27 KB

  1. import os
  2. from pathlib import Path
  3. from jinja2 import Template
  4. from conan import ConanFile
  5. from import copy, rmdir, save, mkdir, rm
  6. from import unix_path
  7. from import VirtualRunEnv, Environment, VirtualBuildEnv
  8. from import Version
  9. from conan.errors import ConanInvalidConfiguration, ConanException
  10. required_conan_version = ">=1.58.0 <2.0.0"
  11. class CuraConan(ConanFile):
  12. name = "cura"
  13. license = "LGPL-3.0"
  14. author = "UltiMaker"
  15. url = ""
  16. description = "3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework"
  17. topics = ("conan", "python", "pyqt6", "qt", "qml", "3d-printing", "slicer")
  18. build_policy = "missing"
  19. exports = "LICENSE*", "*.jinja"
  20. settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
  21. # FIXME: Remove specific branch once merged to main
  22. python_requires = "translationextractor/[>=2.1.1]@ultimaker/stable"
  23. options = {
  24. "enterprise": ["True", "False", "true", "false"], # Workaround for GH Action passing boolean as lowercase string
  25. "staging": ["True", "False", "true", "false"], # Workaround for GH Action passing boolean as lowercase string
  26. "devtools": [True, False], # FIXME: Split this up in testing and (development / build (pyinstaller) / system installer) tools
  27. "cloud_api_version": "ANY",
  28. "display_name": "ANY", # TODO: should this be an option??
  29. "cura_debug_mode": [True, False], # FIXME: Use profiles
  30. "internal": [True, False],
  31. "enable_i18n": [True, False],
  32. }
  33. default_options = {
  34. "enterprise": "False",
  35. "staging": "False",
  36. "devtools": False,
  37. "cloud_api_version": "1",
  38. "display_name": "UltiMaker Cura",
  39. "cura_debug_mode": False, # Not yet implemented
  40. "internal": False,
  41. "enable_i18n": False,
  42. }
  43. def set_version(self):
  44. if not self.version:
  45. self.version = "5.6.0-alpha"
  46. @property
  47. def _pycharm_targets(self):
  48. return self.conan_data["pycharm_targets"]
  49. # FIXME: These env vars should be defined in the runenv.
  50. _cura_env = None
  51. @property
  52. def _cura_run_env(self):
  53. if self._cura_env:
  54. return self._cura_env
  55. self._cura_env = Environment()
  56. self._cura_env.define("QML2_IMPORT_PATH", str(self._site_packages.joinpath("PyQt6", "Qt6", "qml")))
  57. self._cura_env.define("QT_PLUGIN_PATH", str(self._site_packages.joinpath("PyQt6", "Qt6", "plugins")))
  58. if not self.in_local_cache:
  59. self._cura_env.define( "CURA_DATA_ROOT", str(self._share_dir.joinpath("cura")))
  60. if self.settings.os == "Linux":
  61. self._cura_env.define("QT_QPA_FONTDIR", "/usr/share/fonts")
  62. self._cura_env.define("QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME", "xdgdesktopportal")
  63. self._cura_env.define("QT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT", "/usr/share/X11/xkb")
  64. return self._cura_env
  65. @property
  66. def _enterprise(self):
  67. return self.options.enterprise in ["True", 'true']
  68. @property
  69. def _app_name(self):
  70. if self._enterprise:
  71. return str(self.options.display_name) + " Enterprise"
  72. return str(self.options.display_name)
  73. @property
  74. def _urls(self):
  75. if self.options.staging in ["True", 'true']:
  76. return "staging"
  77. return "default"
  78. @property
  79. def requirements_txts(self):
  80. if self.options.devtools:
  81. return ["requirements.txt", "requirements-ultimaker.txt", "requirements-dev.txt"]
  82. return ["requirements.txt", "requirements-ultimaker.txt"]
  83. @property
  84. def _base_dir(self):
  85. if self.install_folder is None:
  86. if self.build_folder is not None:
  87. return Path(self.build_folder)
  88. return Path(os.getcwd(), "venv")
  89. if self.in_local_cache:
  90. return Path(self.install_folder)
  91. else:
  92. return Path(self.source_folder, "venv")
  93. @property
  94. def _share_dir(self):
  95. return self._base_dir.joinpath("share")
  96. @property
  97. def _script_dir(self):
  98. if self.settings.os == "Windows":
  99. return self._base_dir.joinpath("Scripts")
  100. return self._base_dir.joinpath("bin")
  101. @property
  102. def _site_packages(self):
  103. if self.settings.os == "Windows":
  104. return self._base_dir.joinpath("Lib", "site-packages")
  105. py_version = Version(self.deps_cpp_info["cpython"].version)
  106. return self._base_dir.joinpath("lib", f"python{py_version.major}.{py_version.minor}", "site-packages")
  107. @property
  108. def _py_interp(self):
  109. py_interp = self._script_dir.joinpath(Path(self.deps_user_info["cpython"].python).name)
  110. if self.settings.os == "Windows":
  111. py_interp = Path(*[f'"{p}"' if " " in p else p for p in])
  112. return py_interp
  113. @property
  114. def _pyinstaller_spec_arch(self):
  115. if self.settings.os == "Macos":
  116. if self.settings.arch == "armv8":
  117. return "'arm64'"
  118. return "'x86_64'"
  119. return "None"
  120. def _conan_installs(self):
  121. conan_installs = {}
  122. # list of conan installs
  123. for dependency in
  124. conan_installs[] = {
  125. "version": dependency.ref.version,
  126. "revision": dependency.ref.revision
  127. }
  128. return conan_installs
  129. def _generate_cura_version(self, location):
  130. with open(os.path.join(self.recipe_folder, ""), "r") as f:
  131. cura_version_py = Template(
  132. # If you want a specific Cura version to show up on the splash screen add the user configuration `user.cura:version=VERSION`
  133. # the global.conf, profile, package_info (of dependency) or via the cmd line `-c user.cura:version=VERSION`
  134. cura_version = Version(self.conf.get("user.cura:version", default = self.version, check_type = str))
  135. pre_tag = f"-{cura_version.pre}" if cura_version.pre else ""
  136. build_tag = f"+{}" if else ""
  137. internal_tag = f"+internal" if self.options.internal else ""
  138. cura_version = f"{cura_version.major}.{cura_version.minor}.{cura_version.patch}{pre_tag}{build_tag}{internal_tag}"
  139. with open(os.path.join(location, ""), "w") as f:
  140. f.write(cura_version_py.render(
  141. cura_app_name =,
  142. cura_app_display_name = self._app_name,
  143. cura_version = cura_version,
  144. cura_build_type = "Enterprise" if self._enterprise else "",
  145. cura_debug_mode = self.options.cura_debug_mode,
  146. cura_cloud_api_root = self.conan_data["urls"][self._urls]["cloud_api_root"],
  147. cura_cloud_api_version = self.options.cloud_api_version,
  148. cura_cloud_account_api_root = self.conan_data["urls"][self._urls]["cloud_account_api_root"],
  149. cura_marketplace_root = self.conan_data["urls"][self._urls]["marketplace_root"],
  150. cura_digital_factory_url = self.conan_data["urls"][self._urls]["digital_factory_url"],
  151. cura_latest_url=self.conan_data["urls"][self._urls]["cura_latest_url"],
  152. conan_installs=self._conan_installs(),
  153. ))
  154. def _generate_pyinstaller_spec(self, location, entrypoint_location, icon_path, entitlements_file):
  155. pyinstaller_metadata = self.conan_data["pyinstaller"]
  156. datas = []
  157. for data in pyinstaller_metadata["datas"].values():
  158. if not self.options.internal and data.get("internal", False):
  159. continue
  160. if "package" in data: # get the paths from conan package
  161. if data["package"] ==
  162. if self.in_local_cache:
  163. src_path = os.path.join(self.package_folder, data["src"])
  164. else:
  165. src_path = os.path.join(self.source_folder, data["src"])
  166. else:
  167. src_path = os.path.join(self.deps_cpp_info[data["package"]].rootpath, data["src"])
  168. elif "root" in data: # get the paths relative from the install folder
  169. src_path = os.path.join(self.install_folder, data["root"], data["src"])
  170. else:
  171. continue
  172. if Path(src_path).exists():
  173. datas.append((str(src_path), data["dst"]))
  174. binaries = []
  175. for binary in pyinstaller_metadata["binaries"].values():
  176. if "package" in binary: # get the paths from conan package
  177. src_path = os.path.join(self.deps_cpp_info[binary["package"]].rootpath, binary["src"])
  178. elif "root" in binary: # get the paths relative from the sourcefolder
  179. src_path = str(self.source_path.joinpath(binary["root"], binary["src"]))
  180. if self.settings.os == "Windows":
  181. src_path = src_path.replace("\\", "\\\\")
  182. else:
  183. continue
  184. if not Path(src_path).exists():
  185. self.output.warning(f"Source path for binary {binary['binary']} does not exist")
  186. continue
  187. for bin in Path(src_path).glob(binary["binary"] + "*[.exe|.dll|.so|.dylib|.so.]*"):
  188. binaries.append((str(bin), binary["dst"]))
  189. for bin in Path(src_path).glob(binary["binary"]):
  190. binaries.append((str(bin), binary["dst"]))
  191. # Make sure all Conan dependencies which are shared are added to the binary list for pyinstaller
  192. for _, dependency in
  193. for bin_paths in dependency.cpp_info.bindirs:
  194. binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(bin_paths).glob("**/*.dll")])
  195. for lib_paths in dependency.cpp_info.libdirs:
  196. binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(lib_paths).glob("**/*.so*")])
  197. binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(lib_paths).glob("**/*.dylib*")])
  198. # Copy dynamic libs from lib path
  199. binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(self._base_dir.joinpath("lib")).glob("**/*.dylib*")])
  200. binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(self._base_dir.joinpath("lib")).glob("**/*.so*")])
  201. # Collect all dll's from PyQt6 and place them in the root
  202. binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(self._site_packages, "PyQt6", "Qt6").glob("**/*.dll")])
  203. with open(os.path.join(self.recipe_folder, "UltiMaker-Cura.spec.jinja"), "r") as f:
  204. pyinstaller = Template(
  205. version = self.conf_info.get("user.cura:version", default = self.version, check_type = str)
  206. cura_version = Version(version)
  207. with open(os.path.join(location, "UltiMaker-Cura.spec"), "w") as f:
  208. f.write(pyinstaller.render(
  209. name = str(self.options.display_name).replace(" ", "-"),
  210. display_name = self._app_name,
  211. entrypoint = entrypoint_location,
  212. datas = datas,
  213. binaries = binaries,
  214. venv_script_path = str(self._script_dir),
  215. hiddenimports = pyinstaller_metadata["hiddenimports"],
  216. collect_all = pyinstaller_metadata["collect_all"],
  217. icon = icon_path,
  218. entitlements_file = entitlements_file,
  219. osx_bundle_identifier = "'nl.ultimaker.cura'" if self.settings.os == "Macos" else "None",
  220. upx = str(self.settings.os == "Windows"),
  221. strip = False, # This should be possible on Linux and MacOS but, it can also cause issues on some distributions. Safest is to disable it for now
  222. target_arch = self._pyinstaller_spec_arch,
  223. macos = self.settings.os == "Macos",
  224. version = f"'{version}'",
  225. short_version = f"'{cura_version.major}.{cura_version.minor}.{cura_version.patch}'",
  226. ))
  227. def export_sources(self):
  228. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.recipe_folder, "plugins"), os.path.join(self.export_sources_folder, "plugins"))
  229. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.recipe_folder, "resources"), os.path.join(self.export_sources_folder, "resources"), excludes = "*.mo")
  230. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.recipe_folder, "tests"), os.path.join(self.export_sources_folder, "tests"))
  231. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.recipe_folder, "cura"), os.path.join(self.export_sources_folder, "cura"), excludes="")
  232. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.recipe_folder, "packaging"), os.path.join(self.export_sources_folder, "packaging"))
  233. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.recipe_folder, ".run_templates"), os.path.join(self.export_sources_folder, ".run_templates"))
  234. copy(self, "requirements.txt", self.recipe_folder, self.export_sources_folder)
  235. copy(self, "requirements-dev.txt", self.recipe_folder, self.export_sources_folder)
  236. copy(self, "requirements-ultimaker.txt", self.recipe_folder, self.export_sources_folder)
  237. copy(self, "", self.recipe_folder, self.export_sources_folder)
  238. def config_options(self):
  239. if self.settings.os == "Windows" and not self.conf.get("", check_type=str):
  240. del self.options.enable_i18n
  241. def configure(self):
  242. self.options["pyarcus"].shared = True
  243. self.options["pysavitar"].shared = True
  244. self.options["pynest2d"].shared = True
  245. self.options["dulcificum"].shared = self.settings.os != "Windows"
  246. self.options["cpython"].shared = True
  247. self.options["boost"].header_only = True
  248. if self.settings.os == "Linux":
  249. self.options["curaengine_grpc_definitions"].shared = True
  250. def validate(self):
  251. version = self.conf_info.get("user.cura:version", default = self.version, check_type = str)
  252. if version and Version(version) <= Version("4"):
  253. raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Only versions 5+ are support")
  254. def requirements(self):
  255. self.requires("boost/1.82.0")
  256. self.requires("fmt/9.0.0")
  257. self.requires("curaengine_grpc_definitions/(latest)@ultimaker/testing")
  258. self.requires("zlib/1.2.13")
  259. self.requires("pyarcus/5.3.0")
  260. self.requires("dulcificum/(latest)@ultimaker/cura_10561")
  261. self.requires("curaengine/(latest)@ultimaker/testing")
  262. self.requires("pysavitar/5.3.0")
  263. self.requires("pynest2d/5.3.0")
  264. self.requires("curaengine_plugin_gradual_flow/0.1.0")
  265. self.requires("uranium/(latest)@ultimaker/cura_10561")
  266. self.requires("cura_binary_data/(latest)@ultimaker/testing")
  267. self.requires("cpython/3.10.4")
  268. if self.options.internal:
  269. self.requires("cura_private_data/(latest)@internal/cura_10561")
  270. self.requires("fdm_materials/(latest)@internal/testing")
  271. else:
  272. self.requires("fdm_materials/(latest)@ultimaker/testing")
  273. def build_requirements(self):
  274. if self.options.get_safe("enable_i18n", False):
  275. self.tool_requires("gettext/0.21@ultimaker/testing", force_host_context = True)
  276. def layout(self):
  277. self.folders.source = "."
  278. = "venv"
  279. self.folders.generators = os.path.join(, "conan")
  280. self.cpp.package.libdirs = [os.path.join("site-packages", "cura")]
  281. self.cpp.package.bindirs = ["bin"]
  282. self.cpp.package.resdirs = ["resources", "plugins", "packaging", "pip_requirements"] # pip_requirements should be the last item in the list
  283. def generate(self):
  284. copy(self, "", self.source_folder, str(self._script_dir))
  285. cura_run_envvars = self._cura_run_env.vars(self, scope = "run")
  286. ext = ".ps1" if self.settings.os == "Windows" else ".sh"
  287. cura_run_envvars.save_script(os.path.join(self.folders.generators, f"cura_run_environment{ext}"))
  288. vr = VirtualRunEnv(self)
  289. vr.generate()
  290. self._generate_cura_version(os.path.join(self.source_folder, "cura"))
  291. if not self.in_local_cache:
  292. # Copy CuraEngine.exe to bindirs of Virtual Python Environment
  293. curaengine = self.dependencies["curaengine"].cpp_info
  294. copy(self, "CuraEngine.exe", curaengine.bindirs[0], self.source_folder, keep_path = False)
  295. copy(self, "CuraEngine", curaengine.bindirs[0], self.source_folder, keep_path = False)
  296. # Copy the external plugins that we want to bundle with Cura
  297. rmdir(self,str(self.source_path.joinpath("plugins", "CuraEngineGradualFlow")))
  298. curaengine_plugin_gradual_flow = self.dependencies["curaengine_plugin_gradual_flow"].cpp_info
  299. copy(self, "*", curaengine_plugin_gradual_flow.resdirs[0], str(self.source_path.joinpath("plugins", "CuraEngineGradualFlow")), keep_path = True)
  300. copy(self, "*", curaengine_plugin_gradual_flow.bindirs[0], self.source_folder, keep_path = False)
  301. copy(self, "bundled_*.json", curaengine_plugin_gradual_flow.resdirs[1], str(self.source_path.joinpath("resources", "bundled_packages")), keep_path = False)
  302. # Copy resources of cura_binary_data
  303. cura_binary_data = self.dependencies["cura_binary_data"].cpp_info
  304. copy(self, "*", cura_binary_data.resdirs[0], str(self._share_dir.joinpath("cura")), keep_path = True)
  305. copy(self, "*", cura_binary_data.resdirs[1], str(self._share_dir.joinpath("uranium")), keep_path = True)
  306. if self.settings.os == "Windows":
  307. copy(self, "*", cura_binary_data.resdirs[2], str(self._share_dir.joinpath("windows")), keep_path = True)
  308. for dependency in
  309. for bindir in dependency.cpp_info.bindirs:
  310. copy(self, "*.dll", bindir, str(self._site_packages), keep_path = False)
  311. for libdir in dependency.cpp_info.libdirs:
  312. copy(self, "*.pyd", libdir, str(self._site_packages), keep_path = False)
  313. copy(self, "*.pyi", libdir, str(self._site_packages), keep_path = False)
  314. copy(self, "*.dylib", libdir, str(self._base_dir.joinpath("lib")), keep_path = False)
  315. # Copy materials (flat)
  316. rmdir(self, os.path.join(self.source_folder, "resources", "materials"))
  317. fdm_materials = self.dependencies["fdm_materials"].cpp_info
  318. copy(self, "*", fdm_materials.resdirs[0], self.source_folder)
  319. # Copy internal resources
  320. if self.options.internal:
  321. cura_private_data = self.dependencies["cura_private_data"].cpp_info
  322. copy(self, "*", cura_private_data.resdirs[0], str(self._share_dir.joinpath("cura")))
  323. if self.options.devtools:
  324. entitlements_file = "'{}'".format(os.path.join(self.source_folder, "packaging", "MacOS", "cura.entitlements"))
  325. self._generate_pyinstaller_spec(location = self.generators_folder,
  326. entrypoint_location = "'{}'".format(os.path.join(self.source_folder, self.conan_data["pyinstaller"]["runinfo"]["entrypoint"])).replace("\\", "\\\\"),
  327. icon_path = "'{}'".format(os.path.join(self.source_folder, "packaging", self.conan_data["pyinstaller"]["icon"][str(self.settings.os)])).replace("\\", "\\\\"),
  328. entitlements_file = entitlements_file if self.settings.os == "Macos" else "None")
  329. if self.options.get_safe("enable_i18n", False):
  330. # Update the po and pot files
  331. vb = VirtualBuildEnv(self)
  332. vb.generate()
  333. # # FIXME: once m4, autoconf, automake are Conan V2 ready use self.win_bash and add gettext as base tool_requirement
  334. cpp_info = self.dependencies["gettext"].cpp_info
  335. pot = self.python_requires["translationextractor"].module.ExtractTranslations(self, cpp_info.bindirs[0])
  336. pot.generate()
  337. def build(self):
  338. if self.options.get_safe("enable_i18n", False):
  339. for po_file in self.source_path.joinpath("resources", "i18n").glob("**/*.po"):
  340. mo_file = Path(self.build_folder, po_file.with_suffix('.mo').relative_to(self.source_path))
  341. mo_file = mo_file.parent.joinpath("LC_MESSAGES",
  342. mkdir(self, str(unix_path(self, Path(mo_file).parent)))
  343. cpp_info = self.dependencies["gettext"].cpp_info
  344."{cpp_info.bindirs[0]}/msgfmt {po_file} -o {mo_file} -f", env="conanbuild", ignore_errors=True)
  345. def deploy(self):
  346. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp.package.resdirs[2]), os.path.join(self.install_folder, "packaging"), keep_path = True)
  347. # Copy resources of Cura (keep folder structure) needed by pyinstaller to determine the module structure
  348. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp_info.bindirs[0]), str(self._base_dir), keep_path = False)
  349. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp_info.libdirs[0]), str(self._site_packages.joinpath("cura")), keep_path = True)
  350. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp_info.resdirs[0]), str(self._share_dir.joinpath("cura", "resources")), keep_path = True)
  351. copy(self, "*", os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp_info.resdirs[1]), str(self._share_dir.joinpath("cura", "plugins")), keep_path = True)
  352. # Copy resources of Uranium (keep folder structure)
  353. uranium = self.dependencies["uranium"].cpp_info
  354. copy(self, "*", uranium.resdirs[0], str(self._share_dir.joinpath("uranium", "resources")), keep_path = True)
  355. copy(self, "*", uranium.resdirs[1], str(self._share_dir.joinpath("uranium", "plugins")), keep_path = True)
  356. copy(self, "*", uranium.libdirs[0], str(self._site_packages.joinpath("UM")), keep_path = True)
  357. # Generate the GitHub Action version info Environment
  358. version = self.conf_info.get("user.cura:version", default = self.version, check_type = str)
  359. cura_version = Version(version)
  360. env_prefix = "Env:" if self.settings.os == "Windows" else ""
  361. activate_github_actions_version_env = Template(r"""echo "CURA_VERSION_MAJOR={{ cura_version_major }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV
  362. echo "CURA_VERSION_MINOR={{ cura_version_minor }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV
  363. echo "CURA_VERSION_PATCH={{ cura_version_patch }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV
  364. echo "CURA_VERSION_BUILD={{ cura_version_build }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV
  365. echo "CURA_VERSION_FULL={{ cura_version_full }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV
  366. echo "CURA_APP_NAME={{ cura_app_name }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV
  367. """).render(cura_version_major = cura_version.major,
  368. cura_version_minor = cura_version.minor,
  369. cura_version_patch = cura_version.patch,
  370. cura_version_build = if != "" else "0",
  371. cura_version_full = self.version,
  372. cura_app_name = self._app_name,
  373. env_prefix = env_prefix)
  374. ext = ".sh" if self.settings.os != "Windows" else ".ps1"
  375. save(self, os.path.join(self._script_dir, f"activate_github_actions_version_env{ext}"), activate_github_actions_version_env)
  376. self._generate_cura_version(os.path.join(self._site_packages, "cura"))
  377. entitlements_file = "'{}'".format(Path(self.cpp_info.res_paths[2], "MacOS", "cura.entitlements"))
  378. self._generate_pyinstaller_spec(location = self._base_dir,
  379. entrypoint_location = "'{}'".format(os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp_info.bindirs[0], self.conan_data["pyinstaller"]["runinfo"]["entrypoint"])).replace("\\", "\\\\"),
  380. icon_path = "'{}'".format(os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp_info.resdirs[2], self.conan_data["pyinstaller"]["icon"][str(self.settings.os)])).replace("\\", "\\\\"),
  381. entitlements_file = entitlements_file if self.settings.os == "Macos" else "None")
  382. def package(self):
  383. copy(self, "", src = self.source_folder, dst = os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp.package.bindirs[0]))
  384. copy(self, "*", src = os.path.join(self.source_folder, "cura"), dst = os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp.package.libdirs[0]))
  385. copy(self, "*", src = os.path.join(self.source_folder, "resources"), dst = os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp.package.resdirs[0]))
  386. copy(self, "*.mo", os.path.join(self.build_folder, "resources"), os.path.join(self.package_folder, "resources"))
  387. copy(self, "*", src = os.path.join(self.source_folder, "plugins"), dst = os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp.package.resdirs[1]))
  388. copy(self, "requirement*.txt", src = self.source_folder, dst = os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp.package.resdirs[-1]))
  389. copy(self, "*", src = os.path.join(self.source_folder, "packaging"), dst = os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp.package.resdirs[2]))
  390. # Remove the CuraEngineGradualFlow plugin from the package
  391. rmdir(self, os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp.package.resdirs[1], "CuraEngineGradualFlow"))
  392. rm(self, "bundled_*.json", os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp.package.resdirs[0], "bundled_packages"), recursive = False)
  393. # Remove the fdm_materials from the package
  394. rmdir(self, os.path.join(self.package_folder, self.cpp.package.resdirs[0], "materials"))
  395. def package_info(self):
  396. self.user_info.pip_requirements = "requirements.txt"
  397. self.user_info.pip_requirements_git = "requirements-ultimaker.txt"
  398. self.user_info.pip_requirements_build = "requirements-dev.txt"
  399. if self.in_local_cache:
  400. self.runenv_info.append_path("PYTHONPATH", os.path.join(self.package_folder, "site-packages"))
  401. self.runenv_info.append_path("PYTHONPATH", os.path.join(self.package_folder, "plugins"))
  402. else:
  403. self.runenv_info.append_path("PYTHONPATH", self.source_folder)
  404. self.runenv_info.append_path("PYTHONPATH", os.path.join(self.source_folder, "plugins"))
  405. def package_id(self):
  407. # The following options shouldn't be used to determine the hash, since these are only used to set the
  408. # which will als be generated by the deploy method during the `conan install cura/5.1.0@_/_`
  409. del
  410. del
  411. del
  412. del
  413. del
  414. del
  415. # TODO: Use the hash of requirements.txt and requirements-ultimaker.txt, Because changing these will actually result in a different
  416. # Cura. This is needed because the requirements.txt aren't managed by Conan and therefor not resolved in the package_id. This isn't
  417. # ideal but an acceptable solution for now.