@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Ultimaker B.V.
+# Cura is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
+import configparser #To read config files.
+import io #To output config files to string.
+import UM.VersionUpgrade #To indicate that a file is of the wrong format.
+## Creates a new preferences instance by parsing a serialised preferences file
+# in version 1 of the file format.
+# \param serialised The serialised form of a preferences file in version 1.
+# \return A representation of those preferences, or None if the file format is
+# incorrect.
+def importFrom(serialised):
+ try:
+ return Preferences(serialised)
+ except (configparser.Error, UM.VersionUpgrade.FormatException, UM.VersionUpgrade.InvalidVersionException):
+ return None
+## A representation of preferences files as intermediary form for conversion
+# from one format to the other.
+class Preferences:
+ ## Reads version 2 of the preferences file format, storing it in memory.
+ #
+ # \param serialised A serialised version 2 preferences file.
+ def __init__(self, serialised):
+ self._config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = None)
+ self._config.read_string(serialised)
+ #Checking file correctness.
+ if not self._config.has_section("general"):
+ raise UM.VersionUpgrade.FormatException("No \"general\" section.")
+ if not self._config.has_option("general", "version"):
+ raise UM.VersionUpgrade.FormatException("No \"version\" in \"general\" section.")
+ if int(self._config.get("general", "version")) != 2: # Explicitly hard-code version 2, since if this number changes the programmer MUST change this entire function.
+ raise UM.VersionUpgrade.InvalidVersionException("The version of this preferences file is wrong. It must be 2.")
+ ## Serialises these preferences as a preferences file of version 3.
+ #
+ # This is where the actual translation happens.
+ #
+ # \return A serialised version of a preferences file in version 3.
+ def export(self):
+ #Reset the cura/categories_expanded property since it works differently now.
+ if self._config.has_section("cura") and self._config.has_option("cura", "categories_expanded"):
+ self._config.remove_option("cura", "categories_expanded")
+ #Translate the setting names in the visible settings.
+ if self._config.has_section("machines") and self._config.has_option("machines", "setting_visibility"):
+ visible_settings = self._config.get("machines", "setting_visibility")
+ visible_settings = visible_settings.split(",")
+ import VersionUpgrade21to22 #Import here to prevent a circular dependency.
+ visible_settings = VersionUpgrade21to22.translateSettingNames(visible_settings)
+ visible_settings = visible_settings.join(",")
+ self._config.set("machines", "setting_visibility", value = visible_settings)
+ #Output the result as a string.
+ output = io.StringIO()
+ self._config.write(output)
+ return output.getvalue()