Cura ==== This is the new, shiny frontend for Cura. Check [daid/LegacyCura]( for the legacy Cura that everyone knows and loves/hates. We re-worked the whole GUI code at Ultimaker, because the old code started to become unmaintainable. Logging Issues ------------ For crashes and similar issues, please attach the following information: * (On Windows) The log as produced by dxdiag (start -> run -> dxdiag -> save output) * The Cura GUI log file, located at * `%APPDATA%\cura\\cura.log` (Windows), or usually `C:\Users\\\AppData\Roaming\cura\\cura.log` * `$USER/Library/Application Support/cura//cura.log` (OSX) * `$USER/.local/share/cura//cura.log` (Ubuntu/Linux) If the Cura user interface still starts, you can also reach this directory from the application menu in Help -> Show settings folder For additional support, you could also ask in the #cura channel on FreeNode IRC. For help with development, there is also the #cura-dev channel. Dependencies ------------ * [Uranium]( Cura is built on top of the Uranium framework. * [CuraEngine]( This will be needed at runtime to perform the actual slicing. * [PySerial]( Only required for USB printing support. * [python-zeroconf]( Only required to detect mDNS-enabled printers Build scripts ------------- Please checkout [cura-build]( for detailed building instructions. Running from Source ------------- Please check our [Wiki page]( for details about running Cura from source. Plugins ------------- Please check our [Wiki page]( for details about creating and using plugins. Supported printers ------------- Please check our [Wiki page]( for guidelines about adding support for new machines. Configuring Cura ---------------- Please check out [Wiki page]( about configuration options for developers. Translating Cura ---------------- Please check out [Wiki page]( about how to translate Cura into other languages. License ---------------- Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. A copy of this license should be included with the software.