# Designed in January 2023 by GregValiant (Greg Foresi)
##   My design intent was to make this as full featured and "industrial strength" as I could.  People printing exotic materials on large custom printers may want to turn the fans off for certain layers, and then back on again later in the print.  This script allows that.
#    Functions:
##    Remove all fan speed lines from the file (optional).  This should be enabled for the first instance of the script.  It is disabled by default in any following instances.
##    "By Layer" allows the user to adjust the fan speed up, or down, or off, within the print.  "By Feature" allows different fan speeds for different features (;TYPE:WALL-OUTER, etc.).
##    If 'By Feature' then a Start Layer and/or an End Layer can be defined.
##    Fan speeds are scaled PWM (0 - 255) or RepRap (0.0 - 1.0) depending on {machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one}.
##    A minimum fan speed of 12% is enforced.  It is the slowest speed that my cooling fan will turn on so that's what I used.  'M106 S14' (as Cura might insert) was pretty useless.
##    If multiple extruders have separate fan circuits the speeds are set at tool changes and conform to the layer or feature setting.  There is support for up to 4 layer cooling fan circuits.
##    My thanks to @5axes(@CUQ), @fieldOfView(@AHoeben), @Ghostkeeper, and @Torgeir.  A special thanks to @RBurema for his patience in reviewing my 'non-pythonic' script.
##    9/14/23  (Greg Foresi) Added support for One-at-a-Time print sequence.
##    12/15/23  (Greg Foresi) Split off 'Single Fan By Layer', 'Multi-fan By Layer', 'Single Fan By Feature', and 'Multi-fan By Feature' from the main 'execute' script.
##    1/5/24  (Greg Foresi) Revised the regex replacements.

from ..Script import Script
from UM.Application import Application
import re

class AddCoolingProfile(Script):

    def getSettingDataString(self):
        return """{
            "name": "Advanced Cooling Fan Control",
            "key": "AddCoolingProfile",
            "metadata": {},
            "version": 2,
                    "label": "Cooling Control by:",
                    "description": "A fan percentage of ''0'' turns the fan off.  Minimum Fan is 12% (when on).  All layer entries are the Cura Preview number.  ''By Layer'': Enter as ''Layer#/Fan%'' (foreslash is the delimiter). Your final layer speed will continue to the end of the Gcode.  ''By Feature'': If you enable an 'End Layer' then the ''Final %'' is available and is the speed that will finish the file.  'By Feature' is better for large slow prints than it is for short fast prints.",
                    "type": "enum",
                    "options": {
                        "by_layer": "Layer Numbers",
                        "by_feature": "Feature Types"},
                    "default_value": "by_layer"
                    "label": "Remove M106 lines prior to inserting new.",
                    "description": "If you have 2 or more instances of 'Advanced Cooling Fan Control' running (to cool a portion of a print differently), then you must uncheck this box or the followup instances will remove all the lines inserted by the first instance.  Pay attention to the Start and Stop layers.  Regardless of this setting:  The script always removes M106 lines starting with the lowest layer number (when 'By Layer') or the starting layer number (when 'By Feature').  If you want to keep the M106 lines that Cura inserted up to the point where this post-processor will start making insertions, then un-check the box.",
                    "type": "bool",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "value": true,
                    "default_value": true
                    "label": "Starting Layer",
                    "description": "Layer to start the insertion at. Use the Cura preview numbers.  Changes will begin at the start of that layer.",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 5,
                    "minimum_value": 1,
                    "unit": "Lay#   ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Ending Layer",
                    "description": "Layer to complete the insertion at.  Enter '-1' for the entire file or enter a layer number.  Insertions will stop at the END of this layer.  If you set an End Layer then you should set the Final % that will finish the file",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": -1,
                    "minimum_value": -1,
                    "unit": "Lay#   ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Layer/Percent #1",
                    "description": "Enter as: 'LAYER / Percent' Ex: 55/100 with the layer first, then a '/' to delimit, and then the fan percentage.  There are up to 8 changes.  If you need more then add a second instance of this script and remember to turn off 'Remove M106 lines' in the second instance.  The layer numbers in the second instance must start with a layer number higher than the last layer number in a previous script.  You can't end the first script with a setting for layer 80 and then start the second script with a setting for layer 40 because 'Remove M106 lines' always starts with the lowest layer number when 'By Layer' is selected.",
                    "type": "str",
                    "default_value": "5/30",
                    "unit": "L#/%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_layer'"
                    "label": "Layer/Percent #2",
                    "description": "Enter as: 'LAYER / Percent' Ex: 55/100 with the layer first, then a '/' to delimit, and then the fan percentage.",
                    "type": "str",
                    "default_value": "",
                    "unit": "L#/%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_layer'"
                    "label": "Layer/Percent #3",
                    "description": "Enter as: 'LAYER / Percent' Ex: 55/100 with the layer first, then a '/' to delimit, and then the fan percentage.",
                    "type": "str",
                    "default_value": "",
                    "unit": "L#/%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_layer'"
                    "label": "Layer/Percent #4",
                    "description": "Enter as: 'LAYER / Percent' Ex: 55/100 with the layer first, then a '/' to delimit, and then the fan percentage.",
                    "type": "str",
                    "default_value": "",
                    "unit": "L#/%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_layer'"
                    "label": "Layer/Percent #5",
                    "description": "Enter as: 'LAYER / Percent' Ex: 55/100 with the layer first, then a '/' to delimit, and then the fan percentage.",
                    "type": "str",
                    "default_value": "",
                    "unit": "L#/%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_layer'"
                    "label": "Layer/Percent #6",
                    "description": "Enter as: 'LAYER / Percent' Ex: 55/100 with the layer first, then a '/' to delimit, and then the fan percentage.",
                    "type": "str",
                    "default_value": "",
                    "unit": "L#/%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_layer'"
                    "label": "Layer/Percent #7",
                    "description": "Enter as: 'LAYER / Percent' Ex: 55/100 with the layer first, then a '/' to delimit, and then the fan percentage.",
                    "type": "str",
                    "default_value": "",
                    "unit": "L#/%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_layer'"
                    "label": "Layer/Percent #8",
                    "description": "Enter as: 'LAYER / Percent' Ex: 55/100 with the layer first, then a '/' to delimit, and then the fan percentage.",
                    "type": "str",
                    "default_value": "",
                    "unit": "L#/%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_layer'"
                    "label": "Skirt/Brim/Ooze Shield %",
                    "description": "Enter the fan percentage for skirt/brim.  If you are starting at a layer above 1 then this setting only affects Ooze Shields and from the Start Layer up.",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 0,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Inner Walls %",
                    "description": "Enter the fan percentage for the Wall-Inner.",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 35,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Outer Walls %",
                    "description": "Enter the fan percentage for the Wall-Outer.",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 75,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Infill %",
                    "description": "Enter the fan percentage for the Infill.",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 35,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Top/Bottom (Skin) %",
                    "description": "Enter the fan percentage for the Skins.",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 100,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Support %",
                    "description": "Enter the fan percentage for the Supports.",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 35,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Support Interface %",
                    "description": "Enter the fan percentage for the Support Interface.",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 100,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Prime Tower %",
                    "description": "Enter the fan percentage for the Prime Tower (whether it's used or not).",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 35,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Bridge %",
                    "description": "Enter the fan percentage for any Bridging (whether it's used on not).",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 100,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'"
                    "label": "Fan 'OFF' during Combing:",
                    "description": "When checked will set the fan to 0% for combing moves over 5 lines long in the gcode. When un-checked the fan speed during combing is whatever the previous speed is set to.",
                    "type": "bool",
                    "enabled": "fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature'",
                    "default_value": true
                    "label": "Final %",
                    "description": "If you choose an 'End Layer' then this is the fan speed that will carry through to the end of the gcode file.  It will go into effect at the 'END' of your End layer.",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 35,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "(int(feature_fan_end_layer) != -1) and (fan_layer_or_feature == 'by_feature')"
                    "label": "Enable Raft Cooling",
                    "description": "Enable the fan for the raft layers.  When enabled the Raft Fan Speed will continue until another Layer or Feature setting over-rides it.",
                    "type": "bool",
                    "default_value": false,
                    "enabled": true
                    "label": "Raft Fan %:",
                    "description": "Enter the percentage for the Raft.",
                    "type": "int",
                    "default_value": 35,
                    "minimum_value": 0,
                    "maximum_value": 100,
                    "unit": "%    ",
                    "enabled": "fan_enable_raft"

    def initialize(self) -> None:
        scripts = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getMetaDataEntry("post_processing_scripts")
        if scripts != None:
            script_count = scripts.count("AddCoolingProfile")
            if script_count > 0:
                ## Set 'Remove M106 lines' to "false" if there is already an instance of this script running.
                self._instance.setProperty("delete_existing_m106", "value", False)

    def execute(self, data):
        #Initialize variables that are buried in if statements.
        mycura = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
        t0_fan = " P0"; t1_fan = " P0"; t2_fan = " P0"; t3_fan = " P0"; is_multi_extr_print = True

        #Get some information from Cura-----------------------------------
        extruder = mycura.extruderList

        #This will be true when fan scale is 0-255pwm and false when it's RepRap 0-1 (Cura 5.x)
        fan_mode = True
        ##For 4.x versions that don't have the 0-1 option
            fan_mode = not bool(extruder[0].getProperty("machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one", "value"))
        bed_adhesion = (extruder[0].getProperty("adhesion_type", "value"))
        extruder_count = mycura.getProperty("machine_extruder_count", "value")
        print_sequence = str(mycura.getProperty("print_sequence", "value"))

        #Assign the fan numbers to the tools------------------------------
        if extruder_count == 1:
            is_multi_fan = False
            is_multi_extr_print = False
            if int((extruder[0].getProperty("machine_extruder_cooling_fan_number", "value"))) > 0:
                t0_fan = " P" + str((extruder[0].getProperty("machine_extruder_cooling_fan_number", "value")))
        #No P parameter if there is a single fan circuit------------------
                t0_fan = ""

        #Get the cooling fan numbers for each extruder if the printer has multiple extruders
        elif extruder_count > 1:
            is_multi_fan = True
            t0_fan = " P" + str((extruder[0].getProperty("machine_extruder_cooling_fan_number", "value")))
        if is_multi_fan:
            if extruder_count > 1: t1_fan = " P" + str((extruder[1].getProperty("machine_extruder_cooling_fan_number", "value")))
            if extruder_count > 2: t2_fan = " P" + str((extruder[2].getProperty("machine_extruder_cooling_fan_number", "value")))
            if extruder_count > 3: t3_fan = " P" + str((extruder[3].getProperty("machine_extruder_cooling_fan_number", "value")))

        #Initialize the fan_list with defaults----------------------------
        fan_list = ["z"] * 16
        for num in range(0,15,2):
            fan_list[num] = len(data)
            fan_list[num + 1] = "M106 S0"

        #Assign the variable values if "By Layer"-------------------------
        by_layer_or_feature = self.getSettingValueByKey("fan_layer_or_feature")
        if  by_layer_or_feature == "by_layer":
            ## By layer doesn't do any feature search so there is no need to look for combing moves
            feature_fan_combing = False
            fan_list[0] = self.getSettingValueByKey("layer_fan_1")
            fan_list[2] = self.getSettingValueByKey("layer_fan_2")
            fan_list[4] = self.getSettingValueByKey("layer_fan_3")
            fan_list[6] = self.getSettingValueByKey("layer_fan_4")
            fan_list[8] = self.getSettingValueByKey("layer_fan_5")
            fan_list[10] = self.getSettingValueByKey("layer_fan_6")
            fan_list[12] = self.getSettingValueByKey("layer_fan_7")
            fan_list[14] = self.getSettingValueByKey("layer_fan_8")
            ## If there is no '/' delimiter then ignore the line else put the settings in a list
            for num in range(0,15,2):
                if "/" in fan_list[num]:
                    fan_list[num + 1] = self._layer_checker(fan_list[num], "p", fan_mode)
                    fan_list[num] = self._layer_checker(fan_list[num], "l", fan_mode)

        ## Assign the variable values if "By Feature"
        elif by_layer_or_feature == "by_feature":
            the_start_layer = self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_start_layer") - 1
            the_end_layer = self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_end_layer")
                if int(the_end_layer) != -1:
                    ## Catch a possible input error.
                    if the_end_layer < the_start_layer:
                        the_end_layer = the_start_layer
                the_end_layer = -1    ## If there is an input error default to the entire gcode file.

            ## Get the speed for each feature
            feature_name_list = []
            feature_speed_list = []
            feature_speed_list.append(self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_skirt"), fan_mode)); feature_name_list.append(";TYPE:SKIRT")
            feature_speed_list.append(self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_wall_inner"), fan_mode)); feature_name_list.append(";TYPE:WALL-INNER")
            feature_speed_list.append(self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_wall_outer"), fan_mode)); feature_name_list.append(";TYPE:WALL-OUTER")
            feature_speed_list.append(self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_fill"), fan_mode)); feature_name_list.append(";TYPE:FILL")
            feature_speed_list.append(self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_skin"), fan_mode)); feature_name_list.append(";TYPE:SKIN")
            feature_speed_list.append(self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_support"), fan_mode)); feature_name_list.append(";TYPE:SUPPORT")
            feature_speed_list.append(self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_support_interface"), fan_mode)); feature_name_list.append(";TYPE:SUPPORT-INTERFACE")
            feature_speed_list.append(self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_prime_tower"), fan_mode)); feature_name_list.append(";TYPE:PRIME-TOWER")
            feature_speed_list.append(self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_bridge"), fan_mode)); feature_name_list.append(";BRIDGE")
            feature_speed_list.append(self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_feature_final"), fan_mode)); feature_name_list.append("FINAL_FAN")
            feature_fan_combing = self.getSettingValueByKey("feature_fan_combing")
            if the_end_layer > -1 and by_layer_or_feature == "by_feature":
                ## Required so the final speed input can be determined
                the_end_is_enabled = True
                ## There is no ending layer so do the whole file
                the_end_is_enabled = False
            if the_end_layer == -1 or the_end_is_enabled == False:
                the_end_layer = len(data) + 2

        ## Find the Layer0Index and the RaftIndex
        raft_start_index = 0
        number_of_raft_layers = 0
        layer_0_index = 0
        ## Catch the number of raft layers.
        for l_num in range(1,10,1):
            layer = data[l_num]
            if ";LAYER:-" in layer:
                number_of_raft_layers += 1
                if raft_start_index == 0:
                    raft_start_index = l_num
            if ";LAYER:0" in layer:
                layer_0_index = l_num

        ## Is this a single extruder print on a multi-extruder printer? - get the correct fan number for the extruder being used.
        if is_multi_fan:
            T0_used = False
            T1_used = False
            T2_used = False
            T3_used = False
            ## Bypass the file header and ending gcode.
            for num in range(1,len(data)-1,1):
                lines = data[num]
                if "T0" in lines:
                    T0_used = True
                if "T1" in lines:
                    T1_used = True
                if "T2" in lines:
                    T2_used = True
                if "T3" in lines:
                    T3_used = True
            is_multi_extr_print = True if sum([T0_used, T1_used, T2_used, T3_used]) > 1 else False

            ## On a multi-extruder printer and single extruder print find out which extruder starts the file.
            init_fan = t0_fan
            if not is_multi_extr_print:
                startup = data[1]
                lines = startup.split("\n")
                for line in lines:
                    if line == "T1":
                        t0_fan = t1_fan
                    elif line == "T2":
                        t0_fan = t2_fan
                    elif line == "T3":
                        t0_fan = t3_fan
            elif is_multi_extr_print:
            ## On a multi-extruder printer and multi extruder print find out which extruder starts the file.
                startup = data[1]
                lines = startup.split("\n")
                for line in lines:
                    if line == "T0":
                        init_fan = t0_fan
                    elif line == "T1":
                        init_fan = t1_fan
                    elif line == "T2":
                        init_fan = t2_fan
                    elif line == "T3":
                        init_fan = t3_fan
            init_fan = ""
        ## Assign the variable values if "Raft Enabled"
        raft_enabled = self.getSettingValueByKey("fan_enable_raft")
        if raft_enabled and bed_adhesion == "raft":
            fan_sp_raft = self._feature_checker(self.getSettingValueByKey("fan_raft_percent"), fan_mode)
            fan_sp_raft = "M106 S0"

        # Start to alter the data-----------------------------------------
        ## Strip the existing M106 lines from the file up to the end of the last layer.  If a user wants to use more than one instance of this plugin then they won't want to erase the M106 lines that the preceding plugins inserted so 'delete_existing_m106' is an option.
        delete_existing_m106 = self.getSettingValueByKey("delete_existing_m106")
        if delete_existing_m106:
        ## Start deleting from the beginning
            start_from = int(raft_start_index)
            if by_layer_or_feature == "by_layer":
                altered_start_layer = str(len(data))
                ## The fan list layers don't need to be in ascending order.  Get the lowest.
                for num in range(0,15,2):
                        if int(fan_list[num]) < int(altered_start_layer):
                            altered_start_layer = int(fan_list[num])
            elif by_layer_or_feature == "by_feature":
                altered_start_layer = int(the_start_layer) - 1
            start_from = int(layer_0_index) + int(altered_start_layer)
        ## Strip the M106 and M107 lines from the file
        for l_index in range(int(start_from), len(data) - 1, 1):
            data[l_index] = re.sub(re.compile("M106(.*)\n"), "", data[l_index])
            data[l_index] = re.sub(re.compile("M107(.*)\n"), "", data[l_index])

        ## Deal with a raft and with One-At-A-Time print sequence
        if raft_enabled and bed_adhesion == "raft":
            if print_sequence == "one_at_a_time":
                for r_index in range(2,len(data)-2,1):
                    lines = data[r_index].split("\n")
                    if not raft_enabled or bed_adhesion != "raft":
                        if ";LAYER:0" in data[r_index] or ";LAYER:-" in data[r_index]:
                            lines.insert(1, "M106 S0" + str(t0_fan))
                    if raft_enabled and bed_adhesion == "raft":
                        if ";LAYER:-" in data[r_index]:
                        ## Turn the raft fan on
                            lines.insert(1, fan_sp_raft + str(t0_fan))
                        ## Shut the raft fan off at layer 0
                        if ";LAYER:0" in data[r_index]:
                            lines.insert(1,"M106 S0" + str(t0_fan))
                    data[r_index] = "\n".join(lines)
            elif print_sequence == "all_at_once":
                layer = data[raft_start_index]
                lines = layer.split("\n")
                if ";LAYER:-" in layer:
                    ## Turn the raft fan on
                    lines.insert(1, fan_sp_raft + str(init_fan))
                layer = "\n".join(lines)
                data[raft_start_index] = layer
                layer = data[layer_0_index]
                lines = layer.split("\n")
                ## Shut the raft fan off
                lines.insert(1, "M106 S0" + str(init_fan))
                data[layer_0_index] = "\n".join(lines)
            for r_index in range(2,len(data)-2,1):
                lines = data[r_index].split("\n")
                if ";LAYER:0" in data[r_index] or ";LAYER:-" in data[r_index]:
                    if not "0" in fan_list:
                        lines.insert(1, "M106 S0" + str(t0_fan))
                data[r_index] = "\n".join(lines)

        ## Turn off all fans at the end of data[1].  If more than one instance of this script is running then this will result in multiple M106 lines.
        temp_startup = data[1].split("\n")
        temp_startup.insert(len(temp_startup)-2,"M106 S0" + str(t0_fan))
        ## If there are multiple cooling fans shut them all off
        if is_multi_fan:
            if extruder_count > 1 and t1_fan != t0_fan: temp_startup.insert(len(temp_startup)-2,"M106 S0" + str(t1_fan))
            if extruder_count > 2 and t2_fan != t1_fan and t2_fan != t0_fan: temp_startup.insert(len(temp_startup)-2,"M106 S0" + str(t2_fan))
            if extruder_count > 3 and t3_fan != t2_fan and t3_fan != t1_fan and t3_fan != t0_fan: temp_startup.insert(len(temp_startup)-2,"M106 S0" + str(t3_fan))
        data[1] = "\n".join(temp_startup)

        ## If 'feature_fan_combing' is True then add additional 'MESH:NONMESH' lines for travel moves over 5 lines long
        ## For compatibility with 5.3.0 change any MESH:NOMESH to MESH:NONMESH.
        if feature_fan_combing:
            for layer_num in range(2,len(data)):
                layer = data[layer_num]
                data[layer_num] = re.sub(";MESH:NOMESH", ";MESH:NONMESH", layer)
            data = self._add_travel_comment(data, layer_0_index)

        # Single Fan "By Layer"--------------------------------------------
        if by_layer_or_feature == "by_layer" and not is_multi_fan:
            return self._single_fan_by_layer(data, layer_0_index, fan_list, t0_fan)

        # Multi-Fan "By Layer"---------------------------------------------
        if by_layer_or_feature == "by_layer" and is_multi_fan:
            return self._multi_fan_by_layer(data, layer_0_index, fan_list, t0_fan, t1_fan, t2_fan, t3_fan)

        #Single Fan "By Feature"------------------------------------------
        if by_layer_or_feature == "by_feature" and (not is_multi_fan or not is_multi_extr_print):
            return self._single_fan_by_feature(data, layer_0_index, the_start_layer, the_end_layer, the_end_is_enabled, fan_list, t0_fan, feature_speed_list, feature_name_list, feature_fan_combing)

        #Multi Fan "By Feature"-------------------------------------------
        if by_layer_or_feature == "by_feature" and is_multi_fan:
            return self._multi_fan_by_feature(data, layer_0_index, the_start_layer, the_end_layer, the_end_is_enabled, fan_list, t0_fan, t1_fan, t2_fan, t3_fan, feature_speed_list, feature_name_list, feature_fan_combing)

    # The Single Fan "By Layer"----------------------------------------
    def _single_fan_by_layer(self, data: str, layer_0_index: int, fan_list: str, t0_fan: str)->str:
        layer_number = "0"
        single_fan_data = data
        for l_index in range(layer_0_index,len(single_fan_data)-1,1):
            layer = single_fan_data[l_index]
            fan_lines = layer.split("\n")
            for fan_line in fan_lines:
                if ";LAYER:" in fan_line:
                    layer_number = str(fan_line.split(":")[1])
                    ## If there is a match for the current layer number make the insertion
                    for num in range(0,15,2):
                        if layer_number == str(fan_list[num]):
                            layer = layer.replace(fan_lines[0],fan_lines[0] + "\n" + fan_list[num + 1] + str(t0_fan))
                            single_fan_data[l_index] = layer
        return single_fan_data

    # Multi-Fan "By Layer"-----------------------------------------
    def _multi_fan_by_layer(self, data: str, layer_0_index: int, fan_list: str, t0_fan: str, t1_fan: str, t2_fan: str, t3_fan: str)->str:
        multi_fan_data = data
        layer_number = "0"
        current_fan_speed = "0"
        prev_fan = str(t0_fan)
        this_fan = str(t0_fan)
        start_index = str(len(multi_fan_data))
        for num in range(0,15,2):
        ## The fan_list may not be in ascending order.  Get the lowest layer number
                if int(fan_list[num]) < int(start_index):
                    start_index = str(fan_list[num])
        ## Move the start point if delete_existing_m106 is false
        start_index = int(start_index) + int(layer_0_index)
        ## Track the tool number
        for num in range(1,int(start_index),1):
            layer = multi_fan_data[num]
            lines = layer.split("\n")
            for line in lines:
                if line == "T0":
                    prev_fan = this_fan
                    this_fan = t0_fan
                elif line == "T1":
                    prev_fan = this_fan
                    this_fan = t1_fan
                elif line == "T2":
                    prev_fan = this_fan
                    this_fan = t2_fan
                elif line == "T3":
                    prev_fan = this_fan
                    this_fan = t3_fan
        for l_index in range(int(start_index),len(multi_fan_data)-1,1):
            modified_data = ""
            layer = multi_fan_data[l_index]
            fan_lines = layer.split("\n")
            for fan_line in fan_lines:
                ## Prepare to shut down the previous fan and start the next one.
                if fan_line.startswith("T"):
                    if fan_line == "T0": this_fan = str(t0_fan)
                    if fan_line == "T1": this_fan = str(t1_fan)
                    if fan_line == "T2": this_fan = str(t2_fan)
                    if fan_line == "T3": this_fan = str(t3_fan)
                    modified_data += "M106 S0" + prev_fan + "\n"
                    modified_data += fan_line + "\n"
                    modified_data += "M106 S" + str(current_fan_speed) + this_fan + "\n"
                    prev_fan = this_fan
                elif ";LAYER:" in fan_line:
                    modified_data += fan_line + "\n"
                    layer_number = str(fan_line.split(":")[1])
                    for num in range(0,15,2):
                        if layer_number == str(fan_list[num]):
                            modified_data += fan_list[num + 1] + this_fan + "\n"
                            current_fan_speed = str(fan_list[num + 1].split("S")[1])
                            current_fan_speed = str(current_fan_speed.split(" ")[0]) ## Just in case
                    modified_data += fan_line + "\n"
            if modified_data.endswith("\n"): modified_data = modified_data[0:-1]
            multi_fan_data[l_index] = modified_data
        return multi_fan_data

    # Single fan by feature-----------------------------------------------
    def _single_fan_by_feature(self, data: str, layer_0_index: int, the_start_layer: str, the_end_layer: str, the_end_is_enabled: str, fan_list: str, t0_fan: str, feature_speed_list: str, feature_name_list: str, feature_fan_combing: bool)->str:
        single_fan_data = data
        layer_number = "0"
        index = 1
        ## Start with layer:0
        for l_index in range(layer_0_index,len(single_fan_data)-1,1):
            modified_data = ""
            layer = single_fan_data[l_index]
            lines = layer.split("\n")
            for line in lines:
                if ";LAYER:" in line:
                    layer_number = str(line.split(":")[1])
                if int(layer_number) >= int(the_start_layer) and int(layer_number) < int(the_end_layer)-1:
                    temp = line.split(" ")[0]
                        name_index = feature_name_list.index(temp)
                        name_index = -1
                    if name_index != -1:
                        modified_data += feature_speed_list[name_index] + t0_fan + "\n"
                    elif ";MESH:NONMESH" in line:
                        if feature_fan_combing == True:
                            modified_data += "M106 S0" + t0_fan + "\n"
                modified_data += line + "\n"
                ## If an End Layer is defined and is less than the last layer then insert the Final Speed
                if line == ";LAYER:" + str(the_end_layer) and the_end_is_enabled == True:
                    modified_data += feature_speed_list[len(feature_speed_list) - 1] + t0_fan + "\n"
            if modified_data.endswith("\n"): modified_data = modified_data[0: - 1]
            single_fan_data[l_index] = modified_data
        return single_fan_data

    # Multi-fan by feature------------------------------------------------
    def _multi_fan_by_feature(self, data: str, layer_0_index: int, the_start_layer: str, the_end_layer: str, the_end_is_enabled: str, fan_list: str, t0_fan: str, t1_fan: str, t2_fan: str, t3_fan: str, feature_speed_list: str, feature_name_list: str, feature_fan_combing: bool)->str:
        multi_fan_data = data
        layer_number = "0"
        start_index = 1
        prev_fan = t0_fan
        this_fan = t0_fan
        modified_data = ""
        current_fan_speed = "0"
        for my_index in range(1, len(multi_fan_data) - 1, 1):
            layer = multi_fan_data[my_index]
            if ";LAYER:" + str(the_start_layer) + "\n" in layer:
                start_index = int(my_index) - 1
        ## Track the previous tool changes
        for num in range(1,start_index,1):
            layer = multi_fan_data[num]
            lines = layer.split("\n")
            for line in lines:
                if line == "T0":
                    prev_fan = this_fan
                    this_fan = t0_fan
                elif line == "T1":
                    prev_fan = this_fan
                    this_fan = t1_fan
                elif line == "T2":
                    prev_fan = this_fan
                    this_fan = t2_fan
                elif line == "T3":
                    prev_fan = this_fan
                    this_fan = t3_fan
        ## Get the current tool.
        for l_index in range(start_index,start_index + 1,1):
            layer = multi_fan_data[l_index]
            lines = layer.split("\n")
            for line in lines:
                if line.startswith("T"):
                    if line == "T0": this_fan = t0_fan
                    if line == "T1": this_fan = t1_fan
                    if line == "T2": this_fan = t2_fan
                    if line == "T3": this_fan = t3_fan
                    prev_fan = this_fan

        ## Start to make insertions-------------------------------------
        for l_index in range(start_index+1,len(multi_fan_data)-1,1):
            layer = multi_fan_data[l_index]
            lines = layer.split("\n")
            for line in lines:
                if line.startswith("T"):
                    if line == "T0": this_fan = t0_fan
                    if line == "T1": this_fan = t1_fan
                    if line == "T2": this_fan = t2_fan
                    if line == "T3": this_fan = t3_fan
                    ## Turn off the prev fan
                    modified_data += "M106 S0" + prev_fan + "\n"
                    modified_data += line + "\n"
                    ## Turn on the current fan
                    modified_data += "M106 S" + str(current_fan_speed) + this_fan + "\n"
                    prev_fan = this_fan
                if ";LAYER:" in line:
                    layer_number = str(line.split(":")[1])
                    modified_data += line + "\n"
                if int(layer_number) >= int(the_start_layer):
                    temp = line.split(" ")[0]
                        name_index = feature_name_list.index(temp)
                        name_index = -1
                    if name_index != -1:
                        modified_data += line + "\n" + feature_speed_list[name_index] + this_fan + "\n"
                        #modified_data += feature_speed_list[name_index] + this_fan + "\n"
                        current_fan_speed = str(feature_speed_list[name_index].split("S")[1])
                    elif ";MESH:NONMESH" in line:
                        if feature_fan_combing == True:
                            modified_data += line + "\n"
                            modified_data += "M106 S0" + this_fan + "\n"
                            current_fan_speed = "0"
                            modified_data += line + "\n"
                    ## If an end layer is defined - Insert the final speed and set the other variables to Final Speed to finish the file
                    ## There cannot be a break here because if there are multiple fan numbers they still need to be shut off and turned on.
                    elif line == ";LAYER:" + str(the_end_layer):
                        modified_data += feature_speed_list[len(feature_speed_list) - 1] + this_fan + "\n"
                        for set_speed in range(0, len(feature_speed_list) - 2):
                            feature_speed_list[set_speed] = feature_speed_list[len(feature_speed_list) - 1]
                    ## Layer and Tool get inserted into modified_data above.  All other lines go into modified_data here
                        if not line.startswith("T") and not line.startswith(";LAYER:"): modified_data += line + "\n"
            if modified_data.endswith("\n"): modified_data = modified_data[0: - 1]
            multi_fan_data[l_index] = modified_data
            modified_data = ""
        return multi_fan_data

    #Try to catch layer input errors, set the minimum speed to 12%, and put the strings together
    def _layer_checker(self, fan_string: str, ty_pe: str, fan_mode: bool) -> str:
        fan_string_l = str(fan_string.split("/")[0])
            if int(fan_string_l) <= 1: fan_string_l = "1"
            if fan_string_l == "": fan_string_l = str(len(data))
        except ValueError:
            fan_string_l = str(len(data))
        fan_string_l = str(int(fan_string_l) - 1)
        fan_string_p = str(fan_string.split("/")[1])
        if fan_string_p == "": fan_string_p = "0"
            if int(fan_string_p) < 0: fan_string_p = "0"
            if int(fan_string_p) > 100: fan_string_p = "100"
        except ValueError:
            fan_string_p = "0"
        ## Set the minimum fan speed to 12%
        if int(fan_string_p) < 12 and int(fan_string_p) != 0:
            fan_string_p = "12"
        fan_layer_line = str(fan_string_l)
        if fan_mode:
            fan_percent_line = "M106 S" + str(round(int(fan_string_p) * 2.55))
            fan_percent_line = "M106 S" + str(round(int(fan_string_p) / 100, 1))
        if ty_pe == "l":
            return str(fan_layer_line)
        elif ty_pe == "p":
            return fan_percent_line

    #Try to catch feature input errors, set the minimum speed to 12%, and put the strings together when 'By Feature'
    def _feature_checker(self, fan_feat_string: int, fan_mode: bool) -> str:
        if fan_feat_string < 0: fan_feat_string = 0
        ## Set the minimum fan speed to 12%
        if fan_feat_string > 0 and fan_feat_string < 12: fan_feat_string = 12
        if fan_feat_string > 100: fan_feat_string = 100
        if fan_mode:
            fan_sp_feat = "M106 S" + str(round(fan_feat_string * 2.55))
            fan_sp_feat = "M106 S" + str(round(fan_feat_string / 100, 1))
        return fan_sp_feat

    # Add additional travel comments to turn the fan off during combing.
    def _add_travel_comment(self, comment_data: str, lay_0_index: str) -> str:
        for lay_num in range(int(lay_0_index), len(comment_data)-1,1):
            layer = comment_data[lay_num]
            lines = layer.split("\n")
            ## Copy the data to new_data and make the insertions there
            new_data = lines
            g0_count = 0
            g0_index = -1
            feature_type = ";TYPE:SUPPORT"
            is_travel = False
            for index, line in enumerate(lines):
                insert_index = 0
                if ";TYPE:" in line:
                    feature_type = line
                    is_travel = False
                    g0_count = 0
                if ";MESH:NONMESH" in line:
                    is_travel = True
                    g0_count = 0
                if line.startswith("G0 ") and not is_travel:
                    g0_count += 1
                    if g0_index == -1:
                        g0_index = lines.index(line)
                elif not line.startswith("G0 ") and not is_travel:
                ## Add additional 'NONMESH' lines to shut the fan off during long combing moves--------
                    if g0_count > 5:
                        if not is_travel:
                            new_data.insert(g0_index + insert_index, ";MESH:NONMESH")
                            insert_index += 1
                ## Add the feature_type at the end of the combing move to turn the fan back on
                            new_data.insert(g0_index + g0_count + 1, feature_type)
                            insert_index += 1
                        g0_count = 0
                        g0_index = -1
                        is_travel = False
                    elif g0_count <= 5:
                        g0_count = 0
                        g0_index = -1
                        is_travel = False
            comment_data[lay_num] = "\n".join(new_data)
        return comment_data