123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406 |
- # Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V.
- # PluginBrowser is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
- from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QObject, Qt, pyqtProperty, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot
- from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkAccessManager, QNetworkRequest, QNetworkReply
- from UM.Application import Application
- from UM.Qt.ListModel import ListModel
- from UM.Logger import Logger
- from UM.PluginRegistry import PluginRegistry
- from UM.Qt.Bindings.PluginsModel import PluginsModel
- from UM.Extension import Extension
- from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
- from UM.Version import Version
- from UM.Message import Message
- import json
- import os
- import tempfile
- import platform
- import zipfile
- import shutil
- from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
- i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
- class PluginBrowser(QObject, Extension):
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- super().__init__(parent)
- self._api_version = 4
- self._api_url = "http://software.ultimaker.com/cura/v%s/" % self._api_version
- self._plugin_list_request = None
- self._download_plugin_request = None
- self._download_plugin_reply = None
- self._network_manager = None
- self._plugin_registry = Application.getInstance().getPluginRegistry()
- self._plugins_metadata = []
- self._plugins_model = None
- # Can be 'installed' or 'availble'
- self._view = "available"
- self._restart_required = False
- self._dialog = None
- self._restartDialog = None
- self._download_progress = 0
- self._is_downloading = False
- self._request_header = [b"User-Agent",
- str.encode("%s/%s (%s %s)" % (Application.getInstance().getApplicationName(),
- Application.getInstance().getVersion(),
- platform.system(),
- platform.machine(),
- )
- )
- ]
- # Installed plugins are really installed after reboot. In order to
- # prevent the user from downloading the same file over and over again,
- # we keep track of the upgraded plugins.
- # NOTE: This will be depreciated in favor of the 'status' system.
- self._newly_installed_plugin_ids = []
- self._newly_uninstalled_plugin_ids = []
- self._plugin_statuses = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
- # variables for the license agreement dialog
- self._license_dialog_plugin_name = ""
- self._license_dialog_license_content = ""
- self._license_dialog_plugin_file_location = ""
- self._restart_dialog_message = ""
- showLicenseDialog = pyqtSignal()
- showRestartDialog = pyqtSignal()
- pluginsMetadataChanged = pyqtSignal()
- onDownloadProgressChanged = pyqtSignal()
- onIsDownloadingChanged = pyqtSignal()
- restartRequiredChanged = pyqtSignal()
- viewChanged = pyqtSignal()
- @pyqtSlot(result = str)
- def getLicenseDialogPluginName(self):
- return self._license_dialog_plugin_name
- @pyqtSlot(result = str)
- def getLicenseDialogPluginFileLocation(self):
- return self._license_dialog_plugin_file_location
- @pyqtSlot(result = str)
- def getLicenseDialogLicenseContent(self):
- return self._license_dialog_license_content
- @pyqtSlot(result = str)
- def getRestartDialogMessage(self):
- return self._restart_dialog_message
- def openLicenseDialog(self, plugin_name, license_content, plugin_file_location):
- self._license_dialog_plugin_name = plugin_name
- self._license_dialog_license_content = license_content
- self._license_dialog_plugin_file_location = plugin_file_location
- self.showLicenseDialog.emit()
- def openRestartDialog(self, message):
- self._restart_dialog_message = message
- self.showRestartDialog.emit()
- @pyqtProperty(bool, notify = onIsDownloadingChanged)
- def isDownloading(self):
- return self._is_downloading
- @pyqtSlot()
- def browsePlugins(self):
- self._createNetworkManager()
- self.requestPluginList()
- if not self._dialog:
- self._dialog = self._createDialog("PluginBrowser.qml")
- self._dialog.show()
- @pyqtSlot()
- def requestPluginList(self):
- Logger.log("i", "Requesting plugin list")
- url = QUrl(self._api_url + "plugins")
- self._plugin_list_request = QNetworkRequest(url)
- self._plugin_list_request.setRawHeader(*self._request_header)
- self._network_manager.get(self._plugin_list_request)
- def _createDialog(self, qml_name):
- Logger.log("d", "Creating dialog [%s]", qml_name)
- path = os.path.join(PluginRegistry.getInstance().getPluginPath(self.getPluginId()), qml_name)
- dialog = Application.getInstance().createQmlComponent(path, {"manager": self})
- return dialog
- def setIsDownloading(self, is_downloading):
- if self._is_downloading != is_downloading:
- self._is_downloading = is_downloading
- self.onIsDownloadingChanged.emit()
- def _onDownloadPluginProgress(self, bytes_sent, bytes_total):
- if bytes_total > 0:
- new_progress = bytes_sent / bytes_total * 100
- self.setDownloadProgress(new_progress)
- if new_progress == 100.0:
- self.setIsDownloading(False)
- self._download_plugin_reply.downloadProgress.disconnect(self._onDownloadPluginProgress)
- # must not delete the temporary file on Windows
- self._temp_plugin_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode = "w+b", suffix = ".curaplugin", delete = False)
- location = self._temp_plugin_file.name
- # write first and close, otherwise on Windows, it cannot read the file
- self._temp_plugin_file.write(self._download_plugin_reply.readAll())
- self._temp_plugin_file.close()
- self._checkPluginLicenseOrInstall(location)
- return
- ## Checks if the downloaded plugin ZIP file contains a license file or not.
- # If it does, it will show a popup dialog displaying the license to the user. The plugin will be installed if the
- # user accepts the license.
- # If there is no license file, the plugin will be directory installed.
- def _checkPluginLicenseOrInstall(self, file_path):
- with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "r") as zip_ref:
- plugin_id = None
- for file in zip_ref.infolist():
- if file.filename.endswith("/"):
- plugin_id = file.filename.strip("/")
- break
- if plugin_id is None:
- msg = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Failed to get plugin ID from <filename>{0}</filename>", file_path)
- msg_title = i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:tile", "Warning")
- self._progress_message = Message(msg, lifetime=0, dismissable=False, title = msg_title)
- return
- # find a potential license file
- plugin_root_dir = plugin_id + "/"
- license_file = None
- for f in zip_ref.infolist():
- # skip directories (with file_size = 0) and files not in the plugin directory
- if f.file_size == 0 or not f.filename.startswith(plugin_root_dir):
- continue
- file_name = os.path.basename(f.filename).lower()
- file_base_name, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
- if file_base_name in ["license", "licence"]:
- license_file = f.filename
- break
- # show a dialog for user to read and accept/decline the license
- if license_file is not None:
- Logger.log("i", "Found license file for plugin [%s], showing the license dialog to the user", plugin_id)
- license_content = zip_ref.read(license_file).decode('utf-8')
- self.openLicenseDialog(plugin_id, license_content, file_path)
- return
- # there is no license file, directly install the plugin
- self.installPlugin(file_path)
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def installPlugin(self, file_path):
- # Ensure that it starts with a /, as otherwise it doesn't work on windows.
- if not file_path.startswith("/"):
- location = "/" + file_path
- else:
- location = file_path
- result = PluginRegistry.getInstance().installPlugin("file://" + location)
- self._newly_installed_plugin_ids.append(result["id"])
- self.pluginsMetadataChanged.emit()
- self.openRestartDialog(result["message"])
- self._restart_required = True
- self.restartRequiredChanged.emit()
- # Application.getInstance().messageBox(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@window:title", "Plugin browser"), result["message"])
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def removePlugin(self, plugin_id):
- result = PluginRegistry.getInstance().uninstallPlugin(plugin_id)
- self._newly_uninstalled_plugin_ids.append(result["id"])
- self.pluginsMetadataChanged.emit()
- self._restart_required = True
- self.restartRequiredChanged.emit()
- Application.getInstance().messageBox(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@window:title", "Plugin browser"), result["message"])
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def enablePlugin(self, plugin_id):
- self._plugin_registry.enablePlugin(plugin_id)
- self.pluginsMetadataChanged.emit()
- Logger.log("i", "%s was set as 'active'", id)
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def disablePlugin(self, plugin_id):
- self._plugin_registry.disablePlugin(plugin_id)
- self.pluginsMetadataChanged.emit()
- Logger.log("i", "%s was set as 'deactive'", id)
- @pyqtProperty(int, notify = onDownloadProgressChanged)
- def downloadProgress(self):
- return self._download_progress
- def setDownloadProgress(self, progress):
- if progress != self._download_progress:
- self._download_progress = progress
- self.onDownloadProgressChanged.emit()
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def downloadAndInstallPlugin(self, url):
- Logger.log("i", "Attempting to download & install plugin from %s", url)
- url = QUrl(url)
- self._download_plugin_request = QNetworkRequest(url)
- self._download_plugin_request.setRawHeader(*self._request_header)
- self._download_plugin_reply = self._network_manager.get(self._download_plugin_request)
- self.setDownloadProgress(0)
- self.setIsDownloading(True)
- self._download_plugin_reply.downloadProgress.connect(self._onDownloadPluginProgress)
- @pyqtSlot()
- def cancelDownload(self):
- Logger.log("i", "user cancelled the download of a plugin")
- self._download_plugin_reply.abort()
- self._download_plugin_reply.downloadProgress.disconnect(self._onDownloadPluginProgress)
- self._download_plugin_reply = None
- self._download_plugin_request = None
- self.setDownloadProgress(0)
- self.setIsDownloading(False)
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def setView(self, view):
- self._view = view
- self.viewChanged.emit()
- self.pluginsMetadataChanged.emit()
- @pyqtProperty(QObject, notify=pluginsMetadataChanged)
- def pluginsModel(self):
- self._plugins_model = PluginsModel(None, self._view)
- # self._plugins_model.update()
- # Check each plugin the registry for matching plugin from server
- # metadata, and if found, compare the versions. Higher version sets
- # 'can_upgrade' to 'True':
- for plugin in self._plugins_model.items:
- if self._checkCanUpgrade(plugin["id"], plugin["version"]):
- plugin["can_upgrade"] = True
- for item in self._plugins_metadata:
- if item["id"] == plugin["id"]:
- plugin["update_url"] = item["file_location"]
- return self._plugins_model
- def _checkCanUpgrade(self, id, version):
- # TODO: This could maybe be done more efficiently using a dictionary...
- # Scan plugin server data for plugin with the given id:
- for plugin in self._plugins_metadata:
- if id == plugin["id"]:
- reg_version = Version(version)
- new_version = Version(plugin["version"])
- if new_version > reg_version:
- Logger.log("i", "%s has an update availible: %s", plugin["id"], plugin["version"])
- return True
- return False
- def _checkAlreadyInstalled(self, id):
- metadata = self._plugin_registry.getMetaData(id)
- # We already installed this plugin, but the registry just doesn't know it yet.
- if id in self._newly_installed_plugin_ids:
- return True
- # We already uninstalled this plugin, but the registry just doesn't know it yet:
- elif id in self._newly_uninstalled_plugin_ids:
- return False
- elif metadata != {}:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def _checkInstallStatus(self, plugin_id):
- if plugin_id in self._plugin_registry.getInstalledPlugins():
- return "installed"
- else:
- return "uninstalled"
- def _checkEnabled(self, id):
- if id in self._plugin_registry.getActivePlugins():
- return True
- return False
- def _onRequestFinished(self, reply):
- reply_url = reply.url().toString()
- if reply.error() == QNetworkReply.TimeoutError:
- Logger.log("w", "Got a timeout.")
- # Reset everything.
- self.setDownloadProgress(0)
- self.setIsDownloading(False)
- if self._download_plugin_reply:
- self._download_plugin_reply.downloadProgress.disconnect(self._onDownloadPluginProgress)
- self._download_plugin_reply.abort()
- self._download_plugin_reply = None
- return
- elif reply.error() == QNetworkReply.HostNotFoundError:
- Logger.log("w", "Unable to reach server.")
- return
- if reply.operation() == QNetworkAccessManager.GetOperation:
- if reply_url == self._api_url + "plugins":
- try:
- json_data = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8"))
- # Add metadata to the manager:
- self._plugins_metadata = json_data
- self._plugin_registry.addExternalPlugins(self._plugins_metadata)
- self.pluginsMetadataChanged.emit()
- except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
- Logger.log("w", "Received an invalid print job state message: Not valid JSON.")
- return
- else:
- # Ignore any operation that is not a get operation
- pass
- def _onNetworkAccesibleChanged(self, accessible):
- if accessible == 0:
- self.setDownloadProgress(0)
- self.setIsDownloading(False)
- if self._download_plugin_reply:
- self._download_plugin_reply.downloadProgress.disconnect(self._onDownloadPluginProgress)
- self._download_plugin_reply.abort()
- self._download_plugin_reply = None
- def _createNetworkManager(self):
- if self._network_manager:
- self._network_manager.finished.disconnect(self._onRequestFinished)
- self._network_manager.networkAccessibleChanged.disconnect(self._onNetworkAccesibleChanged)
- self._network_manager = QNetworkAccessManager()
- self._network_manager.finished.connect(self._onRequestFinished)
- self._network_manager.networkAccessibleChanged.connect(self._onNetworkAccesibleChanged)
- @pyqtProperty(bool, notify=restartRequiredChanged)
- def restartRequired(self):
- return self._restart_required
- @pyqtProperty(str, notify=viewChanged)
- def viewing(self):
- return self._view
- @pyqtSlot()
- def restart(self):
- CuraApplication.getInstance().quit()