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WIP: Remove findDefault..()s

Lipu Fei 7 years ago

+ 0 - 237

@@ -282,243 +282,6 @@ class CuraContainerStack(ContainerStack):
         self._containers = new_containers
-    ##  Find the variant that should be used as "default" variant.
-    #
-    #   This will search for variants that match the current definition and pick the preferred one,
-    #   if specified by the machine definition.
-    #
-    #   The following criteria are used to find the default variant:
-    #   - If the machine definition does not have a metadata entry "has_variants" set to True, return None
-    #   - The definition of the variant should be the same as the machine definition for this stack.
-    #   - The container should have a metadata entry "type" with value "variant".
-    #   - If the machine definition has a metadata entry "preferred_variant", filter the variant IDs based on that.
-    #
-    #   \return The container that should be used as default, or None if nothing was found or the machine does not use variants.
-    #
-    #   \note This method assumes the stack has a valid machine definition.
-    def findDefaultVariant(self) -> Optional[ContainerInterface]:
-        definition = self._getMachineDefinition()
-        # has_variants can be overridden in other containers and stacks.
-        # In the case of UM2, it is overridden in the GlobalStack
-        if not self.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
-            # If the machine does not use variants, we should never set a variant.
-            return None
-        # First add any variant. Later, overwrite with preference if the preference is valid.
-        variant = None
-        definition_id = self._findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definition)
-        variants = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(definition = definition_id, type = "variant")
-        if variants:
-            variant = variants[0]
-        preferred_variant_id = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_variant")
-        if preferred_variant_id:
-            preferred_variants = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = preferred_variant_id, definition = definition_id, type = "variant")
-            if preferred_variants:
-                variant = preferred_variants[0]
-            else:
-                Logger.log("w", "The preferred variant \"{variant}\" of stack {stack} does not exist or is not a variant.", variant = preferred_variant_id, stack =
-                # And leave it at the default variant.
-        if variant:
-            return variant
-        Logger.log("w", "Could not find a valid default variant for stack {stack}", stack =
-        return None
-    ##  Find the global variant that should be used as "default". This is used for the buildplates.
-    #
-    #   This will search for variants that match the current definition and pick the preferred one,
-    #   if specified by the machine definition.
-    #
-    #   The following criteria are used to find the default global variant:
-    #   - If the machine definition does not have a metadata entry "has_variant_buildplates" set to True, return None
-    #   - The definition of the variant should be the same as the machine definition for this stack.
-    #   - The container should have a metadata entry "type" with value "variant" and "hardware_type" with value "buildplate".
-    #   - If the machine definition has a metadata entry "preferred_variant_buildplate", filter the variant IDs based on that.
-    #
-    #   \return The container that should be used as default, or None if nothing was found or the machine does not use variants.
-    #
-    #   \note This method assumes the stack has a valid machine definition.
-    def findDefaultVariantBuildplate(self) -> Optional[ContainerInterface]:
-        definition = self._getMachineDefinition()
-        # has_variant_buildplates can be overridden in other containers and stacks.
-        # In the case of UM2, it is overridden in the GlobalStack
-        if not self.getMetaDataEntry("has_variant_buildplates"):
-            # If the machine does not use variants, we should never set a variant.
-            return None
-        # First add any variant. Later, overwrite with preference if the preference is valid.
-        variant = None
-        definition_id = self._findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definition)
-        variants = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(definition = definition_id, type = "variant", hardware_type = "buildplate")
-        if variants:
-            variant = variants[0]
-        preferred_variant_buildplate_id = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_variant_buildplate")
-        if preferred_variant_buildplate_id:
-            preferred_variant_buildplates = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(id = preferred_variant_buildplate_id, definition = definition_id, type = "variant")
-            if preferred_variant_buildplates:
-                variant = preferred_variant_buildplates[0]
-            else:
-                Logger.log("w", "The preferred variant buildplate \"{variant}\" of stack {stack} does not exist or is not a variant.",
-                           variant = preferred_variant_buildplate_id, stack =
-                # And leave it at the default variant.
-        if variant:
-            return variant
-        Logger.log("w", "Could not find a valid default buildplate variant for stack {stack}", stack =
-        return None
-    ##  Find the material that should be used as "default" material.
-    #
-    #   This will search for materials that match the current definition and pick the preferred one,
-    #   if specified by the machine definition.
-    #
-    #   The following criteria are used to find the default material:
-    #   - If the machine definition does not have a metadata entry "has_materials" set to True, return None
-    #   - If the machine definition has a metadata entry "has_machine_materials", the definition of the material should
-    #     be the same as the machine definition for this stack. Otherwise, the definition should be "fdmprinter".
-    #   - The container should have a metadata entry "type" with value "material".
-    #   - The material should have an approximate diameter that matches the machine
-    #   - If the machine definition has a metadata entry "has_variants" and set to True, the "variant" metadata entry of
-    #     the material should be the same as the ID of the variant in the stack. Only applies if "has_machine_materials" is also True.
-    #   - If the stack currently has a material set, try to find a material that matches the current material by name.
-    #   - Otherwise, if the machine definition has a metadata entry "preferred_material", try to find a material that matches the specified ID.
-    #
-    #   \return The container that should be used as default, or None if nothing was found or the machine does not use materials.
-    def findDefaultMaterial(self) -> Optional[ContainerInterface]:
-        definition = self._getMachineDefinition()
-        if not definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials"):
-            # Machine does not use materials, never try to set it.
-            return None
-        search_criteria = {"type": "material"}
-        if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_materials"):
-            search_criteria["definition"] = self._findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definition)
-            if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
-                search_criteria["variant"] =
-        else:
-            search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
-        if self.material != self._empty_material:
-            search_criteria["name"] =
-        else:
-            preferred_material = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_material")
-            if preferred_material:
-                search_criteria["id"] = preferred_material
-        approximate_material_diameter = str(round(self.getProperty("material_diameter", "value")))
-        search_criteria["approximate_diameter"] = approximate_material_diameter
-        materials = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
-        if not materials:
-            Logger.log("w", "The preferred material \"{material}\" could not be found for stack {stack}", material = preferred_material, stack =
-            # We failed to find any materials matching the specified criteria, drop some specific criteria and try to find
-            # a material that sort-of matches what we want.
-            search_criteria.pop("variant", None)
-            search_criteria.pop("id", None)
-            search_criteria.pop("name", None)
-            materials = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
-        if not materials:
-            Logger.log("w", "Could not find a valid material for stack {stack}", stack =
-            return None
-        for material in materials:
-            # Prefer a read-only material
-            if ContainerRegistry.getInstance().isReadOnly(material.getId()):
-                return material
-        return materials[0]
-    ##  Find the quality that should be used as "default" quality.
-    #
-    #   This will search for qualities that match the current definition and pick the preferred one,
-    #   if specified by the machine definition.
-    #
-    #   \return The container that should be used as default, or None if nothing was found.
-    def findDefaultQuality(self) -> Optional[ContainerInterface]:
-        definition = self._getMachineDefinition()
-        registry = ContainerRegistry.getInstance()
-        material_container = self.material if self.material.getId() not in (self._empty_material.getId(), self._empty_instance_container.getId()) else None
-        search_criteria = {"type": "quality"}
-        if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
-            search_criteria["definition"] = self._findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definition)
-            if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_materials") and material_container:
-                search_criteria["material"] =
-        else:
-            search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
-        if self.quality != self._empty_quality:
-            search_criteria["name"] =
-        else:
-            preferred_quality = definition.getMetaDataEntry("preferred_quality")
-            if preferred_quality:
-                search_criteria["id"] = preferred_quality
-        containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
-        if containers:
-            return containers[0]
-        if "material" in search_criteria:
-            # First check if we can solve our material not found problem by checking if we can find quality containers
-            # that are assigned to the parents of this material profile.
-            try:
-                inherited_files = material_container.getInheritedFiles()
-            except AttributeError:  # Material_container does not support inheritance.
-                inherited_files = []
-            if inherited_files:
-                for inherited_file in inherited_files:
-                    # Extract the ID from the path we used to load the file.
-                    search_criteria["material"] = os.path.basename(inherited_file).split(".")[0]
-                    containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
-                    if containers:
-                        return containers[0]
-            # We still weren't able to find a quality for this specific material.
-            # Try to find qualities for a generic version of the material.
-            material_search_criteria = {"type": "material", "material": material_container.getMetaDataEntry("material"), "color_name": "Generic"}
-            if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality"):
-                if self.material != self._empty_instance_container:
-                    material_search_criteria["definition"] = material_container.getMetaDataEntry("definition")
-                    if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants"):
-                        material_search_criteria["variant"] = material_container.getMetaDataEntry("variant")
-                else:
-                    material_search_criteria["definition"] = self._findInstanceContainerDefinitionId(definition)
-                    if definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_variants") and self.variant != self._empty_instance_container:
-                        material_search_criteria["variant"] =
-            else:
-                material_search_criteria["definition"] = "fdmprinter"
-            material_containers = registry.findInstanceContainersMetadata(**material_search_criteria)
-            # Try all materials to see if there is a quality profile available.
-            for material_container in material_containers:
-                search_criteria["material"] = material_container["id"]
-                containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
-                if containers:
-                    return containers[0]
-        if "name" in search_criteria or "id" in search_criteria:
-            # If a quality by this name can not be found, try a wider set of search criteria
-            search_criteria.pop("name", None)
-            search_criteria.pop("id", None)
-            containers = registry.findInstanceContainers(**search_criteria)
-            if containers:
-                return containers[0]
-        return None
     ## protected:
     # Helper to make sure we emit a PyQt signal on container changes.

+ 0 - 5

@@ -187,11 +187,6 @@ class ExtruderStack(CuraContainerStack):
             if has_global_dependencies:
                 self.getNextStack().propertiesChanged.emit(key, properties)
-    def findDefaultVariant(self):
-        # The default variant is defined in the machine stack and/or definition, so use the machine stack to find
-        # the default variant.
-        return self.getNextStack().findDefaultVariant()
 extruder_stack_mime = MimeType(
     name = "application/x-cura-extruderstack",

+ 0 - 12

@@ -530,15 +530,3 @@ def test_setPropertyOtherContainers(target_container, stack_variable, global_sta
     global_stack.setProperty(key, property, value, target_container = target_container) #The actual test.
     getattr(global_stack, stack_variable).setProperty.assert_called_once_with(key, property, value) #Make sure that the proper container gets a setProperty call.
-##  Smoke test for findDefaultVariant
-def test_smoke_findDefaultVariant(global_stack):
-    global_stack.findDefaultVariant()
-##  Smoke test for findDefaultMaterial
-def test_smoke_findDefaultMaterial(global_stack):
-    global_stack.findDefaultMaterial()
-##  Smoke test for findDefaultQuality
-def test_smoke_findDefaultQuality(global_stack):
-    global_stack.findDefaultQuality()