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Merge branch '4.2'

Ghostkeeper 5 years ago
1 changed files with 179 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 179 0

+ 179 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
+# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
+import argparse #To get the source directory from command line arguments.
+import os #To find files from the source.
+import os.path #To find files from the source and the destination path.
+cura_files = {"cura", "fdmprinter.def.json", "fdmextruder.def.json"}
+uranium_files = {"uranium"}
+##  Imports translation files from Lionbridge.
+#   Lionbridge has a bit of a weird export feature. It exports it to the same
+#   file type as what we imported, so that's a .pot file. However this .pot file
+#   only contains the translations, so the header is completely empty. We need
+#   to merge those translations into our existing files so that the header is
+#   preserved.
+def lionbridge_import(source: str) -> None:
+    print("Importing from:", source)
+    print("Importing to Cura:", destination_cura())
+    print("Importing to Uranium:", destination_uranium())
+    for language in (directory for directory in os.listdir(source) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(source, directory))):
+        print("================ Processing language:", language, "================")
+        directory = os.path.join(source, language)
+        for file_pot in (file for file in os.listdir(directory) if file.endswith(".pot")):
+            source_file = file_pot[:-4] #Strip extension.
+            if source_file in cura_files:
+                destination_file = os.path.join(destination_cura(), language.replace("-", "_"), source_file + ".po")
+                print("Merging", source_file, "(Cura) into", destination_file)
+            elif source_file in uranium_files:
+                destination_file = os.path.join(destination_uranium(), language.replace("-", "_"), source_file + ".po")
+                print("Merging", source_file, "(Uranium) into", destination_file)
+            else:
+                raise Exception("Unknown file: " + source_file + "... Is this Cura or Uranium?")
+            with open(os.path.join(directory, file_pot)) as f:
+                source_str =
+            with open(destination_file) as f:
+                destination_str =
+            result = merge(source_str, destination_str)
+            with open(destination_file, "w") as f:
+                f.write(result)
+##  Gets the destination path to copy the translations for Cura to.
+#   \return Destination path for Cura.
+def destination_cura() -> str:
+    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, "..", "..", "resources", "i18n"))
+##  Gets the destination path to copy the translations for Uranium to.
+#   \return Destination path for Uranium.
+def destination_uranium() -> str:
+    try:
+        import UM
+    except ImportError:
+        relative_path = os.path.join(__file__, "..", "..", "..", "Uranium", "resources", "i18n", "uranium.pot")
+        print(os.path.abspath(relative_path))
+        if os.path.exists(relative_path):
+            return os.path.abspath(relative_path)
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Can't find Uranium. Please put UM on the PYTHONPATH or put the Uranium folder next to the Cura folder.")
+    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(UM.__file__, "..", "..", "resources", "i18n"))
+##  Merges translations from the source file into the destination file if they
+#   were missing in the destination file.
+#   \param source The contents of the source .po file.
+#   \param destination The contents of the destination .po file.
+def merge(source: str, destination: str) -> str:
+    result_lines = []
+    last_destination = {
+        "msgctxt": "\"\"\n",
+        "msgid": "\"\"\n",
+        "msgstr": "\"\"\n",
+        "msgid_plural": "\"\"\n"
+    }
+    current_state = "none"
+    for line in destination.split("\n"):
+        if line.startswith("msgctxt \""):
+            current_state = "msgctxt"
+            line = line[8:]
+            last_destination[current_state] = ""
+        elif line.startswith("msgid \""):
+            current_state = "msgid"
+            line = line[6:]
+            last_destination[current_state] = ""
+        elif line.startswith("msgstr \""):
+            current_state = "msgstr"
+            line = line[7:]
+            last_destination[current_state] = ""
+        elif line.startswith("msgid_plural \""):
+            current_state = "msgid_plural"
+            line = line[13:]
+            last_destination[current_state] = ""
+        if line.startswith("\"") and line.endswith("\""):
+            last_destination[current_state] += line + "\n"
+        else: #White lines or comment lines trigger us to search for the translation in the source file.
+            if last_destination["msgstr"] == "\"\"\n" and last_destination["msgid"] != "\"\"\n": #No translation for this yet!
+                last_destination["msgstr"] = find_translation(source, last_destination["msgctxt"], last_destination["msgid"]) #Actually place the translation in.
+            if last_destination["msgctxt"] != "\"\"\n" or last_destination["msgid"] != "\"\"\n" or last_destination["msgid_plural"] != "\"\"\n" or last_destination["msgstr"] != "\"\"\n":
+                if last_destination["msgctxt"] != "\"\"\n":
+                    result_lines.append("msgctxt {msgctxt}".format(msgctxt = last_destination["msgctxt"][:-1])) #The [:-1] to strip the last newline.
+                result_lines.append("msgid {msgid}".format(msgid = last_destination["msgid"][:-1]))
+                if last_destination["msgid_plural"] != "\"\"\n":
+                    result_lines.append("msgid_plural {msgid_plural}".format(msgid_plural = last_destination["msgid_plural"][:-1]))
+                else:
+                    result_lines.append("msgstr {msgstr}".format(msgstr = last_destination["msgstr"][:-1]))
+            last_destination = {
+                "msgctxt": "\"\"\n",
+                "msgid": "\"\"\n",
+                "msgstr": "\"\"\n",
+                "msgid_plural": "\"\"\n"
+            }
+            result_lines.append(line) #This line itself.
+    return "\n".join(result_lines)
+##  Finds a translation in the source file.
+#   \param source The contents of the source .po file.
+#   \param msgctxt The ctxt of the translation to find.
+#   \param msgid The id of the translation to find.
+def find_translation(source: str, msgctxt: str, msgid: str) -> str:
+    last_source = {
+        "msgctxt": "\"\"\n",
+        "msgid": "\"\"\n",
+        "msgstr": "\"\"\n",
+        "msgid_plural": "\"\"\n"
+    }
+    current_state = "none"
+    for line in source.split("\n"):
+        if line.startswith("msgctxt \""):
+            current_state = "msgctxt"
+            line = line[8:]
+            last_source[current_state] = ""
+        elif line.startswith("msgid \""):
+            current_state = "msgid"
+            line = line[6:]
+            last_source[current_state] = ""
+        elif line.startswith("msgstr \""):
+            current_state = "msgstr"
+            line = line[7:]
+            last_source[current_state] = ""
+        elif line.startswith("msgid_plural \""):
+            current_state = "msgid_plural"
+            line = line[13:]
+            last_source[current_state] = ""
+        if line.startswith("\"") and line.endswith("\""):
+            last_source[current_state] += line + "\n"
+        else: #White lines trigger us to process this translation. Is it the correct one?
+            #Process the source and destination keys for comparison independent of newline technique.
+            source_ctxt = "".join((line.strip()[1:-1] for line in last_source["msgctxt"].split("\n")))
+            source_id = "".join((line.strip()[1:-1] for line in last_source["msgid"].split("\n")))
+            dest_ctxt = "".join((line.strip()[1:-1] for line in msgctxt.split("\n")))
+            dest_id = "".join((line.strip()[1:-1] for line in msgid.split("\n")))
+            if source_ctxt == dest_ctxt and source_id == dest_id:
+                if last_source["msgstr"] == "\"\"\n" and last_source["msgid_plural"] == "\"\"\n":
+                    print("!!! Empty translation for {" + dest_ctxt + "}", dest_id, "!!!")
+                return last_source["msgstr"]
+            last_source = {
+                "msgctxt": "\"\"\n",
+                "msgid": "\"\"\n",
+                "msgstr": "\"\"\n",
+                "msgid_plural": "\"\"\n"
+            }
+    #Still here? Then the entire msgctxt+msgid combination was not found at all.
+    print("!!! Missing translation for {" + msgctxt.strip() + "}", msgid.strip(), "!!!")
+    return "\"\"\n"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Import translation files from Lionbridge.")
+    argparser.add_argument("source")
+    args = argparser.parse_args()
+    lionbridge_import(args.source)