# Copyright (c) 2022 UltiMaker # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import os import argparse # Command line arguments parsing and help. import subprocess import semver import shutil from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from jinja2 import Template def generate_nsi(source_path: str, dist_path: str, filename: str, version: str): dist_loc = Path(os.getcwd(), dist_path) source_loc = Path(os.getcwd(), source_path) instdir = Path("$INSTDIR") dist_paths = [p.relative_to(dist_loc.joinpath("UltiMaker-Cura")) for p in sorted(dist_loc.joinpath("UltiMaker-Cura").rglob("*")) if p.is_file()] parsed_version = semver.Version.parse(version) mapped_out_paths = {} for dist_path in dist_paths: if "__pycache__" not in dist_path.parts: out_path = instdir.joinpath(dist_path).parent if out_path not in mapped_out_paths: mapped_out_paths[out_path] = [(dist_loc.joinpath("UltiMaker-Cura", dist_path), instdir.joinpath(dist_path))] else: mapped_out_paths[out_path].append((dist_loc.joinpath("UltiMaker-Cura", dist_path), instdir.joinpath(dist_path))) rmdir_paths = set() for rmdir_f in mapped_out_paths.values(): for _, rmdir_p in rmdir_f: for rmdir in rmdir_p.parents: rmdir_paths.add(rmdir) rmdir_paths = sorted(list(rmdir_paths), reverse = True)[:-2] # Removes the `.` and `..` from the list jinja_template_path = Path(source_loc.joinpath("packaging", "NSIS", "Ultimaker-Cura.nsi.jinja")) with open(jinja_template_path, "r") as f: template = Template(f.read()) nsis_content = template.render( app_name = f"UltiMaker Cura {version}", main_app = "UltiMaker-Cura.exe", version = version, version_major = str(parsed_version.major), version_minor = str(parsed_version.minor), version_patch = str(parsed_version.patch), company = "UltiMaker", web_site = "https://ultimaker.com", year = datetime.now().year, cura_license_file = str(source_loc.joinpath("packaging", "cura_license.txt")), compression_method = "LZMA", # ZLIB, BZIP2 or LZMA cura_banner_img = str(source_loc.joinpath("packaging", "NSIS", "cura_banner_nsis.bmp")), cura_icon = str(source_loc.joinpath("packaging", "icons", "Cura.ico")), mapped_out_paths = mapped_out_paths, rmdir_paths = rmdir_paths, destination = filename ) with open(dist_loc.joinpath("UltiMaker-Cura.nsi"), "w") as f: f.write(nsis_content) shutil.copy(source_loc.joinpath("packaging", "NSIS", "fileassoc.nsh"), dist_loc.joinpath("fileassoc.nsh")) def build(dist_path: str): dist_loc = Path(os.getcwd(), dist_path) command = ["makensis", "/V2", "/P4", str(dist_loc.joinpath("UltiMaker-Cura.nsi"))] subprocess.run(command) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Create Windows exe installer of Cura.") parser.add_argument("--source_path", type=str, help="Path to Conan install Cura folder.") parser.add_argument("--dist_path", type=str, help="Path to Pyinstaller dist folder") parser.add_argument("--filename", type=str, help="Filename of the exe (e.g. 'UltiMaker-Cura-5.1.0-beta-Windows-X64.exe')") parser.add_argument("--version", type=str, help="The full cura version, e.g. 5.9.0-beta.1+24132") args = parser.parse_args() generate_nsi(args.source_path, args.dist_path, args.filename, args.version) build(args.dist_path)