PrepareMain.qml 472 B

  1. //Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
  2. //Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
  3. import QtQuick 2.4
  4. import UM 1.0 as UM
  5. import Cura 1.0 as Cura
  6. Item
  7. {
  8. id: prepareMain
  9. Cura.ActionPanelWidget
  10. {
  11. id: actionPanelWidget
  12. anchors.right: parent.right
  13. anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
  14. anchors.rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("thick_margin").width
  15. anchors.bottomMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("thick_margin").height
  16. }
  17. }