// Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V. // Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import QtQuick 2.10 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import UM 1.1 as UM import Cura 1.1 as Cura UM.Dialog { id: base title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Open Project") minimumWidth: UM.Theme.getSize("popup_dialog").width minimumHeight: UM.Theme.getSize("popup_dialog").height width: minimumWidth height: Math.max(dialogSummaryItem.height + 2 * buttonsItem.height, minimumHeight) // 2 * button height to also have some extra space around the button relative to the button size property int comboboxHeight: 15 * screenScaleFactor property int spacerHeight: 10 * screenScaleFactor property int doubleSpacerHeight: 20 * screenScaleFactor onClosing: manager.notifyClosed() onVisibleChanged: { if (visible) { machineResolveComboBox.currentIndex = 0 qualityChangesResolveComboBox.currentIndex = 0 materialResolveComboBox.currentIndex = 0 } } Item { id: dialogSummaryItem width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height anchors.margins: 10 * screenScaleFactor UM.I18nCatalog { id: catalog name: "cura" } SystemPalette { id: palette } ListModel { id: resolveStrategiesModel // Instead of directly adding the list elements, we add them afterwards. // This is because it's impossible to use setting function results to be bound to listElement properties directly. // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7659442/listelement-fields-as-properties Component.onCompleted: { append({"key": "override", "label": catalog.i18nc("@action:ComboBox Update/override existing profile", "Update existing")}); append({"key": "new", "label": catalog.i18nc("@action:ComboBox Save settings in a new profile", "Create new")}); } } Column { width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height spacing: 2 * screenScaleFactor Label { id: titleLabel text: catalog.i18nc("@action:title", "Summary - Cura Project") font.pointSize: 18 } Rectangle { id: separator color: palette.text width: parent.width height: 1 } Item // Spacer { height: doubleSpacerHeight width: height } Row { height: childrenRect.height width: parent.width Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Printer settings") font.bold: true width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Item { // spacer height: spacerHeight width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } UM.TooltipArea { id: machineResolveStrategyTooltip width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 height: visible ? comboboxHeight : 0 visible: base.visible && machineResolveComboBox.model.count > 1 text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "How should the conflict in the machine be resolved?") Cura.ComboBox { id: machineResolveComboBox model: manager.updatableMachinesModel visible: machineResolveStrategyTooltip.visible textRole: "displayName" width: parent.width height: UM.Theme.getSize("button").height onCurrentIndexChanged: { if (model.getItem(currentIndex).id == "new" && model.getItem(currentIndex).type == "default_option") { manager.setResolveStrategy("machine", "new") } else { manager.setResolveStrategy("machine", "override") manager.setMachineToOverride(model.getItem(currentIndex).id) } } onVisibleChanged: { if (!visible) {return} currentIndex = 0 // If the project printer exists in Cura, set it as the default dropdown menu option. // No need to check object 0, which is the "Create new" option for (var i = 1; i < model.count; i++) { if (model.getItem(i).name == manager.machineName) { currentIndex = i break } } // The project printer does not exist in Cura. If there is at least one printer of the same // type, select the first one, else set the index to "Create new" if (currentIndex == 0 && model.count > 1) { currentIndex = 1 } } } } } Row { width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Type") width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Label { text: manager.machineType width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } } Row { width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", manager.isPrinterGroup ? "Printer Group" : "Printer Name") width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Label { text: manager.machineName width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } } Item // Spacer { height: doubleSpacerHeight width: height } Row { height: childrenRect.height width: parent.width Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Profile settings") font.bold: true width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Item { // spacer height: spacerHeight width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } UM.TooltipArea { id: qualityChangesResolveTooltip width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 height: visible ? comboboxHeight : 0 visible: manager.qualityChangesConflict text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "How should the conflict in the profile be resolved?") Cura.ComboBox { model: resolveStrategiesModel textRole: "label" id: qualityChangesResolveComboBox width: parent.width height: UM.Theme.getSize("button").height onActivated: { manager.setResolveStrategy("quality_changes", resolveStrategiesModel.get(index).key) } } } } Row { width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Name") width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Label { text: manager.qualityName width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } } Row { width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Intent") width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Label { text: manager.intentName width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } } Row { width: parent.width height: manager.numUserSettings != 0 ? childrenRect.height : 0 Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Not in profile") width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Label { text: catalog.i18ncp("@action:label", "%1 override", "%1 overrides", manager.numUserSettings).arg(manager.numUserSettings) width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } visible: manager.numUserSettings != 0 } Row { width: parent.width height: manager.numSettingsOverridenByQualityChanges != 0 ? childrenRect.height : 0 Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Derivative from") width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Label { text: catalog.i18ncp("@action:label", "%1, %2 override", "%1, %2 overrides", manager.numSettingsOverridenByQualityChanges).arg(manager.qualityType).arg(manager.numSettingsOverridenByQualityChanges) width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } visible: manager.numSettingsOverridenByQualityChanges != 0 } Item // Spacer { height: doubleSpacerHeight width: height } Row { height: childrenRect.height width: parent.width Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Material settings") font.bold: true width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Item { // spacer height: spacerHeight width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } UM.TooltipArea { id: materialResolveTooltip width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 height: visible ? comboboxHeight : 0 visible: manager.materialConflict text: catalog.i18nc("@info:tooltip", "How should the conflict in the material be resolved?") Cura.ComboBox { model: resolveStrategiesModel textRole: "label" id: materialResolveComboBox width: parent.width height: UM.Theme.getSize("button").height onActivated: { manager.setResolveStrategy("material", resolveStrategiesModel.get(index).key) } } } } Repeater { model: manager.materialLabels delegate: Row { width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Name") width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Label { text: modelData width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } } } Item // Spacer { height: doubleSpacerHeight width: height } Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Setting visibility") font.bold: true } Row { width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Mode") width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Label { text: manager.activeMode width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } } Row { width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height visible: manager.hasVisibleSettingsField Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "Visible settings:") width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@action:label", "%1 out of %2" ).arg(manager.numVisibleSettings).arg(manager.totalNumberOfSettings) width: (parent.width / 3) | 0 } } Item // Spacer { height: spacerHeight width: height } Row { width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height visible: manager.hasObjectsOnPlate UM.RecolorImage { width: warningLabel.height height: width source: UM.Theme.getIcon("notice") color: palette.text } Label { id: warningLabel text: catalog.i18nc("@action:warning", "Loading a project will clear all models on the build plate.") wrapMode: Text.Wrap } } } } Item { id: buttonsItem width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right Button { id: cancel_button text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","Cancel"); onClicked: { manager.onCancelButtonClicked() } enabled: true anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: ok_button.left anchors.rightMargin: 2 * screenScaleFactor } Button { id: ok_button anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom text: catalog.i18nc("@action:button","Open"); onClicked: { manager.closeBackend(); manager.onOkButtonClicked() } } } function accept() { manager.closeBackend(); manager.onOkButtonClicked(); base.visible = false; base.accept(); } function reject() { manager.onCancelButtonClicked(); base.visible = false; base.rejected(); } }