@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ Cura.ExpandablePopup
// Label for the brand of the material
- id: typeAndBrandNameLabel
+ id: materialBrandColorTypeLabel
- text: model.material_brand + " " + model.material
+ text: model.material_brand == model.color_name ? model.color_name + " " + model.material_type : model.material_brand + " " + model.color_name + " " + model.material_type
elide: Text.ElideRight
font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
color: UM.Theme.getColor("text")
@@ -79,6 +79,50 @@ Cura.ExpandablePopup
right: parent.right
rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
+ visible: !truncated
+ }
+ Label
+ {
+ id: materialColorTypeLabel
+ text: model.color_name + " " + model.material_type
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
+ color: UM.Theme.getColor("text")
+ renderType: Text.NativeRendering
+ anchors
+ {
+ top: extruderIcon.top
+ left: extruderIcon.right
+ leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
+ right: parent.right
+ rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
+ }
+ visible: !materialBrandColorTypeLabel.visible && !truncated
+ }
+ Label
+ {
+ id: materialTypeLabel
+ text: model.material_type
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ font: UM.Theme.getFont("default")
+ color: UM.Theme.getColor("text")
+ renderType: Text.NativeRendering
+ anchors
+ {
+ top: extruderIcon.top
+ left: extruderIcon.right
+ leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
+ right: parent.right
+ rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
+ }
+ visible: !materialBrandColorTypeLabel.visible && !materialColorTypeLabel.visible
// Label that shows the name of the variant
@@ -97,7 +141,7 @@ Cura.ExpandablePopup
left: extruderIcon.right
leftMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width
- top: typeAndBrandNameLabel.bottom
+ top: materialBrandColorTypeLabel.bottom
right: parent.right
rightMargin: UM.Theme.getSize("default_margin").width