123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434 |
- # Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Ultimaker B.V.
- # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
- import json
- import re
- from typing import Optional, cast, List, Dict, Pattern, Set
- from UM.Mesh.MeshWriter import MeshWriter
- from UM.Math.Vector import Vector
- from UM.Logger import Logger
- from UM.Math.Matrix import Matrix
- from UM.Application import Application
- from UM.Message import Message
- from UM.Resources import Resources
- from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
- from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry
- from UM.Settings.EmptyInstanceContainer import EmptyInstanceContainer
- from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
- from cura.CuraPackageManager import CuraPackageManager
- from cura.Settings import CuraContainerStack
- from cura.Utils.Threading import call_on_qt_thread
- from cura.Snapshot import Snapshot
- from PyQt6.QtCore import QBuffer
- import pySavitar as Savitar
- import numpy
- import datetime
- MYPY = False
- try:
- if not MYPY:
- import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
- except ImportError:
- Logger.log("w", "Unable to load cElementTree, switching to slower version")
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
- import zipfile
- import UM.Application
- from .SettingsExportModel import SettingsExportModel
- from .SettingsExportGroup import SettingsExportGroup
- from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
- catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")
- THUMBNAIL_PATH = "Metadata/thumbnail.png"
- MODEL_PATH = "3D/3dmodel.model"
- PACKAGE_METADATA_PATH = "Cura/packages.json"
- class ThreeMFWriter(MeshWriter):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self._namespaces = {
- "3mf": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/3dmanufacturing/core/2015/02",
- "content-types": "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types",
- "relationships": "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships",
- "cura": "http://software.ultimaker.com/xml/cura/3mf/2015/10"
- }
- self._unit_matrix_string = ThreeMFWriter._convertMatrixToString(Matrix())
- self._archive: Optional[zipfile.ZipFile] = None
- self._store_archive = False
- @staticmethod
- def _convertMatrixToString(matrix):
- result = ""
- result += str(matrix._data[0, 0]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[1, 0]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[2, 0]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[0, 1]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[1, 1]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[2, 1]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[0, 2]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[1, 2]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[2, 2]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[0, 3]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[1, 3]) + " "
- result += str(matrix._data[2, 3])
- return result
- def setStoreArchive(self, store_archive):
- """Should we store the archive
- Note that if this is true, the archive will not be closed.
- The object that set this parameter is then responsible for closing it correctly!
- """
- self._store_archive = store_archive
- @staticmethod
- def _convertUMNodeToSavitarNode(um_node,
- transformation = Matrix(),
- exported_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]] = None):
- """Convenience function that converts an Uranium SceneNode object to a SavitarSceneNode
- :returns: Uranium Scene node.
- """
- if not isinstance(um_node, SceneNode):
- return None
- active_build_plate_nr = CuraApplication.getInstance().getMultiBuildPlateModel().activeBuildPlate
- if um_node.callDecoration("getBuildPlateNumber") != active_build_plate_nr:
- return
- savitar_node = Savitar.SceneNode()
- savitar_node.setName(um_node.getName())
- node_matrix = Matrix()
- mesh_data = um_node.getMeshData()
- # compensate for original center position, if object(s) is/are not around its zero position
- if mesh_data is not None:
- extents = mesh_data.getExtents()
- if extents is not None:
- # We use a different coordinate space while writing, so flip Z and Y
- center_vector = Vector(extents.center.x, extents.center.z, extents.center.y)
- node_matrix.setByTranslation(center_vector)
- node_matrix.multiply(um_node.getLocalTransformation())
- matrix_string = ThreeMFWriter._convertMatrixToString(node_matrix.preMultiply(transformation))
- savitar_node.setTransformation(matrix_string)
- if mesh_data is not None:
- savitar_node.getMeshData().setVerticesFromBytes(mesh_data.getVerticesAsByteArray())
- indices_array = mesh_data.getIndicesAsByteArray()
- if indices_array is not None:
- savitar_node.getMeshData().setFacesFromBytes(indices_array)
- else:
- savitar_node.getMeshData().setFacesFromBytes(numpy.arange(mesh_data.getVertices().size / 3, dtype=numpy.int32).tostring())
- # Handle per object settings (if any)
- stack = um_node.callDecoration("getStack")
- if stack is not None:
- changed_setting_keys = stack.getTop().getAllKeys()
- if exported_settings is None:
- # Ensure that we save the extruder used for this object in a multi-extrusion setup
- if stack.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value") > 1:
- changed_setting_keys.add("extruder_nr")
- # Get values for all changed settings & save them.
- for key in changed_setting_keys:
- savitar_node.setSetting("cura:" + key, str(stack.getProperty(key, "value")))
- else:
- # We want to export only the specified settings
- if um_node.getName() in exported_settings:
- model_exported_settings = exported_settings[um_node.getName()]
- # Get values for all exported settings & save them.
- for key in model_exported_settings:
- savitar_node.setSetting("cura:" + key, str(stack.getProperty(key, "value")))
- # Store the metadata.
- for key, value in um_node.metadata.items():
- savitar_node.setSetting(key, value)
- for child_node in um_node.getChildren():
- # only save the nodes on the active build plate
- if child_node.callDecoration("getBuildPlateNumber") != active_build_plate_nr:
- continue
- savitar_child_node = ThreeMFWriter._convertUMNodeToSavitarNode(child_node,
- exported_settings = exported_settings)
- if savitar_child_node is not None:
- savitar_node.addChild(savitar_child_node)
- return savitar_node
- def getArchive(self):
- return self._archive
- def write(self, stream, nodes, mode = MeshWriter.OutputMode.BinaryMode, export_settings_model = None) -> bool:
- self._archive = None # Reset archive
- archive = zipfile.ZipFile(stream, "w", compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
- try:
- model_file = zipfile.ZipInfo(MODEL_PATH)
- # Because zipfile is stupid and ignores archive-level compression settings when writing with ZipInfo.
- model_file.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
- # Create content types file
- content_types_file = zipfile.ZipInfo("[Content_Types].xml")
- content_types_file.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
- content_types = ET.Element("Types", xmlns = self._namespaces["content-types"])
- rels_type = ET.SubElement(content_types, "Default", Extension = "rels", ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml")
- model_type = ET.SubElement(content_types, "Default", Extension = "model", ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-package.3dmanufacturing-3dmodel+xml")
- # Create _rels/.rels file
- relations_file = zipfile.ZipInfo("_rels/.rels")
- relations_file.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
- relations_element = ET.Element("Relationships", xmlns = self._namespaces["relationships"])
- model_relation_element = ET.SubElement(relations_element, "Relationship", Target = "/" + MODEL_PATH, Id = "rel0", Type = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/3dmanufacturing/2013/01/3dmodel")
- # Attempt to add a thumbnail
- snapshot = self._createSnapshot()
- if snapshot:
- thumbnail_buffer = QBuffer()
- thumbnail_buffer.open(QBuffer.OpenModeFlag.ReadWrite)
- snapshot.save(thumbnail_buffer, "PNG")
- thumbnail_file = zipfile.ZipInfo(THUMBNAIL_PATH)
- # Don't try to compress snapshot file, because the PNG is pretty much as compact as it will get
- archive.writestr(thumbnail_file, thumbnail_buffer.data())
- # Add PNG to content types file
- thumbnail_type = ET.SubElement(content_types, "Default", Extension="png", ContentType="image/png")
- # Add thumbnail relation to _rels/.rels file
- thumbnail_relation_element = ET.SubElement(relations_element, "Relationship",
- Target="/" + THUMBNAIL_PATH, Id="rel1",
- Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships/metadata/thumbnail")
- # Write material metadata
- packages_metadata = self._getMaterialPackageMetadata() + self._getPluginPackageMetadata()
- self._storeMetadataJson({"packages": packages_metadata}, archive, PACKAGE_METADATA_PATH)
- savitar_scene = Savitar.Scene()
- scene_metadata = CuraApplication.getInstance().getController().getScene().getMetaData()
- for key, value in scene_metadata.items():
- savitar_scene.setMetaDataEntry(key, value)
- current_time_string = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
- if "Application" not in scene_metadata:
- # This might sound a bit strange, but this field should store the original application that created
- # the 3mf. So if it was already set, leave it to whatever it was.
- savitar_scene.setMetaDataEntry("Application", CuraApplication.getInstance().getApplicationDisplayName())
- if "CreationDate" not in scene_metadata:
- savitar_scene.setMetaDataEntry("CreationDate", current_time_string)
- savitar_scene.setMetaDataEntry("ModificationDate", current_time_string)
- transformation_matrix = Matrix()
- transformation_matrix._data[1, 1] = 0
- transformation_matrix._data[1, 2] = -1
- transformation_matrix._data[2, 1] = 1
- transformation_matrix._data[2, 2] = 0
- global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
- # Second step: 3MF defines the left corner of the machine as center, whereas cura uses the center of the
- # build volume.
- if global_container_stack:
- translation_vector = Vector(x=global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_width", "value") / 2,
- y=global_container_stack.getProperty("machine_depth", "value") / 2,
- z=0)
- translation_matrix = Matrix()
- translation_matrix.setByTranslation(translation_vector)
- transformation_matrix.preMultiply(translation_matrix)
- root_node = UM.Application.Application.getInstance().getController().getScene().getRoot()
- exported_model_settings = ThreeMFWriter._extractModelExportedSettings(export_settings_model)
- for node in nodes:
- if node == root_node:
- for root_child in node.getChildren():
- savitar_node = ThreeMFWriter._convertUMNodeToSavitarNode(root_child,
- transformation_matrix,
- exported_model_settings)
- if savitar_node:
- savitar_scene.addSceneNode(savitar_node)
- else:
- savitar_node = self._convertUMNodeToSavitarNode(node,
- transformation_matrix,
- exported_model_settings)
- if savitar_node:
- savitar_scene.addSceneNode(savitar_node)
- parser = Savitar.ThreeMFParser()
- scene_string = parser.sceneToString(savitar_scene)
- archive.writestr(model_file, scene_string)
- archive.writestr(content_types_file, b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> \n' + ET.tostring(content_types))
- archive.writestr(relations_file, b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> \n' + ET.tostring(relations_element))
- except Exception as error:
- Logger.logException("e", "Error writing zip file")
- self.setInformation(str(error))
- return False
- finally:
- if not self._store_archive:
- archive.close()
- else:
- self._archive = archive
- return True
- @staticmethod
- def _storeMetadataJson(metadata: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str]]], archive: zipfile.ZipFile, path: str) -> None:
- """Stores metadata inside archive path as json file"""
- metadata_file = zipfile.ZipInfo(path)
- # We have to set the compress type of each file as well (it doesn't keep the type of the entire archive)
- metadata_file.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
- archive.writestr(metadata_file,
- json.dumps(metadata, separators=(", ", ": "), indent=4, skipkeys=True, ensure_ascii=False))
- @staticmethod
- def _getPluginPackageMetadata() -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
- """Get metadata for all backend plugins that are used in the project.
- :return: List of material metadata dictionaries.
- """
- backend_plugin_enum_value_regex = re.compile(
- r"PLUGIN::(?P<plugin_id>\w+)@(?P<version>\d+.\d+.\d+)::(?P<value>\w+)")
- # This regex parses enum values to find if they contain custom
- # backend engine values. These custom enum values are in the format
- # PLUGIN::<plugin_id>@<version>::<value>
- # where
- # - plugin_id is the id of the plugin
- # - version is in the semver format
- # - value is the value of the enum
- plugin_ids = set()
- def addPluginIdsInStack(stack: CuraContainerStack) -> None:
- for key in stack.getAllKeys():
- value = str(stack.getProperty(key, "value"))
- for plugin_id, _version, _value in backend_plugin_enum_value_regex.findall(value):
- plugin_ids.add(plugin_id)
- # Go through all stacks and find all the plugin id contained in the project
- global_stack = CuraApplication.getInstance().getMachineManager().activeMachine
- addPluginIdsInStack(global_stack)
- for container in global_stack.getContainers():
- addPluginIdsInStack(container)
- for extruder_stack in global_stack.extruderList:
- addPluginIdsInStack(extruder_stack)
- for container in extruder_stack.getContainers():
- addPluginIdsInStack(container)
- metadata = {}
- package_manager = cast(CuraPackageManager, CuraApplication.getInstance().getPackageManager())
- for plugin_id in plugin_ids:
- package_data = package_manager.getInstalledPackageInfo(plugin_id)
- metadata[plugin_id] = {
- "id": plugin_id,
- "display_name": package_data.get("display_name") if package_data.get("display_name") else "",
- "package_version": package_data.get("package_version") if package_data.get("package_version") else "",
- "sdk_version_semver": package_data.get("sdk_version_semver") if package_data.get(
- "sdk_version_semver") else "",
- "type": "plugin",
- }
- # Storing in a dict and fetching values to avoid duplicates
- return list(metadata.values())
- @staticmethod
- def _getMaterialPackageMetadata() -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
- """Get metadata for installed materials in active extruder stack, this does not include bundled materials.
- :return: List of material metadata dictionaries.
- """
- metadata = {}
- package_manager = cast(CuraPackageManager, CuraApplication.getInstance().getPackageManager())
- for extruder in CuraApplication.getInstance().getExtruderManager().getActiveExtruderStacks():
- if not extruder.isEnabled:
- # Don't export materials not in use
- continue
- if isinstance(extruder.material, type(ContainerRegistry.getInstance().getEmptyInstanceContainer())):
- # This is an empty material container, no material to export
- continue
- if package_manager.isMaterialBundled(extruder.material.getFileName(), extruder.material.getMetaDataEntry("GUID")):
- # Don't export bundled materials
- continue
- package_id = package_manager.getMaterialFilePackageId(extruder.material.getFileName(),
- extruder.material.getMetaDataEntry("GUID"))
- package_data = package_manager.getInstalledPackageInfo(package_id)
- # We failed to find the package for this material
- if not package_data:
- Logger.info(f"Could not find package for material in extruder {extruder.id}, skipping.")
- continue
- material_metadata = {
- "id": package_id,
- "display_name": package_data.get("display_name") if package_data.get("display_name") else "",
- "package_version": package_data.get("package_version") if package_data.get("package_version") else "",
- "sdk_version_semver": package_data.get("sdk_version_semver") if package_data.get(
- "sdk_version_semver") else "",
- "type": "material",
- }
- metadata[package_id] = material_metadata
- # Storing in a dict and fetching values to avoid duplicates
- return list(metadata.values())
- @call_on_qt_thread # must be called from the main thread because of OpenGL
- def _createSnapshot(self):
- Logger.log("d", "Creating thumbnail image...")
- if not CuraApplication.getInstance().isVisible:
- Logger.log("w", "Can't create snapshot when renderer not initialized.")
- return None
- try:
- snapshot = Snapshot.snapshot(width=300, height=300)
- except:
- Logger.logException("w", "Failed to create snapshot image")
- return None
- return snapshot
- @staticmethod
- def sceneNodesToString(scene_nodes: [SceneNode]) -> str:
- savitar_scene = Savitar.Scene()
- for scene_node in scene_nodes:
- savitar_node = ThreeMFWriter._convertUMNodeToSavitarNode(scene_node)
- savitar_scene.addSceneNode(savitar_node)
- parser = Savitar.ThreeMFParser()
- scene_string = parser.sceneToString(savitar_scene)
- return scene_string
- @staticmethod
- def _extractModelExportedSettings(model: Optional[SettingsExportModel]) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]:
- extra_settings = {}
- if model is not None:
- for group in model.settingsGroups:
- if group.category == SettingsExportGroup.Category.Model:
- exported_model_settings = set()
- for exported_setting in group.settings:
- if exported_setting.selected:
- exported_model_settings.add(exported_setting.id)
- extra_settings[group.category_details] = exported_model_settings
- return extra_settings