// Copyright (c) 2022 Ultimaker B.V.
// Uranium is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4

import UM 1.5 as UM
import Cura 1.5 as Cura

    id: detailsPanel

    property var currentItem: null

        // When the current item changes, the detail view needs to be updated
        if (currentItem != null)
            materialDetailsView.currentMaterialNode = currentItem.container_node

    function updateMaterialPropertiesObject()
        // TL;DR: Always update "container_id" first!
        // Other widgets such as MaterialsView have bindings towards "materialProperties" and its properties. Here the
        // properties are updated one by one, and each change can trigger a reaction on those widgets that have
        // connections to the property gets changed, and some reactions will use functions such as
        // ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry() to fetch data using the "container_id" as the reference.
        // We need to change "container_id" first so any underlying triggers will use the correct "container_id" to
        // fetch data. Or, for example, if we change GUID first, which triggered the weight widget to fetch weight
        // before we can update "container_id", so it will fetch weight with the wrong (old) "container_id".
        materialProperties.container_id = currentItem.id

        materialProperties.name = currentItem.name || "Unknown"
        materialProperties.guid = currentItem.GUID
        materialProperties.brand = currentItem.brand || "Unknown"
        materialProperties.material = currentItem.material || "Unknown"
        materialProperties.color_name = currentItem.color_name || "Yellow"
        materialProperties.color_code = currentItem.color_code || "yellow"
        materialProperties.description = currentItem.description || ""
        materialProperties.adhesion_info = currentItem.adhesion_info || ""
        materialProperties.density = currentItem.density || 0.0
        materialProperties.diameter = currentItem.diameter || 0.0
        materialProperties.approximate_diameter = currentItem.approximate_diameter || "0"

    // Material detailed information view below the title Label
        id: materialDetailsView
        anchors.fill: parent
        editingEnabled: currentItem != null && !currentItem.is_read_only
        onResetSelectedMaterial: base.resetExpandedActiveMaterial()

        properties: materialProperties
        containerId: currentItem != null ? currentItem.id : ""
        currentMaterialNode: currentItem != null ? currentItem.container_node: null

        id: materialProperties

        property string guid: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
        property string container_id: "Unknown";
        property string name: "Unknown";
        property string profile_type: "Unknown";
        property string brand: "Unknown";
        property string material: "Unknown";  // This needs to be named as "material" to be consistent with
                                                // the material container's metadata entry

        property string color_name: "Yellow";
        property color color_code: "yellow";

        property real density: 0.0;
        property real diameter: 0.0;
        property string approximate_diameter: "0";

        property real spool_cost: 0.0;
        property real spool_weight: 0.0;
        property real spool_length: 0.0;
        property real cost_per_meter: 0.0;

        property string description: "";
        property string adhesion_info: "";