Actions.qml 4.4 KB

  1. // Copyright (c) 2015 Ultimaker B.V.
  2. // Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
  3. import QtQuick 2.2
  4. import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
  5. Item {
  6. property alias open: openAction;
  7. property alias save: saveAction;
  8. property alias quit: quitAction;
  9. property alias undo: undoAction;
  10. property alias redo: redoAction;
  11. property alias deleteSelection: deleteSelectionAction;
  12. property alias deleteObject: deleteObjectAction;
  13. property alias centerObject: centerObjectAction;
  14. property alias multiplyObject: multiplyObjectAction;
  15. property alias splitObject: splitObjectAction;
  16. property alias deleteAll: deleteAllAction;
  17. property alias reloadAll: reloadAllAction;
  18. property alias resetAllTranslation: resetAllTranslationAction;
  19. property alias resetAll: resetAllAction;
  20. property alias addMachine: addMachineAction;
  21. property alias configureMachines: settingsAction;
  22. property alias preferences: preferencesAction;
  23. property alias showEngineLog: showEngineLogAction;
  24. property alias documentation: documentationAction;
  25. property alias reportBug: reportBugAction;
  26. property alias about: aboutAction;
  27. Action {
  28. id: undoAction;
  29. //: Undo action
  30. text: qsTr("&Undo");
  31. iconName: "edit-undo";
  32. shortcut: StandardKey.Undo;
  33. }
  34. Action {
  35. id: redoAction;
  36. //: Redo action
  37. text: qsTr("&Redo");
  38. iconName: "edit-redo";
  39. shortcut: StandardKey.Redo;
  40. }
  41. Action {
  42. id: quitAction;
  43. //: Quit action
  44. text: qsTr("&Quit");
  45. iconName: "application-exit";
  46. shortcut: StandardKey.Quit;
  47. }
  48. Action {
  49. id: preferencesAction;
  50. //: Preferences action
  51. text: qsTr("&Preferences...");
  52. iconName: "configure";
  53. }
  54. Action {
  55. id: addMachineAction;
  56. //: Add Printer action
  57. text: qsTr("&Add Printer...");
  58. }
  59. Action {
  60. id: settingsAction;
  61. //: Configure Printers action
  62. text: qsTr("&Configure Printers");
  63. iconName: "configure";
  64. }
  65. Action {
  66. id: documentationAction;
  67. //: Show Online Documentation action
  68. text: qsTr("Show Online &Documentation");
  69. iconName: "help-contents";
  70. shortcut: StandardKey.Help;
  71. }
  72. Action {
  73. id: reportBugAction;
  74. //: Report a Bug Action
  75. text: qsTr("Report a &Bug");
  76. iconName: "tools-report-bug";
  77. }
  78. Action {
  79. id: aboutAction;
  80. //: About action
  81. text: qsTr("&About...");
  82. iconName: "help-about";
  83. }
  84. Action {
  85. id: deleteSelectionAction;
  86. //: Delete selection action
  87. text: qsTr("Delete Selection");
  88. iconName: "edit-delete";
  89. shortcut: StandardKey.Delete;
  90. }
  91. Action {
  92. id: deleteObjectAction;
  93. //: Delete object action
  94. text: qsTr("Delete Object");
  95. iconName: "edit-delete";
  96. }
  97. Action {
  98. id: centerObjectAction;
  99. //: Center object action
  100. text: qsTr("Center Object on Platform");
  101. }
  102. Action {
  103. id: multiplyObjectAction;
  104. //: Duplicate object action
  105. text: qsTr("Duplicate Object");
  106. }
  107. Action {
  108. id: splitObjectAction;
  109. //: Split object action
  110. text: qsTr("Split Object into Parts");
  111. enabled: false;
  112. }
  113. Action {
  114. id: deleteAllAction;
  115. //: Clear build platform action
  116. text: qsTr("Clear Build Platform");
  117. iconName: "edit-clear";
  118. }
  119. Action {
  120. id: reloadAllAction;
  121. //: Reload all objects action
  122. text: qsTr("Reload All Objects");
  123. }
  124. Action {
  125. id: resetAllTranslationAction;
  126. //: Reset all positions action
  127. text: qsTr("Reset All Object Positions");
  128. }
  129. Action {
  130. id: resetAllAction;
  131. //: Reset all positions action
  132. text: qsTr("Reset All Object Transformations");
  133. }
  134. Action {
  135. id: openAction;
  136. //: Open file action
  137. text: qsTr("&Open...");
  138. iconName: "document-open";
  139. shortcut: StandardKey.Open;
  140. }
  141. Action {
  142. id: saveAction;
  143. //: Save file action
  144. text: qsTr("&Save...");
  145. iconName: "document-save";
  146. shortcut: StandardKey.Save;
  147. }
  148. Action {
  149. id: showEngineLogAction;
  150. //: Show engine log action
  151. text: qsTr("Show engine &log...");
  152. iconName: "view-list-text";
  153. }
  154. }