atmat_signal_pro_base.def.json 13 KB

  1. {
  2. "name": "Signal Pro Base",
  3. "version": 2,
  4. "inherits": "fdmprinter",
  5. "metadata":
  6. {
  7. "visible": false,
  8. "author": "ATMAT",
  9. "manufacturer": "ATMAT sp. z o.o.",
  10. "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
  11. "preferred_quality_type": "fast",
  12. "has_machine_quality": true,
  13. "has_materials": true,
  14. "has_variants": true,
  15. "variants_name": "Nozzle",
  16. "preferred_variant_name": "V6 0.40mm",
  17. "machine_extruder_trains":
  18. {
  19. "0": "atmat_signal_pro_extruder_left",
  20. "1": "atmat_signal_pro_extruder_right"
  21. },
  22. "preferred_material": "generic_pla_175",
  23. "supports_usb_connection": false,
  24. "supports_network_connection": false,
  25. "exclude_materials": [
  26. "chromatik_pla",
  27. "dsm_arnitel2045_175",
  28. "dsm_novamid1070_175",
  29. "emotiontech_abs",
  30. "emotiontech_petg",
  31. "emotiontech_pla",
  32. "emotiontech_pva-m",
  33. "emotiontech_pva-oks",
  34. "emotiontech_pva-s",
  35. "emotiontech_tpu98a",
  36. "emotiontech_asax",
  37. "emotiontech_hips",
  38. "fiberlogy_hd_pla",
  39. "fabtotum_abs",
  40. "fabtotum_nylon",
  41. "fabtotum_pla",
  42. "fabtotum_tpu",
  43. "filo3d_pla",
  44. "filo3d_pla_green",
  45. "filo3d_pla_red",
  46. "generic_abs",
  47. "generic_bam",
  48. "generic_cffcpe",
  49. "generic_cffpa",
  50. "generic_cpe",
  51. "generic_cpe_plus",
  52. "generic_gffcpe",
  53. "generic_gffpa",
  54. "generic_hips",
  55. "generic_nylon",
  56. "generic_pc",
  57. "generic_petg",
  58. "generic_pla",
  59. "generic_pp",
  60. "generic_pva",
  61. "generic_tough_pla",
  62. "generic_tpu",
  63. "generic_cpe_175",
  64. "imade3d_petg_175",
  65. "imade3d_pla_175",
  66. "innofill_innoflex60_175",
  67. "leapfrog_abs_natural",
  68. "leapfrog_epla_natural",
  69. "leapfrog_pva_natural",
  70. "octofiber_pla",
  71. "polyflex_pla",
  72. "polymax_pla",
  73. "polyplus_pla",
  74. "polywood_pla",
  75. "structur3d_dap100silicone",
  76. "tizyx_abs",
  77. "tizyx_flex",
  78. "tizyx_petg",
  79. "tizyx_pla",
  80. "tizyx_pla_bois",
  81. "tizyx_pva",
  82. "verbatim_bvoh_175",
  83. "Vertex_Delta_ABS",
  84. "Vertex_Delta_PET",
  85. "Vertex_Delta_PLA",
  86. "Vertex_Delta_PLA_Glitter",
  87. "Vertex_Delta_PLA_Mat",
  88. "Vertex_Delta_PLA_Satin",
  89. "Vertex_Delta_PLA_Wood",
  90. "Vertex_Delta_TPU",
  91. "zyyx_pro_flex",
  92. "zyyx_pro_pla"
  93. ]
  94. },
  95. "overrides":
  96. {
  97. "machine_name": { "default_value": "Signal Pro" },
  98. "machine_width": { "default_value": 300 },
  99. "machine_depth": { "default_value": 300 },
  100. "machine_height": { "default_value": 300 },
  101. "gantry_height": { "value": 30 },
  102. "machine_extruder_count": { "default_value": 2 },
  103. "machine_heated_bed": { "default_value": true },
  104. "machine_heated_build_volume": { "default_value": true },
  105. "build_volume_temperature": { "maximum_value_warning": 45 },
  106. "material_print_temperature": { "maximum_value_warning": 295 },
  107. "material_bed_temperature": { "maximum_value_warning": 140 },
  108. "machine_max_acceleration_x": { "default_value": 1500 },
  109. "machine_max_acceleration_y": { "default_value": 1500 },
  110. "machine_max_acceleration_z": { "default_value": 250 },
  111. "machine_acceleration": { "default_value": 1500 },
  112. "machine_max_jerk_xy": { "default_value": 15 },
  113. "machine_max_jerk_z": { "default_value": 1 },
  114. "machine_max_jerk_e": { "default_value": 15 },
  115. "machine_head_with_fans_polygon": { "default_value": [ [-35, 65], [-35, -50], [35, -50], [35, 65] ] },
  116. "machine_max_feedrate_z": { "default_value": 10 },
  117. "machine_max_feedrate_e": { "default_value": 120 },
  118. "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "Marlin" },
  119. "machine_start_gcode": { "default_value": "G21 ; set units to millimeters\nG90 ; use absolute positioning\nM82 ; absolute extrusion mode\nG28 ; home all without mesh bed level\nM420 S1\nG92 E0.0 ; reset extruder distance position\nG1 Z0.25\nG1 X60.0 E9.0 F1000.0 ; intro line\nG1 X100.0 E21.5 F1000.0 ; intro line\nG92 E0.0 ; reset extruder distance position" },
  120. "machine_end_gcode": { "default_value": "M104 T0 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM104 T1 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off\nG91\nG1 Z1 F420 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+1 E-1 F300 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nG1 X0 Y300 F6000 ;move the head out of the way\nM84 ;steppers off" },
  121. "adhesion_type": { "default_value": "skirt" },
  122. "skirt_brim_minimal_length": { "value": "550" },
  123. "retraction_amount": { "value": "1" },
  124. "retraction_speed": { "value": "50", "maximum_value_warning": "130" },
  125. "retraction_retract_speed": { "value": "retraction_speed", "maximum_value_warning": "130" },
  126. "retraction_prime_speed": { "value": "math.ceil(retraction_speed * 0.4)", "maximum_value_warning": "130" },
  127. "retraction_hop_enabled": { "value": "True" },
  128. "retraction_hop": { "value": "0.5" },
  129. "retraction_combing": { "value": "'noskin'" },
  130. "retraction_combing_max_distance": { "value": "10" },
  131. "travel_avoid_other_parts": { "value": "True" },
  132. "travel_avoid_supports": { "value": "True" },
  133. "speed_travel": { "maximum_value": "150", "value": "150", "maximum_value_warning": "151" },
  134. "speed_travel_layer_0": { "value": "math.ceil(speed_travel * 0.4)" },
  135. "speed_layer_0": { "value": "math.ceil(speed_print * 0.25)" },
  136. "speed_wall": { "value": "math.ceil(speed_print * 0.50)" },
  137. "speed_wall_0": { "value": "math.ceil(speed_print * 0.50)" },
  138. "speed_wall_x": { "value": "math.ceil(speed_print * 0.75)" },
  139. "speed_topbottom": { "value": "math.ceil(speed_print * 0.45)" },
  140. "speed_roofing": { "value": "math.ceil(speed_print * 0.45)" },
  141. "speed_slowdown_layers": { "value": "2" },
  142. "roofing_layer_count": { "value": "1" },
  143. "optimize_wall_printing_order": { "value": "True" },
  144. "infill_enable_travel_optimization": { "value": "True" },
  145. "minimum_polygon_circumference": { "value": "0.2" },
  146. "wall_overhang_angle": { "value": "75" },
  147. "wall_overhang_speed_factor": { "value": "50" },
  148. "bridge_settings_enabled": { "value": "True" },
  149. "bridge_wall_coast": { "value": "10" },
  150. "bridge_fan_speed": { "value": "100" },
  151. "bridge_fan_speed_2": { "resolve": "max(cool_fan_speed, 50)" },
  152. "bridge_fan_speed_3": { "resolve": "max(cool_fan_speed, 20)" },
  153. "alternate_extra_perimeter": { "value": "True" },
  154. "cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max": { "value": "20" },
  155. "cool_min_layer_time": { "value": "15" },
  156. "cool_fan_speed_min": { "value": "cool_fan_speed" },
  157. "cool_fan_full_at_height": { "value": "resolveOrValue('layer_height_0') + resolveOrValue('layer_height') * max(1, cool_fan_full_layer - 1)" },
  158. "cool_fan_full_layer": { "value": "4" },
  159. "layer_height_0": { "resolve": "max(0.2, min(extruderValues('layer_height')))" },
  160. "line_width": { "value": "machine_nozzle_size * 1.125" },
  161. "wall_line_width": { "value": "machine_nozzle_size" },
  162. "fill_outline_gaps": { "value": "True" },
  163. "meshfix_maximum_resolution": { "value": "0.01" },
  164. "meshfix_maximum_deviation": { "value": "layer_height / 2" },
  165. "infill_before_walls": { "value": "False" },
  166. "zig_zaggify_infill": { "value": "True" },
  167. "min_infill_area": { "value": "5.0" },
  168. "acceleration_enabled": { "value": "True" },
  169. "acceleration_layer_0": { "value": "250" },
  170. "acceleration_prime_tower": { "value": "1000" },
  171. "acceleration_print": { "value": "1000" },
  172. "acceleration_travel": { "value": "1000" },
  173. "acceleration_support": { "value": "1000" },
  174. "acceleration_support_interface": { "value": "750" },
  175. "acceleration_topbottom": { "value": "750" },
  176. "acceleration_wall": { "value": "750" },
  177. "acceleration_wall_0": { "value": "500" },
  178. "jerk_enabled": { "value": "True" },
  179. "jerk_layer_0": { "value": "5" },
  180. "jerk_prime_tower": { "value": "jerk_print" },
  181. "jerk_print": { "value": "10" },
  182. "jerk_support": { "value": "jerk_print" },
  183. "jerk_support_interface": { "value": "jerk_print" },
  184. "jerk_topbottom": { "value": "jerk_print" },
  185. "jerk_wall": { "value": "jerk_print" },
  186. "jerk_wall_0": { "value": "jerk_print" },
  187. "jerk_travel": { "value": "jerk_layer_0" },
  188. "jerk_travel_layer_0": { "value": "jerk_layer_0" },
  189. "prime_tower_position_x": { "value": "270" },
  190. "prime_tower_position_y": { "value": "270" },
  191. "extruder_prime_pos_abs": { "value": "True" },
  192. "switch_extruder_prime_speed": { "value": "15" },
  193. "switch_extruder_retraction_amount": { "value": "2" },
  194. "support_xy_distance": { "value": "wall_line_width_0 * 2.5" },
  195. "support_xy_distance_overhang": { "value": "wall_line_width_0" },
  196. "support_angle": { "value": "60" },
  197. "support_bottom_distance": { "value": "support_z_distance / 2" },
  198. "support_pattern": { "default_value": "zigzag" },
  199. "support_top_distance": { "value": "support_z_distance" },
  200. "support_use_towers": { "value": "True" },
  201. "support_z_distance": { "value": "layer_height" },
  202. "support_interface_enable": { "value": "True" },
  203. "support_interface_height": { "value": "1" },
  204. "support_interface_skip_height": { "value": "layer_height" },
  205. "support_bottom_enable": { "value": "False" },
  206. "support_join_distance": { "value": "1" },
  207. "support_offset": { "value": "1.5" },
  208. "support_infill_rate": { "value": "20" },
  209. "support_brim_enable": { "value": "True" },
  210. "prime_tower_enable": { "value": "True" }
  211. }
  212. }