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Update translation templates for 5.0.
part of CURA-9141

Remco Burema 2 лет назад

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
+ 3304 - 3184

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 4.13\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: plugins@ultimaker.com\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-10 12:00+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-13 10:49+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-20 17:30+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: DenyCZ <www.github.com/DenyCZ>\n"
 "Language-Team: DenyCZ <www.github.com/DenyCZ>\n"

+ 335 - 83

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 4.13\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: plugins@ultimaker.com\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-10 11:59+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-13 10:49+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-17 21:11+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Miroslav Šustek <sustmidown@centrum.cz>\n"
 "Language-Team: DenyCZ <www.github.com/DenyCZ>\n"
@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ msgstr "Polygon hlavy a větráku zařízení"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
-msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps included)."
-msgstr "2D silueta tiskové hlavy (včetně krytů ventilátoru)."
+msgid "The shape of the print head. These are coordinates relative to the position of the print head, which is usually the position of its first extruder. The dimensions left and in front of the print head must be negative coordinates."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "gantry_height label"
@@ -738,6 +738,16 @@ msgctxt "machine_feeder_wheel_diameter description"
 msgid "The diameter of the wheel that drives the material in the feeder."
 msgstr "Průměr kola, který pohání materiál v podavači."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one label"
+msgid "Scale Fan Speed To 0-1"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one description"
+msgid "Scale the fan speed to be between 0 and 1 instead of between 0 and 256."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "resolution label"
 msgid "Quality"
@@ -958,6 +968,56 @@ msgctxt "wall_line_count description"
 msgid "The number of walls. When calculated by the wall thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
 msgstr "Počet stěn. Při výpočtu podle tloušťky stěny je tato hodnota zaokrouhlena na celé číslo."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_length label"
+msgid "Wall Transition Length"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_length description"
+msgid "When transitioning between different numbers of walls as the part becomes thinner, a certain amount of space is allotted to split or join the wall lines."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_distribution_count label"
+msgid "Wall Distribution Count"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_distribution_count description"
+msgid "The number of walls, counted from the center, over which the variation needs to be spread. Lower values mean that the outer walls don't change in width."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_angle label"
+msgid "Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_angle description"
+msgid "When to create transitions between even and odd numbers of walls. A wedge shape with an angle greater than this setting will not have transitions and no walls will be printed in the center to fill the remaining space. Reducing this setting reduces the number and length of these center walls, but may leave gaps or overextrude."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_distance label"
+msgid "Wall Transitioning Filter Distance"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_distance description"
+msgid "If it would be transitioning back and forth between different numbers of walls in quick succession, don't transition at all. Remove transitions if they are closer together than this distance."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_deviation label"
+msgid "Wall Transitioning Filter Margin"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_deviation description"
+msgid "Prevent transitioning back and forth between one extra wall and one less. This margin extends the range of line widths which follow to [Minimum Wall Line Width - Margin, 2 * Minimum Wall Line Width + Margin]. Increasing this margin reduces the number of transitions, which reduces the number of extrusion starts/stops and travel time. However, large line width variation can lead to under- or overextrusion problems."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist label"
 msgid "Outer Wall Wipe Distance"
@@ -989,14 +1049,24 @@ msgid "Optimize the order in which walls are printed so as to reduce the number
 msgstr "Optimalizujte pořadí, ve kterém se stěny tisknou, aby se snížil počet retrakcí a ujetá vzdálenost. Většina částí bude mít z tohoto povolení prospěch, ale některé mohou ve skutečnosti trvat déle, proto porovnejte odhady doby tisku s optimalizací a bez ní. První vrstva není optimalizována při výběru okraje jako adhezního typu desky."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "outer_inset_first label"
-msgid "Outer Before Inner Walls"
-msgstr "Vnější stěny před vnitřními"
+msgctxt "inset_direction label"
+msgid "Wall Ordering"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "inset_direction description"
+msgid "Determines the order in which walls are printed. Printing outer walls earlier helps with dimensional accuracy, as faults from inner walls cannot propagate to the outside. However printing them later allows them to stack better when overhangs are printed."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "inset_direction option inside_out"
+msgid "Inside To Outside"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "outer_inset_first description"
-msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
-msgstr "Když je povoleno, tiskne stěny v pořadí od vnějšku dovnitř. To může pomoci zlepšit rozměrovou přesnost v X a Y při použití plastu s vysokou viskozitou, jako je ABS; může však snížit kvalitu tisku vnějšího povrchu, zejména na převisy."
+msgctxt "inset_direction option outside_in"
+msgid "Outside To Inside"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter label"
@@ -1009,94 +1079,84 @@ msgid "Prints an extra wall at every other layer. This way infill gets caught be
 msgstr "Vytiskne další stěnu na každou další vrstvu. Tímto způsobem se výplň zachytí mezi těmito stěnami, což má za následek silnější výtisky."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled label"
-msgid "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
-msgstr "Kompenzujte překrytí stěn"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled description"
-msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of a wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
-msgstr "Vykompenzujte tok částí tisku, které se tisknou tam, kde je již zeď na místě."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled label"
-msgid "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
-msgstr "Kompenzujte překrytí vnější stěny"
+msgctxt "min_wall_line_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled description"
-msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an outer wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
-msgstr "Vykompenzujte tok částí tisknuté vnější stěny, kde již je zeď na místě."
+msgctxt "min_wall_line_width description"
+msgid "For thin structures around once or twice the nozzle size, the line widths need to be altered to adhere to the thickness of the model. This setting controls the minimum line width allowed for the walls. The minimum line widths inherently also determine the maximum line widths, since we transition from N to N+1 walls at some geometry thickness where the N walls are wide and the N+1 walls are narrow. The widest possible wall line is twice the Minimum Wall Line Width."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled label"
-msgid "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
-msgstr "Kompenzujte překrytí vnitřní stěny"
+msgctxt "min_even_wall_line_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Even Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled description"
-msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an inner wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
-msgstr "Kompenzujte tok částí tisknuté vnitřní stěny, kde již je zeď na místě."
+msgctxt "min_even_wall_line_width description"
+msgid "The minimum line width for normal polygonal walls. This setting determines at which model thickness we switch from printing a single thin wall line, to printing two wall lines. A higher Minimum Even Wall Line Width leads to a higher maximum odd wall line width. The maximum even wall line width is calculated as Outer Wall Line Width + 0.5 * Minimum Odd Wall Line Width."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow label"
-msgid "Minimum Wall Flow"
-msgstr "Minimální průtok zdi"
+msgctxt "wall_split_middle_threshold label"
+msgid "Split Middle Line Threshold"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow description"
-msgid "Minimum allowed percentage flow for a wall line. The wall overlap compensation reduces a wall's flow when it lies close to an existing wall. Walls whose flow is less than this value will be replaced with a travel move. When using this setting, you must enable the wall overlap compensation and print the outer wall before inner walls."
-msgstr "Minimální povolený procentuální průtok pro linii stěny. Kompenzace překrytí stěny snižuje průtok stěny, když leží blízko ke stávající zdi. Stěny, jejichž průtok je menší než tato hodnota, budou nahrazeny pohybem. Při použití tohoto nastavení musíte povolit kompenzaci překrytí stěny a vnější stěnu vytisknout před vnitřními stěnami."
+msgctxt "wall_split_middle_threshold description"
+msgid "The smallest line width, as a factor of the normal line width, above which the middle line (if there is one) will be split into two. Reduce this setting to use more, thinner lines. Increase to use fewer, wider lines. Note that this applies -as if- the entire shape should be filled with wall, so the middle here refers to the middle of the object between two outer edges of the shape, even if there actually is fill or (other) skin in the print instead of wall."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract label"
-msgid "Prefer Retract"
-msgstr "Preferovat retrakci"
+msgctxt "min_odd_wall_line_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Odd Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract description"
-msgid "If enabled, retraction is used rather than combing for travel moves that replace walls whose flow is below the minimum flow threshold."
-msgstr "Je-li tato funkce povolena, je pro retrakční pohyby, které nahrazují stěny, jejichž průtok je pod prahem minimálního průtoku, používáno spíše zatahování."
+msgctxt "min_odd_wall_line_width description"
+msgid "The minimum line width for middle line gap filler polyline walls. This setting determines at which model thickness we switch from printing two wall lines, to printing two outer walls and a single central wall in the middle. A higher Minimum Odd Wall Line Width leads to a higher maximum even wall line width. The maximum odd wall line width is calculated as 2 * Minimum Even Wall Line Width,"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps label"
-msgid "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
-msgstr "Vyplnit mezery mezi stěnami"
+msgctxt "wall_add_middle_threshold label"
+msgid "Add Middle Line Threshold"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps description"
-msgid "Fills the gaps between walls where no walls fit."
-msgstr "Vyplní mezery mezi stěnami, kde se žádné stěny nehodí."
+msgctxt "wall_add_middle_threshold description"
+msgid "The smallest line width, as a factor of the normal line width, above which a middle line (if there wasn't one already) will be added. Reduce this setting to use more, thinner lines. Increase to use fewer, wider lines. Note that this applies -as if- the entire shape should be filled with wall, so the middle here refers to the middle of the object between two outer edges of the shape, even if there actually is fill or (other) skin in the print instead of wall."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option nowhere"
-msgid "Nowhere"
-msgstr "Nikde"
+msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps label"
+msgid "Print Thin Walls"
+msgstr "Tisk tenkých stěn"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option everywhere"
-msgid "Everywhere"
-msgstr "Všude"
+msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps description"
+msgid "Print pieces of the model which are horizontally thinner than the nozzle size."
+msgstr "Tiskněte kousky modelu, které jsou vodorovně tenčí než velikost trysek."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps label"
-msgid "Filter Out Tiny Gaps"
-msgstr "Vyfiltrujte drobné mezery"
+msgctxt "min_feature_size label"
+msgid "Minimum Feature Size"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps description"
-msgid "Filter out tiny gaps to reduce blobs on outside of model."
-msgstr "Filtrujte drobné mezery, abyste zmenšili kuličky na vnější straně modelu."
+msgctxt "min_feature_size description"
+msgid "Minimum thickness of thin features. Model features that are thinner than this value will not be printed, while features thicker than the Minimum Feature Size will be widened to the Minimum Wall Line Width."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps label"
-msgid "Print Thin Walls"
-msgstr "Tisk tenkých stěn"
+msgctxt "min_bead_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Thin Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps description"
-msgid "Print pieces of the model which are horizontally thinner than the nozzle size."
-msgstr "Tiskněte kousky modelu, které jsou vodorovně tenčí než velikost trysek."
+msgctxt "min_bead_width description"
+msgid "Width of the wall that will replace thin features (according to the Minimum Feature Size) of the model. If the Minimum Wall Line Width is thinner than the thickness of the feature, the wall will become as thick as the feature itself."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "xy_offset label"
@@ -2197,6 +2257,26 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage description"
 msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor."
 msgstr "Model bude zvětšen tímto faktorem, aby bylo kompenzováno smrštění materiálu po vychladnutí."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
+msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy description"
+msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor in the XY-direction (horizontally)."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_z label"
+msgid "Vertical Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_z description"
+msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor in the Z-direction (vertically)."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_crystallinity label"
 msgid "Crystalline Material"
@@ -2708,24 +2788,14 @@ msgid "The first few layers are printed slower than the rest of the model, to ge
 msgstr "Prvních několik vrstev je vytištěno pomaleji než zbytek modelu, aby se dosáhlo lepší přilnavosti k sestavovací desce a zlepšila se celková úspěšnost tisků. Rychlost se v těchto vrstvách postupně zvyšuje."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled label"
-msgid "Equalize Filament Flow"
-msgstr "Vyrovnat tok vlákna"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled description"
-msgid "Print thinner than normal lines faster so that the amount of material extruded per second remains the same. Thin pieces in your model might require lines printed with smaller line width than provided in the settings. This setting controls the speed changes for such lines."
-msgstr "Tiskněte tenčí než normální čáry rychleji, takže množství materiálu vytlačovaného za sekundu zůstává stejné. Tenké kousky ve vašem modelu mohou vyžadovat čáry vytištěné s menší šířkou čáry, než je uvedeno v nastavení. Toto nastavení řídí změny rychlosti těchto linek."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max label"
-msgid "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
-msgstr "Maximální rychlost pro vyrovnávání průtoku"
+msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_width_factor label"
+msgid "Flow Equalization Ratio"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max description"
-msgid "Maximum print speed when adjusting the print speed in order to equalize flow."
-msgstr "Maximální rychlost tisku při úpravě rychlosti tisku za účelem vyrovnání toku."
+msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_width_factor description"
+msgid "Extrusion width based correction factor on the speed. At 0% the movement speed is kept constant at the Print Speed. At 100% the movement speed is adjusted so that the flow (in mm³/s) is kept constant, i.e. lines half the normal Line Width are printed twice as fast and lines twice as wide are printed half as fast. A value larger than 100% can help to compensate for the higher pressure required to extrude wide lines."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "acceleration_enabled label"
@@ -4462,6 +4532,46 @@ msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr description"
 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
 msgstr "Vytlačovací stroj se používá pro tisk límce / okraje / raftu. To se používá při vícenásobném vytlačování."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "skirt_brim_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Skirt/Brim Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "skirt_brim_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt or brim. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Raft Base Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Raft Middle Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the middle layer of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_surface_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Raft Top Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_surface_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the top layer(s) of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "skirt_line_count label"
 msgid "Skirt Line Count"
@@ -4626,6 +4736,16 @@ msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing description"
 msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the top raft layers. The spacing should be equal to the line width, so that the surface is solid."
 msgstr "Vzdálenost mezi liniemi raftů pro horní vrstvy raftů. Rozestup by měl být roven šířce čáry, takže povrch je pevný."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_layers label"
+msgid "Raft Middle Layers"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_layers description"
+msgid "The number of layers between the base and the surface of the raft. These comprise the main thickness of the raft. Increasing this creates a thicker, sturdier raft."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness label"
 msgid "Raft Middle Thickness"
@@ -5126,6 +5246,16 @@ msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_deviation description"
 msgid "The maximum deviation allowed when reducing the resolution for the Maximum Resolution setting. If you increase this, the print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller. Maximum Deviation is a limit for Maximum Resolution, so if the two conflict the Maximum Deviation will always be held true."
 msgstr "Maximální odchylka povolená při snižování rozlišení pro nastavení Maximální rozlišení. Pokud toto zvýšíte, bude tisk méně přesný, ale g-kód bude menší. Maximální odchylka je limit pro maximální rozlišení, takže pokud dojde ke konfliktu, bude maximální odchylka vždy platná."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation label"
+msgid "Maximum Extrusion Area Deviation"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation description"
+msgid "The maximum extrusion area deviation allowed when removing intermediate points from a straight line. An intermediate point may serve as width-changing point in a long straight line. Therefore, if it is removed, it will cause the line to have a uniform width and, as a result, lose (or gain) a bit of extrusion area. If you increase this you may notice slight under- (or over-) extrusion in between straight parallel walls, as more intermediate width-changing points will be allowed to be removed. Your print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "blackmagic label"
 msgid "Special Modes"
@@ -6420,6 +6550,36 @@ msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor_0 description"
 msgid "Small features on the first layer will be printed at this percentage of their normal print speed. Slower printing can help with adhesion and accuracy."
 msgstr "Malé funkce v první vrstvě budou vytištěny při tomto procentuálním poměru jejich normální rychlosti tisku. Pomalejší tisk může pomoci s přilnavostí a přesností."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_alternate_walls label"
+msgid "Alternate Wall Directions"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_alternate_walls description"
+msgid "Alternate wall directions every other layer and inset. Useful for materials that can build up stress, like for metal printing."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_remove_inside_corners label"
+msgid "Remove Raft Inside Corners"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_remove_inside_corners description"
+msgid "Remove inside corners from the raft, causing the raft to become convex."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_wall_count label"
+msgid "Raft Base Wall Count"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_wall_count description"
+msgid "The number of contours to print around the linear pattern in the base layer of the raft."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "command_line_settings label"
 msgid "Command Line Settings"
@@ -6480,6 +6640,98 @@ msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Transformační matice, která se použije na model při načítání ze souboru."
+#~ msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
+#~ msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps included)."
+#~ msgstr "2D silueta tiskové hlavy (včetně krytů ventilátoru)."
+#~ msgctxt "outer_inset_first label"
+#~ msgid "Outer Before Inner Walls"
+#~ msgstr "Vnější stěny před vnitřními"
+#~ msgctxt "outer_inset_first description"
+#~ msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
+#~ msgstr "Když je povoleno, tiskne stěny v pořadí od vnějšku dovnitř. To může pomoci zlepšit rozměrovou přesnost v X a Y při použití plastu s vysokou viskozitou, jako je ABS; může však snížit kvalitu tisku vnějšího povrchu, zejména na převisy."
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
+#~ msgstr "Kompenzujte překrytí stěn"
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of a wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
+#~ msgstr "Vykompenzujte tok částí tisku, které se tisknou tam, kde je již zeď na místě."
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
+#~ msgstr "Kompenzujte překrytí vnější stěny"
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an outer wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
+#~ msgstr "Vykompenzujte tok částí tisknuté vnější stěny, kde již je zeď na místě."
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
+#~ msgstr "Kompenzujte překrytí vnitřní stěny"
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an inner wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
+#~ msgstr "Kompenzujte tok částí tisknuté vnitřní stěny, kde již je zeď na místě."
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow label"
+#~ msgid "Minimum Wall Flow"
+#~ msgstr "Minimální průtok zdi"
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow description"
+#~ msgid "Minimum allowed percentage flow for a wall line. The wall overlap compensation reduces a wall's flow when it lies close to an existing wall. Walls whose flow is less than this value will be replaced with a travel move. When using this setting, you must enable the wall overlap compensation and print the outer wall before inner walls."
+#~ msgstr "Minimální povolený procentuální průtok pro linii stěny. Kompenzace překrytí stěny snižuje průtok stěny, když leží blízko ke stávající zdi. Stěny, jejichž průtok je menší než tato hodnota, budou nahrazeny pohybem. Při použití tohoto nastavení musíte povolit kompenzaci překrytí stěny a vnější stěnu vytisknout před vnitřními stěnami."
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract label"
+#~ msgid "Prefer Retract"
+#~ msgstr "Preferovat retrakci"
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract description"
+#~ msgid "If enabled, retraction is used rather than combing for travel moves that replace walls whose flow is below the minimum flow threshold."
+#~ msgstr "Je-li tato funkce povolena, je pro retrakční pohyby, které nahrazují stěny, jejichž průtok je pod prahem minimálního průtoku, používáno spíše zatahování."
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps label"
+#~ msgid "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
+#~ msgstr "Vyplnit mezery mezi stěnami"
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps description"
+#~ msgid "Fills the gaps between walls where no walls fit."
+#~ msgstr "Vyplní mezery mezi stěnami, kde se žádné stěny nehodí."
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option nowhere"
+#~ msgid "Nowhere"
+#~ msgstr "Nikde"
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option everywhere"
+#~ msgid "Everywhere"
+#~ msgstr "Všude"
+#~ msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps label"
+#~ msgid "Filter Out Tiny Gaps"
+#~ msgstr "Vyfiltrujte drobné mezery"
+#~ msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps description"
+#~ msgid "Filter out tiny gaps to reduce blobs on outside of model."
+#~ msgstr "Filtrujte drobné mezery, abyste zmenšili kuličky na vnější straně modelu."
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Equalize Filament Flow"
+#~ msgstr "Vyrovnat tok vlákna"
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Print thinner than normal lines faster so that the amount of material extruded per second remains the same. Thin pieces in your model might require lines printed with smaller line width than provided in the settings. This setting controls the speed changes for such lines."
+#~ msgstr "Tiskněte tenčí než normální čáry rychleji, takže množství materiálu vytlačovaného za sekundu zůstává stejné. Tenké kousky ve vašem modelu mohou vyžadovat čáry vytištěné s menší šířkou čáry, než je uvedeno v nastavení. Toto nastavení řídí změny rychlosti těchto linek."
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max label"
+#~ msgid "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
+#~ msgstr "Maximální rychlost pro vyrovnávání průtoku"
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max description"
+#~ msgid "Maximum print speed when adjusting the print speed in order to equalize flow."
+#~ msgstr "Maximální rychlost tisku při úpravě rychlosti tisku za účelem vyrovnání toku."
 #~ msgctxt "machine_max_feedrate_e label"
 #~ msgid "Maximum Feedrate"
 #~ msgstr "Maximální feedrate"

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
+ 3237 - 2934

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
+ 2741 - 2761

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 4.13\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: plugins@ultimaker.com\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-10 12:00+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-13 10:49+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-16 15:15+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Bothof <info@bothof.nl>\n"
 "Language-Team: German\n"

+ 335 - 83

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 4.13\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: plugins@ultimaker.com\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-10 11:59+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-13 10:49+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-16 15:16+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Lionbridge <info@lionbridge.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: German <info@lionbridge.com>, German <info@bothof.nl>\n"
@@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ msgstr "Gerätekopf und Lüfter Polygon"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
-msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps included)."
-msgstr "Eine 2D-Shilhouette des Druckkopfes (mit Lüfterkappen)."
+msgid "The shape of the print head. These are coordinates relative to the position of the print head, which is usually the position of its first extruder. The dimensions left and in front of the print head must be negative coordinates."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "gantry_height label"
@@ -739,6 +739,16 @@ msgctxt "machine_feeder_wheel_diameter description"
 msgid "The diameter of the wheel that drives the material in the feeder."
 msgstr "Der Durchmesser des Rades für den Transport des Materials in den Feeder."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one label"
+msgid "Scale Fan Speed To 0-1"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one description"
+msgid "Scale the fan speed to be between 0 and 1 instead of between 0 and 256."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "resolution label"
 msgid "Quality"
@@ -959,6 +969,56 @@ msgctxt "wall_line_count description"
 msgid "The number of walls. When calculated by the wall thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
 msgstr "Die Anzahl der Wände. Wenn diese anhand der Wanddicke berechnet wird, wird der Wert auf eine ganze Zahl auf- oder abgerundet."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_length label"
+msgid "Wall Transition Length"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_length description"
+msgid "When transitioning between different numbers of walls as the part becomes thinner, a certain amount of space is allotted to split or join the wall lines."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_distribution_count label"
+msgid "Wall Distribution Count"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_distribution_count description"
+msgid "The number of walls, counted from the center, over which the variation needs to be spread. Lower values mean that the outer walls don't change in width."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_angle label"
+msgid "Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_angle description"
+msgid "When to create transitions between even and odd numbers of walls. A wedge shape with an angle greater than this setting will not have transitions and no walls will be printed in the center to fill the remaining space. Reducing this setting reduces the number and length of these center walls, but may leave gaps or overextrude."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_distance label"
+msgid "Wall Transitioning Filter Distance"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_distance description"
+msgid "If it would be transitioning back and forth between different numbers of walls in quick succession, don't transition at all. Remove transitions if they are closer together than this distance."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_deviation label"
+msgid "Wall Transitioning Filter Margin"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_deviation description"
+msgid "Prevent transitioning back and forth between one extra wall and one less. This margin extends the range of line widths which follow to [Minimum Wall Line Width - Margin, 2 * Minimum Wall Line Width + Margin]. Increasing this margin reduces the number of transitions, which reduces the number of extrusion starts/stops and travel time. However, large line width variation can lead to under- or overextrusion problems."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist label"
 msgid "Outer Wall Wipe Distance"
@@ -990,14 +1050,24 @@ msgid "Optimize the order in which walls are printed so as to reduce the number
 msgstr "Optimieren Sie die Reihenfolge, in der die Wände gedruckt werden, um die Anzahl der Einzüge und die zurückgelegten Distanzen zu reduzieren. Dieser Schritt bringt für die meisten Teile Vorteile, allerdings werden einige möglicherweise länger benötigen. Vergleichen Sie deshalb bitte die Schätzung der Druckzeiten mit und ohne Optimierung. Bei Wahl eines Brims als Druckplattenhaftungstyp ist die erste Schicht nicht optimiert."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "outer_inset_first label"
-msgid "Outer Before Inner Walls"
-msgstr "Außenwände vor Innenwänden"
+msgctxt "inset_direction label"
+msgid "Wall Ordering"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "inset_direction description"
+msgid "Determines the order in which walls are printed. Printing outer walls earlier helps with dimensional accuracy, as faults from inner walls cannot propagate to the outside. However printing them later allows them to stack better when overhangs are printed."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "inset_direction option inside_out"
+msgid "Inside To Outside"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "outer_inset_first description"
-msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
-msgstr "Druckt Wände bei Aktivierung von außen nach innen. Dies kann die Maßgenauigkeit in X und Y erhöhen, wenn hochviskose Kunststoffe wie ABS verwendet werden; allerdings kann es die Druckqualität der Außenfläche vermindern, insbesondere bei Überhängen."
+msgctxt "inset_direction option outside_in"
+msgid "Outside To Inside"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter label"
@@ -1010,94 +1080,84 @@ msgid "Prints an extra wall at every other layer. This way infill gets caught be
 msgstr "Es wird eine Zusatzwand für jede zweite Schicht gedruckt. Auf diese Weise gelangt Füllung zwischen diese Zusatzwände, was zu stärkeren Drucken führt."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled label"
-msgid "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
-msgstr "Wandüberlappungen ausgleichen"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled description"
-msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of a wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
-msgstr "Der Fluss für Teile einer Wand wird ausgeglichen, die dort gedruckt werden, wo sich bereits eine Wand befindet."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled label"
-msgid "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
-msgstr "Außenwandüberlappungen ausgleichen"
+msgctxt "min_wall_line_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled description"
-msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an outer wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
-msgstr "Der Fluss für Teile einer Außenwand wird ausgeglichen, die dort gedruckt werden, wo sich bereits eine Wand befindet."
+msgctxt "min_wall_line_width description"
+msgid "For thin structures around once or twice the nozzle size, the line widths need to be altered to adhere to the thickness of the model. This setting controls the minimum line width allowed for the walls. The minimum line widths inherently also determine the maximum line widths, since we transition from N to N+1 walls at some geometry thickness where the N walls are wide and the N+1 walls are narrow. The widest possible wall line is twice the Minimum Wall Line Width."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled label"
-msgid "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
-msgstr "Innenwandüberlappungen ausgleichen"
+msgctxt "min_even_wall_line_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Even Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled description"
-msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an inner wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
-msgstr "Der Fluss für Teile einer Innenwand wird ausgeglichen, die dort gedruckt werden, wo sich bereits eine Wand befindet."
+msgctxt "min_even_wall_line_width description"
+msgid "The minimum line width for normal polygonal walls. This setting determines at which model thickness we switch from printing a single thin wall line, to printing two wall lines. A higher Minimum Even Wall Line Width leads to a higher maximum odd wall line width. The maximum even wall line width is calculated as Outer Wall Line Width + 0.5 * Minimum Odd Wall Line Width."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow label"
-msgid "Minimum Wall Flow"
-msgstr "Mindestwandfluss"
+msgctxt "wall_split_middle_threshold label"
+msgid "Split Middle Line Threshold"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow description"
-msgid "Minimum allowed percentage flow for a wall line. The wall overlap compensation reduces a wall's flow when it lies close to an existing wall. Walls whose flow is less than this value will be replaced with a travel move. When using this setting, you must enable the wall overlap compensation and print the outer wall before inner walls."
-msgstr "Minimal zulässiger Fluss als Prozentwert für eine Wandlinie. Die Wand-Überlappungskompensation reduziert den Fluss einer Wand, wenn sie nah an einer vorhandenen Wand liegt. Wände, deren Fluss unter diesem Wert liegt, werden durch eine Fahrbewegung ersetzt. Bei Verwendung dieser Einstellung müssen Sie die Wand-Überlappungskompensation aktivieren und die Außenwand vor den Innenwänden drucken."
+msgctxt "wall_split_middle_threshold description"
+msgid "The smallest line width, as a factor of the normal line width, above which the middle line (if there is one) will be split into two. Reduce this setting to use more, thinner lines. Increase to use fewer, wider lines. Note that this applies -as if- the entire shape should be filled with wall, so the middle here refers to the middle of the object between two outer edges of the shape, even if there actually is fill or (other) skin in the print instead of wall."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract label"
-msgid "Prefer Retract"
-msgstr "Einziehen bevorzugt"
+msgctxt "min_odd_wall_line_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Odd Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract description"
-msgid "If enabled, retraction is used rather than combing for travel moves that replace walls whose flow is below the minimum flow threshold."
-msgstr "Bei Aktivierung wird der Einzug anstelle des Combings für zurückzulegende Wege verwendet, die Wände ersetzen, deren Fluss unter der mindestens erforderlichen Flussschwelle liegt."
+msgctxt "min_odd_wall_line_width description"
+msgid "The minimum line width for middle line gap filler polyline walls. This setting determines at which model thickness we switch from printing two wall lines, to printing two outer walls and a single central wall in the middle. A higher Minimum Odd Wall Line Width leads to a higher maximum even wall line width. The maximum odd wall line width is calculated as 2 * Minimum Even Wall Line Width,"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps label"
-msgid "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
-msgstr "Lücken zwischen Wänden füllen"
+msgctxt "wall_add_middle_threshold label"
+msgid "Add Middle Line Threshold"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps description"
-msgid "Fills the gaps between walls where no walls fit."
-msgstr "Füllt die Lücken zwischen den Wänden, wo keine Wand passt."
+msgctxt "wall_add_middle_threshold description"
+msgid "The smallest line width, as a factor of the normal line width, above which a middle line (if there wasn't one already) will be added. Reduce this setting to use more, thinner lines. Increase to use fewer, wider lines. Note that this applies -as if- the entire shape should be filled with wall, so the middle here refers to the middle of the object between two outer edges of the shape, even if there actually is fill or (other) skin in the print instead of wall."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option nowhere"
-msgid "Nowhere"
-msgstr "Nirgends"
+msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps label"
+msgid "Print Thin Walls"
+msgstr "Drucken von dünnen Wänden"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option everywhere"
-msgid "Everywhere"
-msgstr "Überall"
+msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps description"
+msgid "Print pieces of the model which are horizontally thinner than the nozzle size."
+msgstr "Drucken Sie Teile des Modells, die horizontal dünner als die Düsengröße sind."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps label"
-msgid "Filter Out Tiny Gaps"
-msgstr "Kleine Lücken ausfiltern"
+msgctxt "min_feature_size label"
+msgid "Minimum Feature Size"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps description"
-msgid "Filter out tiny gaps to reduce blobs on outside of model."
-msgstr "Kleine Lücken ausfiltern, um Tropfen an der Außenseite des Modells zu reduzieren."
+msgctxt "min_feature_size description"
+msgid "Minimum thickness of thin features. Model features that are thinner than this value will not be printed, while features thicker than the Minimum Feature Size will be widened to the Minimum Wall Line Width."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps label"
-msgid "Print Thin Walls"
-msgstr "Drucken von dünnen Wänden"
+msgctxt "min_bead_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Thin Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps description"
-msgid "Print pieces of the model which are horizontally thinner than the nozzle size."
-msgstr "Drucken Sie Teile des Modells, die horizontal dünner als die Düsengröße sind."
+msgctxt "min_bead_width description"
+msgid "Width of the wall that will replace thin features (according to the Minimum Feature Size) of the model. If the Minimum Wall Line Width is thinner than the thickness of the feature, the wall will become as thick as the feature itself."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "xy_offset label"
@@ -2198,6 +2258,26 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage description"
 msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor."
 msgstr "Um die Schrumpfung des Materials beim Abkühlen zu kompensieren, wird das Modell mit diesem Faktor skaliert."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
+msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy description"
+msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor in the XY-direction (horizontally)."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_z label"
+msgid "Vertical Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_z description"
+msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor in the Z-direction (vertically)."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_crystallinity label"
 msgid "Crystalline Material"
@@ -2709,24 +2789,14 @@ msgid "The first few layers are printed slower than the rest of the model, to ge
 msgstr "Die ersten Schichten werden langsamer als der Rest des Modells gedruckt, damit sie besser am Druckbett haften und um die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines erfolgreichen Drucks zu erhöhen. Die Geschwindigkeit wird während des Druckens dieser Schichten schrittweise erhöht."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled label"
-msgid "Equalize Filament Flow"
-msgstr "Ausgleich des Filamentflusses"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled description"
-msgid "Print thinner than normal lines faster so that the amount of material extruded per second remains the same. Thin pieces in your model might require lines printed with smaller line width than provided in the settings. This setting controls the speed changes for such lines."
-msgstr "Drucken Sie dünnere Linien schneller als normale Linien, so dass die Menge des extrudierten Materials pro Sekunde gleich bleibt. Dünne Teile in Ihrem Modell erfordern möglicherweise einen Liniendruck mit geringerer Linienbreite als in den Einstellungen vorgesehen. Diese Einstellung steuert die Geschwindigkeitsänderungen für diese Linien."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max label"
-msgid "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
-msgstr "Maximale Geschwindigkeit für Flussausgleich"
+msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_width_factor label"
+msgid "Flow Equalization Ratio"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max description"
-msgid "Maximum print speed when adjusting the print speed in order to equalize flow."
-msgstr "Maximale Druckgeschwindigkeit bei der Justierung der Druckgeschwindigkeit zum Ausgleich des Flusses."
+msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_width_factor description"
+msgid "Extrusion width based correction factor on the speed. At 0% the movement speed is kept constant at the Print Speed. At 100% the movement speed is adjusted so that the flow (in mm³/s) is kept constant, i.e. lines half the normal Line Width are printed twice as fast and lines twice as wide are printed half as fast. A value larger than 100% can help to compensate for the higher pressure required to extrude wide lines."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "acceleration_enabled label"
@@ -4463,6 +4533,46 @@ msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr description"
 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
 msgstr "Das für das Drucken von Skirt/Brim/Raft verwendete Extruder-Element. Diese wird für die Mehrfach-Extrusion benutzt."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "skirt_brim_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Skirt/Brim Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "skirt_brim_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt or brim. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Raft Base Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Raft Middle Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the middle layer of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_surface_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Raft Top Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_surface_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the top layer(s) of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "skirt_line_count label"
 msgid "Skirt Line Count"
@@ -4627,6 +4737,16 @@ msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing description"
 msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the top raft layers. The spacing should be equal to the line width, so that the surface is solid."
 msgstr "Der Abstand zwischen den Raft-Linien der Raft-Oberflächenschichten. Der Abstand sollte der Linienbreite entsprechen, damit die Oberfläche stabil ist."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_layers label"
+msgid "Raft Middle Layers"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_layers description"
+msgid "The number of layers between the base and the surface of the raft. These comprise the main thickness of the raft. Increasing this creates a thicker, sturdier raft."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness label"
 msgid "Raft Middle Thickness"
@@ -5127,6 +5247,16 @@ msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_deviation description"
 msgid "The maximum deviation allowed when reducing the resolution for the Maximum Resolution setting. If you increase this, the print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller. Maximum Deviation is a limit for Maximum Resolution, so if the two conflict the Maximum Deviation will always be held true."
 msgstr "Die maximal zulässige Abweichung bei Reduzierung der maximalen Auflösung. Wenn Sie diesen Wert erhöhen, wird der Druck ungenauer, der G-Code wird jedoch kleiner. Die maximale Abweichung ist eine Grenze für die maximale Auflösung. Wenn die beiden Werte sich widersprechen, wird stets die maximale Abweichung eingehalten."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation label"
+msgid "Maximum Extrusion Area Deviation"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation description"
+msgid "The maximum extrusion area deviation allowed when removing intermediate points from a straight line. An intermediate point may serve as width-changing point in a long straight line. Therefore, if it is removed, it will cause the line to have a uniform width and, as a result, lose (or gain) a bit of extrusion area. If you increase this you may notice slight under- (or over-) extrusion in between straight parallel walls, as more intermediate width-changing points will be allowed to be removed. Your print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "blackmagic label"
 msgid "Special Modes"
@@ -6421,6 +6551,36 @@ msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor_0 description"
 msgid "Small features on the first layer will be printed at this percentage of their normal print speed. Slower printing can help with adhesion and accuracy."
 msgstr "Bei kleinen Details wird die Geschwindigkeit bei der ersten Schicht auf diesen Prozentsatz der normalen Druckgeschwindigkeit gesetzt. Durch eine niedrigere Druckgeschwindigkeit können die Haftung und die Genauigkeit verbessert werden."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_alternate_walls label"
+msgid "Alternate Wall Directions"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_alternate_walls description"
+msgid "Alternate wall directions every other layer and inset. Useful for materials that can build up stress, like for metal printing."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_remove_inside_corners label"
+msgid "Remove Raft Inside Corners"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_remove_inside_corners description"
+msgid "Remove inside corners from the raft, causing the raft to become convex."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_wall_count label"
+msgid "Raft Base Wall Count"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_wall_count description"
+msgid "The number of contours to print around the linear pattern in the base layer of the raft."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "command_line_settings label"
 msgid "Command Line Settings"
@@ -6481,6 +6641,98 @@ msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Transformationsmatrix, die beim Laden aus der Datei auf das Modell angewandt wird."
+#~ msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
+#~ msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps included)."
+#~ msgstr "Eine 2D-Shilhouette des Druckkopfes (mit Lüfterkappen)."
+#~ msgctxt "outer_inset_first label"
+#~ msgid "Outer Before Inner Walls"
+#~ msgstr "Außenwände vor Innenwänden"
+#~ msgctxt "outer_inset_first description"
+#~ msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
+#~ msgstr "Druckt Wände bei Aktivierung von außen nach innen. Dies kann die Maßgenauigkeit in X und Y erhöhen, wenn hochviskose Kunststoffe wie ABS verwendet werden; allerdings kann es die Druckqualität der Außenfläche vermindern, insbesondere bei Überhängen."
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
+#~ msgstr "Wandüberlappungen ausgleichen"
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of a wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
+#~ msgstr "Der Fluss für Teile einer Wand wird ausgeglichen, die dort gedruckt werden, wo sich bereits eine Wand befindet."
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
+#~ msgstr "Außenwandüberlappungen ausgleichen"
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an outer wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
+#~ msgstr "Der Fluss für Teile einer Außenwand wird ausgeglichen, die dort gedruckt werden, wo sich bereits eine Wand befindet."
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
+#~ msgstr "Innenwandüberlappungen ausgleichen"
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an inner wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
+#~ msgstr "Der Fluss für Teile einer Innenwand wird ausgeglichen, die dort gedruckt werden, wo sich bereits eine Wand befindet."
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow label"
+#~ msgid "Minimum Wall Flow"
+#~ msgstr "Mindestwandfluss"
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow description"
+#~ msgid "Minimum allowed percentage flow for a wall line. The wall overlap compensation reduces a wall's flow when it lies close to an existing wall. Walls whose flow is less than this value will be replaced with a travel move. When using this setting, you must enable the wall overlap compensation and print the outer wall before inner walls."
+#~ msgstr "Minimal zulässiger Fluss als Prozentwert für eine Wandlinie. Die Wand-Überlappungskompensation reduziert den Fluss einer Wand, wenn sie nah an einer vorhandenen Wand liegt. Wände, deren Fluss unter diesem Wert liegt, werden durch eine Fahrbewegung ersetzt. Bei Verwendung dieser Einstellung müssen Sie die Wand-Überlappungskompensation aktivieren und die Außenwand vor den Innenwänden drucken."
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract label"
+#~ msgid "Prefer Retract"
+#~ msgstr "Einziehen bevorzugt"
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract description"
+#~ msgid "If enabled, retraction is used rather than combing for travel moves that replace walls whose flow is below the minimum flow threshold."
+#~ msgstr "Bei Aktivierung wird der Einzug anstelle des Combings für zurückzulegende Wege verwendet, die Wände ersetzen, deren Fluss unter der mindestens erforderlichen Flussschwelle liegt."
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps label"
+#~ msgid "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
+#~ msgstr "Lücken zwischen Wänden füllen"
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps description"
+#~ msgid "Fills the gaps between walls where no walls fit."
+#~ msgstr "Füllt die Lücken zwischen den Wänden, wo keine Wand passt."
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option nowhere"
+#~ msgid "Nowhere"
+#~ msgstr "Nirgends"
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option everywhere"
+#~ msgid "Everywhere"
+#~ msgstr "Überall"
+#~ msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps label"
+#~ msgid "Filter Out Tiny Gaps"
+#~ msgstr "Kleine Lücken ausfiltern"
+#~ msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps description"
+#~ msgid "Filter out tiny gaps to reduce blobs on outside of model."
+#~ msgstr "Kleine Lücken ausfiltern, um Tropfen an der Außenseite des Modells zu reduzieren."
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Equalize Filament Flow"
+#~ msgstr "Ausgleich des Filamentflusses"
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Print thinner than normal lines faster so that the amount of material extruded per second remains the same. Thin pieces in your model might require lines printed with smaller line width than provided in the settings. This setting controls the speed changes for such lines."
+#~ msgstr "Drucken Sie dünnere Linien schneller als normale Linien, so dass die Menge des extrudierten Materials pro Sekunde gleich bleibt. Dünne Teile in Ihrem Modell erfordern möglicherweise einen Liniendruck mit geringerer Linienbreite als in den Einstellungen vorgesehen. Diese Einstellung steuert die Geschwindigkeitsänderungen für diese Linien."
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max label"
+#~ msgid "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
+#~ msgstr "Maximale Geschwindigkeit für Flussausgleich"
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max description"
+#~ msgid "Maximum print speed when adjusting the print speed in order to equalize flow."
+#~ msgstr "Maximale Druckgeschwindigkeit bei der Justierung der Druckgeschwindigkeit zum Ausgleich des Flusses."
 #~ msgctxt "machine_start_gcode description"
 #~ msgid "G-code commands to be executed at the very start - separated by \\n."
 #~ msgstr "G-Code-Befehle, die zu Beginn ausgeführt werden sollen – getrennt durch \\n."

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
+ 2742 - 2909

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 4.13\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: plugins@ultimaker.com\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-10 12:00+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-13 10:49+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-13 14:00+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Bothof <info@bothof.nl>\n"
 "Language-Team: Spanish\n"

+ 343 - 91

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Cura 4.13\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: plugins@ultimaker.com\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-10 11:59+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-13 10:49+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-16 15:15+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Lionbridge <info@lionbridge.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Spanish <info@lionbridge.com>, Spanish <info@bothof.nl>\n"
@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ msgctxt "machine_start_gcode description"
 msgid ""
 "G-code commands to be executed at the very start - separated by \n"
-msgstr "Los comandos de GCode que se ejecutarán justo al inicio - separados por \n."
+msgstr ""
+"Los comandos de GCode que se ejecutarán justo al inicio - separados por \n"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "machine_end_gcode label"
@@ -68,7 +70,9 @@ msgctxt "machine_end_gcode description"
 msgid ""
 "G-code commands to be executed at the very end - separated by \n"
-msgstr "Los comandos de GCode que se ejecutarán justo al final - separados por \n."
+msgstr ""
+"Los comandos de GCode que se ejecutarán justo al final - separados por \n"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_guid label"
@@ -462,8 +466,8 @@ msgstr "Polígono del cabezal de la máquina y del ventilador"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
-msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps included)."
-msgstr "Silueta 2D del cabezal de impresión (incluidas las tapas del ventilador)."
+msgid "The shape of the print head. These are coordinates relative to the position of the print head, which is usually the position of its first extruder. The dimensions left and in front of the print head must be negative coordinates."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "gantry_height label"
@@ -735,6 +739,16 @@ msgctxt "machine_feeder_wheel_diameter description"
 msgid "The diameter of the wheel that drives the material in the feeder."
 msgstr "El diámetro de la rueda que dirige el material hacia el alimentador."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one label"
+msgid "Scale Fan Speed To 0-1"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "machine_scale_fan_speed_zero_to_one description"
+msgid "Scale the fan speed to be between 0 and 1 instead of between 0 and 256."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "resolution label"
 msgid "Quality"
@@ -955,6 +969,56 @@ msgctxt "wall_line_count description"
 msgid "The number of walls. When calculated by the wall thickness, this value is rounded to a whole number."
 msgstr "Número de paredes. Al calcularlo por el grosor de las paredes, este valor se redondea a un número entero."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_length label"
+msgid "Wall Transition Length"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_length description"
+msgid "When transitioning between different numbers of walls as the part becomes thinner, a certain amount of space is allotted to split or join the wall lines."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_distribution_count label"
+msgid "Wall Distribution Count"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_distribution_count description"
+msgid "The number of walls, counted from the center, over which the variation needs to be spread. Lower values mean that the outer walls don't change in width."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_angle label"
+msgid "Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_angle description"
+msgid "When to create transitions between even and odd numbers of walls. A wedge shape with an angle greater than this setting will not have transitions and no walls will be printed in the center to fill the remaining space. Reducing this setting reduces the number and length of these center walls, but may leave gaps or overextrude."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_distance label"
+msgid "Wall Transitioning Filter Distance"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_distance description"
+msgid "If it would be transitioning back and forth between different numbers of walls in quick succession, don't transition at all. Remove transitions if they are closer together than this distance."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_deviation label"
+msgid "Wall Transitioning Filter Margin"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "wall_transition_filter_deviation description"
+msgid "Prevent transitioning back and forth between one extra wall and one less. This margin extends the range of line widths which follow to [Minimum Wall Line Width - Margin, 2 * Minimum Wall Line Width + Margin]. Increasing this margin reduces the number of transitions, which reduces the number of extrusion starts/stops and travel time. However, large line width variation can lead to under- or overextrusion problems."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "wall_0_wipe_dist label"
 msgid "Outer Wall Wipe Distance"
@@ -986,14 +1050,24 @@ msgid "Optimize the order in which walls are printed so as to reduce the number
 msgstr "Optimizar el orden en el que se imprimen las paredes a fin de reducir el número de retracciones y la distancia recorrida. La mayoría de los componentes se beneficiarán si este ajuste está habilitado pero, en algunos casos, se puede tardar más, por lo que deben compararse las previsiones de tiempo de impresión con y sin optimización. La primera capa no está optimizada al elegir el borde como el tipo de adhesión de la placa de impresión."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "outer_inset_first label"
-msgid "Outer Before Inner Walls"
-msgstr "Paredes exteriores antes que interiores"
+msgctxt "inset_direction label"
+msgid "Wall Ordering"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "inset_direction description"
+msgid "Determines the order in which walls are printed. Printing outer walls earlier helps with dimensional accuracy, as faults from inner walls cannot propagate to the outside. However printing them later allows them to stack better when overhangs are printed."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "inset_direction option inside_out"
+msgid "Inside To Outside"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "outer_inset_first description"
-msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
-msgstr "Cuando está activado, imprime las paredes de fuera hacia dentro. Este ajuste puede mejorar la precisión dimensional en las direcciones X e Y si se utiliza un plástico de alta viscosidad como el ABS. Sin embargo, puede reducir la calidad de impresión de la superficie exterior, especialmente en voladizos."
+msgctxt "inset_direction option outside_in"
+msgid "Outside To Inside"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "alternate_extra_perimeter label"
@@ -1006,94 +1080,84 @@ msgid "Prints an extra wall at every other layer. This way infill gets caught be
 msgstr "Imprime una pared adicional cada dos capas. De este modo el relleno se queda atrapado entre estas paredes adicionales, lo que da como resultado impresiones más sólidas."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled label"
-msgid "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
-msgstr "Compensar superposiciones de pared"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled description"
-msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of a wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
-msgstr "Compensa el flujo en partes de una pared que se están imprimiendo dónde ya hay una pared."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled label"
-msgid "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
-msgstr "Compensar superposiciones de pared exterior"
+msgctxt "min_wall_line_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled description"
-msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an outer wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
-msgstr "Compensa el flujo en partes de una pared exterior que se están imprimiendo donde ya hay una pared."
+msgctxt "min_wall_line_width description"
+msgid "For thin structures around once or twice the nozzle size, the line widths need to be altered to adhere to the thickness of the model. This setting controls the minimum line width allowed for the walls. The minimum line widths inherently also determine the maximum line widths, since we transition from N to N+1 walls at some geometry thickness where the N walls are wide and the N+1 walls are narrow. The widest possible wall line is twice the Minimum Wall Line Width."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled label"
-msgid "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
-msgstr "Compensar superposiciones de pared interior"
+msgctxt "min_even_wall_line_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Even Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled description"
-msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an inner wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
-msgstr "Compensa el flujo en partes de una pared interior que se están imprimiendo donde ya hay una pared."
+msgctxt "min_even_wall_line_width description"
+msgid "The minimum line width for normal polygonal walls. This setting determines at which model thickness we switch from printing a single thin wall line, to printing two wall lines. A higher Minimum Even Wall Line Width leads to a higher maximum odd wall line width. The maximum even wall line width is calculated as Outer Wall Line Width + 0.5 * Minimum Odd Wall Line Width."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow label"
-msgid "Minimum Wall Flow"
-msgstr "Flujo de pared mínimo"
+msgctxt "wall_split_middle_threshold label"
+msgid "Split Middle Line Threshold"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow description"
-msgid "Minimum allowed percentage flow for a wall line. The wall overlap compensation reduces a wall's flow when it lies close to an existing wall. Walls whose flow is less than this value will be replaced with a travel move. When using this setting, you must enable the wall overlap compensation and print the outer wall before inner walls."
-msgstr "Porcentaje mínimo de flujo permitido en una línea de pared. La compensación de superposición reduce el flujo de pared cuando se coloca cerca de otra pared. Las paredes con flujos inferiores a este valor se sustituirán con un movimiento de desplazamiento. Al utilizar este ajuste debe habilitar la compensación de superposición de pared e imprimir la pared exterior antes que las interiores."
+msgctxt "wall_split_middle_threshold description"
+msgid "The smallest line width, as a factor of the normal line width, above which the middle line (if there is one) will be split into two. Reduce this setting to use more, thinner lines. Increase to use fewer, wider lines. Note that this applies -as if- the entire shape should be filled with wall, so the middle here refers to the middle of the object between two outer edges of the shape, even if there actually is fill or (other) skin in the print instead of wall."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract label"
-msgid "Prefer Retract"
-msgstr "Preferencia de retracción"
+msgctxt "min_odd_wall_line_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Odd Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract description"
-msgid "If enabled, retraction is used rather than combing for travel moves that replace walls whose flow is below the minimum flow threshold."
-msgstr "Si se habilita esta opción, se utilizará retracción en lugar de peinada para los movimientos de desplazamiento que sustituyen las paredes cuyo flujo está por debajo de los límites mínimos de flujo."
+msgctxt "min_odd_wall_line_width description"
+msgid "The minimum line width for middle line gap filler polyline walls. This setting determines at which model thickness we switch from printing two wall lines, to printing two outer walls and a single central wall in the middle. A higher Minimum Odd Wall Line Width leads to a higher maximum even wall line width. The maximum odd wall line width is calculated as 2 * Minimum Even Wall Line Width,"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps label"
-msgid "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
-msgstr "Rellenar espacios entre paredes"
+msgctxt "wall_add_middle_threshold label"
+msgid "Add Middle Line Threshold"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps description"
-msgid "Fills the gaps between walls where no walls fit."
-msgstr "Rellena espacios entre paredes en los que no encaja ninguna pared."
+msgctxt "wall_add_middle_threshold description"
+msgid "The smallest line width, as a factor of the normal line width, above which a middle line (if there wasn't one already) will be added. Reduce this setting to use more, thinner lines. Increase to use fewer, wider lines. Note that this applies -as if- the entire shape should be filled with wall, so the middle here refers to the middle of the object between two outer edges of the shape, even if there actually is fill or (other) skin in the print instead of wall."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option nowhere"
-msgid "Nowhere"
-msgstr "En ningún sitio"
+msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps label"
+msgid "Print Thin Walls"
+msgstr "Imprimir paredes finas"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option everywhere"
-msgid "Everywhere"
-msgstr "En todas partes"
+msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps description"
+msgid "Print pieces of the model which are horizontally thinner than the nozzle size."
+msgstr "Imprime las piezas del modelo que son horizontalmente más finas que el tamaño de la tobera."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps label"
-msgid "Filter Out Tiny Gaps"
-msgstr "Filtrar pequeños huecos"
+msgctxt "min_feature_size label"
+msgid "Minimum Feature Size"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps description"
-msgid "Filter out tiny gaps to reduce blobs on outside of model."
-msgstr "Filtrar pequeños huecos para reducir las gotas en la parte externa del modelo."
+msgctxt "min_feature_size description"
+msgid "Minimum thickness of thin features. Model features that are thinner than this value will not be printed, while features thicker than the Minimum Feature Size will be widened to the Minimum Wall Line Width."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps label"
-msgid "Print Thin Walls"
-msgstr "Imprimir paredes finas"
+msgctxt "min_bead_width label"
+msgid "Minimum Thin Wall Line Width"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "fill_outline_gaps description"
-msgid "Print pieces of the model which are horizontally thinner than the nozzle size."
-msgstr "Imprime las piezas del modelo que son horizontalmente más finas que el tamaño de la tobera."
+msgctxt "min_bead_width description"
+msgid "Width of the wall that will replace thin features (according to the Minimum Feature Size) of the model. If the Minimum Wall Line Width is thinner than the thickness of the feature, the wall will become as thick as the feature itself."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "xy_offset label"
@@ -1728,10 +1792,7 @@ msgstr "Patrón de relleno"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "infill_pattern description"
 msgid "The pattern of the infill material of the print. The line and zig zag infill swap direction on alternate layers, reducing material cost. The grid, triangle, tri-hexagon, cubic, octet, quarter cubic, cross and concentric patterns are fully printed every layer. Gyroid, cubic, quarter cubic and octet infill change with every layer to provide a more equal distribution of strength over each direction. Lightning infill tries to minimize the infill, by only supporting the ceiling of the object."
-msgstr "Patrón del material de relleno de la impresión. El método de llenado en línea y en zigzag cambia de dirección en capas alternas para reducir los costes"
-" de material. Los patrones de rejilla, triángulo, trihexágono, cubo, octaédrico, cubo bitruncado, transversal y concéntrico se imprimen en todas las capas"
-" por completo. Los rellenos de giroide, cúbico, cúbico bitruncado y octaédrico se alternan en cada capa para lograr una distribución más uniforme de la"
-" fuerza en todas las direcciones. El relleno de iluminación intenta minimizar el relleno apoyando solo la parte superior del objeto."
+msgstr "Patrón del material de relleno de la impresión. El método de llenado en línea y en zigzag cambia de dirección en capas alternas para reducir los costes de material. Los patrones de rejilla, triángulo, trihexágono, cubo, octaédrico, cubo bitruncado, transversal y concéntrico se imprimen en todas las capas por completo. Los rellenos de giroide, cúbico, cúbico bitruncado y octaédrico se alternan en cada capa para lograr una distribución más uniforme de la fuerza en todas las direcciones. El relleno de iluminación intenta minimizar el relleno apoyando solo la parte superior del objeto."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "infill_pattern option grid"
@@ -2055,8 +2116,7 @@ msgstr "Ángulo de enderezamiento de iluminación"
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "lightning_infill_straightening_angle description"
 msgid "The infill lines are straightened out to save on printing time. This is the maximum angle of overhang allowed across the length of the infill line."
-msgstr "Las líneas de relleno se simplifican para ahorrar tiempo al imprimir. Este es el ángulo máximo permitido del voladizo sobre la longitud de la línea de"
-" relleno."
+msgstr "Las líneas de relleno se simplifican para ahorrar tiempo al imprimir. Este es el ángulo máximo permitido del voladizo sobre la longitud de la línea de relleno."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material label"
@@ -2198,6 +2258,26 @@ msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage description"
 msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor."
 msgstr "Para compensar la contracción del material a medida que se enfría, el modelo se escala con este factor."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy label"
+msgid "Horizontal Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_xy description"
+msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor in the XY-direction (horizontally)."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_z label"
+msgid "Vertical Scaling Factor Shrinkage Compensation"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_shrinkage_percentage_z description"
+msgid "To compensate for the shrinkage of the material as it cools down, the model will be scaled with this factor in the Z-direction (vertically)."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "material_crystallinity label"
 msgid "Crystalline Material"
@@ -2709,24 +2789,14 @@ msgid "The first few layers are printed slower than the rest of the model, to ge
 msgstr "Las primeras capas se imprimen más lentamente que el resto del modelo para obtener una mejor adhesión a la placa de impresión y mejorar la tasa de éxito global de las impresiones. La velocidad aumenta gradualmente en estas capas."
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled label"
-msgid "Equalize Filament Flow"
-msgstr "Igualar flujo de filamentos"
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled description"
-msgid "Print thinner than normal lines faster so that the amount of material extruded per second remains the same. Thin pieces in your model might require lines printed with smaller line width than provided in the settings. This setting controls the speed changes for such lines."
-msgstr "Imprimir las líneas finas más rápido que las normales de modo que la cantidad de material rezumado por segundo no varíe. Puede ser necesario que las partes finas del modelo se impriman con un ancho de línea más pequeño que el definido en los ajustes. Este ajuste controla los cambios de velocidad de dichas líneas."
-#: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max label"
-msgid "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
-msgstr "Velocidad máxima de igualación de flujo"
+msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_width_factor label"
+msgid "Flow Equalization Ratio"
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
-msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max description"
-msgid "Maximum print speed when adjusting the print speed in order to equalize flow."
-msgstr "Velocidad de impresión máxima cuando se ajusta la velocidad de impresión para igualar el flujo."
+msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_width_factor description"
+msgid "Extrusion width based correction factor on the speed. At 0% the movement speed is kept constant at the Print Speed. At 100% the movement speed is adjusted so that the flow (in mm³/s) is kept constant, i.e. lines half the normal Line Width are printed twice as fast and lines twice as wide are printed half as fast. A value larger than 100% can help to compensate for the higher pressure required to extrude wide lines."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "acceleration_enabled label"
@@ -4463,6 +4533,46 @@ msgctxt "adhesion_extruder_nr description"
 msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt/brim/raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
 msgstr "El tren extrusor que se utiliza para imprimir la falda/borde/balsa. Se emplea en la extrusión múltiple."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "skirt_brim_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Skirt/Brim Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "skirt_brim_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the skirt or brim. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Raft Base Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the first layer of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Raft Middle Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the middle layer of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_surface_extruder_nr label"
+msgid "Raft Top Extruder"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_surface_extruder_nr description"
+msgid "The extruder train to use for printing the top layer(s) of the raft. This is used in multi-extrusion."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "skirt_line_count label"
 msgid "Skirt Line Count"
@@ -4627,6 +4737,16 @@ msgctxt "raft_surface_line_spacing description"
 msgid "The distance between the raft lines for the top raft layers. The spacing should be equal to the line width, so that the surface is solid."
 msgstr "Distancia entre las líneas de la balsa para las capas superiores de la balsa. La separación debe ser igual a la ancho de línea para producir una superficie sólida."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_layers label"
+msgid "Raft Middle Layers"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_interface_layers description"
+msgid "The number of layers between the base and the surface of the raft. These comprise the main thickness of the raft. Increasing this creates a thicker, sturdier raft."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "raft_interface_thickness label"
 msgid "Raft Middle Thickness"
@@ -5127,6 +5247,16 @@ msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_deviation description"
 msgid "The maximum deviation allowed when reducing the resolution for the Maximum Resolution setting. If you increase this, the print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller. Maximum Deviation is a limit for Maximum Resolution, so if the two conflict the Maximum Deviation will always be held true."
 msgstr "La desviación máxima permitida al reducir la resolución en el ajuste de la resolución máxima. Si se aumenta el valor, la impresión será menos precisa pero el GCode será más pequeño. La desviación máxima es un límite para la resolución máxima, por lo que si las dos entran en conflicto, la desviación máxima siempre tendrá prioridad."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation label"
+msgid "Maximum Extrusion Area Deviation"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation description"
+msgid "The maximum extrusion area deviation allowed when removing intermediate points from a straight line. An intermediate point may serve as width-changing point in a long straight line. Therefore, if it is removed, it will cause the line to have a uniform width and, as a result, lose (or gain) a bit of extrusion area. If you increase this you may notice slight under- (or over-) extrusion in between straight parallel walls, as more intermediate width-changing points will be allowed to be removed. Your print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "blackmagic label"
 msgid "Special Modes"
@@ -6421,6 +6551,36 @@ msgctxt "small_feature_speed_factor_0 description"
 msgid "Small features on the first layer will be printed at this percentage of their normal print speed. Slower printing can help with adhesion and accuracy."
 msgstr "Las pequeñas partes de la primera capa se imprimirán a este porcentaje de su velocidad de impresión normal. Una impresión más lenta puede mejorar la adhesión y la precisión."
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_alternate_walls label"
+msgid "Alternate Wall Directions"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "material_alternate_walls description"
+msgid "Alternate wall directions every other layer and inset. Useful for materials that can build up stress, like for metal printing."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_remove_inside_corners label"
+msgid "Remove Raft Inside Corners"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_remove_inside_corners description"
+msgid "Remove inside corners from the raft, causing the raft to become convex."
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_wall_count label"
+msgid "Raft Base Wall Count"
+msgstr ""
+#: fdmprinter.def.json
+msgctxt "raft_base_wall_count description"
+msgid "The number of contours to print around the linear pattern in the base layer of the raft."
+msgstr ""
 #: fdmprinter.def.json
 msgctxt "command_line_settings label"
 msgid "Command Line Settings"
@@ -6481,6 +6641,98 @@ msgctxt "mesh_rotation_matrix description"
 msgid "Transformation matrix to be applied to the model when loading it from file."
 msgstr "Matriz de transformación que se aplicará al modelo cuando se cargue desde el archivo."
+#~ msgctxt "machine_head_with_fans_polygon description"
+#~ msgid "A 2D silhouette of the print head (fan caps included)."
+#~ msgstr "Silueta 2D del cabezal de impresión (incluidas las tapas del ventilador)."
+#~ msgctxt "outer_inset_first label"
+#~ msgid "Outer Before Inner Walls"
+#~ msgstr "Paredes exteriores antes que interiores"
+#~ msgctxt "outer_inset_first description"
+#~ msgid "Prints walls in order of outside to inside when enabled. This can help improve dimensional accuracy in X and Y when using a high viscosity plastic like ABS; however it can decrease outer surface print quality, especially on overhangs."
+#~ msgstr "Cuando está activado, imprime las paredes de fuera hacia dentro. Este ajuste puede mejorar la precisión dimensional en las direcciones X e Y si se utiliza un plástico de alta viscosidad como el ABS. Sin embargo, puede reducir la calidad de impresión de la superficie exterior, especialmente en voladizos."
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Compensate Wall Overlaps"
+#~ msgstr "Compensar superposiciones de pared"
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of a wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
+#~ msgstr "Compensa el flujo en partes de una pared que se están imprimiendo dónde ya hay una pared."
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps"
+#~ msgstr "Compensar superposiciones de pared exterior"
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_0_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an outer wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
+#~ msgstr "Compensa el flujo en partes de una pared exterior que se están imprimiendo donde ya hay una pared."
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps"
+#~ msgstr "Compensar superposiciones de pared interior"
+#~ msgctxt "travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_x_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Compensate the flow for parts of an inner wall being printed where there is already a wall in place."
+#~ msgstr "Compensa el flujo en partes de una pared interior que se están imprimiendo donde ya hay una pared."
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow label"
+#~ msgid "Minimum Wall Flow"
+#~ msgstr "Flujo de pared mínimo"
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow description"
+#~ msgid "Minimum allowed percentage flow for a wall line. The wall overlap compensation reduces a wall's flow when it lies close to an existing wall. Walls whose flow is less than this value will be replaced with a travel move. When using this setting, you must enable the wall overlap compensation and print the outer wall before inner walls."
+#~ msgstr "Porcentaje mínimo de flujo permitido en una línea de pared. La compensación de superposición reduce el flujo de pared cuando se coloca cerca de otra pared. Las paredes con flujos inferiores a este valor se sustituirán con un movimiento de desplazamiento. Al utilizar este ajuste debe habilitar la compensación de superposición de pared e imprimir la pared exterior antes que las interiores."
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract label"
+#~ msgid "Prefer Retract"
+#~ msgstr "Preferencia de retracción"
+#~ msgctxt "wall_min_flow_retract description"
+#~ msgid "If enabled, retraction is used rather than combing for travel moves that replace walls whose flow is below the minimum flow threshold."
+#~ msgstr "Si se habilita esta opción, se utilizará retracción en lugar de peinada para los movimientos de desplazamiento que sustituyen las paredes cuyo flujo está por debajo de los límites mínimos de flujo."
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps label"
+#~ msgid "Fill Gaps Between Walls"
+#~ msgstr "Rellenar espacios entre paredes"
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps description"
+#~ msgid "Fills the gaps between walls where no walls fit."
+#~ msgstr "Rellena espacios entre paredes en los que no encaja ninguna pared."
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option nowhere"
+#~ msgid "Nowhere"
+#~ msgstr "En ningún sitio"
+#~ msgctxt "fill_perimeter_gaps option everywhere"
+#~ msgid "Everywhere"
+#~ msgstr "En todas partes"
+#~ msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps label"
+#~ msgid "Filter Out Tiny Gaps"
+#~ msgstr "Filtrar pequeños huecos"
+#~ msgctxt "filter_out_tiny_gaps description"
+#~ msgid "Filter out tiny gaps to reduce blobs on outside of model."
+#~ msgstr "Filtrar pequeños huecos para reducir las gotas en la parte externa del modelo."
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled label"
+#~ msgid "Equalize Filament Flow"
+#~ msgstr "Igualar flujo de filamentos"
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_enabled description"
+#~ msgid "Print thinner than normal lines faster so that the amount of material extruded per second remains the same. Thin pieces in your model might require lines printed with smaller line width than provided in the settings. This setting controls the speed changes for such lines."
+#~ msgstr "Imprimir las líneas finas más rápido que las normales de modo que la cantidad de material rezumado por segundo no varíe. Puede ser necesario que las partes finas del modelo se impriman con un ancho de línea más pequeño que el definido en los ajustes. Este ajuste controla los cambios de velocidad de dichas líneas."
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max label"
+#~ msgid "Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization"
+#~ msgstr "Velocidad máxima de igualación de flujo"
+#~ msgctxt "speed_equalize_flow_max description"
+#~ msgid "Maximum print speed when adjusting the print speed in order to equalize flow."
+#~ msgstr "Velocidad de impresión máxima cuando se ajusta la velocidad de impresión para igualar el flujo."
 #~ msgctxt "machine_start_gcode description"
 #~ msgid "G-code commands to be executed at the very start - separated by \\n."
 #~ msgstr "Los comandos de GCode que se ejecutarán justo al inicio separados por - \\n."

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