// Copyright (c) 2022 UltiMaker // Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import QtQuick 2.10 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import UM 1.5 as UM import Cura 1.7 as Cura // This ComboBox allows changing of a single setting. Only the setting name has to be passed in to "settingName". // All of the setting updating logic is handled by this component. // This uses the "options" value of a setting to populate the drop down. This will only work for settings with "options" // If the setting is limited to a single extruder or is settable with different values per extruder use "updateAllExtruders: true" Cura.ComboBox { textRole: "text" property alias settingName: propertyProvider.key property alias propertyRemoveUnusedValue: propertyProvider.removeUnusedValue // If true, all extruders will have "settingName" property updated. // The displayed value will be read from the extruder with index "defaultExtruderIndex" instead of the machine. property bool updateAllExtruders: false // This is only used if updateAllExtruders == true property int defaultExtruderIndex: Cura.ExtruderManager.activeExtruderIndex model: ListModel { id: comboboxModel // The propertyProvider has not loaded the setting when this components onComplete triggers. Populating the model // is deferred until propertyProvider signals "onIsValueUsedChanged". The deferred update is triggered with this function. function updateModel() { clear() if(!propertyProvider.properties.options) // No options have been loaded yet to populate combobox { return } for (var i = 0; i < propertyProvider.properties["options"].keys().length; i++) { var key = propertyProvider.properties["options"].keys()[i] var value = propertyProvider.properties["options"][key] comboboxModel.append({ text: value, code: key}) if (propertyProvider.properties.value === key) { // The combobox is cleared after each value change so the currentIndex must be set each time. currentIndex = i } } } } // Updates to the setting are delayed by interval. The signal onIsValueUsedChanged() is emitted early for some reason. // This causes the selected value in the combobox to be updated to the previous value. (This issue is present with infill_pattern setting) // This is a hack. If you see this in the future, try removing it and see if the combobox still works. Timer { id: updateTimer interval: 100 repeat: false onTriggered: comboboxModel.updateModel(false) } property UM.SettingPropertyProvider propertyProvider: UM.SettingPropertyProvider { id: propertyProvider containerStackId: updateAllExtruders ? Cura.ExtruderManager.extruderIds[defaultExtruderIndex] : Cura.MachineManager.activeMachine.id removeUnusedValue: false watchedProperties: ["value", "validationState", "resolve", "options"] } Connections { target: propertyProvider function onContainerStackChanged() { updateTimer.restart() } function onIsValueUsedChanged() { updateTimer.restart() } } onCurrentIndexChanged: parseValueAndUpdateSetting() function parseValueAndUpdateSetting() { if (comboboxModel.get(currentIndex) && comboboxModel.get(currentIndex).code !== propertyProvider.properties.value) { updateSetting(comboboxModel.get(currentIndex).code) } } function forceUpdateSettings() { comboboxModel.updateModel(); } function updateSetting(value) { if (updateAllExtruders) { Cura.MachineManager.setSettingForAllExtruders(propertyProvider.key, "value", value) } else { propertyProvider.setPropertyValue("value", value) } } }