# Copyright (c) 2017 Ultimaker B.V. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import re # For escaping characters in the settings. import json import copy from UM.Mesh.MeshWriter import MeshWriter from UM.Logger import Logger from UM.Application import Application from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer from cura.Machines.QualityManager import getMachineDefinitionIDForQualitySearch ## Writes g-code to a file. # # While this poses as a mesh writer, what this really does is take the g-code # in the entire scene and write it to an output device. Since the g-code of a # single mesh isn't separable from the rest what with rafts and travel moves # and all, it doesn't make sense to write just a single mesh. # # So this plug-in takes the g-code that is stored in the root of the scene # node tree, adds a bit of extra information about the profiles and writes # that to the output device. class GCodeWriter(MeshWriter): ## The file format version of the serialised g-code. # # It can only read settings with the same version as the version it was # written with. If the file format is changed in a way that breaks reverse # compatibility, increment this version number! version = 3 ## Dictionary that defines how characters are escaped when embedded in # g-code. # # Note that the keys of this dictionary are regex strings. The values are # not. escape_characters = { re.escape("\\"): "\\\\", # The escape character. re.escape("\n"): "\\n", # Newlines. They break off the comment. re.escape("\r"): "\\r" # Carriage return. Windows users may need this for visualisation in their editors. } _setting_keyword = ";SETTING_" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._application = Application.getInstance() ## Writes the g-code for the entire scene to a stream. # # Note that even though the function accepts a collection of nodes, the # entire scene is always written to the file since it is not possible to # separate the g-code for just specific nodes. # # \param stream The stream to write the g-code to. # \param nodes This is ignored. # \param mode Additional information on how to format the g-code in the # file. This must always be text mode. def write(self, stream, nodes, mode = MeshWriter.OutputMode.TextMode): if mode != MeshWriter.OutputMode.TextMode: Logger.log("e", "GCodeWriter does not support non-text mode.") return False active_build_plate = Application.getInstance().getMultiBuildPlateModel().activeBuildPlate scene = Application.getInstance().getController().getScene() if not hasattr(scene, "gcode_dict"): return False gcode_dict = getattr(scene, "gcode_dict") gcode_list = gcode_dict.get(active_build_plate, None) if gcode_list is not None: has_settings = False for gcode in gcode_list: if gcode[:len(self._setting_keyword)] == self._setting_keyword: has_settings = True stream.write(gcode) # Serialise the current container stack and put it at the end of the file. if not has_settings: settings = self._serialiseSettings(Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()) stream.write(settings) return True return False ## Create a new container with container 2 as base and container 1 written over it. def _createFlattenedContainerInstance(self, instance_container1, instance_container2): flat_container = InstanceContainer(instance_container2.getName()) # The metadata includes id, name and definition flat_container.setMetaData(copy.deepcopy(instance_container2.getMetaData())) if instance_container1.getDefinition(): flat_container.setDefinition(instance_container1.getDefinition().getId()) for key in instance_container2.getAllKeys(): flat_container.setProperty(key, "value", instance_container2.getProperty(key, "value")) for key in instance_container1.getAllKeys(): flat_container.setProperty(key, "value", instance_container1.getProperty(key, "value")) return flat_container ## Serialises a container stack to prepare it for writing at the end of the # g-code. # # The settings are serialised, and special characters (including newline) # are escaped. # # \param settings A container stack to serialise. # \return A serialised string of the settings. def _serialiseSettings(self, stack): container_registry = self._application.getContainerRegistry() quality_manager = self._application.getQualityManager() prefix = self._setting_keyword + str(GCodeWriter.version) + " " # The prefix to put before each line. prefix_length = len(prefix) quality_type = stack.quality.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type") container_with_profile = stack.qualityChanges if container_with_profile.getId() == "empty_quality_changes": # If the global quality changes is empty, create a new one quality_name = container_registry.uniqueName(stack.quality.getName()) container_with_profile = quality_manager._createQualityChanges(quality_type, quality_name, stack, None) flat_global_container = self._createFlattenedContainerInstance(stack.userChanges, container_with_profile) # If the quality changes is not set, we need to set type manually if flat_global_container.getMetaDataEntry("type", None) is None: flat_global_container.addMetaDataEntry("type", "quality_changes") # Ensure that quality_type is set. (Can happen if we have empty quality changes). if flat_global_container.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type", None) is None: flat_global_container.addMetaDataEntry("quality_type", stack.quality.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type", "normal")) # Get the machine definition ID for quality profiles machine_definition_id_for_quality = getMachineDefinitionIDForQualitySearch(stack.definition) flat_global_container.setMetaDataEntry("definition", machine_definition_id_for_quality) serialized = flat_global_container.serialize() data = {"global_quality": serialized} all_setting_keys = set(flat_global_container.getAllKeys()) for extruder in sorted(stack.extruders.values(), key = lambda k: int(k.getMetaDataEntry("position"))): extruder_quality = extruder.qualityChanges if extruder_quality.getId() == "empty_quality_changes": # Same story, if quality changes is empty, create a new one quality_name = container_registry.uniqueName(stack.quality.getName()) extruder_quality = quality_manager._createQualityChanges(quality_type, quality_name, stack, None) flat_extruder_quality = self._createFlattenedContainerInstance(extruder.userChanges, extruder_quality) # If the quality changes is not set, we need to set type manually if flat_extruder_quality.getMetaDataEntry("type", None) is None: flat_extruder_quality.addMetaDataEntry("type", "quality_changes") # Ensure that extruder is set. (Can happen if we have empty quality changes). if flat_extruder_quality.getMetaDataEntry("position", None) is None: flat_extruder_quality.addMetaDataEntry("position", extruder.getMetaDataEntry("position")) # Ensure that quality_type is set. (Can happen if we have empty quality changes). if flat_extruder_quality.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type", None) is None: flat_extruder_quality.addMetaDataEntry("quality_type", extruder.quality.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type", "normal")) # Change the default definition flat_extruder_quality.setMetaDataEntry("definition", machine_definition_id_for_quality) extruder_serialized = flat_extruder_quality.serialize() data.setdefault("extruder_quality", []).append(extruder_serialized) all_setting_keys.update(set(flat_extruder_quality.getAllKeys())) # Check if there is any profiles if not all_setting_keys: Logger.log("i", "No custom settings found, not writing settings to g-code.") return "" json_string = json.dumps(data) # Escape characters that have a special meaning in g-code comments. pattern = re.compile("|".join(GCodeWriter.escape_characters.keys())) # Perform the replacement with a regular expression. escaped_string = pattern.sub(lambda m: GCodeWriter.escape_characters[re.escape(m.group(0))], json_string) # Introduce line breaks so that each comment is no longer than 80 characters. Prepend each line with the prefix. result = "" # Lines have 80 characters, so the payload of each line is 80 - prefix. for pos in range(0, len(escaped_string), 80 - prefix_length): result += prefix + escaped_string[pos: pos + 80 - prefix_length] + "\n" return result