# Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. from UM.OutputDevice.OutputDevicePlugin import OutputDevicePlugin from UM.Logger import Logger from UM.Application import Application from UM.Signal import Signal, signalemitter from UM.Preferences import Preferences from UM.Version import Version from . import ClusterUM3OutputDevice, LegacyUM3OutputDevice from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkRequest, QNetworkAccessManager from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl from zeroconf import Zeroconf, ServiceBrowser, ServiceStateChange, ServiceInfo from queue import Queue from threading import Event, Thread from time import time import json ## This plugin handles the connection detection & creation of output device objects for the UM3 printer. # Zero-Conf is used to detect printers, which are saved in a dict. # If we discover a printer that has the same key as the active machine instance a connection is made. @signalemitter class UM3OutputDevicePlugin(OutputDevicePlugin): addDeviceSignal = Signal() removeDeviceSignal = Signal() discoveredDevicesChanged = Signal() def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._zero_conf = None self._zero_conf_browser = None # Because the model needs to be created in the same thread as the QMLEngine, we use a signal. self.addDeviceSignal.connect(self._onAddDevice) self.removeDeviceSignal.connect(self._onRemoveDevice) Application.getInstance().globalContainerStackChanged.connect(self.reCheckConnections) self._discovered_devices = {} self._network_manager = QNetworkAccessManager() self._network_manager.finished.connect(self._onNetworkRequestFinished) self._min_cluster_version = Version("4.0.0") self._api_version = "1" self._api_prefix = "/api/v" + self._api_version + "/" self._cluster_api_version = "1" self._cluster_api_prefix = "/cluster-api/v" + self._cluster_api_version + "/" # Get list of manual instances from preferences self._preferences = Preferences.getInstance() self._preferences.addPreference("um3networkprinting/manual_instances", "") # A comma-separated list of ip adresses or hostnames self._manual_instances = self._preferences.getValue("um3networkprinting/manual_instances").split(",") # The zero-conf service changed requests are handled in a separate thread, so we can re-schedule the requests # which fail to get detailed service info. # Any new or re-scheduled requests will be appended to the request queue, and the handling thread will pick # them up and process them. self._service_changed_request_queue = Queue() self._service_changed_request_event = Event() self._service_changed_request_thread = Thread(target=self._handleOnServiceChangedRequests, daemon=True) self._service_changed_request_thread.start() def getDiscoveredDevices(self): return self._discovered_devices ## Start looking for devices on network. def start(self): self.startDiscovery() def startDiscovery(self): self.stop() if self._zero_conf_browser: self._zero_conf_browser.cancel() self._zero_conf_browser = None # Force the old ServiceBrowser to be destroyed. for instance_name in list(self._discovered_devices): self._onRemoveDevice(instance_name) self._zero_conf = Zeroconf() self._zero_conf_browser = ServiceBrowser(self._zero_conf, u'_ultimaker._tcp.local.', [self._appendServiceChangedRequest]) # Look for manual instances from preference for address in self._manual_instances: if address: self.addManualDevice(address) def reCheckConnections(self): active_machine = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack() if not active_machine: return um_network_key = active_machine.getMetaDataEntry("um_network_key") for key in self._discovered_devices: if key == um_network_key: if not self._discovered_devices[key].isConnected(): Logger.log("d", "Attempting to connect with [%s]" % key) self._discovered_devices[key].connect() self._discovered_devices[key].connectionStateChanged.connect(self._onDeviceConnectionStateChanged) else: self._onDeviceConnectionStateChanged(key) else: if self._discovered_devices[key].isConnected(): Logger.log("d", "Attempting to close connection with [%s]" % key) self._discovered_devices[key].close() self._discovered_devices[key].connectionStateChanged.disconnect(self._onDeviceConnectionStateChanged) def _onDeviceConnectionStateChanged(self, key): if key not in self._discovered_devices: return if self._discovered_devices[key].isConnected(): # Sometimes the status changes after changing the global container and maybe the device doesn't belong to this machine um_network_key = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getMetaDataEntry("um_network_key") if key == um_network_key: self.getOutputDeviceManager().addOutputDevice(self._discovered_devices[key]) else: self.getOutputDeviceManager().removeOutputDevice(key) def stop(self): if self._zero_conf is not None: Logger.log("d", "zeroconf close...") self._zero_conf.close() def removeManualDevice(self, key, address = None): if key in self._discovered_devices: if not address: address = self._discovered_devices[key].ipAddress self._onRemoveDevice(key) if address in self._manual_instances: self._manual_instances.remove(address) self._preferences.setValue("um3networkprinting/manual_instances", ",".join(self._manual_instances)) def addManualDevice(self, address): if address not in self._manual_instances: self._manual_instances.append(address) self._preferences.setValue("um3networkprinting/manual_instances", ",".join(self._manual_instances)) instance_name = "manual:%s" % address properties = { b"name": address.encode("utf-8"), b"address": address.encode("utf-8"), b"manual": b"true", b"incomplete": b"true" } if instance_name not in self._discovered_devices: # Add a preliminary printer instance self._onAddDevice(instance_name, address, properties) self._checkManualDevice(address) def _checkManualDevice(self, address): # Check if a UM3 family device exists at this address. # If a printer responds, it will replace the preliminary printer created above # origin=manual is for tracking back the origin of the call url = QUrl("http://" + address + self._api_prefix + "system") name_request = QNetworkRequest(url) self._network_manager.get(name_request) def _onNetworkRequestFinished(self, reply): reply_url = reply.url().toString() if "system" in reply_url: if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) != 200: # Something went wrong with checking the firmware version! return try: system_info = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8")) except: Logger.log("e", "Something went wrong converting the JSON.") return address = reply.url().host() has_cluster_capable_firmware = Version(system_info["firmware"]) > self._min_cluster_version instance_name = "manual:%s" % address properties = { b"name": system_info["name"].encode("utf-8"), b"address": address.encode("utf-8"), b"firmware_version": system_info["firmware"].encode("utf-8"), b"manual": b"true", b"machine": str(system_info['hardware']["typeid"]).encode("utf-8") } if has_cluster_capable_firmware: # Cluster needs an additional request, before it's completed. properties[b"incomplete"] = b"true" # Check if the device is still in the list & re-add it with the updated # information. if instance_name in self._discovered_devices: self._onRemoveDevice(instance_name) self._onAddDevice(instance_name, address, properties) if has_cluster_capable_firmware: # We need to request more info in order to figure out the size of the cluster. cluster_url = QUrl("http://" + address + self._cluster_api_prefix + "printers/") cluster_request = QNetworkRequest(cluster_url) self._network_manager.get(cluster_request) elif "printers" in reply_url: if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) != 200: # Something went wrong with checking the amount of printers the cluster has! return # So we confirmed that the device is in fact a cluster printer, and we should now know how big it is. try: cluster_printers_list = json.loads(bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8")) except: Logger.log("e", "Something went wrong converting the JSON.") return address = reply.url().host() instance_name = "manual:%s" % address if instance_name in self._discovered_devices: device = self._discovered_devices[instance_name] properties = device.getProperties().copy() if b"incomplete" in properties: del properties[b"incomplete"] properties[b'cluster_size'] = len(cluster_printers_list) self._onRemoveDevice(instance_name) self._onAddDevice(instance_name, address, properties) def _onRemoveDevice(self, device_id): device = self._discovered_devices.pop(device_id, None) if device: if device.isConnected(): device.disconnect() try: device.connectionStateChanged.disconnect(self._onDeviceConnectionStateChanged) except TypeError: # Disconnect already happened. pass self.discoveredDevicesChanged.emit() def _onAddDevice(self, name, address, properties): # Check what kind of device we need to add; Depending on the firmware we either add a "Connect"/"Cluster" # or "Legacy" UM3 device. cluster_size = int(properties.get(b"cluster_size", -1)) if cluster_size >= 0: device = ClusterUM3OutputDevice.ClusterUM3OutputDevice(name, address, properties) else: device = LegacyUM3OutputDevice.LegacyUM3OutputDevice(name, address, properties) self._discovered_devices[device.getId()] = device self.discoveredDevicesChanged.emit() global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack() if global_container_stack and device.getId() == global_container_stack.getMetaDataEntry("um_network_key"): device.connect() device.connectionStateChanged.connect(self._onDeviceConnectionStateChanged) ## Appends a service changed request so later the handling thread will pick it up and processes it. def _appendServiceChangedRequest(self, zeroconf, service_type, name, state_change): # append the request and set the event so the event handling thread can pick it up item = (zeroconf, service_type, name, state_change) self._service_changed_request_queue.put(item) self._service_changed_request_event.set() def _handleOnServiceChangedRequests(self): while True: # Wait for the event to be set self._service_changed_request_event.wait(timeout = 5.0) # Stop if the application is shutting down if Application.getInstance().isShuttingDown(): return self._service_changed_request_event.clear() # Handle all pending requests reschedule_requests = [] # A list of requests that have failed so later they will get re-scheduled while not self._service_changed_request_queue.empty(): request = self._service_changed_request_queue.get() zeroconf, service_type, name, state_change = request try: result = self._onServiceChanged(zeroconf, service_type, name, state_change) if not result: reschedule_requests.append(request) except Exception: Logger.logException("e", "Failed to get service info for [%s] [%s], the request will be rescheduled", service_type, name) reschedule_requests.append(request) # Re-schedule the failed requests if any if reschedule_requests: for request in reschedule_requests: self._service_changed_request_queue.put(request) ## Handler for zeroConf detection. # Return True or False indicating if the process succeeded. # Note that this function can take over 3 seconds to complete. Be carefull calling it from the main thread. def _onServiceChanged(self, zero_conf, service_type, name, state_change): if state_change == ServiceStateChange.Added: Logger.log("d", "Bonjour service added: %s" % name) # First try getting info from zero-conf cache info = ServiceInfo(service_type, name, properties={}) for record in zero_conf.cache.entries_with_name(name.lower()): info.update_record(zero_conf, time(), record) for record in zero_conf.cache.entries_with_name(info.server): info.update_record(zero_conf, time(), record) if info.address: break # Request more data if info is not complete if not info.address: Logger.log("d", "Trying to get address of %s", name) info = zero_conf.get_service_info(service_type, name) if info: type_of_device = info.properties.get(b"type", None) if type_of_device: if type_of_device == b"printer": address = '.'.join(map(lambda n: str(n), info.address)) self.addDeviceSignal.emit(str(name), address, info.properties) else: Logger.log("w", "The type of the found device is '%s', not 'printer'! Ignoring.." % type_of_device) else: Logger.log("w", "Could not get information about %s" % name) return False elif state_change == ServiceStateChange.Removed: Logger.log("d", "Bonjour service removed: %s" % name) self.removeDeviceSignal.emit(str(name)) return True