{ "version": 2, "name": "Eryone Thinker Series", "inherits": "fdmprinter", "metadata": { "visible": true, "author": "Demetrius Apostolopoulos", "manufacturer": "Eryone", "file_formats": "text/x-gcode", "platform": "eryone_thinker_platform.obj", "platform_texture": "eryone_thinker_plate.png", "platform_offset": [0, -120, 0], "has_materials": true, "preferred_material": "generic_pla", "has_machine_quality": true, "preferred_quality_type": "normal", "machine_extruder_trains": { "0": "eryone_thinker_extruder_0" }, "first_start_actions": ["MachineSettingsAction"] }, "overrides": { "machine_name": { "default_value": "Eryone Thinker Series" }, "machine_heated_bed": { "default_value": true }, "machine_width": { "default_value": 300 }, "machine_height": { "default_value": 400 }, "machine_depth": { "default_value": 300 }, "machine_center_is_zero": { "default_value": false }, "machine_head_with_fans_polygon": { "default_value": [ [-20, 30], [-20, -20], [20, -20], [20, 30] ] }, "gantry_height": { "value": 30 }, "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "Marlin" }, "machine_start_gcode": { "default_value": "G21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nG1 Z10.0 F600 ;move the platform down 10mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 Y-3 F1200 ;move to prime\nG1 X10 F1200 ;\nG1 Z0.1 F600 ;get ready to prime\nG1 X120 E15 F1200 ;prime nozzle \nG1 X120 F3600 ;quick wipe\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nM413 S1 ;enable resume from power failure\nM117 Printing..." }, "machine_end_gcode": { "default_value": "M104 S0 ;turn off extruder\nM140 S0 ;turn off bed\nM107 ;turn off all fans\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nG1 X0 Y250 F4800 ; position for easy part removal\nM84 ;steppers off" }, "acceleration_enabled": { "value": true }, "acceleration_print": { "value": 750 }, "acceleration_travel": { "value": 1500 }, "adhesion_type": { "value": "'skirt'" }, "brim_width": { "value": 5 }, "cool_fan_full_at_height": { "value": 0.5 }, "cool_fan_speed": { "value": 100 }, "cool_fan_speed_0": { "value": 0 }, "infill_overlap": { "value": "25 if infill_sparse_density < 95 and infill_pattern != 'concentric' else 0", "maximum_value_warning": 100, "minimum_value_warning": -50 }, "infill_pattern": { "value": "'lines' if infill_sparse_density > 25 else 'grid'" }, "infill_sparse_density": { "value": 20 }, "initial_layer_line_width_factor": { "value": 120 }, "infill_before_walls": { "value": false }, "jerk_enabled": { "value": true }, "jerk_print": { "value": 10 }, "jerk_travel": { "value": 15 }, "material_bed_temperature": { "maximum_value_warning": 100 }, "material_print_temperature": { "maximum_value_warning": 250 }, "optimize_wall_printing_order": { "default_value": true }, "outer_inset_first": { "default_value": false }, "retract_at_layer_change": { "value": true }, "retraction_amount": { "default_value": 4 }, "retraction_hop": { "value": 0.075 }, "retraction_hop_enabled": { "value": false }, "retraction_hop_only_when_collides": { "value": true }, "retraction_min_travel": { "value": 1.5 }, "retraction_speed": { "default_value": 85, "maximum_value_warning": 100 }, "retraction_retract_speed": { "maximum_value_warning": 130 }, "retraction_prime_speed": { "value": "math.ceil(retraction_speed * 0.4)", "maximum_value_warning": 130 }, "retraction_combing": { "value": "'off' if retraction_hop_enabled else 'noskin'" }, "skin_overlap": { "value": 10 }, "skirt_brim_speed": { "value": 40 }, "skirt_gap": { "value": 5 }, "skirt_line_count": { "value": 3 }, "speed_infill": { "value": "speed_print" }, "speed_topbottom": { "value": "math.ceil(speed_print * 20 / 50)" }, "speed_travel": { "value": "120" }, "speed_layer_0": { "value": "math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 50)" }, "speed_wall": { "value": "speed_print" }, "speed_wall_0": { "value": "math.ceil(speed_print * 30 / 50)" }, "speed_wall_x": { "value": "speed_print" }, "support_angle": { "value": 50 }, "support_enable": { "default_value": false }, "support_interface_enable": { "value": true }, "support_pattern": { "value": "'triangles'" }, "support_roof_enable": { "value": true }, "support_type": { "value": "'everywhere'" }, "support_use_towers": { "value": false }, "support_z_distance": { "value": 0.3 }, "support_xy_distance": { "value": 0.7 }, "support_xy_distance_overhang": { "value": 0.2 }, "smooth_spiralized_contours": { "value": false }, "travel_retract_before_outer_wall": { "value": true }, "wall_line_count": { "value": 3 }, "wall_thickness": { "value": "1.2" }, "bottom_layers": { "value": "4" }, "bottom_thickness":{ "value": "layer_height * bottom_layers" }, "top_layers": { "value": "6" }, "top_thickness":{ "value": "layer_height * top_layers" }, "z_seam_type": { "value": "'shortest'" }, "z_seam_corner": { "value": "'z_seam_corner_inner'" } } }