#Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
#Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.

import gc
import sys

from UM.Job import Job
from UM.Application import Application
from UM.Mesh.MeshData import MeshData
from UM.View.GL.OpenGLContext import OpenGLContext

from UM.Message import Message
from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog
from UM.Logger import Logger

from UM.Math.Vector import Vector

from cura.Scene.BuildPlateDecorator import BuildPlateDecorator
from cura.Scene.CuraSceneNode import CuraSceneNode
from cura.Settings.ExtruderManager import ExtruderManager
from cura import LayerDataBuilder
from cura import LayerDataDecorator
from cura import LayerPolygon

import numpy
from time import time
from cura.Machines.Models.ExtrudersModel import ExtrudersModel
catalog = i18nCatalog("cura")

##  Return a 4-tuple with floats 0-1 representing the html color code
#   \param color_code html color code, i.e. "#FF0000" -> red
def colorCodeToRGBA(color_code):
    if color_code is None:
        Logger.log("w", "Unable to convert color code, returning default")
        return [0, 0, 0, 1]
    return [
        int(color_code[1:3], 16) / 255,
        int(color_code[3:5], 16) / 255,
        int(color_code[5:7], 16) / 255,

class ProcessSlicedLayersJob(Job):
    def __init__(self, layers):
        self._layers = layers
        self._scene = Application.getInstance().getController().getScene()
        self._progress_message = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Processing Layers"), 0, False, -1)
        self._abort_requested = False
        self._build_plate_number = None

    ##  Aborts the processing of layers.
    #   This abort is made on a best-effort basis, meaning that the actual
    #   job thread will check once in a while to see whether an abort is
    #   requested and then stop processing by itself. There is no guarantee
    #   that the abort will stop the job any time soon or even at all.
    def abort(self):
        self._abort_requested = True

    def setBuildPlate(self, new_value):
        self._build_plate_number = new_value

    def getBuildPlate(self):
        return self._build_plate_number

    def run(self):
        Logger.log("d", "Processing new layer for build plate %s..." % self._build_plate_number)
        start_time = time()
        view = Application.getInstance().getController().getActiveView()
        if view.getPluginId() == "SimulationView":
            if self._abort_requested:
                if self._progress_message:


        # The no_setting_override is here because adding the SettingOverrideDecorator will trigger a reslice
        new_node = CuraSceneNode(no_setting_override = True)

        # Force garbage collection.
        # For some reason, Python has a tendency to keep the layer data
        # in memory longer than needed. Forcing the GC to run here makes
        # sure any old layer data is really cleaned up before adding new.

        mesh = MeshData()
        layer_data = LayerDataBuilder.LayerDataBuilder()
        layer_count = len(self._layers)

        # Find the minimum layer number
        # When disabling the remove empty first layers setting, the minimum layer number will be a positive
        # value. In that case the first empty layers will be discarded and start processing layers from the
        # first layer with data.
        # When using a raft, the raft layers are sent as layers < 0. Instead of allowing layers < 0, we
        # simply offset all other layers so the lowest layer is always 0. It could happens that the first
        # raft layer has value -8 but there are just 4 raft (negative) layers.
        min_layer_number = sys.maxsize
        negative_layers = 0
        for layer in self._layers:
            if layer.repeatedMessageCount("path_segment") > 0:
                if layer.id < min_layer_number:
                    min_layer_number = layer.id
                if layer.id < 0:
                    negative_layers += 1

        current_layer = 0

        for layer in self._layers:
            # If the layer is below the minimum, it means that there is no data, so that we don't create a layer
            # data. However, if there are empty layers in between, we compute them.
            if layer.id < min_layer_number:

            # Layers are offset by the minimum layer number. In case the raft (negative layers) is being used,
            # then the absolute layer number is adjusted by removing the empty layers that can be in between raft
            # and the model
            abs_layer_number = layer.id - min_layer_number
            if layer.id >= 0 and negative_layers != 0:
                abs_layer_number += (min_layer_number + negative_layers)

            this_layer = layer_data.getLayer(abs_layer_number)
            layer_data.setLayerHeight(abs_layer_number, layer.height)
            layer_data.setLayerThickness(abs_layer_number, layer.thickness)

            for p in range(layer.repeatedMessageCount("path_segment")):
                polygon = layer.getRepeatedMessage("path_segment", p)

                extruder = polygon.extruder

                line_types = numpy.fromstring(polygon.line_type, dtype = "u1")  # Convert bytearray to numpy array

                line_types = line_types.reshape((-1,1))

                points = numpy.fromstring(polygon.points, dtype = "f4")  # Convert bytearray to numpy array
                if polygon.point_type == 0: # Point2D
                    points = points.reshape((-1,2))  # We get a linear list of pairs that make up the points, so make numpy interpret them correctly.
                else:  # Point3D
                    points = points.reshape((-1,3))

                line_widths = numpy.fromstring(polygon.line_width, dtype = "f4")  # Convert bytearray to numpy array
                line_widths = line_widths.reshape((-1,1))  # We get a linear list of pairs that make up the points, so make numpy interpret them correctly.

                line_thicknesses = numpy.fromstring(polygon.line_thickness, dtype = "f4")  # Convert bytearray to numpy array
                line_thicknesses = line_thicknesses.reshape((-1,1))  # We get a linear list of pairs that make up the points, so make numpy interpret them correctly.

                line_feedrates = numpy.fromstring(polygon.line_feedrate, dtype = "f4")  # Convert bytearray to numpy array
                line_feedrates = line_feedrates.reshape((-1,1))  # We get a linear list of pairs that make up the points, so make numpy interpret them correctly.

                # Create a new 3D-array, copy the 2D points over and insert the right height.
                # This uses manual array creation + copy rather than numpy.insert since this is
                # faster.
                new_points = numpy.empty((len(points), 3), numpy.float32)
                if polygon.point_type == 0:  # Point2D
                    new_points[:, 0] = points[:, 0]
                    new_points[:, 1] = layer.height / 1000  # layer height value is in backend representation
                    new_points[:, 2] = -points[:, 1]
                else: # Point3D
                    new_points[:, 0] = points[:, 0]
                    new_points[:, 1] = points[:, 2]
                    new_points[:, 2] = -points[:, 1]

                this_poly = LayerPolygon.LayerPolygon(extruder, line_types, new_points, line_widths, line_thicknesses, line_feedrates)


            current_layer += 1
            progress = (current_layer / layer_count) * 99
            # TODO: Rebuild the layer data mesh once the layer has been processed.
            # This needs some work in LayerData so we can add the new layers instead of recreating the entire mesh.

            if self._abort_requested:
                if self._progress_message:
            if self._progress_message:

        # We are done processing all the layers we got from the engine, now create a mesh out of the data

        # Find out colors per extruder
        global_container_stack = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
        manager = ExtruderManager.getInstance()
        extruders = manager.getActiveExtruderStacks()
        if extruders:
            material_color_map = numpy.zeros((len(extruders), 4), dtype = numpy.float32)
            for extruder in extruders:
                position = int(extruder.getMetaDataEntry("position", default = "0"))
                    default_color = ExtrudersModel.defaultColors[position]
                except IndexError:
                    default_color = "#e0e000"
                color_code = extruder.material.getMetaDataEntry("color_code", default=default_color)
                color = colorCodeToRGBA(color_code)
                material_color_map[position, :] = color
            # Single extruder via global stack.
            material_color_map = numpy.zeros((1, 4), dtype = numpy.float32)
            color_code = global_container_stack.material.getMetaDataEntry("color_code", default = "#e0e000")
            color = colorCodeToRGBA(color_code)
            material_color_map[0, :] = color

        # We have to scale the colors for compatibility mode
        if OpenGLContext.isLegacyOpenGL() or bool(Application.getInstance().getPreferences().getValue("view/force_layer_view_compatibility_mode")):
            line_type_brightness = 0.5  # for compatibility mode
            line_type_brightness = 1.0
        layer_mesh = layer_data.build(material_color_map, line_type_brightness)

        if self._abort_requested:
            if self._progress_message:

        # Add LayerDataDecorator to scene node to indicate that the node has layer data
        decorator = LayerDataDecorator.LayerDataDecorator()

        # Set build volume as parent, the build volume can move as a result of raft settings.
        # It makes sense to set the build volume as parent: the print is actually printed on it.
        new_node_parent = Application.getInstance().getBuildVolume()
        new_node.setParent(new_node_parent)  # Note: After this we can no longer abort!

        settings = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
        if not settings.getProperty("machine_center_is_zero", "value"):
            new_node.setPosition(Vector(-settings.getProperty("machine_width", "value") / 2, 0.0, settings.getProperty("machine_depth", "value") / 2))

        if self._progress_message:

        if self._progress_message:

        # Clear the unparsed layers. This saves us a bunch of memory if the Job does not get destroyed.
        self._layers = None

        Logger.log("d", "Processing layers took %s seconds", time() - start_time)

    def _onActiveViewChanged(self):
        if self.isRunning():
            if Application.getInstance().getController().getActiveView().getPluginId() == "SimulationView":
                if not self._progress_message:
                    self._progress_message = Message(catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Processing Layers"), 0, False, 0, catalog.i18nc("@info:title", "Information"))
                if self._progress_message.getProgress() != 100:
                if self._progress_message: