{ "version": 2, "name": "Creality CR-X", "inherits": "fdmprinter", "metadata": { "visible": true, "author": "SRC", "manufacturer": "Creality3D", "file_formats": "text/x-gcode", "platform": "cr-x.3mf", "has_machine_quality": false, "has_variants": false, "machine_extruder_trains": { "0": "cr-x_extruder_0", "1": "cr-x_extruder_1" }, "preferred_quality_type": "draft" }, "overrides": { "adhesion_type": { "default_value": "skirt" }, "gantry_height": { "value": "30" }, "machine_center_is_zero": { "default_value": false }, "machine_depth": { "default_value": 300 }, "machine_end_gcode": { "default_value": "M104 S0 ;hotend off\nM140 S0 ;bed off\nG92 E0\nG1 F2000 E-100 ;retract filament 100mm\nG92 E0\nG1 F3000 X0 Y270 ;move bed for easy part removal\nM84 ;disable steppers" }, "machine_extruder_count": { "default_value": 2 }, "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" }, "machine_heated_bed": { "default_value": true }, "machine_height": { "default_value": 400 }, "machine_max_acceleration_e": { "default_value": 5000 }, "machine_max_acceleration_x": { "default_value": 500 }, "machine_max_acceleration_y": { "default_value": 500 }, "machine_max_acceleration_z": { "default_value": 100 }, "machine_max_jerk_e": { "default_value": 5.0 }, "machine_max_jerk_xy": { "default_value": 5.0 }, "machine_max_jerk_z": { "default_value": 0.4 }, "machine_name": { "default_value": "Creality CR-X" }, "machine_start_gcode": { "default_value": "G21 ;metric values\nG28 ;home all\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG1 F2400 Z15.0 ;raise the nozzle 15mm\nM109 S{material_print_temperature} ;Set Extruder Temperature and Wait\nM190 S{material_bed_temperature}; Wait for bed temperature to reach target temp\nT0 ;Switch to Extruder 1\nG1 F3000 X5 Y10 Z0.2 ;move to prime start position\nG92 E0 ;reset extrusion distance\nG1 F600 X160 E15 ;prime nozzle in a line\nG1 F5000 X180 ;quick wipe\nG92 E0 ;reset extrusion distance" }, "machine_width": { "default_value": 300 }, "retraction_amount": { "default_value": 3 }, "retraction_speed": { "default_value": 70 }, "speed_print": { "default_value": 60 }, "top_bottom_thickness": { "default_value": 1 }, "wall_thickness": { "value": "1" } } }