# ChangeAtZ script - Change printing parameters at a given height # This script is the successor of the TweakAtZ plugin for legacy Cura. # It contains code from the TweakAtZ plugin V1.0-V4.x and from the ExampleScript by Jaime van Kessel, Ultimaker B.V. # It runs with the PostProcessingPlugin which is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher. # This script is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike (CC BY-SA) terms # Authors of the ChangeAtZ plugin / script: # Written by Steven Morlock, smorloc@gmail.com # Modified by Ricardo Gomez, ricardoga@otulook.com, to add Bed Temperature and make it work with Cura_13.06.04+ # Modified by Stefan Heule, Dim3nsioneer@gmx.ch since V3.0 (see changelog below) # Modified by Jaime van Kessel (Ultimaker), j.vankessel@ultimaker.com to make it work for 15.10 / 2.x # Modified by Ruben Dulek (Ultimaker), r.dulek@ultimaker.com, to debug. # Modified by Wes Hanney, https://github.com/novamxd, Retract Length + Speed, Clean up # history / changelog: # V3.0.1: TweakAtZ-state default 1 (i.e. the plugin works without any TweakAtZ comment) # V3.1: Recognizes UltiGCode and deactivates value reset, fan speed added, alternatively layer no. to tweak at, # extruder three temperature disabled by "#Ex3" # V3.1.1: Bugfix reset flow rate # V3.1.2: Bugfix disable TweakAtZ on Cool Head Lift # V3.2: Flow rate for specific extruder added (only for 2 extruders), bugfix parser, # added speed reset at the end of the print # V4.0: Progress bar, tweaking over multiple layers, M605&M606 implemented, reset after one layer option, # extruder three code removed, tweaking print speed, save call of Publisher class, # uses previous value from other plugins also on UltiGCode # V4.0.1: Bugfix for doubled G1 commands # V4.0.2: Uses Cura progress bar instead of its own # V4.0.3: Bugfix for cool head lift (contributed by luisonoff) # V4.9.91: First version for Cura 15.06.x and PostProcessingPlugin # V4.9.92: Modifications for Cura 15.10 # V4.9.93: Minor bugfixes (input settings) / documentation # V4.9.94: Bugfix Combobox-selection; remove logger # V5.0: Bugfix for fall back after one layer and doubled G0 commands when using print speed tweak, Initial version for Cura 2.x # V5.0.1: Bugfix for calling unknown property 'bedTemp' of previous settings storage and unkown variable 'speed' # V5.1: API Changes included for use with Cura 2.2 # V5.2.0: Wes Hanney. Added support for changing Retract Length and Speed. Removed layer spread option. Fixed issue of cumulative ChangeZ # mods so they can now properly be stacked on top of each other. Applied code refactoring to clean up various coding styles. Added comments. # Broke up functions for clarity. Split up class so it can be debugged outside of Cura. # V5.2.1: Wes Hanney. Added support for firmware based retractions. Fixed issue of properly restoring previous values in single layer option. # Added support for outputting changes to LCD (untested). Added type hints to most functions and variables. Added more comments. Created GCodeCommand # class for better detection of G1 vs G10 or G11 commands, and accessing arguments. Moved most GCode methods to GCodeCommand class. Improved wording # of Single Layer vs Keep Layer to better reflect what was happening. # Uses - # M220 S - set speed factor override percentage # M221 S - set flow factor override percentage # M221 S T<0-#toolheads> - set flow factor override percentage for single extruder # M104 S T<0-#toolheads> - set extruder to target temperature # M140 S - set bed target temperature # M106 S - set fan speed to target speed # M207 S F - set the retract length or feed rate # M117 - output the current changes from typing import List, Optional, Dict from ..Script import Script import re # this was broken up into a separate class so the main ChangeZ script could be debugged outside of Cura class ChangeAtZ(Script): version = "5.2.1" def getSettingDataString(self): return """{ "name": "ChangeAtZ """ + self.version + """(Experimental)", "key": "ChangeAtZ", "metadata": {}, "version": 2, "settings": { "caz_enabled": { "label": "Enabled", "description": "Allows adding multiple ChangeZ mods and disabling them as needed.", "type": "bool", "default_value": true }, "a_trigger": { "label": "Trigger", "description": "Trigger at height or at layer no.", "type": "enum", "options": { "height": "Height", "layer_no": "Layer No." }, "default_value": "height" }, "b_targetZ": { "label": "Change Height", "description": "Z height to change at", "unit": "mm", "type": "float", "default_value": 5.0, "minimum_value": "0", "minimum_value_warning": "0.1", "maximum_value_warning": "230", "enabled": "a_trigger == 'height'" }, "b_targetL": { "label": "Change Layer", "description": "Layer no. to change at", "unit": "", "type": "int", "default_value": 1, "minimum_value": "-100", "minimum_value_warning": "-1", "enabled": "a_trigger == 'layer_no'" }, "c_behavior": { "label": "Apply To", "description": "Target Layer + Subsequent Layers is good for testing changes between ranges of layers, ex: Layer 0 to 10 or 0mm to 5mm. Single layer is good for testing changes at a single layer, ex: at Layer 10 or 5mm only.", "type": "enum", "options": { "keep_value": "Target Layer + Subsequent Layers", "single_layer": "Target Layer Only" }, "default_value": "keep_value" }, "caz_output_to_display": { "label": "Output to Display", "description": "Displays the current changes to the LCD", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "e1_Change_speed": { "label": "Change Speed", "description": "Select if total speed (print and travel) has to be changed", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "e2_speed": { "label": "Speed", "description": "New total speed (print and travel)", "unit": "%", "type": "int", "default_value": 100, "minimum_value": "1", "minimum_value_warning": "10", "maximum_value_warning": "200", "enabled": "e1_Change_speed" }, "f1_Change_printspeed": { "label": "Change Print Speed", "description": "Select if print speed has to be changed", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "f2_printspeed": { "label": "Print Speed", "description": "New print speed", "unit": "%", "type": "int", "default_value": 100, "minimum_value": "1", "minimum_value_warning": "10", "maximum_value_warning": "200", "enabled": "f1_Change_printspeed" }, "g1_Change_flowrate": { "label": "Change Flow Rate", "description": "Select if flow rate has to be changed", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "g2_flowrate": { "label": "Flow Rate", "description": "New Flow rate", "unit": "%", "type": "int", "default_value": 100, "minimum_value": "1", "minimum_value_warning": "10", "maximum_value_warning": "200", "enabled": "g1_Change_flowrate" }, "g3_Change_flowrateOne": { "label": "Change Flow Rate 1", "description": "Select if first extruder flow rate has to be changed", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "g4_flowrateOne": { "label": "Flow Rate One", "description": "New Flow rate Extruder 1", "unit": "%", "type": "int", "default_value": 100, "minimum_value": "1", "minimum_value_warning": "10", "maximum_value_warning": "200", "enabled": "g3_Change_flowrateOne" }, "g5_Change_flowrateTwo": { "label": "Change Flow Rate 2", "description": "Select if second extruder flow rate has to be changed", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "g6_flowrateTwo": { "label": "Flow Rate two", "description": "New Flow rate Extruder 2", "unit": "%", "type": "int", "default_value": 100, "minimum_value": "1", "minimum_value_warning": "10", "maximum_value_warning": "200", "enabled": "g5_Change_flowrateTwo" }, "h1_Change_bedTemp": { "label": "Change Bed Temp", "description": "Select if Bed Temperature has to be changed", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "h2_bedTemp": { "label": "Bed Temp", "description": "New Bed Temperature", "unit": "C", "type": "float", "default_value": 60, "minimum_value": "0", "minimum_value_warning": "30", "maximum_value_warning": "120", "enabled": "h1_Change_bedTemp" }, "i1_Change_extruderOne": { "label": "Change Extruder 1 Temp", "description": "Select if First Extruder Temperature has to be changed", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "i2_extruderOne": { "label": "Extruder 1 Temp", "description": "New First Extruder Temperature", "unit": "C", "type": "float", "default_value": 190, "minimum_value": "0", "minimum_value_warning": "160", "maximum_value_warning": "250", "enabled": "i1_Change_extruderOne" }, "i3_Change_extruderTwo": { "label": "Change Extruder 2 Temp", "description": "Select if Second Extruder Temperature has to be changed", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "i4_extruderTwo": { "label": "Extruder 2 Temp", "description": "New Second Extruder Temperature", "unit": "C", "type": "float", "default_value": 190, "minimum_value": "0", "minimum_value_warning": "160", "maximum_value_warning": "250", "enabled": "i3_Change_extruderTwo" }, "j1_Change_fanSpeed": { "label": "Change Fan Speed", "description": "Select if Fan Speed has to be changed", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "j2_fanSpeed": { "label": "Fan Speed", "description": "New Fan Speed (0-100)", "unit": "%", "type": "int", "default_value": 100, "minimum_value": "0", "minimum_value_warning": "0", "maximum_value_warning": "100", "enabled": "j1_Change_fanSpeed" }, "caz_change_retract": { "label": "Change Retraction", "description": "Indicates you would like to modify retraction properties.", "type": "bool", "default_value": false }, "caz_retractstyle": { "label": "Retract Style", "description": "Specify if you're using firmware retraction or linear move based retractions. Check your printer settings to see which you're using.", "type": "enum", "options": { "linear": "Linear Move", "firmware": "Firmware" }, "default_value": "linear", "enabled": "caz_change_retract" }, "caz_change_retractfeedrate": { "label": "Change Retract Feed Rate", "description": "Changes the retraction feed rate during print", "type": "bool", "default_value": false, "enabled": "caz_change_retract" }, "caz_retractfeedrate": { "label": "Retract Feed Rate", "description": "New Retract Feed Rate (mm/s)", "unit": "mm/s", "type": "float", "default_value": 40, "minimum_value": "0", "minimum_value_warning": "0", "maximum_value_warning": "100", "enabled": "caz_change_retractfeedrate" }, "caz_change_retractlength": { "label": "Change Retract Length", "description": "Changes the retraction length during print", "type": "bool", "default_value": false, "enabled": "caz_change_retract" }, "caz_retractlength": { "label": "Retract Length", "description": "New Retract Length (mm)", "unit": "mm", "type": "float", "default_value": 6, "minimum_value": "0", "minimum_value_warning": "0", "maximum_value_warning": "20", "enabled": "caz_change_retractlength" } } }""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() def execute(self, data): caz_instance = ChangeAtZProcessor() caz_instance.TargetValues = {} # copy over our settings to our change z class self.setIntSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "e1_Change_speed", "speed", "e2_speed") self.setIntSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "f1_Change_printspeed", "printspeed", "f2_printspeed") self.setIntSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "g1_Change_flowrate", "flowrate", "g2_flowrate") self.setIntSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "g3_Change_flowrateOne", "flowrateOne", "g4_flowrateOne") self.setIntSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "g5_Change_flowrateTwo", "flowrateTwo", "g6_flowrateTwo") self.setFloatSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "h1_Change_bedTemp", "bedTemp", "h2_bedTemp") self.setFloatSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "i1_Change_extruderOne", "extruderOne", "i2_extruderOne") self.setFloatSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "i3_Change_extruderTwo", "extruderTwo", "i4_extruderTwo") self.setIntSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "j1_Change_fanSpeed", "fanSpeed", "j2_fanSpeed") self.setFloatSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "caz_change_retractfeedrate", "retractfeedrate", "caz_retractfeedrate") self.setFloatSettingIfEnabled(caz_instance, "caz_change_retractlength", "retractlength", "caz_retractlength") # is this mod enabled? caz_instance.IsEnabled = self.getSettingValueByKey("caz_enabled") # are we emitting data to the LCD? caz_instance.IsDisplayingChangesToLcd = self.getSettingValueByKey("caz_output_to_display") # are we doing linear move retractions? caz_instance.IsLinearRetraction = self.getSettingValueByKey("caz_retractstyle") == "linear" # see if we're applying to a single layer or to all layers hence forth caz_instance.IsApplyToSingleLayer = self.getSettingValueByKey("c_behavior") == "single_layer" # used for easy reference of layer or height targeting caz_instance.IsTargetByLayer = self.getSettingValueByKey("a_trigger") == "layer_no" # change our target based on what we're targeting caz_instance.TargetLayer = self.getIntSettingByKey("b_targetL", None) caz_instance.TargetZ = self.getFloatSettingByKey("b_targetZ", None) # run our script return caz_instance.execute(data) # Sets the given TargetValue in the ChangeAtZ instance if the trigger is specified def setIntSettingIfEnabled(self, caz_instance, trigger, target, setting): # stop here if our trigger isn't enabled if not self.getSettingValueByKey(trigger): return # get our value from the settings value = self.getIntSettingByKey(setting, None) # skip if there's no value or we can't interpret it if value is None: return # set our value in the target settings caz_instance.TargetValues[target] = value # Sets the given TargetValue in the ChangeAtZ instance if the trigger is specified def setFloatSettingIfEnabled(self, caz_instance, trigger, target, setting): # stop here if our trigger isn't enabled if not self.getSettingValueByKey(trigger): return # get our value from the settings value = self.getFloatSettingByKey(setting, None) # skip if there's no value or we can't interpret it if value is None: return # set our value in the target settings caz_instance.TargetValues[target] = value # Returns the given settings value as an integer or the default if it cannot parse it def getIntSettingByKey(self, key, default): # change our target based on what we're targeting try: return int(self.getSettingValueByKey(key)) except: return default # Returns the given settings value as an integer or the default if it cannot parse it def getFloatSettingByKey(self, key, default): # change our target based on what we're targeting try: return float(self.getSettingValueByKey(key)) except: return default # This is a utility class for getting details of gcodes from a given line class GCodeCommand: # The GCode command itself (ex: G10) Command = None, # Contains any arguments passed to the command. The key is the argument name, the value is the value of the argument. Arguments = {} # Contains the components of the command broken into pieces Components = [] # Constructor. Sets up defaults def __init__(self): self.reset() # Gets a GCode Command from the given single line of GCode @staticmethod def getFromLine(line: str): # obviously if we don't have a command, we can't return anything if line is None or len(line) == 0: return None # we only support G or M commands if line[0] != "G" and line[0] != "M": return None # remove any comments line = re.sub(r";.*$", "", line) # break into the individual components command_pieces = line.strip().split(" ") # our return command details command = GCodeCommand() # stop here if we don't even have something to interpret if len(command_pieces) == 0: return None # stores all the components of the command within the class for later command.Components = command_pieces # set the actual command command.Command = command_pieces[0] # stop here if we don't have any parameters if len(command_pieces) == 1: return None # return our indexed command return command # Handy function for reading a linear move command @staticmethod def getLinearMoveCommand(line: str): # get our command from the line linear_command = GCodeCommand.getFromLine(line) # if it's not a linear move, we don't care if linear_command is None or (linear_command.Command != "G0" and linear_command.Command != "G1"): return None # convert our values to floats (or defaults) linear_command.Arguments["F"] = linear_command.getArgumentAsFloat("F", None) linear_command.Arguments["X"] = linear_command.getArgumentAsFloat("X", None) linear_command.Arguments["Y"] = linear_command.getArgumentAsFloat("Y", None) linear_command.Arguments["Z"] = linear_command.getArgumentAsFloat("Z", None) linear_command.Arguments["E"] = linear_command.getArgumentAsFloat("E", None) # return our new command return linear_command # Gets the value of a parameter or returns the default if there is none def getArgument(self, name: str, default: str = None) -> str: # parse our arguments (only happens once) self.parseArguments() # if we don't have the parameter, return the default if name not in self.Arguments: return default # otherwise return the value return self.Arguments[name] # Gets the value of a parameter as a float or returns the default def getArgumentAsFloat(self, name: str, default: float = None) -> float: # try to parse as a float, otherwise return the default try: return float(self.getArgument(name, default)) except: return default # Gets the value of a parameter as an integer or returns the default def getArgumentAsInt(self, name: str, default: int = None) -> int: # try to parse as a integer, otherwise return the default try: return int(self.getArgument(name, default)) except: return default # Allows retrieving values from the given GCODE line @staticmethod def getDirectArgument(line: str, key: str, default: str = None) -> str: if key not in line or (";" in line and line.find(key) > line.find(";") and ";ChangeAtZ" not in key and ";LAYER:" not in key): return default # allows for string lengths larger than 1 sub_part = line[line.find(key) + len(key):] if ";ChangeAtZ" in key: m = re.search("^[0-4]", sub_part) elif ";LAYER:" in key: m = re.search("^[+-]?[0-9]*", sub_part) else: # the minus at the beginning allows for negative values, e.g. for delta printers m = re.search(r"^[-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*", sub_part) if m is None: return default try: return m.group(0) except: return default # Converts the command parameter to a int or returns the default @staticmethod def getDirectArgumentAsFloat(line: str, key: str, default: float = None) -> float: # get the value from the command value = GCodeCommand.getDirectArgument(line, key, default) # stop here if it's the default if value == default: return value try: return float(value) except: return default # Converts the command parameter to a int or returns the default @staticmethod def getDirectArgumentAsInt(line: str, key: str, default: int = None) -> int: # get the value from the command value = GCodeCommand.getDirectArgument(line, key, default) # stop here if it's the default if value == default: return value try: return int(value) except: return default # Parses the arguments of the command on demand, only once def parseArguments(self): # stop here if we don't have any remaining components if len(self.Components) <= 1: return None # iterate and index all of our parameters, skip the first component as it's the command for i in range(1, len(self.Components)): # get our component component = self.Components[i] # get the first character of the parameter, which is the name component_name = component[0] # get the value of the parameter (the rest of the string component_value = None # get our value if we have one if len(component) > 1: component_value = component[1:] # index the argument self.Arguments[component_name] = component_value # clear the components to we don't process again self.Components = [] # Easy function for replacing any GCODE parameter variable in a given GCODE command @staticmethod def replaceDirectArgument(line: str, key: str, value: str) -> str: return re.sub(r"(^|\s)" + key + r"[\d\.]+(\s|$)", r"\1" + key + str(value) + r"\2", line) # Resets the model back to defaults def reset(self): self.Command = None self.Arguments = {} # The primary ChangeAtZ class that does all the gcode editing. This was broken out into an # independent class so it could be debugged using a standard IDE class ChangeAtZProcessor: # Holds our current height CurrentZ = None # Holds our current layer number CurrentLayer = None # Indicates if we're only supposed to apply our settings to a single layer or multiple layers IsApplyToSingleLayer = False # Indicates if this should emit the changes as they happen to the LCD IsDisplayingChangesToLcd = False # Indicates that this mod is still enabled (or not) IsEnabled = True # Indicates if we're processing inside the target layer or not IsInsideTargetLayer = False # Indicates if we have restored the previous values from before we started our pass IsLastValuesRestored = False # Indicates if the user has opted for linear move retractions or firmware retractions IsLinearRetraction = True # Indicates if we're targetting by layer or height value IsTargetByLayer = True # Indicates if we have injected our changed values for the given layer yet IsTargetValuesInjected = False # Holds the last extrusion value, used with detecting when a retraction is made LastE = None # An index of our gcodes which we're monitoring LastValues = {} # The detected layer height from the gcode LayerHeight = None # The target layer TargetLayer = None # Holds the values the user has requested to change TargetValues = {} # The target height in mm TargetZ = None # Used to track if we've been inside our target layer yet WasInsideTargetLayer = False # boots up the class with defaults def __init__(self): self.reset() # Modifies the given GCODE and injects the commands at the various targets def execute(self, data): # short cut the whole thing if we're not enabled if not self.IsEnabled: return data # our layer cursor index = 0 for active_layer in data: # will hold our updated gcode modified_gcode = "" # mark all the defaults for deletion active_layer = self.markChangesForDeletion(active_layer) # break apart the layer into commands lines = active_layer.split("\n") # evaluate each command individually for line in lines: # trim or command line = line.strip() # skip empty lines if len(line) == 0: continue # update our layer number if applicable self.processLayerNumber(line) # update our layer height if applicable self.processLayerHeight(line) # check if we're at the target layer or not self.processTargetLayer() # process any changes to the gcode modified_gcode += self.processLine(line) # remove any marked defaults modified_gcode = self.removeMarkedChanges(modified_gcode) # append our modified line data[index] = modified_gcode index += 1 # return our modified gcode return data # Builds the restored layer settings based on the previous settings and returns the relevant GCODE lines def getChangedLastValues(self) -> Dict[str, any]: # capture the values that we've changed changed = {} # for each of our target values, get the value to restore # no point in restoring values we haven't changed for key in self.TargetValues: # skip target values we can't restore if key not in self.LastValues: continue # save into our changed changed[key] = self.LastValues[key] # return our collection of changed values return changed # Builds the relevant display feedback for each of the values def getDisplayChangesFromValues(self, values: Dict[str, any]) -> str: # stop here if we're not outputting data if not self.IsDisplayingChangesToLcd: return "" # will hold all the default settings for the target layer codes = [] # looking for wait for bed temp if "bedTemp" in values: codes.append("BedTemp: " + str(values["bedTemp"])) # set our extruder one temp (if specified) if "extruderOne" in values: codes.append("Extruder 1 Temp: " + str(values["extruderOne"])) # set our extruder two temp (if specified) if "extruderTwo" in values: codes.append("Extruder 2 Temp: " + str(values["extruderTwo"])) # set global flow rate if "flowrate" in values: codes.append("Extruder A Flow Rate: " + str(values["flowrate"])) # set extruder 0 flow rate if "flowrateOne" in values: codes.append("Extruder 1 Flow Rate: " + str(values["flowrateOne"])) # set second extruder flow rate if "flowrateTwo" in values: codes.append("Extruder 2 Flow Rate: " + str(values["flowrateTwo"])) # set our fan speed if "fanSpeed" in values: codes.append("Fan Speed: " + str(values["fanSpeed"])) # set feedrate percentage if "speed" in values: codes.append("Print Speed: " + str(values["speed"])) # set print rate percentage if "printspeed" in values: codes.append("Linear Print Speed: " + str(values["printspeed"])) # set retract rate if "retractfeedrate" in values: codes.append("Retract Feed Rate: " + str(values["retractfeedrate"])) # set retract length if "retractlength" in values: codes.append("Retract Length: " + str(values["retractlength"])) # stop here if there's nothing to output if len(codes) == 0: return "" # output our command to display the data return "M117 " + ", ".join(codes) + "\n" # Converts the last values to something that can be output on the LCD def getLastDisplayValues(self) -> str: # convert our last values to something we can output return self.getDisplayChangesFromValues(self.getChangedLastValues()) # Converts the target values to something that can be output on the LCD def getTargetDisplayValues(self) -> str: # convert our target values to something we can output return self.getDisplayChangesFromValues(self.TargetValues) # Builds the the relevant GCODE lines from the given collection of values def getCodeFromValues(self, values: Dict[str, any]) -> str: # will hold all the desired settings for the target layer codes = self.getCodeLinesFromValues(values) # stop here if there are no values that require changing if len(codes) == 0: return "" # return our default block for this layer return ";[CAZD:\n" + "\n".join(codes) + "\n;:CAZD]" # Builds the relevant GCODE lines from the given collection of values def getCodeLinesFromValues(self, values: Dict[str, any]) -> List[str]: # will hold all the default settings for the target layer codes = [] # looking for wait for bed temp if "bedTemp" in values: codes.append("M140 S" + str(values["bedTemp"])) # set our extruder one temp (if specified) if "extruderOne" in values: codes.append("M104 S" + str(values["extruderOne"]) + " T0") # set our extruder two temp (if specified) if "extruderTwo" in values: codes.append("M104 S" + str(values["extruderTwo"]) + " T1") # set our fan speed if "fanSpeed" in values: # convert our fan speed percentage to PWM fan_speed = int((float(values["fanSpeed"]) / 100.0) * 255) # add our fan speed to the defaults codes.append("M106 S" + str(fan_speed)) # set global flow rate if "flowrate" in values: codes.append("M221 S" + str(values["flowrate"])) # set extruder 0 flow rate if "flowrateOne" in values: codes.append("M221 S" + str(values["flowrateOne"]) + " T0") # set second extruder flow rate if "flowrateTwo" in values: codes.append("M221 S" + str(values["flowrateTwo"]) + " T1") # set feedrate percentage if "speed" in values: codes.append("M220 S" + str(values["speed"]) + " T1") # set print rate percentage if "printspeed" in values: codes.append(";PRINTSPEED " + str(values["printspeed"]) + "") # set retract rate if "retractfeedrate" in values: if self.IsLinearRetraction: codes.append(";RETRACTFEEDRATE " + str(values["retractfeedrate"] * 60) + "") else: codes.append("M207 F" + str(values["retractfeedrate"] * 60) + "") # set retract length if "retractlength" in values: if self.IsLinearRetraction: codes.append(";RETRACTLENGTH " + str(values["retractlength"]) + "") else: codes.append("M207 S" + str(values["retractlength"]) + "") return codes # Builds the restored layer settings based on the previous settings and returns the relevant GCODE lines def getLastValues(self) -> str: # build the gcode to restore our last values return self.getCodeFromValues(self.getChangedLastValues()) # Builds the gcode to inject either the changed values we want or restore the previous values def getInjectCode(self) -> str: # if we're now outside of our target layer and haven't restored our last values, do so now if not self.IsInsideTargetLayer and self.WasInsideTargetLayer and not self.IsLastValuesRestored: # mark that we've injected the last values self.IsLastValuesRestored = True # inject the defaults return self.getLastValues() + "\n" + self.getLastDisplayValues() # if we're inside our target layer but haven't added our values yet, do so now if self.IsInsideTargetLayer and not self.IsTargetValuesInjected: # mark that we've injected the target values self.IsTargetValuesInjected = True # inject the defaults return self.getTargetValues() + "\n" + self.getTargetDisplayValues() # nothing to do return "" # Returns the unmodified GCODE line from previous ChangeZ edits @staticmethod def getOriginalLine(line: str) -> str: # get the change at z original (cazo) details original_line = re.search(r"\[CAZO:(.*?):CAZO\]", line) # if we didn't get a hit, this is the original line if original_line is None: return line return original_line.group(1) # Builds the target layer settings based on the specified values and returns the relevant GCODE lines def getTargetValues(self) -> str: # build the gcode to change our current values return self.getCodeFromValues(self.TargetValues) # Determines if the current line is at or below the target required to start modifying def isTargetLayerOrHeight(self) -> bool: # target selected by layer no. if self.IsTargetByLayer: # if we don't have a current layer, we're not there yet if self.CurrentLayer is None: return False # if we're applying to a single layer, stop if our layer is not identical if self.IsApplyToSingleLayer: return self.CurrentLayer == self.TargetLayer else: return self.CurrentLayer >= self.TargetLayer else: # if we don't have a current Z, we're not there yet if self.CurrentZ is None: return False # if we're applying to a single layer, stop if our Z is not identical if self.IsApplyToSingleLayer: return self.CurrentZ == self.TargetZ else: return self.CurrentZ >= self.TargetZ # Marks any current ChangeZ layer defaults in the layer for deletion @staticmethod def markChangesForDeletion(layer: str): return re.sub(r";\[CAZD:", ";[CAZD:DELETE:", layer) # Grabs the current height def processLayerHeight(self, line: str): # stop here if we haven't entered a layer yet if self.CurrentLayer is None: return # get our gcode command command = GCodeCommand.getFromLine(line) # skip if it's not a command we're interested in if command is None: return # stop here if this isn't a linear move command if command.Command != "G0" and command.Command != "G1": return # get our value from the command current_z = command.getArgumentAsFloat("Z", None) # stop here if we don't have a Z value defined, we can't get the height from this command if current_z is None: return # stop if there's no change if current_z == self.CurrentZ: return # set our current Z value self.CurrentZ = current_z # if we don't have a layer height yet, set it based on the current Z value if self.LayerHeight is None: self.LayerHeight = self.CurrentZ # Grabs the current layer number def processLayerNumber(self, line: str): # if this isn't a layer comment, stop here, nothing to update if ";LAYER:" not in line: return # get our current layer number current_layer = GCodeCommand.getDirectArgumentAsInt(line, ";LAYER:", None) # this should never happen, but if our layer number hasn't changed, stop here if current_layer == self.CurrentLayer: return # update our current layer self.CurrentLayer = current_layer # Makes any linear move changes and also injects either target or restored values depending on the plugin state def processLine(self, line: str) -> str: # used to change the given line of code modified_gcode = "" # track any values that we may be interested in self.trackChangeableValues(line) # if we're not inside the target layer, simply read the any # settings we can and revert any ChangeAtZ deletions if not self.IsInsideTargetLayer: # read any settings if we haven't hit our target layer yet if not self.WasInsideTargetLayer: self.processSetting(line) # if we haven't hit our target yet, leave the defaults as is (unmark them for deletion) if "[CAZD:DELETE:" in line: line = line.replace("[CAZD:DELETE:", "[CAZD:") # if we're targeting by Z, we want to add our values before the first linear move if "G1 " in line or "G0 " in line: modified_gcode += self.getInjectCode() # modify our command if we're still inside our target layer, otherwise pass unmodified if self.IsInsideTargetLayer: modified_gcode += self.processLinearMove(line) + "\n" else: modified_gcode += line + "\n" # if we're targetting by layer we want to add our values just after the layer label if ";LAYER:" in line: modified_gcode += self.getInjectCode() # return our changed code return modified_gcode # Handles any linear moves in the current line def processLinearMove(self, line: str) -> str: # if it's not a linear motion command we're not interested if not ("G1 " in line or "G0 " in line): return line # always get our original line, otherwise the effect will be cumulative line = self.getOriginalLine(line) # get our command from the line linear_command = GCodeCommand.getLinearMoveCommand(line) # if it's not a linear move, we don't care if linear_command is None: return # get our linear move parameters feed_rate = linear_command.Arguments["F"] x_coord = linear_command.Arguments["X"] y_coord = linear_command.Arguments["Y"] z_coord = linear_command.Arguments["Z"] extrude_length = linear_command.Arguments["E"] # set our new line to our old line new_line = line # handle retract length new_line = self.processRetractLength(extrude_length, feed_rate, new_line, x_coord, y_coord, z_coord) # handle retract feed rate new_line = self.processRetractFeedRate(extrude_length, feed_rate, new_line, x_coord, y_coord, z_coord) # handle print speed adjustments new_line = self.processPrintSpeed(feed_rate, new_line) # set our current extrude position self.LastE = extrude_length if extrude_length is not None else self.LastE # if no changes have been made, stop here if new_line == line: return line # return our updated command return self.setOriginalLine(new_line, line) # Handles any changes to print speed for the given linear motion command def processPrintSpeed(self, feed_rate: float, new_line: str) -> str: # if we're not setting print speed or we don't have a feed rate, stop here if "printspeed" not in self.TargetValues or feed_rate is None: return new_line # get our requested print speed print_speed = int(self.TargetValues["printspeed"]) # if they requested no change to print speed (ie: 100%), stop here if print_speed == 100: return new_line # get our feed rate from the command feed_rate = GCodeCommand.getDirectArgumentAsFloat(new_line, "F") * (float(print_speed) / 100.0) # change our feed rate return GCodeCommand.replaceDirectArgument(new_line, "F", feed_rate) # Handles any changes to retraction length for the given linear motion command def processRetractLength(self, extrude_length: float, feed_rate: float, new_line: str, x_coord: float, y_coord: float, z_coord: float) -> str: # if we don't have a retract length in the file we can't add one if "retractlength" not in self.LastValues or self.LastValues["retractlength"] == 0: return new_line # if we're not changing retraction length, stop here if "retractlength" not in self.TargetValues: return new_line # retractions are only F (feed rate) and E (extrude), at least in cura if x_coord is not None or y_coord is not None or z_coord is not None: return new_line # since retractions require both F and E, and we don't have either, we can't process if feed_rate is None or extrude_length is None: return new_line # stop here if we don't know our last extrude value if self.LastE is None: return new_line # if there's no change in extrude we have nothing to change if self.LastE == extrude_length: return new_line # if our last extrude was lower than our current, we're restoring, so skip if self.LastE < extrude_length: return new_line # get our desired retract length retract_length = float(self.TargetValues["retractlength"]) # subtract the difference between the default and the desired extrude_length -= (retract_length - self.LastValues["retractlength"]) # replace our extrude amount return GCodeCommand.replaceDirectArgument(new_line, "E", extrude_length) # Used for picking out the retract length set by Cura def processRetractLengthSetting(self, line: str): # skip if we're not doing linear retractions if not self.IsLinearRetraction: return # get our command from the line linear_command = GCodeCommand.getLinearMoveCommand(line) # if it's not a linear move, we don't care if linear_command is None: return # get our linear move parameters feed_rate = linear_command.Arguments["F"] x_coord = linear_command.Arguments["X"] y_coord = linear_command.Arguments["Y"] z_coord = linear_command.Arguments["Z"] extrude_length = linear_command.Arguments["E"] # the command we're looking for only has extrude and feed rate if x_coord is not None or y_coord is not None or z_coord is not None: return # if either extrude or feed is missing we're likely looking at the wrong command if extrude_length is None or feed_rate is None: return # cura stores the retract length as a negative E just before it starts printing extrude_length = extrude_length * -1 # if it's a negative extrude after being inverted, it's not our retract length if extrude_length < 0: return # what ever the last negative retract length is it wins self.LastValues["retractlength"] = extrude_length # Handles any changes to retraction feed rate for the given linear motion command def processRetractFeedRate(self, extrude_length: float, feed_rate: float, new_line: str, x_coord: float, y_coord: float, z_coord: float) -> str: # skip if we're not doing linear retractions if not self.IsLinearRetraction: return new_line # if we're not changing retraction length, stop here if "retractfeedrate" not in self.TargetValues: return new_line # retractions are only F (feed rate) and E (extrude), at least in cura if x_coord is not None or y_coord is not None or z_coord is not None: return new_line # since retractions require both F and E, and we don't have either, we can't process if feed_rate is None or extrude_length is None: return new_line # get our desired retract feed rate retract_feed_rate = float(self.TargetValues["retractfeedrate"]) # convert to units/min retract_feed_rate *= 60 # replace our feed rate return GCodeCommand.replaceDirectArgument(new_line, "F", retract_feed_rate) # Used for finding settings in the print file before we process anything else def processSetting(self, line: str): # if we're in layers already we're out of settings if self.CurrentLayer is not None: return # check our retract length self.processRetractLengthSetting(line) # Sets the flags if we're at the target layer or not def processTargetLayer(self): # skip this line if we're not there yet if not self.isTargetLayerOrHeight(): # flag that we're outside our target layer self.IsInsideTargetLayer = False # skip to the next line return # flip if we hit our target layer self.WasInsideTargetLayer = True # flag that we're inside our target layer self.IsInsideTargetLayer = True # Removes all the ChangeZ layer defaults from the given layer @staticmethod def removeMarkedChanges(layer: str) -> str: return re.sub(r";\[CAZD:DELETE:[\s\S]+?:CAZD\](\n|$)", "", layer) # Resets the class contents to defaults def reset(self): self.TargetValues = {} self.IsApplyToSingleLayer = False self.LastE = None self.CurrentZ = None self.CurrentLayer = None self.IsTargetByLayer = True self.TargetLayer = None self.TargetZ = None self.LayerHeight = None self.LastValues = {} self.IsLinearRetraction = True self.IsInsideTargetLayer = False self.IsTargetValuesInjected = False self.IsLastValuesRestored = False self.WasInsideTargetLayer = False self.IsEnabled = True # Sets the original GCODE line in a given GCODE command @staticmethod def setOriginalLine(line, original) -> str: return line + ";[CAZO:" + original + ":CAZO]" # Tracks the change in gcode values we're interested in def trackChangeableValues(self, line: str): # simulate a print speed command if ";PRINTSPEED" in line: line = line.replace(";PRINTSPEED ", "M220 S") # simulate a retract feedrate command if ";RETRACTFEEDRATE" in line: line = line.replace(";RETRACTFEEDRATE ", "M207 F") # simulate a retract length command if ";RETRACTLENGTH" in line: line = line.replace(";RETRACTLENGTH ", "M207 S") # get our gcode command command = GCodeCommand.getFromLine(line) # stop here if it isn't a G or M command if command is None: return # handle retract length changes if command.Command == "M207": # get our retract length if provided if "S" in command.Arguments: self.LastValues["retractlength"] = command.getArgumentAsFloat("S") # get our retract feedrate if provided, convert from mm/m to mm/s if "F" in command.Arguments: self.LastValues["retractfeedrate"] = command.getArgumentAsFloat("F") / 60.0 # move to the next command return # handle bed temp changes if command.Command == "M140" or command.Command == "M190": # get our bed temp if provided if "S" in command.Arguments: self.LastValues["bedTemp"] = command.getArgumentAsFloat("S") # move to the next command return # handle extruder temp changes if command.Command == "M104" or command.Command == "M109": # get our tempurature tempurature = command.getArgumentAsFloat("S") # don't bother if we don't have a tempurature if tempurature is None: return # get our extruder, default to extruder one extruder = command.getArgumentAsInt("T", None) # set our extruder temp based on the extruder if extruder is None or extruder == 0: self.LastValues["extruderOne"] = tempurature if extruder is None or extruder == 1: self.LastValues["extruderTwo"] = tempurature # move to the next command return # handle fan speed changes if command.Command == "M106": # get our bed temp if provided if "S" in command.Arguments: self.LastValues["fanSpeed"] = (command.getArgumentAsInt("S") / 255.0) * 100 # move to the next command return # handle flow rate changes if command.Command == "M221": # get our flow rate tempurature = command.getArgumentAsFloat("S") # don't bother if we don't have a flow rate (for some reason) if tempurature is None: return # get our extruder, default to global extruder = command.getArgumentAsInt("T", None) # set our extruder temp based on the extruder if extruder is None: self.LastValues["flowrate"] = tempurature elif extruder == 1: self.LastValues["flowrateOne"] = tempurature elif extruder == 1: self.LastValues["flowrateTwo"] = tempurature # move to the next command return # handle print speed changes if command.Command == "M220": # get our speed if provided if "S" in command.Arguments: self.LastValues["speed"] = command.getArgumentAsInt("S") # move to the next command return