# Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. from UM.Job import Job from UM.Logger import Logger from .avr_isp import ispBase from .avr_isp.stk500v2 import Stk500v2 from time import time, sleep from serial import Serial, SerialException # An async job that attempts to find the correct baud rate for a USB printer. # It tries a pre-set list of baud rates. All these baud rates are validated by requesting the temperature a few times # and checking if the results make sense. If getResult() is not None, it was able to find a correct baud rate. class AutoDetectBaudJob(Job): def __init__(self, serial_port: int) -> None: super().__init__() self._serial_port = serial_port self._all_baud_rates = [115200, 250000, 500000, 230400, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600] def run(self) -> None: Logger.log("d", "Auto detect baud rate started.") wait_response_timeouts = [3, 15, 30] wait_bootloader_times = [1.5, 5, 15] write_timeout = 3 read_timeout = 3 tries = 2 programmer = Stk500v2() serial = None try: programmer.connect(self._serial_port) serial = programmer.leaveISP() except ispBase.IspError: programmer.close() for retry in range(tries): for baud_rate in self._all_baud_rates: if retry < len(wait_response_timeouts): wait_response_timeout = wait_response_timeouts[retry] else: wait_response_timeout = wait_response_timeouts[-1] if retry < len(wait_bootloader_times): wait_bootloader = wait_bootloader_times[retry] else: wait_bootloader = wait_bootloader_times[-1] Logger.log("d", "Checking {serial} if baud rate {baud_rate} works. Retry nr: {retry}. Wait timeout: {timeout}".format( serial = self._serial_port, baud_rate = baud_rate, retry = retry, timeout = wait_response_timeout)) if serial is None: try: serial = Serial(str(self._serial_port), baud_rate, timeout = read_timeout, writeTimeout = write_timeout) except SerialException: Logger.logException("w", "Unable to create serial") continue else: # We already have a serial connection, just change the baud rate. try: serial.baudrate = baud_rate except ValueError: continue sleep(wait_bootloader) # Ensure that we are not talking to the boot loader. 1.5 seconds seems to be the magic number successful_responses = 0 serial.write(b"\n") # Ensure we clear out previous responses serial.write(b"M105\n") start_timeout_time = time() timeout_time = time() + wait_response_timeout while timeout_time > time(): line = serial.readline() if b"ok" in line and b"T:" in line: successful_responses += 1 if successful_responses >= 1: self.setResult(baud_rate) Logger.log("d", "Detected baud rate {baud_rate} on serial {serial} on retry {retry} with after {time_elapsed:0.2f} seconds.".format( serial = self._serial_port, baud_rate = baud_rate, retry = retry, time_elapsed = time() - start_timeout_time)) serial.close() # close serial port so it can be opened by the USBPrinterOutputDevice return serial.write(b"M105\n") sleep(15) # Give the printer some time to init and try again. self.setResult(None) # Unable to detect the correct baudrate.