# Copyright (c) 2023 Ultimaker B.V. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import subprocess from typing import Optional, List from UM.Logger import Logger from UM.Message import Message from UM.Settings.AdditionalSettingDefinitionAppender import AdditionalSettingDefinitionsAppender from UM.PluginObject import PluginObject from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog from UM.Platform import Platform class BackendPlugin(AdditionalSettingDefinitionsAppender, PluginObject): catalog = i18nCatalog("cura") def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.__port: int = 0 self._plugin_address: str = "" self._plugin_command: Optional[List[str]] = None self._process = None self._is_running = False self._supported_slots: List[int] = [] self._use_plugin = True def usePlugin(self) -> bool: return self._use_plugin def getSupportedSlots(self) -> List[int]: return self._supported_slots def isRunning(self): return self._is_running def setPort(self, port: int) -> None: self.__port = port def getPort(self) -> int: return self.__port def getAddress(self) -> str: return self._plugin_address def _validatePluginCommand(self) -> list[str]: """ Validate the plugin command and add the port parameter if it is missing. :return: A list of strings containing the validated plugin command. """ if not self._plugin_command or "--port" in self._plugin_command: return self._plugin_command or [] return self._plugin_command + ["--address", self.getAddress(), "--port", str(self.__port)] def start(self) -> bool: """ Starts the backend_plugin process. :return: True if the plugin process started successfully, False otherwise. """ if not self.usePlugin(): return False try: # STDIN needs to be None because we provide no input, but communicate via a local socket instead. # The NUL device sometimes doesn't exist on some computers. Logger.info(f"Starting backend_plugin [{self._plugin_id}] with command: {self._validatePluginCommand()}") popen_kwargs = {"stdin": None} if Platform.isWindows(): popen_kwargs["creationflags"] = subprocess.CREATE_NO_WINDOW self._process = subprocess.Popen(self._validatePluginCommand(), **popen_kwargs) self._is_running = True return True except PermissionError: Logger.log("e", f"Couldn't start EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id} No permission to execute process.") self._showMessage(self.catalog.i18nc("@info:plugin_failed", f"Couldn't start EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id}\nNo permission to execute process."), message_type = Message.MessageType.ERROR) except FileNotFoundError: Logger.logException("e", f"Unable to find local EnginePlugin server executable for: {self._plugin_id}") self._showMessage(self.catalog.i18nc("@info:plugin_failed", f"Unable to find local EnginePlugin server executable for: {self._plugin_id}"), message_type = Message.MessageType.ERROR) except BlockingIOError: Logger.logException("e", f"Couldn't start EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id} Resource is temporarily unavailable") self._showMessage(self.catalog.i18nc("@info:plugin_failed", f"Couldn't start EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id}\nResource is temporarily unavailable"), message_type = Message.MessageType.ERROR) except OSError as e: Logger.logException("e", f"Couldn't start EnginePlugin {self._plugin_id} Operating system is blocking it (antivirus?)") self._showMessage(self.catalog.i18nc("@info:plugin_failed", f"Couldn't start EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id}\nOperating system is blocking it (antivirus?)"), message_type = Message.MessageType.ERROR) return False def stop(self) -> bool: if not self._process: self._is_running = False return True # Nothing to stop try: self._process.terminate() return_code = self._process.wait() self._is_running = False Logger.log("d", f"EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id} was killed. Received return code {return_code}") return True except PermissionError: Logger.log("e", f"Unable to kill running EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id} Access is denied.") self._showMessage(self.catalog.i18nc("@info:plugin_failed", f"Unable to kill running EnginePlugin: {self._plugin_id}\nAccess is denied."), message_type = Message.MessageType.ERROR) return False def _showMessage(self, message: str, message_type: Message.MessageType = Message.MessageType.ERROR) -> None: Message(message, title=self.catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "EnginePlugin"), message_type = message_type).show()