# Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.

from typing import Any, cast, Dict, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, QObject, Qt, QTimer

from UM.Logger import Logger
from UM.Qt.ListModel import ListModel
from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer  # To create new profiles.

import cura.CuraApplication  # Imported this way to prevent circular imports.
from cura.Settings.ContainerManager import ContainerManager
from cura.Machines.ContainerTree import ContainerTree
from cura.Settings.cura_empty_instance_containers import empty_quality_changes_container
from cura.Settings.IntentManager import IntentManager
from cura.Machines.Models.MachineModelUtils import fetchLayerHeight
from cura.Machines.Models.IntentTranslations import intent_translations

from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")

    from UM.Settings.Interfaces import ContainerInterface
    from cura.Machines.QualityChangesGroup import QualityChangesGroup
    from cura.Settings.ExtruderStack import ExtruderStack
    from cura.Settings.GlobalStack import GlobalStack

class QualityManagementModel(ListModel):
    """This the QML model for the quality management page."""

    NameRole = Qt.UserRole + 1
    IsReadOnlyRole = Qt.UserRole + 2
    QualityGroupRole = Qt.UserRole + 3
    QualityTypeRole = Qt.UserRole + 4
    QualityChangesGroupRole = Qt.UserRole + 5
    IntentCategoryRole = Qt.UserRole + 6
    SectionNameRole = Qt.UserRole + 7

    def __init__(self, parent: Optional["QObject"] = None) -> None:

        self.addRoleName(self.NameRole, "name")
        self.addRoleName(self.IsReadOnlyRole, "is_read_only")
        self.addRoleName(self.QualityGroupRole, "quality_group")
        self.addRoleName(self.QualityTypeRole, "quality_type")
        self.addRoleName(self.QualityChangesGroupRole, "quality_changes_group")
        self.addRoleName(self.IntentCategoryRole, "intent_category")
        self.addRoleName(self.SectionNameRole, "section_name")

        application = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance()
        container_registry = application.getContainerRegistry()
        self._machine_manager = application.getMachineManager()

        self._extruder_manager = application.getExtruderManager()


        self._update_timer = QTimer()


    def _onChange(self) -> None:

    def removeQualityChangesGroup(self, quality_changes_group: "QualityChangesGroup") -> None:
        """Deletes a custom profile. It will be gone forever.

        :param quality_changes_group: The quality changes group representing the profile to delete.

        Logger.log("i", "Removing quality changes group {group_name}".format(group_name = quality_changes_group.name))
        removed_quality_changes_ids = set()
        container_registry = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getContainerRegistry()
        for metadata in [quality_changes_group.metadata_for_global] + list(quality_changes_group.metadata_per_extruder.values()):
            container_id = metadata["id"]

        # Reset all machines that have activated this custom profile.
        for global_stack in container_registry.findContainerStacks(type = "machine"):
            if global_stack.qualityChanges.getId() in removed_quality_changes_ids:
                global_stack.qualityChanges = empty_quality_changes_container
        for extruder_stack in container_registry.findContainerStacks(type = "extruder_train"):
            if extruder_stack.qualityChanges.getId() in removed_quality_changes_ids:
                extruder_stack.qualityChanges = empty_quality_changes_container

    @pyqtSlot(QObject, str, result = str)
    def renameQualityChangesGroup(self, quality_changes_group: "QualityChangesGroup", new_name: str) -> str:
        """Rename a custom profile.

        Because the names must be unique, the new name may not actually become the name that was given. The actual
        name is returned by this function.

        :param quality_changes_group: The custom profile that must be renamed.
        :param new_name: The desired name for the profile.

        :return: The actual new name of the profile, after making the name unique.

        Logger.log("i", "Renaming QualityChangesGroup {old_name} to {new_name}.".format(old_name = quality_changes_group.name, new_name = new_name))
        if new_name == quality_changes_group.name:
            Logger.log("i", "QualityChangesGroup name {name} unchanged.".format(name = quality_changes_group.name))
            return new_name

        application = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance()
        container_registry = application.getContainerRegistry()
        new_name = container_registry.uniqueName(new_name)
        # CURA-6842
        # FIXME: setName() will trigger metaDataChanged signal that are connected with type Qt.AutoConnection. In this
        # case, setName() will trigger direct connections which in turn causes the quality changes group and the models
        # to update. Because multiple containers need to be renamed, and every time a container gets renamed, updates
        # gets triggered and this results in partial updates. For example, if we rename the global quality changes
        # container first, the rest of the system still thinks that I have selected "my_profile" instead of
        # "my_new_profile", but an update already gets triggered, and the quality changes group that's selected will
        # have no container for the global stack, because "my_profile" just got renamed to "my_new_profile". This results
        # in crashes because the rest of the system assumes that all data in a QualityChangesGroup will be correct.
        # Renaming the container for the global stack in the end seems to be ok, because the assumption is mostly based
        # on the quality changes container for the global stack.
        for metadata in quality_changes_group.metadata_per_extruder.values():
            extruder_container = cast(InstanceContainer, container_registry.findContainers(id = metadata["id"])[0])
        global_container = cast(InstanceContainer, container_registry.findContainers(id = quality_changes_group.metadata_for_global["id"])[0])

        quality_changes_group.name = new_name


        return new_name

    @pyqtSlot(str, "QVariantMap")
    def duplicateQualityChanges(self, new_name: str, quality_model_item: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        """Duplicates a given quality profile OR quality changes profile.

        :param new_name: The desired name of the new profile. This will be made unique, so it might end up with a
        different name.
        :param quality_model_item: The item of this model to duplicate, as dictionary. See the descriptions of the
        roles of this list model.

        global_stack = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
        if not global_stack:
            Logger.log("i", "No active global stack, cannot duplicate quality (changes) profile.")

        container_registry = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getContainerRegistry()
        new_name = container_registry.uniqueName(new_name)

        intent_category = quality_model_item["intent_category"]
        quality_group = quality_model_item["quality_group"]
        quality_changes_group = quality_model_item["quality_changes_group"]
        if quality_changes_group is None:
            new_quality_changes = self._createQualityChanges(quality_group.quality_type, intent_category, new_name,
                                                             global_stack, extruder_stack = None)

            for extruder in global_stack.extruderList:
                new_extruder_quality_changes = self._createQualityChanges(quality_group.quality_type, intent_category,
                                                                          global_stack, extruder_stack = extruder)

            for metadata in [quality_changes_group.metadata_for_global] + list(quality_changes_group.metadata_per_extruder.values()):
                containers = container_registry.findContainers(id = metadata["id"])
                if not containers:
                container = containers[0]
                new_id = container_registry.uniqueName(container.getId())
                container_registry.addContainer(container.duplicate(new_id, new_name))

    def createQualityChanges(self, base_name: str) -> None:
        """Create quality changes containers from the user containers in the active stacks.

        This will go through the global and extruder stacks and create quality_changes containers from the user
        containers in each stack. These then replace the quality_changes containers in the stack and clear the user

        :param base_name: The new name for the quality changes profile. The final name of the profile might be
        different from this, because it needs to be made unique.

        machine_manager = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getMachineManager()

        global_stack = machine_manager.activeMachine
        if not global_stack:

        active_quality_name = machine_manager.activeQualityOrQualityChangesName
        if active_quality_name == "":
            Logger.log("w", "No quality container found in stack %s, cannot create profile", global_stack.getId())

        if base_name is None or base_name == "":
            base_name = active_quality_name
        container_registry = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getContainerRegistry()
        unique_name = container_registry.uniqueName(base_name)

        # Go through the active stacks and create quality_changes containers from the user containers.
        container_manager = ContainerManager.getInstance()
        stack_list = [global_stack] + global_stack.extruderList
        for stack in stack_list:
            quality_container = stack.quality
            quality_changes_container = stack.qualityChanges
            if not quality_container or not quality_changes_container:
                Logger.log("w", "No quality or quality changes container found in stack %s, ignoring it", stack.getId())

            extruder_stack = None
            intent_category = None
            if stack.getMetaDataEntry("position") is not None:
                extruder_stack = stack
                intent_category = stack.intent.getMetaDataEntry("intent_category")
            new_changes = self._createQualityChanges(quality_container.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type"), intent_category, unique_name, global_stack, extruder_stack)
            container_manager._performMerge(new_changes, quality_changes_container, clear_settings = False)
            container_manager._performMerge(new_changes, stack.userChanges)


    def _createQualityChanges(self, quality_type: str, intent_category: Optional[str], new_name: str, machine: "GlobalStack", extruder_stack: Optional["ExtruderStack"]) -> "InstanceContainer":
        """Create a quality changes container with the given set-up.

        :param quality_type: The quality type of the new container.
        :param intent_category: The intent category of the new container.
        :param new_name: The name of the container. This name must be unique.
        :param machine: The global stack to create the profile for.
        :param extruder_stack: The extruder stack to create the profile for. If not provided, only a global container will be created.

        container_registry = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getContainerRegistry()
        base_id = machine.definition.getId() if extruder_stack is None else extruder_stack.getId()
        new_id = base_id + "_" + new_name
        new_id = new_id.lower().replace(" ", "_")
        new_id = container_registry.uniqueName(new_id)

        # Create a new quality_changes container for the quality.
        quality_changes = InstanceContainer(new_id)
        quality_changes.setMetaDataEntry("type", "quality_changes")
        quality_changes.setMetaDataEntry("quality_type", quality_type)
        if intent_category is not None:
            quality_changes.setMetaDataEntry("intent_category", intent_category)

        # If we are creating a container for an extruder, ensure we add that to the container.
        if extruder_stack is not None:
            quality_changes.setMetaDataEntry("position", extruder_stack.getMetaDataEntry("position"))

        # If the machine specifies qualities should be filtered, ensure we match the current criteria.
        machine_definition_id = ContainerTree.getInstance().machines[machine.definition.getId()].quality_definition

        quality_changes.setMetaDataEntry("setting_version", cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().SettingVersion)
        return quality_changes

    def _qualityChangesListChanged(self, container: "ContainerInterface") -> None:
        """Triggered when any container changed.

        This filters the updates to the container manager: When it applies to the list of quality changes, we need to
        update our list.

        if container.getMetaDataEntry("type") == "quality_changes":

    @pyqtSlot("QVariantMap", result = str)
    def getQualityItemDisplayName(self, quality_model_item: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        quality_group = quality_model_item["quality_group"]
        is_read_only = quality_model_item["is_read_only"]
        intent_category = quality_model_item["intent_category"]

        quality_level_name = "Not Supported"
        if quality_group is not None:
            quality_level_name = quality_group.name

        display_name = quality_level_name

        if intent_category != "default":
            intent_display_name = catalog.i18nc("@label", intent_category.capitalize())
            display_name = "{intent_name} - {the_rest}".format(intent_name = intent_display_name,
                                                               the_rest = display_name)

        # A custom quality
        if not is_read_only:
            display_name = "{custom_profile_name} - {the_rest}".format(custom_profile_name = quality_model_item["name"],
                                                                       the_rest = display_name)

        return display_name

    def _update(self):
        Logger.log("d", "Updating {model_class_name}.".format(model_class_name = self.__class__.__name__))

        global_stack = self._machine_manager.activeMachine
        if not global_stack:

        container_tree = ContainerTree.getInstance()
        quality_group_dict = container_tree.getCurrentQualityGroups()
        quality_changes_group_list = container_tree.getCurrentQualityChangesGroups()

        available_quality_types = set(quality_type for quality_type, quality_group in quality_group_dict.items()
                                      if quality_group.is_available)
        if not available_quality_types and not quality_changes_group_list:
            # Nothing to show

        item_list = []
        # Create quality group items (intent category = "default")
        for quality_group in quality_group_dict.values():
            if not quality_group.is_available:

            layer_height = fetchLayerHeight(quality_group)

            item = {"name": quality_group.name,
                    "is_read_only": True,
                    "quality_group": quality_group,
                    "quality_type": quality_group.quality_type,
                    "quality_changes_group": None,
                    "intent_category": "default",
                    "section_name": catalog.i18nc("@label", "Default"),
                    "layer_height": layer_height,  # layer_height is only used for sorting

        # Sort by layer_height for built-in qualities
        item_list = sorted(item_list, key = lambda x: x["layer_height"])

        # Create intent items (non-default)
        available_intent_list = IntentManager.getInstance().getCurrentAvailableIntents()
        available_intent_list = [i for i in available_intent_list if i[0] != "default"]
        result = []
        for intent_category, quality_type in available_intent_list:
            if not quality_group_dict[quality_type].is_available:
                "name": quality_group_dict[quality_type].name,  # Use the quality name as the display name
                "is_read_only": True,
                "quality_group": quality_group_dict[quality_type],
                "quality_type": quality_type,
                "quality_changes_group": None,
                "intent_category": intent_category,
                "section_name": catalog.i18nc("@label", intent_translations.get(intent_category, {}).get("name", catalog.i18nc("@label", "Unknown"))),
        # Sort by quality_type for each intent category
        intent_translations_list = list(intent_translations)

        def getIntentWeight(intent_category):
                return intent_translations_list.index(intent_category)
            except ValueError:
                return 99

        result = sorted(result, key = lambda x: (getIntentWeight(x["intent_category"]), x["quality_type"]))
        item_list += result

        # Create quality_changes group items
        quality_changes_item_list = []
        for quality_changes_group in quality_changes_group_list:
            # CURA-6913 Note that custom qualities can be based on "not supported", so the quality group can be None.
            quality_group = quality_group_dict.get(quality_changes_group.quality_type)
            quality_type = quality_changes_group.quality_type

            if not quality_changes_group.is_available:
            item = {"name": quality_changes_group.name,
                    "is_read_only": False,
                    "quality_group": quality_group,
                    "quality_type": quality_type,
                    "quality_changes_group": quality_changes_group,
                    "intent_category": quality_changes_group.intent_category,
                    "section_name": catalog.i18nc("@label", "Custom profiles"),

        # Sort quality_changes items by names and append to the item list
        quality_changes_item_list = sorted(quality_changes_item_list, key = lambda x: x["name"].upper())
        item_list += quality_changes_item_list


    @pyqtSlot(str, result = "QVariantList")
    def getFileNameFilters(self, io_type):
        """Gets a list of the possible file filters that the plugins have registered they can read or write.

        The convenience meta-filters "All Supported Types" and "All Files" are added when listing readers,
        but not when listing writers.

        :param io_type: name of the needed IO type
        :return: A list of strings indicating file name filters for a file dialog.

         TODO: Duplicated code here from InstanceContainersModel. Refactor and remove this later.

        from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
        catalog = i18nCatalog("uranium")
        #TODO: This function should be in UM.Resources!
        filters = []
        all_types = []
        for plugin_id, meta_data in self._getIOPlugins(io_type):
            for io_plugin in meta_data[io_type]:
                filters.append(io_plugin["description"] + " (*." + io_plugin["extension"] + ")")

        if "_reader" in io_type:
            # if we're listing readers, add the option to show all supported files as the default option
            filters.insert(0, catalog.i18nc("@item:inlistbox", "All Supported Types ({0})", " ".join(all_types)))
            filters.append(catalog.i18nc("@item:inlistbox", "All Files (*)"))  # Also allow arbitrary files, if the user so prefers.
        return filters

    def _getIOPlugins(self, io_type):
        """Gets a list of profile reader or writer plugins

        :return: List of tuples of (plugin_id, meta_data).
        from UM.PluginRegistry import PluginRegistry
        pr = PluginRegistry.getInstance()
        active_plugin_ids = pr.getActivePlugins()

        result = []
        for plugin_id in active_plugin_ids:
            meta_data = pr.getMetaData(plugin_id)
            if io_type in meta_data:
                result.append( (plugin_id, meta_data) )
        return result