// Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V. // Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import UM 1.5 as UM import Cura 1.0 as Cura /** * A Printer Card is has two main components: the printer portion and the print job portion, the latter being paired in * the UI when a print job is paired a printer in-cluster. * * NOTE: For most labels, a fixed height with vertical alignment is used to make layouts more deterministic (like the * fixed-size textboxes used in original mock-ups). This is also a stand-in for CSS's 'line-height' property. Denoted * with '// FIXED-LINE-HEIGHT:'. */ Item { id: base // The printer which all printer data is derived from property var printer: null property var borderSize: 1 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme, and remove from here // If the printer card's controls are enabled. This is used by the carousel to prevent opening the context menu or // camera while the printer card is not "in focus" property var enabled: true // If the printer is a cloud printer or not. Other items base their enabled state off of this boolean. In the future // they might not need to though. property bool cloudConnection: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineIsUsingCloudConnection width: 834 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! height: childrenRect.height Rectangle { id: background anchors.fill: parent color: UM.Theme.getColor("monitor_card_background") border { color: UM.Theme.getColor("monitor_card_border") width: borderSize // TODO: Remove once themed } radius: 2 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! } // Printer portion Item { id: printerInfo width: parent.width height: 144 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! Row { anchors { left: parent.left leftMargin: 36 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width Rectangle { id: printerImage width: 108 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! height: 108 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! color: printer ? "transparent" : UM.Theme.getColor("monitor_skeleton_loading") radius: 8 // TODO: Theme! Image { anchors.fill: parent fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: printer ? "../png/" + printer.type + ".png" : "" mipmap: true } } Item { anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } width: 180 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! height: childrenRect.height Rectangle { id: printerNameLabel color: printer ? "transparent" : UM.Theme.getColor("monitor_skeleton_loading") height: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width width: parent.width radius: UM.Theme.getSize("default_radius").width UM.Label { text: printer && printer.name ? printer.name : "" elide: Text.ElideRight font: UM.Theme.getFont("large") // 16pt, bold width: parent.width visible: printer height: parent.height } } Rectangle { color: UM.Theme.getColor("monitor_skeleton_loading") height: 18 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! radius: UM.Theme.getSize("default_radius").width visible: !printer width: 48 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! } MonitorPrinterPill { id: printerFamilyPill anchors { top: printerNameLabel.bottom topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("narrow_margin").height left: printerNameLabel.left } text: printer ? printer.type : "" } Item { id: managePrinterLink anchors { top: printerFamilyPill.bottom topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("narrow_margin").height } height: 18 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! width: childrenRect.width UM.Label { id: managePrinterText anchors.verticalCenter: managePrinterLink.verticalCenter color: UM.Theme.getColor("text_link") text: catalog.i18nc("@label link to Connect and Cloud interfaces", "Manage printer") } UM.ColorImage { id: externalLinkIcon anchors { left: managePrinterText.right leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("narrow_margin").width verticalCenter: managePrinterText.verticalCenter } color: UM.Theme.getColor("text_link") source: UM.Theme.getIcon("LinkExternal") width: UM.Theme.getSize("icon").width height: UM.Theme.getSize("icon").height } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: managePrinterLink onClicked: OutputDevice.openPrinterControlPanel() onEntered: manageQueueText.font.underline = true onExited: manageQueueText.font.underline = false } } MonitorPrinterConfiguration { id: printerConfiguration anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter buildplate: printer ? catalog.i18nc("@label", "Glass") : null // 'Glass' as a default configurations: { var configs = [] if (printer) { configs = configs.concat(printer.printerConfiguration.extruderConfigurations) } else { configs.push(null, null) } return configs } height: 72 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme!te theRect's x property } } MonitorContextMenuButton { id: contextMenuButton anchors { right: parent.right rightMargin: 12 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! top: parent.top topMargin: 12 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! } width: 36 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! height: 36 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! enabled: OutputDevice.supportsPrintJobActions onClicked: enabled ? contextMenu.switchPopupState() : {} visible: { if (!printer || !printer.activePrintJob) { return false } var states = ["queued", "error", "sent_to_printer", "pre_print", "printing", "pausing", "paused", "resuming"] return states.indexOf(printer.activePrintJob.state) !== -1 } } MonitorContextMenu { id: contextMenu printJob: printer ? printer.activePrintJob : null target: contextMenuButton } // For cloud printing, add this mouse area over the disabled contextButton to indicate that it's not available MouseArea { id: contextMenuDisabledButtonArea anchors.fill: contextMenuButton hoverEnabled: contextMenuButton.visible && !contextMenuButton.enabled onEntered: contextMenuDisabledInfo.open() onExited: contextMenuDisabledInfo.close() enabled: !contextMenuButton.enabled } MonitorInfoBlurb { id: contextMenuDisabledInfo text: catalog.i18nc("@info", "Please update your printer's firmware to manage the queue remotely.") target: contextMenuButton } CameraButton { id: cameraButton anchors { right: parent.right rightMargin: 20 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! bottom: parent.bottom bottomMargin: 20 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! } iconSource: Qt.resolvedUrl("../svg/icons/CameraPhoto.svg") enabled: !cloudConnection visible: printer } // For cloud printing, add this mouse area over the disabled cameraButton to indicate that it's not available // Fix CURA-7637 to allow camera connections via cloud. MouseArea { id: cameraDisabledButtonArea anchors.fill: cameraButton hoverEnabled: cameraButton.visible && !cameraButton.enabled onEntered: cameraDisabledInfo.open() onExited: cameraDisabledInfo.close() enabled: !cameraButton.enabled } MonitorInfoBlurb { id: cameraDisabledInfo text: catalog.i18nc("@info", "Webcam feeds for cloud printers cannot be viewed from Ultimaker Cura." + " Click \"Manage printer\" to visit Ultimaker Digital Factory and view this webcam.") target: cameraButton } } // Divider Rectangle { anchors { top: printJobInfo.top left: printJobInfo.left right: printJobInfo.right } height: borderSize // Remove once themed color: background.border.color } // Print job portion Rectangle { id: printJobInfo anchors { top: printerInfo.bottom topMargin: -borderSize * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! } border { color: printer && printer.activePrintJob && printer.activePrintJob.configurationChanges.length > 0 ? UM.Theme.getColor("warning") : "transparent" // TODO: Theme! width: borderSize // TODO: Remove once themed } color: "transparent" // TODO: Theme! height: 84 * screenScaleFactor + borderSize // TODO: Remove once themed width: parent.width Row { anchors { fill: parent topMargin: 12 * screenScaleFactor + borderSize // TODO: Theme! bottomMargin: 12 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! leftMargin: 36 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! } height: childrenRect.height spacing: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width UM.Label { id: printerStatus anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } color: printer ? UM.Theme.getColor("text") : UM.Theme.getColor("monitor_text_disabled") font: UM.Theme.getFont("large_bold") // 16pt, bold text: { if (!printer) { return catalog.i18nc("@label:status", "Loading...") } if (printer.state == "disabled") { return catalog.i18nc("@label:status", "Unavailable") } if (printer.state == "unreachable") { return catalog.i18nc("@label:status", "Unreachable") } if (!printer.activePrintJob && printer.state == "idle") { return catalog.i18nc("@label:status", "Idle") } if (!printer.activePrintJob && printer.state == "pre_print") { return catalog.i18nc("@label:status", "Preparing...") } if (!printer.activePrintJob && printer.state == "printing") { // The print job isn't quite updated yet. return catalog.i18nc("@label:status", "Printing") } return "" } visible: text !== "" } Item { anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } width: printerImage.width height: 60 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! MonitorPrintJobPreview { anchors.centerIn: parent printJob: printer ? printer.activePrintJob : null size: parent.height } visible: printer && printer.activePrintJob && !printerStatus.visible } Item { anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } width: 180 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! height: printerNameLabel.height + printerFamilyPill.height + 6 * screenScaleFactor // TODO: Theme! visible: printer && printer.activePrintJob && !printerStatus.visible UM.Label { id: printerJobNameLabel color: printer && printer.activePrintJob && printer.activePrintJob.isActive ? UM.Theme.getColor("text") : UM.Theme.getColor("monitor_text_disabled") elide: Text.ElideRight wrapMode: Text.NoWrap font: UM.Theme.getFont("large") // 16pt, bold text: printer && printer.activePrintJob ? printer.activePrintJob.name : catalog.i18nc("@label", "Untitled") width: parent.width } UM.Label { id: printerJobOwnerLabel anchors { top: printerJobNameLabel.bottom topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("narrow_margin").height left: printerJobNameLabel.left } color: printer && printer.activePrintJob && printer.activePrintJob.isActive ? UM.Theme.getColor("text") : UM.Theme.getColor("monitor_text_disabled") elide: Text.ElideRight text: printer && printer.activePrintJob ? printer.activePrintJob.owner : catalog.i18nc("@label", "Anonymous") width: parent.width } } MonitorPrintJobProgressBar { anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } printJob: printer && printer.activePrintJob visible: printer && printer.activePrintJob && printer.activePrintJob.configurationChanges.length === 0 && !printerStatus.visible } UM.Label { anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } text: catalog.i18nc("@label:status", "Requires configuration changes") visible: printer && printer.activePrintJob && printer.activePrintJob.configurationChanges.length > 0 && !printerStatus.visible } } Cura.SecondaryButton { id: detailsButton anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter right: parent.right rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width } text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Details") visible: printer && printer.activePrintJob && printer.activePrintJob.configurationChanges.length > 0 && !printerStatus.visible onClicked: base.enabled ? overrideConfirmationDialog.open() : {} enabled: OutputDevice.supportsPrintJobActions } // For cloud printing, add this mouse area over the disabled details button to indicate that it's not available MouseArea { id: detailsButtonDisabledButtonArea anchors.fill: detailsButton hoverEnabled: detailsButton.visible && !detailsButton.enabled onEntered: overrideButtonDisabledInfo.open() onExited: overrideButtonDisabledInfo.close() enabled: !detailsButton.enabled } MonitorInfoBlurb { id: overrideButtonDisabledInfo text: catalog.i18nc("@info", "Please update your printer's firmware to manage the queue remotely.") target: detailsButton } } MonitorConfigOverrideDialog { id: overrideConfirmationDialog printer: base.printer } }