// Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V. // Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import UM 1.3 as UM import Cura 1.1 as Cura import "../Menus" import "../Dialogs" Item { id: menu width: applicationMenu.width height: applicationMenu.height property alias window: applicationMenu.window UM.ApplicationMenu { id: applicationMenu FileMenu { title: catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:toplevel", "&File") } Menu { title: catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:toplevel", "&Edit") MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.undo } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.redo } MenuSeparator { } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.selectAll } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.arrangeAll } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.multiplySelection } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.deleteSelection } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.deleteAll } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.resetAllTranslation } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.resetAll } MenuSeparator { } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.groupObjects } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.mergeObjects } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.unGroupObjects } } ViewMenu { title: catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:toplevel", "&View") } SettingsMenu { //On MacOS, don't translate the "Settings" word. //Qt moves the "settings" entry to a different place, and if it got renamed can't find it again when it //attempts to delete the item upon closing the application, causing a crash. //In the new location, these items are translated automatically according to the system's language. //For more information, see: //- https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/macos-issues.html#menu-bar //- https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmenubar.html#qmenubar-as-a-global-menu-bar title: (Qt.platform.os == "osx") ? "&Settings" : catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:toplevel", "&Settings") } Menu { id: extensionMenu title: catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:toplevel", "E&xtensions") Instantiator { id: extensions model: UM.ExtensionModel { } Menu { id: sub_menu title: model.name; visible: actions != null enabled: actions != null Instantiator { model: actions Loader { property var extensionsModel: extensions.model property var modelText: model.text property var extensionName: name sourceComponent: modelText.trim() == "" ? extensionsMenuSeparator : extensionsMenuItem } onObjectAdded: sub_menu.insertItem(index, object.item) onObjectRemoved: sub_menu.removeItem(object.item) } } onObjectAdded: extensionMenu.insertItem(index, object) onObjectRemoved: extensionMenu.removeItem(object) } } Menu { id: preferencesMenu //On MacOS, don't translate the "Preferences" word. //Qt moves the "preferences" entry to a different place, and if it got renamed can't find it again when it //attempts to delete the item upon closing the application, causing a crash. //In the new location, these items are translated automatically according to the system's language. //For more information, see: //- https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/macos-issues.html#menu-bar //- https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmenubar.html#qmenubar-as-a-global-menu-bar title: (Qt.platform.os == "osx") ? "&Preferences" : catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:toplevel", "P&references") MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.preferences } } Menu { id: helpMenu title: catalog.i18nc("@title:menu menubar:toplevel", "&Help") MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.showProfileFolder } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.showTroubleshooting} MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.documentation } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.reportBug } MenuSeparator { } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.whatsNew } MenuItem { action: Cura.Actions.about } } } Component { id: extensionsMenuItem MenuItem { text: modelText onTriggered: extensionsModel.subMenuTriggered(extensionName, modelText) } } Component { id: extensionsMenuSeparator MenuSeparator {} } // ############################################################################################### // Definition of other components that are linked to the menus // ############################################################################################### WorkspaceSummaryDialog { id: saveWorkspaceDialog property var args onYes: UM.OutputDeviceManager.requestWriteToDevice("local_file", PrintInformation.jobName, args) } MessageDialog { id: newProjectDialog modality: Qt.ApplicationModal title: catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "New project") text: catalog.i18nc("@info:question", "Are you sure you want to start a new project? This will clear the build plate and any unsaved settings.") standardButtons: StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No icon: StandardIcon.Question onYes: { CuraApplication.resetWorkspace() Cura.Actions.resetProfile.trigger() UM.Controller.setActiveStage("PrepareStage") } } UM.ExtensionModel { id: curaExtensions } // ############################################################################################### // Definition of all the connections // ############################################################################################### Connections { target: Cura.Actions.newProject function onTriggered() { if(Printer.platformActivity || Cura.MachineManager.hasUserSettings) { newProjectDialog.visible = true } } } // show the Marketplace Connections { target: Cura.Actions.openMarketplace function onTriggered() { curaExtensions.callExtensionMethod("Marketplace", "show") } } // Show the Marketplace dialog at the materials tab Connections { target: Cura.Actions.marketplaceMaterials function onTriggered() { curaExtensions.callExtensionMethod("Marketplace", "show") curaExtensions.callExtensionMethod("Marketplace", "setVisibleTabToMaterials") } } }