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Rewrite - Insert At Layer Change

This is an extensive re-do of the script.
#     Added an 'Enable' setting
#     Added support for multi-line insertions (comma delimited)
#     Added insertions in a range of layers or a single insertion at a layer.  Numbers are consistent with the Cura Preview (base1)
#     Added frequency of Insertion (once only, every layer, every 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 100th)
#     Added support for 'One at a Time' print sequence
GregValiant 10 months ago
1 changed files with 192 additions and 39 deletions
  1. 192 39

+ 192 - 39

@@ -1,65 +1,218 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
-# Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
 # Created by Wayne Porter
+# Re-write in April of 2024 by GregValiant (Greg Foresi)
+# Changes:
+#     Added an 'Enable' setting
+#     Added support for multi-line insertions (comma delimited)
+#     Added insertions in a range of layers or a single insertion at a layer.  Numbers are consistent with the Cura Preview (base1)
+#     Added frequency of Insertion (once only, every layer, every 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 100th)
+#     Added support for 'One at a Time' print sequence
+#     Rafts are allowed and accounted for but no insertions are made in raft layers
 from ..Script import Script
+import re
+from UM.Application import Application
 class InsertAtLayerChange(Script):
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
     def getSettingDataString(self):
         return """{
-            "name": "Insert at layer change",
+            "name": "Insert at Layer Change",
             "key": "InsertAtLayerChange",
             "metadata": {},
             "version": 2,
-                "insert_location":
+                "enable_insatlaychange":
-                    "label": "When to insert",
-                    "description": "Whether to insert code before or after layer change.",
+                    "label": "Enable this script",
+                    "description": "You must enable the script for it to run.",
+                    "type": "bool",
+                    "default_value": true,
+                    "enabled": true
+                },
+                "insert_frequency":
+                {
+                    "label": "How often to insert",
+                    "description": "Every so many layers starting with the Start Layer OR as single insertion at a specific layer.  If the print sequence is 'one_at_a_time' then the insertions will be made for every model.  Insertions are made at the beginning of a layer.",
                     "type": "enum",
-                    "options": {"before": "Before", "after": "After"},
-                    "default_value": "before"
+                    "options": {
+                        "once_only": "One insertion only",
+                        "every_layer": "Every Layer",
+                        "every_2nd": "Every 2nd",
+                        "every_3rd": "Every 3rd",
+                        "every_5th": "Every 5th",
+                        "every_10th": "Every 10th",
+                        "every_25th": "Every 25th",
+                        "every_50th": "Every 50th",
+                        "every_100th": "Every 100th"},
+                    "default_value": "every_layer",
+                    "enabled": "enable_insatlaychange"
-                "gcode_to_add":
+                "start_layer":
-                    "label": "G-code to insert",
-                    "description": "G-code to add before or after layer change.",
-                    "type": "str",
-                    "default_value": ""
+                    "label": "Starting Layer",
+                    "description": "Layer to start the insertion at.  If the Print_Sequence is 'All at Once' then use the layer numbers from the Cura Preview.  Enter '1' to start at gcode LAYER:0. In 'One at a Time' mode use the layer numbers from the first model that prints AND all models will receive the same insertions.  NOTE: There is never an insertion for raft layers.",
+                    "type": "int",
+                    "default_value": 1,
+                    "minimum_value": 1,
+                    "enabled": "insert_frequency != 'once_only' and enable_insatlaychange"
-                "skip_layers":
+                "end_layer":
-                    "label": "Skip layers",
-                    "description": "Number of layers to skip between insertions (0 for every layer).",
+                    "label": "Ending Layer",
+                    "description": "Layer to end the insertion at. Enter '-1' to indicate the entire file.  Use layer numbers from the Cura Preview.",
                     "type": "int",
-                    "default_value": 0,
-                    "minimum_value": 0
+                    "default_value": -1,
+                    "minimum_value": -1,
+                    "enabled": "insert_frequency != 'once_only' and enable_insatlaychange"
+                },
+                "single_end_layer":
+                {
+                    "label": "Layer # for Single Insertion.",
+                    "description": "Layer for a single insertion of the Gcode.  Use the layer numbers from the Cura Preview.  The insertion will be at the start of this layer.",
+                    "type": "str",
+                    "default_value": "",
+                    "enabled": "insert_frequency == 'once_only' and enable_insatlaychange"
+                },
+                "gcode_to_add":
+                {
+                    "label": "G-code to insert.",
+                    "description": "G-code to add at start of the layer. Use a comma to delimit multi-line commands. EX: G28 X Y,M220 S100,M117 HELL0.  NOTE:  All inserted text will be converted to upper-case as some firmwares don't understand lower-case.",
+                    "type": "str",
+                    "default_value": "",
+                    "enabled": "enable_insatlaychange"
     def execute(self, data):
-        gcode_to_add = self.getSettingValueByKey("gcode_to_add") + "\n"
-        skip_layers = self.getSettingValueByKey("skip_layers")
-        count = 0
-        for layer in data:
-            # Check that a layer is being printed
-            lines = layer.split("\n")
-            for line in lines:
-                if ";LAYER:" in line:
-                    index = data.index(layer)
-                    if count == 0:
-                        if self.getSettingValueByKey("insert_location") == "before":
-                            layer = gcode_to_add + layer
-                        else:
-                            layer = layer + gcode_to_add
-                        data[index] = layer
-                    count = (count + 1) % (skip_layers + 1)
-                    break
-        return data
+        # Exit if the script is not enabled
+        if not bool(self.getSettingValueByKey("enable_insatlaychange")):
+            return data
+        #Initialize variables
+        mycode = self.getSettingValueByKey("gcode_to_add").upper()
+        start_layer = int(self.getSettingValueByKey("start_layer"))
+        end_layer = int(self.getSettingValueByKey("end_layer"))
+        when_to_insert = self.getSettingValueByKey("insert_frequency")
+        end_list = [0]
+        print_sequence = Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().getProperty("print_sequence", "value")
+        # Get the topmost layer number and adjust the end_list
+        if end_layer == -1:
+            if print_sequence == "all_at_once":
+                for lnum in range(0, len(data) - 1):
+                    if ";LAYER:" in data[lnum]:
+                        the_top = int(data[lnum].split(";LAYER:")[1].split("\n")[0])
+                end_list[0] = the_top
+            # Get the topmost layer number for each model and append it to the end_list
+            if print_sequence == "one_at_a_time":
+                for lnum in range(0, 10):
+                    if ";LAYER:0" in data[lnum]:
+                        start_at = lnum + 1
+                        break
+                for lnum in range(start_at, len(data)-1, 1):
+                    if ";LAYER:" in data[lnum] and not ";LAYER:0" in data[lnum] and not ";LAYER:-" in data[lnum]:
+                        end_list[len(end_list) - 1] = int(data[lnum].split(";LAYER:")[1].split("\n")[0])
+                        continue
+                    if ";LAYER:0" in data[lnum]:
+                        end_list.append(0)
+        elif end_layer != -1:
+            if print_sequence == "all_at_once":
+                # Catch an error if the entered End_Layer > the top layer in the gcode
+                for e_num, layer in enumerate(data):
+                    if ";LAYER:" in layer:
+                        top_layer = int(data[e_num].split(";LAYER:")[1].split("\n")[0])
+                end_list[0] = end_layer - 1
+                if top_layer < end_layer - 1:
+                    end_list[0] = top_layer
+            elif print_sequence == "one_at_a_time":
+                # Find the index of the first Layer:0
+                for lnum in range(0, 10):
+                    if ";LAYER:0" in data[lnum]:
+                        start_at = lnum + 1
+                        break
+                # Get the top layer number for each model
+                for lnum in range(start_at, len(data)-1):
+                    if ";LAYER:" in data[lnum] and not ";LAYER:0" in data[lnum] and not ";LAYER:-" in data[lnum]:
+                        end_list[len(end_list) - 1] = int(data[lnum].split(";LAYER:")[1].split("\n")[0])
+                    if ";LAYER:0" in data[lnum]:
+                        end_list.append(0)
+                # Adjust the end list if an end layer was named
+                for index, num in enumerate(end_list):
+                    if num > end_layer - 1:
+                        end_list[index] = end_layer - 1
+        #If the gcode_to_enter is multi-line then replace the commas with newline characters
+        if mycode != "":
+            if "," in mycode:
+                mycode = re.sub(",", "\n",mycode)
+            gcode_to_add = mycode
+        #Get the insertion frequency
+        match when_to_insert:
+            case "every_layer":
+                freq = 1
+            case "every_2nd":
+                freq = 2
+            case "every_3rd":
+                freq = 3
+            case "every_5th":
+                freq = 5
+            case "every_10th":
+                freq = 10
+            case "every_25th":
+                freq = 25
+            case "every_50th":
+                freq = 50
+            case "every_100th":
+                freq = 100
+            case "once_only":
+                the_insert_layer = int(self.getSettingValueByKey("single_end_layer"))-1
+            case _:
+                the_insert_layer = int(self.getSettingValueByKey("single_end_layer"))-1
+                raise Exception("Error.  Insert changed to Once Only.")
+        #Single insertion
+        if when_to_insert == "once_only":
+            # For print sequence 'All at once'
+            if print_sequence == "all_at_once":
+                for index, layer in enumerate(data):
+                    if ";LAYER:" + str(the_insert_layer) + "\n" in layer:
+                        lines = layer.split("\n")
+                        lines.insert(1,gcode_to_add)
+                        data[index] = "\n".join(lines)
+                        return data
+            # For print sequence 'One at a time'
+            else:
+                for index, layer in enumerate(data):
+                    if ";LAYER:" + str(the_insert_layer) + "\n" in layer:
+                        lines = layer.split("\n")
+                        lines.insert(1,gcode_to_add)
+                        data[index] = "\n".join(lines)
+                return data
+        # For multiple insertions
+        if when_to_insert != "once_only":
+            # Search from the line after the first Layer:0 so we know when a model ends if in One at a Time mode.
+            first_0 = True
+            next_layer = start_layer - 1
+            end_layer = end_list.pop(0)
+            for index, layer in enumerate(data):
+                lines = layer.split("\n")
+                for l_index, line in enumerate(lines):
+                    if ";LAYER:" in line:
+                        layer_number = int(line.split(":")[1])
+                        if layer_number == next_layer and layer_number <= end_layer:
+                            lines.insert(l_index + 1,gcode_to_add)
+                            data[index] = "\n".join(lines)
+                            next_layer += freq
+                        # Reset the next_layer for one-at-a-time
+                        if next_layer > int(end_layer):
+                            next_layer = start_layer - 1
+                        # Index to the next end_layer when a Layer:0 is encountered
+                        try:
+                            if not first_0 and layer_number == 0:
+                                end_layer = end_list.pop(0)
+                        except:
+                            pass
+                        # Beyond the initial Layer:0 futher Layer:0's indicate the top layer of a model.
+                        if layer_number == 0:
+                            first_0 = False
+                        break
+        return data