repositories.svg 3.0 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2. <svg xmlns="" width="1000" height="1000">
  3. <defs>
  4. <marker id="arrow" refX="2" refY="1.5" markerWidth="3" markerHeight="3" orient="auto-start-reverse">
  5. <polygon points="0,0 3,1.5 0,3" />
  6. </marker>
  7. </defs>
  8. <g marker-end="url(#arrow)" stroke="black" stroke-width="5"> <!-- Arrows. -->
  9. <!-- Towards CuraEngine and back. -->
  10. <line x1="475" y1="400" x2="475" y2="307.5" />
  11. <line x1="475" y1="250" x2="475" y2="210" />
  12. <line x1="525" y1="200" x2="525" y2="242.5" />
  13. <line x1="525" y1="300" x2="525" y2="390" />
  14. <!-- From libSavitar. -->
  15. <line x1="100" y1="425" x2="142.5" y2="425" />
  16. <line x1="300" y1="425" x2="390" y2="425" />
  17. <!-- From fdm_materials. -->
  18. <line x1="350" y1="575" x2="390" y2="575" />
  19. <!-- To libCharon. -->
  20. <line x1="600" y1="500" x2="692.5" y2="500" />
  21. <line x1="900" y1="500" x2="945" y2="500" />
  22. <!-- To Uranium. -->
  23. <line x1="500" y1="600" x2="500" y2="690" />
  24. </g>
  25. <g stroke="black" fill="none"> <!-- Boxes representing repositories. -->
  26. <g stroke-width="10"> <!-- Major repositories. -->
  27. <rect x="400" y="400" width="200" height="200" rx="20" /> <!-- Cura. -->
  28. <rect x="350" y="700" width="300" height="200" rx="20" /> <!-- Uranium. -->
  29. <rect x="300" y="5" width="400" height="195" rx="20" /> <!-- CuraEngine. -->
  30. </g>
  31. <g stroke-width="5"> <!-- Minor repositories. -->
  32. <rect x="150" y="350" width="150" height="100" rx="20" /> <!-- libSavitar. -->
  33. <rect x="100" y="550" width="250" height="100" rx="20" /> <!-- fdm_materials. -->
  34. <rect x="430" y="250" width="140" height="50" rx="20" /> <!-- libArcus. -->
  35. <rect x="700" y="450" width="200" height="100" rx="20" /> <!-- libCharon. -->
  36. </g>
  37. </g>
  38. <g font-family="sans-serif" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle"> <!-- Labels. -->
  39. <g font-size="50"> <!-- Major repositories. -->
  40. <text x="500" y="500">Cura</text>
  41. <text x="500" y="800">Uranium</text>
  42. <text x="500" y="102.5">CuraEngine</text>
  43. </g>
  44. <g font-size="25"> <!-- Minor repositories and arrows. -->
  45. <text x="225" y="400">libSavitar</text>
  46. <text x="225" y="600">fdm_materials</text>
  47. <text x="500" y="275">libArcus</text>
  48. <text x="800" y="500">libCharon</text>
  49. <g text-anchor="start">
  50. <text x="645" y="490" transform="rotate(-90, 645, 490)">G-code</text>
  51. <text x="950" y="500">UFP</text>
  52. <text x="535" y="345">G-code</text>
  53. <text x="345" y="415" transform="rotate(-90, 345, 415)">Model</text>
  54. <text x="510" y="645">Built upon</text>
  55. </g>
  56. <g text-anchor="end">
  57. <text x="465" y="345">Scene</text>
  58. <text x="90" y="425">3MF</text>
  59. </g>
  60. </g>
  61. </g>
  62. </svg>