// Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V. // Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import QtQuick 2.10 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import UM 1.3 as UM import Cura 1.1 as Cura import "../MachineSettings" // // This component contains the content for the "Welcome" page of the welcome on-boarding process. // Row { id: base UM.I18nCatalog { id: catalog; name: "cura" } property int labelWidth: 100 // Left-side column for "Printer Settings" Column { spacing: 10 Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@title:label", "Printer Settings") font: UM.Theme.getFont("medium_bold") } NumericTextFieldWithUnit // "X (Width)" { id: machineXWidthField containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId settingKey: "machine_width" settingStoreIndex: 1 // TODO labelText: catalog.i18nc("@label", "X (Width)") labelWidth: base.labelWidth unitText: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm") // TODO: add forceUpdateOnChangeFunction: } NumericTextFieldWithUnit // "Y (Depth)" { id: machineYDepthField containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId settingKey: "machine_depth" settingStoreIndex: 1 // TODO labelText: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Y (Depth)") labelWidth: base.labelWidth unitText: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm") // TODO: add forceUpdateOnChangeFunction: } NumericTextFieldWithUnit // "Z (Height)" { id: machineZHeightField containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId settingKey: "machine_height" settingStoreIndex: 1 // TODO labelText: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Z (Height)") labelWidth: base.labelWidth unitText: catalog.i18nc("@label", "mm") // TODO: add forceUpdateOnChangeFunction: } ComboBoxWithOptions // "Build plate shape" { id: buildPlateShapeComboBox containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId settingKey: "machine_shape" settingStoreIndex: 1 // TODO labelText: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Build plate shape") labelWidth: base.labelWidth // TODO: add forceUpdateOnChangeFunction: } SimpleCheckBox // "Origin at center" { id: originAtCenterCheckBox containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId settingKey: "machine_center_is_zero" settingStoreIndex: 1 // TODO labelText: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Origin at center") // TODO: add forceUpdateOnChangeFunction: } SimpleCheckBox // "Heated bed" { id: heatedBedCheckBox containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId settingKey: "machine_heated_bed" settingStoreIndex: 1 // TODO labelText: catalog.i18nc("@label", "Heated bed") // TODO: add forceUpdateOnChangeFunction: } ComboBoxWithOptions // "G-code flavor" { id: gcodeFlavorComboBox containerStackId: Cura.MachineManager.activeMachineId settingKey: "machine_gcode_flavor" settingStoreIndex: 1 // TODO labelText: catalog.i18nc("@label", "G-code flavor") labelWidth: base.labelWidth // TODO: add forceUpdateOnChangeFunction: // TODO: add afterOnActivate: manager.updateHasMaterialsMetadata } } // Right-side column for "Printhead Settings" Column { spacing: 10 Label { text: catalog.i18nc("@title:label", "Printhead Settings") font: UM.Theme.getFont("medium_bold") } } }