# Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import json import webbrowser from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from urllib.parse import urlencode from UM.Logger import Logger from UM.Signal import Signal from cura.OAuth2.LocalAuthorizationServer import LocalAuthorizationServer from cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationHelpers import AuthorizationHelpers from cura.OAuth2.Models import AuthenticationResponse if TYPE_CHECKING: from cura.OAuth2.Models import UserProfile, OAuth2Settings from UM.Preferences import Preferences class AuthorizationService: """ The authorization service is responsible for handling the login flow, storing user credentials and providing account information. """ # Emit signal when authentication is completed. onAuthStateChanged = Signal() # Emit signal when authentication failed. onAuthenticationError = Signal() def __init__(self, preferences: Optional["Preferences"], settings: "OAuth2Settings") -> None: self._settings = settings self._auth_helpers = AuthorizationHelpers(settings) self._auth_url = "{}/authorize".format(self._settings.OAUTH_SERVER_URL) self._auth_data = None # type: Optional[AuthenticationResponse] self._user_profile = None # type: Optional["UserProfile"] self._preferences = preferences self._server = LocalAuthorizationServer(self._auth_helpers, self._onAuthStateChanged, daemon=True) if self._preferences: self._preferences.addPreference(self._settings.AUTH_DATA_PREFERENCE_KEY, "{}") # Get the user profile as obtained from the JWT (JSON Web Token). # If the JWT is not yet parsed, calling this will take care of that. # \return UserProfile if a user is logged in, None otherwise. # \sa _parseJWT def getUserProfile(self) -> Optional["UserProfile"]: if not self._user_profile: # If no user profile was stored locally, we try to get it from JWT. self._user_profile = self._parseJWT() if not self._user_profile: # If there is still no user profile from the JWT, we have to log in again. return None return self._user_profile # Tries to parse the JWT (JSON Web Token) data, which it does if all the needed data is there. # \return UserProfile if it was able to parse, None otherwise. def _parseJWT(self) -> Optional["UserProfile"]: if not self._auth_data or self._auth_data.access_token is None: # If no auth data exists, we should always log in again. return None user_data = self._auth_helpers.parseJWT(self._auth_data.access_token) if user_data: # If the profile was found, we return it immediately. return user_data # The JWT was expired or invalid and we should request a new one. if self._auth_data.refresh_token is None: return None self._auth_data = self._auth_helpers.getAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(self._auth_data.refresh_token) if not self._auth_data or self._auth_data.access_token is None: # The token could not be refreshed using the refresh token. We should login again. return None return self._auth_helpers.parseJWT(self._auth_data.access_token) # Get the access token as provided by the repsonse data. def getAccessToken(self) -> Optional[str]: if not self.getUserProfile(): # We check if we can get the user profile. # If we can't get it, that means the access token (JWT) was invalid or expired. return None if self._auth_data is None: return None return self._auth_data.access_token # Try to refresh the access token. This should be used when it has expired. def refreshAccessToken(self) -> None: if self._auth_data is None or self._auth_data.refresh_token is None: Logger.log("w", "Unable to refresh access token, since there is no refresh token.") return self._storeAuthData(self._auth_helpers.getAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(self._auth_data.refresh_token)) self.onAuthStateChanged.emit(logged_in=True) # Delete the authentication data that we have stored locally (eg; logout) def deleteAuthData(self) -> None: if self._auth_data is not None: self._storeAuthData() self.onAuthStateChanged.emit(logged_in=False) # Start the flow to become authenticated. This will start a new webbrowser tap, prompting the user to login. def startAuthorizationFlow(self) -> None: Logger.log("d", "Starting new OAuth2 flow...") # Create the tokens needed for the code challenge (PKCE) extension for OAuth2. # This is needed because the CuraDrivePlugin is a untrusted (open source) client. # More details can be found at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636. verification_code = self._auth_helpers.generateVerificationCode() challenge_code = self._auth_helpers.generateVerificationCodeChallenge(verification_code) # Create the query string needed for the OAuth2 flow. query_string = urlencode({ "client_id": self._settings.CLIENT_ID, "redirect_uri": self._settings.CALLBACK_URL, "scope": self._settings.CLIENT_SCOPES, "response_type": "code", "state": "CuraDriveIsAwesome", "code_challenge": challenge_code, "code_challenge_method": "S512" }) # Open the authorization page in a new browser window. webbrowser.open_new("{}?{}".format(self._auth_url, query_string)) # Start a local web server to receive the callback URL on. self._server.start(verification_code) # Callback method for the authentication flow. def _onAuthStateChanged(self, auth_response: AuthenticationResponse) -> None: if auth_response.success: self._storeAuthData(auth_response) self.onAuthStateChanged.emit(logged_in=True) else: self.onAuthenticationError.emit(logged_in=False, error_message=auth_response.err_message) self._server.stop() # Stop the web server at all times. # Load authentication data from preferences. def loadAuthDataFromPreferences(self) -> None: if self._preferences is None: Logger.log("e", "Unable to load authentication data, since no preference has been set!") return try: preferences_data = json.loads(self._preferences.getValue(self._settings.AUTH_DATA_PREFERENCE_KEY)) if preferences_data: self._auth_data = AuthenticationResponse(**preferences_data) self.onAuthStateChanged.emit(logged_in=True) except ValueError: Logger.logException("w", "Could not load auth data from preferences") # Store authentication data in preferences. def _storeAuthData(self, auth_data: Optional[AuthenticationResponse] = None) -> None: if self._preferences is None: Logger.log("e", "Unable to save authentication data, since no preference has been set!") return self._auth_data = auth_data if auth_data: self._user_profile = self.getUserProfile() self._preferences.setValue(self._settings.AUTH_DATA_PREFERENCE_KEY, json.dumps(vars(auth_data))) else: self._user_profile = None self._preferences.resetPreference(self._settings.AUTH_DATA_PREFERENCE_KEY)