123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437 |
- # Copyright (c) 2022 Ultimaker B.V.
- # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
- import json
- import threading
- from json import JSONDecodeError
- from typing import List, Dict, Any, Callable, Union, Optional
- from PyQt6.QtCore import QUrl
- from PyQt6.QtGui import QDesktopServices
- from PyQt6.QtNetwork import QNetworkReply
- from UM.FileHandler.FileHandler import FileHandler
- from UM.Logger import Logger
- from UM.Message import Message
- from UM.Scene.SceneNode import SceneNode
- from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication
- from .BackwardsCompatibleMessage import getBackwardsCompatibleMessage
- from .DFLibraryFileUploadRequest import DFLibraryFileUploadRequest
- from .DFLibraryFileUploadResponse import DFLibraryFileUploadResponse
- from .DFPrintJobUploadRequest import DFPrintJobUploadRequest
- from .DFPrintJobUploadResponse import DFPrintJobUploadResponse
- from .DigitalFactoryApiClient import DigitalFactoryApiClient
- from .ExportFileJob import ExportFileJob
- class DFFileExportAndUploadManager:
- """
- Class responsible for exporting the scene and uploading the exported data to the Digital Factory Library. Since 3mf
- and (UFP or makerbot) files may need to be uploaded at the same time, this class keeps a single progress and success message for
- both files and updates those messages according to the progress of both the file job uploads.
- """
- def __init__(self, file_handlers: Dict[str, FileHandler],
- nodes: List[SceneNode],
- library_project_id: str,
- library_project_name: str,
- file_name: str,
- formats: List[str],
- on_upload_error: Callable[[], Any],
- on_upload_success: Callable[[], Any],
- on_upload_finished: Callable[[], Any],
- on_upload_progress: Callable[[int], Any]) -> None:
- self._file_handlers: Dict[str, FileHandler] = file_handlers
- self._nodes: List[SceneNode] = nodes
- self._library_project_id: str = library_project_id
- self._library_project_name: str = library_project_name
- self._file_name: str = file_name
- self._upload_jobs: List[ExportFileJob] = []
- self._formats: List[str] = formats
- self._api = DigitalFactoryApiClient(application = CuraApplication.getInstance(), on_error = lambda error: Logger.log("e", str(error)))
- self._source_file_id: Optional[str] = None
- # Functions of the parent class that should be called based on the upload process output
- self._on_upload_error = on_upload_error
- self._on_upload_success = on_upload_success
- self._on_upload_finished = on_upload_finished
- self._on_upload_progress = on_upload_progress
- # Lock used for updating the progress message (since the progress is changed by two parallel upload jobs) or
- # show the success message (once both upload jobs are done)
- self._message_lock = threading.Lock()
- self._file_upload_job_metadata: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = self.initializeFileUploadJobMetadata()
- self.progress_message = Message(
- title = "Uploading...",
- text = "Uploading files to '{}'".format(self._library_project_name),
- progress = -1,
- lifetime = 0,
- dismissable = False,
- use_inactivity_timer = False
- )
- self._generic_success_message = getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "Your {} uploaded to '{}'.".format("file was" if len(self._file_upload_job_metadata) <= 1 else "files were", self._library_project_name),
- title = "Upload successful",
- lifetime = 30,
- message_type_str = "POSITIVE"
- )
- self._generic_success_message.addAction(
- "open_df_project",
- "Open project",
- "open-folder", "Open the project containing the file in Digital Library"
- )
- self._generic_success_message.actionTriggered.connect(self._onMessageActionTriggered)
- def _onCuraProjectFileExported(self, job: ExportFileJob) -> None:
- """Handler for when the DF Library workspace file (3MF) has been created locally.
- It can now be sent over the Digital Factory API.
- """
- if not job.getOutput():
- self._onJobExportError(job.getFileName())
- return
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[job.getFileName()]["export_job_output"] = job.getOutput()
- request = DFLibraryFileUploadRequest(
- content_type = job.getMimeType(),
- file_name = job.getFileName(),
- file_size = len(job.getOutput()),
- library_project_id = self._library_project_id
- )
- self._api.requestUpload3MF(request, on_finished = self._uploadFileData, on_error = self._onRequestUploadCuraProjectFileFailed)
- def _onPrintFileExported(self, job: ExportFileJob) -> None:
- """Handler for when the DF Library print job file (UFP) has been created locally.
- It can now be sent over the Digital Factory API.
- """
- if not job.getOutput():
- self._onJobExportError(job.getFileName())
- return
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[job.getFileName()]["export_job_output"] = job.getOutput()
- request = DFPrintJobUploadRequest(
- content_type = job.getMimeType(),
- job_name = job.getFileName(),
- file_size = len(job.getOutput()),
- library_project_id = self._library_project_id,
- source_file_id = self._source_file_id
- )
- self._api.requestUploadMeshFile(request, on_finished = self._uploadFileData, on_error = self._onRequestUploadPrintFileFailed)
- def _uploadFileData(self, file_upload_response: Union[DFLibraryFileUploadResponse, DFPrintJobUploadResponse]) -> None:
- """Uploads the exported file data after the file or print job upload has been registered at the Digital Factory
- Library API.
- :param file_upload_response: The response received from the Digital Factory Library API.
- """
- if isinstance(file_upload_response, DFLibraryFileUploadResponse):
- file_name = file_upload_response.file_name
- # store the `file_id` so it can be as `source_file_id` when uploading the print file
- self._source_file_id = file_upload_response.file_id
- elif isinstance(file_upload_response, DFPrintJobUploadResponse):
- file_name = file_upload_response.job_name if file_upload_response.job_name is not None else ""
- else:
- Logger.log("e", "Wrong response type received. Aborting uploading file to the Digital Library")
- getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "Upload error",
- title = f"Failed to upload {file_name}. Received unexpected response from server.",
- message_type_str = "ERROR",
- lifetime = 0
- ).show()
- return
- if file_name not in self._file_upload_job_metadata:
- Logger.error(f"API response for uploading doesn't match the file name we just uploaded: {file_name} was never uploaded.")
- getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "Upload error",
- title = f"Failed to upload {file_name}. Name doesn't match the one sent back in confirmation.",
- message_type_str = "ERROR",
- lifetime = 0
- ).show()
- return
- with self._message_lock:
- self.progress_message.show()
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[file_name]["file_upload_response"] = file_upload_response
- job_output = self._file_upload_job_metadata[file_name]["export_job_output"]
- with self._message_lock:
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[file_name]["upload_status"] = "uploading"
- self._api.uploadExportedFileData(file_upload_response,
- job_output,
- on_finished = self._onFileUploadFinished,
- on_success = self._onUploadSuccess,
- on_progress = self._onUploadProgress,
- on_error = self._onUploadError)
- self._handleNextUploadJob()
- def _onUploadProgress(self, filename: str, progress: int) -> None:
- """
- Updates the progress message according to the total progress of the two files and displays it to the user. It is
- made thread-safe with a lock, since the progress can be updated by two separate upload jobs
- :param filename: The name of the file for which we have progress (including the extension).
- :param progress: The progress percentage
- """
- with self._message_lock:
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename]["upload_progress"] = progress
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename]["upload_status"] = "uploading"
- total_progress = self.getTotalProgress()
- self.progress_message.setProgress(total_progress)
- self.progress_message.show()
- self._on_upload_progress(progress)
- def _onUploadSuccess(self, filename: str) -> None:
- """
- Sets the upload status to success and the progress of the file with the given filename to 100%. This function is
- should be called only if the file has uploaded all of its data successfully (i.e. no error occurred during the
- upload process).
- :param filename: The name of the file that was uploaded successfully (including the extension).
- """
- with self._message_lock:
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename]["upload_status"] = "success"
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename]["upload_progress"] = 100
- self._on_upload_success()
- def _onFileUploadFinished(self, filename: str) -> None:
- """
- Callback that makes sure the correct messages are displayed according to the statuses of the individual jobs.
- This function is called whenever an upload job has finished, regardless if it had errors or was successful.
- Both jobs have to have finished for the messages to show.
- :param filename: The name of the file that has finished uploading (including the extension).
- """
- with self._message_lock:
- # All files have finished their uploading process
- if all([(file_upload_job["upload_progress"] == 100 and file_upload_job["upload_status"] != "uploading") for file_upload_job in self._file_upload_job_metadata.values()]):
- # Reset and hide the progress message
- self.progress_message.setProgress(-1)
- self.progress_message.hide()
- # All files were successfully uploaded.
- if all([(file_upload_job["upload_status"] == "success") for file_upload_job in self._file_upload_job_metadata.values()]):
- # Show a single generic success message for all files
- self._generic_success_message.show()
- else: # One or more files failed to upload.
- # Show individual messages for each file, according to their statuses
- for filename, upload_job_metadata in self._file_upload_job_metadata.items():
- if upload_job_metadata["upload_status"] == "success":
- upload_job_metadata["file_upload_success_message"].show()
- else:
- upload_job_metadata["file_upload_failed_message"].show()
- # Call the parent's finished function
- self._on_upload_finished()
- def _onJobExportError(self, filename: str) -> None:
- """
- Displays an appropriate message when the process to export a file fails.
- :param filename: The name of the file that failed to be exported (including the extension).
- """
- Logger.log("d", "Error while exporting file '{}'".format(filename))
- with self._message_lock:
- # Set the progress to 100% when the upload job fails, to avoid having the progress message stuck
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename]["upload_status"] = "failed"
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename]["upload_progress"] = 100
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename]["file_upload_failed_message"] = getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "Failed to export the file '{}'. The upload process is aborted.".format(filename),
- title = "Export error",
- message_type_str = "ERROR",
- lifetime = 30
- )
- self._on_upload_error()
- self._onFileUploadFinished(filename)
- def _onRequestUploadCuraProjectFileFailed(self, reply: "QNetworkReply", network_error: "QNetworkReply.NetworkError") -> None:
- """
- Displays an appropriate message when the request to upload the Cura project file (.3mf) to the Digital Library fails.
- This means that something went wrong with the initial request to create a "file" entry in the digital library.
- """
- reply_string = bytes(reply.readAll()).decode()
- filename_3mf = self._file_name + ".3mf"
- Logger.log("d", "An error occurred while uploading the Cura project file '{}' to the Digital Library project '{}': {}".format(filename_3mf, self._library_project_id, reply_string))
- with self._message_lock:
- # Set the progress to 100% when the upload job fails, to avoid having the progress message stuck
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename_3mf]["upload_status"] = "failed"
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename_3mf]["upload_progress"] = 100
- human_readable_error = self.extractErrorTitle(reply_string)
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename_3mf]["file_upload_failed_message"] = getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "Failed to upload the file '{}' to '{}'. {}".format(filename_3mf, self._library_project_name, human_readable_error),
- title = "File upload error",
- message_type_str = "ERROR",
- lifetime = 30
- )
- self._on_upload_error()
- self._onFileUploadFinished(filename_3mf)
- def _onRequestUploadPrintFileFailed(self, reply: "QNetworkReply", network_error: "QNetworkReply.NetworkError") -> None:
- """
- Displays an appropriate message when the request to upload the print file (.ufp) to the Digital Library fails.
- This means that something went wrong with the initial request to create a "file" entry in the digital library.
- """
- reply_string = bytes(reply.readAll()).decode()
- if "ufp" in self._formats:
- filename_meshfile = self._file_name + ".ufp"
- elif "makerbot" in self._formats:
- filename_meshfile = self._file_name + ".makerbot"
- Logger.log("d", "An error occurred while uploading the print job file '{}' to the Digital Library project '{}': {}".format(filename_meshfile, self._library_project_id, reply_string))
- with self._message_lock:
- # Set the progress to 100% when the upload job fails, to avoid having the progress message stuck
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename_meshfile]["upload_status"] = "failed"
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename_meshfile]["upload_progress"] = 100
- human_readable_error = self.extractErrorTitle(reply_string)
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename_meshfile]["file_upload_failed_message"] = getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- title = "File upload error",
- text = "Failed to upload the file '{}' to '{}'. {}".format(filename_meshfile, self._library_project_name, human_readable_error),
- message_type_str = "ERROR",
- lifetime = 30
- )
- self._on_upload_error()
- self._onFileUploadFinished(filename_meshfile)
- @staticmethod
- def extractErrorTitle(reply_body: Optional[str]) -> str:
- error_title = ""
- if reply_body:
- try:
- reply_dict = json.loads(reply_body)
- except JSONDecodeError:
- Logger.logException("w", "Unable to extract title from reply body")
- return error_title
- if "errors" in reply_dict and len(reply_dict["errors"]) >= 1 and "title" in reply_dict["errors"][0]:
- error_title = reply_dict["errors"][0]["title"]
- return error_title
- def _onUploadError(self, filename: str, reply: "QNetworkReply", error: "QNetworkReply.NetworkError") -> None:
- """
- Displays the given message if uploading the mesh has failed due to a generic error (i.e. lost connection).
- If one of the two files fail, this error function will set its progress as finished, to make sure that the
- progress message doesn't get stuck.
- :param filename: The name of the file that failed to upload (including the extension).
- """
- reply_string = bytes(reply.readAll()).decode()
- Logger.log("d", "Error while uploading '{}' to the Digital Library project '{}'. Reply: {}".format(filename, self._library_project_id, reply_string))
- with self._message_lock:
- # Set the progress to 100% when the upload job fails, to avoid having the progress message stuck
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename]["upload_status"] = "failed"
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename]["upload_progress"] = 100
- human_readable_error = self.extractErrorTitle(reply_string)
- self._file_upload_job_metadata[filename]["file_upload_failed_message"] = getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- title = "File upload error",
- text = "Failed to upload the file '{}' to '{}'. {}".format(self._file_name, self._library_project_name, human_readable_error),
- message_type_str = "ERROR",
- lifetime = 30
- )
- self._on_upload_error()
- def getTotalProgress(self) -> int:
- """
- Returns the total upload progress of all the upload jobs
- :return: The average progress percentage
- """
- return int(sum([file_upload_job["upload_progress"] for file_upload_job in self._file_upload_job_metadata.values()]) / len(self._file_upload_job_metadata.values()))
- def _onMessageActionTriggered(self, message, action):
- if action == "open_df_project":
- project_url = "{}/app/library/project/{}?wait_for_new_files=true&utm_source=cura&utm_medium=software&utm_campaign=saved-library-file-message".format(CuraApplication.getInstance().ultimakerDigitalFactoryUrl, self._library_project_id)
- QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(project_url))
- message.hide()
- def start(self) -> None:
- self._handleNextUploadJob()
- def _handleNextUploadJob(self):
- try:
- job = self._upload_jobs.pop(0)
- job.start()
- except IndexError:
- pass # Empty list, do nothing.
- def initializeFileUploadJobMetadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- metadata = {}
- self._upload_jobs = []
- if "3mf" in self._formats and "3mf" in self._file_handlers and self._file_handlers["3mf"]:
- filename_3mf = self._file_name + ".3mf"
- metadata[filename_3mf] = {
- "export_job_output" : None,
- "upload_progress" : -1,
- "upload_status" : "",
- "file_upload_response": None,
- "file_upload_success_message": getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "'{}' was uploaded to '{}'.".format(filename_3mf, self._library_project_name),
- title = "Upload successful",
- message_type_str = "POSITIVE",
- lifetime = 30
- ),
- "file_upload_failed_message": getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "Failed to upload the file '{}' to '{}'.".format(filename_3mf, self._library_project_name),
- title = "File upload error",
- message_type_str = "ERROR",
- lifetime = 30
- )
- }
- job_3mf = ExportFileJob(self._file_handlers["3mf"], self._nodes, self._file_name, "3mf")
- job_3mf.finished.connect(self._onCuraProjectFileExported)
- self._upload_jobs.append(job_3mf)
- if "ufp" in self._formats and "ufp" in self._file_handlers and self._file_handlers["ufp"]:
- filename_ufp = self._file_name + ".ufp"
- metadata[filename_ufp] = {
- "export_job_output" : None,
- "upload_progress" : -1,
- "upload_status" : "",
- "file_upload_response": None,
- "file_upload_success_message": getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "'{}' was uploaded to '{}'.".format(filename_ufp, self._library_project_name),
- title = "Upload successful",
- message_type_str = "POSITIVE",
- lifetime = 30,
- ),
- "file_upload_failed_message": getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "Failed to upload the file '{}' to '{}'.".format(filename_ufp, self._library_project_name),
- title = "File upload error",
- message_type_str = "ERROR",
- lifetime = 30
- )
- }
- job_ufp = ExportFileJob(self._file_handlers["ufp"], self._nodes, self._file_name, "ufp")
- job_ufp.finished.connect(self._onPrintFileExported)
- self._upload_jobs.append(job_ufp)
- if "makerbot" in self._formats and "makerbot" in self._file_handlers and self._file_handlers["makerbot"]:
- filename_makerbot = self._file_name + ".makerbot"
- metadata[filename_makerbot] = {
- "export_job_output" : None,
- "upload_progress" : -1,
- "upload_status" : "",
- "file_upload_response": None,
- "file_upload_success_message": getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "'{}' was uploaded to '{}'.".format(filename_makerbot, self._library_project_name),
- title = "Upload successful",
- message_type_str = "POSITIVE",
- lifetime = 30,
- ),
- "file_upload_failed_message": getBackwardsCompatibleMessage(
- text = "Failed to upload the file '{}' to '{}'.".format(filename_makerbot, self._library_project_name),
- title = "File upload error",
- message_type_str = "ERROR",
- lifetime = 30
- )
- }
- job_makerbot = ExportFileJob(self._file_handlers["makerbot"], self._nodes, self._file_name, "makerbot")
- job_makerbot.finished.connect(self._onPrintFileExported)
- self._upload_jobs.append(job_makerbot)
- return metadata