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Remove approximate diameter unit tests because the function/property is gone

Lipu Fei 7 лет назад
1 измененных файлов с 0 добавлено и 25 удалено
  1. 0 25

+ 0 - 25

@@ -116,31 +116,6 @@ def test_addExtruder(global_stack):
     #         global_stack.addExtruder(unittest.mock.MagicMock())
     assert len(global_stack.extruders) == 2 #Didn't add the faulty extruder.
-##  Tests getting the approximate material diameter.
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("diameter, approximate_diameter", [
-    #Some real-life cases that are common in printers.
-    (2.85, 3),
-    (1.75, 2),
-    (3.0, 3),
-    (2.0, 2),
-    #Exceptional cases.
-    (0, 0),
-    (-10.1, -10),
-    (-1, -1),
-    (9000.1, 9000)
-def test_approximateMaterialDiameter(diameter, approximate_diameter, global_stack):
-    global_stack.definition = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "TestDefinition")
-    material_diameter = UM.Settings.SettingDefinition.SettingDefinition(key = "material_diameter", container = global_stack.definition)
-    material_diameter.addSupportedProperty("value", UM.Settings.SettingDefinition.DefinitionPropertyType.Any, default = diameter)
-    global_stack.definition.definitions.append(material_diameter)
-    assert float(global_stack.approximateMaterialDiameter) == approximate_diameter
-##  Tests getting the material diameter when there is no material diameter.
-def test_approximateMaterialDiameterNoDiameter(global_stack):
-    global_stack.definition = DefinitionContainer(container_id = "TestDefinition")
-    assert global_stack.approximateMaterialDiameter == "-1"
 #Tests setting user changes profiles to invalid containers.
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("container", [
     getInstanceContainer(container_type = "wrong container type"),