import os from pathlib import Path from jinja2 import Template from conans import tools from conan import ConanFile from import files from import VirtualRunEnv, Environment from conan.errors import ConanInvalidConfiguration required_conan_version = ">=1.47.0" class CuraConan(ConanFile): name = "cura" license = "LGPL-3.0" author = "Ultimaker B.V." url = "" description = "3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework" topics = ("conan", "python", "pyqt5", "qt", "qml", "3d-printing", "slicer") build_policy = "missing" exports = "LICENSE*", "Ultimaker-Cura.spec.jinja", "" settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" no_copy_source = True # We won't build so no need to copy sources to the build folder # FIXME: Remove specific branch once merged to main # Extending the conanfile with the UMBaseConanfile python_requires = "umbase/0.1.5@ultimaker/testing" python_requires_extend = "umbase.UMBaseConanfile" options = { "enterprise": ["True", "False", "true", "false"], # Workaround for GH Action passing boolean as lowercase string "staging": ["True", "False", "true", "false"], # Workaround for GH Action passing boolean as lowercase string "devtools": [True, False], # FIXME: Split this up in testing and (development / build (pyinstaller) / system installer) tools "cloud_api_version": "ANY", "display_name": "ANY", # TODO: should this be an option?? "cura_debug_mode": [True, False], # FIXME: Use profiles "internal": [True, False] } default_options = { "enterprise": "False", "staging": "False", "devtools": False, "cloud_api_version": "1", "display_name": "Ultimaker Cura", "cura_debug_mode": False, # Not yet implemented "internal": False, } scm = { "type": "git", "subfolder": ".", "url": "auto", "revision": "auto" } @property def _pycharm_targets(self): return self.conan_data["pycharm_targets"] # FIXME: These env vars should be defined in the runenv. _cura_env = None @property def _cura_run_env(self): if self._cura_env: return self._cura_env self._cura_env = Environment() self._cura_env.define("QML2_IMPORT_PATH", str(self._site_packages.joinpath("PyQt6", "Qt6", "qml"))) self._cura_env.define("QT_PLUGIN_PATH", str(self._site_packages.joinpath("PyQt6", "Qt6", "plugins"))) if self.settings.os == "Linux": self._cura_env.define("QT_QPA_FONTDIR", "/usr/share/fonts") self._cura_env.define("QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME", "xdgdesktopportal") self._cura_env.define("QT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT", "/usr/share/X11/xkb") return self._cura_env @property def _staging(self): return self.options.staging in ["True", 'true'] @property def _enterprise(self): return self.options.enterprise in ["True", 'true'] @property def _cloud_api_root(self): return "" if self._staging else "" @property def _cloud_account_api_root(self): return "" if self._staging else "" @property def _marketplace_root(self): return "" if self._staging else "" @property def _digital_factory_url(self): return "" if self._staging else "" @property def requirements_txts(self): if self.options.devtools: return ["requirements.txt", "requirements-ultimaker.txt", "requirements-dev.txt"] return ["requirements.txt", "requirements-ultimaker.txt"] @property def _base_dir(self): if self.install_folder is None: if self.build_folder is not None: return Path(self.build_folder) return Path(os.getcwd(), "venv") if self.in_local_cache: return Path(self.install_folder) else: return Path(self.source_folder, "venv") @property def _share_dir(self): return self._base_dir.joinpath("share") @property def _script_dir(self): if self.settings.os == "Windows": return self._base_dir.joinpath("Scripts") return self._base_dir.joinpath("bin") @property def _site_packages(self): if self.settings.os == "Windows": return self._base_dir.joinpath("Lib", "site-packages") py_version = tools.Version(self.deps_cpp_info["cpython"].version) return self._base_dir.joinpath("lib", f"python{py_version.major}.{py_version.minor}", "site-packages") @property def _py_interp(self): py_interp = self._script_dir.joinpath(Path(self.deps_user_info["cpython"].python).name) if self.settings.os == "Windows": py_interp = Path(*[f'"{p}"' if " " in p else p for p in]) return py_interp def _generate_cura_version(self, location): with open(Path(__file__).parent.joinpath(""), "r") as f: cura_version_py = Template( cura_version = self.version if self.options.internal: version = tools.Version(self.version) cura_version = f"{version.major}.{version.minor}.{version.patch}-{version.prerelease.replace('+', '+internal_')}" with open(Path(location, ""), "w") as f: f.write(cura_version_py.render( cura_app_name =, cura_app_display_name = self.options.display_name, cura_version = cura_version, cura_build_type = "Enterprise" if self._enterprise else "", cura_debug_mode = self.options.cura_debug_mode, cura_cloud_api_root = self._cloud_api_root, cura_cloud_api_version = self.options.cloud_api_version, cura_cloud_account_api_root = self._cloud_account_api_root, cura_marketplace_root = self._marketplace_root, cura_digital_factory_url = self._digital_factory_url)) def _generate_pyinstaller_spec(self, location, entrypoint_location, icon_path, entitlements_file): pyinstaller_metadata = self._um_data()["pyinstaller"] datas = [(str(self._base_dir.joinpath("conan_install_info.json")), ".")] for data in pyinstaller_metadata["datas"].values(): if "package" in data: # get the paths from conan package if data["package"] == if self.in_local_cache: src_path = Path(self.package_folder, data["src"]) else: src_path = Path(self.source_folder, data["src"]) else: src_path = Path(self.deps_cpp_info[data["package"]].rootpath, data["src"]) elif "root" in data: # get the paths relative from the sourcefolder src_path = Path(self.source_folder, data["root"], data["src"]) else: continue if src_path.exists(): datas.append((str(src_path), data["dst"])) binaries = [] for binary in pyinstaller_metadata["binaries"].values(): if "package" in binary: # get the paths from conan package src_path = Path(self.deps_cpp_info[binary["package"]].rootpath, binary["src"]) elif "root" in binary: # get the paths relative from the sourcefolder src_path = Path(self.source_folder, binary["root"], binary["src"]) else: continue if not src_path.exists(): continue for bin in src_path.glob(binary["binary"] + ".*[exe|dll|so|dylib]"): binaries.append((str(bin), binary["dst"])) for bin in src_path.glob(binary["binary"]): binaries.append((str(bin), binary["dst"])) for _, dependency in self.dependencies.items(): for bin_paths in dependency.cpp_info.bindirs: binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(bin_paths).glob("**/*.dll")]) binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(bin_paths).glob("**/*.dylib")]) binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(bin_paths).glob("**/*.so")]) # Copy dynamic libs from lib path binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(self._base_dir.joinpath("lib")).glob("**/*.dylib")]) # Collect all dll's from PyQt6 and place them in the root binaries.extend([(f"{p}", ".") for p in Path(self._site_packages, "PyQt6", "Qt6").glob("**/*.dll")]) with open(Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("Ultimaker-Cura.spec.jinja"), "r") as f: pyinstaller = Template( cura_version = tools.Version(self.version) if self.version else tools.Version("0.0.0") with open(Path(location, "Ultimaker-Cura.spec"), "w") as f: f.write(pyinstaller.render( name = str(self.options.display_name).replace(" ", "-"), display_name = self.options.display_name, entrypoint = entrypoint_location, datas = datas, binaries = binaries, venv_script_path = str(self._script_dir), hiddenimports = pyinstaller_metadata["hiddenimports"], collect_all = pyinstaller_metadata["collect_all"], icon = icon_path, entitlements_file = entitlements_file, osx_bundle_identifier = "'nl.ultimaker.cura'" if self.settings.os == "Macos" else "None", upx = str(self.settings.os == "Windows"), strip = False, # This should be possible on Linux and MacOS but, it can also cause issues on some distributions. Safest is to disable it for now target_arch = "'x86_64'" if self.settings.os == "Macos" else "None", # FIXME: Make this dependent on the settings.arch_target macos = self.settings.os == "Macos", version = f"'{self.version}'", short_version = f"'{cura_version.major}.{cura_version.minor}.{cura_version.patch}'", )) def configure(self): self.options["pyarcus"].shared = True self.options["pysavitar"].shared = True self.options["pynest2d"].shared = True self.options["cpython"].shared = True def validate(self): if self.version and tools.Version(self.version) <= tools.Version("4"): raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Only versions 5+ are support") def requirements(self): for req in self._um_data()["requirements"]: self.requires(req) def layout(self): self.folders.source = "." = "venv" self.folders.generators = Path(, "conan") self.cpp.package.libdirs = [os.path.join("site-packages", "cura")] self.cpp.package.bindirs = ["bin"] self.cpp.package.resdirs = ["resources", "plugins", "packaging", "pip_requirements"] # pip_requirements should be the last item in the list def build(self): pass def generate(self): cura_run_envvars = self._cura_run_env.vars(self, scope = "run") ext = ".ps1" if self.settings.os == "Windows" else ".sh" cura_run_envvars.save_script(self.folders.generators.joinpath(f"cura_run_environment{ext}")) vr = VirtualRunEnv(self) vr.generate() self._generate_cura_version(Path(self.source_folder, "cura")) if self.options.devtools: entitlements_file = "'{}'".format(Path(self.source_folder, "packaging", "dmg", "cura.entitlements")) self._generate_pyinstaller_spec(location = self.generators_folder, entrypoint_location = "'{}'".format(Path(self.source_folder, self._um_data()["runinfo"]["entrypoint"])).replace("\\", "\\\\"), icon_path = "'{}'".format(Path(self.source_folder, "packaging", self._um_data()["pyinstaller"]["icon"][str(self.settings.os)])).replace("\\", "\\\\"), entitlements_file = entitlements_file if self.settings.os == "Macos" else "None") def imports(self): self.copy("CuraEngine.exe", root_package = "curaengine", src = "@bindirs", dst = "", keep_path = False) self.copy("CuraEngine", root_package = "curaengine", src = "@bindirs", dst = "", keep_path = False) files.rmdir(self, "resources/materials") self.copy("*.fdm_material", root_package = "fdm_materials", src = "@resdirs", dst = "resources/materials", keep_path = False) self.copy("*.sig", root_package = "fdm_materials", src = "@resdirs", dst = "resources/materials", keep_path = False) # Copy resources of cura_binary_data self.copy("*", root_package = "cura_binary_data", src = self.deps_cpp_info["cura_binary_data"].resdirs[0], dst = "venv/share/cura", keep_path = True) self.copy("*", root_package = "cura_binary_data", src = self.deps_cpp_info["cura_binary_data"].resdirs[1], dst = "venv/share/uranium", keep_path = True) self.copy("*.dll", src = "@bindirs", dst = self._site_packages) self.copy("*.pyd", src = "@libdirs", dst = self._site_packages) self.copy("*.pyi", src = "@libdirs", dst = self._site_packages) self.copy("*.dylib", src = "@libdirs", dst = self._script_dir) def deploy(self): # Copy CuraEngine.exe to bindirs of Virtual Python Environment # TODO: Fix source such that it will get the curaengine relative from the executable (Python bindir in this case) self.copy_deps("CuraEngine.exe", root_package = "curaengine", src = self.deps_cpp_info["curaengine"].bindirs[0], dst = self._base_dir, keep_path = False) self.copy_deps("CuraEngine", root_package = "curaengine", src = self.deps_cpp_info["curaengine"].bindirs[0], dst = self._base_dir, keep_path = False) # Copy resources of Cura (keep folder structure) self.copy("*", src = self.cpp_info.bindirs[0], dst = self._base_dir, keep_path = False) self.copy("*", src = self.cpp_info.libdirs[0], dst = self._site_packages.joinpath("cura"), keep_path = True) self.copy("*", src = self.cpp_info.resdirs[0], dst = self._share_dir.joinpath("cura", "resources"), keep_path = True) self.copy("*", src = self.cpp_info.resdirs[1], dst = self._share_dir.joinpath("cura", "plugins"), keep_path = True) # Copy materials (flat) self.copy_deps("*.fdm_material", root_package = "fdm_materials", src = self.deps_cpp_info["fdm_materials"].resdirs[0], dst = self._share_dir.joinpath("cura", "resources", "materials"), keep_path = False) self.copy_deps("*.sig", root_package = "fdm_materials", src = self.deps_cpp_info["fdm_materials"].resdirs[0], dst = self._share_dir.joinpath("cura", "resources", "materials"), keep_path = False) # Copy resources of Uranium (keep folder structure) self.copy_deps("*", root_package = "uranium", src = self.deps_cpp_info["uranium"].resdirs[0], dst = self._share_dir.joinpath("uranium", "resources"), keep_path = True) self.copy_deps("*", root_package = "uranium", src = self.deps_cpp_info["uranium"].resdirs[1], dst = self._share_dir.joinpath("uranium", "plugins"), keep_path = True) self.copy_deps("*", root_package = "uranium", src = self.deps_cpp_info["uranium"].libdirs[0], dst = self._site_packages.joinpath("UM"), keep_path = True) self.copy_deps("*", root_package = "uranium", src = str(Path(self.deps_cpp_info["uranium"].libdirs[0], "Qt", "qml", "UM")), dst = self._site_packages.joinpath("PyQt6", "Qt6", "qml", "UM"), keep_path = True) # Copy resources of cura_binary_data self.copy_deps("*", root_package = "cura_binary_data", src = self.deps_cpp_info["cura_binary_data"].resdirs[0], dst = self._share_dir.joinpath("cura"), keep_path = True) self.copy_deps("*", root_package = "cura_binary_data", src = self.deps_cpp_info["cura_binary_data"].resdirs[1], dst = self._share_dir.joinpath("uranium"), keep_path = True) if self.settings.os == "Windows": self.copy_deps("*", root_package = "cura_binary_data", src = self.deps_cpp_info["cura_binary_data"].resdirs[2], dst = self._share_dir.joinpath("windows"), keep_path = True) self.copy_deps("*.dll", src = "@bindirs", dst = self._site_packages) self.copy_deps("*.pyd", src = "@libdirs", dst = self._site_packages) self.copy_deps("*.pyi", src = "@libdirs", dst = self._site_packages) self.copy_deps("*.dylib", src = "@libdirs", dst = self._base_dir.joinpath("lib")) # Copy packaging scripts self.copy("*", src = self.cpp_info.resdirs[2], dst = self._base_dir.joinpath("packaging")) # Copy requirements.txt's self.copy("*.txt", src = self.cpp_info.resdirs[-1], dst = self._base_dir.joinpath("pip_requirements")) # Generate the GitHub Action version info Environment cura_version = tools.Version(self.version) env_prefix = "Env:" if self.settings.os == "Windows" else "" activate_github_actions_version_env = Template(r"""echo "CURA_VERSION_MAJOR={{ cura_version_major }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV echo "CURA_VERSION_MINOR={{ cura_version_minor }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV echo "CURA_VERSION_PATCH={{ cura_version_patch }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV echo "CURA_VERSION_BUILD={{ cura_version_build }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV echo "CURA_VERSION_FULL={{ cura_version_full }}" >> ${{ env_prefix }}GITHUB_ENV """).render(cura_version_major = cura_version.major, cura_version_minor = cura_version.minor, cura_version_patch = cura_version.patch, cura_version_build = if != "" else "0", cura_version_full = self.version, env_prefix = env_prefix) ext = ".sh" if self.settings.os != "Windows" else ".ps1", self._script_dir.joinpath(f"activate_github_actions_version_env{ext}"), activate_github_actions_version_env) self._generate_cura_version(Path(self._site_packages, "cura")) entitlements_file = "'{}'".format(Path(self.cpp_info.res_paths[2], "dmg", "cura.entitlements")) self._generate_pyinstaller_spec(location = self._base_dir, entrypoint_location = "'{}'".format(Path(self.cpp_info.bin_paths[0], self._um_data()["runinfo"]["entrypoint"])).replace("\\", "\\\\"), icon_path = "'{}'".format(Path(self.cpp_info.res_paths[2], self._um_data()["pyinstaller"]["icon"][str(self.settings.os)])).replace("\\", "\\\\"), entitlements_file = entitlements_file if self.settings.os == "Macos" else "None") def package(self): self.copy("", src = ".", dst = self.cpp.package.bindirs[0]) self.copy("*", src = "cura", dst = self.cpp.package.libdirs[0]) self.copy("*", src = "resources", dst = self.cpp.package.resdirs[0]) self.copy("*", src = "plugins", dst = self.cpp.package.resdirs[1]) self.copy("requirement*.txt", src = ".", dst = self.cpp.package.resdirs[-1]) self.copy("*", src = "packaging", dst = self.cpp.package.resdirs[2]) def package_info(self): self.user_info.pip_requirements = "requirements.txt" self.user_info.pip_requirements_git = "requirements-ultimaker.txt" self.user_info.pip_requirements_build = "requirements-dev.txt" if self.in_local_cache: self.runenv_info.append_path("PYTHONPATH", str(Path(self.cpp_info.lib_paths[0]).parent)) self.runenv_info.append_path("PYTHONPATH", self.cpp_info.res_paths[1]) # Add plugins to PYTHONPATH else: self.runenv_info.append_path("PYTHONPATH", self.source_folder) self.runenv_info.append_path("PYTHONPATH", os.path.join(self.source_folder, "plugins")) def package_id(self): del del del del # The following options shouldn't be used to determine the hash, since these are only used to set the # which will als be generated by the deploy method during the `conan install cura/5.1.0@_/_` del del del del del del # TODO: Use the hash of requirements.txt and requirements-ultimaker.txt, Because changing these will actually result in a different # Cura. This is needed because the requirements.txt aren't managed by Conan and therefor not resolved in the package_id. This isn't # ideal but an acceptable solution for now.