// Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V. // Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import QtQuick 2.4 import UM 1.4 as UM import Cura 1.0 as Cura Item { // An Item whose bounds are guaranteed to be safe for overlays to be placed. // Defaults to parent, ie. the entire available area // eg. the layer slider will not be placed in this area. property var safeArea: parent property bool isSimulationPlaying: false readonly property real layerSliderSafeYMin: safeArea.y readonly property real layerSliderSafeYMax: safeArea.y + safeArea.height readonly property real pathSliderSafeXMin: safeArea.x + playButton.width readonly property real pathSliderSafeXMax: safeArea.x + safeArea.width visible: UM.SimulationView.layerActivity && CuraApplication.platformActivity // A slider which lets users trace a single layer (XY movements) PathSlider { id: pathSlider readonly property real preferredWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("slider_layerview_size").height // not a typo, should be as long as layerview slider readonly property real margin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width readonly property real pathSliderSafeWidth: pathSliderSafeXMax - pathSliderSafeXMin height: UM.Theme.getSize("slider_handle").width width: preferredWidth + margin * 2 < pathSliderSafeWidth ? preferredWidth : pathSliderSafeWidth - margin * 2 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: margin anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: -(parent.width - pathSliderSafeXMax - pathSliderSafeXMin) / 2 // center between parent top and layerSliderSafeYMax visible: !UM.SimulationView.compatibilityMode // Custom properties handleValue: UM.SimulationView.currentPath maximumValue: UM.SimulationView.numPaths // Update values when layer data changes. Connections { target: UM.SimulationView function onMaxPathsChanged() { pathSlider.setHandleValue(UM.SimulationView.currentPath) } function onCurrentPathChanged() { // Only pause the simulation when the layer was changed manually, not when the simulation is running if (pathSlider.manuallyChanged) { playButton.pauseSimulation() } pathSlider.setHandleValue(UM.SimulationView.currentPath) } } // Ensure that the slider handlers show the correct value after switching views. Component.onCompleted: { pathSlider.setHandleValue(UM.SimulationView.currentPath) } } UM.SimpleButton { id: playButton iconSource: Qt.resolvedUrl(!isSimulationPlaying ? "./resources/Play.svg": "./resources/Pause.svg") width: UM.Theme.getSize("small_button").width height: UM.Theme.getSize("small_button").height hoverColor: UM.Theme.getColor("slider_handle_active") color: UM.Theme.getColor("slider_handle") iconMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("thick_lining").width visible: !UM.SimulationView.compatibilityMode Connections { target: UM.Preferences function onPreferenceChanged(preference) { if (preference !== "view/only_show_top_layers" && preference !== "view/top_layer_count" && ! preference.match("layerview/")) { return; } playButton.pauseSimulation() } } anchors { right: pathSlider.left verticalCenter: pathSlider.verticalCenter } onClicked: { if(isSimulationPlaying) { pauseSimulation() } else { resumeSimulation() } } function pauseSimulation() { UM.SimulationView.setSimulationRunning(false) simulationTimer.stop() isSimulationPlaying = false layerSlider.manuallyChanged = true pathSlider.manuallyChanged = true } function resumeSimulation() { UM.SimulationView.setSimulationRunning(true) simulationTimer.start() layerSlider.manuallyChanged = false pathSlider.manuallyChanged = false } } Timer { id: simulationTimer interval: UM.SimulationView.simulationTime running: false repeat: true onTriggered: { var currentPath = UM.SimulationView.currentPath var numPaths = UM.SimulationView.numPaths var currentLayer = UM.SimulationView.currentLayer var numLayers = UM.SimulationView.numLayers // When the user plays the simulation, if the path slider is at the end of this layer, we start // the simulation at the beginning of the current layer. if (!isSimulationPlaying) { if (currentPath >= numPaths) { UM.SimulationView.setCurrentPath(0) } else { UM.SimulationView.setCurrentPath(currentPath + 1) } } // If the simulation is already playing and we reach the end of a layer, then it automatically // starts at the beginning of the next layer. else { if (currentPath >= numPaths) { // At the end of the model, the simulation stops if (currentLayer >= numLayers) { playButton.pauseSimulation() } else { UM.SimulationView.setCurrentLayer(currentLayer + 1) UM.SimulationView.setCurrentPath(0) } } else { UM.SimulationView.setCurrentPath(currentPath + 1) } } // The status must be set here instead of in the resumeSimulation function otherwise it won't work // correctly, because part of the logic is in this trigger function. isSimulationPlaying = true } } // Scrolls through Z layers LayerSlider { property var preferredHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("slider_layerview_size").height property double heightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height * 3 // extra margin to accommodate layer number tooltips property double layerSliderSafeHeight: layerSliderSafeYMax - layerSliderSafeYMin id: layerSlider width: UM.Theme.getSize("slider_handle").width height: preferredHeight + heightMargin * 2 < layerSliderSafeHeight ? preferredHeight : layerSliderSafeHeight - heightMargin * 2 anchors { right: parent.right verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter verticalCenterOffset: -(parent.height - layerSliderSafeYMax - layerSliderSafeYMin) / 2 // center between parent top and layerSliderSafeYMax rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width bottomMargin: heightMargin topMargin: heightMargin } // Custom properties upperValue: UM.SimulationView.currentLayer lowerValue: UM.SimulationView.minimumLayer maximumValue: UM.SimulationView.numLayers // Update values when layer data changes Connections { target: UM.SimulationView function onMaxLayersChanged() { layerSlider.setUpperValue(UM.SimulationView.currentLayer) } function onMinimumLayerChanged() { layerSlider.setLowerValue(UM.SimulationView.minimumLayer) } function onCurrentLayerChanged() { // Only pause the simulation when the layer was changed manually, not when the simulation is running if (layerSlider.manuallyChanged) { playButton.pauseSimulation() } layerSlider.setUpperValue(UM.SimulationView.currentLayer) } } // Make sure the slider handlers show the correct value after switching views Component.onCompleted: { layerSlider.setLowerValue(UM.SimulationView.minimumLayer) layerSlider.setUpperValue(UM.SimulationView.currentLayer) } } }