linux.yml 10.0 KB

  1. name: Linux Installer
  2. run-name: ${{ inputs.cura_conan_version }} for Linux-${{ inputs.architecture }} by @${{ }}
  3. on:
  4. workflow_dispatch:
  5. inputs:
  6. cura_conan_version:
  7. description: 'Cura Conan Version'
  8. default: 'cura/latest@ultimaker/testing'
  9. required: true
  10. type: string
  11. conan_args:
  12. description: 'Conan args: eq.: --require-override'
  13. default: ''
  14. required: false
  15. type: string
  16. enterprise:
  17. description: 'Build Cura as an Enterprise edition'
  18. default: false
  19. required: true
  20. type: boolean
  21. staging:
  22. description: 'Use staging API'
  23. default: false
  24. required: true
  25. type: boolean
  26. architecture:
  27. description: 'Architecture'
  28. required: true
  29. default: 'X64'
  30. type: choice
  31. options:
  32. - X64
  33. operating_system:
  34. description: 'OS'
  35. required: true
  36. default: 'ubuntu-22.04'
  37. type: choice
  38. options:
  39. - ubuntu-22.04
  40. workflow_call:
  41. inputs:
  42. cura_conan_version:
  43. description: 'Cura Conan Version'
  44. default: 'cura/latest@ultimaker/testing'
  45. required: true
  46. type: string
  47. conan_args:
  48. description: 'Conan args: eq.: --require-override'
  49. default: ''
  50. required: false
  51. type: string
  52. enterprise:
  53. description: 'Build Cura as an Enterprise edition'
  54. default: false
  55. required: true
  56. type: boolean
  57. staging:
  58. description: 'Use staging API'
  59. default: false
  60. required: true
  61. type: boolean
  62. architecture:
  63. description: 'Architecture'
  64. required: true
  65. default: 'X64'
  66. type: string
  67. operating_system:
  68. description: 'OS'
  69. required: true
  70. default: 'ubuntu-22.04'
  71. type: string
  72. env:
  74. CONAN_PASSWORD_CURA: ${{ secrets.CONAN_PASS }}
  75. GPG_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.GPG_PRIVATE_KEY }}
  76. CURA_CONAN_VERSION: ${{ inputs.cura_conan_version }}
  77. ENTERPRISE: ${{ inputs.enterprise }}
  78. STAGING: ${{ inputs.staging }}
  79. jobs:
  80. cura-installer-create:
  81. runs-on: ${{ inputs.operating_system }}
  82. steps:
  83. - name: Checkout
  84. uses: actions/checkout@v3
  85. - name: Setup Python and pip
  86. uses: actions/setup-python@v4
  87. with:
  88. python-version: '3.10.x'
  89. cache: 'pip'
  90. cache-dependency-path: .github/workflows/requirements-conan-package.txt
  91. - name: Install Python requirements for runner
  92. run: pip install -r .github/workflows/requirements-conan-package.txt
  93. - name: Cache Conan local repository packages (Bash)
  94. uses: actions/cache@v3
  95. with:
  96. path: |
  97. $HOME/.conan/data
  98. $HOME/.conan/conan_download_cache
  99. key: conan-${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-installer-cache
  100. - name: Install Linux system requirements
  101. run: |
  102. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y
  103. sudo apt update
  104. sudo apt upgrade
  105. sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall libegl-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev ninja-build autoconf libx11-dev libx11-xcb-dev libfontenc-dev libice-dev libsm-dev libxau-dev libxaw7-dev libxcomposite-dev libxcursor-dev libxdamage-dev libxdmcp-dev libxext-dev libxfixes-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxkbfile-dev libxmu-dev libxmuu-dev libxpm-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libxres-dev libxss-dev libxt-dev libxtst-dev libxv-dev libxvmc-dev libxxf86vm-dev xtrans-dev libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-render-util0-dev libxcb-xkb-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-sync-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev xkb-data libxcb-dri3-dev uuid-dev libxcb-util-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev pkg-config binutils coreutils desktop-file-utils fakeroot fuse libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev patchelf squashfs-tools strace util-linux zsync libxcb-cursor-dev -y
  106. # Get the AppImage tool
  107. wget --no-check-certificate --quiet -O $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/appimagetool
  108. chmod +x $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/appimagetool
  110. # Get the AppImage builder
  111. wget --no-check-certificate --quiet -O $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/appimage-builder-x86_64.AppImage
  112. chmod +x appimage-builder-x86_64.AppImage
  113. echo "APPIMAGEBUILDER_LOCATION=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/appimage-builder-x86_64.AppImage" >> $GITHUB_ENV
  114. # Make sure these tools can be found on the path
  116. - name: Install GCC-13
  117. run: |
  118. sudo apt install g++-13 gcc-13 -y
  119. sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-13 13
  120. sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-13 13
  121. - name: Create the default Conan profile
  122. run: conan profile new default --detect --force
  123. - name: Configure GPG Key Linux (Bash)
  124. run: echo -n "$GPG_PRIVATE_KEY" | base64 --decode | gpg --import
  125. - name: Get Conan configuration
  126. run: |
  127. conan config install
  128. conan config install -a "-b runner/${{ runner.os }}/${{ runner.arch }}"
  129. - name: Use Conan download cache (Bash)
  130. run: conan config set storage.download_cache="$HOME/.conan/conan_download_cache"
  131. - name: Create the Packages (Bash)
  132. run: conan install $CURA_CONAN_VERSION ${{ inputs.conan_args }} --build=missing --update -if cura_inst -g VirtualPythonEnv -o cura:enterprise=$ENTERPRISE -o cura:staging=$STAGING -c
  133. - name: Remove internal packages before uploading
  134. run: |
  135. conan remove "*@internal/*" -f || true
  136. conan remove "cura_private_data*" -f || true
  137. - name: Upload the Package(s)
  138. if: always()
  139. run: |
  140. conan upload "*" -r cura --all -c
  141. - name: Set Environment variables for Cura (bash)
  142. run: |
  143. . ./cura_inst/bin/
  144. . ./cura_inst/bin/
  145. - name: Create the Cura dist
  146. run: pyinstaller ./cura_inst/UltiMaker-Cura.spec
  147. - name: Output the name file name and extension
  148. id: filename
  149. shell: python
  150. run: |
  151. import os
  152. enterprise = "-Enterprise" if "${{ inputs.enterprise }}" == "true" else ""
  153. installer_filename = f"UltiMaker-Cura-{os.getenv('CURA_VERSION_FULL')}{enterprise}-linux-${{ inputs.architecture }}"
  154. output_env = os.environ["GITHUB_OUTPUT"]
  155. content = ""
  156. if os.path.exists(output_env):
  157. with open(output_env, "r") as f:
  158. content =
  159. with open(output_env, "w") as f:
  160. f.write(content)
  161. f.writelines(f"INSTALLER_FILENAME={installer_filename}\n")
  162. - name: Summarize the used dependencies
  163. shell: python
  164. run: |
  165. import os
  166. from cura.CuraVersion import ConanInstalls, PythonInstalls
  167. summary_env = os.environ["GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY"]
  168. content = ""
  169. if os.path.exists(summary_env):
  170. with open(summary_env, "r") as f:
  171. content =
  172. with open(summary_env, "w") as f:
  173. f.write(content)
  174. f.writelines("# ${{ steps.filename.outputs.INSTALLER_FILENAME }}\n")
  175. f.writelines("## Conan packages:\n")
  176. for dep_name, dep_info in ConanInstalls.items():
  177. f.writelines(f"`{dep_name} {dep_info['version']} {dep_info['revision']}`\n")
  178. f.writelines("## Python modules:\n")
  179. for dep_name, dep_info in PythonInstalls.items():
  180. f.writelines(f"`{dep_name} {dep_info['version']}`\n")
  181. - name: Create the Linux AppImage (Bash)
  182. run: |
  183. python ../cura_inst/packaging/AppImage-builder/ ./UltiMaker-Cura $CURA_VERSION_FULL "${{ steps.filename.outputs.INSTALLER_FILENAME }}.AppImage"
  184. chmod +x "${{ steps.filename.outputs.INSTALLER_FILENAME }}.AppImage"
  185. working-directory: dist
  186. - name: Upload the AppImage
  187. uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
  188. with:
  189. name: ${{ steps.filename.outputs.INSTALLER_FILENAME }}-AppImage
  190. path: |
  191. dist/${{ steps.filename.outputs.INSTALLER_FILENAME }}.AppImage
  192. retention-days: 5
  193. - name: Upload the asc
  194. uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
  195. with:
  196. name: ${{ steps.filename.outputs.INSTALLER_FILENAME }}-asc
  197. path: |
  198. dist/${{ steps.filename.outputs.INSTALLER_FILENAME }}.AppImage.asc
  199. retention-days: 5
  200. - name: Write the run info
  201. shell: python
  202. run: |
  203. import os
  204. with open("", "w") as f:
  205. f.writelines(f'echo "CURA_VERSION_FULL={os.environ["CURA_VERSION_FULL"]}" >> $GITHUB_ENV\n')
  206. - name: Upload the run info
  207. uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
  208. with:
  209. name: linux-run-info
  210. path: |
  212. retention-days: 5
  213. notify-export:
  214. if: ${{ always() }}
  215. needs: [ cura-installer-create ]
  216. uses: ultimaker/cura/.github/workflows/notify.yml@main
  217. with:
  218. success: ${{ contains(join(needs.*.result, ','), 'success') }}
  219. success_title: "Create the Cura distributions"
  220. success_body: "Installers for ${{ inputs.cura_conan_version }}"
  221. failure_title: "Failed to create the Cura distributions"
  222. failure_body: "Failed to create at least 1 installer for ${{ inputs.cura_conan_version }}"
  223. secrets: inherit