// Copyright (c) 2022 Ultimaker B.V. // Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import QtQuick 2.10 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 2.10 import UM 1.5 as UM import Cura 1.7 as Cura Rectangle { id: base height: 60 Layout.fillWidth: true color: mouseArea.containsMouse || selected ? UM.Theme.getColor("background_3") : UM.Theme.getColor("background_1") property bool selected: false property string profileName: "" property string icon: "" signal clicked() MouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onClicked: base.clicked() } Item { width: intentIcon.width anchors { top: parent.top bottom: qualityLabel.top horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter topMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("narrow_margin").height } Item { id: intentIcon width: UM.Theme.getSize("recommended_button_icon").width height: UM.Theme.getSize("recommended_button_icon").height UM.ColorImage { anchors.fill: parent anchors.centerIn: parent visible: icon != "" source: UM.Theme.getIcon(icon) color: UM.Theme.getColor("icon") } Rectangle { id: circle anchors.fill: parent radius: width anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter visible: icon == "" border.width: UM.Theme.getSize("thick_lining").width border.color: UM.Theme.getColor("text") UM.Label { id: initialLabel anchors.centerIn: parent text: profileName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() font: UM.Theme.getFont("small_bold") horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter } } } } UM.Label { id: qualityLabel text: profileName anchors { bottom: parent.bottom horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter bottomMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("narrow_margin").height } } }