{ "version": 1, "id": "dual_extrusion", "name": "Dual Extrusion Base File", "file_formats": "text/x-gcode;application/x-stl-ascii;application/x-stl-binary;application/x-wavefront-obj;application/x3g", "inherits": "fdmprinter.json", "visible": false, "machine_settings": { "machine_use_extruder_offset_to_offset_coords": { "default": false }, "machine_nozzle_offset_x": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true }, "machine_nozzle_offset_y": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true }, "machine_extruder_start_code": { "default": "", "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true }, "machine_extruder_start_pos_abs": { "default": false, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true }, "machine_extruder_start_pos_x": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true }, "machine_extruder_start_pos_y": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true }, "machine_extruder_end_pos_abs": { "default": false, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true }, "machine_extruder_end_pos_x": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true }, "machine_extruder_end_pos_y": { "default": 0, "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true }, "machine_extruder_end_code": { "default": "", "SEE_machine_extruder_trains": true } }, "overrides": { "speed_print": { "children": { "speed_prime_tower": { "label": "Prime Tower Speed", "description": "The speed at which the prime tower is printed. Printing the prime tower slower can make it more stable when the adhesion between the different filaments is suboptimal.", "unit": "mm/s", "type": "float", "min_value": "0.1", "max_value_warning": "150", "default": 60, "visible": false, "enabled": "prime_tower_enable", "global_only": true } } }, "line_width": { "children": { "prime_tower_line_width": { "label": "Prime Tower Line Width", "description": "Width of a single prime tower line.", "unit": "mm", "min_value": "0.0001", "min_value_warning": "0.2", "max_value_warning": "5", "default": 0.4, "type": "float", "visible": false, "enabled": "prime_tower_enable", "global_only": true } } } }, "categories": { "dual": { "label": "Dual Extrusion", "visible": true, "icon": "category_dual", "settings": { "extruder_nr": { "label": "Extruder", "description": "The extruder train used for printing. This is used in multi-extrusion.", "type": "int", "default": 0, "min_value": "0", "max_value": "16", "always_visible": true, "children": { "adhesion_extruder_nr": { "label": "Platform Adhesion Extruder", "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion.", "type": "int", "default": 0, "min_value": "0", "max_value": "16", "global_only": true }, "support_extruder_nr": { "label": "Support Extruder", "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the support. This is used in multi-extrusion.", "type": "int", "default": 0, "min_value": "0", "max_value": "16", "global_only": true }, "support_extruder_nr_layer_0": { "label": "First Layer Support Extruder", "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of support. This is used in multi-extrusion.", "type": "int", "default": 0, "min_value": "0", "max_value": "16", "inherit_function": "support_extruder_nr", "global_only": true }, "support_roof_extruder_nr": { "label": "Support Roof Extruder", "description": "The extruder train to use for printing the roof of the support. This is used in multi-extrusion.", "type": "int", "default": 0, "min_value": "0", "max_value": "16", "inherit_function": "support_extruder_nr", "enabled": "support_roof_enable", "global_only": true } } }, "prime_tower_enable": { "label": "Enable Prime Tower", "description": "Print a tower next to the print which serves to prime the material after each nozzle switch.", "type": "boolean", "visible": true, "default": false, "global_only": true }, "prime_tower_size": { "label": "Prime Tower Size", "description": "The width of the prime tower.", "visible": false, "type": "float", "unit": "mm", "default": 15, "min_value": "0", "max_value_warning": "20", "inherit_function": "15 if prime_tower_enable else 0", "enabled": "prime_tower_enable", "global_only": true }, "prime_tower_position_x": { "label": "Prime Tower X Position", "description": "The x position of the prime tower.", "visible": false, "type": "float", "unit": "mm", "default": 200, "min_value_warning": "-1000", "max_value_warning": "1000", "enabled": "prime_tower_enable", "global_only": true }, "prime_tower_position_y": { "label": "Prime Tower Y Position", "description": "The y position of the prime tower.", "visible": false, "type": "float", "unit": "mm", "default": 200, "min_value_warning": "-1000", "max_value_warning": "1000", "enabled": "prime_tower_enable", "global_only": true }, "prime_tower_flow": { "label": "Prime Tower Flow", "description": "Flow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value.", "visible": false, "unit": "%", "default": 100, "type": "float", "min_value": "5", "min_value_warning": "50", "max_value_warning": "150", "enabled": "prime_tower_enable", "global_only": true }, "prime_tower_wipe_enabled": { "label": "Wipe Nozzle on Prime tower", "description": "After printing the prime tower with the one nozzle, wipe the oozed material from the other nozzle off on the prime tower.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "enabled": "prime_tower_enable", "global_only": true }, "ooze_shield_enabled": { "label": "Enable Ooze Shield", "description": "Enable exterior ooze shield. This will create a shell around the object which is likely to wipe a second nozzle if it's at the same height as the first nozzle.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "global_only": true }, "ooze_shield_angle": { "label": "Ooze Shield Angle", "description": "The maximum angle a part in the ooze shield will have. With 0 degrees being vertical, and 90 degrees being horizontal. A smaller angle leads to less failed ooze shields, but more material.", "unit": "°", "type": "float", "min_value": "0", "max_value": "90", "default": 60, "visible": false, "enabled": "ooze_shield_enabled", "global_only": true }, "ooze_shield_dist": { "label": "Ooze Shields Distance", "description": "Distance of the ooze shield from the print, in the X/Y directions.", "unit": "mm", "type": "float", "min_value": "0", "max_value_warning": "30", "default": 2, "visible": false, "enabled": "ooze_shield_enabled", "global_only": true } } }, "material": { "settings": { "material_standby_temperature": { "label": "Standby Temperature", "description": "The temperature of the nozzle when another nozzle is currently used for printing.", "unit": "°C", "type": "float", "default": 150, "min_value": "0", "max_value_warning": "260", "global_only": "True", "visible": false }, "switch_extruder_retraction_amount": { "label": "Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance", "description": "The amount of retraction: Set at 0 for no retraction at all. This should generally be the same as the length of the heat zone.", "unit": "mm", "type": "float", "default": 16, "min_value_warning": "0", "max_value_warning": "100", "visible": false, "inherit_function": "machine_heat_zone_length", "enabled": "retraction_enable", "global_only": true }, "switch_extruder_retraction_speeds": { "label": "Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed", "description": "The speed at which the filament is retracted. A higher retraction speed works better, but a very high retraction speed can lead to filament grinding.", "unit": "mm/s", "type": "float", "default": 20, "min_value": "0.1", "max_value_warning": "300", "visible": false, "inherit": false, "enabled": "retraction_enable", "global_only": true, "children": { "switch_extruder_retraction_speed": { "label": "Nozzle Switch Retract Speed", "description": "The speed at which the filament is retracted during a nozzle switch retract. ", "unit": "mm/s", "type": "float", "default": 20, "min_value": "0.1", "max_value_warning": "300", "visible": false, "enabled": "retraction_enable", "global_only": true }, "switch_extruder_prime_speed": { "label": "Nozzle Switch Prime Speed", "description": "The speed at which the filament is pushed back after a nozzle switch retraction.", "unit": "mm/s", "type": "float", "default": 20, "min_value": "0.1", "max_value_warning": "300", "visible": false, "enabled": "retraction_enable", "global_only": true } } } } } } }