// Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V. // Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1 import UM 1.4 as UM import Cura 1.0 as Cura Item { property bool is_simulation_playing: false visible: UM.SimulationView.layerActivity && CuraApplication.platformActivity PathSlider { id: pathSlider height: UM.Theme.getSize("slider_handle").width width: UM.Theme.getSize("slider_layerview_size").height anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").height anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter visible: !UM.SimulationView.compatibilityMode // Custom properties handleValue: UM.SimulationView.currentPath maximumValue: UM.SimulationView.numPaths // Update values when layer data changes. Connections { target: UM.SimulationView onMaxPathsChanged: pathSlider.setHandleValue(UM.SimulationView.currentPath) onCurrentPathChanged: { // Only pause the simulation when the layer was changed manually, not when the simulation is running if (pathSlider.manuallyChanged) { playButton.pauseSimulation() } pathSlider.setHandleValue(UM.SimulationView.currentPath) } } // Ensure that the slider handlers show the correct value after switching views. Component.onCompleted: { pathSlider.setHandleValue(UM.SimulationView.currentPath) } } UM.SimpleButton { id: playButton iconSource: !is_simulation_playing ? "./resources/simulation_resume.svg": "./resources/simulation_pause.svg" width: UM.Theme.getSize("small_button").width height: UM.Theme.getSize("small_button").height hoverColor: UM.Theme.getColor("slider_handle_active") color: UM.Theme.getColor("slider_handle") iconMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("thick_lining").width visible: !UM.SimulationView.compatibilityMode Connections { target: UM.Preferences onPreferenceChanged: { if (preference !== "view/only_show_top_layers" && preference !== "view/top_layer_count" && ! preference.match("layerview/")) { return; } playButton.pauseSimulation() } } anchors { right: pathSlider.left verticalCenter: pathSlider.verticalCenter } onClicked: { if(is_simulation_playing) { pauseSimulation() } else { resumeSimulation() } } function pauseSimulation() { UM.SimulationView.setSimulationRunning(false) simulationTimer.stop() is_simulation_playing = false layerSlider.manuallyChanged = true pathSlider.manuallyChanged = true } function resumeSimulation() { UM.SimulationView.setSimulationRunning(true) simulationTimer.start() layerSlider.manuallyChanged = false pathSlider.manuallyChanged = false } } Timer { id: simulationTimer interval: 100 running: false repeat: true onTriggered: { var currentPath = UM.SimulationView.currentPath var numPaths = UM.SimulationView.numPaths var currentLayer = UM.SimulationView.currentLayer var numLayers = UM.SimulationView.numLayers // When the user plays the simulation, if the path slider is at the end of this layer, we start // the simulation at the beginning of the current layer. if (!is_simulation_playing) { if (currentPath >= numPaths) { UM.SimulationView.setCurrentPath(0) } else { UM.SimulationView.setCurrentPath(currentPath + 1) } } // If the simulation is already playing and we reach the end of a layer, then it automatically // starts at the beginning of the next layer. else { if (currentPath >= numPaths) { // At the end of the model, the simulation stops if (currentLayer >= numLayers) { playButton.pauseSimulation() } else { UM.SimulationView.setCurrentLayer(currentLayer + 1) UM.SimulationView.setCurrentPath(0) } } else { UM.SimulationView.setCurrentPath(currentPath + 1) } } // The status must be set here instead of in the resumeSimulation function otherwise it won't work // correctly, because part of the logic is in this trigger function. is_simulation_playing = true } } LayerSlider { id: layerSlider width: UM.Theme.getSize("slider_handle").width height: UM.Theme.getSize("slider_layerview_size").height anchors { right: parent.right verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width } // Custom properties upperValue: UM.SimulationView.currentLayer lowerValue: UM.SimulationView.minimumLayer maximumValue: UM.SimulationView.numLayers // Update values when layer data changes Connections { target: UM.SimulationView onMaxLayersChanged: layerSlider.setUpperValue(UM.SimulationView.currentLayer) onMinimumLayerChanged: layerSlider.setLowerValue(UM.SimulationView.minimumLayer) onCurrentLayerChanged: { // Only pause the simulation when the layer was changed manually, not when the simulation is running if (layerSlider.manuallyChanged) { playButton.pauseSimulation() } layerSlider.setUpperValue(UM.SimulationView.currentLayer) } } // Make sure the slider handlers show the correct value after switching views Component.onCompleted: { layerSlider.setLowerValue(UM.SimulationView.minimumLayer) layerSlider.setUpperValue(UM.SimulationView.currentLayer) } } }