# Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from UM.Logger import Logger from UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry import ContainerRegistry from UM.Settings.Interfaces import ContainerInterface from UM.Signal import Signal from cura.Machines.ContainerNode import ContainerNode from cura.Machines.MaterialNode import MaterialNode import UM.FlameProfiler if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Dict from cura.Machines.MachineNode import MachineNode ## This class represents an extruder variant in the container tree. # # The subnodes of these nodes are materials. # # This node contains materials with ALL filament diameters underneath it. The # tree of this variant is not specific to one global stack, so because the # list of materials can be different per stack depending on the compatible # material diameter setting, we cannot filter them here. Filtering must be # done in the model. class VariantNode(ContainerNode): def __init__(self, container_id: str, machine: "MachineNode") -> None: super().__init__(container_id) self.machine = machine self.materials = {} # type: Dict[str, MaterialNode] # Mapping material base files to their nodes. self.materialsChanged = Signal() container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance() self.variant_name = container_registry.findContainersMetadata(id = container_id)[0]["name"] # Store our own name so that we can filter more easily. container_registry.containerAdded.connect(self._materialAdded) container_registry.containerRemoved.connect(self._materialRemoved) self._loadAll() ## (Re)loads all materials under this variant. @UM.FlameProfiler.profile def _loadAll(self) -> None: container_registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance() if not self.machine.has_materials: self.materials["empty_material"] = MaterialNode("empty_material", variant = self) return # There should not be any materials loaded for this printer. # Find all the materials for this variant's name. else: # Printer has its own material profiles. Look for material profiles with this printer's definition. base_materials = container_registry.findInstanceContainersMetadata(type = "material", definition = "fdmprinter") printer_specific_materials = container_registry.findInstanceContainersMetadata(type = "material", definition = self.machine.container_id, variant_name = None) variant_specific_materials = container_registry.findInstanceContainersMetadata(type = "material", definition = self.machine.container_id, variant_name = self.variant_name) # If empty_variant, this won't return anything. materials_per_base_file = {material["base_file"]: material for material in base_materials} materials_per_base_file.update({material["base_file"]: material for material in printer_specific_materials}) # Printer-specific profiles override global ones. materials_per_base_file.update({material["base_file"]: material for material in variant_specific_materials}) # Variant-specific profiles override all of those. materials = list(materials_per_base_file.values()) # Filter materials based on the exclude_materials property. filtered_materials = [material for material in materials if material["id"] not in self.machine.exclude_materials] for material in filtered_materials: base_file = material["base_file"] if base_file not in self.materials: self.materials[base_file] = MaterialNode(material["id"], variant = self) self.materials[base_file].materialChanged.connect(self.materialsChanged) if not self.materials: self.materials["empty_material"] = MaterialNode("empty_material", variant = self) ## Finds the preferred material for this printer with this nozzle in one of # the extruders. # # If the preferred material is not available, an arbitrary material is # returned. If there is a configuration mistake (like a typo in the # preferred material) this returns a random available material. If there # are no available materials, this will return the empty material node. # \param approximate_diameter The desired approximate diameter of the # material. # \return The node for the preferred material, or any arbitrary material # if there is no match. def preferredMaterial(self, approximate_diameter: int) -> MaterialNode: for base_material, material_node in self.materials.items(): if self.machine.preferred_material in base_material and approximate_diameter == int(material_node.getMetaDataEntry("approximate_diameter")): return material_node # First fallback: Choose any material with matching diameter. for material_node in self.materials.values(): if approximate_diameter == int(material_node.getMetaDataEntry("approximate_diameter")): return material_node fallback = next(iter(self.materials.values())) # Should only happen with empty material node. Logger.log("w", "Could not find preferred material {preferred_material} with diameter {diameter} for variant {variant_id}, falling back to {fallback}.".format( preferred_material = self.machine.preferred_material, diameter = approximate_diameter, variant_id = self.container_id, fallback = fallback.container_id )) return fallback ## When a material gets added to the set of profiles, we need to update our # tree here. @UM.FlameProfiler.profile def _materialAdded(self, container: ContainerInterface) -> None: if container.getMetaDataEntry("type") != "material": return # Not interested. if not self.machine.has_materials: return # We won't add any materials. material_definition = container.getMetaDataEntry("definition") base_file = container.getMetaDataEntry("base_file") if base_file in self.machine.exclude_materials: return # Material is forbidden for this printer. if base_file not in self.materials: # Completely new base file. Always better than not having a file as long as it matches our set-up. if material_definition != "fdmprinter" and material_definition != self.machine.container_id: return material_variant = container.getMetaDataEntry("variant_name") if material_variant is not None and material_variant != self.variant_name: return else: # We already have this base profile. Replace the base profile if the new one is more specific. new_definition = container.getMetaDataEntry("definition") if new_definition == "fdmprinter": return # Just as unspecific or worse. material_variant = container.getMetaDataEntry("variant_name") if new_definition != self.machine.container_id or material_variant != self.variant_name: return # Doesn't match this set-up. original_metadata = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainersMetadata(id = self.materials[base_file].container_id)[0] if "variant_name" in original_metadata or material_variant is None: return # Original was already specific or just as unspecific as the new one. if "empty_material" in self.materials: del self.materials["empty_material"] self.materials[base_file] = MaterialNode(container.getId(), variant = self) self.materials[base_file].materialChanged.connect(self.materialsChanged) self.materialsChanged.emit(self.materials[base_file]) @UM.FlameProfiler.profile def _materialRemoved(self, container: ContainerInterface) -> None: if container.getMetaDataEntry("type") != "material": return # Only interested in materials. base_file = container.getMetaDataEntry("base_file") if base_file not in self.materials: return # We don't track this material anyway. No need to remove it. original_node = self.materials[base_file] del self.materials[base_file] self.materialsChanged.emit(original_node) # Now a different material from the same base file may have been hidden because it was not as specific as the one we deleted. # Search for any submaterials from that base file that are still left. materials_same_base_file = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findContainersMetadata(base_file = base_file) if materials_same_base_file: most_specific_submaterial = materials_same_base_file[0] for submaterial in materials_same_base_file: if submaterial["definition"] == self.machine.container_id: if most_specific_submaterial["definition"] == "fdmprinter": most_specific_submaterial = submaterial if most_specific_submaterial.get("variant_name", "empty") == "empty" and submaterial.get("variant_name", "empty") == self.variant_name: most_specific_submaterial = submaterial self.materials[base_file] = MaterialNode(most_specific_submaterial["id"], variant = self) self.materialsChanged.emit(self.materials[base_file]) if not self.materials: # The last available material just got deleted and there is nothing with the same base file to replace it. self.materials["empty_material"] = MaterialNode("empty_material", variant = self) self.materialsChanged.emit(self.materials["empty_material"])