@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
self._start_slice_job = None
self._slicing = False # Are we currently slicing?
self._restart = False # Back-end is currently restarting?
- self._enabled = True # Should we be slicing? Slicing might be paused when, for instance, the user is dragging the mesh around.
+ self._tool_active = False # If a tool is active, some tasks do not have to do anything
self._always_restart = True # Always restart the engine when starting a new slice. Don't keep the process running. TODO: Fix engine statelessness.
self._process_layers_job = None # The currently active job to process layers, or None if it is not processing layers.
self._need_slicing = False
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
if self._slicing: # We were already slicing. Stop the old job.
+ self._createSocket()
if self._process_layers_job: # We were processing layers. Stop that, the layers are going to change soon.
@@ -162,13 +163,8 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
def slice(self):
Logger.log("d", "Starting slice job...")
self._slice_start_time = time()
- # if not self._enabled or not self._global_container_stack: # We shouldn't be slicing.
- # if self._use_timer:
- # # try again in a short time
- # self._change_timer.start()
- # return
if not self._need_slicing:
- Logger.log("d", "Do not need to slice")
+ Logger.log("w", "Do not need to slice, optimizable or programming error.")
self.printDurationMessage.emit(0, [0])
@@ -195,12 +191,9 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
## Terminate the engine process.
+ # Start the engine process by calling _createSocket()
def _terminate(self):
- # # Process is none, Try and re-create the socket????
- # self._createSocket()
- # return
self._slicing = False
- self._restart = True
self._stored_layer_data = []
self._stored_optimized_layer_data = []
if self._start_slice_job is not None:
@@ -222,9 +215,6 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
except Exception as e: # terminating a process that is already terminating causes an exception, silently ignore this.
Logger.log("d", "Exception occurred while trying to kill the engine %s", str(e))
- # else:
- # # Process is none, but something did went wrong here. Try and re-create the socket
- # self._createSocket()
## Event handler to call when the job to initiate the slicing process is
# completed.
@@ -300,7 +290,7 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
Logger.log("d", "Sending slice message took %s seconds", time() - self._slice_start_time )
- ## Determine enable or disable slicing.
+ ## Determine enable or disable auto slicing. Return True for enable timer and False otherwise.
# It disables when
# - preference auto slice is off
# - decorator isBlockSlicing is found (used in g-code reader)
@@ -320,13 +310,12 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
if self._use_timer == enable_timer:
if enable_timer:
- self._enabled = True
+ return True
- self._enabled = False
- # self.close()
+ return False
## Listener for when the scene has changed.
@@ -334,6 +323,9 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
# \param source The scene node that was changed.
def _onSceneChanged(self, source):
+ if self._tool_active:
+ return
if type(source) is not SceneNode:
@@ -364,28 +356,27 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
+ self._createSocket()
if error.getErrorCode() not in [Arcus.ErrorCode.BindFailedError, Arcus.ErrorCode.ConnectionResetError, Arcus.ErrorCode.Debug]:
Logger.log("w", "A socket error caused the connection to be reset")
+ ## Remove old layer data (if any)
## TODO: now copied from ProcessSlicedLayersJob. Find my a home.
def _clearLayerData(self):
- ## Remove old layer data (if any)
for node in DepthFirstIterator(self._scene.getRoot()):
if node.callDecoration("getLayerData"):
- # if self._abort_requested:
- # if self._progress:
- # self._progress.hide()
- # return
## Convenient function: set need_slicing, emit state and clear layer data
def needSlicing(self):
- self._need_slicing = True
+ self._need_slicing = True # For now only for debugging purposes
- self._clearLayerData()
+ if not self._use_timer:
+ # With manually having to slice, we want to clear the old invalid layer data.
+ self._clearLayerData()
## A setting has changed, so check if we must reslice.
@@ -469,14 +460,15 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
# This indicates that we should probably re-slice soon.
def _onChanged(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.needSlicing()
if self._use_timer:
- self.forceSlice()
+ self._change_timer.start()
## Called when the back-end connects to the front-end.
def _onBackendConnected(self):
if self._restart:
- self._onChanged()
self._restart = False
+ self._onChanged()
## Called when the user starts using some tool.
@@ -485,9 +477,8 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
# \param tool The tool that the user is using.
def _onToolOperationStarted(self, tool):
- self._enabled = False # Do not reslice when a tool is doing it's 'thing'
- if self._use_timer:
- self._terminate() # Do not continue slicing once a tool has started
+ self._tool_active = True # Do not react on scene change
+ self.disableTimer()
## Called when the user stops using some tool.
@@ -495,9 +486,9 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
# \param tool The tool that the user was using.
def _onToolOperationStopped(self, tool):
- self.needSlicing()
- self._enabled = True # Tool stop, start listening for changes again.
+ self._tool_active = False # React on scene change again
+ self.determineAutoSlicing()
## Called when the user changes the active view mode.
def _onActiveViewChanged(self):
if Application.getInstance().getController().getActiveView():
@@ -525,8 +516,6 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
## Called when the global container stack changes
def _onGlobalStackChanged(self):
- self.needSlicing()
if self._global_container_stack:
@@ -548,8 +537,6 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
def _onActiveExtruderChanged(self):
- self.needSlicing()
if self._global_container_stack:
# Connect all extruders of the active machine. This might cause a few connects that have already happend,
# but that shouldn't cause issues as only new / unique connections are added.
@@ -569,9 +556,7 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
def enableTimer(self):
self.disableTimer() # disable any existing timer
- self._enabled = True
self._use_timer = True
- self._restart = True
# When you update a setting and other settings get changed through inheritance, many propertyChanged signals are fired.
# This timer will group them up, and only slice for the last setting changed signal.
# TODO: Properly group propertyChanged signals by whether they are triggered by the same user interaction.
@@ -583,14 +568,14 @@ class CuraEngineBackend(Backend):
## Disable timer.
# This means that slicing will not be triggered automatically
def disableTimer(self):
- self._enabled = False
if self._change_timer is not None:
self._change_timer = None
self._use_timer = False
- self._restart = False
def _onPreferencesChanged(self, preference):
if preference != "general/auto_slice":
- self.determineAutoSlicing()
+ auto_slice = self.determineAutoSlicing()
+ if auto_slice:
+ self._change_timer.start()