# Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. include(CTest) include(CMakeParseArguments) # FIXME: Remove the code for CMake <3.12 once we have switched over completely. # FindPython3 is a new module since CMake 3.12. It deprecates FindPythonInterp and FindPythonLibs. The FindPython3 # module is copied from the CMake repository here so in CMake <3.12 we can still use it. if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 3.12) # Use FindPythonInterp and FindPythonLibs for CMake <3.12 find_package(PythonInterp 3 REQUIRED) set(Python3_EXECUTABLE ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}) else() # Use FindPython3 for CMake >=3.12 find_package(Python3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development) endif() add_custom_target(test-verbose COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} --verbose) function(cura_add_test) set(_single_args NAME DIRECTORY PYTHONPATH) cmake_parse_arguments("" "" "${_single_args}" "" ${ARGN}) if(NOT _NAME) message(FATAL_ERROR "cura_add_test requires a test name argument") endif() if(NOT _DIRECTORY) message(FATAL_ERROR "cura_add_test requires a directory to test") endif() if(NOT _PYTHONPATH) set(_PYTHONPATH ${_DIRECTORY}) endif() if(WIN32) string(REPLACE "|" "\\;" _PYTHONPATH ${_PYTHONPATH}) set(_PYTHONPATH "${_PYTHONPATH}\\;$ENV{PYTHONPATH}") else() string(REPLACE "|" ":" _PYTHONPATH ${_PYTHONPATH}) set(_PYTHONPATH "${_PYTHONPATH}:$ENV{PYTHONPATH}") endif() get_test_property(${_NAME} ENVIRONMENT test_exists) #Find out if the test exists by getting a property from it that always exists (such as ENVIRONMENT because we set that ourselves). if (NOT ${test_exists}) add_test( NAME ${_NAME} COMMAND ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} -m pytest --verbose --full-trace --capture=no --no-print-log --junitxml=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/junit-${_NAME}.xml ${_DIRECTORY} ) set_tests_properties(${_NAME} PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT LANG=C) set_tests_properties(${_NAME} PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT "PYTHONPATH=${_PYTHONPATH}") else() message(WARNING "Duplicate test ${_NAME}!") endif() endfunction() cura_add_test(NAME pytest-main DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tests PYTHONPATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}|${URANIUM_DIR}") file(GLOB_RECURSE _plugins plugins/*/__init__.py) foreach(_plugin ${_plugins}) get_filename_component(_plugin_directory ${_plugin} DIRECTORY) if(EXISTS ${_plugin_directory}/tests) get_filename_component(_plugin_name ${_plugin_directory} NAME) cura_add_test(NAME pytest-${_plugin_name} DIRECTORY ${_plugin_directory} PYTHONPATH "${_plugin_directory}|${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}|${URANIUM_DIR}") endif() endforeach() #Add code style test. add_test( NAME "code-style" COMMAND ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} run_mypy.py WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) #Add test for whether the shortcut alt-keys are unique in every translation. add_test( NAME "shortcut-keys" COMMAND ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} scripts/check_shortcut_keys.py WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} )