# Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. from PyQt6.QtCore import pyqtProperty, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot from PyQt6.QtNetwork import QNetworkReply from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog from UM.Logger import Logger from UM.TaskManagement.HttpRequestManager import HttpRequestManager # To request the package list from the API. from .Constants import PACKAGES_URL # To get the list of packages. Imported this way to prevent circular imports. from .PackageList import PackageList from .PackageModel import PackageModel # The contents of this list. if TYPE_CHECKING: from PyQt6.QtCore import QObject catalog = i18nCatalog("cura") class RemotePackageList(PackageList): ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 20 # Pagination of number of elements to download at once. SORT_TYPE = "last_updated" # Default value to send for sort_by filter. def __init__(self, parent: Optional["QObject"] = None) -> None: super().__init__(parent) self._package_type_filter = "" self._requested_search_string = "" self._current_search_string = "" self._search_sort = "sort_by" self._search_type = "search" self._request_url = self._initialRequestUrl() self._ongoing_requests["get_packages"] = None self.isLoadingChanged.connect(self._onLoadingChanged) self.isLoadingChanged.emit() @pyqtSlot() def updatePackages(self) -> None: """ Make a request for the first paginated page of packages. When the request is done, the list will get updated with the new package models. """ self.setErrorMessage("") # Clear any previous errors. self.setIsLoading(True) self._ongoing_requests["get_packages"] = HttpRequestManager.getInstance().get( self._request_url, scope = self._scope, callback = self._parseResponse, error_callback = self._onError ) def reset(self) -> None: self.clear() self._request_url = self._initialRequestUrl() packageTypeFilterChanged = pyqtSignal() searchStringChanged = pyqtSignal() def setPackageTypeFilter(self, new_filter: str) -> None: if new_filter != self._package_type_filter: self._package_type_filter = new_filter self.reset() self.packageTypeFilterChanged.emit() def setSearchString(self, new_search: str) -> None: self._requested_search_string = new_search self._onLoadingChanged() @pyqtProperty(str, fset = setPackageTypeFilter, notify = packageTypeFilterChanged) def packageTypeFilter(self) -> str: """ Get the package type this package list is filtering on, like ``plugin`` or ``material``. :return: The package type this list is filtering on. """ return self._package_type_filter @pyqtProperty(str, fset = setSearchString, notify = searchStringChanged) def searchString(self) -> str: """ Get the string the user is currently searching for (as in: the list is updating) within the packages, or an empty string if no extra search filter has to be applied. Does not override package-type filter! :return: String the user is searching for. Empty denotes 'no search filter'. """ return self._current_search_string def _onLoadingChanged(self) -> None: if self._requested_search_string != self._current_search_string and not self._is_loading: self._current_search_string = self._requested_search_string self.reset() self.updatePackages() self.searchStringChanged.emit() def _initialRequestUrl(self) -> str: """ Get the URL to request the first paginated page with. :return: A URL to request. """ request_url = f"{PACKAGES_URL}?limit={self.ITEMS_PER_PAGE}" if self._package_type_filter != "": request_url += f"&package_type={self._package_type_filter}" if self._current_search_string != "": request_url += f"&{self._search_type}={self._current_search_string}" if self.SORT_TYPE: request_url += f"&{self._search_sort}={self.SORT_TYPE}" return request_url def _parseResponse(self, reply: "QNetworkReply") -> None: """ Parse the response from the package list API request. This converts that response into PackageModels, and triggers the ListModel to update. :param reply: A reply containing information about a number of packages. """ response_data = HttpRequestManager.readJSON(reply) if "data" not in response_data or "links" not in response_data: Logger.error(f"Could not interpret the server's response. Missing 'data' or 'links' from response data. Keys in response: {response_data.keys()}") self.setErrorMessage(catalog.i18nc("@info:error", "Could not interpret the server's response.")) return for package_data in response_data["data"]: try: package = PackageModel(package_data, parent = self) self._connectManageButtonSignals(package) self.appendItem({"package": package}) # Add it to this list model. except RuntimeError: # Setting the ownership of this object to not qml can still result in a RuntimeError. Which can occur when quickly toggling # between de-/constructing RemotePackageLists. This try-except is here to prevent a hard crash when the wrapped C++ object # was deleted when it was still parsing the response continue self._request_url = response_data["links"].get("next", "") # Use empty string to signify that there is no next page. self._ongoing_requests["get_packages"] = None self.setIsLoading(False) self.setHasMore(self._request_url != "") def _onError(self, reply: "QNetworkReply", error: Optional[QNetworkReply.NetworkError]) -> None: """ Handles networking and server errors when requesting the list of packages. :param reply: The reply with packages. This will most likely be incomplete and should be ignored. :param error: The error status of the request. """ if error == QNetworkReply.NetworkError.OperationCanceledError or error == QNetworkReply.NetworkError.ProtocolUnknownError: Logger.debug("Cancelled request for packages.") self._ongoing_requests["get_packages"] = None self.setIsLoading(False) return # Don't show an error about this to the user. Logger.error("Could not reach Marketplace server.") self.setErrorMessage(catalog.i18nc("@info:error", "Could not reach Marketplace.")) self._ongoing_requests["get_packages"] = None self.setIsLoading(False)