvĂłka olvadĂłkamra nyomĂĄsa leeshetne, ami ronthatnĂĄ a nyomtatĂĄsi minƑsĂ©get."
  3346. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_resolution description"
  3347. msgid "The minimum size of a line segment after slicing. If you increase this, the mesh will have a lower resolution. This may allow the printer to keep up with the speed it has to process g-code and will increase slice speed by removing details of the mesh that it can't process anyway."
  3348. msgstr "Egy vonalszakasz minimĂĄlis mĂ©rete a szeletelĂ©s utĂĄn. Ha ezt megnöveli, a hĂĄlĂł kisebb felbontĂĄsĂș lesz. Ez lehetƑvĂ© teheti a nyomtatĂł szĂĄmĂĄra, hogy lĂ©pĂ©st tartson a g-kĂłd feldolgozĂĄsĂĄnak sebessĂ©gĂ©vel, Ă©s növeli a szeletek sebessĂ©gĂ©t azĂĄltal, hogy eltĂĄvolĂ­tja a hĂĄlĂł azon rĂ©szleteit, amelyeket egyĂ©bkĂ©nt nem tud feldolgozni."
  3349. msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_travel_resolution description"
  3350. msgid "The minimum size of a travel line segment after slicing. If you increase this, the travel moves will have less smooth corners. This may allow the printer to keep up with the speed it has to process g-code, but it may cause model avoidance to become less accurate."
  3351. msgstr "Az utazĂĄsi Ăștvonalak minimĂĄlis mĂ©rete szeletelĂ©s utĂĄn. Ha ezt növeljĂŒk, akkor az utazĂĄsi mozgĂĄsok kevĂ©sbĂ© rendelkeznek majd sima sarkokkal.Ez lehetƑvĂ© teszi a nyomtatĂłk szĂĄmĂĄra, hogy lĂ©pĂ©st tartsanak a g-kĂłd feldolgozĂĄsĂĄhoz szĂŒksĂ©ges sebessĂ©ggel, azonban a modell elkerĂŒlĂ©se kevĂ©sbĂ© lehet pontos."
  3352. msgctxt "support_bottom_stair_step_min_slope description"
  3353. msgid "The minimum slope of the area for stair-stepping to take effect. Low values should make support easier to remove on shallower slopes, but really low values may result in some very counter-intuitive results on other parts of the model."
  3354. msgstr ""
  3355. msgctxt "cool_min_layer_time description"
  3356. msgid "The minimum time spent in a layer. This forces the printer to slow down, to at least spend the time set here in one layer. This allows the printed material to cool down properly before printing the next layer. Layers may still take shorter than the minimal layer time if Lift Head is disabled and if the Minimum Speed would otherwise be violated."
  3357. msgstr "Egy adott rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsĂĄban eltöltött idƑ. Ha a rĂ©teg nagyon kicsi, akkor ez arra kĂ©szteti a nyomtatĂłt, hogy lelassuljon annyira, hogy a rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsi ideje ezt az idƑtartamot elĂ©rje. Ez azĂ©rt szĂŒksĂ©ges, hogy az adott rĂ©teg le tudjon hƱlni annyira, hogy a következƑ rĂ©teg megfelelƑen tudjon rĂĄĂ©pĂŒlni. A rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsi ideje lehet ettƑl az Ă©rtĂ©ktƑl rövidebb, ha a fejemelĂ©s le van tiltva, vagy ha a minimĂĄlis sebessĂ©g ettƑl eltĂ©rƑ Ă©rtĂ©ket ad meg."
  3358. msgctxt "prime_tower_min_volume description"
  3359. msgid "The minimum volume for each layer of the prime tower in order to purge enough material."
  3360. msgstr "Az elƑtorony minimĂĄlis tĂ©rfogata, minden egyes rĂ©tegben ahhoz, hogy az anyagcserĂ©t teljes egĂ©szĂ©ben vĂ©gre tudja hajtani."
  3361. msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model description"
  3362. msgid "The most the diameter of a branch that has to connect to the model may increase by merging with branches that could reach the buildplate. Increasing this reduces print time, but increases the area of support that rests on model"
  3363. msgstr ""
  3364. msgctxt "machine_name description"
  3365. msgid "The name of your 3D printer model."
  3366. msgstr "A 3D nyomtatĂłd neve."
  3367. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_id description"
  3368. msgid "The nozzle ID for an extruder train, such as \"AA 0.4\" and \"BB 0.8\"."
  3369. msgstr "Az extruder szerelvĂ©ny fĂșvĂłka azonosĂ­tĂłja, pĂ©ldĂĄul \"AA 0.4\" Ă©s \"BB 0.8\"."
  3370. msgctxt "travel_avoid_other_parts description"
  3371. msgid "The nozzle avoids already printed parts when traveling. This option is only available when combing is enabled."
  3372. msgstr "A fej mozgatĂĄsakor a mĂĄr kinyomtatott rĂ©szeket elkerĂŒlƑ Ăștvonalon fog haladni.Ez az opciĂł csak akkor Ă©rhetƑ el, ha a fĂ©sƱ mĂłd engedĂ©lyezve van."
  3373. msgctxt "travel_avoid_supports description"
  3374. msgid "The nozzle avoids already printed supports when traveling. This option is only available when combing is enabled."
  3375. msgstr "A fej mozgatĂĄsakor a kinyomtatott tĂĄmaszokat elkerĂŒlƑ Ăștvonalon fog haladni.Ez az opciĂł csak akkor Ă©rhetƑ el, ha a fĂ©sƱ mĂłd engedĂ©lyezve van."
  3376. msgctxt "bottom_layers description"
  3377. msgid "The number of bottom layers. When calculated by the bottom thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  3378. msgstr "Az alsó rétegek szåma. Az alsó vastagsåg alapjån szåmítva ezt az értéket egész szåmra kerekíti."
  3379. msgctxt "raft_base_wall_count description"
  3380. msgid "The number of contours to print around the linear pattern in the base layer of the raft."
  3381. msgstr ""
  3382. msgctxt "raft_interface_wall_count description"
  3383. msgid "The number of contours to print around the linear pattern in the middle layers of the raft."
  3384. msgstr ""
  3385. msgctxt "raft_surface_wall_count description"
  3386. msgid "The number of contours to print around the linear pattern in the top layers of the raft."
  3387. msgstr ""
  3388. msgctxt "raft_wall_count description"
  3389. msgid "The number of contours to print around the linear pattern of the raft."
  3390. msgstr ""
  3391. msgctxt "skin_edge_support_layers description"
  3392. msgid "The number of infill layers that supports skin edges."
  3393. msgstr ""
  3394. msgctxt "initial_bottom_layers description"
  3395. msgid "The number of initial bottom layers, from the build-plate upwards. When calculated by the bottom thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  3396. msgstr ""
  3397. msgctxt "raft_interface_layers description"
  3398. msgid "The number of layers between the base and the surface of the raft. These comprise the main thickness of the raft. Increasing this creates a thicker, sturdier raft."
  3399. msgstr ""
  3400. msgctxt "brim_line_count description"
  3401. msgid "The number of lines used for a brim. More brim lines enhance adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
  3402. msgstr "A Perem körvonalainak szĂĄma. Több vonal nagyobb tapadĂĄst eredmĂ©nyez, de csökkenti a hasznĂĄlhatĂł nyomtatĂĄsi terĂŒletet."
  3403. msgctxt "support_brim_line_count description"
  3404. msgid "The number of lines used for the support brim. More brim lines enhance adhesion to the build plate, at the cost of some extra material."
  3405. msgstr "A tåmasz alå nyomtatandó peremvonalak szåma. Több perem vonal javítja a tålcåhoz való tapadåst, viszon extra anyagfelhasznålåst is jelent."
  3406. msgctxt "raft_surface_layers description"
  3407. msgid "The number of top layers on top of the 2nd raft layer. These are fully filled layers that the model sits on. 2 layers result in a smoother top surface than 1."
  3408. msgstr "Ez a szĂĄm a tutaj felsƑ rĂ©tegeinek szĂĄma. Ezek teljesen kitöltött rĂ©tegek amiken a modellek nyugszanak. 2 rĂ©teg hasznĂĄlata sokkal simĂĄbb elsƑ rĂ©teget fog eredmĂ©nyezni a modellen, mint ha 1 lenne."
  3409. msgctxt "top_layers description"
  3410. msgid "The number of top layers. When calculated by the top thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  3411. msgstr "A felsƑ rĂ©tegek szĂĄma. A felsƑ vastagsĂĄg alapjĂĄn szĂĄmĂ­tva ezt az Ă©rtĂ©ket egĂ©sz szĂĄmra kerekĂ­ti."
  3412. msgctxt "roofing_layer_count description"
  3413. msgid "The number of top most skin layers. Usually only one top most layer is sufficient to generate higher quality top surfaces."
  3414. msgstr "A felsƑ felszĂ­ni zĂĄrĂłrĂ©tegek szĂĄma. ÁltalĂĄban egy felsƑ rĂ©teg is elegendƑ a jĂł minƑsĂ©gƱ felsƑ felĂŒletek elƑállĂ­tĂĄsĂĄhoz."
  3415. msgctxt "support_wall_count description"
  3416. msgid "The number of walls with which to surround support infill. Adding a wall can make support print more reliably and can support overhangs better, but increases print time and material used."
  3417. msgstr "Azoknak a falaknak a szĂĄma, amellyel a tĂĄmogatĂĄst körĂŒl lehet venni. A fal hozzĂĄadĂĄsa megbĂ­zhatĂłbbĂĄ teszi a nyomtatĂĄst Ă©s jobban tĂĄmaszthatja a tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsokat, de növeli a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑt Ă©s a felhasznĂĄlt anyagot."
  3418. msgctxt "support_bottom_wall_count description"
  3419. msgid "The number of walls with which to surround support interface floor. Adding a wall can make support print more reliably and can support overhangs better, but increases print time and material used."
  3420. msgstr "Azoknak a falaknak a szĂĄma, amellyel a tĂĄmogatĂĄst körĂŒl lehet venni. A fal hozzĂĄadĂĄsa megbĂ­zhatĂłbbĂĄ teszi a nyomtatĂĄst Ă©s jobban tĂĄmaszthatja a tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsokat, de növeli a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑt Ă©s a felhasznĂĄlt anyagot."
  3421. msgctxt "support_roof_wall_count description"
  3422. msgid "The number of walls with which to surround support interface roof. Adding a wall can make support print more reliably and can support overhangs better, but increases print time and material used."
  3423. msgstr "Azoknak a falaknak a szĂĄma, amellyel a tĂĄmogatĂĄst körĂŒl lehet venni. A fal hozzĂĄadĂĄsa megbĂ­zhatĂłbbĂĄ teszi a nyomtatĂĄst Ă©s jobban tĂĄmaszthatja a tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsokat, de növeli a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑt Ă©s a felhasznĂĄlt anyagot."
  3424. msgctxt "support_interface_wall_count description"
  3425. msgid "The number of walls with which to surround support interface. Adding a wall can make support print more reliably and can support overhangs better, but increases print time and material used."
  3426. msgstr "Azoknak a falaknak a szĂĄma, amellyel a tĂĄmogatĂĄst körĂŒl lehet venni. A fal hozzĂĄadĂĄsa megbĂ­zhatĂłbbĂĄ teszi a nyomtatĂĄst Ă©s jobban tĂĄmaszthatja a tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsokat, de növeli a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑt Ă©s a felhasznĂĄlt anyagot."
  3427. msgctxt "wall_distribution_count description"
  3428. msgid "The number of walls, counted from the center, over which the variation needs to be spread. Lower values mean that the outer walls don't change in width."
  3429. msgstr ""
  3430. msgctxt "wall_line_count description"
  3431. msgid "The number of walls. When calculated by the wall thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
  3432. msgstr "A nyomtatandó falak szåma. A falvastagsåg alapjån szåmított és kerekített érték."
  3433. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter description"
  3434. msgid "The outer diameter of the tip of the nozzle."
  3435. msgstr "A fĂșvĂłka hegyĂ©nek kĂŒlsƑ ĂĄtmĂ©rƑje."
  3436. msgctxt "infill_pattern description"
  3437. msgid "The pattern of the infill material of the print. The line and zig zag infill swap direction on alternate layers, reducing material cost. The grid, triangle, tri-hexagon, cubic, octet, quarter cubic, cross and concentric patterns are fully printed every layer. Gyroid, cubic, quarter cubic and octet infill change with every layer to provide a more equal distribution of strength over each direction. Lightning infill tries to minimize the infill, by only supporting the ceiling of the object."
  3438. msgstr ""
  3439. msgctxt "support_pattern description"
  3440. msgid "The pattern of the support structures of the print. The different options available result in sturdy or easy to remove support."
  3441. msgstr "A tĂĄmaszok szerkezeteinek mintĂĄzata. A kĂŒlönbözƑ mintĂĄkkal elĂ©rhetƑ eredmĂ©ny lehet az erƑs vagy a könnyen eltĂĄvolĂ­thatĂł tĂĄmasz."
  3442. msgctxt "roofing_pattern description"
  3443. msgid "The pattern of the top most layers."
  3444. msgstr "A legfelsƑ rĂ©tegeken lĂ©vƑ mintĂĄzat."
  3445. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern description"
  3446. msgid "The pattern of the top/bottom layers."
  3447. msgstr "Az alsĂł/felsƑ rĂ©tegek mintĂĄzata."
  3448. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 description"
  3449. msgid "The pattern on the bottom of the print on the first layer."
  3450. msgstr "A legalsĂłbb, kezdƑ rĂ©teg mintĂĄzata."
  3451. msgctxt "ironing_pattern description"
  3452. msgid "The pattern to use for ironing top surfaces."
  3453. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒletek vasalĂĄsĂĄhoz hasznĂĄlt minta."
  3454. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern description"
  3455. msgid "The pattern with which the floors of the support are printed."
  3456. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz interfĂ©sz alsĂł felĂŒletĂ©nek kialakĂ­tĂĄsi mintĂĄja."
  3457. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern description"
  3458. msgid "The pattern with which the interface of the support with the model is printed."
  3459. msgstr "A tåmasz interfész kialakítåsi mintåja."
  3460. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern description"
  3461. msgid "The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed."
  3462. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz interfĂ©sz felsƑ felĂŒletĂ©nek kialakĂ­tĂĄsi mintĂĄja."
  3463. msgctxt "z_seam_position description"
  3464. msgid "The position near where to start printing each part in a layer."
  3465. msgstr "Az a pont, ahol az egyes rétegek nyomtatåsåt kezdeni fogja."
  3466. msgctxt "support_tree_angle_slow description"
  3467. msgid "The preferred angle of the branches, when they do not have to avoid the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle for branches to merge faster."
  3468. msgstr ""
  3469. msgctxt "support_tree_rest_preference description"
  3470. msgid "The preferred placement of the support structures. If structures can't be placed at the preferred location, they will be place elsewhere, even if that means placing them on the model."
  3471. msgstr ""
  3472. msgctxt "jerk_layer_0 description"
  3473. msgid "The print maximum instantaneous velocity change for the initial layer."
  3474. msgstr "A maximĂĄlis pillanatnyi sebessĂ©gvĂĄltozĂĄs vĂĄltoztatĂĄsa a kezdƑ rĂ©tegen."
  3475. msgctxt "machine_shape description"
  3476. msgid "The shape of the build plate without taking unprintable areas into account."
  3477. msgstr "A tĂĄrgyasztal alakja anĂ©lkĂŒl, hogy a tĂ©nylegesen nem hasznĂĄlhatĂł terĂŒleteket figyelembe vennĂ©nk."
  3478. msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
  3479. msgid "The shape of the print head. These are coordinates relative to the position of the print head, which is usually the position of its first extruder. The dimensions left and in front of the print head must be negative coordinates."
  3480. msgstr ""
  3481. msgctxt "cross_infill_pocket_size description"
  3482. msgid "The size of pockets at four-way crossings in the cross 3D pattern at heights where the pattern is touching itself."
  3483. msgstr "Azoknak a kialakulĂł ĂŒregeknek a mĂ©rete, amik akkor jönnek lĂ©tre, mikor a kereszt 3D mintĂĄban egy adott magassĂĄgnĂĄl a minta önmagĂĄt Ă©rinti."
  3484. msgctxt "coasting_min_volume description"
  3485. msgid "The smallest volume an extrusion path should have before allowing coasting. For smaller extrusion paths, less pressure has been built up in the bowden tube and so the coasted volume is scaled linearly. This value should always be larger than the Coasting Volume."
  3486. msgstr "Az minimĂĄlis extrudĂĄlĂĄsi mennyisĂ©g, mielƑtt engedĂ©lyezi a kifutĂĄsi mƱveletet.Ha nincs egy bizonyos mennyisĂ©gƱ extrudĂĄlĂĄs a kifuttatĂĄs elƑtt, nem Ă©pĂŒl fel elegendƑ nyomĂĄs az olvadĂłtĂ©rben, Ă©s a kifutĂĄs sorĂĄn nem lesz elegendƑ anyag a nyomtatĂĄshoz. Emiatt a kifutĂĄsi mĂ©rtĂ©k lineĂĄrisan van skĂĄlĂĄzva.Ez az Ă©rtĂ©k mindig nagyobb, mint a kifutĂĄsi mĂ©rtĂ©k."
  3487. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed description"
  3488. msgid "The speed (°C/s) by which the nozzle cools down averaged over the window of normal printing temperatures and the standby temperature."
  3489. msgstr "Az az ĂĄtlagolt sebessĂ©g, (°C/mp) amivel a nyomtatĂĄsi Ă©s a kĂ©szenlĂ©ti hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet között a fĂșvĂłka visszahƱl."
  3490. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed description"
  3491. msgid "The speed (°C/s) by which the nozzle heats up averaged over the window of normal printing temperatures and the standby temperature."
  3492. msgstr "Az az ĂĄtlagolt sebessĂ©g, (°C/mp) amivel a kĂ©szenlĂ©ti Ă©s a nyomtatĂĄsi hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet között a fĂșvĂłka melegszik."
  3493. msgctxt "speed_wall_x description"
  3494. msgid "The speed at which all inner walls are printed. Printing the inner wall faster than the outer wall will reduce printing time. It works well to set this in between the outer wall speed and the infill speed."
  3495. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amivel a belsƑ falak nyomatĂĄsra kerĂŒlnek.A belsƑ falak nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©gĂ©nek növelĂ©se csökkenti a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑt.A javasolt sebessĂ©gnek a kĂŒlsƑ falak, Ă©s a kitöltĂ©s nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge közötti Ă©rtĂ©keket adjunk meg."
  3496. msgctxt "bridge_skin_speed description"
  3497. msgid "The speed at which bridge skin regions are printed."
  3498. msgstr "A hidak felszíni rétegeinek nyomtatåsi sebessége."
  3499. msgctxt "speed_infill description"
  3500. msgid "The speed at which infill is printed."
  3501. msgstr "Az a sebesség, amivel a kitöltés nyomtatódik."
  3502. msgctxt "speed_print description"
  3503. msgid "The speed at which printing happens."
  3504. msgstr "Az a sebesség, amivel a nyomtatås történik."
  3505. msgctxt "raft_base_speed description"
  3506. msgid "The speed at which the base raft layer is printed. This should be printed quite slowly, as the volume of material coming out of the nozzle is quite high."
  3507. msgstr "A tutajalap nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge. Ezt meglehetƑsen lassan kell nyomtatni, mivel a fĂșvĂłkĂĄbĂłl kifolyĂł anyag mennyisĂ©ge meglehetƑsen nagy."
  3508. msgctxt "bridge_wall_speed description"
  3509. msgid "The speed at which the bridge walls are printed."
  3510. msgstr "Hidak falainak nyomtatåsi sebessége."
  3511. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_0 description"
  3512. msgid "The speed at which the fans spin at the start of the print. In subsequent layers the fan speed is gradually increased up to the layer corresponding to Regular Fan Speed at Height."
  3513. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amellyel a ventilĂĄtorok forognak a nyomtatĂĄs kezdetĂ©n. Az ezt követƑ rĂ©tegekben a ventilĂĄtor sebessĂ©gĂ©t fokozatosan növeli olyan szintre, amely megegyezik a normĂĄl ventilĂĄtor sebessĂ©ggel."
  3514. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_min description"
  3515. msgid "The speed at which the fans spin before hitting the threshold. When a layer prints faster than the threshold, the fan speed gradually inclines towards the maximum fan speed."
  3516. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amivel a hƱtĂ©s törtĂ©nik normĂĄl nyomtatĂĄsi esetben.Ha egy rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge egy kĂŒszöbĂ©rtĂ©k felĂ© emelkedik, akkor a hƱtĂ©st növelni fogja egĂ©szen addig, amĂ­g a maximumra nem emelkedik."
  3517. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed_max description"
  3518. msgid "The speed at which the fans spin on the minimum layer time. The fan speed gradually increases between the regular fan speed and maximum fan speed when the threshold is hit."
  3519. msgstr "Az a hƱtĂ©si sebessĂ©g, amivel a ventillĂĄtorok forognak a maximĂĄlis hƱtĂ©skor.A maximĂĄlis hƱtĂ©s azoknĂĄl a rĂ©tegeknĂ©l törtĂ©nik, ahol elĂ©rtĂŒk a minimĂĄlis rĂ©tegĂ­dƑt. A hƱtĂ©s a normĂĄl Ă©s a maximum Ă©rtĂ©k között tud vĂĄltozni."
  3520. msgctxt "retraction_prime_speed description"
  3521. msgid "The speed at which the filament is primed during a retraction move."
  3522. msgstr "A nyomtatĂłszĂĄl visszahĂșzĂĄs sebessĂ©ge szĂĄl elƑtolĂĄsi mozgĂĄskor."
  3523. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_prime_speed description"
  3524. msgid "The speed at which the filament is primed during a wipe retraction move."
  3525. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amivel a nyomtatĂłszĂĄl visszatöltƑdik a fejbe."
  3526. msgctxt "switch_extruder_prime_speed description"
  3527. msgid "The speed at which the filament is pushed back after a nozzle switch retraction."
  3528. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amivel a nyomtatĂłszĂĄlat visszatoljuk a fejbe fĂșvĂłkavĂĄltĂĄs utĂĄn."
  3529. msgctxt "retraction_speed description"
  3530. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted and primed during a retraction move."
  3531. msgstr "A nyomtatĂłszĂĄl sebessĂ©ge visszahĂșzĂĄskor, Ă©s elƑtolĂĄskor."
  3532. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_speed description"
  3533. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted and primed during a wipe retraction move."
  3534. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amivel a nyomtatĂłszĂĄl visszahĂșzĂłdik, majd vissza töltƑdik a fejbe, a törlĂ©si mƱvelet sorĂĄn."
  3535. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speed description"
  3536. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a nozzle switch retract."
  3537. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amivel a szĂĄl visszahĂșzĂĄsra kerĂŒl a fĂșvĂłkavĂĄltĂĄs sorĂĄn."
  3538. msgctxt "retraction_retract_speed description"
  3539. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a retraction move."
  3540. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amellyel a nyomtatĂłszĂĄl visszahĂșzĂłdik egy visszahĂșzĂĄsi mozgĂĄs sorĂĄn."
  3541. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_retract_speed description"
  3542. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a wipe retraction move."
  3543. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amivel a nyomtatĂłszĂĄl visszahĂșzĂłdik."
  3544. msgctxt "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds description"
  3545. msgid "The speed at which the filament is retracted. A higher retraction speed works better, but a very high retraction speed can lead to filament grinding."
  3546. msgstr "NyomtatĂłszĂĄl visszahĂșzĂĄsi sebessĂ©g. A nagyobb sebessĂ©g jobb eredmĂ©nyhez vezethet, azonban a tĂșl nagy sebessĂ©g a nyomtatĂłszĂĄl eldarĂĄlĂĄsĂĄhoz vezethet a nyomtatĂłszĂĄl adagolĂłban."
  3547. msgctxt "speed_support_bottom description"
  3548. msgid "The speed at which the floor of support is printed. Printing it at lower speed can improve adhesion of support on top of your model."
  3549. msgstr "A tĂĄmasztĂ©kok alsĂł, kezdƑ rĂ©tegĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge. Ha ez a sebessĂ©g lassabb, akkor jobb lehet a tĂĄmasz tapadĂĄsa a tĂĄrgyasztalra."
  3550. msgctxt "speed_support_infill description"
  3551. msgid "The speed at which the infill of support is printed. Printing the infill at lower speeds improves stability."
  3552. msgstr "A tĂĄmasztĂ©kok kitöltĂ©sĂ©nek nyomatatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge. Ha a kitöltĂ©sek nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©gĂ©t csökkentjĂŒk, a tĂĄmasztĂ©k stabilabb lesz."
  3553. msgctxt "raft_interface_speed description"
  3554. msgid "The speed at which the middle raft layer is printed. This should be printed quite slowly, as the volume of material coming out of the nozzle is quite high."
  3555. msgstr "A közĂ©psƑ tutajrĂ©tegek nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge. Ezt meglehetƑsen lassan kell nyomtatni, mivel a fĂșvĂłkĂĄbĂłl kifolyĂł anyag mennyisĂ©ge meglehetƑsen nagy."
  3556. msgctxt "speed_wall_0 description"
  3557. msgid "The speed at which the outermost walls are printed. Printing the outer wall at a lower speed improves the final skin quality. However, having a large difference between the inner wall speed and the outer wall speed will affect quality in a negative way."
  3558. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amivel a legkĂŒlsƑbb falak nyomtatĂĄsra kerĂŒlnek.Az alacsonyabb sebessĂ©g javĂ­tja a kĂŒlsƑ felĂŒlet vĂ©gsƑ minƑsĂ©gĂ©t, azonban, ha tĂșl nagy a kĂŒlönbsĂ©g a kĂŒlsƑ Ă©s a belsƑ falak nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge között, az negatĂ­v hatĂĄssal lehet a minƑsĂ©gre."
  3559. msgctxt "speed_prime_tower description"
  3560. msgid "The speed at which the prime tower is printed. Printing the prime tower slower can make it more stable when the adhesion between the different filaments is suboptimal."
  3561. msgstr "Az a asebessĂ©g, amivel a elƑtorony nyomtatĂłdik. Nyomtassuk a elƑtornyot alacsony sebessĂ©gen, mert ez segĂ­thet a kĂŒlönbözƑ anyagrĂ©tegeknek az egymĂĄshoz tapadĂĄsĂĄban."
  3562. msgctxt "cool_fan_speed description"
  3563. msgid "The speed at which the print cooling fans spin."
  3564. msgstr "Az a sebesség, amivel a ventillåtorok pörögnek."
  3565. msgctxt "raft_speed description"
  3566. msgid "The speed at which the raft is printed."
  3567. msgstr "A tutaj nyomtatåsi sebessége."
  3568. msgctxt "speed_support_interface description"
  3569. msgid "The speed at which the roofs and floors of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
  3570. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amivel a tĂĄmasztĂ©kok alsĂł Ă©s felsƑ felĂŒletĂ©t nyomtatjuk.Ha ez a sebessĂ©g lassabb, akkor jobb lehet a kinyĂșlĂĄs minƑsĂ©ge."
  3571. msgctxt "speed_support_roof description"
  3572. msgid "The speed at which the roofs of support are printed. Printing them at lower speeds can improve overhang quality."
  3573. msgstr "A tĂĄmasztĂ©kok fedƑ, felsƑ rĂ©tegĂ©nek nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge. Ha ez a sebessĂ©g lassabb, akkor jobb lehet a kinyĂșlĂĄs minƑsĂ©ge."
  3574. msgctxt "skirt_brim_speed description"
  3575. msgid "The speed at which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done at the initial layer speed, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different speed."
  3576. msgstr "A szoknya Ă©s a perem nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge. Alapesetben ez ugyanannyi, mint a kezdƑ rĂ©teg sebessĂ©ge, de nĂ©ha szĂŒksĂ©ges lehet a kĂŒlönbözƑ sebessĂ©ggel valĂł nyomtatĂĄsra."
  3577. msgctxt "speed_support description"
  3578. msgid "The speed at which the support structure is printed. Printing support at higher speeds can greatly reduce printing time. The surface quality of the support structure is not important since it is removed after printing."
  3579. msgstr "A tĂĄmasztĂ©kok nyomattĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge. A tĂĄmaszok nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©gĂ©t bĂĄtran növelhetjĂŒk, mivel nem szĂĄmĂ­t, milyen lesz a felĂŒleti minƑsĂ©gĂŒk.A nyomtatĂĄs utĂĄn el lesznek tĂĄvolĂ­tva, nem rĂ©szei a nyomtatott tĂĄrgynak, Ă©s a nagyobb sebessĂ©g csökkentheti a nyomtatĂĄsi idƑt."
  3580. msgctxt "raft_surface_speed description"
  3581. msgid "The speed at which the top raft layers are printed. These should be printed a bit slower, so that the nozzle can slowly smooth out adjacent surface lines."
  3582. msgstr "A tutaj felsƑ rĂ©tegeinek nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge. Ezeket kissĂ© lassabban kell nyomtatni, hogy a fĂșvĂłka lassan kiegyenlĂ­tse a szomszĂ©dos felszĂ­ni vonalakat."
  3583. msgctxt "speed_wall_x_roofing description"
  3584. msgid "The speed at which the top surface inner walls are printed."
  3585. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amellyel a felsƑ felĂŒlet belsƑ falai kinyomtatnak."
  3586. msgctxt "speed_wall_0_roofing description"
  3587. msgid "The speed at which the top surface outermost wall is printed."
  3588. msgstr "Az a sebessĂ©g, amellyel a felsƑ felĂŒlet legkĂŒlsƑ falai kinyomtatnak."
  3589. msgctxt "speed_z_hop description"
  3590. msgid "The speed at which the vertical Z movement is made for Z Hops. This is typically lower than the print speed since the build plate or machine's gantry is harder to move."
  3591. msgstr "A Z tengely emelési sebessége. Ez åltalåban alaxcsonyabb, mint a nyomtatåsi sebesség, mivel a tårgyasztal, vagy az X keresztszånt nehezebb mozgatni."
  3592. msgctxt "speed_wall description"
  3593. msgid "The speed at which the walls are printed."
  3594. msgstr "A falak nyomtatåsi sebessége."
  3595. msgctxt "speed_ironing description"
  3596. msgid "The speed at which to pass over the top surface."
  3597. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒleten valĂł ĂĄthaladĂĄsi sebessĂ©g."
  3598. msgctxt "material_break_speed description"
  3599. msgid "The speed at which to retract the filament in order to break it cleanly."
  3600. msgstr "Milyen gyorsan kell visszahĂșzni a nyomtatĂłszĂĄlat, hogy az tisztĂĄn megszakadjon."
  3601. msgctxt "speed_roofing description"
  3602. msgid "The speed at which top surface skin layers are printed."
  3603. msgstr "A felsƑ zĂĄrĂł kĂ©reg felĂŒleti rĂ©tegnek a nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge."
  3604. msgctxt "speed_topbottom description"
  3605. msgid "The speed at which top/bottom layers are printed."
  3606. msgstr "Az alsĂł/felsƑ rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge."
  3607. msgctxt "speed_travel description"
  3608. msgid "The speed at which travel moves are made."
  3609. msgstr "A fej ĂŒresben törtĂ©nƑ pozĂ­ciĂłvĂĄltĂĄsĂĄnak sebessĂ©ge."
  3610. msgctxt "coasting_speed description"
  3611. msgid "The speed by which to move during coasting, relative to the speed of the extrusion path. A value slightly under 100% is advised, since during the coasting move the pressure in the bowden tube drops."
  3612. msgstr "A kifutĂĄsi mƱvelet sebessĂ©ge, a normĂĄl extrudĂĄlĂĄsi Ășt sebessĂ©gĂ©hez kĂ©pest.Javasolt, hogy kissĂ©g csökkentsĂŒk, Ă­gy 100% -nĂĄl alacsonyabb legyen az Ă©rtĂ©k, mivel a kifutĂĄsi mozgĂĄs közben csökken a nyomĂĄs a csƑben."
  3613. msgctxt "speed_layer_0 description"
  3614. msgid "The speed for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate. Does not affect the build plate adhesion structures themselves, like brim and raft."
  3615. msgstr ""
  3616. msgctxt "speed_print_layer_0 description"
  3617. msgid "The speed of printing for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate."
  3618. msgstr "A kezdƑ rĂ©teg nyomtatĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge. Az alacsonyabb Ă©rtĂ©k segĂ­t növelni a tapadĂĄst a tĂĄrgyasztalhoz."
  3619. msgctxt "speed_travel_layer_0 description"
  3620. msgid "The speed of travel moves in the initial layer. A lower value is advised to prevent pulling previously printed parts away from the build plate. The value of this setting can automatically be calculated from the ratio between the Travel Speed and the Print Speed."
  3621. msgstr "A kezdƑ rĂ©teg utazĂĄsi sebessĂ©ge. Az Alacsonyabb Ă©rtĂ©k javasolt, mivel a korĂĄbban mĂĄr kinyomtatott rĂ©szeleteket feltĂ©pheti a nyomtatĂłfej a tĂĄrgyasztalrĂłl.A beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsnak az Ă©rtĂ©ke kiszĂĄmĂ­thatĂł, az utazĂĄsi Ă©s a nyomatĂĄsi sebessĂ©g arĂĄnyĂĄbĂłl."
  3622. msgctxt "material_break_temperature description"
  3623. msgid "The temperature at which the filament is broken for a clean break."
  3624. msgstr "Az a hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet, ahol a nyomtatĂłszĂĄl tisztĂĄn meg tud szakadni."
  3625. msgctxt "build_volume_temperature description"
  3626. msgid "The temperature of the environment to print in. If this is 0, the build volume temperature will not be adjusted."
  3627. msgstr "A nyomtatĂł Ă©pĂ­tĂ©si tĂ©r hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klete. Ha ez az Ă©rtĂ©k 0, akkor a gĂ©p nem kĂ©pes az Ă©pĂ­tĂ©si tĂ©r hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet szabĂĄlyzĂĄsĂĄra."
  3628. msgctxt "material_standby_temperature description"
  3629. msgid "The temperature of the nozzle when another nozzle is currently used for printing."
  3630. msgstr "Az adott fĂșvĂłka hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klete, amikor Ă©ppen egy mĂĄsik fĂșvĂłkĂĄt hasznĂĄlnak nyomtatĂĄshoz."
  3631. msgctxt "material_final_print_temperature description"
  3632. msgid "The temperature to which to already start cooling down just before the end of printing."
  3633. msgstr "Az a hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet, ahovĂĄ a fejnek vissza kell hƱlnie a nyomtatĂĄs befejezĂ©se elƑtt."
  3634. msgctxt "material_print_temperature_layer_0 description"
  3635. msgid "The temperature used for printing the first layer."
  3636. msgstr ""
  3637. msgctxt "material_print_temperature description"
  3638. msgid "The temperature used for printing."
  3639. msgstr "A nyomtatĂĄshoz hasznĂĄlt hƑmĂ©rsĂ©klet."
  3640. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature_layer_0 description"
  3641. msgid "The temperature used for the heated build plate at the first layer. If this is 0, the build plate is left unheated during the first layer."
  3642. msgstr ""
  3643. msgctxt "material_bed_temperature description"
  3644. msgid "The temperature used for the heated build plate. If this is 0, the build plate is left unheated."
  3645. msgstr ""
  3646. msgctxt "material_break_preparation_temperature description"
  3647. msgid "The temperature used to purge material, should be roughly equal to the highest possible printing temperature."
  3648. msgstr ""
  3649. msgctxt "bottom_thickness description"
  3650. msgid "The thickness of the bottom layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of bottom layers."
  3651. msgstr "Az alsó rétegek vastagsåga a nyomtatåskor. Ez az érték osztva a rétegmagassåggal adja meg az alsó rétegek szåmåt."
  3652. msgctxt "skin_edge_support_thickness description"
  3653. msgid "The thickness of the extra infill that supports skin edges."
  3654. msgstr ""
  3655. msgctxt "support_interface_height description"
  3656. msgid "The thickness of the interface of the support where it touches with the model on the bottom or the top."
  3657. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz ĂĄtmeneti, a modellt Ă©rintƑ csatlakozĂł felĂŒletĂ©nek a vastagsĂĄga, amit a tĂĄmasz aljĂĄra, vagy a tetejĂ©re nyomtat."
  3658. msgctxt "support_bottom_height description"
  3659. msgid "The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests."
  3660. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz ĂĄtmeneti, a modellt Ă©rintƑ csatlakozĂł felĂŒletĂ©nek a vastagsĂĄga, amit a tĂĄmasz aljĂĄra nyomtat."
  3661. msgctxt "support_roof_height description"
  3662. msgid "The thickness of the support roofs. This controls the amount of dense layers at the top of the support on which the model rests."
  3663. msgstr "A tĂĄmasz ĂĄtmeneti, a modellt Ă©rintƑ csatlakozĂł felĂŒletĂ©nek a vastagsĂĄga, amit a tĂĄmasz tetejĂ©re nyomtat."
  3664. msgctxt "top_thickness description"
  3665. msgid "The thickness of the top layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of top layers."
  3666. msgstr "A felsƑ rĂ©tegek vastagsĂĄga a nyomtatĂĄskor. Ez az Ă©rtĂ©k osztva a rĂ©tegmagassĂĄggal adja meg az felsƑ rĂ©tegek szĂĄmĂĄt."
  3667. msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness description"
  3668. msgid "The thickness of the top/bottom layers in the print. This value divided by the layer height defines the number of top/bottom layers."
  3669. msgstr "Az alsĂł/felsƑ rĂ©tegek vastagsĂĄga a nyomtatĂĄskor. Ez az Ă©rtĂ©k osztva a rĂ©tegmagassĂĄggal adja meg az alsĂł/felsƑ rĂ©tegek szĂĄmĂĄt."
  3670. msgctxt "wall_thickness description"
  3671. msgid "The thickness of the walls in the horizontal direction. This value divided by the wall line width defines the number of walls."
  3672. msgstr "A falak vastagsåga vízszintes irånyban. Ez az érték osztva a falvonal szélességével hatårozza meg a falak szåmåt."
  3673. msgctxt "infill_sparse_thickness description"
  3674. msgid "The thickness per layer of infill material. This value should always be a multiple of the layer height and is otherwise rounded."
  3675. msgstr "A kitöltési réteg vastagsåga. Ez az érték minden esetben a normål rétegvastagsåg,vagy annak a többszöröse és kerekített értéke."
  3676. msgctxt "support_infill_sparse_thickness description"
  3677. msgid "The thickness per layer of support infill material. This value should always be a multiple of the layer height and is otherwise rounded."
  3678. msgstr "A tåmasz kitöltés retegenkénti anyagvastagsåga. Ennek az értéknek minden esetben a rétegmagassåg egész többszörösének kell lennie, és oda lesz kerekítve."
  3679. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor description"
  3680. msgid "The type of g-code to be generated."
  3681. msgstr "A létrehozandó g-kód típusa."
  3682. msgctxt "material_type description"
  3683. msgid "The type of material used."
  3684. msgstr ""
  3685. msgctxt "coasting_volume description"
  3686. msgid "The volume otherwise oozed. This value should generally be close to the nozzle diameter cubed."
  3687. msgstr "A csöppenĂ©s mĂ©rtĂ©ke. Ennek az Ă©rtĂ©knek ĂĄltalĂĄban közel kell lennie a fĂșvĂłka ĂĄtmĂ©rƑjĂ©hez."
  3688. msgctxt "machine_width description"
  3689. msgid "The width (X-direction) of the printable area."
  3690. msgstr "A nyomtatĂĄsi terĂŒlet szĂ©lessĂ©ge (X-irĂĄny)."
  3691. msgctxt "support_brim_width description"
  3692. msgid "The width of the brim to print underneath the support. A larger brim enhances adhesion to the build plate, at the cost of some extra material."
  3693. msgstr "A tåmasz alå nyomtatandó perem szélessége. A nagyobb peremek javítjåk a tålcåhoz való tapadåst, viszon extra anyagfelhasznålåst is jelent."
  3694. msgctxt "interlocking_beam_width description"
  3695. msgid "The width of the interlocking structure beams."
  3696. msgstr "Az elƑtorony szĂ©lessĂ©ge."
  3697. msgctxt "prime_tower_base_size description"
  3698. msgid "The width of the prime tower brim/base. A larger base enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area."
  3699. msgstr ""
  3700. msgctxt "prime_tower_size description"
  3701. msgid "The width of the prime tower."
  3702. msgstr "Az elƑtorony szĂ©lessĂ©ge."
  3703. msgctxt "magic_fuzzy_skin_thickness description"
  3704. msgid "The width within which to jitter. It's advised to keep this below the outer wall width, since the inner walls are unaltered."
  3705. msgstr "Az a szĂ©lessĂ©g, amelyen belĂŒl a rezgĂ©s törtĂ©nhet. Javasolt, hogy ez a kĂŒlsƑ fal szĂ©lessĂ©ge alatt legyen, mivel a belsƑ falalkat nem Ă©rinti ez a mozgĂĄs."
  3706. msgctxt "retraction_extrusion_window description"
  3707. msgid "The window in which the maximum retraction count is enforced. This value should be approximately the same as the retraction distance, so that effectively the number of times a retraction passes the same patch of material is limited."
  3708. msgstr "Az az ablak, amelyben Ă©rvĂ©nyesĂŒlni tud a maximĂĄlis visszahƱzĂĄsi szĂĄm.Ennek az Ă©rtĂ©knek megközelĂ­tƑleg azonosnak kell lennie a visszahĂșzĂĄsi tĂĄvolsĂĄggal, s Ă­gy lehet korlĂĄtozni a visszahĂșzĂĄsok szĂĄmĂĄt ugyanabban az anyaghelyzetben."
  3709. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_x description"
  3710. msgid "The x coordinate of the position of the prime tower."
  3711. msgstr "Az elƑtorony nyomtatási X koordinátája."
  3712. msgctxt "prime_tower_position_y description"
  3713. msgid "The y coordinate of the position of the prime tower."
  3714. msgstr "Az elƑtorony nyomtatási Y koordinátája."
  3715. msgctxt "support_meshes_present description"
  3716. msgid "There are support meshes present in the scene. This setting is controlled by Cura."
  3717. msgstr ""
  3718. msgctxt "bridge_wall_coast description"
  3719. msgid "This controls the distance the extruder should coast immediately before a bridge wall begins. Coasting before the bridge starts can reduce the pressure in the nozzle and may produce a flatter bridge."
  3720. msgstr "Ez hatĂĄrozza meg, hogy a fejnek a szĂ©lekhez kĂ©pest mennyi a tĂĄvolsĂĄga a hĂ­dfal megkezdĂ©se elƑtt. A hĂ­d nyomtatĂĄsĂĄnak megkezdĂ©se elƑtt az olvadĂłkamra nyomĂĄst csökkentheti, ami Ă­gy vĂ­zszintesebb hĂ­dhoz vezethez."
  3721. msgctxt "raft_base_smoothing description"
  3722. msgid "This setting controls how much inner corners in the raft base outline are rounded. Inward corners are rounded to a semi circle with a radius equal to the value given here. This setting also removes holes in the raft outline which are smaller than such a circle."
  3723. msgstr ""
  3724. msgctxt "raft_interface_smoothing description"
  3725. msgid "This setting controls how much inner corners in the raft middle outline are rounded. Inward corners are rounded to a semi circle with a radius equal to the value given here. This setting also removes holes in the raft outline which are smaller than such a circle."
  3726. msgstr ""
  3727. msgctxt "raft_smoothing description"
  3728. msgid "This setting controls how much inner corners in the raft outline are rounded. Inward corners are rounded to a semi circle with a radius equal to the value given here. This setting also removes holes in the raft outline which are smaller than such a circle."
  3729. msgstr "Ez a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄs azt szabĂĄlyozza, hogy tutajnak hĂĄny belsƑ sarka legyen lekerekĂ­tve. A belsƑ sarkokat fĂ©lkörre kerekĂ­ti le, aminek sugara az itt megadott Ă©rtĂ©k. Ez a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄs eltĂĄvolĂ­tja a tutaj körvonalĂĄban lĂ©vƑ olyan lyukakat is, amik kisebbek, mint egy ilyen kör."
  3730. msgctxt "raft_surface_smoothing description"
  3731. msgid "This setting controls how much inner corners in the raft top outline are rounded. Inward corners are rounded to a semi circle with a radius equal to the value given here. This setting also removes holes in the raft outline which are smaller than such a circle."
  3732. msgstr ""
  3733. msgctxt "retraction_count_max description"
  3734. msgid "This setting limits the number of retractions occurring within the minimum extrusion distance window. Further retractions within this window will be ignored. This avoids retracting repeatedly on the same piece of filament, as that can flatten the filament and cause grinding issues."
  3735. msgstr "Ez a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄs korlĂĄtozza a minimĂĄlis extrudĂĄlĂĄsi tĂĄvolsĂĄg ablakon belĂŒli visszahĂșzĂłdĂĄsok szĂĄmĂĄt. Az ablakon belĂŒli tovĂĄbbi visszahĂșzĂłdĂĄsokat figyelmen kĂ­vĂŒl hagyjuk. Ezzel elkerĂŒlhetƑ, hogy ugyanazon a szĂĄlpoziciĂłban többször visszahĂșzĂłdjon, mivel ez a nyomtatĂłszĂĄlat ellapĂ­thatja, eldarĂĄlhatja az extruder adagolĂłkerĂ©knĂ©l Ă©s ez elakadĂĄsi problĂ©mĂĄkat okozhat."
  3736. msgctxt "draft_shield_enabled description"
  3737. msgid "This will create a wall around the model, which traps (hot) air and shields against exterior airflow. Especially useful for materials which warp easily."
  3738. msgstr "A beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄssal lĂ©trehozhatunk egy falat a modell körĂŒl, ami segĂ­t abban, hogy a kĂŒlsƑ levegƑ, vagy lĂ©gĂĄramlat Ă©rje a nyomtatott testet.Ez kĂŒlönösen azoknĂĄl az alapanyagoknĂĄl lehet segĂ­tsĂ©g, amelyek hajlamosak a felvĂĄlĂĄsra, repedĂ©sre, mint pl. az ABS, ASA."
  3739. msgctxt "support_tree_tip_diameter label"
  3740. msgid "Tip Diameter"
  3741. msgstr ""
  3742. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy description"
  3743. msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor in the XY-direction (horizontally)."
  3744. msgstr ""
  3745. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_z description"
  3746. msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor in the Z-direction (vertically)."
  3747. msgstr ""
  3748. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage description"
  3749. msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor."
  3750. msgstr ""
  3751. msgctxt "top_layers label"
  3752. msgid "Top Layers"
  3753. msgstr "FelsƑ rĂ©tegek"
  3754. msgctxt "top_skin_expand_distance label"
  3755. msgid "Top Skin Expand Distance"
  3756. msgstr "FelsƑ kĂ©reg bƑvĂ­tĂ©si tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  3757. msgctxt "top_skin_preshrink label"
  3758. msgid "Top Skin Removal Width"
  3759. msgstr "FelsƑ kĂ©reg eltĂĄvolĂ­tĂĄsi szĂ©lessĂ©g"
  3760. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_x_roofing label"
  3761. msgid "Top Surface Inner Wall Acceleration"
  3762. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒlet belsƑ falĂĄnak gyorsulĂĄsa"
  3763. msgctxt "jerk_wall_x_roofing label"
  3764. msgid "Top Surface Inner Wall Jerk"
  3765. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒlet legkĂŒlsƑ falĂĄnak hirtelen gyorsulĂĄsa"
  3766. msgctxt "speed_wall_x_roofing label"
  3767. msgid "Top Surface Inner Wall Speed"
  3768. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒlet belsƑ falĂĄnak sebessĂ©ge"
  3769. msgctxt "wall_x_material_flow_roofing label"
  3770. msgid "Top Surface Inner Wall(s) Flow"
  3771. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒlet belsƑ falainak ĂĄramlĂĄsa"
  3772. msgctxt "acceleration_wall_0_roofing label"
  3773. msgid "Top Surface Outer Wall Acceleration"
  3774. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒlet kĂŒlsƑ falĂĄnak gyorsulĂĄsa"
  3775. msgctxt "wall_0_material_flow_roofing label"
  3776. msgid "Top Surface Outer Wall Flow"
  3777. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒlet legkĂŒlsƑ falĂĄnak ĂĄramlĂĄsa"
  3778. msgctxt "jerk_wall_0_roofing label"
  3779. msgid "Top Surface Outer Wall Jerk"
  3780. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒlet belsƑ falĂĄnak hirtelen gyorsulĂĄsa"
  3781. msgctxt "speed_wall_0_roofing label"
  3782. msgid "Top Surface Outer Wall Speed"
  3783. msgstr "A felsƑ felĂŒlet legkĂŒlsƑ falĂĄnak sebessĂ©ge"
  3784. msgctxt "acceleration_roofing label"
  3785. msgid "Top Surface Skin Acceleration"
  3786. msgstr "FelsƑ felĂŒleti gyorsulĂĄs"
  3787. msgctxt "roofing_extruder_nr label"
  3788. msgid "Top Surface Skin Extruder"
  3789. msgstr "FelsƑ Ă©s kĂŒlsƑ felĂŒleti extruder"
  3790. msgctxt "roofing_material_flow label"
  3791. msgid "Top Surface Skin Flow"
  3792. msgstr "FelsƑ kĂ©regfelĂŒlet ĂĄramlĂĄs"
  3793. msgctxt "jerk_roofing label"
  3794. msgid "Top Surface Skin Jerk"
  3795. msgstr "FelsƑ felĂŒlet löket"
  3796. msgctxt "roofing_layer_count label"
  3797. msgid "Top Surface Skin Layers"
  3798. msgstr "FelsƑ kĂ©reg rĂ©tegek"
  3799. msgctxt "roofing_angles label"
  3800. msgid "Top Surface Skin Line Directions"
  3801. msgstr "FelsƑ kĂ©regvonal irĂĄnyok"
  3802. msgctxt "roofing_line_width label"
  3803. msgid "Top Surface Skin Line Width"
  3804. msgstr "FelsƑ felszĂ­ni kĂ©regvonal szĂ©lessĂ©g"
  3805. msgctxt "roofing_pattern label"
  3806. msgid "Top Surface Skin Pattern"
  3807. msgstr "FelsƑ felszĂ­ni kĂ©regminta"
  3808. msgctxt "speed_roofing label"
  3809. msgid "Top Surface Skin Speed"
  3810. msgstr "FelsƑ zĂĄrĂł felĂŒleti sebessĂ©g"
  3811. msgctxt "top_thickness label"
  3812. msgid "Top Thickness"
  3813. msgstr "FelsƑ vastagság"
  3814. msgctxt "max_skin_angle_for_expansion description"
  3815. msgid "Top and/or bottom surfaces of your object with an angle larger than this setting, won't have their top/bottom skin expanded. This avoids expanding the narrow skin areas that are created when the model surface has a near vertical slope. An angle of 0° is horizontal and will cause no skin to be expanded, while an angle of 90° is vertical and will cause all skin to be expanded."
  3816. msgstr ""
  3817. msgctxt "top_bottom description"
  3818. msgid "Top/Bottom"
  3819. msgstr ""
  3820. msgctxt "top_bottom label"
  3821. msgid "Top/Bottom"
  3822. msgstr ""
  3823. msgctxt "acceleration_topbottom label"
  3824. msgid "Top/Bottom Acceleration"
  3825. msgstr "Alsó/felsƑ gyorsulás"
  3826. msgctxt "top_bottom_extruder_nr label"
  3827. msgid "Top/Bottom Extruder"
  3828. msgstr "Alsó/felsƑ extruder"
  3829. msgctxt "skin_material_flow label"
  3830. msgid "Top/Bottom Flow"
  3831. msgstr "Alsó/felsƑ áramlás"
  3832. msgctxt "jerk_topbottom label"
  3833. msgid "Top/Bottom Jerk"
  3834. msgstr "AlsĂł/felsƑ löket"
  3835. msgctxt "skin_angles label"
  3836. msgid "Top/Bottom Line Directions"
  3837. msgstr "Alsó/felsƑ vonal irányok"
  3838. msgctxt "skin_line_width label"
  3839. msgid "Top/Bottom Line Width"
  3840. msgstr "AlsĂł/felsƑ vonalszĂ©lessĂ©ge"
  3841. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern label"
  3842. msgid "Top/Bottom Pattern"
  3843. msgstr "Alsó/felsƑ mintázat"
  3844. msgctxt "speed_topbottom label"
  3845. msgid "Top/Bottom Speed"
  3846. msgstr "AlsĂł/felsƑ sebessĂ©g"
  3847. msgctxt "top_bottom_thickness label"
  3848. msgid "Top/Bottom Thickness"
  3849. msgstr "Alsó/felsƑ vastagság"
  3850. msgctxt "support_type option buildplate"
  3851. msgid "Touching Buildplate"
  3852. msgstr "Asztalt Ă©rintse"
  3853. msgctxt "support_tower_diameter label"
  3854. msgid "Tower Diameter"
  3855. msgstr "Torony ĂĄtmĂ©rƑ"
  3856. msgctxt "support_tower_roof_angle label"
  3857. msgid "Tower Roof Angle"
  3858. msgstr "Torony fedél szög"
  3859. msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
  3860. msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
  3861. msgstr "A modellre alkalmazandó åtalakítåsi måtrix, amikor azt fåjlból tölti be."
  3862. msgctxt "travel label"
  3863. msgid "Travel"
  3864. msgstr "UtazĂĄs"
  3865. msgctxt "acceleration_travel label"
  3866. msgid "Travel Acceleration"
  3867. msgstr "UtaztatĂĄsi gyorsulĂĄs"
  3868. msgctxt "travel_avoid_distance label"
  3869. msgid "Travel Avoid Distance"
  3870. msgstr "ElkerĂŒlƑ utazĂĄsi tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  3871. msgctxt "jerk_travel label"
  3872. msgid "Travel Jerk"
  3873. msgstr "Utazås löket"
  3874. msgctxt "speed_travel label"
  3875. msgid "Travel Speed"
  3876. msgstr "Utazåsi sebesség"
  3877. msgctxt "magic_mesh_surface_mode description"
  3878. msgid "Treat the model as a surface only, a volume, or volumes with loose surfaces. The normal print mode only prints enclosed volumes. \"Surface\" prints a single wall tracing the mesh surface with no infill and no top/bottom skin. \"Both\" prints enclosed volumes like normal and any remaining polygons as surfaces."
  3879. msgstr "A modellt csak felĂŒletkĂ©nt, tĂ©rfogatkĂ©nt, vagy lazua felĂŒlettel kezelje.A normĂĄl nyomtatĂĄsi mĂłd csak a zĂĄrt szinteket nyomtatja ki. A \"FelĂŒlet\" egyetlen falra nyomtat, amely a hĂĄlĂł felĂŒletĂ©t követi nyomtatĂĄs nĂ©lkĂŒl, Ă©s nincs alsĂł Ă©s felsƑ felĂŒlet.A \"MindkettƑ\" zĂĄrt szinteket nyomtat, ugyanĂșgy, mint a normĂĄl, Ă©s minden fennmaradĂł poligont pedig felĂŒletkĂ©nt."
  3880. msgctxt "support_structure option tree"
  3881. msgid "Tree"
  3882. msgstr ""
  3883. msgctxt "infill_pattern option trihexagon"
  3884. msgid "Tri-Hexagon"
  3885. msgstr "Hårom-hatszög"
  3886. msgctxt "infill_pattern option triangles"
  3887. msgid "Triangles"
  3888. msgstr "Håromszög"
  3889. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option triangles"
  3890. msgid "Triangles"
  3891. msgstr "Håromszögek"
  3892. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option triangles"
  3893. msgid "Triangles"
  3894. msgstr "Håromszögek"
  3895. msgctxt "support_pattern option triangles"
  3896. msgid "Triangles"
  3897. msgstr "Håromszög"
  3898. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option triangles"
  3899. msgid "Triangles"
  3900. msgstr "Håromszögek"
  3901. msgctxt "support_tree_max_diameter label"
  3902. msgid "Trunk Diameter"
  3903. msgstr ""
  3904. msgctxt "machine_gcode_flavor option UltiGCode"
  3905. msgid "Ultimaker 2"
  3906. msgstr "Ultimaker 2"
  3907. msgctxt "meshfix_union_all label"
  3908. msgid "Union Overlapping Volumes"
  3909. msgstr "Szintåtfedések egyesítése"
  3910. msgctxt "bridge_wall_min_length description"
  3911. msgid "Unsupported walls shorter than this will be printed using the normal wall settings. Longer unsupported walls will be printed using the bridge wall settings."
  3912. msgstr "Az ennĂ©l rövidebb nem alĂĄtĂĄmasztott falak a normĂĄl falbeĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsokkal kerĂŒlnek kinyomtatĂĄsra. Az ettƑl hosszabb nem tĂĄmogatott falakat viszont a hĂ­dfalak beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsai alapjĂĄn nyomtatjuk ki."
  3913. msgctxt "adaptive_layer_height_enabled label"
  3914. msgid "Use Adaptive Layers"
  3915. msgstr "Adaptív rétegek hasznålata"
  3916. msgctxt "support_use_towers label"
  3917. msgid "Use Towers"
  3918. msgstr "Tornyok hasznĂĄlata"
  3919. msgctxt "acceleration_travel_enabled description"
  3920. msgid "Use a separate acceleration rate for travel moves. If disabled, travel moves will use the acceleration value of the printed line at their destination."
  3921. msgstr ""
  3922. msgctxt "jerk_travel_enabled description"
  3923. msgid "Use a separate jerk rate for travel moves. If disabled, travel moves will use the jerk value of the printed line at their destination."
  3924. msgstr ""
  3925. msgctxt "relative_extrusion description"
  3926. msgid "Use relative extrusion rather than absolute extrusion. Using relative E-steps makes for easier post-processing of the g-code. However, it's not supported by all printers and it may produce very slight deviations in the amount of deposited material compared to absolute E-steps. Irrespective of this setting, the extrusion mode will always be set to absolute before any g-code script is output."
  3927. msgstr "HasznĂĄljon relatĂ­v extrudĂĄlĂĄst abszolĂșt extrudĂĄlĂĄs helyett. A relatĂ­v E-lĂ©pĂ©sek hasznĂĄlata megkönnyĂ­ti a g-kĂłd utĂłfeldolgozĂĄsĂĄt. Ezt azonban nem minden nyomtatĂł tĂĄmogatja, Ă©s az abszolĂșt E-lĂ©pĂ©sekhez viszonyĂ­tva nagyon kismĂ©rtĂ©kƱ eltĂ©rĂ©seket eredmĂ©nyezhet a lerakott anyag mennyisĂ©gĂ©ben. EttƑl a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄstĂłl fĂŒggetlenĂŒl az extrudĂĄlĂĄs mĂłdjĂĄt mindig abszolĂșt Ă©rtĂ©kre ĂĄllĂ­tjĂĄk, mielƑtt bĂĄrmilyen g-kĂłd szkriptet kiadnĂĄnak."
  3928. msgctxt "support_use_towers description"
  3929. msgid "Use specialized towers to support tiny overhang areas. These towers have a larger diameter than the region they support. Near the overhang the towers' diameter decreases, forming a roof."
  3930. msgstr "SpeciĂĄlis tĂĄmasz tornyok hasznĂĄlata a kismĂ©retƱ tĂșlnyĂșlĂł terĂŒletek tĂĄmogatĂĄsĂĄhoz.Ezeknek a tornyoknak az ĂĄtmĂ©rƑje nagyobb, mint az alĂĄtĂĄmasztott terĂŒlet, azonban az alĂĄtĂĄmasztandĂł terĂŒlet közelĂ©be Ă©rve, fokozatosan csökken az ĂĄtmĂ©rƑjĂŒk, Ă©s egy tetƑt kĂ©peznek."
  3931. msgctxt "infill_mesh description"
  3932. msgid "Use this mesh to modify the infill of other meshes with which it overlaps. Replaces infill regions of other meshes with regions for this mesh. It's suggested to only print one Wall and no Top/Bottom Skin for this mesh."
  3933. msgstr "Ezzel a hĂĄlĂłval mĂłdosĂ­thatja az egyĂ©b ĂĄtfedĂ©seknek megfelelƑ kitöltĂ©seket. KicserĂ©li a többi hĂĄlĂł feltöltĂ©si rĂ©giĂłit ezekre a rĂ©giĂłkra. Javasoljuk, hogy ehhez a hĂĄlĂłhoz csak egy falat nyomtasson, Ă©s ne hasznĂĄljon alsĂł/felsƑ felĂŒletet."
  3934. msgctxt "support_mesh description"
  3935. msgid "Use this mesh to specify support areas. This can be used to generate support structure."
  3936. msgstr "Ezzel a hĂĄlĂłval hatĂĄrozhatja meg a tĂĄmaszt terĂŒleteket. Ez felhasznĂĄlhatĂł a tĂĄmasz struktĂșra lĂ©trehozĂĄsĂĄra."
  3937. msgctxt "anti_overhang_mesh description"
  3938. msgid "Use this mesh to specify where no part of the model should be detected as overhang. This can be used to remove unwanted support structure."
  3939. msgstr "Ezzel a hĂĄlĂłval megadhatjuk, hogy a modell melyik rĂ©szĂ©t ne lehessen Ă©szlelni tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄskĂ©nt. Ezt felhasznĂĄlhatjuk arra, hogy a nem kĂ­vĂĄnt tĂĄmasz struktĂșrĂĄkat eltĂĄvolĂ­tsuk."
  3940. msgctxt "z_seam_type option back"
  3941. msgid "User Specified"
  3942. msgstr "FelhasznĂĄlĂłi megadĂĄs"
  3943. msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_z label"
  3944. msgid "Vertical Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
  3945. msgstr ""
  3946. msgctxt "slicing_tolerance description"
  3947. msgid "Vertical tolerance in the sliced layers. The contours of a layer are normally generated by taking cross sections through the middle of each layer's thickness (Middle). Alternatively each layer can have the areas which fall inside of the volume throughout the entire thickness of the layer (Exclusive) or a layer has the areas which fall inside anywhere within the layer (Inclusive). Inclusive retains the most details, Exclusive makes for the best fit and Middle stays closest to the original surface."
  3948. msgstr ""
  3949. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_wait label"
  3950. msgid "Wait for Build Plate Heatup"
  3951. msgstr "Vårakozås a tårgyasztal felfƱtésére"
  3952. msgctxt "material_print_temp_wait label"
  3953. msgid "Wait for Nozzle Heatup"
  3954. msgstr "Vårakozås a fej felfƱtésére"
  3955. msgctxt "acceleration_wall label"
  3956. msgid "Wall Acceleration"
  3957. msgstr "Fal gyorsulĂĄs"
  3958. msgctxt "wall_distribution_count label"
  3959. msgid "Wall Distribution Count"
  3960. msgstr ""
  3961. msgctxt "wall_extruder_nr label"
  3962. msgid "Wall Extruder"
  3963. msgstr "Fali extruder"
  3964. msgctxt "wall_material_flow label"
  3965. msgid "Wall Flow"
  3966. msgstr "Fal ĂĄramlĂĄs"
  3967. msgctxt "jerk_wall label"
  3968. msgid "Wall Jerk"
  3969. msgstr "Fal löket"
  3970. msgctxt "wall_line_count label"
  3971. msgid "Wall Line Count"
  3972. msgstr "Falvonalak szĂĄma"
  3973. msgctxt "wall_line_width label"
  3974. msgid "Wall Line Width"
  3975. msgstr "Fali vonal szélessége"
  3976. msgctxt "inset_direction label"
  3977. msgid "Wall Ordering"
  3978. msgstr ""
  3979. msgctxt "speed_wall label"
  3980. msgid "Wall Speed"
  3981. msgstr "Fal sebesség"
  3982. msgctxt "wall_thickness label"
  3983. msgid "Wall Thickness"
  3984. msgstr "FalvastagsĂĄg"
  3985. msgctxt "wall_transition_length label"
  3986. msgid "Wall Transition Length"
  3987. msgstr ""
  3988. msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_distance label"
  3989. msgid "Wall Transitioning Filter Distance"
  3990. msgstr ""
  3991. msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_deviation label"
  3992. msgid "Wall Transitioning Filter Margin"
  3993. msgstr ""
  3994. msgctxt "wall_transition_angle label"
  3995. msgid "Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle"
  3996. msgstr ""
  3997. msgctxt "shell label"
  3998. msgid "Walls"
  3999. msgstr ""
  4000. msgctxt "wall_overhang_angle description"
  4001. msgid "Walls that overhang more than this angle will be printed using overhanging wall settings. When the value is 90, no walls will be treated as overhanging. Overhang that gets supported by support will not be treated as overhang either."
  4002. msgstr ""
  4003. msgctxt "meshfix_fluid_motion_enabled description"
  4004. msgid "When enabled tool paths are corrected for printers with smooth motion planners. Small movements that deviate from the general tool path direction are smoothed to improve fluid motions."
  4005. msgstr ""
  4006. msgctxt "infill_enable_travel_optimization description"
  4007. msgid "When enabled, the order in which the infill lines are printed is optimized to reduce the distance travelled. The reduction in travel time achieved very much depends on the model being sliced, infill pattern, density, etc. Note that, for some models that have many small areas of infill, the time to slice the model may be greatly increased."
  4008. msgstr "Ha engedĂ©lyezve van, a kitöltĂ©si sorok nyomtatĂĄsi sorrendje optimalizĂĄlĂłdik a megtett tĂĄvolsĂĄg csökkentĂ©se Ă©rdekĂ©ben. Az elĂ©rt utazĂĄsi idƑ csökkentĂ©se nagymĂ©rtĂ©kben fĂŒgg a szeletelt modelltƑl, a kitöltĂ©si mintĂĄtĂłl, a sƱrƱsĂ©gtƑl stb. Vegye figyelembe, hogy egyes modellek esetĂ©ben, amelyeknek sok kis kitöltĂ©si terĂŒlete van, a modell szeletelĂ©sĂ©nek ideje jelentƑsen megnƑhet."
  4009. msgctxt "support_fan_enable description"
  4010. msgid "When enabled, the print cooling fan speed is altered for the skin regions immediately above the support."
  4011. msgstr "Ha engedĂ©lyezzĂŒk ezt az opciĂłt, akkor a hƱtƑventillĂĄtor sebessĂ©ge meg fog vĂĄltozni a kĂŒlsƑ kĂ©reg felĂŒleteken, közvetlenĂŒl a tĂĄmasz felett."
  4012. msgctxt "z_seam_relative description"
  4013. msgid "When enabled, the z seam coordinates are relative to each part's centre. When disabled, the coordinates define an absolute position on the build plate."
  4014. msgstr "Ha engedĂ©lyezve van, a z varrĂĄs koordinĂĄtĂĄi az egyes alkatrĂ©szek közĂ©ppontjĂĄhoz viszonyĂ­tva vannak. Letiltva a koordinĂĄtĂĄk meghatĂĄrozzĂĄk az abszolĂșt helyzetĂ©t a tĂĄrgyasztalon."
  4015. msgctxt "retraction_combing_max_distance description"
  4016. msgid "When greater than zero, combing travel moves that are longer than this distance will use retraction. If set to zero, there is no maximum and combing moves will not use retraction."
  4017. msgstr ""
  4018. msgctxt "hole_xy_offset_max_diameter description"
  4019. msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is gradually applied on small holes (small holes are expanded more). When set to zero the Hole Horizontal Expansion will be applied to all holes. Holes larger than the Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter are not expanded."
  4020. msgstr ""
  4021. msgctxt "hole_xy_offset description"
  4022. msgid "When greater than zero, the Hole Horizontal Expansion is the amount of offset applied to all holes in each layer. Positive values increase the size of the holes, negative values reduce the size of the holes. When this setting is enabled it can be further tuned with Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter."
  4023. msgstr ""
  4024. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow description"
  4025. msgid "When printing bridge skin regions, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  4026. msgstr "A hídfelszínek nyomtatåsakor az extrudålt anyagmennyiséget meg kell szorozni ezzel az értékkel."
  4027. msgctxt "bridge_wall_material_flow description"
  4028. msgid "When printing bridge walls, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  4029. msgstr "A hídfalak nyomtatåsakor az extrudålt anyag mennyiségét meg kell szorozni ezzel az értékkel."
  4030. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow_2 description"
  4031. msgid "When printing the second bridge skin layer, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  4032. msgstr "A måsodik hídréteg nyomtatåsakor az extrudålt anyag mennyiségét megszorozzuk ezzel az értékkel."
  4033. msgctxt "bridge_skin_material_flow_3 description"
  4034. msgid "When printing the third bridge skin layer, the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value."
  4035. msgstr "A harmadik hídréteg nyomtatåsakor az extrudålt anyag mennyiségét megszorozzuk ezzel az értékkel."
  4036. msgctxt "cool_lift_head description"
  4037. msgid "When the minimum speed is hit because of minimum layer time, lift the head away from the print and wait the extra time until the minimum layer time is reached."
  4038. msgstr "Ha a nyomtatĂł elĂ©rte a megadott minimĂĄlis rĂ©tegidƑvel a minimĂĄlis sebessĂ©get, Ă©s nem tud tovĂĄbb lassulni, akkor a nyomtatĂł emelje fel a fejet addig, amig amĂ­g el nem Ă©ri a minimĂĄlis rĂ©tegidƑt."
  4039. msgctxt "skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic description"
  4040. msgid "When the model has small vertical gaps of only a few layers, there should normally be skin around those layers in the narrow space. Enable this setting to not generate skin if the vertical gap is very small. This improves printing time and slicing time, but technically leaves infill exposed to the air."
  4041. msgstr "Ha a modellnek csak nĂ©hĂĄny rĂ©tegƱ fĂŒggƑleges rĂ©se van, akkor ebben a keskeny tĂ©rben a rĂ©tegek körĂŒl ĂĄltalĂĄban felĂŒletnek kell lennie.Akkor engedĂ©lyezze ezt a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst, ha nem szeretnĂ©, hogy keletkezzen itt felĂŒlet, Ă©s ha a fĂŒggƑleges rĂ©s nagyon kicsi itt.Ez javĂ­tja a nyomtatĂĄsi Ă©s a szeletelĂ©si idƑt, de technikailag a töltƑanyagot a levegƑnek teszi ki, azaz a belsƑ kitöltĂ©s itt nyitott fog maradni."
  4042. msgctxt "wall_transition_angle description"
  4043. msgid "When to create transitions between even and odd numbers of walls. A wedge shape with an angle greater than this setting will not have transitions and no walls will be printed in the center to fill the remaining space. Reducing this setting reduces the number and length of these center walls, but may leave gaps or overextrude."
  4044. msgstr ""
  4045. msgctxt "wall_transition_length description"
  4046. msgid "When transitioning between different numbers of walls as the part becomes thinner, a certain amount of space is allotted to split or join the wall lines."
  4047. msgstr ""
  4048. msgctxt "wipe_hop_enable description"
  4049. msgid "When wiping, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. It prevents the nozzle from hitting the print during travel moves, reducing the chance to knock the print from the build plate."
  4050. msgstr ""
  4051. msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled description"
  4052. msgid "Whenever a retraction is done, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. It prevents the nozzle from hitting the print during travel moves, reducing the chance to knock the print from the build plate."
  4053. msgstr "SzĂĄlvisszahĂșzĂĄskor a Z tengely megemelkedik, Ă­gy elemeli a fejet a tĂĄrgytĂłl, ami megakadĂĄlyozza, hogy a fĂșvĂłka hozzĂĄĂ©rjen a mĂĄr kinyomtatott rĂ©szekhez utazĂĄskor. Ez csökkenti annak az esĂ©lyĂ©t, hogy a fej lelökje, vagy felszakĂ­tsa a tĂĄrgyat a tĂĄrgyasztalrĂłl."
  4054. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z description"
  4055. msgid "Whether the Support X/Y Distance overrides the Support Z Distance or vice versa. When X/Y overrides Z the X/Y distance can push away the support from the model, influencing the actual Z distance to the overhang. We can disable this by not applying the X/Y distance around overhangs."
  4056. msgstr "FĂŒggetlenĂ­tĂ©s attĂłl, hogy az X/Y tĂĄmasztĂ©k tĂĄvolsĂĄga felĂŒlbĂ­rĂĄlja-e a Z tĂĄmasz tĂĄvolsĂĄgĂĄt, vagy fordĂ­tva. Amikor az X/Y felĂŒlbĂ­rĂĄlja a Z-t, az X/Y tĂĄvolsĂĄg elmozdĂ­thatja a tĂĄmaszt a modelltƑl, befolyĂĄsolva a tĂ©nyleges Z tĂĄvolsĂĄgot a nyomtatvĂĄnyig. Ezt letilthatjuk, ha nem alkalmazzuk az X/Y tĂĄvolsĂĄgot a tĂșlnyĂșlĂĄsok körĂŒl."
  4057. msgctxt "machine_center_is_zero description"
  4058. msgid "Whether the X/Y coordinates of the zero position of the printer is at the center of the printable area."
  4059. msgstr "Ez a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄs, az X Ă©s Y nullpontot a nyomtatĂĄsi terĂŒlet közĂ©ppontjĂĄba helyezi."
  4060. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_x description"
  4061. msgid "Whether the endstop of the X axis is in the positive direction (high X coordinate) or negative (low X coordinate)."
  4062. msgstr "Azt hatårozza meg, hogy a végållås kapcsoló pozitív irånyban van-e, vagy negatívban. (pozitív a magasabb X, negatív az alacsonyabb X koordinåtåt jelenti)"
  4063. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_y description"
  4064. msgid "Whether the endstop of the Y axis is in the positive direction (high Y coordinate) or negative (low Y coordinate)."
  4065. msgstr "Azt hatårozza meg, hogy a végållås kapcsoló pozitív irånyban van-e, vagy negatívban. (pozitív a magasabb Y, negatív az alacsonyabb Y koordinåtåt jelenti)"
  4066. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_z description"
  4067. msgid "Whether the endstop of the Z axis is in the positive direction (high Z coordinate) or negative (low Z coordinate)."
  4068. msgstr "Azt hatårozza meg, hogy a végållås kapcsoló pozitív irånyban van-e, vagy negatívban. (pozitív a magasabb Z, negatív az alacsonyabb Z koordinåtåt jelenti)"
  4069. msgctxt "machine_extruders_share_heater description"
  4070. msgid "Whether the extruders share a single heater rather than each extruder having its own heater."
  4071. msgstr ""
  4072. msgctxt "machine_extruders_share_nozzle description"
  4073. msgid "Whether the extruders share a single nozzle rather than each extruder having its own nozzle. When set to true, it is expected that the printer-start gcode script properly sets up all extruders in an initial retraction state that is known and mutually compatible (either zero or one filament not retracted); in that case the initial retraction status is described, per extruder, by the 'machine_extruders_shared_nozzle_initial_retraction' parameter."
  4074. msgstr ""
  4075. msgctxt "machine_heated_bed description"
  4076. msgid "Whether the machine has a heated build plate present."
  4077. msgstr "Azt hatĂĄrozza meg, hogy van -e a gĂ©pen fƱthetƑ tĂĄrgyasztal. Ha ez az opciĂł ki van kapcsolva, nem lehet belkapcsolni a tĂĄrgyasztal fƱtĂ©sĂ©t."
  4078. msgctxt "machine_heated_build_volume description"
  4079. msgid "Whether the machine is able to stabilize the build volume temperature."
  4080. msgstr "Azt hatĂĄrozza meg, hogy a gĂ©p kĂ©pes-e szabĂĄlyozni a nyomtatĂĄsi tĂ©r hƑmĂ©rsĂ©kletĂ©t."
  4081. msgctxt "center_object description"
  4082. msgid "Whether to center the object on the middle of the build platform (0,0), instead of using the coordinate system in which the object was saved."
  4083. msgstr "A tĂĄrgyat a tĂĄrgyasztal közepĂ©re kell központosĂ­tani (0,0), annak a koordinĂĄta rendszernek a hasznĂĄlata helyett, amelyben az objektum mentĂ©rse kerĂŒlt."
  4084. msgctxt "machine_nozzle_temp_enabled description"
  4085. msgid "Whether to control temperature from Cura. Turn this off to control nozzle temperature from outside of Cura."
  4086. msgstr "A hƑmĂ©rsĂ©kletet a Cura-bĂłl lehet szabĂĄlyozni.Kapcsolja ki ezt, ha a fĂșvĂłka hƑmĂ©rsĂ©kletĂ©nek szabĂĄlyozĂĄsĂĄt kĂ­vĂŒlrƑl szeretnĂ© vĂ©gezni."
  4087. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_prepend description"
  4088. msgid "Whether to include build plate temperature commands at the start of the gcode. When the start_gcode already contains build plate temperature commands Cura frontend will automatically disable this setting."
  4089. msgstr "Annak a meghatĂĄrozĂĄsa, hogy a tĂĄrgyasztal hƑmĂ©rsĂ©kleti parancsokat tartalmaz-e a kĂłdolĂĄs elejĂ©n.Amikor a start_gcode mĂĄr tartalmaz tĂĄrgyasztal hƑmĂ©rsĂ©kleti parancsokat, a Cura frontend automatikusan letiltja ezt a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst."
  4090. msgctxt "material_print_temp_prepend description"
  4091. msgid "Whether to include nozzle temperature commands at the start of the gcode. When the start_gcode already contains nozzle temperature commands Cura frontend will automatically disable this setting."
  4092. msgstr "Annak a meghatĂĄrozĂĄsa, hogy a fĂșvĂłka hƑmĂ©rsĂ©kleti parancsokat tartalmaz-e a kĂłdolĂĄs elejĂ©n.Amikor a start_gcode mĂĄr tartalmaz fĂșvĂłka hƑmĂ©rsĂ©kleti parancsokat, a Cura frontend automatikusan letiltja ezt a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst."
  4093. msgctxt "clean_between_layers description"
  4094. msgid "Whether to include nozzle wipe G-Code between layers (maximum 1 per layer). Enabling this setting could influence behavior of retract at layer change. Please use Wipe Retraction settings to control retraction at layers where the wipe script will be working."
  4095. msgstr ""
  4096. msgctxt "material_bed_temp_wait description"
  4097. msgid "Whether to insert a command to wait until the build plate temperature is reached at the start."
  4098. msgstr "Parancs beszĂșrĂĄs arra, hogy a gĂ©p vĂĄrakozzon, amĂ­g a tĂĄrgyasztal elĂ©ri a beĂĄllĂ­tott cĂ©lhƑmĂ©rsĂ©kletet."
  4099. msgctxt "prime_blob_enable description"
  4100. msgid "Whether to prime the filament with a blob before printing. Turning this setting on will ensure that the extruder will have material ready at the nozzle before printing. Printing Brim or Skirt can act like priming too, in which case turning this setting off saves some time."
  4101. msgstr "A nyomtatĂĄs elƑtt a nyomtatĂłszĂĄlat elƑkĂ©szĂ­tio, Ă©s az olvadĂłkamra nyomĂĄst felĂ©pĂ­ti Ășgy, hogy egy foltot nyomtat. A perem Ă©s a szoknya is viselkedhet Ă­gy, hiszen annak a nyomtatĂĄsa sorĂĄn is felĂ©pĂ­thetƑ a nyomĂĄs. Ebben az esetben ez a funkciĂł nem mƱködik, Ă©s ezzel idƑt takarĂ­thatunk meg."
  4102. msgctxt "print_sequence description"
  4103. msgid "Whether to print all models one layer at a time or to wait for one model to finish, before moving on to the next. One at a time mode is possible if a) only one extruder is enabled and b) all models are separated in such a way that the whole print head can move in between and all models are lower than the distance between the nozzle and the X/Y axes."
  4104. msgstr ""
  4105. msgctxt "machine_show_variants description"
  4106. msgid "Whether to show the different variants of this machine, which are described in separate json files."
  4107. msgstr "Megmutatja-e ennek a gĂ©pnek a kĂŒlönfĂ©le json-fĂĄjlokban leĂ­rt vĂĄltozatait."
  4108. msgctxt "machine_firmware_retract description"
  4109. msgid "Whether to use firmware retract commands (G10/G11) instead of using the E property in G1 commands to retract the material."
  4110. msgstr "HasznĂĄlja -e a firmware szĂĄlvisszahĂșzĂĄsi parancsokat (G10/G11), a G1 parancsokban hasznĂĄlt E szĂĄlvisszahĂșzĂĄsi parancsok helyett."
  4111. msgctxt "material_print_temp_wait description"
  4112. msgid "Whether to wait until the nozzle temperature is reached at the start."
  4113. msgstr "VĂĄrakozĂĄs addig, amĂ­g a nyomtatĂłfej el nem Ă©ri a beĂĄllĂ­tott cĂ©lhƑmĂ©rsĂ©kletet."
  4114. msgctxt "infill_line_width description"
  4115. msgid "Width of a single infill line."
  4116. msgstr "Egyetlen kitöltési vonalszélesség."
  4117. msgctxt "support_interface_line_width description"
  4118. msgid "Width of a single line of support roof or floor."
  4119. msgstr "A padlĂł vagy a tetƑ egyetlen vonalszĂ©lessĂ©ge."
  4120. msgctxt "roofing_line_width description"
  4121. msgid "Width of a single line of the areas at the top of the print."
  4122. msgstr "A nyomtatĂĄs tetjĂ©n lĂ©vƑ terĂŒletek egyetlen sorĂĄnak szĂ©lessĂ©ge."
  4123. msgctxt "line_width description"
  4124. msgid "Width of a single line. Generally, the width of each line should correspond to the width of the nozzle. However, slightly reducing this value could produce better prints."
  4125. msgstr "Egy sor szĂ©lessĂ©ge. ÁltalĂĄban az egyes vonalak szĂ©lessĂ©gĂ©nek meg kell egyeznie a fĂșvĂłka szĂ©lessĂ©gĂ©vel. Ennek az Ă©rtĂ©knek minimĂĄlis csökkentĂ©se azonban jobb nyomatokat eredmĂ©nyezhet."
  4126. msgctxt "prime_tower_line_width description"
  4127. msgid "Width of a single prime tower line."
  4128. msgstr "Egyetlen elƑtorony vonalszĂ©lessĂ©g."
  4129. msgctxt "skirt_brim_line_width description"
  4130. msgid "Width of a single skirt or brim line."
  4131. msgstr "Egyetlen szoknya/perem vonalszélesség."
  4132. msgctxt "support_bottom_line_width description"
  4133. msgid "Width of a single support floor line."
  4134. msgstr "Egyetlen tåmasz padlóvonal szélesség."
  4135. msgctxt "support_roof_line_width description"
  4136. msgid "Width of a single support roof line."
  4137. msgstr "Egyetlen tĂĄmasz tetƑvonal szĂ©lessĂ©g."
  4138. msgctxt "support_line_width description"
  4139. msgid "Width of a single support structure line."
  4140. msgstr "Egyetlen tåmasz vonalszélesség."
  4141. msgctxt "skin_line_width description"
  4142. msgid "Width of a single top/bottom line."
  4143. msgstr "Egyetlen alsĂł/felsƑ sorszĂ©lessĂ©ge."
  4144. msgctxt "wall_line_width_x description"
  4145. msgid "Width of a single wall line for all wall lines except the outermost one."
  4146. msgstr "Egyetlen falvonal szĂ©lessĂ©ge az összes fali vonalhoz, a legkĂŒlsƑ fal kivĂ©telĂ©vel."
  4147. msgctxt "wall_line_width description"
  4148. msgid "Width of a single wall line."
  4149. msgstr "Egy fal vonalånak szélessége."
  4150. msgctxt "raft_base_line_width description"
  4151. msgid "Width of the lines in the base raft layer. These should be thick lines to assist in build plate adhesion."
  4152. msgstr "A vonalak szĂ©lessĂ©ge a tutajalap rĂ©tegeiben. Ezeknek vastag vonalaknak kell lenniĂŒk, hogy elƑsegĂ­tsĂ©k a tĂĄrgyasztalhoz tapadĂĄst."
  4153. msgctxt "raft_interface_line_width description"
  4154. msgid "Width of the lines in the middle raft layer. Making the second layer extrude more causes the lines to stick to the build plate."
  4155. msgstr "A vonalak szĂ©lessĂ©ge a közĂ©psƑ tutajrĂ©tegben. Ha a mĂĄsodik rĂ©tegnĂ©l többet extrudĂĄlunk, akkor a vonalak jobban tapadnak majd a tĂĄrgyasztalhoz."
  4156. msgctxt "raft_surface_line_width description"
  4157. msgid "Width of the lines in the top surface of the raft. These can be thin lines so that the top of the raft becomes smooth."
  4158. msgstr "A vonalak szĂ©lessĂ©ge a tutaj felsƑ felĂŒletĂ©n. Ezek lehetnek vĂ©kony vonalak, Ă­gy a tutaj teteje sima lesz."
  4159. msgctxt "wall_line_width_0 description"
  4160. msgid "Width of the outermost wall line. By lowering this value, higher levels of detail can be printed."
  4161. msgstr "A kĂŒlsƑ falvonal szĂ©lessĂ©ge. Ennek az Ă©rtĂ©knek a csökkentĂ©sĂ©vel nagyobb szintƱ rĂ©szletessĂ©g Ă©rhetƑ el."
  4162. msgctxt "min_bead_width description"
  4163. msgid "Width of the wall that will replace thin features (according to the Minimum Feature Size) of the model. If the Minimum Wall Line Width is thinner than the thickness of the feature, the wall will become as thick as the feature itself."
  4164. msgstr ""
  4165. msgctxt "wipe_brush_pos_x label"
  4166. msgid "Wipe Brush X Position"
  4167. msgstr "Törlési pont (kefe) X helyzete"
  4168. msgctxt "wipe_hop_speed label"
  4169. msgid "Wipe Hop Speed"
  4170. msgstr "Z emelés sebesség"
  4171. msgctxt "prime_tower_wipe_enabled label"
  4172. msgid "Wipe Inactive Nozzle on Prime Tower"
  4173. msgstr "InaktĂ­v fĂșvĂłka tisztĂ­tĂĄsa az elƑtornyon"
  4174. msgctxt "wipe_move_distance label"
  4175. msgid "Wipe Move Distance"
  4176. msgstr "Törlési mozgås tåvolsåga"
  4177. msgctxt "clean_between_layers label"
  4178. msgid "Wipe Nozzle Between Layers"
  4179. msgstr "FĂșvĂłka tisztĂ­tĂĄs rĂ©tegek között"
  4180. msgctxt "wipe_pause label"
  4181. msgid "Wipe Pause"
  4182. msgstr "TörlĂ©s szĂŒnet"
  4183. msgctxt "wipe_repeat_count label"
  4184. msgid "Wipe Repeat Count"
  4185. msgstr "Törlés ismétlés szåma"
  4186. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_amount label"
  4187. msgid "Wipe Retraction Distance"
  4188. msgstr "TörlĂ©s visszahĂșzĂĄs tĂĄvolsĂĄg"
  4189. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_enable label"
  4190. msgid "Wipe Retraction Enable"
  4191. msgstr "TörlĂ©s visszahĂșzĂĄs engedĂ©lyezĂ©se"
  4192. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_extra_prime_amount label"
  4193. msgid "Wipe Retraction Extra Prime Amount"
  4194. msgstr "TörlĂ©s visszahĂșzĂĄs anyag kompenzĂĄciĂł"
  4195. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_prime_speed label"
  4196. msgid "Wipe Retraction Prime Speed"
  4197. msgstr ""
  4198. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_retract_speed label"
  4199. msgid "Wipe Retraction Retract Speed"
  4200. msgstr "VisszahĂșzĂĄsi sebessĂ©g"
  4201. msgctxt "wipe_retraction_speed label"
  4202. msgid "Wipe Retraction Speed"
  4203. msgstr "TörlĂ©s visszahĂșzĂĄs sebessĂ©g"
  4204. msgctxt "wipe_hop_enable label"
  4205. msgid "Wipe Z Hop"
  4206. msgstr ""
  4207. msgctxt "wipe_hop_amount label"
  4208. msgid "Wipe Z Hop Height"
  4209. msgstr "Z emelés magassåg"
  4210. msgctxt "retraction_combing option infill"
  4211. msgid "Within Infill"
  4212. msgstr "KitöltĂ©sen belĂŒl"
  4213. msgctxt "machine_always_write_active_tool description"
  4214. msgid "Write active tool after sending temp commands to inactive tool. Required for Dual Extruder printing with Smoothie or other firmware with modal tool commands."
  4215. msgstr ""
  4216. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_x label"
  4217. msgid "X Endstop in Positive Direction"
  4218. msgstr "X végållås pozitív irånyban"
  4219. msgctxt "wipe_brush_pos_x description"
  4220. msgid "X location where wipe script will start."
  4221. msgstr "Az az X helyzet, ahol a törlési szkript elindul."
  4222. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z option xy_overrides_z"
  4223. msgid "X/Y overrides Z"
  4224. msgstr "X/Y felĂŒlbĂ­rĂĄlĂĄs Z-re"
  4225. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_y label"
  4226. msgid "Y Endstop in Positive Direction"
  4227. msgstr "Y végållås pozitív irånyban"
  4228. msgctxt "machine_endstop_positive_direction_z label"
  4229. msgid "Z Endstop in Positive Direction"
  4230. msgstr "Z végållås pozitív irånyban"
  4231. msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch label"
  4232. msgid "Z Hop After Extruder Switch"
  4233. msgstr "Z emelés extruder våltås utån"
  4234. msgctxt "retraction_hop_after_extruder_switch_height label"
  4235. msgid "Z Hop After Extruder Switch Height"
  4236. msgstr "Z emelés magassåga extruder våltås utån"
  4237. msgctxt "retraction_hop label"
  4238. msgid "Z Hop Height"
  4239. msgstr "Z emelés magassåg"
  4240. msgctxt "retraction_hop_only_when_collides label"
  4241. msgid "Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts"
  4242. msgstr "Z emelés nyomtatott részeknél"
  4243. msgctxt "speed_z_hop label"
  4244. msgid "Z Hop Speed"
  4245. msgstr "Z emelés sebesség"
  4246. msgctxt "retraction_hop_enabled label"
  4247. msgid "Z Hop When Retracted"
  4248. msgstr "Z emelĂ©s visszahĂșzĂĄskor"
  4249. msgctxt "z_seam_type label"
  4250. msgid "Z Seam Alignment"
  4251. msgstr "Z varrat igazĂ­tĂĄs"
  4252. msgctxt "z_seam_position label"
  4253. msgid "Z Seam Position"
  4254. msgstr "Z varrat helyzet"
  4255. msgctxt "z_seam_relative label"
  4256. msgid "Z Seam Relative"
  4257. msgstr "RelatĂ­v Z varrat"
  4258. msgctxt "z_seam_x label"
  4259. msgid "Z Seam X"
  4260. msgstr "Z varrat X"
  4261. msgctxt "z_seam_y label"
  4262. msgid "Z Seam Y"
  4263. msgstr "Z varrat Y"
  4264. msgctxt "support_xy_overrides_z option z_overrides_xy"
  4265. msgid "Z overrides X/Y"
  4266. msgstr "Z felĂŒlbĂ­rĂĄlĂĄs X/Y-ra"
  4267. msgctxt "infill_pattern option zigzag"
  4268. msgid "Zig Zag"
  4269. msgstr "Cikcakk"
  4270. msgctxt "ironing_pattern option zigzag"
  4271. msgid "Zig Zag"
  4272. msgstr "Cikcakk"
  4273. msgctxt "roofing_pattern option zigzag"
  4274. msgid "Zig Zag"
  4275. msgstr "Cikcakk"
  4276. msgctxt "support_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
  4277. msgid "Zig Zag"
  4278. msgstr "Cikcakk"
  4279. msgctxt "support_interface_pattern option zigzag"
  4280. msgid "Zig Zag"
  4281. msgstr "Cikcakk"
  4282. msgctxt "support_pattern option zigzag"
  4283. msgid "Zig Zag"
  4284. msgstr "Cikcakk"
  4285. msgctxt "support_roof_pattern option zigzag"
  4286. msgid "Zig Zag"
  4287. msgstr "Cikcakk"
  4288. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern option zigzag"
  4289. msgid "Zig Zag"
  4290. msgstr "Cikcakk"
  4291. msgctxt "top_bottom_pattern_0 option zigzag"
  4292. msgid "Zig Zag"
  4293. msgstr "Cikcakk"
  4294. msgctxt "travel description"
  4295. msgid "travel"
  4296. msgstr "fej ĂĄtpozĂ­cionĂĄlĂĄs"
  4297. #~ msgctxt "user_defined_print_order_enabled description"
  4298. #~ msgid "Allows to order the object list to set the print sequence manually. First object from the list will be printed first."
  4299. #~ msgstr "LehetƑvĂ© teszi az objektumlista rendezĂ©sĂ©t a nyomtatĂĄsi sorrend kĂ©zi beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsĂĄhoz. A lista elsƑ objektuma lesz elƑször nyomtatva."
  4300. #~ msgctxt "brim_outside_only label"
  4301. #~ msgid "Brim Only on Outside"
  4302. #~ msgstr "Perem csak kĂ­vĂŒl"
  4303. #~ msgctxt "layer_0_z_overlap description"
  4304. #~ msgid "Make the first and second layer of the model overlap in the Z direction to compensate for the filament lost in the airgap. All models above the first model layer will be shifted down by this amount."
  4305. #~ msgstr "A modell elsƑ Ă©s mĂĄsodik rĂ©tege között ĂĄtfedĂ©st hoz lĂ©tre Z irĂĄnyban.Ez kĂ©pes kompenzĂĄlni azt a hibĂĄt, ami az elsƑ rĂ©tegben keletkezett. Ezt a hibĂĄt az okozza, hogy a tutaj lĂ©grĂ©sben az elsƑ rĂ©teg benyĂșlik, Ă­gy nem alakul ki a tökĂ©letes elsƑ rĂ©teg.Az elsƑ rĂ©teg feletti összes rĂ©sz magassĂĄgĂĄt Ă©rinti ez a beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄs."
  4306. #~ msgctxt "brim_outside_only description"
  4307. #~ msgid "Only print the brim on the outside of the model. This reduces the amount of brim you need to remove afterwards, while it doesn't reduce the bed adhesion that much."
  4308. #~ msgstr "Csak a modell kĂŒlsƑ falaihoz nyomtat Peremet. Ez csökkenti a perem nyomtatĂĄsi költsĂ©gĂ©t, Ă©s nem szĂŒksĂ©ges a belsƑ rĂ©szeken eltĂĄvolĂ­tani majd azt, tovĂĄbbĂĄ a test letapadĂĄsĂĄt nem csökkenti jelentƑsen."
  4309. #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height label"
  4310. #~ msgid "Support Interface Resolution"
  4311. #~ msgstr "Interfész felosztås"
  4312. #~ msgctxt "support_interface_skip_height description"
  4313. #~ msgid "When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface."
  4314. #~ msgstr "Amikor a szeletelƑ ellenƑrzi, hogy hol tart a tĂĄmasz a modell alatt vagy fölött, szĂŒksĂ©g esetĂ©n a megadott magassĂĄgĂș lĂ©pĂ©seket teszi meg. Az alacsonyabb Ă©rtĂ©kek lassabb szeleteĂ©st okoznak, mĂ­g a magasabb Ă©rtĂ©k a normĂĄl tĂĄmasz kinyomtatĂĄsĂĄt eredmĂ©nyezhetik olyan helyeken, ahol tĂĄmasz interfĂ©szt kellene nyomtatni."